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Laboratory starlight simulator for future space-based heterodyne interferometryKarlsson, William January 2023 (has links)
In astronomy, interferometry by ground-based telescopes offers the greatest angular resolution. However, the Earth´s atmosphere distorts the incident wavefront from a celestial object, leading to blurring and signal loss. It also restricts the transmission of specific wavelengths within the electromagnetic spectrum. Space-based interferometers would mitigate atmospheric obstruction and potentially enable even higher angular resolutions. The main challenge of implementing space-based interferometry is the necessity of matching the light´s optical path differences at the telescopes within the coherence length of the light utilizing physical delay lines. This thesis explores the potential realization of digital delay lines via heterodyne interferometry. The technique generates a heterodyne beat note at the frequency difference between the incident stellar light and a reference laser in the radio regime, permitting digitization of the delay line while preserving the phase information for image reconstruction. The primary objective of the thesis is to advance the field of astronomy by constructing a testbed environment for investigating future space-based heterodyne interferometry in the NIR light range. It requires the achievement of two main tasks. Firstly, a laboratory starlight simulator is developed to simulate a distant star´s wavefront appearance as it reaches telescopes on or around Earth. The consequent starlight simulator contains an optical assembly that manifests a point source in NIR light, aligned with a mirror collimator’s focal point, transforming the wavefront from spherical to planar. Secondly, a fiber optical circuit with interference capability is constructed, consisting of a free-space optical delay line and a polarization-controlled custom-sized fiber. The delay line matches the optical paths within the light's coherence length, while the polarization controller optimizes interference visibility. The completion of the tasks establishes the foundation to investigate space-based heterodyne interferometry in the NIR light with the potential implementation of delay line digitization.
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Smart Client-Server Protocol and Architecture for Adaptive Multimedia StreamingAbdullah, Miran Taha 04 June 2018 (has links)
En los últimos años, el consumo de servicios multimedia ha aumentado y se prevé que esta tendencia continúe en un futuro próximo, convirtiendo el tema de la evaluación de la Calidad de la Experiencia (QoE) en un tema muy importante para valorar el servicio de los proveedores. En este sentido, la optimización de la QoE recibe cada vez más atención ya que las soluciones actuales no han tenido en cuenta, la adaptación, la viabilidad, la rentabi-lidad y la fiabilidad.
La presente memoria se centra en la caracterización, diseño, desarrollo y evaluación de diferentes aplicaciones multimedia, con el fin de optimizar la QoE.
Por tanto, este trabajo investiga la influencia que la infraestructura de redes, las características de los videos y los terminales de los usuarios, presentan en la QoE de los servicios multimedia actuales en Internet. Esta tesis se basa en la investigación exhaustiva de la evaluación subjetiva y objetiva de QoE en redes heterogéneas. Los desafíos y cuestiones relacionados con el estado de la técnica y se discuten en esta disertación.
En la primera fase, diseñamos una metodología de prueba para evaluar la QoE en la transmisión de video en directo y a través de plataformas de video bajo demanda en redes Wi-Fi y celulares. A partir de esta fase inicial, propondremos los problemas a investigar y las preguntas para resolver a lo largo de esta disertación. Nuestra metodología hace uso de métricas subjetivas y objetivas para evaluar la QoE percibida por los usuarios finales. Se realiza un conjunto de experimentos en laboratorio donde nuestra metodología de pruebas es aplicada. Los resultados obtenidos se recopilan y analizan para extraer las relaciones entre la Calidad de servicio (QoS) y QoE. A partir de estos resultados, se propone un mapeo de QoS-QoE que permite predecir la QoE.
En la siguiente fase de la investigación, desarrollamos los algoritmos de optimización de QoE basados en la administración del sistema de red para redes Wi-Fi y celulares. Los algoritmos usan los parámetros clave que se tuvieron en cuenta para la evaluación de QoE. El objetivo de estos algorit-mos es proporcionar un sistema de gestión flexible para las redes con el ob-jetivo de lograr un equilibrio controlado entre la maximización de QoE y la eficiencia del uso de los recursos.
