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Influence des caractéristiques structurelles et morphologiques sur l'activité photocatalytique de films nanostructurés d'oxyde de titane obtenus par anodisation électrochimique : application à la photodégradation de la 4-nitroanilineAlshibeh alwattar, Nisreen 26 March 2012 (has links)
Cette étude avait pour objectif de développer un nouveau support photocatalytique pour des applications potentielles dans le domaine du traitement des eaux. Le choix s'est porté sur les nanotubes d'oxyde de titane (TiO2) et l'étude a plus particulièrement porté sur l'optimisation de leurs propriétés photocatalytiques vis-à-vis de la l'oxydation de solution aqueuse de composés azotés. Les nanotubes de TiO2 ont été préparés par anodisation électrochimique en faisant varier le potentiel appliqué, la durée d'anodisation, le pH et la viscosité du milieu électrolytique (milieu aqueux ou milieu glycérol), ainsi que la nature du substrat sur lequel étaient déposés ces nanotubes. Une fois anodisés, ces nanotubes amorphes et se présentant sous forme sous-stœchiométrique (O/Ti <2) ont été recuits à différentes températures afin d'obtenir des phases de TiO2 variées (anatase, anatase/rutile). Au cours de ces différentes étapes, les différents nanotubes obtenus ont été caractérisés morphologiquement et structurellement par analyses par diffraction des rayons X (DRX) et par microscopie électronique à balayage (MEB).L'activité photocatalytique de ces différents matériaux a été déterminée à partir des rendements de photodégradation d'un composé modèle, la 4-nitroaniline. Là aussi, différents facteurs ont été étudiés, à savoir le pH du milieu réactionnel, le type de lampe UV et les durées d'irradiation.Les résultats montrent que les performances photocatalytiques des nanotubes de TiO2 les meilleures sont obtenues lorsqu'ils sont déposés sur substrat de Ti massif, anodisés en solution aqueuse à 20 V et pendant 20 minutes, et recuits à 450 °C (structure anatase). / This study aimed to design a new photocatalytic support for potential uses in the field of water treatment. Titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanotubes were chosen and studied as a function of their photocatalytic properties towards nitrogenous compounds.TiO2 nanotubes were prepared by electrochemical anodization by varying the applied potential, anodization duration, pH and viscosity of the electrolytic medium (aqueous or glycerol medium), and by the nature of substrates where these nanotubes were deposited (titanium foil (Ti) or deposited on silicon (Ti / Si)). Once anodized, these amorphous and under-stoechiometric (O/Ti <2) were calcined at various temperatures in order to obtain different TiO2 phases (anatase or anatase/rutile). During these different steps, the whole nanotubes obtained were morphologically and structurally characterized par X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The photocatalytic activity of the different materials was determined from the photodegradation yields of a model compound, namely 4-nitroaniline. Here again, different factors were studied, such as pH of reaction medium, kind of UV lamps and irradiation durations. The results show that the best photocatalytic performances of TiO2 nanotubes were obtained when deposited on Ti foils, anodized in aqueous medium at 20 V and for 20 minutes, and calcined at 450 °C (anatase phase).
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Synthèse par électrodépôt en milieu liquide ionique de nanostructures de Si/TiO2, Al/TiO2 et Si-Al/TiO2 nanotubes pour électrode négative de batterie Li-ion. / Electrochemical synthesis of nanostructured Si/TiO2, Al/TiO2 and Si-Al/TiO2 nanotubes composite from ionic liquid electrolyte as negative electrode for Li-ion batteries.Nemaga, Abirdu woreka 29 January 2019 (has links)
Parmi les différents systèmes de stockage d’énergie électrique étudiés depuis plus de 2 siècles, le stockage électrochimique de type batterie Li-Ion est vraisemblablement le plus pertinent et le plus efficace. Des verrous demeurent cependant pour avoir des batteries Li-Ion répondants aux besoins actuels, et une des limitations provient des matériaux d’électrodes. Le silicium est un candidat de choix pour répondre aux problématiques batteries posées, cependant sa tenue au cyclage est courte et les méthodes de synthèse sont souvent très contraignantes. Associant deux laboratoires de recherche acteurs majeurs dans le domaines des nanosciences (le LRN à l’URCA) et des matériaux et batteries (le LRCS à l’UPJV) le projet pluridisciplinaire NanoSiBL d’une durée de 36 mois se fixe pour objectif d’apporter des solutions aux deux points précédents par : 1, la réalisation d’électrodes négatives en Silicium par une voie de synthèse bas coût originale et innovante développée au LRN (l’électrodépôt en milieu liquide ionique), 2 un accroissement de la durée de vie de l’électrode grâce à deux types de structuration (soit une électrode constituée de nanofils/nanotubes de Si monolithique soit une électrode nanostructurée composite de Si/TiO2). L’expertise dans le domaine des batteries du LRCS devrait permettre sur ce deuxième point de déterminer la géométrie et configuration idéale de l’électrode en termes de performance. Basé des méthodes