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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


楊秀敏 Unknown Date (has links)
線上遊戲由於具有媒體載具高接觸(reach)與高頻率(frequency)的特性,近年來己成為廣告主進行行銷溝通的工具之一,但目前卻沒有針對線上遊戲媒體置入效果的研究,因此本研究欲從置入形式及遊戲經驗兩方面來分析品牌記憶、品牌再認、品牌態度及購買意願的影響為何。在形式方面,先將台灣目前的線上遊戲個案進行歸納,並從理論角度確認形式的分類原則再進行實驗遊戲製作。在遊戲經驗方面,設定6個月(含)以上為專家,6個月以下為新手。 本研究採實驗法進行,結果發現如下:置入形式差異會對品牌記憶產生影響,強置式記憶效果最佳,融合明示式次之,隱含式最弱;在品牌態度方面,強置式最差,隱含式較融合明示略高,但未達顯著差異,新手的品牌態度優於專家;在購買意向上,不論是形式或遊戲經驗均不會對購買意向產生顯著影響。

電視偶像劇操作置入型態分析-三立《命中注定我愛你》個案研究 / An analysis of product placement in TV trendy drama: A case study of "Fated to Love You"

邱啟紋, Chiu, Chi Wen Unknown Date (has links)
「微收視時代」的來臨使得媒體的廣告營收大不如前,經營日益困難,「置入性行銷」逐漸成為媒體另闢財源的最佳管道。本研究以三立偶像劇《命中注定我愛你》為研究對象,檢視商品類型、置入型態與商品訊息之間的相關性。本研究之發現與建議如下: 一、對置入贊助商而言,選擇使用戲劇置入能帶來以下優點:   1.戲劇置入能以劇情彌補商品的相反特性,以更完整的方式呈現商品利益   2.可以在不同橋段中呈現多樣化的商品訊息,或重複強調單一訊息   3.劇情所賦予的象徵意義使得商品的存在更具說服力   4.「場景置入」可呈現企業形象和品牌精神,並具體化服務的「不可觸知 性」     二、未來實務界可依以下三點做為判斷商品是否適合使用「戲劇置入」之標 準:   1.商品「載具性質」的有無   2.商品「與運鏡融和之程度」高低與否   3.商品之「外型」是否為銷售的主打強調重點 三、偶像劇《命中注定我愛你》之特殊置入型態如下,值得實務界參考:   1.對白:以品名、活動或意涵替代商品名稱,隱藏其後強烈的說服企圖   2.情節:賦予「神奇功能」增添商品魅力   3.置入型態:「角色置入」使商品反客為主   4.置入元素:巧妙地呈現在戲劇中的各種不同位置   若置入商品能以自然巧妙的方式呈現,不中斷觀眾收視情緒,並以不干涉文本創作者的創意發揮空間為前提,「戲劇置入」定能提升戲劇節目的拍攝品質,並改善本土文化創意產業之國際競爭力,成為贊助商、製片商、置入代理商與閱聽眾間的「四贏」行銷策略。


陳怡君 Unknown Date (has links)
近幾年來,產品置入之行銷手法開始大行其道,除了電影之外,在各種型態的電視節目中,尤其是戲劇類節目,隨著偶像劇的熱潮,也常常出現劇中人物的對話內容穿插著產品訊息的情形,鏡頭也常常帶到商品或品牌的特寫,讓觀眾在收看節目時,同時達到廣告宣傳的效果。 然而,過去對產品置入效果之研究,大多均選擇單一電子媒體作為置入媒介,顯少出現比較性的研究。因此,本研究欲利用產品置入方式之差異,分析當使用不同電子媒介來進行產品置入時,對置入效果之影響,並進一步探討觀眾對影片劇情喜愛程度對置入效果及產品置入接受度之影響程度,而本研究所稱之置入效果,主要包括了品牌回憶度、品牌態度與購買意願三個衡量變數。 研究結果發現置入媒介與置入方式僅對於置入效果中之品牌回憶度有顯著影響,即當產品置入方式為視覺與聽覺並行置入時,產品置入電視劇相較於產品置入電影,對觀眾而言會有較佳的回憶度,但對於品牌態度與購買意願之影響不顯著,而劇情喜愛程度對於置入效果與產品置入接受度之影響亦呈現不顯著的情形。