Por último, se diseña el banco de pruebas del sistema para evaluar el rendimiento de las aplicaciones de servicios multimedia genéricos en los diferentes entornos de prueba. El banco de pruebas del sistema se basa en el enfoque de virtualización; usa los recursos compartidos de un hardware fí-sico para virtualizar todos los componentes. El banco de pruebas virtualiza-do proporciona funciones de red virtualizadas para diferentes escenarios, como Internet (las redes de distribución de contenido - CDNs) y redes inalámbricas. Por lo tanto, se adoptan protocolos livianos y mecanismos ágiles en el sistema, para proporcionar un mejor servicio a los usuarios fina-les. Los resultados de QoE son proporcionados a los proveedores de servi-cios de acuerdo con los parámetros que se definen en el proceso de la eva-luación. Como resultado hemos obtenido un sistema que presenta un servi-cio rentable como una forma factible para la evaluación de la prueba. / In recent years, multimedia services consumption has increased and it is expected that this trend will continue in the near future, becoming the evaluation of Quality of Experience (QoE) as a very important issue for assessing the quality of providers' services. In this sense, the optimization of the QoE is progressively receiving much attention considering that current solutions are not based on the adaptation, feasibility, cost-effectiveness, and reliability.
The present dissertation is focused on the characterization, design, development and evaluation of different multimedia applications aimed to optimize the QoE.
Therefore, this work investigates the influence that the networks infrastructure, the videos' characteristics and the users' terminals present on QoE of the current Internet multimedia services. The work is based on a comprehensive research of subjective and objective assessments in heterogeneous networks. Challenges and research questions related to the state of the art are discussed in this dissertation.
In the first phase of this dissertation, we design a test methodology for assessing QoE of live video streaming and video on demand platforms to be transmitted over Wi-Fi and cellular networks. From this initial step, we will propound the related research issues and questions to solve this dissertation. Our methodology considers the use of subjective and objective metrics to evaluate the QoE perceived by end-users. A set of laboratory experiments is conducted where our proposed methodology is applied. The obtained results are gathered and analyzed to extract the relations between Quality of Service (QoS) and QoE. From the results, we propose a QoS-QoE mapping which allows predicting QoE.
In the next phase of the research, we develop QoE-optimization algorithms based on network system management for Wi-Fi and cellular networks. The algorithms use the key parameters that were taken into account for QoE assessment. The goal of these algorithms is to provide a flexible management system for the networks in order to achieve the desirable trade-off between QoE maximization and resource usage efficiency.
Lastly, the system testbed is designed in order to evaluate the performance of generic multimedia services applications for the different environments under test. The system testbed is based on virtualization approach; it uses the shared resources of a physical hardware to virtualize all components. The virtualized testbed provides virtualized network functions for the different scenarios such as the Internet (Content Delivery Networks - CDNs) and wireless networks. Therefore, lightweight protocols and agile mechanisms are adopted in the system to provide enhanced service to end-users. The QoE results are reported to the service providers according to the parameters defined in the evaluation process. As a result, we have obtained a cost-effective system, which is considered as a feasible way for test evaluation. / En els últims anys, el consum de serveis multimèdia ha augmentat i es preveu que aquesta tendència continue en un futur pròxim, convertitnt el tema de l'avaluació de la Qualitat d'Experiència (QoE) una tasca molt im-portant per a valorar el servei dels proveïdors. En aquest sentit, l'optimització de la QoE rep cada vegada més atenció degut a que les solucions actuals no tenen en compte, l'adaptació, la viabilitat, el rendiment i la fiabilitat.
La present memòria se centra en la caracterització, disseny, desenvolupament i avaluació de diferents aplicacions multimèdia, amb la finalitat d'optimitzar la QoE. Per tant, aquest treball investiga la influència que la infraestructura de les xarxes, les característiques dels videos i els terminals dels usuaris tenen sobre la QoE dels serveis multimèdia actuals d'Iinternet. Aquesta tesi es basa en una recerca exhaustiva de l'avaluació subjectiva i objectiva de QoE en xarxes heterogènies. Els desafiaments i preguntes relacionats amb l'estat de la tècnica es discuteixen en aquesta dissertació.
En la primera fase, dissenyem la metodologia de prova per a avaluar la QoE de transmissió de video en directe i de plataformes de video baix demanda en xarxes Wi-Fi i cel·lulars. A partir d'aquest primer pas, proposem els problemes de recerca relacionats i les preguntes a resoldre a través d'a-questa tesi. La nostra metodologia fa ús de mètriques subjectives i objecti-ves per a avaluar la QoE dels usuaris finals. Es realitzen un conjunt d'expe-riments en laboratori on s'aplica la nostra metodología. Els resultats obtin-guts es recopilen i analitzen per a extraure les relacions entre la QoS i la QoE. A partir d'aquests resultats, esproposa un mapatge de QoS-QoE que ens permetrà predir la QoE.