d’élaboration par électrochimie bas coût et originale, NanoSiBL a pour objectif, grâce au partage de compétences et de technologie entre physiciens et chimistes impliqués, d’initier une nouvelle thématique inter-établissement axée sur la valorisation de nanostructures de silicium et silicium composite nanostructuré. L’intérêt scientifique de ce projet réside dans la mise en œuvre et le contrôle des propriétés intrinsèques de ces nanostructures à base de silicium pour la réalisation d’électrodes négatives performantes de batterie Li-Ion. Dans la littérature, les électrodes négatives à base silicium ou silicium composite (type Si/TiO2) ont déjà démontré une amélioration par rapport aux électrodes de silicium massif. Néanmoins, le passage à des dispositifs opérationnels reste peu fréquent car les voies permettant de contenir l’expansion en volume du silicium restent à éprouver et car les méthodes utilisées pour élaborer ces nanofils de silicium (Chemical Vapor Deposition, évaporation réactive…) restent très contraignantes, tant au niveau des conditions de croissance (nécessité d’utiliser des précurseurs métalliques et des gaz très toxiques) que des coûts de fabrication (travail sous ultra-vide, nombreuses étapes pour la réalisation des dispositifs avec la nécessité de réaliser des contacts post-croissance…). NanoSiBL propose donc une alternative en réelle rupture technologique avec les méthodes de synthèse actuelles. Les techniques de croissance (électrodépôt en liquide ionique) et de nanostructuration (au sein de membranes polycarbonates ou nanotubes de TiO2) utilisées dans le projet permettront la mise au point d’électrodes à bas coût performantes pour l’application batterie Li-Ion visée. En outre la variété conséquente de géométries possibles proposées par les membranes nanoporeuses qui seront utilisées dans le projet (polycarbonate ou nanotubes de TiO2) permettra d’établir un comparatif essentiel de l’impact de la nanostructuration ou encore de la composition des électrodes pour contenir l’expansion en volume du silicium lors du cyclage et ainsi améliorer la durée de vie de telles électrodes (batterie). / Among the various electric energy storage systems studied for more than two centuries, the electrochemical storage battery type Li-Ion is probably the most relevant and most effective. however locks remain for Li-Ion batteries respondents to current needs, and limitations comes from the electrode materials. Silicon is a prime candidate to meet the challenges posed batteries, however its resistance to cycling is short and synthesis methods are often very restrictive. Combining two research laboratories major players in the fields of nanoscience (the LRN to URCA) and materials and batteries (the LRCS to UPJV) the multidisciplinary project NanoSiBL a period of 36 months set the objective of provide solutions to the above two points: 1, the realization of negative electrodes in silicon by a synthetic route down original and innovative cost developed LRN (electrodeposition in ionic liquid medium), 2 increased lifetime of the electrode through two types of structuring (or one electrode made of nanowires / nanotubes Si monolithic or a composite nanostructured electrode Si / TiO2). The expertise in the field of LRCS of batteries should allow this second point to determine the geometry and ideal configuration of the electrode in terms of performance. Based methods developed by electrochemistry low cost and original NanoSiBL aims, through the sharing of expertise and technology between physicists and chemists involved, to initiate an inter-establishment new theme focused on valuation and silicon nanostructures composite nanostructured silicon. The scientific interest of this project lies in the implementation and control of the intrinsic properties of these nanostructures based on silicon for making efficient negative electrodes of Li-Ion battery. In the literature, the negative electrodes based on silicon or silicon composite (type Si / TiO2) have already demonstrated improvement compared to bulk silicon electrodes. However, the transition to operational devices remains uncommon for ways to contain the expansion in volume of the silicon are experiencing and because the methods used to develop these silicon nanowires (chemical vapor deposition, reactive evaporation ...) remain very restrictive both in terms of growth conditions (the need to use metal precursors and highly toxic gases) that manufacturing costs (labor UHV, many steps for the realization of devices with the need for contacts post- growth…). NanoSiBL proposes an alternative in real technological break with the current methods of synthesis. growth techniques (electrodeposition in ionic liquid) and nanostructuring (in polycarbonates or TiO2 nanotube membranes) used in the project will enable the development of electrodes at low cost efficient for application referred Li-Ion battery. Furthermore the consequent variety of possible geometries offered by the nanoporous membranes to be used in the project (polycarbonate or TiO2 nanotubes) will establish a critical comparison of the impact of the nanostructure or composition of electrodes to contain expansion by volume of the silicon during the cycling and improve the life of such electrodes (battery).
