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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Étude de pVHL₁₇₂, une isoforme du suppresseur de tumeur von Hippel Lindau : implication dans la tumorigenèse rénale / Study of pVHL₁₇₂, an isoform of the tumor suppressor von Hippel Lindau : involvement in kidney tumorigenesis

Hascoët, Pauline 27 April 2016 (has links)
Le syndrome von Hippel Lindau (VHL) prédispose au développement de multiples tumeurs hautement vascularisées, telles que des hémangioblastomes rétiniens ou du système nerveux central, des phéochromocytomes et des carcinomes rénaux à cellules claires (CCRCC). Les patients atteints de ce syndrome sont porteurs d’une mutation du gène VHL. Ce gène, composé de trois exons, est transcrit en deux ARN messagers par épissage alternatif de l’exon 2. L’ARNm composé des 3 exons (variant #1) est la forme majoritairement exprimée par rapport à l’ARNm dépourvu de l’exon 2 (variant #2). Toutefois, une diminution du ratio variant #1/variant #2 a été essentiellement décrite dans deux situations : (i) dans les tissus embryonnaires humains et en particulier le rein, et (ii) dans certains CCRCC. Ces données suggèrent un rôle potentiel de ce variant #2 dans la tumorigenèse rénale. Deux protéines, pVHL213 et pVHL160, sont produites à partir du variant #1 et elles agissent comme suppresseurs de tumeur. Au début de ce travail, l’expression de l’isoforme protéique pVHL172 produite à partir du variant #2 restait à démontrer et sa fonction était inconnue. Les travaux effectués au cours de cette thèse ont permis de mettre en évidence l’expression de pVHL172 dans des lignées cellulaires et dans des tissus tumoraux grâce à un nouvel anticorps monoclonal de souris dirigé contre les trois isoformes protéiques humaines de pVHL. Pour savoir si l’isoforme pVHL172 a un rôle de suppresseur de tumeur, des lignées cellulaires tumorales rénales exprimant stablement cette protéine ont été établies puis des expériences de xénogreffes de ces cellules chez la souris ont été réalisées. Non seulement pVHL172 n’inhibe pas la formation de tumeurs mais son expression induit un phénotype tumoral plus agressif avec une composante sarcomatoïde plus importante ainsi qu’une vascularisation immature plus conséquente que dans les tumeurs contrôles (n’exprimant pas pVHL). De plus, pVHL172 augmente l’expression des métalloprotéases de matrice MMP1 et MMP13, en partie via l’activation de la voie de signalisation Smad-dépendante du TGF-β. Par ailleurs, des partenaires protéiques de cette protéine ont été recherchés par une analyse protéomique différentielle. Les réseaux d’interaction réalisés à partir des protéines identifiées concernent entre autres la régulation de la matrice extracellulaire et le contrôle qualité des protéines. En conclusion, ce travail a montré que le gène VHL produit des isoformes protéiques avec des fonctions distinctes voire antagonistes, ce qui implique que la balance de leur expression influencerait la progression tumorale rénale. Chez certains patients, une augmentation de l’expression de pVHL172 pourrait être corrélée à une pathologie plus sévère. Ce travail montre l’intérêt de poursuivre l’étude des fonctions de cette protéine pour une meilleure compréhension de son implication dans le cancer du rein et dans la maladie VHL afin d’envisager de nouvelles approches thérapeutiques. / VHL disease predisposes to the development of multiple and highly vascularized tumors, including central nervous system and retinal haemangioblastomas, phaeochromocytomas and clear cell renal cell carcinomas (ccRCCs). Patients with VHL disease harbor a mutant allele of the VHL gene. This gene is transcribed into two mRNAs by alternative splicing of the exon 2. The mRNA variant #1 composed of 3 exons usually predominates over the mRNA variant #2 lacking exon 2. A decrease of the variant #1/variant #2 ratio was however described in 2 situations: (i) in embryonic tissues, particularly in the kidney, and (ii) in some ccRCCs. These data suggest a potential role for the variant #2 in kidney tumorigenesis. pVHL213 and pVHL160 are the two proteins encoded by the mRNA variant #1 and act as tumor suppressors. At the beginning of this Ph.D. project, the expression of pVHL172 isoform encoded by the mRNA variant #2 remained to be established and its function was unknown. The experiments performed during this Ph.D. shed light on pVHL172 expression in cell lines and in tumor tissues using a newly produced mouse monoclonal antibody recognizing the three human pVHL isoforms. To examine if pVHL172 had a tumor suppressor function, human kidney tumor cell lines stably expressing this isoform were established, characterized and then grafted in mice. pVHL172 not only inhibits tumor formation, but its expression also induces a more aggressive phenotype with a higher sarcomatoid component and a more immature vasculature compared to control tumors (that do not express any pVHL). Moreover, pVHL172 increases the matrix metalloproteases MMP1 and MMP13 expression, partly by the activation of the Smad-dependent TGF-β signalling pathway. Besides, we looked for protein partners of pVHL172 by a differential proteomic analysis and showed that interaction networks obtained with the identified proteins are related to extracellular matrix regulation and protein quality control. To conclude, this work demonstrated that the VHL gene encodes protein isoforms with distinct and even antagonistic functions. The balance of expression of these isoforms is likely to influence kidney tumor progression. For some patients, an increase of pVHL172 expression could be correlated with a more severe pathology. This work shows the importance of further studying this isoform’s functions to better understand its involvement in kidney cancer and in VHL disease, so that new therapeutic approaches could be developed.