En la següent fase de la recerca, desenvolupem els algoritmes d'optimi-tzació de la QoE per a l'administració de xarxes Wi-Fi i cel·lulars. Els algo-ritmes utilitzen els paràmetres clau que es van tenir en compte per a l'ava-luació de QoE. L'objectiu d'aquests algoritmes és proporcionar un sistema de gestió flexible per ales xarxes que permetrá aconseguir un equilibri con-trolat entre la maximització de la QoE i l'us eficient dels recursos.
Finalment, el banc de proves del sistema està dissenyat per a avaluar el rendiment de les aplicacions de serveis multimèdia genèrics en els diferents entorns de prova. El banc de proves del sistema es basa en l'enfocament de virtualització; usa els recursos compartits d'un equip físic que virtualitza tots els components. El banc de proves virtualitzat proporciona les funcions de xarxa virtualitzades per a diferents escenaris, com Internet (les xarxes de distribució de continguts - CDNs) i xarxes sense fils. Per tant, s'adopten protocols lleugers i mecanismes àgils en el sistema per a proporcionar un millor servei als usuaris finals. Els resultats de QoE son proporcionats als proveïdors de serveis d'acord amb els paràmetres que es defineixen en el procés de l'avaluació. Com a resultat, hem obtés un sistema que presenta un servei rendible i com a viable per a l'avaluació de la prova. / Abdullah, MT. (2018). Smart Client-Server Protocol and Architecture for Adaptive Multimedia Streaming [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/103324
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Development and Validation of a Nanosatellite Testbed for Flexible Space Structure Attitude Control / Utveckling och validering av en nanosatellittestbädd för attitydreglering av flexibel rymdstrukturerByrne, Loui January 2023 (has links)
This thesis project has been conducted during a five-month research exchange visit to the Space Structure Dynamics and Control research group at University College Dublin. This report presents the design, development, and validation of a nanosatellite attitude control testbed. The testbed was designed to replicate the microgravity conditions of space by utilising an air bearing, enabling single-axis rotational motion for a 1U CubeSat-sized nanosatellite. The novel aspect of this research is the inclusion of two-degree-of-freedom, lumped-mass flexible appendages on either side of the nanosatellite, emulating a lightweight, flexible space structure. These flexible appendages were designed based on the stiffness characteristics of a deployable CubeSat solar array system found in existing literature, with exaggerated motion to amplify the measurable effects of various control approaches. The central focus of this project was the development of an avionics stack closely resembling CubeSat attitude control boards. The stack uses an STM32 microcontroller as the primary attitude control computer, and a suite of off the shelf breakout boards for sensors and wireless telemetry systems. Power, serial and I2C buses connect the attitude control board and the onboard computer board. A reaction wheel actuator controls the Euler heading attitude. The testbed was designed as an experimental platform for validating control algorithms developed through a model-based approach. Integration with the Simulink Embedded Coder toolbox allows for the compilation of Simulink models into C code, facilitating direct execution on the testbed. The testbed’s physical construction involves 3D printed ABS components, with the inclusion of load cells to measure disturbance torques from the excited flexible appendages. Results from validation experiments show that a simple PID controller causes significant excitation in the flexible appendages during a slew manoeuvre. However, the introduction of an input shaped attitude profile tailored to the natural frequency of the appendages successfully reduced the measured appendage excitation by 50%. Conversely, the force impedance wave based control approach did not show a reduction in appendage excitation, but shows promise for further developments in future work. In conclusion, the testbed has successfully achieved its predefined project objectives, albeit requiring further refinement, particularly in the telemetry down-link system. It is recommended that future work focuses on enhancement of the telemetry system, and validation of a model based approach to controller design. / Detta examensarbete har utförts under ett fem månaders forskningsutbyte vid forskningsgruppen Space Structure Dynamics and Control vid University College Dublin. Denna rapport presenterar design, utveckling och validering av en testbädd för attitydstyrning av en nanosatellit. Testbädden utformades för att efterlikna mikrogravitationsförhållandena i rymden genom att använda ett luftbärande lager, vilket möjliggör rotationsrörelse kring en axel för en nanosatellit av storleken 1U CubeSat. En unik aspekt av detta arbete är