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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Translation of Premolars in the Dog by Controlling the Moment to Force Ration on the Crown

Fortin, Jean Marc January 1968 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / The main purpose of this investigation was to produce bodily tooth movement. A force system based on the moment to force ratio (m/p ratio) was developed and applied to the teeth by means of springs similar to those used in segmented arch technique. An histologic investigation followed the experimentation. The sample consisted of five adult dogs and a relatively young one, all males. On these dogs, light forces of 165 and 147 gms were used for a period of 17, 30 and 35 days. and heavy forces of 490, 450 and 455 gms were used for a period of 120, 107 and 106 days. An intraperitoneal injection of a vital dye, procion red H8BS, was made before placing the appliance in the mouth and used as a marker between old and new bone. Bodily tooth movement was assessed by measuring new bone apposition on the tension side. Most of the teeth did show pure bodily movement, however, slight tipping was noticed in some instances. Direct bone resorption was recorded in all the teeth moved with light and heavy forces with the exception of very few small areas of hyalinization. The only difference between light and heavy forces was in the severity of root resorption. It was found that the heavier the force, the greater was the anchorage loss. The rate of tooth movement was continuous but not constant.

The Evolution and Development of Mammalian Tooth Class

Armfield, Brooke Autumn 16 June 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Root fracture as a complication of post design and insertion

Durney, Eduardo Calderon January 1976 (has links)
No description available.

Epsilon aminocaproic acid : its effect on the healing of dental extraction sites.

Pham, Huan G. January 1973 (has links)
No description available.

Influence of Erosive and Abrasive Cycling on Bonding of Diferent Adhesive Systems Enamel: An in situ study

Ciccone Giacomini,Marina, Casas-Apayco, Leslie, Moreira Machado,Camila, Carvalho de Almendra Freitas,Maria Cristina, Atta,Maria Teresa, Wang, Linda January 1900 (has links)
This study evaluated the impact of orange juice on the bond strength (BS) of dentin bonding systems (DBSs) to enamel surface after simulation with an in situ/ ex vivo erosive cycling. One hundred and ninety two bovine enamel fragments (4x4x2 mm) were obtained and randomized regarding superficial microhardness and distributed to palatal devices for 8 volunteers, in three phases (one for each DBS), containing 8 blocks, which were, allocated in 4 pairs. Daily, these pairs were subjected extraorally to the following conditions: CONTneither erosive nor abrasive challenge; ERO- erosive challenge only; ABR- abrasive challenge only and ERO + ABR- with erosive and abrasive challenges. Erosive cycles (immersion in orange juice, 3 times/day/5 min/5 days) or/and abrasive challenges (electric toothbrush, 3 times/day/1 min/5 days) were performed. After these cycles, all specimens were restored with the adhesive systems Adper Scotchbond Multi Purpose (MP), Adper Single Bond 2 (SB) or Clearfil SE Bond (SE), and the composite resin Filtek Z250. After 7 days, sticks (area ≅1 mm2) were obtained and subjected to the microtensile bond strength test (μTBS) at 0.5 mm/min. Data was statistically analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey tests (a=0.05). Failure modes were determined using a digital microscope (40×). DBS was the only statistical significant factor. SE was the unique DBS not affected in any challenge, whereas MP and SB performed according to the scenario. The adhesive and mixed failures were predominant in all groups. Overall performance suggested that BS to enamel after erosive /abrasive challenged by orange juice was not affected and it was material-dependent

Influência da gravidez sobre a neuropatia de pacientes com a doença de Charcot-Marie-Tooth tipo 1A / The effect of pregnancy on Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 1A disease neuropathy

