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The Effect Of Student Default Rates For The Underprivileged: Engaging The UniversityNapier, Katherine 07 June 2014 (has links)
As the cost of higher education continues to grow at astounding rates, research shows that, in most cases, students and their families face some level of debt to pay for their undergraduate degrees (Layman, 2011). This research study will use an engaged scholarship approach to address the reason some students repay their educational debt and some students’ intent to repay their debt is quite different from the desired behavior. Additionally, we review the factors that affect students from underprivileged socioeconomic backgrounds that are, unfortunately, the largest contributor of delinquent student loan debt. Specifically, this study will identify elements using qualitative measures that influence the student’s intent and behavior to act that will assist universities in policy development to change the perceived value and the academic sustainability of the student while understanding the student’s behavior related to socioeconomic barriers and self-sacrificing influences.
Additionally, two theories are used as lenses to ground this study. The theory of reasoned action (Fishbein & Ajzen, 2010) is used as the focal theory, and place attachment theory (Scannell & Gifford, 2010) is used as an instrumental theory. The empirical results of this study offer factors that influence educational debt repayment and policy design.
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A crime novel (title redacted): from theory to publicationJohnston, Paul January 2014 (has links)
The first part of the thesis comprises Chapters 1 to 40 of the novel, written under a pseudonym, followed by a synopsis of the remaining chapters, 41 to 155. The potential jacket copy will refer to the protagonists, a male and a female detective. The second part of the thesis is a critical study of the novel. Literary theory and critical methods are used to investigate the writing process and to explicate the text’s layers of meaning, not all of which were clear to the author at the time of writing. Chapter 1 considers literary and creative writing theory, paying particular attention to conceptualisations of author and reader. In Chapter 2, the chosen pseudonym is explained and compared with those of other authors; the novel’s title is also examined. Chapter 3 covers the issue of genre, looking at theories and discussing both crime novel and Gothic fiction. In Chapter 4, critical approaches to character are applied. Chapter 5 does the same with plot. Chapters 6 and 7 take account of the manifestations of power. Chapter 6 covers the body and gender, while Chapter 7 deals with race and class. As a conclusion, Chapter 8 describes how the first draft was transformed to one acceptable for publication.
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A Study of Title III, Higher Education Act of 1965, and an Evaluation of Its Impact at Selected Predominantly Black CollegesGupta, Bhagwan Swarup, 1940- 12 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to describe the passage of the Higher Education Act of 1965, and to evaluate faculty development programs at selected black institutions in light of the objectives and guidelines established for the use of Title III funds.
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Reproductive Freedom in the United States and Louisiana: An Assessment of the Last Decade, a Review of the Current Climate, And a Scenario for the FutureGranger, Amy 20 December 2009 (has links)
Government began legislating abortion in the mid nineteenth century and has controlled access to this service for women ever since. With the creation of hospital boards after WWII, state control over access became further entrenched. Regulations and restrictions since Roe v. Wade limit the availability of abortion services for women served by Medicaid and other social assistance programs. The existence of a class bias around access can be seen throughout the topic's history and legislation has unfairly targeted and therefore disproportionately affects poor women. The data show that these restrictions have no impact on the number of unintended pregnancies over the last 20 plus years. Without the ability to personally fund the procedure, poor women do not enjoy the same choices as women in other social classes. In the next decade, we are likely to experience more of the same without having a realistic conversation about Medicaid funding of abortion.
