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Den ekonomiska lönsamheten att friköpa en tomträtt : En studie angående tomträtter i Gävle kommunAbdalla, Shireen, Strömlind, Sandra January 2016 (has links)
Tomträtt är en form av nyttjanderätt till en fastighet. Det innebär att fastighetens ägare, vanligtvis en kommun eller staten, låter tomträttshavaren nyttja fastigheten mot att en årlig tomträttsavgäld erläggs. Tomträttsavgälden fastställs genom ett tomträttsavtal mellan fastighetsägaren och tomträttshavaren. Den fastställda tomträttsavgälden gäller för en avgäldsperiod om 10 eller 20 år. Långa avgäldsperioder i kombination med en fastighetsmarknad med stigande priser gör att avgälden vid en ny avgäldsperiod sannolikt kan komma att höjas avsevärt. En tomträttshavare kan likväl välja att friköpa sin tomträtt. Ett friköp av en tomträtt innebär att tomträttshavaren förvärvar fastigheten av fastighetsägaren och bildar en småhusfastighet. Syftet med studien är att ge en ökad förståelse och kunskap till de tomträttshavare som står inför beslutet av att behålla tomträtten eller friköpa den. Målet med arbetet är att ge kunskap om när den ekonomiska lönsamheten av att friköpa en tomträtt kan anses vara uppnådd. Ett andra mål till studien är att utifrån tomträttshavarens perspektiv belysa de bakomliggande motiven till varför en småhustomträtt friköps. Studien avgränsas till att beröra friliggande småhustomträtter inom tre geografiska områden i Gävle kommun. Den ekonomiska lönsamheten med att friköpa en småhustomträtt undersöks utifrån en innehavssituation respektive överlåtelsesituation. För att närmare undersöka varför en tomträttshavare väljer att friköpa en tomträtt genomförs kvalitativa telefonintervjuer. Utifrån studiens resultat kan det konstateras att det sannolikt är ekonomiskt motiverat att friköpa en småhustomträtt om priset för att förvärva tomten är lika med eller lägre än det belopp som symboliserar brytpunkten för ekonomisk lönsamhet. Av de för studien tillfrågade respondenterna var det enskilt största motivet till varför en tomträttshavare väljer att friköpa sin tomträtt på grund av den osäkerhet som följer av utvecklingen kring tomträttsavgälden. / Site-leasehold right is a form of access to a property. This means that the owner of the property, usually a municipality or the state, let a site-leaseholder use the property against an annual ground rent. A ground rent is determined by a site-leasehold agreement between the owner of the property and the site-leaseholder. The fixed ground rents are for a period of 10 or 20 years. Long periods of rents combined with a real estate market with rising prices means that the ground rent at a new period of ground rent can be increased considerably. The site-leaseholder may well choose to redeem their long lease. To buy the freehold of a site-leasehold means that the site-leaseholder acquires the property of the property owner and form a new single-family real estate. The purpose of the study is to provide a better understanding and knowledge of the site lessee facing the decision to retain the site-leasehold or redeem it. The goal of the project is to provide knowledge about when the economic viability of redeeming a siteleasehold may be deemed attained. Another goal is based on the site-leaseholders perspectives consider to highlighting the underlying reasons why a single-family siteleasehold redeemed. The study is limited to detached single-family site-leaseholds in three geographical areas in the municipality of Gävle. The economic viability of redeeming single-family site-leasehold examined from the site-leasehold executiver's decision to sell or retain the site-leasehold. To examine more closely why a site lessee chooses to redeem the siteleasehold conducted qualitative telephone interviews. From the results based on the study, it can be concluded that it is likely to be economically justified to redeem a single-family site-leasehold on the price of acquiring the plot is equal to or less than the amount that symbolizes the breaking point of economic viability. Of the respondents surveyed for the study the single biggest reason for why a site lessee chooses to redeem his site-leasehold was because of the uncertainty arising from the developments around the ground rent.
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A Study of Title II, Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 and an Evaluation of Its Impact in TexasBuell, Frank G. (Frank Garvin) 05 1900 (has links)
The problem of this study was to determine the purpose of ESEA Title II, 1965, and evaluate the impact of the operation of this legislation on selected public schools of Texas.