台灣地區電視節目置入與冠名贊助之現況研究 / A Study on the Current Situation of Product Placement and Sponsorship in Taiwanese Television

吳品賢 Unknown Date (has links)
我國於2012年10月國家通訊傳播委員會(NCC)訂定暫行開放置入行銷與冠名贊助之規範,使電視公司得以在節目製播資源上正式獲得企業挹注,並能夠製播更好品質的電視節目。 本研究以NCC有條件放寬電視節目冠名贊助、置入行銷規範之基礎下,採用深度訪談法,邀請產業中擁有相關實務經驗之經理人與學界、政府機關共八位受訪者,探討產業置入行銷的業務推動、行銷策略、執行製作與相關態度四面相。 研究發現,今日台灣電視節目製播生態不如以往,因此相關商業置入行銷與冠名、贊助為產業雙向合作的共生關係,而非過去較多為企業方的行銷需求。在此一行銷模式中,節目收視率與節目收視群為企業考慮合作可能性的主要兩大因素,然而,節目收視率並非企業絕對的評估合作之可能性,若節目收視群吻合度非常高,企業也愈傾向與該電視節目合作;電視台重視企業的則是品牌連結度、品牌形象與品牌知名度。但在彼此選擇中,電視台方擁有較大主導權選擇合作對象。 此外,產、官、學之間因立場不同而產生一定的認知落差。研究者認為若電視台並無明顯違規,NCC仍以鼓勵業者自由製播為原則。NCC持續觀察產業之製播成效與發展,並適時與適當地放寬規範。最後,NCC應對於此一規範做內容限縮,而非在形式上過多限制,例如外購節目應不得接受冠名贊助,如此台灣電視產業競爭力才能實質提昇。NCC釋出更多的空間,也必須要適當地限縮才能夠有效扶植台灣電視製播產業。 / Since The National Communication Committee (NCC) began to ease restrictions on product placement and sponsorship permitted in television in October 2012, television corporations have been able to receive more investments officially from enterprises to improve the quality of their programs. Under this context of partially relaxed restrictions on television programs, this research includes in-depth interviews to members of different relevant organizations, namely 4 senior executives from television corporations, 2 from advertising sponsors, 1 from the academia, and 1 from a government agency, in order to deeply understand their business motivation, marketing strategies, executive production, and attitude toward the topic. This study found that product placement and sponsorship permitted in television is a mutual cooperation between television corporations and enterprises. In this way of marketing, television ratings and television viewer groups are the main factors that enterprises take into consideration. As far as television corporations are concerned, strength of relations, image, and awareness of enterprises are the issues they most care about. In addition, it was found that there is a perception gap among the industry, government agencies, and the academia. However, NCC continues to observe the development of the industry, and lift a ban on product placement and sponsorship in television properly at the right time. Finally, this study suggests that NCC should have restricted the policy on the content rather than on the form, for example, broadcasters should not be offering title sponsorship for imported television programs, so that the government can truly foster the television industry in Taiwan.


