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Heliostat Design / HeliostatkonstruktionerBjörkman, Nils January 2014 (has links)
A heliostat is a motorized mirror used in a Solar Power Tower plant. The technology has been around since the 1970’s, and involves hundreds or thousands of heliostats reflecting the sun’s rays to the top of a high tower, where the incident solar energy is converted to heat energy, which in turn is used to drive steam turbines and produce electricity. Demonstration plants have been built in the U.S.A. and Spain, and a number of new facilities have been added since 2005. To achieve a commercial breakthrough, the technology must be made more efficient so that electricity can be produced at prices comparable with other options such as wind, photovoltaic, nuclear and coal. A critical component in the economics of the Solar Power Tower plant is the cost of the heliostat, which is estimated to account for approximately 50 % of the investment cost of the total plant. This report deals with the heliostat from a multifaceted perspective. Different design approaches are explained. First, mirror geometries, with manufacturing dimensions, for a rotation-symmetric paraboloid-shaped mirror-assembly are obtained for mirrors with different sizes with a Matlab code. Investigating wind loads are among the most important tasks in a heliostat development project, as large wind loads radically complicates the design work. A wind load calculation-method based on previous work by Sandia National Laboratories and finite element method (FEM) is used in this work to design heliostats to withstand expected wind loading. The design of the geometry and the structure to withstand wind loading is illustrated with two azimuth elevation heliostats (25 m 2 and 49 m2). Finally, a number of innovative technical solutions are suggested. These are a new mirror facet mounting technique, sliding bearings, elevation drive, and a very unique azimuth motor module, which uses steel wires as belts with an integrated brake. It is hoped that the results and designs presented in this thesis will be a good foundation for further research in the heliostat structures and heliostat controls at the Robotics lab in IISc and elsewhere. Keywords: Solar Power, Heliostat, Thermal solar power, Solar Power Tower, Central Receiver System / En heliostat är en motordriven spegel som används i tornsolkraftverk, kända som Solar Power Tower, även kallade Central Receiver system. Tekniken har funnits sedan 1970-talet och går ut på att hundratals eller tusentals heliostater speglar solstrålarna till toppen av ett högt torn, där stålningsenergin omvandlas till värmeenergi, som t.ex. kan användas till att driva ångturbiner och producera elektricitet. Demonstrationsanläggningar har byggts i bland annat USA och Spanien, och ett flertal nya installationer har tillkommit sedan år 2005. För att verkligen nå ett kommersiellt genombrott måste tekniken göras billigare så att solelen kan produceras till minst lika bra pris som andra alternativ, så som t.ex. solceller, kärnkraft och kolkraft. En kritisk komponent för tornsolkraftverkens ekonomi är kostnaden för heliostaterna, som beräknas stå för ungefär 50 % av anläggningens totala investeringskostnad. Den här rapporten avhandlar heliostaten ur ett mångfacetterat perspektiv där olika konstruktionsspår förklaras. Vidare behandlar rapporten spegelgeometrier, och en Matlab-kod som genererar tillverkningsmått för en rotationssymmetrisk paraboloidformad spegelyta finns bifogad. Att undersöka vindlaster är bland det viktigaste i ett heliostatutvecklingsprojekt, eftersom dessa är de dimensionerande lasterna för designarbetet. Här används en vindlastberäkningsmetod utgiven av Sandia National Laboratories, som kortfattat går ut på att man multiplicerar det dynamiska vindtrycket med en korrigeringsfaktor som baserats på emiriska studier av heliostatmodeller i vindtunnel. En dimensioneringsprocess för heliostater föreslås och utvecklingsgången för två Azimut-Elevation heliostater i storlek 25 m 2 resp. 49 m2 demonstreras. FEM-mjukvara nyttjas som det främsta verktyget för att dimensionera heliostatkonstruktioner som kan stå emot vindlasterna. Slutligen ges förslag på innovativa tekniska lösningar för spegelmontering, glidlager, montering av elevation-motorerna, och en unik azimut-motormodul, vilken använder stålvajrar som remmar och har en integrerad broms. Med all denna information bör Robotics Lab på IISc ha en god grund att stå på inför vidare forskning inom konstruktion och styrning av heliostater. Nyckelord: Solenergi, Heliostat, Termisk solenergi, Solar Power Tower, Tornsolkraftverk
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Flight Test Evaluation of a Hi-Speed Near Real-Time 720I Image Processing ApplicationGuarino de Vasconcelos, Luiz Eduardo, Leite, Nelson Paiva Oliveira, Pinheiro, Carlos Alberto Murari, Carpinteiro, Otávio Augusto Salgado 10 1900 (has links)
ITC/USA 2011 Conference Proceedings / The Forty-Seventh Annual International Telemetering Conference and Technical Exhibition / October 24-27, 2011 / Bally's Las Vegas, Las Vegas, Nevada / Nowadays, with the development of the electronics, a video camera can produce hi-resolution and hi-speed images with a very good sensitivity. A typical application is the execution of the Air Data System (ADS) Calibration Flight Test Campaign (FTC) using the Tower-Fly-By method, where the aircraft reference altitude is computed from video frames. To improve efficiency, safety and effectiveness for this FTC, the Flight Test Research Institute (IPEV) developed a near real-time video processing application to compute the aircraft altitude from 720i video frames at up to 400 fps. This development was executed as Master Science dissertation along with Itajubá State University (UNIFEI). Tests results demonstrated satisfactory performance for this tool compared to Ground Telemetry System (GTS) and Global Positioning System (GPS).