inkluderingen av två-frihet-graders, sammansatta flexibla påhängen på vardera sidan av nanosatelliten, vilket efterliknar en lätt, flexibel rymdstruktur. Dessa flexibla påhängen utformades med utgångspunkt från styvhetsegenskaperna hos ett utskjutbart CubeSat-solcellssystem som finns i befintlig litteratur, med överdriven rörelse för att förstärka de mätbara effekterna av olika styrmetoder. Det centrala fokuset för detta projekt var utvecklingen av en avionikstack som nära liknar CubeSat-attitydregleringkort. Stacken använder en STM32-mikrokontroller som primär dator för attitydkontroll och ett urval färdiga breakout-kort för sensorer och trådlös telemetri. Strömförsörjning, serie- och I2C-bussar ansluter attitydregleringkortet och omborddatorn med en reaktionshjulsaktuator som styr Euler-attityd. Testbädden utformades som en experimentell plattform för att validera styralgoritmer som utvecklats med hjälp av en modellbaserad metod. Integration med Simulink Embedded Coder möjliggör kompilering av Simulink-modeller till C-kod, vilket underlättar direkt exekvering på testbädden. Testbäddens fysiska konstruktion innefattar 3D-utskrivna ABS-komponenter med inkludering av lastceller för att mäta störningsmoment från de exciterade flexibla påhängen. Resultaten från valideringsexperiment visar att en enkel PID-regulator orsakar betydande excitation i de flexibla påhängena under en vridningsmanöver. Dock lyckades en input-formad attitydprofil som anpassats till de flexibla påhängenas naturliga frekvens framgångsrikt minska den uppmätta excitationen med 50%. Omvänt visade den kraftimpedansvågbaserade styrmetoden inte någon minskning i excitation, men visar potential för vidare utvecklingar i framtida arbete. Sammanfattningsvis har testbädden framgångsrikt uppnått sina fördefinierade projektmål, om än med behov av ytterligare förfining, särskilt i telemetrisystemet. Det rekommenderas att framtida arbete fokuserar på förbättring av telemetrisystemet och validering av en modellbaserad ansats till styrdesign.
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Protocol design and performance evaluation for wireless ad hoc networksTong, Fei 10 November 2016 (has links)
Benefiting from the constant and significant advancement of wireless communication technologies and networking protocols, Wireless Ad hoc NETwork (WANET) has played a more and more important role in modern communication networks without relying much on existing infrastructures. The past decades have seen numerous applications adopting ad hoc networks for service provisioning. For example, Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) can be widely deployed for environment monitoring and object tracking by utilizing low-cost, low-power and multi-function sensor nodes. To realize such applications, the design and evaluation of communication protocols are of significant importance. Meanwhile, the network performance analysis based on mathematical models is also in great need of development and improvement.
This dissertation investigates the above topics from three important and fundamental aspects, including data collection protocol design, protocol modeling and analysis, and physical interference modeling and analysis. The contributions of this dissertation are four-fold.
First, this dissertation investigates the synchronization issue in the duty-cycled, pipelined-scheduling data collection of a WSN, based on which a pipelined data collection protocol, called PDC, is proposed. PDC takes into account both the pipelined data collection and the underlying schedule synchronization over duty-cycled radios practically and comprehensively. It integrates all its components in a natural and seamless way to simplify the protocol implementation and to achieve a high energy efficiency and low packet delivery latency. Based on PDC, an Adaptive Data Collection (ADC) protocol is further proposed to achieve dynamic duty-cycling and free addressing, which can improve network heterogeneity, load adaptivity, and energy efficiency. Both PDC and ADC have been implemented in a pioneer open-source operating system for the Internet of Things, and evaluated through a testbed built based on two hardware platforms, as well as through emulations.
Second, Linear Sensor Network (LSN) has attracted increasing attention due to the vast requirements on the monitoring and surveillance of a structure or area with a linear topology. Being aware that, for LSN, there is few work on the network modeling and analysis based on a duty-cycled MAC protocol, this dissertation proposes a framework for modeling and analyzing a class of duty-cycled, multi-hop data collection protocols for LSNs. With the model, the dissertation thoroughly investigates the PDC performance in an LSN, considering both saturated and unsaturated scenarios, with and without retransmission. Extensive OPNET simulations have been carried out to validate the accuracy of the model.