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Síntese e caracterização de diferentes óxidos de titânio por meio de rotas verdes / Characterizion of various environmentally friendly synthezied titanium oxidesLeite, Marina Moraes 06 August 2012 (has links)
Óxidos à base de titânio são estudados por suas diversas aplicações. Dentre eles, compostos com estrutura cristalina de perovskita apresentam propriedades elétricas diferenciadas. Ademais, os recém-descobertos nanotubos derivados de TiO2 por método hidrotérmico têm chamado a atenção dos pesquisadores por sua alta área superficial e fácil obtenção, embora ainda haja controvérsias sobre sua estrutura cristalina e a influência das condições de síntese. Com o desenvolvimento tecnológico, tornou-se fundamental a obtenção de materiais mais puros e com propriedades controladas, o que vem sendo alcançado através de rotas brandas, relacionadas à Química Doce. Simultaneamente, a preocupação ambiental vem influenciando as metodologias sintéticas através das diretrizes da Química Verde. Esta pesquisa visa: 1. caracterização de SrTiO3 obtido por rotas brandas - sal fundido, hidrotérmica, precipitação do sol e combustão. Os produtos foram caracterizados por análise de sorção de N2, DRX e termogravimetria, para a comparação de área superficial (BET), perfil de porosidade (DFT), composição cristalina e cristalinidade, tamanho de partículas e composição química. 2. exploração do sistema de nanotubos derivados de TiO2 pelo método hidrotérmico em NaOH 10 mol.L-1. Foram comparados quatro precursores (TiO2 amorfo, anatase e rutilo obtidos via precipitação de alcóxido, e o comercial P25), dois tempos de reação (24h e 72h), e o efeito de lavagem posterior com HCl. As amostras foram caracterizadas por DRX, área superficial (BET), perfil de porosidade (BJH), MEV e MET, além de espectroscopia Raman e TG e o efeito da temperatura na composição cristalina das amostras. A rota de precipitação do sol produziu SrTiO3 com maior grau de cristalinidade e de impurezas, sendo que sua área superficial diminuiu após tratamento a 400°C. Todos os produtos continham SrCO3, eliminado após 900°C. O método da combustão não formou o titanato. Nanotubos de comprimentos variados foram obtidos de todos os precursores cristalinos, sendo que rutilo não gerou outros tipos de nanoestruturas e os nanotubos mais longos. Além disso, foi o polimorfo que reagiu mais lentamente. O precursor amorfo gerou nanoestruturas semelhantes a nanofios. Foi observado que os nanotubos são compostos de titanatos de sódio lamelares, sendo esses cátions trocados por H+ pela lavagem dos pós com HCl. Essa troca iônica promove a diminuição da região interlamelar e o aumento da área superficial das amostras. / Titanium based oxides are studied for their wide range of applications. Among them, perovskite-like oxides show especial electrical properties. Furthermore, the recently discovered TiO2-derived nanotubes through hydrothermal process have been drawing researchers\' attention for their high surface area and because they can be easily obtained, although their crystal structure and the influence of condition synthesis still being point of controversy. Due to technological advances, the production of property-controlled, composition and phase pure materials has become crucial. These aims have been achieved by the employment of soft routes, related to Soft Chemistry synthesis. Simultaneously, environmental concerns have influenced synthetic methodologies through the Green Chemistry guidelines. This research aims: 1. characterizing of SrTiO3 synthesized by soft routes, namely molten salt synthesis, hydrothermal method, sol-precipitation process and combustion synthesis. The products were characterized by N2 sorption analysis, XRD and thermogravimetry in order to compare their surface area (BET), porous structure (DTF), chemical and crystal phase composition, crystallinity and particle size. 2. exploring the system of nanotubes hydrothermally derived from TiO2 in NaOH 10 mol.L-1. The effects of precursor type (amorphous TiO2, anatase and rutile obtained by alcoxide hydrolysis, and commercial P25), reaction time (24h and 72h), and acid washing treatment were compared. The samples were characterized by XRD, surface area (BET), porous structure (BJH), SEM and TEM, besides Raman spectroscopy, TG and temperature effect on the crystal composition. The sol-precipitation route produced the SrTiO3 sample with higher crystallinity and amount of impurities, while its surface area decreased on 400°C heat-treatment. All products showed SrCO3 presence up to 900°C. Combustion synthesis did not lead to the strontium titanate. Varied-length nanotubes and other nanostructures were obtained from all crystalline precursors, although rutile-derived samples showed only nanotubes, and the longest ones. On the other hand, this precursor reacted more slowly than the others. Amorphous TiO2 produced wire-like nanostructures. It has been observed that nanotubes are composed of lamellar sodium titanate, and that HCl washing promotes Na+ exchange for H+ ions. This ion-exchange leads to a decrease in the interlamellar spacing and an increase in the surface area of the samples.
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Density Functional Theory Investigation Of Tio2 Anatase NanosheetsSayin, Ceren Sibel 01 October 2009 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, the electronic properties of nanosheets derived from TiO2 anatase structure which acts as a photocatalyst, are investigated using the density functional theory. We examine bulk constrained properties of the nanosheets derived from the (001) surface and obtain their optimized geometries. We investigate properties of lepidocrocite-type TiO2 nanosheets and nanotubes of different sizes formed by rolling the lepidocrocite nanosheets. We show that the stability and the band gaps of the considered nanotubes increase with increasing diameter. We also study adsorption of
Aun clusters with (n=1,2,3,4) on the clean and oxygen depleted lepidocrocite surface. Through systematic investigation of various cases we conclude that Au preferres O
vacancy sites rather than clean surface in accordance with previous metal adsorption studies on TiO2 surfaces. For the clean surface, we observe that Au clusters with an odd number of atoms are weakly bonded and metallizes the system while even number of Au atoms results in small band gap semiconductors with relatively higher binding energies.