Expressão de genes homeobox em células de carcinoma epidermóide de boca estimuladas com EGF e TGF-beta / Expression of homeobox genes in oral squamous cell carcinoma cell lines, stimulated with EGF and TGF-beta

Marcia Sampaio Campos 21 January 2008 (has links)
Genes homeobox, vitais para muitos aspectos relacionados com crescimento e diferenciação celular, têm sido descritos desregulados em alguns cânceres. Seu papel na carcinogênese, principalmente de carcinomas epidermóides de boca, permanence pouco claro e pobremente caracterizado. Desse modo, esse estudo objetivou avaliar, em cultura de células, o perfil de expressão de seis genes homeobox (ASH2L, HOXA7, HHEX, PKNOX1, PITX1, TGIF) selecionados dentre aqueles previamente identificados no Projeto Genoma Câncer de Cabeça e Pescoço (2001) sob estímulo de EGF e TGF-beta1. Para tal, linhagens celulares de carcinoma epidermóide de cabeça e pescoço primário (HN6) e metastático (HN31) e uma linhagem não-tumoral (HaCat) foram cultivadas sob condições-padrão. Após a confecção dos cDNAs de cada linhagem, por meio de RT-PCR, os transcritos foram amplificados e quantificados pela técnica de PCR em tempo real. Os dados foram normalizados com o gene HPRT e a quantificação relativa foi realizada seguindo o método do delta Ct. De acordo com os resultados foi possível verificar que o EGF produziu uma modulação variável da expressão dos genes avaliados em todas as linhagens celulares, enquanto que, em geral, o TGF-beta1 foi capaz de aumentar significantemente (ANOVA, p<0,05) a expressão dos transcritos de 5 genes homeobox (HOXA7, HHEX, PKNOX1, PITX1, TGIF). Particularmente transcritos dos genes PITX1 e TGIF foram signicantemente mais expressos nas linhagens tumorais (HN6 e HN31) frente à linhagem não-tumoral quando tratados com TGF-beta1. Desse modo, sugere-se que os genes homeobox estudados desempenhem diferentes funções na carcinoma epidermóide de boca, e que, especialmente PITX1 e TGIF atuem como oncogenes inibindo a resposta anti-proliferativa dependente de TGF-beta e levando a progressão tumoral. / Homeobox genes, vital to many aspects related with cellular growth and differentiation, had been described as deregulated in some cancers. Their role in carcinogenesis, mainly oral squamous cell carcinomas, remains unclear and poorly characterized. Thus, this study had the purpose to evaluate, in cell cultures, the expression profile of six homeobox genes (ASH2L, HOXA7, HHEX, PKNOX1, PITX1, TGIF) selected among genes previously identified in the Head and Neck Cancer Genoma Project (2001), under stimulation with EGF and TGF-beta1. Oral squamous cell carcinoma cell lines from primary tumour (HN6) and from methastasis (HN31), and a non-tumoral cell line (HaCat) were cultured under standard procedures. CDNAs were obtained by RT-PCR and the transcripts were amplified and quantified by real-time PCR. Data were normalized by HPRT gene and the relative quantification was made by the delta Ct method. According to the results, it was possible to observe that EGF produced a variable modulation of the analyzed genes, in all cell lines. Generally, TGF-beta1 was able to significantly increase (ANOVA, p<0,05) the expression of the transcripts of 5 homeobox genes (HOXA7, HHEX, PKNOX1, PITX1, TGIF). Transcripts of PITX1 and TGIF genes were particularly more expressed in the tumoral cell lines (HN6 e HN31), when compared to the non-tumoral cell line, when treated with TGF-beta1. It is suggested that the studied homeobox genes play different roles in oral squamous cell carcinoma and that, especially the PITX1 and TGIF act as oncogenes, inhibitting the TGF-dependent anti-proliferative response, leading to tumour progression.