彭蕙仙, Peng, Hui Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
1988年報禁解除後,台灣報業進入百花齊放的競爭時期;香港的《蘋果日報》2003年來台後,則帶動台灣報業進入第二個高度競爭時期,台灣報紙的內容取向和經營邏輯,都進入了和過去完全不同的階段。 然而,由於外在環境的變遷及媒體生態的激烈競爭,整體報業陷入經營困境,近年來,已陸續有多家報社倒閉、裁員。為求生存,包括報紙在內的各大媒體,紛紛進行激烈的改版行動,以尋求生機。然而,媒體做為一個企業,在進行內容上的改變時,也必須考慮其策略及組織結構是否同步進行改變,換言之,內容的改變只是其整體經營策略的一個環節,不是全部;組織與內部資源及權力分配的調整,必須配合策略的改變,若單單只是進行內容的改變,不但往往無法堅持下去,且容易形成組織的糾葛甚至對立,致令變革事倍功半。 其次,由於經營困難,包括報紙在內,各個媒體紛紛走上編業合作、也就是置入性行銷之路,期望藉此可以很快地帶來收益。雖然此舉有違新聞倫理和道德,傳播學者早已期期以為不可,然而在傳播實務界,此種手法早已屢見不鮮、甚至成為很多媒體高層的經營救命丹,幾乎可以說已經泛濫成災。 / 本研究透過個案報紙2006年及2007年兩次改版的過程,加以對傳媒產業從業人員進行調查、深入訪談、資料收集,分析媒體編輯部門與務部門的互動與媒體之間的關係,除了嘗試為個案報紙建立有效的策略作為之外,並探討媒體置入性行銷的理論與實務操作手法,期能對媒體主管機關、媒體經營者、媒體消費者(閱聽人)提出具體可行的建言。

產品涉入度及置入形式對偶像劇 置入性行銷效果之影響 / The study on the effectiveness of product involvement and product placement on television drama

沈曉翠 Unknown Date (has links)
2012年9月,NCC終於初步解禁置入性行銷,並公布有關於電視節目置入的暫行條款。事實上,美日等先進國家之置入性行銷早已成熟,韓國政府也鼓勵韓國企業進行置入,以資助影視產業的發展,而台灣雖然過去已有業者進行置入性行銷,但囿於法令限制,在置入性行銷的發展仍是相當遲緩的,也因此,台灣在影視產業一直得不到到足夠的資金去拍攝優質影片。 幸好,目前政府已逐步開放置入性行銷,不過目前國內廠商對於置入性行銷收費標準仍然相當混亂,因此,本研究期盼能透過釐清各置入點之效果以提供國內廠商收費的參考指標。過去研究置入性行銷效果多以問卷方式調查,然而使用問卷方式調查會有事後回憶誤差等問題,本研究採用眼動儀來直接測量受測者之收視過程,紀錄受測者之眼球掃視軌跡以及凝視個數、凝視時間,輔以問卷測量消費者之回憶度、辨識度、品牌態度以及購買意願,以更嚴謹的方式找出最佳置入點。 本研究參考過往文獻,找出涉入度以及置入手法兩個自變項,確認涉入度與置入手法對於消費者在觀看戲劇時是否有不同的感受,怎麼樣的情形置入效果會最佳。 研究以實驗法進行,自變項為涉入度以及置入手法,因此本研究將受測者分為高涉入度顯性、高涉入度隱性、低涉入度顯性、低涉入度隱性共四組。研究結果發現,顯性置入與隱性置入在受測者回憶度上有顯著的差別,且在隱性置入的情況,低涉入度的產品相較於高涉入度的產品更容易被忽略。 研究也發現,受測者在觀賞戲劇時,影響置入效果最大的因素是置入產品與劇情的相關性,其餘的影響因素還有大小、顏色、位置、競爭等要素, 建議未來廠商在進行置入時可依據本身產品特性並考慮各種影響因素,以達到最佳置入效果。 / Because of our government’s restriction, in the past few years, product placement has always been a debated issue. Due to these restrictions, our TV and movie industries are always lack of funding to produce high quality content. Fortunately, on 2012 August, NCC finally agreed gradually deregulation. However, our development of product placement still falls behind other countries and the charging standard is still in a mess. In order to provide domestic firms a charging reference, we started this research, hoping to understand the effect of every location. Instead of using questionnaire as our only measurement, we also use eye tracking to help us understand the effect more clearly. According to the references, we found out product placement and involvement as our independent variables and divided our subjects to four groups. Those are high involvement explicit, low involvement explicit, high involvement implicit and low involvement implicit. The research outcome shows that different location would bring to significantly different degree of recall. People who were exposure to the explicit drama clip would have higher degree of recall than those who were exposure in the implicit drama clip. And we also found out that if our product was a low involvement product, the product would not be noticed especially in the implicit drama clip. We also found that when people saw a drama, the most important factor to affect their memory was the product’s connection with the plot. Other factors were color, size, placement and competition. We suggested that when domestic firms want to make a product placement, they could consider their own product’s attribute and all these factors together to make the best product placement effect.