Leal, Rita de Cássia Carvalho 06 May 2016 (has links)
A doença de Charcot-Marie-Tooth tipo 1A (CMT1A), associada à duplicação do gene da proteína da mielina periférica 22(PMP22), é a neuropatia hereditária mais comum. Administração diária de progesterona a modelos animais desta doença resultou em progressão mais rápida da neuropatia. Algumas mulheres por ela afetadas desenvolveram piora neurológica durante suas gravidezes. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a influência de gestações sobre a neuropatia de pacientes com CMT1A. Mulheres afetadas responderam questões sobre sinais e sintomas apresentados durante suas gravidezes presentes e passadas. Pontuações nas escalas CMTNS (Charcot-Marie-Tooth Neuropathy Score) e SF-36 (Short Form Health Survey - 36) e dados coletados de avaliações clínicas e eletrofisiológicas dessas pacientes, de mulheres que nunca tiveram filhos e de homens foram comparados. Seis pacientes foram prospectivamente avaliadas durante suas gestações. Cinquenta e uma mulheres responderam questões sobre 130 gravidezes. Vinte e nove delas relataram piora de seus sintomas neurológicos em 61 gravidezes: vinte e cinco, tiveram cãibras dolorosas, três, fraqueza progressiva, duas, ataxia sensitiva, oito referiram sintomas sensitivos positivos. Algumas dessas pacientes apresentaram mais de um tipo de sintomas. As comparações entre mulheres e homens mostraram diferenças significativas nos seguintes aspectos, com pior desempenho pelas mulheres: pontuação no item do CMTNS relacionado a sintomas de membros superiores, força de abdução dos primeiros e segundos quirodáctilos, força da flexão do quadril bilateralmente, pelo MRC (Medical Research Council), amplitude do CMAP (potencial de ação muscular composto) do nervo ulnar direito em millivolts. O SF-36 teve diferença significativa nos seguintes itens, também com piores pontuações pelas mulheres: limitações devido a problemas emocionais, estado geral de saúde, saúde mental, funcionamento social, dor e vitalidade. Quando realizado cotejo entre homens, mulheres com filhos e mulheres sem filhos, dados relativos a força dos abdutores curtos dos polegares direito e esquerdo, força da flexão do quadril bilateralmente, amplitude do CMAP do nervo ulnar direito e os mesmo itens do SF-36, exceto dor e estado geral de saúde, continuaram a ter diferença significativa entre homens e mulheres, mas não entre mulheres com filhos e mulheres sem filhos. Também não houve diferença entre os dados relativos a mulheres que tiveram piora na gravidez e mulheres que não referiram piora. Das seis pacientes avaliadas prospectivamente, cinco, com a duplicação do PMP22, apresentaram piora de algum aspecto de sua neuropatia, porem retornaram à sua condição clínica prévia à gravidez em períodos variáveis de tempo. Uma, que apresentava duas muatçoes, a duplicação 17p11.2-p12 e a mutação de ponto Ser72Leu, não teve qualquer alteração. Nesta casuística, embora tenham sido encontradas diferenças significativas entre os dois gêneros, e até entre homens e mulheres com filhos, não foi observada nenhuma diferença significativa entre mulheres que referiram piora na gravidez e as que não apresentaram. A gestação teve diferentes consequências sobre a neuropatia de pacientes avaliadas, prospectivamente, porem houve retorno às condições clínica anteriores à gravidez. / The Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 1A (CMT1A) associated with PMP22 duplication is the most common hereditary neuropathy. Daily administration of progesterone resulted in more progressive clinical neuropathy of transgenic rats over-expressing PMP22. There are reports of women with CMT1A who had worsening of their neurological status during pregnancy. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of pregnancy on CMT1A neuropathy and its natural history. Women with CMT1A answered questions about neurological signs and symptoms during their past and present pregnancies. CMT NS (Charcot-Marie-Tooth Neuropathy Score) and SF 36 (Short Form Survey - 36) scores and data collected from clinical and electrophysiological evaluations of these patients, of women who didn\'t have child and of men were compared. Six patients were prospectively evaluated during pregnancies. Fifty-one patients answered questions about 130 pregnancies. Twenty-nine patients (56%) reported worsening of their neurological symptoms during 61 pregnancies: twenty-five women had painful cramps, three, reported progressive weakness, two patients had sensitive ataxia, six patients had positive sensory symptoms. Some of these patients had more than one kind of symptoms. Comparison between men and women showed some significant differences: CMT NS item about upper limbs symptoms; strength of right and left first dorsal interosseos muscle(ID), strength of right and left abductor pollicis brevis(APB), strength of right and left flexors of the hip, CMAP of right ulnar nerve in millivolts; SF-36 had significant difference in the following items: limitations due to emotional problems, general health, mental health, social functioning, pain and vitality, in which female had worst scores. When comparison between men, women who had child and women who didn\'t have child was made, data regarding strength of right and left APB, strength of right and left flexors of the hip, amplitude of right CMAP and the same items of SF-36, except pain and general health, continued to have significant differences between men and women, but not between women who had child and women who didn\'t had child. There was no difference between data of women who got worst during their pregnancy and women who didn\'t. CMT worsening during pregnancy has previously been described. Some of these patients recovered their previous status after delivery, while others did not. Several explanations have been proposed for this deterioration. In our series, five patients had deterioration during pregnancy. It seems that pregnancy may affect CMT patients in different ways. There were also some differences between men and women, but no significant worsening was found in the neurological status of women that had been pregnant. A larger prospective study should be conducted to better understand the effects of pregnancy on CMT.