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Construção de microrreatores nanoestruturados para a degradação de diclofenaco sódico mediante fotocatálise heterogêneaCARNEIRO, José Vinícius Oliveira 01 September 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Fabio Sobreira Campos da Costa (fabio.sobreira@ufpe.br) on 2017-04-25T14:08:17Z
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DISSERTAÇÃO José Vinícius O. Carneiro-Final (BC).pdf: 3473579 bytes, checksum: 53d2c12ba53b539b7c125ce7329018ff (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-25T14:08:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
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DISSERTAÇÃO José Vinícius O. Carneiro-Final (BC).pdf: 3473579 bytes, checksum: 53d2c12ba53b539b7c125ce7329018ff (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-09-01 / Diante da necessidade de tratar os contaminantes emergentes (CEs) presentes em águas
residuais, o presente trabalho surge como uma rota alternativa de processo terciário a ser
implantada nas estações de tratamento de efluentes (ETEs) convencionais. A fotodegradação do
diclofenaco de sódio (DCF) mediante processos oxidativos avançados (POA), ocorreu via
fotocatálise heterogênea utilizando nanotubos de TiO2 (NTs de TiO2) como fotocatalisadores.
Empregou-se um reator em batelada com fotocatalisadores em placa (NTs de TiO2 e NTs de
TiO2-Au ) e um reator tubular carregado com um microrreator (fotocatalisador) dotado de NTs de
TiO2 sensibilizado ou não com nanopartículas de ouro (NPs Au). A síntese dos NTs de TiO2
ocorreu pelo processo de anodização utilizando como substrato folhas de titânio metálico (Ti). As
matrizes nanotubulares foram cristalizadas por tratamento térmico (400°C por 3h). A
sensibilização com NPs de Au foi realizada in situ por redução através da radiação UV. A
fotodegradação foi realizada a partir da irradiação do simulador solar NEWPORT modelo 67005
com uma lâmpada de Xenônio-Mercúrio (com potência calibrada para 1 SOL), na ausência ou
presença de filtro (UV ou visível). A fase cristalina anatase dos NTs de TiO2 foi identificada pela
difração de raios X (DRX). Foi estimada pelo refinamento de Rietveld uma cristalinidade de 77%
para a superfície fotocatalítica, com a anatase (NTs de TiO2 cristalizados) representando 92,4%
desta fase cristalina. A energia de band gap dos fotocatalisadores de 3,23 eV foi determinada pela
espectroscopia de reflectância difusa. Através da microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEVEDD)
foi possível visualizar para a folha de Ti lisa, estruturas cilíndricas dos NTs de TiO2 que
cresceram perpendicular ao substrato, apresentando um diâmetro médio de 78,87 nm e
comprimentos na ordem de 2 µm, no caso da folha de Ti ondulada os NTs de TiO2 cresceram em
direções variadas apresentando um diâmetro médio de 81,09 nm e comprimentos na ordem de 3
µm. A presença das NPs Au foi identificada pela espectroscopia de energia dispersiva (EDD). A
determinação e quantificação de produto e reagente da fotocatálise heterogênea na degradação do
DCF foram realizadas pela combinação de métodos analíticos (Cromatografia líquida de alta
eficiência, Ressonância Magnética e Infravermelho por transformada de Fourier), obtendo uma
conversão de 100% do DCF para testes no reator em batelada e de 37,0% no reator com
recirculação para o melhor sistema fotocatalítico. Foi estimado através da análise de carbono
orgânico total (COT) uma mineralização de 18,5% do DCF inicial para o sistema fotocatalítico
mais eficiente utilizando o reator com recirculação. A ecotoxicidade do DCF e seus produtos de
fotodegradação foi avaliada utilizando microcrustáceos (Artêmias Salinas) como bioindicador. / Faced with the need to address emerging contaminants (ECs) in waste water, this work
is an alternative route of tertiary process to be implemented in conventional wastewater treatment
plants (WTPs). Sodium diclofenac photodegradation (DCF) by advanced oxidation processes
(AOP), occurred via heterogeneous photocatalysis using TiO2 nanotubes (TiO2 NTs) as
photocatalysts. He employed a batch reactor with photocatalysts plate (TiO2 NTs and TiO2 - Au
NTs) and a tubular reactor charged with a microreactor (photocatalyst) having TiO2 NTs
sensitized or not with gold nanoparticles (NPs Au).
The synthesis of TiO2 NTs occurred by anodization process using as substrate sheets of metallic
titanium (Ti). The nanotubulares matrices were crystallized by heat treatment (400 ° C for 3h).
The sensitization Au NPs was performed in situ by reduction by UV radiation. The
photodegradation was carried from the irradiation NEWPORT solar simulator 67005 model with
a xenon-mercury lamp (calibrated power for 1 SUN) in the absence or presence of filter (UV or
visible). The anatase crystalline phase of TiO2 NTs was identified by X-ray diffraction (XRD). It
was estimated by Rietveld refinement a crystallinity of 77% at the photocatalytic surface with
anatase (TiO2 crystallized NTs) representing 92.4% of this crystalline phase. The energy band
gap of 3.23 eV photocatalysts was determined by diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. By scanning
electron microscopy (SEM-EDS) it was possible to view the Ti smooth sheet, cylindrical
structures of TiO2 NTs that grew perpendicular to the substrate, with an average diameter of
78.87 nm and lengths in 2 µm order, in the case of the corrugated Ti sheet the TiO2 NTs grew in
different directions with a mean diameter of 81.09 nm and lengths on the order of 3 µm. The
presence of NPs Au was identified by energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). The determination
and quantification of product and reactant of heterogeneous photocatalytic on the degradation of
DCF were performed by a combination of analytical methods (high-performance liquid
chromatography, Magnetic Resonance and Infrared Fourier transform ), whereby a conversion of
100 % DCF for testing in batch reactor and 37.0 % in the reactor for recirculating the best
photocatalytic system. It was estimated by analyzing total organic carbon (TOC) a mineralization
of 18.5 % of the initial DCF for more efficient photocatalyst system using the reactor with
recirculation. The ecotoxicity of DCF and its photodegradation products was evaluated using
microcrustaceans (Artemias Salinas) as bioindicator.