Third, in the design and modeling of PDC above, the transmission and interference ranges are defined for successful communications between a pair of nodes. It does not consider the cumulative interference from the transmitters which are out of the contention range of a receiver. Since most performance metrics in wireless networks, such as outage probability, link capacity, etc., are nonlinear functions of the distances among communicating, relaying, and interfering nodes, a physical interference model based on distance is definitely needed in quantifying these metrics. Such quantifications eventually involve the Nodal Distance Distribution (NDD) intrinsically depending on network coverage and nodal spatial distribution. By extending a tool in integral geometry and using decomposition and recursion, this dissertation proposes a systematic and algorithmic approach to obtaining the NDD between two nodes which are uniformly distributed at random in an arbitrarily-shaped network.
Fourth, with the proposed approach to NDDs, the dissertation presents a physical interference model framework to analyze the cumulative interference and link outage probability for an LSN running the PDC protocol. The framework is further applied to analyze 2D networks, i.e., ad hoc Device-to-Device (D2D) communications underlaying cellular networks, where the cumulative interference and link outage probabilities for both cellular and D2D communications are thoroughly investigated. / Graduate / 0984 / 0544 / tong1987fei@163.com
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Link Quality in Wireless Sensor Networks / Qualité des liens dans les réseaux de capteurs sans fil : Conception de métriques de qualité de lien pour réseaux de capteurs sans fil en intérieur et à large échelleBildea, Ana 19 November 2013 (has links)
L'objectif de la thèse est d'étudier la variation temporelle de la qualité des liens dans les réseaux de capteurs sans fil à grande échelle, de concevoir des estimateurs permettant la différenciation, à court terme et long terme, entre liens de qualité hétérogène. Tout d'abord, nous étudions les caractéristiques de deux paramètres de la couche physique: RSSI (l'indicateur de puissance du signal reçu) et LQI (l'indicateur de la qualité de liaison) sur SensLab, une plateforme expérimentale de réseau de capteurs à grande échelle situé à l'intérieur de bâtiments. Nous observons que le RSSI et le LQI permettent de discriminer des liens de différentes qualités. Ensuite, pour obtenir un estimateur de PRR, nous avons approximé le diagramme de dispersion de la moyenne et de l'écart-type du LQI et RSSI par une fonction Fermi-Dirac. La fonction nous permet de trouver le PRR à partir d'un niveau donné de LQI. Nous avons évalué l'estimateur en calculant le PRR sur des fenêtres de tailles variables et en le comparant aux valeurs obtenues avec l'estimateur. Par ailleurs, nous montrons en utilisant le modèle de Gilbert-Elliot (chaîne de Markov à deux états) que la corrélation des pertes de paquets dépend de la catégorie de lien. Le modèle permet de distinguer avec précision les différentes qualités des liens, en se basant sur les probabilités de transition dérivées de la moyenne et de l'écart-type du LQI. Enfin, nous proposons un modèle de routage basé sur la qualité de lien déduite de la fonction de Fermi-Dirac approximant le PRR et du modèle Markov Gilbert-Elliot à deux états. Notre modèle est capable de distinguer avec précision les différentes catégories de liens ainsi que les liens fortement variables. / The goal of the thesis is to investigate the issues related to the temporal link quality variation in large scale WSN environments, to design energy efficient link quality estimators able to distinguish among links with different quality on a short and a long term. First, we investigate the characteristics of two physical layer metrics: RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indication) and LQI (Link Quality Indication) on SensLAB, an indoor large scale wireless sensor network testbed. We observe that RSSI and LQI have distinct values that can discriminate the quality of links. Second, to obtain an estimator of PRR, we have fitted a Fermi-Dirac function to the scatter diagram of the average and standard variation of LQI and RSSI. The function enables us to find PRR for a given level of LQI. We evaluate the estimator by computing PRR over a varying size window of transmissions and comparing with the estimator. Furthermore, we show using the Gilbert-Elliot two-state Markov model that the correlation of packet losses and successful receptions depend on the link category. The model allows to accurately distinguish among strongly varying intermediate links based on transition probabilities derived from the average and the standard variation of LQI. Finally, we propose a link quality routing model driven from the F-D fitting functions and the Markov model able to discriminate accurately link categories as well as high variable links.