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Educação de crianças e jovens nas academias militares do Conde de Resende (Rio de Janeiro: 1792 - 1801) / Education of poor children and young people in the Resendes Count Academies (Rio de Janeiro: 1792-1801)Cardoso, Maria Luiza 03 July 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho trata da educação de crianças e jovens pobres na Real Academia de Fortificação, Artilharia e Desenho da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, criada em 1792, pelo 2º. Conde de Resende, e na Academia de Aritmética, Geometria Pratica, Fortificação, Desenho e Língua Francesa para Oficiais de Infantaria, criada em 1795, também pelo referido Conde. Dentre outras fontes de pesquisa utilizadas, o trabalho se baseia principalmente num mappa dos nomes, idades e observaçoens dos alumnos relativo à última academia, datado de 31 de Dezembro de 1798, descoberto no Arquivo Histórico Militar, quando da realização de um estágio de doutoramento em Portugal, financiado pela CAPES. A pesquisa teve como objetivos identificar por que e como (metodologia) se desenvolveram as ações educativas nessas instituições; caracterizar os alunos que freqüentavam esses ambientes educacionais, bem como seus professores; identificar os conteúdos escolares que eram abordados nessas situações de aprendizagem; verificar o material didático empregado na instrução; identificar maneiras de avaliar o desempenho escolar dos alunos e professores; analisar a legislação educacional existente; verificar diferenças no tratamento dispensado às crianças e aos jovens de origem nobre e aos filhos de militares, com relação aos militares das mesmas faixas etárias, oriundos das outras classes sociais; e identificar possíveis contribuições que as Academias possam ter oferecido à educação e à sociedade brasileira. / This thesis is about the education of poor children and young people in the Academy of Fortification, Artillery, and Draw of the Rio de Janeiros city, that began to work in 1792, and was created by the Second Resendes Count, and the Academy of Arithmetic, Geometry, Fortification, Draw and French Language for Infantry Officers, created in 1795, also by the Count. Among many documents and books, this work was done based in a map that contains names, ages, and observations of the students related to the last academy, dated from December 31st, 1798, that was discovered in the Military History Archive, when the realization of a doctors training in Portugal, paid by CAPES. The investigation tries to present the reasons of the creation, and how was developed the education actions in these institutions; characterized the students that frequented theses educational places, and also their teachers; identify the schools contents that were teaching; verify the teaching materials that were used in the instructions; identify the evaluations methods for students and teachers; analyze the educational documents and laws of these academies; verify differences between the treatment dispensed to the poor and to the rich students; and identify possible contributions to the education and the american society.
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RESIST, OCCUPY, and PRODUCE: The Evolution of Autonomous Struggle in ArgentinaBlair, James January 2007 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Deborah Levenson / The emergence of the concept of Fair Trade has inspired a new form of supply-determination by socially conscious consumers. Since it began official certification, Fair Trade has served as a tool to curb the exploitation of labor. It has also promoted direct connections between vendors and producers, organized participatory democracy, continuity in trade relations, respect for the environment, movement toward equal status of gender, and living wages for workers. Small family farmers now produce over 51 percent of coffee in the world, and 90 percent of the world's cocoa. With a History Honors Thesis, I seek to examine the use of worker-owned recuperated factories of Argentina for the production of Fair Trade footwear and apparel. Such factories require more complicated chains of supply (primary materials, numerous factories for production, contractors, transportation, warehouses, and retail) than primary materials such as coffee. Started in the 1980s, the recuperated factories in Argentina may provide the complex links to a sweatshop-free market, which have been lacking. The experiment has exploded to about 180 businesses since an economic crisis in 2001 forced owners to flee and workers to gain expropriation, half through legislation and half through occupation, according to journalist Andrés Ruggeri. My project seeks to investigate whether chains of production and distribution of complex Fair Trade certified or sweatshop-free products, using recuperated factories in Argentina, could serve as an economic alternative for manufactured Fair Trade products. By pursuing in-depth research on this project and understanding porteño culture and labor struggles, I have built a strong foundation for a thesis. My independent study project for the School for International Training during my Fall 2005 semester abroad in the Southern Cone (Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Brazil) became my passion and provides preliminary background information. Basing the project on interviews I had conducted with workers from ceramics, textile, and shoe recuperated factories all over, I found evidence of new supply chains with words from key leaders like Raul Godoy, Vasco Abelli, and Luis Caro (Control Obrero, El Movimiento Nacional de Empresas Recuperadas, and El Movimiento Nacional de Fábricas Recuperadas por los Trabajadores). I also became personally involved in the network of founders of current trade groups based in Argentina, with whom I will consult for my work on the History Honors Thesis. Building directly on research interests, and especially the interviews that I conducted in my semester in Argentina, I will address the complexities of the philosophical foundations, key figures, and actions that have comprised the vast history of labor in Argentina from its pre-capitalist mutuales artisan communities up to the contemporary situation with close academic mentorship from Professor Levenson. With plentiful sources of information, I will document each prospective or current deal to produce for Fair Trade distributors, develop an understanding of which products are feasible for ethical supply chains, analyze the success of such collaborations with new distributors, and compare and contrast them with business for former or other clients. Portions of the movement vary in ideology and vision, but all seek to maintain relations with former distributors. The primary concern is surviving and gaining expropriation, but the movement is witnessing a series of new strong inter-relations and projects for Fair Trade. There is a hopeful outlook for the recuperated factories, and integration into a Fair Trade market is a feasible goal for the next era (2006-2011) of the movement. / Thesis (BA) — Boston College, 2007. / Submitted to: Boston College. College of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: History. / Discipline: History Honors Program.