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Investigation of solar applicable gas cyclesGopalakrishna, Sandeep 22 April 2013 (has links)
This thesis presents the thermodynamic and economic assessment of gas power cycles for 100 MW solar thermal power generation systems. A gas power cycle for solar power generation is a totally different technology from the current state of the art solar power generation systems. As a result, this thesis provides an assessment of the solar power generation systems with gas power cycles and provides guidance in the selection of design and operating parameters for gas power cycle based solar power generation system. The gas power cycle based power generation systems are assessed by means of thermodynamic and economic models developed and simulated using commercial thermodynamic analysis software. The gas cycle based power generation systems considered in this study are Cold Gas Turbine, High Temperature Solar Gas Turbine and Lorentz Cycle Gas Turbine. The system models are assessed for their thermodynamic performance using theory based turbo-machinery models with practical performance and loss data. In addition, extensive cost models have been developed for assessing the economic performance of the system models to determine their practical feasibility. The results from this study indicate that the most economical power generation system is the HTSGT system for a high peak cycle temperature utilizing the central receiver power tower solar collector system. The LCGT system also has a comparable performance at the same operating temperature. The CGT system assessed for operating with parabolic trough solar collector system at a lower peak cycle temperature had an inferior performance compared to the current state of the art technology for the power generation using parabolic troughs.
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The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum’s Multivalent Tower of FacesAstrove, Grace 11 December 2013 (has links)
Holocaust survivor Dr. Yaffa Eliach collected over 6,000 photographs depicting residents of Eishyshok, a small Jewish settlement in Eastern Europe, taken between 1890 and 1941. Eliach survived the Nazi-led massacre in 1941 that killed nearly the entire Jewish population of Eishyshok. As a way to commemorate the destroyed town of her youth she began to collect photographs from other survivors and residents who fled Europe prior to the Holocaust. She subsequently selected 1,032 photographs from the Yaffa Eliach Shtetl Collection for display in The Tower of Faces, a permanent exhibition in The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, located in Washington, DC. The Tower of Faces is a multivalent exhibition. What the photographs represent has changed as time has passed and the collection has served multiple purposes. For Eliach, who has a personal connection to the collection and to events the images have come to represent, the exhibition is a monument within a memorial museum that specifically visually depicts and commemorates Eishyshok and its residents. Once the photographs were accessioned into the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum’s permanent collection exhibition designers and curators used the photographs to facilitate a connection between visitors who may not have a direct association to the Holocaust. For visitors, the familial photographs do not represent direct memories or evidence of atrocity, as they do for Eliach. Rather, the Tower of Faces is a site of postmemory and the photographs is what connects the Holocaust to Eliach’s memory of the Holocaust to visitors’ understanding of the Holocaust.