A memória hiperglicêmica no rim diabético: marcas metabólicas, moleculares e epigenéticas / The hyperglycemic memory in diabetic kidney: metabolic, molecular, and epigenetic marks

Antonio Anáx Falcão de Oliveira 10 February 2017 (has links)
A nefropatia diabética (ND) é uma das complicações microvasculares do diabetes e consiste no dano ao parênquima renal por consequência de uma série de fatores hemodinâmicos e moleculares. A ocorrência de ND e de outras complicações mesmo em indivíduos sob adequado controle glicêmico tem sido associada a um fenômeno conhecido como memória metabólica. Neste trabalho foram investigadas vias bioquímicas e moleculares persistentemente alteradas no rim de animais diabéticos tratados após um período inicial de hiperglicemia, com o propósito de entender os mecanismos envolvidos na memória metabólica. Para tanto, ratos com diabetes induzida por estreptozotocina foram mantidos hiperglicêmicos durante 4 semanas (período curto) ou 12 semanas (período longo) e posteriormente tratados com insulina isoladamente ou combinada com metformina (100mg/kg/dia) durante as 4 (período curto) ou 12 (período longo) semanas seguintes. Todos os animais tratados tiveram os seus níveis glicêmicos e função renal normalizados. Os tratamentos também foram capazes de normalizar os níveis elevados de malonaldeído no rim, bem como a excreção aumentada dos adutos de DNA 8-oxo-2\'-desoxiguanosina (8-oxodG) e N2-carboxietil-2\'- desoxiguanosina (CEdG) na urina observados nos animais diabéticos. Níveis aumentados de 8-oxodG foram detectados em DNA mitocondrial (mtDNA), mas não em DNA nuclear, de animais diabéticos apenas no período curto de estudo e também foram normalizados após o controle glicêmico. Nós identificamos uma via gradualmente alterada durante o curso do diabetes que permanece persistentemente alterada após o controle glicêmico tardio. Essa via compreende um declínio precoce do clearance de ácido úrico e expressão da pAMPK, seguida pelo acúmulo de fumarato, expressão aumentada de TGF-&#946;, expressão reduzida de PGC-1&#945; e redução da metilação e hidroximetilação do mtDNA. A redução persistente do clearance de ácido úrico em animais diabéticos tratados pode sustentar as alterações bioquímicas renais prolongadas observadas após o controle glicêmico, e essa regulação é provavelmente mediada pela redução sustentada da expressão de pAMPK e pela indução de inflamação. Este trabalho propõe a primeira consideração do possível papel da hiperuricemia e das alterações bioquímicas subjacentes como parte da memória metabólica na nefropatia diabética. / Diabetic nephropathy is one of the diabetes microvascular complications, and it consists on the damage to the renal parenchyma due to several hemodynamic and molecular factors. The occurrence of diabetic nephropathy and other complications even in those individuals under tight glycemic control has been associated to a phenomenon known as metabolic memory. Here we investigated biochemical and molecular pathways persistently altered in the kidney of diabetic animals treated after a previous period of hyperglycemia, aiming to understand underlying mechanisms in metabolic memory. Streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats were maintained hyperglycemic during 4 (short period) or 12 weeks (long period), and then they were treated with insulin alone or combined with metformin (100 mg/kg/day) for the following 4 or 12 weeks, respectively. All the treated animals had them glycemic levels and renal function normalized. The treatments were also able to control enhanced kidney malondialdehyde levels, as well as the increased urine excretion of the DNA adducts 8-oxo-2\'- deoxyguanosine (8-oxodG) and N2-carboxyethyl-2\'-deoxyguanosine seen in diabetic animals. Increased levels of 8-oxodG were detected in mitochondrial DNA, but not in nuclear DNA of diabetic animals in the short period, and were also recovered after glycemic control. We have identified a kidney pathway that is gradually altered during the course of diabetes and remains persistently changed after late glycemic control. This pathway comprises an early decline of uric acid clearance and pAMPK expression followed by fumarate accumulation, increased TGF-&#946; expression, reduced PGC-1&#945; expression, and downregulation of methylation and hydroxymethylation of mitochondrial DNA. The sustained decrease of uric acid clearance in treated diabetes may support the prolonged kidney biochemical alterations observed after tight glycemic control, and this regulation is likely mediated by the sustained decrease of AMPK activity and the induction of inflammation. This work proposes the first consideration of the possible role of hyperuricemia and the underlying biochemical changes as part of metabolic memory in diabetic nephropathy.