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Comportamento in vitro de explantes de matrizes de cenoura (Daucus carota L.) tratadas com variáveis níveis de potássio. / In vitro behaviour of explants from potassium treated carrot matrixes (daucus carota l.).Amaral, Antonio Francisco de Campos 01 July 2003 (has links)
O crescimento de plantas, órgãos, tecidos e células in vitro depende do desenvolvimento de meios de cultura otimizados para a perfeita interação de componentes essenciais como fitorreguladores, fonte de carbono e nutrientes minerais. Os fatores que limitam o crescimento de órgãos ou tecido in vitro são similares a aqueles que limitam o crescimento in vivo. Com o objetivo de testar a influência do estado nutricional de plantas matrizes de cenoura Daucus carota Link em potássio na morfogênese in vitro, plantas obtidas de sementes germinadas em substrato e cultivadas em vasos com areia em condições de casa de vegetação, foram submetidas a tratamentos com soluções nutritivas contendo variáveis níveis de potássio. Decorridos 30 e 60 dias de tratamento, explantes dessas plantas (internódios) foram coletados, desinfetados e inoculados em meio de cultura sólido de MS contendo também diferentes concentrações de potássio e acrescido de 0,1mg.L -1 da auxina 2,4-D buscando indução de calogênese na ausência de luz. Diferenciação celular via embriogênese somática foi conseguida em ausência de auxina em condições de fotoperíodo de 16/8 horas (claro/escuro). A avaliação da calogênese foi feita aos 60 dias após a inoculação, com base na massa de matéria fresca e seca dos calos formados por explante. A avaliação da diferenciação celular (número de plantas/explante) e taxa de diferenciação celular (número de plantas/g de matéria seca de calos) foi realizada após 30 dias de cultivo em condições de luz. A indução de calogênese e crescimento celular nos explantes de matrizes tratadas foi influenciada pelo tratamento pelos níveis de K + na solução nutritiva e pela duração dos tratamentos. Explantes de matrizes tratadas com alta concentração de K + resultaram em indução e crescimento de calos em matéria fresca e seca inversamente proporcional à concentração de K + no meio de cultura tanto para tratamento por 30 dias como para 60 dias. Tratamentos de curta duração (30 dias) com altos níveis de K + nas soluções nutritivas e baixos níveis de K + no meio de cultura influenciaram negativamente a regeneração de plantas (nº plantas/explante) nos calos dos explantes das matrizes tratadas. No entanto, taxas mais altas de diferenciação celular (nº plantas/g de matéria seca de calos) ocorreram nos calos de explantes de matrizes tratadas por 30 dias com solução nutritiva contendo maiores níveis de potássio e inoculados em meio de cultura contendo concentrações iguais ou maiores de que a do meio MS. / The growth of plants, organs, tissues and cells in vitro culture depends on the development of optimized culture medium for the perfect interaction among essential components such as phytoregulators, carbon source and minerals nutrients. The factors limiting the growth of organs or tissues in vitro conditions are similar to those limiting growth in vivo conditions. The objective of this work was aimed at studying the influence of the potassium nutritional status of matrixes plants of carrot Daucus carota Link on the in vitro morphogenesis. Matrixes plants were obtained from seeds germinated in organic substratum and cultivated in plastic pots containing washed sand in greenhouse conditions. The matrixes plants were then submitted to treatments with nutrients solutions containing variable potassium levels. After 30 and 60 days treatment, explants (internodes) were collected, disinfested and inoculated in solid culture medium of Murashige and Skoog (MS) containing different potassium concentrations and supplemented with 0,1mg.L -1 of 2,4-D for callogenesis induction in dark conditions. Cell differentiation by somatic embryogenesis was pursued by culturing the calli in auxina-free same culture medium in growth room under photoperiod of 16/8 hours (light/dark). The evaluation of the callogenesis induction and cell growth was carried out 60 days after explants inoculation, based on the mass of fresh and dry matter accumulation on each explant. The evaluation of cell differentiation (plant formed/explant) and of cell differentiation rate (number of plants formed/g of dry matter of callus) was carried after 30 days of culturing under light conditions. Callogenesis induction and cell growth on the explants of treated matrixes plants were affected by the potassium treatment levels in the nutrient solution and by the duration of the treatments. Explants from treated plants with the higher K + concentrations showed callus induction and growth inversely proportional to the concentration of K + in the culture medium for both (30 and 60 days) treatment duration. However the callogenesis accumulated after 60 days treatment was twice as much as that of 30 days treatments. Short time treatments duration (30 days) with higher levels of K + in the nutrient solutions and low concentrations of K + in the culture medium influenced the cell differentiation negatively (nº plants/explant) in the callus of the explants from treated plants. Cells from calli induced on explants from matrixes plants for 30 days were more morphogenic than the cells in the 60 days treatment where high callogenesis was observed. Also better cell differentiation rate was observed on calli induced on explants from treated matrixes plants with nutrient solutions containing the highest potassium levels and inoculated on MS culture medium containing highest potassium concentrations.