行動通訊企業原創貼圖設計與置入型式對置入效果之影響——以LINE為例 / The impact of product placement effectiveness on mobile brand stickers design and product placement methods-- example LINE

張家瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著行動通訊貼圖的興盛與普及,其商業價值更被多數企業相中以作為軟性的品牌置入行銷溝通方式。透過與品牌相關的貼圖設計,將品牌訊息巧妙融合於貼圖中並吸引使用者成為品牌好友以下載使用,讓使用者彼此之間傳散達到短時間內累積龐大粉絲數之效益,更可能將使用者對品牌貼圖之好感度轉嫁到品牌上。因此,如何創造有效的品牌貼圖設計成為企業亟欲了解的課題。 根據過去研究之探究,可發現目前對於品牌貼圖行銷之效果衡量尚未具有量化的數據分析作為實際執行之參考依據,因此本研究將品牌免費貼圖行銷模式視為新型態之置入性行銷方式,整合品牌貼圖設計要素與虛擬代言人、置入性行銷文獻,擬訂一整合品牌貼圖設計之分類架構,以虛擬代言人產品相關性(高vs.低)、品牌露出顯著程度(高vs.低)、品牌置入貼圖情境整合程度(高vs.低)作為自變項,以2x2x2的三因子設計,在共八種不同的品牌貼圖置入設計下,以實驗法進行,並透過問卷調查使用者對其置入效果,以認知、情感、行為意圖效果作為依變數的測量。 研究結果顯示,虛擬代言人產品相關性為品牌貼圖置入設計之最關鍵影響要素,高度相關時其置入效果皆顯著,顯現品牌免費貼圖角色設計為首要優先考量,此時當品牌顯著露出時,更能提昇強化虛擬代言人產品相關之置入效果。而品牌置入貼圖情境整合程度僅體現於貼圖之背景,較難以吸引使用者注意,雖不具顯著影響效果,但與其他因素交互作用下能對認知效果產生顯著影響。而所有置入型式及其交互作用皆對使用者之認知效果產生顯著影響。 / With the popularity of mobile stickers, many companies begin to pay attention to LINE stickers’ marketing influences and consider them as new means of marketing placement. Brand-related stickers design, usually cute and interesting, makes brands attract users to download and use stickers so that brands naturally slip into users’ private conversation space. In this way, millions of users not only become fans of the brand, but also are fond of stickers and the brand itself. To maximize the stickers marketing benefits, how to design useful brand-related stickers is the crucial part. In this research, the experimental design is used to investing the marketing evaluation affected by sticker’s animated spokes-character design (brand-related vs. brand-unrelated), brand exposure (prominent vs. subtle), and context integration (integrated vs. non-integrated). Then, 2x2x2 factorial design is conducted and 8 different scenarios are created online. Questionnaire is set to find the product placement effectiveness including cognition, emotion and behavior. The result indicates that brand-related character design is the crucial factor in sticker’s placement effectiveness. This reflected that stickers use animated spokes-character to attract user’s notice, feelings, and behaviors. Besides, brand-related character and high brand exposure has the best effect. And other factors all influence cognition effect.