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Tenure Insecurity and Post-Disaster Housing: Case Studies in New Orleans and TegucigalpaPeterson, Robert Charles 15 May 2009 (has links)
This research focuses upon cases wherein post]disaster housing assistance was affected by tenure insecurity. In the case of post]Katrina New Orleans, the Road Home, which provided monies for rebuilding, faced difficulties in allocating its aid because of heirship titles, a form of tenure insecurity to which the United States has often been misconceived as immune. In the case of post]Hurricane Mitch in Tegucigalpa, a post]disaster housing relocation program struggled to find lands in an urban land market with pervasive insecurity
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電視臺運動賽事廣告行銷企劃之執行 / The study of sales planning for TV sports朱宸瑩, Chu, Chen Ying Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的在於深入瞭解電視產業如何執行轉播運動賽事的廣告行銷企劃,與在這過程中廣告主與電視臺如何進行溝通互動。現今電視臺在就所轉播的運動賽事做廣告業務銷售時,除了單純的電視廣告秒數販賣之外,往往會加入「置入性行銷」這塊,可能是衍生的相關活動、新聞議題、節目再製播、節目鏡面畫面運用、週邊文宣物露出、甚至是電視臺旗下的網路新媒體配合等。也就是產業界往往以「專案」稱之。然而不同電視臺轉播不同的運動賽事如何進行銷售包裝常是流程、規格不一、祕而不宣,過往中外對於「置入性行銷」的相關研究由於主要起源於小說出版界及電影,各項論述多為方向、戰略(strategy),較少具體方法、戰術(tactic),尤其是針對運動賽事電視節目做深入探究者。因此本研究透過個案研究法集結兩個運動賽事節目轉播的實務個案:分別由無線電視、衛星電視主導轉播的兩屆亞洲運動會,加以厚描、歸納之,期能建構適用性相對較高的具體建議與方案。 / The purpose of this study is to understand how the TV industry to carry out advertising marketing campaigns for TV sports, and how the advertisers interact with each other in this process.
Nowadays, in addition to the regular sales of TV commercials, it is often possible to join the "product placement", which may be related activities, news, derivative issues, programs, digital media cooperation and so on. This is also called “project” by this industry. However, how different TV stations sell their specific sales packaging is often a secret.
In the past, the related research on “product placement” was mainly originated in the novel publishing industry and movies. Accordingly, the discussion focuses on the description of strategic direction instead of tactics, especially for TV sports programs.
Therefore, this study attempts to provide the concrete suggestions and solutions through the case study method. The two cases chosen for the thick description and summary are the Asian Games on TV dominated by terrestrial TV and cable TV separately.
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Cédula de crédito bancário: aspectos jurídicos de sua negociação e proteção dos investidores / Bank credit note: legal aspects of its negotiation and investors protectionGuazzelli, Tatiana Mello 10 May 2013 (has links)
Muitas controvérsias cercam, atualmente, a negociação da Cédula de Crédito Bancário (CCB), dividindo a doutrina e atraindo a atenção do mercado financeiro e de capitais. A discussão central gira em torno da natureza jurídica da CCB, mais especificamente de seu enquadramento no conceito de valor mobiliário, do qual decorreria a competência da Comissão de Valores Mobiliários para regulamentar e supervisionar as ofertas públicas de CCBs. A análise da natureza jurídica da CCB torna-se, assim, imperativa para a delimitação do campo de atuação da Comissão de Valores Mobiliários. Para fins dessa análise, examina-se neste trabalho, inicialmente, o conceito e características dos títulos de crédito e valores mobiliários. Analisa-se, ainda, o conceito de CCB, sua origem, finalidade no âmbito do mercado financeiro, elementos característicos e modelos de negociação. Este trabalho também tem por escopo a investigação dos riscos associados à CCB e o exame da necessidade e das formas de se assegurar a proteção dos investidores. Diante dos elementos característicos da CCB e do conceito de valor mobiliário adotado pelo direito brasileiro, este trabalho conclui sobre a não caracterização da CCB como valor mobiliário. Este trabalho propõe-se, ainda, a concluir sobre os mecanismos adequados de proteção daqueles que investem em CCBs, em vista dos riscos inerentes a esse título de crédito. / Several controversies currently surround the trading of Bank Credit Note (Cédula de Crédito Bancário - CCB), dividing the doctrine and attracting the attention of financial and capital market. The main discussion is around the legal nature of CCB, more precisely around the characterization of CCB as security, from which would arise the competence of the Brazilian Securities Commission to regulate and supervise the public offering of CCBs. The exam of the legal nature of the CCB becomes, therefore, imperative for delimitation of the actuation field of Brazilian Securities Commission. For purpose of this analysis, it is initially examined in this work the concept and characteristics of the titles of credit and securities. It is also examined the concept of CCB, its origin, purposes within the financial market, characteristics elements, and trading models. This work has also as scope the investigation of the risks associated to CCB and the exam of the need and forms to assure the investors protection. Considering the characteristics elements of CCB and the concept of security adopted by Brazilian law, this work concludes that the CCB does not constitute a security. This work also concludes on the proper mechanisms for the protection of those who invest in CCBs, given the risks inherent to such title of credit.