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Endereçamento por título: uma forma de encaminhamento multicast para a próxima geração de redes de computadores. / Addressing by title: enabling multicast to the next generation of computers networks.Silva, Flávio de Oliveira 03 October 2013 (has links)
A Internet foi projetada em contexto distante da realidade atual. Novas aplicações, novas tecnologias e dispositivos definem um novo conjunto de requisitos, que, entre outros, consiste de suporte a mobilidade, segurança, QoS e multicast. Pesquisadores de todo o mundo estão engajados no projeto da Internet do Futuro. Enquanto muitos procuram evoluir a Internet atual, outros partem do princípio de que arquitetura atual deve ser ignorada afim de se conceber uma nova arquitetura. Partindo de uma visão disruptiva, este trabalho tem por objetivo definir, projetar e avaliar experimentalmente uma forma de encaminhamento onde o multicast seja um requisito central para as aplicações. Essa forma de encaminhamento é baseada em novas relações entre entidades que se comunicam e na utilização de uma identificação/endereçamento única, não ambígua e independente da topologia: seu Título. A arquitetura Entity Title Architecture (ETArch), construída sobre uma infraestrutura baseada em redes definidas por software, estabelece novas relações entre as entidades de sistemas distribuídos. A definição do Workspace, implementado neste trabalho, permite estabelecer um canal por onde múltiplas entidades se comunicam naturalmente de uma forma multicast, permitindo ainda a mobilidade dessas entidades ao longo da rede. Identificado por seu Título, o Workspace é o destino das primitivas durante a comunicação. À medida que novas entidades se ligam ou desligam, há reconfiguração do Workspace. A abordagem definida, implementada e verificada neste trabalho representa uma forma mais eficiente de comunicação se comparada aos endereços no âmbito da camada de rede (IP Multicast) ou de aplicação (Application Layer Multicast). A arquitetura ETArch leva em conta não somente os aspectos de multicast e mobilidade das entidades, como também foi construída com a visão de incorporar em um momento futuro requisitos de QoS e segurança, sendo, portanto, um ponto de convergência para o diálogo com outros grupos de pesquisa, afim de colaborar na construção da próxima geração das redes de computadores. / Internet was designed in a totally different context, far from what we have today. New applications, new technologies and devices define a new set of requirements, which among others, is to support mobility, security, QoS and multicast. Researchers around the world are engaged in the design of the Future Internet. While many seek to evolve the current Internet, others assume that current architecture should be ignored in order to design a new architecture. From a disruptive vision, this work aims to define, design and experimentally validate a form of referral where multicast be a central requirement for applications. This form of routing is based on new relationships between entities that communicate and use of an identification/addressing based on a topology independent name that unambiguously identifies an entity: its Title. The Entity Title Architecture (ETArch), built on an infrastructure based on software defined networking, establishes new relationships between entities in distributed systems. The definition of the Workspace, implemented in this work, allows establishing a channel through which multiple entities communicate naturally by using a multicast approach, while still allowing mobility of these entities over network. Identified by its title, the Workspace is the destination of the primitives during communication. As new entities attach or detach the Workspace is reconfigured. The approach defined, implemented and varied in this work is a more efficient way of communication compared to the addressing within the network layer (IP Multicast) or application (Application Layer Multicast). ETArch takes into account not only the aspects of multicast and mobility of the entities , but also was built with the vision to incorporate into a future time QoS and security , so it is a focal point for dialogue with other research groups to collaborate in building the next generation of computer networks.
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Execução extrajudicialNeves, Fernando Crespo Queiroz 02 March 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:24:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2016-03-02 / This thesis for a doctorate is inserted in the search line of effectiveness of Private
Law and Civil Liberties, in research nucleus in Civil Procedural Law.
The work discusses the historical introduction of constant means laid down in the
search for effectiveness in the solution of disputes through alternative procedures
without leaving aside the maximum guarantee of full access to the Judiciary.
In the quest for rationalization of civil procedure, having been identified as the
extrajudicial execution process , especially for collection of the debt of the
Union, the States, Federal District and municipalities, it is one of the main
bottlenecks in the length of civil proceedings, we treat, at this work, the
possibility of non-judicial procedure for the collection of the credit embodied in
extrajudicial titles and its compatibility with existing principles / A presente Tese de Doutorado está inserida na linha de pesquisa de efetividade
do Direito Privado e Liberdades Civis, no núcleo de pesquisa em Direito
Processual Civil.