Efeito do íon ferro na prevenção da erosão dentária: estudos in vitro e in situ / Effect of iron on the prevention of tooth wear: in vitro and in situ studies

Italiani, Flávia de Moraes 28 May 2010 (has links)
Este projeto teve como objetivos investigar o efeito do íon ferro (Fe+2), associado ou não ao íon flúor (F-), na redução da erosão do esmalte e da dentina bovinos, bem como desenvolver e avaliar um dentifrício enriquecido com Fe+2 para a prevenção da erosão associada à abrasão. Foram realizados 4 subprojetos: (1) Determinação do efeito protetor de concentrações crescentes do Fe+2 (0 a 120 mmol/L) associadas ou não ao F- (0 a 4 g/mL), contra a dissolução do pó de esmalte bovino in vitro; (2) Avaliação, in vitro, do efeito protetor do Fe+2 a 10 mmol/L contra a dissolução mineral da superfície do esmalte bovino; (3) Desenvolvimento e avaliação, in vitro, de dentifrícios fluoretados enriquecidos com diferentes concentrações de Fe+2, visando à prevenção da perda mineral do esmalte bovino; (4) Avaliação, in situ, do efeito inibidor do dentifrício acrescido de Fe+2 e F- na desmineralização do esmalte e dentina bovinos sadios ou previamente erodidos. As variáveis de resposta utilizadas foram a quantificação da perda de fósforo (colorimetria) e o desgaste (perfilometria, m) para os subprojetos 1 e 2, e 3 e 4, respectivamente. Os dados foram submetidos à análise estatística (p<0,05). Para o Subprojeto (1), a ANOVA a 2 critérios e o teste de Bonferroni revelaram que soluções contendo Fe+2 a 1,25, 2,5, 5,0, 10, 15 e 30 mmol/L reduziram significativamente a dissolução do pó de esmalte bovino em 18, 18, 23, 35, 35 e 55%, respectivamente, em comparação ao controle (sem Fe+2). Na presença de F-, o efeito do Fe+2 na inibição da dissolução do esmalte foi reduzido, não havendo efeito sinérgico entre estes íons nas condições testadas. No Subprojeto (2), a ANOVA a 2 critérios e o teste de Bonferroni, mostraram uma redução significativa na desmineralização da superfície do esmalte bovino em torno de 30 a 40%, quando se utilizou solução de Fe+2 a 10 mmol/L. No Subprojeto (3), a ANOVA revelou diferença significativa entre os grupos (Placebo, 1100 g/mL de F-, Crest®, Fe+2 1,0 mg/g, Fe+2 2,5 mg/g, Fe+2 5,0 mg/g, F- (1100 g/mL) + Fe+2 1,0 mg/g, F- (1100 g/mL) + Fe+2 2,5 mg/g e F- (1100 g/mL) + Fe+2 5,0 mg/g) (F=4,734, p<0,0001). O menor desgaste (0,48±0,24 m) foi apresentado pelo grupo em que foi utilizado o dentifrício contendo 1100 g/mL F- e 5 mg/g Fe+2. No Subprojeto (4), para o esmalte hígido a ANOVA a 2 critérios revelou uma diferença significativa entre os dentifrícios, (F=21,72, p<0,0001), mas não entre as condições (só erosão, erosão + slurry, erosão + abrasão) (F=1,20, p=0,32) e nem para a interação entre ambos (F = 1,04, p=0,41). O teste de Bonferroni revelou que os blocos que receberam o dentifrício contendo Fe+2 e F- apresentaram valores de desgaste significativamente menores quando comparados aos blocos submetidos aos demais dentifrícios, os quais não diferiram significativamente entre si. Para a dentina hígida, o esmalte previamente erodido e a dentina previamente erodida, o mesmo padrão foi seguido, apesar destes dois últimos terem apresentado valores de desgaste maiores que aqueles observados para os blocos hígidos. / The aims of this study were to investigate the effect of iron (Fe+2) associated or not to fluoride (F-) on the reduction of bovine enamel and dentin erosion, as well as to develop and evaluate a dentifrice containing Fe+2 to prevent erosion associated to abrasion. Four subprojects were done: (1) In vitro determination of the protective effect of increasing Fe+2 concentrations (0 to 120 mmol/L) associated or not to F- (0 to 4 g/mL) against the dissolution of powdered enamel; (2) In vitro evaluation of the protective effect of 10 mol/L Fe+2 against the mineral dissolution of superficial bovine enamel; (3) Development and in vitro evaluation of fluorided dentifrices containing different Fe+2 concentrations in order to prevent the mineral loss of bovine enamel; and (4) In situ evaluation of the effect of a dentifrice containing Fe+2 and F- on the demineralization of sound or previously eroded bovine enamel and dentin. The response variables were quantification of phosphate loss (colorimetry) and tooth wear (perfilometry, m) for the subprojects 1 and 2, and 3 and 4, respectively. Data were submitted to statistical analyses (p <0.05). In subproject (1), two-way ANOVA and Bonferronis test revealed that solutions containing 1.25, 2.5, 5.0, 10.0, 15.0 and 30.0 mmol/L Fe+2 significantly reduced the dissolution of powdered enamel at 18, 18, 23, 35, 35 and 55%, respectively, in comparison to control (without Fe+2). In the presence of F-, the effect of Fe+2 on the dissolution of enamel was reduced and no synergistic effect between these ions was observed in the tested conditions. In Subproject (2), two-way ANOVA and Bonferronis test showed a significant reduction on surface demineralization of bovine enamel (around 30-40%), when the solution containing Fe+2 at 10 mmol/L was used. In Subproject (3), ANOVA revealed a significant difference among the groups (Placebo, 1,100 g/mL F, Crest®, 1.0 mg/g Fe+2, 2.5 mg/g Fe+2, 5.0 mg/g Fe+2, F- (1, 100 g/mL) + 1,0 mg/g Fe+2, F- (1100 g/mL) + 2,5 mg/g Fe+2 and F- (1,100 g/mL) + 5,0 mg/g Fe+2) (F=4,734, p<0,0001). The lowest wear (0.48±0.24 m) was observed when the dentifrice containing F + Fe was used. In Subproject (4), for sound enamel, two-way ANOVA revealed a significant difference among the dentifrices, (F=21.72, p<0.0001), but not among the conditions (erosion only, erosion + slurry, erosion + abrasion) (F=1.20, p=0.32) or for the interaction of both (F = 1.04, p=0.41). The Bonferronis test revealed that the blocks which received the dentifrice containing Fe+2 and F- presented significantly lesser wear when compared to the blocks submitted to the other dentifrices, which did not differ significantly among each other. As for sound dentin as well as for previously eroded enamel and dentin, the same pattern was obtained but the latter two presented wear values higher than those seen for the sound blocks.