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Síntese e caracterização de diferentes óxidos de titânio por meio de rotas verdes / Characterizion of various environmentally friendly synthezied titanium oxidesMarina Moraes Leite 06 August 2012 (has links)
Óxidos à base de titânio são estudados por suas diversas aplicações. Dentre eles, compostos com estrutura cristalina de perovskita apresentam propriedades elétricas diferenciadas. Ademais, os recém-descobertos nanotubos derivados de TiO2 por método hidrotérmico têm chamado a atenção dos pesquisadores por sua alta área superficial e fácil obtenção, embora ainda haja controvérsias sobre sua estrutura cristalina e a influência das condições de síntese. Com o desenvolvimento tecnológico, tornou-se fundamental a obtenção de materiais mais puros e com propriedades controladas, o que vem sendo alcançado através de rotas brandas, relacionadas à Química Doce. Simultaneamente, a preocupação ambiental vem influenciando as metodologias sintéticas através das diretrizes da Química Verde. Esta pesquisa visa: 1. caracterização de SrTiO3 obtido por rotas brandas - sal fundido, hidrotérmica, precipitação do sol e combustão. Os produtos foram caracterizados por análise de sorção de N2, DRX e termogravimetria, para a comparação de área superficial (BET), perfil de porosidade (DFT), composição cristalina e cristalinidade, tamanho de partículas e composição química. 2. exploração do sistema de nanotubos derivados de TiO2 pelo método hidrotérmico em NaOH 10 mol.L-1. Foram comparados quatro precursores (TiO2 amorfo, anatase e rutilo obtidos via precipitação de alcóxido, e o comercial P25), dois tempos de reação (24h e 72h), e o efeito de lavagem posterior com HCl. As amostras foram caracterizadas por DRX, área superficial (BET), perfil de porosidade (BJH), MEV e MET, além de espectroscopia Raman e TG e o efeito da temperatura na composição cristalina das amostras. A rota de precipitação do sol produziu SrTiO3 com maior grau de cristalinidade e de impurezas, sendo que sua área superficial diminuiu após tratamento a 400°C. Todos os produtos continham SrCO3, eliminado após 900°C. O método da combustão não formou o titanato. Nanotubos de comprimentos variados foram obtidos de todos os precursores cristalinos, sendo que rutilo não gerou outros tipos de nanoestruturas e os nanotubos mais longos. Além disso, foi o polimorfo que reagiu mais lentamente. O precursor amorfo gerou nanoestruturas semelhantes a nanofios. Foi observado que os nanotubos são compostos de titanatos de sódio lamelares, sendo esses cátions trocados por H+ pela lavagem dos pós com HCl. Essa troca iônica promove a diminuição da região interlamelar e o aumento da área superficial das amostras. / Titanium based oxides are studied for their wide range of applications. Among them, perovskite-like oxides show especial electrical properties. Furthermore, the recently discovered TiO2-derived nanotubes through hydrothermal process have been drawing researchers\' attention for their high surface area and because they can be easily obtained, although their crystal structure and the influence of condition synthesis still being point of controversy. Due to technological advances, the production of property-controlled, composition and phase pure materials has become crucial. These aims have been achieved by the employment of soft routes, related to Soft Chemistry synthesis. Simultaneously, environmental concerns have influenced synthetic methodologies through the Green Chemistry guidelines. This research aims: 1. characterizing of SrTiO3 synthesized by soft routes, namely molten salt synthesis, hydrothermal method, sol-precipitation process and combustion synthesis. The products were characterized by N2 sorption analysis, XRD and thermogravimetry in order to compare their surface area (BET), porous structure (DTF), chemical and crystal phase composition, crystallinity and particle size. 2. exploring the system of nanotubes hydrothermally derived from TiO2 in NaOH 10 mol.L-1. The effects of precursor type (amorphous TiO2, anatase and rutile obtained by alcoxide hydrolysis, and commercial P25), reaction time (24h and 72h), and acid washing treatment were compared. The samples were characterized by XRD, surface area (BET), porous structure (BJH), SEM and TEM, besides Raman spectroscopy, TG and temperature effect on the crystal composition. The sol-precipitation route produced the SrTiO3 sample with higher crystallinity and amount of impurities, while its surface area decreased on 400°C heat-treatment. All products showed SrCO3 presence up to 900°C. Combustion synthesis did not lead to the strontium titanate. Varied-length nanotubes and other nanostructures were obtained from all crystalline precursors, although rutile-derived samples showed only nanotubes, and the longest ones. On the other hand, this precursor reacted more slowly than the others. Amorphous TiO2 produced wire-like nanostructures. It has been observed that nanotubes are composed of lamellar sodium titanate, and that HCl washing promotes Na+ exchange for H+ ions. This ion-exchange leads to a decrease in the interlamellar spacing and an increase in the surface area of the samples.