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Vom Innovationsimpuls zum Markteintritt. Theorie, Praxis, Methoden27 November 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Die Grenzregionen rund um die Zentren Bratislava und Wien gehören zu den am schnellsten wachsenden
Regionen in Europa - insbesondere die High-Tech-Industrie betreffend (www.contor-analyse.de). Ein
Erfolgsfaktor für kommerziell erfolgreiche High-Tech (Start Up) Unternehmen ist die frühzeitige
Identifikation von Nutzeranforderungen und Verkaufsargumenten bei Innovationen. Interdisziplinäre
Teams, die technisch und kaufmännisch ausgebildete Arbeitskräfte beinhalten, stellen die Basis für
unternehmerische Innovations-Erfolgsgeschichten dar.
Im August 2011 ist ein Team aus Forschern der Technischen
Universität Wien, der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, der Wirtschaftsuniversität Bratislava und des Inkubators INITS angetreten, High-Tech Unternehmen bei deren Markteintritt zu unterstützen und die universitäre Ausbildung von
Interessierten an Innovationen im B2B High-Tech-Bereich zu adaptieren. Das Projekt Grenzüberschreitendes HiTECH Center wurde gestartet (Projektlaufzeit 08/2011 bis 12/2013,
Förderprogramm ETC, creating the future: Programm zur grenzüberschreitenden Zusammenarbeit SLOWAKEI - ÖSTERREICH 2007-2013, www.hitechcentrum.eu). Zielsetzung war die Entwicklung einer Methodik für einen erfolgreichen Markteintritt in B2 B High-Tech-Märkten. Das Projekt wurde mit sieben Arbeitspaketen konzipiert. Arbeitspaket sechs betrifft eine Publikation der wichtigsten Lernergebnisse.
Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt dieses Ergebnis dar und wurde erst durch eine Projektverlängerung bis November 2014 ermöglicht.
Die Vorarbeiten zum Projekt und die erste Analysephase innerhalb der Projektlaufzeit zeigen eine Lücke
an Forschungsergebnissen zum Thema "Marketing Testbed" und von vergleichbaren interdisziplinären Lehrveranstaltungen an österreichischen Universitäten. Existierende Marketing- und Innovationslehrgänge beschäftigen sich in überwiegender Zahl mit B2C Themen und sind nicht interdisziplinär. Trotz der geografischen Nähe der beiden Länder Österreich und Slowakei ist die zu geringe Transparenz der Märkte - und der damit verbundenen Chancen - derzeit eine Barriere für eine schnellere Entwicklung dieser grenzüberschreitenden Region. Weiters besteht über die Grenzen hinaus
ein Mangel an interdisziplinär ausgebildetem Personal, das Marketingaufgaben der High-Tech-Anbieter effizient bearbeiten kann.
Dem Projektteam stellten sich daher unter anderem folgende Fragen: Mit welcher Methodik können High-Tech Start Up Unternehmen in frühen Innovationsphasen unterstützt werden, um einen erfolgreichen Markteintritt zu schaffen? Wie stark beeinflusst die Thematik "Multidisziplinäre
Kommunikation" den Prozess vom Innovationsimpuls zum Markteintritt? Wie können die Anforderungen der innovierenden High-Tech Firmen in die Universitätslehre integriert werden? Wie können interdisziplinäre Lehrformate - auch grenzüberschreitend - umgesetzt werden?
Das Projektteam konnte im Rahmen der Projektlaufz
eit ein erstes Regelwerk für Marketing Testbeds
entwickeln und dieses Wissen bereits in wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten und ersten Implementierungen anwenden. Insgesamt wurden am Institut für Marketing Management in Wien acht Arbeiten von Studierenden fertiggestellt (davon zwei Dissertationen). An der WU Bratislava wurden 17 studentische
Arbeiten abgeschlossen und sechs interdisziplinäre Projekte umgesetzt. Es fand ein intensive Wissensaustausch mit drei Synergieprojekten (INNOVMAT, DUO STARS, SMARTNET) statt und die Zwischenergebnisse des HiTECH Centrum Projekts waren die Basis für ein weiteres europäisches Projekt
(Projekt REALITY, Programm ERASMUS MUNDUS). Das Hauptergebnis des Projekts liegt in der Bestätigung der Wichtigkeit der multidisziplinären Kommunikation in allen Bereichen vom Innovationsimpuls zum Markteintritt. Für eine nachhaltige Wirkung der Projektergebnisse wird die
Gründung eines HiTECH Center Vereins sorgen, der sich mit den angestoßenen Forschungsthemen beschäftigt und High-Tech Start Ups in deren frühen Markteintrittsphasen unterstützt. (authors' abstract)
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Design, Control, and Validation of a Transient Thermal Management System with Integrated Phase-Change Thermal Energy StorageMichael Alexander Shanks (14216549) 06 December 2022 (has links)
<p>An emerging technology in the field of transient thermal management is thermal energy storage, or TES, which enables temporary, on-demand heat rejection via storage as latent heat in a phase-change material. Latent TES devices have enabled advances in many thermal management applications, including peak load shifting for reducing energy demand and cost of HVAC systems and providing supplemental heat rejection in transient thermal management systems. However, the design of a transient thermal management system with integrated storage comprises many challenges which are yet to be solved. For example, design approaches and performance metrics for determining the optimal dimensions of the TES device have only recently been studied. Another area of active research is estimation of the internal temperature state of the device, which can be difficult to directly measure given the transient nature of the thermal storage process. Furthermore, in contrast to the three main functions of a thermal-fluid system--heat addition, thermal transport, and heat rejection--thermal storage introduces the need for active, real-time control and automated decision making for managing the operation of the thermal storage device. </p>