Dynamic Modelling and Fault Feature Analysis of Gear Tooth Pitting and Spalling

Luo, Yang 21 February 2019 (has links)
Fault feature analysis of gear tooth spall plays a vital role in gear fault diagnosis. Knowing the characteristic of fault features and their evolution as a gear tooth fault progresses is key to fault severity assessment. This thesis provides a comprehensive (both theoretical and experimental) analysis of the fault vibration features of a gear transmission with progressive localized gear tooth pitting and spalling. A dynamic model of a one-stage spur gear transmission is proposed to analyze the vibration behavior of a gear transmission with tooth fault. The proposed dynamic model considers the effects of Time Varying Mesh Stiffness (TVMS), tooth surface roughness changes and geometric deviations due to pitting and spalling, and also incorporates a time-varying load sharing ratio, as well as dynamic tooth contact friction forces, friction moments and dynamic mesh damping ratios. The gear dynamical model is validated by comparison with responses obtained from an experimental test rig under different load and fault conditions. In addition, several methods are proposed for the evaluation of the TVMS of a gear pair with tooth spall(s) with curved bottom and irregular shapes, which fills the current research gap on modelling tooth spalls with irregular shapes and randomly distribution conditions. Experiments are conducted and the fault vibration features and their evolution as the tooth fault progresses are analyzed. Based on feature analysis, a new health indicator is proposed to detect progressive localized tooth spall.