Caquexia associada ao câncer: a contribuição da via de sinalização do TGF&#946; na fibrose do tecido adiposo. / Cancer cachexia: TGF&#946; pathway contribution in adipose tissue fibrosis.

Alves, Michele Joana 13 July 2016 (has links)
O objetivo do estudo foi investigar o remodelamento tecidual e fatores modulados pela via do TGF&#946; no tecido adiposo subcutâneo na vigência da caquexia associada ao câncer gastrointestinal. O estudo incluiu 59 pacientes divididos em três grupos: Controle, Câncer de peso estável (WSC) e Câncer e Caquexia (CC). Foram observadas alterações morfológicas exclusivas ao tecido adiposo do grupo CC. Houve o aumento na deposição de colágeno, glicoproteínas associadas, e fibras do sistema elásticas. A imunohistoquímica revelou alterações no conteúdo dos colágenos do tipo I, III e VI, e da fibronectina no grupo CC em relação ao grupo Controle e WSC. A presença de miofibroblastos no grupo CC foi confirmada pela imunomarcação para &#945;SMA, e o aumento de 20 vezes do gene FSP1 no tecido adiposo, em associação com expressiva marcação de vimentina em fibroblastos isolados. As concentrações do TGF&#946;3 estavam aumentadas no tecido adiposo, e TGF&#946;1 e TGF&#946;3 nos adipócitos, dos pacientes caquéticos. A imunolocalização revelou maior intensidade para SMAD3 e SMAD4 no grupo CC. Em conclusão, na caquexia associada ao câncer, a via do TGF&#946; contribui para o comprometimento da biologia do tecido adiposo e o desenvolvimento da fibrose. / Aim of the study was to investigate tissue remodelling and factors modulated by TGF&#946; pathway in the subcutaneous adipose tissue in gastrointestinal cancer cachexia. The study included 59 patients enrolled into three groups: Control, Weight-stable Cancer (WSC) and Cancer Cachexia (CC). Morphological alterations (HE) were observed in adipose tissue from CC group solely, with reduction in the content of fat cells (area, diameter and circumference). Markedly stain to collagens type I, III, IV and fibronectin by immunohistochemistry revealed changes in the CC group as compared to the control and WSC group. Presence of myofibroblasts in CC group was observed by immunostaining for &#945;SMA, and 20-fold increase of the FSP1 gene in adipose tissue. In association, was reported higher expression for vimentin in isolated fibroblasts. TGF&#946;3 concentrations were enhanced in adipose tissue, and TGF&#946;1 and TGF&#946;3 in adipocytes of cachectic patients in relation to control group. Immunolocalization revealed greater intensity for SMAD3 and SMAD4 in the CC group. Thus, during cancer cachexia the TGF&#946; pathway contributes to disruption of adipose tissue biology and fibrosis development.