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A Quantitative Examination of Title I and Non-Title I Elementary Schools in East Tennessee Using Fourth-Grade Math and Reading Standardized Test Scores.Scott, Amy M. 17 December 2005 (has links)
In January 2002, President George W. Bush signed the No Child Left Behind legislation into law. The law established new standards of accountability for individual students, schools, and school systems. Because of No Child Left Behind, the penalties for schools with poor academic performance in our country are the loss of reputation, student enrollment, and financial support. The purpose of this study was to determine if there was a difference in standardized test scores in reading and math between fourth-grade students in Title I schools and those in NonTitle I schools. The study focused on the following subgroups: gender, economically disadvantaged students, and students with disabilities. The data were gathered from an analysis of standardized test scores in reading and math of fourth-grade students in 172 elementary schools located in 21 East Tennessee school systems. The data were collected from the 2002-2003 Terra Nova Standardized Assessment Test scores. The Terra Nova test is a standardized test used to evaluate academic progress in the state of Tennessee.
In summary, there were some differences between Title I and NonTitle I fourth-grade students in the subject areas of reading and math. Significant differences were noted within the subcategory of gender in both reading and math. Significant differences were also noted within the subcategory of students with disabilities in the content area of math. No significant differences were found in reading for students with disabilities. There were no significant differences between Title I and NonTitle I schools in reading and math within the subcategory of economically disadvantaged students.
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Community Coalitions: Implications for Educational Policy and Administrators, A Study of Anderson Elementary in the Anderson Weed and Seed Neighborhood.Rausch, Mary A. 16 August 2005 (has links)
In 2001, the Anderson Neighborhood of Bristol, Tennessee, received official recognition as a Weed and Seed site by the United States Department of Justice. This designation is provided to a local coalition of committed community members organized to “weed” out the elements that contribute to crime and delinquency in a targeted neighborhood and “seed” in strategies to build strong neighborhoods. Anderson Elementary School is a key partner in the effort and the conduit for a variety of coalition initiatives.
Through investigation of measures and surveys administered at Anderson Elementary School, the study was designed to ascertain if there were improvements in quantitative measures related to academic success (attendance, discipline referrals, test scores, and grades) at Anderson Elementary after multiple strategies were implemented in the Anderson Neighborhood. Findings revealed that attendance improved in the first two years but then declined by end of the five-year period studied. Improvements were documented in the other three areas. In addition, this study focused upon the differences in improvements between the two populations attending school at Anderson: those residing within the Weed and Seed boundaries and those residing outside the designated area. Whereas Weed and Seed students performed below the nonWeed and Seed students each year, the differences were reduced over the five-year period. A final analysis was conducted regarding comparisons to both Central and Fairmont Elementary schools in Bristol, Tennessee, the other two Title I schools in the system. Anderson showed the greatest improvement in the area of discipline whereas Central made the largest gains in tests scores and Fairmount was consistently higher in attendance.