Avaliação microscópica da movimentação dentária induzida em dentes traumatizados : um estudo experimental em ratos /

Pereira, Alex Luiz Pozzobon. January 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Marcos Rogério de Mendonça / Banca: Osmar Aparecido Cuoghi / Banca: Celso Koogi Sonoda / Banca: Marcio Rodrigues de Almeida / Banca: Acácio Fuziy / Resumo: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar microscopicamente os eventos biológicos da movimentação dentária induzida, 15 e 30 dias, após a aplicação de um trauma dentoalveolar experimental em molares de ratos. Foram utilizados trinta ratos, divididos em 6 grupos, com 5 animais por grupo: Grupo 1 - Grupo Controle; Grupo 2 - Grupo Movimentação Controle; Grupo 3 - Grupo Traumatismo Controle 1; Grupo 4 - Grupo Traumatismo e Movimentação 1; Grupo 5 - Grupo Traumatismo Controle 2; e Grupo 6 - Grupo Traumatismo e Movimentação 2. Os animais do Grupo Controle foram acompanhados durante todo o experimento. Nos animais do Grupo Movimentação Controle foi instalado um aparelho ortodôntico e após 7 dias submetidos a eutanásia. Os animais do Grupo Traumatismo Controle 1 e 2 receberam um trauma dentoalveolar experimental de 900cN sobre a superfície oclusal do primeiro molar superior direito e após, respectivamente, 22 e 37 dias submetidos a eutanásia. Nos animais do Grupo Traumatismo Movimentação 1 e 2, 15 e 30 dias, respectivamente após a aplicação do trauma dentoalveolar experimental, foi instalado um aparelho ortodôntico e após 7 dias submetidos a eutanásia. Nos Grupos Experimentais, as maiores concentrações das alterações microscópicas estavam presentes na crista óssea alveolar, com alguns pontos de reabsorção óssea, e no terço apical da superfície distal da raiz mesial do primeiro molar superior direito, com a formação de pequenas áreas de reabsorção de superfície (cemento). O trauma dentoalveolar experimental aplicado neste estudo não promoveu alterações microscópicas significantes no periodonto de proteção e sustentação, a ponto de contra-indicar a movimentação dentária induzida desses dentes. / Abstract: The aim of this study was to evaluate microscopically the biological events of induced tooth movement occurring 15 and 30 days after application of an experimental dentoalveolar trauma on rat molars. For such purpose, 30 rats were allocated to 6 groups of 5 animals each: Group 1 - Control group; Group 2 - Movement Control group; Group 3 - 1 Trauma Control group; Group 4 - 1 Trauma/Movement group; Group 5 - 2 Trauma Control group; and Group 6 - 2 Trauma/Movement group. The animals in the Control group were followed up along the whole experiment. The animals in the Movement Control group received an orthodontic appliance and were sacrificed after 7 days. The animals in the 1 and 2 Trauma Control groups were subjected to an experimental dentoalveolar trauma of 900 cN on the occlusal surface of the maxillary right first molar and were sacrificed after 22 and 37 days, respectively. Fifteen and thirty days, respectively, after being subjected to the experimental dentoalveolar trauma, the animals in the 1 and 2 Trauma/Movement groups received an orthodontic appliance and were sacrificed 7 days later. In the experimental groups, the greatest concentration of microscopic alterations occurred on the alveolar bone crest, with some areas of bone resorption and the formation of small areas of surface resorption (cementum) on the apical third of the distal root of the maxillary right first molar. The experimental dentoalveolar trauma applied in this study did not produce significant microscopic alterations on the gingival and periodontal tissues to contraindicate the induced tooth movement of these teeth. / Doutor

Influência da gravidez sobre a neuropatia de pacientes com a doença de Charcot-Marie-Tooth tipo 1A / The effect of pregnancy on Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 1A disease neuropathy