探索廣告主導向新聞:置入性行銷對電視新聞常規與記者專業性的影響 / Exploring advertiser-oriented news:the impact of product placement on TV news routine and professionalism

劉蕙苓, Liu, Huei-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在經由新聞組織常規與記者專業性兩個面向,來探討置入性行銷對電視新聞的影響。其研究問題有四:(一)了解電視新聞置入性行銷的樣貌;(二)探討置入性行銷對電視新聞常規的影響;(三)探討置入性行銷對記者專業性的影響;(四)探索廣告主導向新聞的內涵為何? 本研究以質性深度訪談三十位電視新聞工作者,有以下幾項發現:(一)電視新聞的置入性行銷應重新予以定義,其內涵應包括直接付費的專案新聞,及不直接付費的業配新聞,它們都是以服務廣告主為目的而產製的新聞。(二)自2003年起政府將置入性行銷納入公開招標項目中後,已使電視新聞組織內逐漸建制了一種產製置入性新聞的常規,它與生產一般新聞的常規有所不同,宛如一個新聞工廠卻開闢了兩條生產線,用不同的邏輯來生產不同的新聞產品。研究顯示,這種常規使組織內得以藉此分享如何產製置入性新聞的知識。同時,也使得原來在組織中不被認可的價值,藉此取得合理與合法的地位。(三)置入性行銷雖然對記者的專業性認知影響至鉅,但也並非全然悲觀。在產製置入性新聞的過程,記者會呈現出四種不同的自主模式,以協商的方式從廣告主手中爭取更多自主空間;然而,研究也發現,在公共服務的認知上,記者往往會採取自我審查的方式,淡化有爭議的訊息,或用「新聞點」的角度來合理化自己的採訪。(四)本研究進一步提出置入性新聞是一種「廣告主導向」新聞。在台灣的電視新聞界目前正同時生產三種不同價值、不同目的、不同導向的新聞,它們分別是:公共利益導向、市場導向、及廣告主導向。 儘管如此,本研究仍然主張:置入性行銷使得媒體監督的對象可以出錢來影響新聞,而新聞所傳達的資訊摻雜了包裝精良的「廣告」,最終新聞作為一種「信任貨幣」的價值盡失,媒體守望監督的功能也跛了腳,其後果不單是對新聞界的衝擊,對社會整體的負面效果更是全面的。 / Product placement has been used in TV news production since 2000 in Taiwan. It raises an ethical discussion about whether journalism serves public or business interests. This study examines the use of product placement in TV journalism and its impact on TV news routine and professionalism. By using qualitative and quantative methods, this study found the traditional definition of product placement which is used in the marketing field is not suitable for Taiwan’s news placement. The definition of news placement should include “project news placement” and “service news placement”. When the advertisers pay directly for news placement, this is called “project news placement”; on the other hand, when the advertisers pay indirectly and possibly with a promise of future rewards or benefits for the TV news organization, this is called “service news placement”. This study found the production of this kind of paid news has become routinized . It seems like there are two assembly lines in a news factory: one for producing regular news and the other for producing paid news. Through this routinized process, journalists learn how to deal with this kind of news; in other words, the routine provide the mechanism to share the knowledge of producing paid news and also makes this kind of news legitimate in the news organization. The results of this study also show the impact of product placement on the journalists’ perception of their professionalism. Although most TV journalists admit their autonomy has been limited due to control from advertisers who pay for the news, they still perceive they can have different autonomy models: negotiation, domination, accommodation, and carelessness. However, the perception of serving the public for journalists is quite limited. This study found that journalists focused on newsworthiness instead of public service when they were doing news placement, and journalists employ self-censorship when they are doing this paid news. Many respondents admitted they did not criticize the advertisers who pay money for reporting. This kind of news is not serving the public but just serving business. This study suggests it should be called “advertiser oriented news”. In Taiwan, the TV news factory does produces three different kinds of news, which include public oriented, market driven, and advertiser oriented. However advertiser oriented news can be seen daily, this study concluded that unless journalists are able to report independently the audience cannot expect the news to fulfill public service. Any media organization that accepts news placement will gain profit but lose credibility in return.