Because so many variables can mitigate academic performance, faculty and staff members' perceptions regarding a variety of coalition efforts initiated through the Weed and Seed effort were measured by survey and analyzed. Educational professionals reported observing positive changes in community commitment and involvement. To further qualify successful strategies and required skill sets regarding leadership to build school partnerships with community coalitions, an indepth interview was conducted with the principal at Anderson Elementary School. The leadership themes documented in the interview were consistent with postmodern leadership theory.
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TVAAS Rankings and Teachers’ Perceptions of Data-Driven Professional Learning in Northeast Tennessee Title I and Non-Title I Elementary SchoolsDoran, Amy S 01 May 2015 (has links)
The focus of this study was a comparison between the perceptions of school-based licensed educators in Title I and non-Title I schools in Northeast Tennessee as measured by the TELL Tennessee Survey and each school’s overall composite TVAAS score. The factor variables were professional development, instructional practices and support, teacher leadership, and school leadership. This dissertation was a quantitative study of teachers’ perceptions of data-driven professional learning and TVAAS composite scores. A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted to evaluate the difference between teachers’ perceptions of data-driven professional development and student TVAAS data. An independent samples t-test was used to evaluate the difference between teachers’ perceptions and poverty levels, as determined by Title I status. The dependent variable was the response to the TELL Tennessee survey questions by Northeast Tennessee school-based licensed educators. Research indicated no significant difference in Northeast Tennessee teachers’ perceptions of professional learning as measured by the TELL Tennessee survey in the dimensions of professional development, instructional practices and support, and teacher leadership as related to TVAAS composite scores. The research found a significant difference in teachers’ perceptions in the dimension of school leadership as related to TVAAS composite scores. There were no significant differences in teachers’ perceptions as measured by the TELL Tennessee survey in the dimensions of professional development, instructional practices and support, teacher leadership, and school leadership between Title I and non-Title I schools.
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Aspirations of Objectivity: Systemic Illusions of Justice in the Biased CourtroomRoderique, Meagan B. 01 January 2018 (has links)
Given the ever-growing body of evidence surrounding implicit bias in and beyond the institution of the law, there is an equally growing need for the law to respond to the accurate science of prejudice in its aspiration to objective practice and just decision-making. Examined herein are the existing legal conceptualizations of implicit bias as utilized in the courtroom; implicit bias as peripheral to law and implicit bias as effectual in law, but not without active resolution. These views and the interventional methods, materials, and procedures they inspire are widely employed to appreciably “un-bias” legal actors and civic participants; however, without an accurate conceptualization of the science of prejudice in law, these interventions are likely doing more harm than good. On the basis that these interventional techniques are unscientific in their methodology, reliant upon a misleading theory of transparency of mind, deny the inherently emotional and biased origin of the court, and are disseminated largely technocratically, they fail to serve their intended purpose. In actuality, they reinforce systemic intergroup biases and are seen to produce a lesser objective justice. This project reiterates, as with so many aspects of justice, that there must be the same care taken in the address of those structural and institutional contributions to implicit bias that the enterprise of law perpetuates in and of itself as have been taken in the address of our individual cognitive predispositions toward discrimination.
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Master of Social Work Students' Stressors and Coping MechanismsFrausto, Karina, Avena, Stephanie 01 June 2017 (has links)
The purpose of the present study was to explore and examine the stressors and coping mechanisms used by Master of Social Work (MSW) students. A quantitative survey with some qualitative questions was conducted using a sample of MSW students from California State University, San Bernardino. Data for this study was collected through a self-administered, online questionnaire survey distributed by the MSW program administration. Quantitative data was analyzed through SPSS software by conducting descriptive statistics, frequencies, and independent sample t-test. Qualitative data was analyzed by coding and identifying major themes. Student groups were compared based on program format, which was determined on their standing status as a stipend recipient. The majority of survey participants were non-recipient students (n=45, 60%) and 24 identified as Title IV-E Child Welfare stipend recipients (32%). Results showed that there was no significant difference in the amount of stress experienced by students depending on their program format; however, some differences were identified in preferred coping mechanisms. Based on the results of this study, it is respectfully recommended that the MSW program at California State University, San Bernardino further explores and considers the responses of the students. This study also calls for future research related to MSW students’ stressors and coping mechanisms.
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