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Nanostructuration et fonctionnalisation de microleviers pour la détection d’agents chimiques à l’état de traces / Nanostructuration and functionalization of microcantilevers for the detection of trace chemicals agentsGerer, Geoffrey 01 March 2019 (has links)
Le développement d’un système de détection sensible, sélectif, rapide, fiable et portable à coût modéré est devenu une nécessité pour prévenir le risque chimique lors d’attaques operationnelles ou terroristes potentielles. Ainsi, ce projet porte sur l’élaboration d’un capteur pour la détection d’agents chimiques de guerre de type organophosphorés (Sarin, Tabun, Soman, VX). L’utilisation de microleviers comme capteur pour augmenter la sensibilité est une méthode prometteuse. La surface faible des microleviers conventionnels limite, la sensibilité de la méthode. Ainsi, pour augmenter la surface de capture, nous avons crée un réseau de nanotubes de TiO2 verticalement alignés. Cette nanostructuration est réalisée par une anodisation électrochimique d’une couche de titane pour obtenir les nanotubes de TiO2. L’influence des paramètres du dépôt de titane et de l’anodisation a été optimisée sur des surfaces modèles puis les conditions ont été transferées sur les microleviers. Afin d’augmenter la sélectivité des capteurs (mais aussi la sensibilité) une fonctionnalisation a été réalisée avec une famille originale de ligands bifonctionnels capables de promouvoir la reconnaissance moléculaire des composés organophosphorés cibles et adaptés à la liaison avec une surface de TiO2. / The development of a sensitive, selective, fast, reliable, and moderate cost portable detection system has become a necessity to prevent chemical risk during operational or terrorist attacks. Thus, this project is focused on the elaboration of sensor for the detection of chemical warfare agents (Sarin, Tabun, Soman, VX). The use of microcantilevers as sensors is a promising method to increase sensitivity of detection. The low surface area of conventional microcantilevers limits the sensitivity of the method. Thus, to increase the surface of capture, we create a nanotubular titanium oxide structures. This nanostructuration is performed by anodization of titanium layer to obtain titania nanotubes. The influence of Ti deposition and anodization parameters was studied and the synthesis was optimized onto model surfaces, then beeing transferred to the microcantilevers. In order to increase the selectivity (but also sensitivity) of the sensors functionalization has been carried out with an original family of bifunctional ligands able to promote the molecular recognition of target organophosphorus compounds and suitable for the binding with a TiO2 surface.
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Мемристивный эффект в сэндвич-структуре металл/полупроводник/металл на основе анодированного диоксида титана : магистерская диссертация / Memristive effect in metal/semiconductor/metal sandwich structure based on anodized titaniaДорошева, И. Б., Dorosheva, I. B. January 2016 (has links)
Объектом исследования являются структуры металл/полупроводник/металл на основе анодированных слоев диоксида титана толщиной от 60 до 500 нм с диаметром нанотрубок от 30 до 60 нм, полученных во фторсодержащем растворе.
Цель работы – исследование влияния толщины оксидного слоя, материала электрода и его площади на процессы резистивного переключения сэндвич-структур Ti/TiO2/Ме на основе нанотубулярного диоксида титана.
Синтезированы сэндвич-структуры Ti/TiO2-НТ/Au и Ti/TiO2-НТ/Ag с диаметрами мемристивных элементов ≈ 100 мкм и ≈ 5,5 мм. Аттестация образцов проведена методами растровой электронной и оптической микроскопии, рентгенофазового анализа и спектроскопии комбинационного рассеяния. Исследованы ВАХ сфабрикованных структур в полных циклах резистивного переключения и в процессах, симулирующих многократное считывание информации. Получено, что микромемристор Ti/TiO2-НТ/Au с толщиной оксидного слоя 160 нм имеет наилучшие характеристики биполярного переключения среди исследованных. Продемонстрирована работоспособность структуры на протяжении 17 тыс. циклов переключения. Сделан вывод о возможности использования микромемристоров Ti/TiO2-НТ/Au в качестве перспективных элементов резистивной памяти. / The object of investigation of metal/semiconductor/metal structures based on the anodized layer of titanium dioxide. Ones are 60 – 500 nm thick with 30 – 60 nm diameter of nanotubes obtained in fluorine-containing solution.
The goal of this paper is to investigate the effect of oxide layer thickness, its electrode material and the area on resistive switching processes in sandwich Ti/TiO2/Me nanotubular structures based on titanium dioxide.
Sandwich structures of Ti/TiO2-NT/Au and Ti/TiO2-NT/Ag with diameters of memristive elements about 5.5 mm and 100 µm have been synthesized. Characterization of samples was carried out by scanning electron and optical microscopy, X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. CVC fabricated structures in the full cycle of the resistive switching and processes simulating multiple reading of information were studied. It was found that Ti/TiO2-NT/Au micromemristor with a thickness of the oxide layer about 160 nm has the best bipolar switching characteristics among studied samples. Structure performance within 17 thousands switching cycles was demonstrated. It is concluded that Ti/TiO2-NT/Au micromemristors were proved to be promising resistive memory elements.