Immunoregulation in melanoma

Wiguna, Arlina Permatasari 19 January 2015 (has links)
IL-10 und TGF-beta sind immunsupprimierende Zytokine, die in verschiedenen Tumoren, u.a. im Melanom, entdeckt wurden und als Hauptursache für das Versagen der Anti-Tumorimmunantwort angesehen werden. Allerdings wurden divergente Daten auch berichtet. Um diese Diskrepanz zu erklären, wurde die Expression dieser Zytokine mittels quantitativer RT-PCR im Melanom und in Haut gesunder Individuen verglichen. Weiterhin wurde die Induktion beider Zytokine in Kokulturexperimenten mit Dendritische Zellen und T-Zellen zusammen mit Tumorzellen sowie ihr Einfluß auf das Immunsystem untersucht. Beide Zytokine sowie deren Rezeptoren wurden im Melanom exprimiert, aber im Vergleich mit gesunder Haut auf signifikant geringerem Level. Dementsprechend waren die Expressionen von IL-10-induzierbare-SOCS-3 und auch TGF-beta-induzierbare-SMAD-7 im Tumor gering und in der gesunden Haut hoch. T-Zellen, die mit einer großen Zahl an Tumorzellen kokultiviert wurden, entwickelten einen anergischen Zustand, aber ohne mit dem IL-10 oder TGF-beta Level zu korrelieren. Dendritische Zellen, die zusammen mit Tumorzellen kokultiviert wurden, wiesen eine gemischte Population an vollständig und unvollständig differenzierten iDCs auf, produzierten hohe Level IL-10 und konnten die CD4 T Zellproliferation weniger effizient induzieren. Trotzdem konnten sie zur Reifung induziert werden, wobei die Blockierung von IL-10 nicht die Fähigkeit der resultierenden, reifen DCs veränderte, CD4 T-Zellproliferation zu induzieren. DCs, deren Reifung in der Gegenwart von Tumorzellen induziert wurde, produzierten erhöhte Level an IL-10, dagegen gleiche oder verminderte Level an TGF-beta und waren effizienter in der Induktion der CD4 T-Zellproliferation. Die fehlende Korrelation von IL-10 und TGF-beta mit den Immundefiziten in situ und in vitro legt den Schluß nahe, ihre Rolle bei Krebs neu zu überdenken. / IL-10 and TGF-beta are immunosuppressive cytokines expressed in tumors including melanoma and, therefore, deemed major cause for failing anti-tumor immune responses. To re-evaluate their role, their expression was compared by quantitative RT-PCR in melanoma and skin of healthy individuals, their induction in dendritic cells and T cells co-cultured with tumor cells, and their effects on the immune cells were tested. Both cytokines as well as their receptors were expressed in melanoma at significantly lower levels than in healthy skin. Consequently, the expressions of IL-10-responsive SOCS-3 and TGF-beta-responsive Smad-7 were low in tumors but high in healthy skin. T cells co-cultured with tumor cells developed an anergic state but without increased IL-10 or TGF-beta expression. In vitro tumor-associated iDCs produced high IL-10 levels and were less efficient in inducing T cell proliferation. Nonetheless, they could be induced to mature, and blocking IL-10 did not alter the capacity of the resulting mDCs to induce T cell proliferation. mDCs co-cultured with tumor cells produced increased IL-10 but similar or decreased TGF-beta level and were more efficient in inducing T cell proliferation. The lack of correlation of IL-10 and TGF-beta with immune deficits in situ and in vitro suggests a necessity of re-evaluating their roles in cancer.