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An investigation of temporal variability of CO2 fluxes in a boreal coniferous forest and a bog in central Siberia : from local to regional scalePark, Sung-Bin 04 July 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Proposta e comparação de um modelo fenomenológico com base em alto transporte de massa e supersaturação para torre de resfriamento de água. / Presentation and comparison of a model based in high mass transfer and supersaturation in a cooling water tower.Fernandes, Mariana 20 December 2011 (has links)
Torres de resfriamento são equipamentos muito utilizados na indústria e que muitas vezes operam sob condições adversas, particularmente, temperatura de água acima dos 50°C na entrada da torre. Nesta condição, tem-se alta taxa de evaporação e eventualmente condição de alto transporte de massa, normalmente não considerado no equacionamento de torres de resfriamento. Apresenta-se assim uma análise comparativa de diferentes métodos de cálculo de torres de resfriamento: Merkel, Poppe e o modelo proposto. No modelo proposto neste estudo, consideram-se os balanços diferenciais de massa e energia e os mecanismos de transporte simultâneo de calor e massa, na condição de alto transporte de massa e de supersaturação do ar, caso o vapor de água condense na forma de névoa. Para os casos em que há saturação do ar, os balanços diferenciais de massa e energia passam a contemplar este fenômeno a partir do momento em que ocorre a saturação. O modelo matemático desenvolvido consiste de equações diferenciais ordinárias e equações auxiliares, e foi implementado em uma interface Matlab. Os principais parâmetros investigados foram: as vazões de água e ar, a temperatura de bulbo úmido do ar, a temperatura da água na entrada da coluna e a altura da torre. A partir das simulações matemáticas, foram obtidos resultados de temperaturas do ar, da água e da umidade do ar ao longo da coluna, para os diferentes métodos. / Cooling towers are equipment widely used in industrial plants, where these operate under severe conditions such as cooling water inlet temperatures above 50oC. Under this condition, there are high evaporation of water and high mass transfer, generally not considered in performance analysis of a cooling tower. This work presents and analyzes the differences between the proposed model and the Merkel and Poppe approaches. The proposed model in this work is based on differential equations for energy and mass balances and on the mechanisms of combined heat and mass transfers, at high mass transfer condition and considering the supersaturated air from the height of the tower that the excess of water vapor condenses as a mist. At the point that the air became supersaturated, the differential equations for energy and mass balances start to consider the supersaturation phenomena. The mathematical model developed in this work is composed by ordinary differential equations and auxiliary equations which were solved at Matlab. The parameters investigated were water and air mass flow rates, air wet bulb temperature, water inlet temperature and tower height. The results of air and water temperatures, humidity air across the tower height are presented for each method analyzed.
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Improving the performance of hybrid wind-diesel-battery systemsGan, Leong Kit January 2017 (has links)
Off-grid hybrid renewable energy systems are known as an attractive and sustainable solution for supplying clean electricity to autonomous consumers. Typically, this applies to the communities that are located in remote or islanded areas where it is not cost-effective to extend the grid facilities to these regions. In addition, the use of diesel generators for electricity supply in these remote locations are proven to be uneconomical due to the difficult terrain which translates into high fuel transportation costs. The use of renewable energy sources, coupling with the diesel generator allows for the diesel fuel to be offset. However, to date, a common design standard for the off-grid system has yet to be found and some challenges still exist while attempting to design a reliable system. These include the sizing of hybrid systems, coordination between the operation of dissimilar power generators and the fluctuating load demands, optimal utilisation of the renewable energy resources and identifying the underlying principles which reduce the reliability of the off-grid systems. In order to address these challenges, this research has first endeavoured into developing a sizing algorithm which particularly seeks the optimal size of the batteries and the diesel generator usage. The batteries and diesel generator function in filling the gap between the power generated from the renewable energy resources and the load demand. Thus, the load requirement is also an important factor in determining the cost-effectiveness of the overall system in the long run. A sensitivity analysis is carried out to provide a better understanding of the relationship between the assessed renewable energy resources, the load demand, the storage capacity and the diesel generator fuel usage. The thesis also presents the modelling, simulation and experimental work on the proposed hybrid wind-diesel-battery system. These are being implemented with a full-scale system and they are based on the off-the-shelf components. A novel algorithm to optimise the operation of a diesel generator is also proposed. The steady-state and dynamic analysis of the proposed system are presented, from both simulation and an experimental perspective. Three single-phase grid-forming inverters and a fixed speed wind turbine are used as a platform for case studies. The grid-forming inverters adopt droop control method which allows parallel operation of several grid-forming sources. Droop control-based inverters are known as independent and autonomous due to the elimination of intercommunication links among distributed converters. Moreover, the adopted fixed speed wind turbine employs a squirrel cage induction generator which is well known for its robustness, high reliability, simple operation and low maintenance. The results show a good correlation between the modelling, the experimental measurements, and the field tested results. The final stage of this research explores the effect of tower shadow on off-grid systems. Common tower designs for small wind turbine applications, which are the tubular and the lattice configurations, are considered in this work. They generate dissimilar tower shadow profiles due to the difference in structure. In this research, they are analytically modelled for a wind turbine which is being constructed as a downwind configuration. It is proven that tower shadow indeed brings negative consequence to the system, particularly its influence on battery lifetime within an off-grid system. This detrimental effect occurs when power generation closely matches the load demand. In this situation, small frequent charging and discharging cycles or the so called microcycles, take place. The battery lifetime reduction due to these microcycles has been quantified and it is proven that they are not negligible and should be taken into consideration while designing an off-grid hybrid system.