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Ultrafast spectroscopy of charge separation, transport and recombination processes in functional materials for thin-film photovoltaicsWehrenfennig, Christian January 2014 (has links)
Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) and perovskite solar cells are emerging as promising potential low-cost alternatives to established crystalline silicon photovoltaics. Of the employed functional materials, however, many fundamental optoelectronic properties governing photovoltaic device operation are not sufficiently well understood. This thesis reports on a series of studies using ultrafast THz and photoluminescence spectroscopy on two classes of such materials, providing insight into the dynamics of charge-transport and recombination processes following photoexcitation. For TiO<sub>2</sub>-nanotubes, which have been proposed as easy-to-fabricate electron transporters for DSSCs, fast, shallow electron trapping is identified as a limiting factor for efficient charge collection. Trapping lifetimes are found to be about an order of magnitude shorter than in the prevalently employed sintered nanoparticles under similar excitation conditions and trap saturation effects are not observed, even at very high excitation densities. In organo-lead halide perovskites - specifically CH<sub>3</sub>NH<sub>3</sub>PbI<sub>3</sub> and CH<sub>3</sub>NH<sub>3</sub>PbI<sub>3-x</sub>Cl<sub>x</sub>, which have only recently emerged as highly efficient absorbers and charge transporters for thin-film solar cells, carrier mobilities and fundamental recombination dynamics are revealed. Extremely low bi-molecular recombination rates at least four orders of magnitude below the prediction of Langevin's model are found as well as relatively high charge-carrier mobilities in comparison to other solution-processable materials. Furthermore a very low influence of trap-mediated recombination channels was observed. Due to a combination of these factors, diffusion lengths reach hundreds of nanometres for CH<sub>3</sub>NH<sub>3</sub>PbI<sub>3</sub> and several microns for CH<sub>3</sub>NH<sub>3</sub>PbI<sub>3-x</sub>Cl<sub>x</sub>. These results are shown to hold for both, solution processed and vapour-deposited CH<sub>3</sub>NH<sub>3</sub>PbI<sub>3-x</sub>Cl<sub>x</sub> and underline the superb suitability of the materials as absorbers in solar cells, even in planar heterojunction architectures. The THz-frequency spectrum of the conductivity of the investigated perovskites is consistent with Drude-like charge transport additionally exhibiting weak signatures of phonon coupling. These coupling effects are also reflected in the luminescence of CH<sub>3</sub>NH<sub>3</sub>PbI<sub>3-x</sub>Cl<sub>x</sub>, where they are believed to be the cause of the observed homogeneous spectral broadening. Further photoluminescence measurements were performed at temperatures between 4 K and room temperature to study the nature of recombination pathways in the material.
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Síntese e caracterização de eletrodos de TiO2/WO3, nanotubos de TiO2/WO3 e nanotubos de TiO2/titanato para aplicação no tratamento fotoeletrocatalítico dos interferentes endócrinos bisfenol-A e propil / Synthesis and characterization of TiO2/ WO3, TiO2 nanotubes/WO3 and TiO2 nanotubes/titanate electrodes for application in the photoelectrocatalytic treatment of the endocrine desruptors bisphenol-A and propylparabenAlysson Stefan Martins 26 October 2017 (has links)
Tecnologias efetivas para o tratamento de águas e efluentes representam um dos grandes desafios da nossa sociedade; dentre as opções, a fotoeletrocatálise pode ser considerada como uma técnica alternativa e de interesse. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver eletrodos de TiO2 modificados visando o tratamento fotoeletrocatalítico de interferentes endócrinos. Realizou-se inicialmente a síntese de nanotubos de TiO2 (TiO2-NT) sobre substrato de Ti metálico via anodização eletroquímica em eletrólito NaH2PO4/HF. Para minimizar as limitações inerentes ao TiO2 realizou-se a eletrodeposição de WO3 sobre os nanotubos de TiO2 (Ti/TiO2-NT/WO3) e diretamente sobre o substrato de Ti metálico. Este último revelou a formação de uma camada fina de TiO2 sobre a superfície, posterior ao tratamento térmico, formando um compósito (Ti/TiO2/WO3). A análise de difração de raios-X confirmou a formação da fase monoclínica de WO3 para ambas as sínteses e a fase anatase para os eletrodos de Ti/TiO2-NT/WO3. Para as duas sínteses, as medidas de energia dispersiva de raios-X revelaram uma quantidade crescente de W na composição dos eletrodos com o aumento do tempo de eletrodeposição. Teores elevados de W (acima de 1,2 %) apresentaram uma diminuição expressiva nos valores de fotocorrente. No entanto, baixos teores de W (entre 0,4 e 1,2 %) indicaram um aumento de 20 % nos valores de fotocorrente para os eletrodos de Ti/TiO2-NT/WO3 (20 mA cm-2) e Ti/TiO2/WO3 (17 mA cm-2) comparados aos não modificados, no potencial de +2,0 V. As análises de reflectância difusa mostraram uma baixa energia de bandgap (≈ 2,90 eV, eletrodos de Ti/TiO2-NT/WO3) e um aumento na absorção da irradiação UV-Vis. Posteriormente, os eletrodos modificados foram aplicados na oxidação fotoeletrocatalítica (FE) dos compostos bisfenol-A (BPA) e propilparabeno (PPB), sob irradiação