Untersuchungen zu Bedeutung von TGF-β während der Entwicklung des Vorderhirns / Investigation of the role of transforming growth factor β during forebrain development

Ahrens, Sandra 20 January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Anti-TGF-beta-Antikörper und Öffnung der Blut-Hirn-Schranke - Evaluation neuer Optionen zur Behandlung hochmaligner Gliome im Tiermodell / Anti-TGF-beta-antibody and opening of the blood-brain-barrier - Evaluation of new options for the treatment of high malignant gliomas in an animal model

Hülper, Petra 27 October 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Untersuchung des TGF-β-induzierten Zelltods in oligodendroglialen Kulturen / Analysis of TGF-beta-induced apoptosis in oligodendroglial cultures

Schulz, Ramona 01 November 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Modulation des réactions alloimmunitaires par les cytokines maîtresses IFN-γ et TGF-β

Delisle, Jean-Sébastien 06 1900 (has links)
L’injection de cellules immunologiquement compétentes à un hôte histo-incompatible amène une réaction qui peut se traduire par la maladie du greffon-contre-l’hôte (GVHD). La GVHD demeure une barrière importante à une utilisation plus répandue de la greffe allogénique de cellules hématopoïétiques (AHCT), pourtant un traitement efficace pour traiter de nombreuses maladies. Une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes qui sous-tendent cette pathologie pourrait en faciliter le traitement et la prévention. L’Interféron-gamma (IFN-γ) et le Transforming Growth Factor-béta (TGF-β) sont deux cytokines maîtresses de l’immunité impliquées dans la fonction et l’homéostasie des cellules greffées. Nous démontrons chez la souris que l’IFN-γ limite la reconstitution lympho-hématopoïétique de façon dose-dépendante en mobilisant des mécanismes d’apoptose et en inhibant la prolifération cellulaire. Le TGF-β est quant à lui généralement connu comme un immunosuppresseur qui contrôle l’immunité en utilisant plusieurs voies de signalisation. Le rôle relatif de ces voies en AHCT est inconnu. Nous avons étudié une de ces voies en greffant des cellules provenant de donneurs déficients pour le gène SMAD3 (SMAD3-KO), un médiateur central de la voie canonique du TGF-β, à des souris histo-incompatibles. Bien que l’absence de SMAD3 ne cause aucune maladie chez nos souris donneuses, l’injection de cellules SMAD3-KO amène une GVHD du colon sévère chez le receveur. Cette atteinte est caractérisée par une différenciation Th1 et une infiltration massive de granulocytes témoignant d’un rôle central de SMAD3 dans la physiologie des lymphocytes T CD4 et des cellules myéloïdes. Nous avons focalisé ensuite nos efforts sur le rôle de SMAD3 chez les lymphocytes T CD4 en sachant que SMAD3 était actif chez les lymphocytes T CD4 tolérants. Nous avons découvert que SMAD3 était rapidement inactivé après une activation des cellules T, suggérant que l’inactivation de SMAD3 était fonctionnellement importante pour briser l’état de tolérance. Des études de micro-puces d’ADNc nous ont montré que SMAD3 contrôlait en effet l’expression de nombreux transcrits de gènes connus comme étant reliés à la tolérance et/ou à des processus biologiques dont les rôles dans le maintien de la tolérance sont plausibles. / The injection of immuno-competent cells into a histo-incompatible host can result in the development of Graft-versus-Host disease (GVHD). GVHD is the most significant barrier to a more widespread use of allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (AHCT), a potent treatment for several diseases. A better understanding of the pathophysiological underpinnings of GVHD would facilitate the design of rational approaches to treat and prevent this complication of AHCT. Gamma-interferon (IFN-γ) and Transforming Growth Factor-beta (TGF-β) are master cytokines of immunity and have a role in the function and homeostasis of transplanted cells. Using a murine model, we show that IFN-γ curtails lympho-hamatopoitic reconstitution in a dose-dependent fashion by increasing apoptosis and by limiting donor cell proliferation. TGF-β is an immunosuppressive cytokine that controls immune cells through multiple signaling pathways. The relative contribution of these pathways in AHCT is unknown. We specifically studied the role of one of these pathways by transplanting SMAD3 deficient cells (SMAD3-KO) in histo-incompatible hosts. SMAD3 is a key mediator of the so-called canonical TGF-β signaling pathway. Although SMAD3-KO donor mice are healthy, the injection of SMAD3-KO cells leads to severe GVHD in the hosts, characterized by intestinal involvement associated with Th1 skewing and massive granulocyte infiltration. These findings hint at a crucial role for SMAD3 in CD4 T-cell and myeloid cell biology. We then focalized on the role of SMAD3 in CD4 T cells knowing that SMAD3 is active in tolerant, resting CD4 T cells. We found that SMAD3 was rapidly inactivated upon T cell activation, suggesting that SMAD3 inactivation was functionally important to break the state of tolerance. Our cDNA microarray experiments show that indeed, SMAD3 regulates the transcript levels of multiple genes known to be involved in T cell tolerance and in biological processes plausibly related to immune tolerance.