Rita de Cássia Carvalho Leal 06 May 2016 (has links)
A doença de Charcot-Marie-Tooth tipo 1A (CMT1A), associada à duplicação do gene da proteína da mielina periférica 22(PMP22), é a neuropatia hereditária mais comum. Administração diária de progesterona a modelos animais desta doença resultou em progressão mais rápida da neuropatia. Algumas mulheres por ela afetadas desenvolveram piora neurológica durante suas gravidezes. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a influência de gestações sobre a neuropatia de pacientes com CMT1A. Mulheres afetadas responderam questões sobre sinais e sintomas apresentados durante suas gravidezes presentes e passadas. Pontuações nas escalas CMTNS (Charcot-Marie-Tooth Neuropathy Score) e SF-36 (Short Form Health Survey - 36) e dados coletados de avaliações clínicas e eletrofisiológicas dessas pacientes, de mulheres que nunca tiveram filhos e de homens foram comparados. Seis pacientes foram prospectivamente avaliadas durante suas gestações. Cinquenta e uma mulheres responderam questões sobre 130 gravidezes. Vinte e nove delas relataram piora de seus sintomas neurológicos em 61 gravidezes: vinte e cinco, tiveram cãibras dolorosas, três, fraqueza progressiva, duas, ataxia sensitiva, oito referiram sintomas sensitivos positivos. Algumas dessas pacientes apresentaram mais de um tipo de sintomas. As comparações entre mulheres e homens mostraram diferenças significativas nos seguintes aspectos, com pior desempenho pelas mulheres: pontuação no item do CMTNS relacionado a sintomas de membros superiores, força de abdução dos primeiros e segundos quirodáctilos, força da flexão do quadril bilateralmente, pelo MRC (Medical Research Council), amplitude do CMAP (potencial de ação muscular composto) do nervo ulnar direito em millivolts. O SF-36 teve diferença significativa nos seguintes itens, também com piores pontuações pelas mulheres: limitações devido a problemas emocionais, estado geral de saúde, saúde mental, funcionamento social, dor e vitalidade. Quando realizado cotejo entre homens, mulheres com filhos e mulheres sem filhos, dados relativos a força dos abdutores curtos dos polegares direito e esquerdo, força da flexão do quadril bilateralmente, amplitude do CMAP do nervo ulnar direito e os mesmo itens do SF-36, exceto dor e estado geral de saúde, continuaram a ter diferença significativa entre homens e mulheres, mas não entre mulheres com filhos e mulheres sem filhos. Também não houve diferença entre os dados relativos a mulheres que tiveram piora na gravidez e mulheres que não referiram piora. Das seis pacientes avaliadas prospectivamente, cinco, com a duplicação do PMP22, apresentaram piora de algum aspecto de sua neuropatia, porem retornaram à sua condição clínica prévia à gravidez em períodos variáveis de tempo. Uma, que apresentava duas muatçoes, a duplicação 17p11.2-p12 e a mutação de ponto Ser72Leu, não teve qualquer alteração. Nesta casuística, embora tenham sido encontradas diferenças significativas entre os dois gêneros, e até entre homens e mulheres com filhos, não foi observada nenhuma diferença significativa entre mulheres que referiram piora na gravidez e as que não apresentaram. A gestação teve diferentes consequências sobre a neuropatia de pacientes avaliadas, prospectivamente, porem houve retorno às condições clínica anteriores à gravidez. / The Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 1A (CMT1A) associated with PMP22 duplication is the most common hereditary neuropathy. Daily administration of progesterone resulted in more progressive clinical neuropathy of transgenic rats over-expressing PMP22. There are reports of women with CMT1A who had worsening of their neurological status during pregnancy. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of pregnancy on CMT1A neuropathy and its natural history. Women with CMT1A answered questions about neurological signs and symptoms during their past and present pregnancies. CMT NS (Charcot-Marie-Tooth Neuropathy Score) and SF 36 (Short Form Survey - 36) scores and data collected from clinical and electrophysiological evaluations of these patients, of women who didn\'t have child and of men were compared. Six patients were prospectively evaluated during pregnancies. Fifty-one patients answered questions about 130 pregnancies. Twenty-nine patients (56%) reported worsening of their neurological symptoms during 61 pregnancies: twenty-five women had painful cramps, three, reported progressive weakness, two patients had sensitive ataxia, six patients had positive sensory symptoms. Some of these patients had more than one kind of symptoms. Comparison between men and women showed some significant differences: CMT NS item about upper limbs symptoms; strength of right and left first dorsal interosseos muscle(ID), strength of right and left abductor pollicis brevis(APB), strength of right and left flexors of the hip, CMAP of right ulnar nerve in millivolts; SF-36 had significant difference in the following items: limitations due to emotional problems, general health, mental health, social functioning, pain and vitality, in which female had worst scores. When comparison between men, women who had child and women who didn\'t have child was made, data regarding strength of right and left APB, strength of right and left flexors of the hip, amplitude of right CMAP and the same items of SF-36, except pain and general health, continued to have significant differences between men and women, but not between women who had child and women who didn\'t had child. There was no difference between data of women who got worst during their pregnancy and women who didn\'t. CMT worsening during pregnancy has previously been described. Some of these patients recovered their previous status after delivery, while others did not. Several explanations have been proposed for this deterioration. In our series, five patients had deterioration during pregnancy. It seems that pregnancy may affect CMT patients in different ways. There were also some differences between men and women, but no significant worsening was found in the neurological status of women that had been pregnant. A larger prospective study should be conducted to better understand the effects of pregnancy on CMT.

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