UV-Vis. O método FE apresentou um excelente desempenho em condições ácidas, aplicando-se potencial de +1,50 V e +0,50 V para os eletrodos Ti/TiO2-NT/WO3 e Ti/TiO2/WO3, respectivamente. A mineralização dos compostos BPA e PPB foi superior a 80 % tanto para o Ti/TiO2-NT/WO3 como para o Ti/TiO2/WO3. Quanto à taxa de remoção, o BPA e PPB foram completamente removidos após 45 e 60 min, respectivamente, para os eletrodos de Ti/TiO2/WO3 e após 30 minutos para os eletrodos de Ti/TiO2-NT/WO3. Adicionalmente, os eletrodos apresentaram um baixo consumo energético e boa estabilidade química. Comparada à técnica de fotocatálise (FC), a FE revelou uma eficiência de mineralização 2 vezes superior para o Ti/TiO2-NT/WO3 e mais de 20 % superior para o Ti/TiO2/WO3. Logo, as modificações dos eletrodos de TiO2 com WO3 constituíram importantes contribuições para o desempenho dos materiais, sendo um passo importante para a aplicação em tratamentos alternativos de descontaminação de águas residuárias. Ainda foi de interesse neste trabalho propor um método para a inserção de nanotubos (TiNT) e nanofolhas (TiNS) de titanatos no interior de nanotubos de TiO2 via eletroforese. O estudo possibilitou o desenvolvimento de um método simples e eficiente para a modificação de nanoestruturas complexas. A movimentação do contra eletrodo sobre a superfície do eletrodo de trabalho, adaptado com uma escova nas laterais, reduziu a espessura da camada de TiNS/TiNT. O potencial aplicado (20 V) e a estimulação mecânica da superfície foram importantes para a incorporação das nanoestruturas dentro dos poros de TiO2-NTs. Como resultado, os eletrodos apresentaram um aumento da hidrofobicidade e uma melhora na capacidade de oxidação direta comparado ao eletrodo não modificado. / Effective technologies for the water and wastewater treatment represent a challenges for our society; among the options, the photoelectrocatalysis can be considered a promising and interesting alternative. In this context, the objective of this study was to develop modified TiO2 electrodes for the photoelectrocatalytic treatment of endocrine disruptors. The synthesis of TiO2 nanotubes (TiO2-NT) on metallic Ti substrate was carried out via electrochemical anodization in NaH2PO4 /HF electrolyte. In order to minimize the limitations inherent of TiO2, the electrodeposition of WO3 was performed on the TiO2 nanotubes (Ti/TiO2-NT/WO3) and also in the metallic Ti substrate. The deposition on the Ti metallic produced a thin layer of TiO2 on the surface, subsequent to the heat treatment, generating a composite (Ti/TiO2/WO3). The X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) confirmed the monoclinic phase of WO3 for both the syntheses and the anatase phase of TiO2 for the Ti/TiO2-NT/WO3 electrodes. For the two syntheses, the X-ray dispersive energy (EDX) analisys indicated an increasing amount of tungsten (W) in the composition of the electrodes with increasing of electrodeposition time. High W content (above 1.2%) showed a significant decrease in the photocurrent values. However, low content of W (between 0.4 and 1.2 %) indicated an increase of 20 % in the photocurrent values for the electrodes Ti/TiO2-NT/WO3 (20 mA cm-2) and Ti/TiO2/WO3 (17 mA cm-2) compared to the unmodified ones, at the potential of +2.0 V. Difuse reflectance analysis indicated low bandgap energy (≈ 2.90 eV, Ti/TiO2-NT/WO3 electrodes) and an increase in the UV-Vis irradiation absorption. The best electrodes modified with WO3 to the both syntheses were applied in the photoelectrocatalytic oxidation (PEC) of bisphenol-A (BPA) and propylparaben (PPB) compounds, under UV-Vis irradiation. The PEC method presented an excellent performance in acidic conditions, applying a bias potential of +1.50 V and +0.50 V for Ti/TiO2-NT/WO3 and Ti/TiO2/WO3 electrodes, respectively. The mineralization of BPA and PPB compounds was greater than 80% for both Ti/TiO2-NT/WO3 and Ti/TiO2/WO3. In relation to the removal rate, BPA and PPB were completely removed after 45 and 60 min, respectively, for Ti/TiO2/WO3 electrodes and after 30 minutes for Ti/TiO2-NT/WO3 electrodes. Additionally, the electrodes presented a low energy consumption and good chemical stability. Compared to the photocatalysis (PC), the PEC was 2 times higher to the mineralization efficiency for Ti/TiO2-NT/WO3 and almost 20% higher for Ti/TiO2/WO3. Thus, the modifications of the TiO2 electrodes with WO3 represent an important contribution to the performance of materials and, therefore, a positive step for the application in alternative treatments of decontamination of wastewater. It was also of interest in this work to propose a new method for the insertion of nanotubes (TiNT) and nanosheets (TiNS) of titanates inside of TiO2 nanotubes via electrophoretic deposition. In this study was developed a simple and efficient method for the modification of complex nanostructures. The movement of the counter electrode on the surface of the working electrode, adapted with a brush on the edges, reduced the thickness of the TiNS/TiNT layer. The potential applied (20 V) and the mechanical stimulation in the surface were important for the incorporation of TiNS/TiNT into the pores of TiO2-NTs. As a result, the electrodes increased the hydrophobicity and an improvement to the direct oxidation capacity compared to the unmodified electrode.
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