閱聽人對電視新聞創「議」置入產品訊息接收之研究 / A study on audience’s reception of product placement on tv news a study on audience’s reception of product placement on tv news

許臻耘, Hsu, Tseng Yun Unknown Date (has links)
電視新聞置入性行銷雖是新興現象,但在新聞界蔓延已成為普遍現象,成為影響新聞產製的重要力量。電視新聞置入性行銷,以較為迂迴、精心設計,與新聞內容融合一體,使消費者難以區辨到底是新聞,還是為商品廣告的行銷訊息。國內目前研究,多是探討此種行銷方式,對新聞專業與新聞工作者的影響,尚未見對閱聽人接收與影響面向的研究。是故,本研究欲探究閱聽人對於產品置入性新聞之接收評價,在溝通效果中扮演的角色。 本研究以實驗法進行,採取三因子實驗設計,為2(置入型態:顯性/隱性)*2(論點品質:強論點/弱論點)*2(產品涉入度:高涉入/低涉入)*2=8個產品置入策略組合,為避免受試者觀看不同產品的效果差異,故讓每位受試者觀看分別看高低二種產品涉入度的實驗影片,形成4個實驗組別,共邀集185位受測者參與,回收有效問卷164份,有效回收率為88.65%。  研究結果發現,「產品置入型態」對置入性新聞溝通效果未有顯著影響。「訊息論點品質」是影響產品置入性新聞的關鍵因素,對產品置入性新聞之溝通效果影響最為顯著;採取強論點訊息,能引發閱聽人較正向的接收評價,不論是訊息接受度、可信度與資訊性皆有較佳的評價,進而影響消費者對品牌的態度,對訊息的記憶程度亦有相對較佳的表現。閱聽人對「置入性行銷的既存態度」影響閱聽人接收不同論點品質的溝通效果:即置入性行銷持以高既存態度者,暴露於強論點品質之產品置入性新聞,比暴露於弱論點品質時產生更多支持性的想法、較高的記憶效果與較佳的訊息態度。 / Although being an emerging phenomenon, the product placement on TV News has spread into an universal phenomenon in the News circles, and become an important force influencing News production. With relatively roundabout and meticulous design, the Product Placement on TV News is well integrated with the News content, making consumers difficult to distinguish it from News and Marketing message of product. Present domestic researches are mainly investigating the impact of such marketing method on journalism and the News workers, but still haven’t focused on the reception and the influence of the audience. Therefore, this study is to investigate the audience’s reception comments on the Product Placemen on TV News and their roles in communication effect. This study adopts the experimentation of three-factor experimental design, which are 2 Placement Types (prominent/subtle) *2 Argument Qualities (strong /weak) *2 Product involvements (High /Low). A total of 185 participants were invited and all of them were randomized to watch the experimental films, and required to fill out the questionnaires after watching. A total of 164 effective questionnaires were returned, with a valid return rate of 88.65%. The results of this study show that the “Type of PPL” has no significant impact on the communication effect of the Product Placement on TV News. The “Message Argument Quality” is the key factor influencing the Product Placement on TV News. Using strong argument messages can trigger the audience’s relatively positive reception comments in message acceptability, News credibility and message informativeness and then impact the consumers’ attitudes towards brands. Also, it has relatively better performance on the recall degree towards messages.The audience’s existing attitudes towards the Placement Marketing impact their communication effects in receiving different argument qualities. The Placement Marketing with high existing attitudes will produce more supportive thoughts, higher recall effect and better message attitude when exposed in Product Placement on TV News of strong argument quality than that exposed in product placement news of weak argument quality.

美妝達人部落格商品置入探討 / The research on product placement of cosmetic blog

林怡君, Lin, Yee Chun Unknown Date (has links)

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