In vitro Osteokompatibilitätstestung strukturierter „Zirkoniummischoxidschichten“ in der humanen enoralen Knochenzellstruktur

Buttchereit, Ingo 09 April 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Mit zunehmender Etablierung der Implantattherapie im zahnärztlichen Alltag stellt die Reduzierung der Einheilzeit durch Oberflächenoptimierung eine der Hauptbestrebungen der forschenden Industrie dar. Dazu treten ästhetische Patientenwünsche nach „weißen“ Materialien, die am ehesten durch das jedoch frakturgefährdete Zirkonmischoxid zu realisieren sind. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Untersuchung der Osteokompatibilität verschiedener, metallener Probekörper mit „Zirkoniummischoxidbeschichtung“, in der humanen enoralen Knochenzellkultur. Unter Verwendung einer männlichen Knochenzellkultur über 10 Tage wurden die Expressionen der nonkollagenen Knochenmatrixproteine, Osteocalcin, Osteonectin und Bone Sialo Protein sowie des Wachstumsfaktors TGF-β auf 3 Standardoberflächen und 5 experimentell hergestellten Zirkoniummischoxidoberflächen bestimmt. Es galt zu ermitteln, ob die chemische Zusammensetzung und die Mikrostruktur der getesteten Probekörper Einfluss auf die Proteinexpression haben. Die gewonnenen Versuchsergebnisse lassen vermuten, dass vor allem die Oberflächenkonfigurationen der Experimentaloberflächen 3 (ZSG ½), 4 (ZS4-0,5) und 5 (ZS4-2) die Sekretion o.g. Knochenproteine im Vergleich zu den anderen Experimentaloberflächen sowie dem metallenen Positivstandard (PK7) und dem Negativstandard (PK8) begünstigen. Des Weiteren kann für den als keramischen Positivstandard verwendeten CERCON® Probekörper (PK6) auf Grund der Ergebnisse eine gute biologische Eignung in vitro angenommen werden. Von weiteren Versuchen, welche mit mind. 6 Probekörpern pro Standzeit und Marker durchgeführt werden sollten, lässt sich keine der verwendeten Experimentaloberflächen gerechtfertigt ausschließen.

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