O trabalho analisa a constante histórica introdução de meios estabelecidos na
busca por efetividade na solução de litígios através de procedimentos alternativos
sem deixar de lado a garantia máxima de acesso pleno ao Poder Judiciário.
Na busca pela racionalização do processo civil, tendo sido identificado que o
processo de execução de título extrajudicial, principalmente para cobrança da
Dívida Ativa da União, dos Estados, do Distrito Federal e dos Municípios, é um
dos principais gargalos da morosidade do processo civil. Tratamos, no trabalho,
da possibilidade de extrajudicialização do procedimento para o recebimento do
crédito consubstanciado no título executivo extrajudicial e a sua compatibilidade
com os princípios vigentes
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Variabilidade espacial do teor de água e sua influência na condutividade elétrica do solo / Spatial variability of soil moisture and its influence in the soil electrical conductivityFaulin, Gustavo Di Chiacchio 06 September 2005 (has links)
A agricultura de precisão pode ser definida como o gerenciamento da produção levando em consideração a variabilidade espacial da produtividade e dos fatores a ela relacionados, visando otimizar os insumos e permitindo a diminuição nos custos de produção. Uma forma de mapeamento de fatores do solo é o monitoramento da condutividade elétrica que permite inferir sobre variáveis como textura, salinidade, teor de água, entre outros. Os mapas de condutividade elétrica do solo não excluem a análise de amostras em laboratório, porém fornecem uma orientação na execução de amostragens estratégicas através da identificação de zonas homogêneas. Esse trabalho dá continuidade a estudos de monitoramento da condutividade elétrica do solo, utilizando um sensor de condutividade elétrica por contato, em áreas experimentais aonde vêm sendo obtidas informações da variabilidade espacial dos fatores do solo e da produção. Não se tem, até o momento, o domínio da qualidade da informação relacionada à condutividade elétrica para solos brasileiros, sendo necessários estudos aprofundados, especialmente para as regiões de maior importância agrícola do país. Por outro lado, no solo, o teor de água é fortemente relacionado a várias de suas características físicas, inclusive a condutividade elétrica. Antecipando-se a problemas de interpretação da condutividade elétrica que possam advir da falta de informação do teor de água no solo, o objetivo do trabalho foi monitorar espacialmente o teor de água e modelar sua influência na condutividade elétrica. Foram realizadas análises estatísticas clássicas, análises exploratórias dos dados e análises geoestatísticas, gerando parâmetros para a obtenção de mapas interpolados das variáveis condutividade elétrica, teor de água e argila, estimando, através da krigagem, valores dessas variáveis em locais não amostrados e também possibilitando análises de regressões polinomiais entre as variáveis. Por meio das regressões foi possível observar que no solo grande parte da variação do teor de água pode ser explicada pela variação do teor de argila. Em uma das áreas, onde as amplitudes dos teores de argila são maiores, a variabilidade espacial da condutividade elétrica mostrou ser dependente do teor de água e conseqüentemente do teor de argila. Em outra área o teor de água não apresentou influência na variabilidade espacial da condutividade elétrica. / Precision agriculture can be defined as the production management taking into account the spatial variability of yield and factors related, aiming to optimize the inputs and allowing the decrease of production costs. A way to monitor soil properties is by using electrical conductivity sensors which allows inferring about variables such as texture, salinity, moisture, etc. Maps of soil electrical conductivity do not exclude samples analysis in laboratory, however, they give an orientation in the execution of strategic samplings by the identification of homogeneous areas. This work gives continuity to studies of monitoring of the soil electrical conductivity, using an electrical conductivity sensor for contact, in experimental areas where has been obtained information of space variability of soil factors and yield. Information related to soil electrical conductivity is not well known for Brazilian soils, so it is important to conduct studies, especially for the agricultural areas of the country. On the other hand, soil moisture is strongly related the several of its physical properties, besides electrical conductivity. Foreseeing problems of interpretation of electrical conductivity information that can occur because of lack of information of soil moisture, the objective of this work was to spatially monitor soil moisture and to model its influence on electrical conductivity. Classic statistical analyses, data exploratory analyses and geoestatistic analyses were accomplished, generating parameters for interpolation maps of the: electrical conductivity, variables moisture and clay, estimating, through kriging, values of those variables in no sampled places and also making possible polynomials regressions analyses among the variables. Through the regressions it was possible to observe that, in the soil, great part of the moisture variation can be explained by the clay variation. In one of the areas, where the range of clay rate are larger, the spatial variability of the electrical conductivity showed to be dependent on the moisture and consequently on the clay. In another area the moisture not present any influence in the spatial variability of the electrical conductivity.
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