<p>In this thesis, I present the design process for integrating thermal energy storage into a single-phase thermal management system for rejecting transient heat loads, including design of the TES device, state estimation and control algorithm design, and validation in both simulation and experimental environments. Leveraging a reduced-order finite volume simulation model of a plate-fin TES device, I develop a design approach which involves a transient simulation-based design optimization to determine the required geometric dimensions of the device to meet transient performance objectives while maximizing power density. The optimized TES device is integrated into a single-phase thermal-fluid testbed for experimental testing. Using the finite volume model and feedback from thermocouples embedded in the device, I design and experimentally validate a state estimator based on the state-dependent Riccati equation approach for determining the internal temperature distribution to a high degree of accuracy. Real-time knowledge of the internal temperature state is critical for making control decisions; to manage the operation of the TES device in the context of a transient thermal management system, I design and test, both in simulation and experimentally, a logic-based control strategy that uses fluid temperature measurements and estimates of the TES state to make real-time control decisions to meet critical thermal management objectives. Together, these advances demonstrate the potential of thermal energy storage technology as a component of thermal management systems and the feasibility of logic-based control strategies for real-time control of thermal management objectives.</p>
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<b>Development of an Electronics Testbed for Radiation Testing in Gamma and Neutron Environments</b>Matthew M Niichel (20715647) 12 February 2025 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">This work focuses on creating a cost-effective and accessible radiation testbed within Purdue University’s sub-critical pile. The testbed is designed to assess the resilience of electronic systems exposed to gamma and neutron radiation, addressing challenges faced in nuclear, aerospace, and defense industries where electronics must function reliably in high-radiation environments. Traditional radiation testing facilities often pose limitations such as high costs, limited accessibility, and excessive neutron flux levels, making them unsuitable for low-to-medium flux testing. This research introduces a controlled and well-characterized radiation exposure environment that simulates real-world conditions for radiation-sensitive electronics, including the Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s (DTRA) Scatterable Radiation Monitor (SCRAM). The methodology includes mechanical and electronic testbed construction, radiation flux characterization using gold foil activation experiments, and real-time electronic performance assessments under radiation exposure. By leveraging Purdue’s sub-critical pile and PUR-1 reactor, the testbed offers a versatile platform for radiation hardness testing, filling a crucial gap in existing testing infrastructure. The findings validate the effectiveness of the testbed in providing moderate neutron and gamma flux environments, ensuring more reliable performance testing of radiation-hardened electronics. The study contributes to the development of standardized radiation testing methodologies and highlights the potential for broader applications in nuclear safety, environmental monitoring, and space electronics.</p>
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International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 17-20, 1994 / Town & Country Hotel and Conference Center, San Diego, California / Since the Gulf War, there has been significant interest in Theater Missile Defense
(TMD) resulting in funding growth from tens of millions of dollars at the time of the
Gulf War to $1.7 Billion in 1994. The Ballistic Missile Defense Organization
(BMDO) has developed a Theater Missile Defense test and evaluation program that
will assess technological feasibility and the degree to which system functionality and
performance meet technical and operational requirements. The complexity of the
TMD program necessitates a comprehensive test program which includes flight
testing, ground testing, and modeling and simulation. This article will provide and
overview the requirements and capabilities needed to satisfy these requirements. The
data processing, and telemetry communities will play a major role in providing the
expertise to support the development of the nation’s future Theater Missile Defense
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