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OtimizaÃÃo de torres de aÃo para geradores eÃlicos / Eolic steel towers OptimizationBruno Pinho Feijà 27 August 2010 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / FundaÃÃo Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnolÃgico / Diversas formas de geraÃÃo de energia vÃm sendo desenvolvidas com o intuito de
oferecer alternativas ecologicamente corretas. Na regiÃo Nordeste do Brasil e principalmente
no Estado do CearÃ, a energia eÃlica vem se destacando devido ao grande potencial dos
ventos da regiÃo. Para aumentar a potÃncia gerada, torres cada vez mais altas tÃm sido usadas
em busca de ventos mais fortes. Vale ressaltar que o custo das torres, geralmente fabricados
em aÃo, representa parcela importante (20 a 30%) do custo total do sistema de geraÃÃo eÃlico.
Este trabalho apresenta duas formulaÃÃes para a otimizaÃÃo do projeto de torres tubulares para
geradores eÃlicos de aÃo. A primeira considera uma torre de aÃo cilÃndrica prismÃtica, onde
foi modelada segundo a teoria de viga clÃssica de Euler-Bernoulli. A segunda formulaÃÃo
considera uma torre, composta de segmentos de troncos de cone, onde foram utilizados para
anÃlise por elementos finitos clÃssicos de pÃrtico plano. As variÃveis de projeto que definem
as estruturas sÃo os diÃmetros representativos dos segmentos e as suas espessuras. Na torre
cilÃndrica este diÃmetro à Ãnico. O custo mÃnimo à procurado minimizando-se o peso da torre.
As restriÃÃes dizem respeito ao comportamento estrutural (rigidez, resistÃncia e estabilidade
de acordo com recomendaÃÃes de normas) e ao processo de fabricaÃÃo e transporte. O
processo de fabricaÃÃo confere aos diÃmetros representativos de cada segmento uma natureza
contÃnua, e em conseqÃÃncia da disponibilidade comercial, as espessuras das chapas possuem
natureza discreta. As restriÃÃes relativas à verificaÃÃo da seguranÃa segundo as normas
apresentam pontos com descontinuidades nas funÃÃes e nas suas derivadas. Estes dois
aspectos, que dificultam a soluÃÃo do problema pelos mÃtodos clÃssicos de ProgramaÃÃo
MatemÃtica, tÃm sido adequadamente tratados por algoritmos baseados na simulaÃÃo do
processo de evoluÃÃo de Darwin e em princÃpios da genÃtica, os chamados Algoritmos
GenÃticos (AGâs). Assim, algumas aplicaÃÃes da formulaÃÃo sÃo feitas e soluÃÃes sÃo obtidas
usando AGâs. Os resultados obtidos sÃo comparados com soluÃÃes da literatura e soluÃÃes
Ãtimas sÃo verificadas por meios de modelos de elementos finitos de cascas usando o software
ABAQUS. / Different forms of energy generation have been developed with the intention of
offering environmentally friendly alternatives. In the Northeast region of Brazil and especially
in the state of CearÃ, wind energy has been increasing due to the large potential of wind in the
region. To increase the power, increasingly high towers have been used to capture stronger
winds. It is noteworthy that the cost of towers, generally made of steel, represents significant
portion (20-30%) of the total wind power generation system costs. This work presents two
approaches for optimizing the design of tubular towers for wind steel generators. The first
considers a prismatic cylindrical steel tower, which is modeled by means of the classical
Euler-Bernoulliâs beam theory. The second formulation considers a tower composed of
segments of the trunks of cone. The analysis was run by finite element analysis. The design
variables that define the structures are the diameters of representative segments and their
thicknesses. In the prismatic cylindrical tower, this diameter is unique. The minimum cost is
searched by minimizing the weight of the tower. Constraints related to the structural behavior
(stiffness, strength and stability in accordance with recommendations of standards) and the
manufacturing process and transportation are considered. The manufacturing process gives
the diameters of each segment representing a continuous nature, and as a result of commercial
availability, the thicknesses of the plates have a discrete nature. The constraints to ensure the
safety of the structure followed the standards recommendations. They presented
discontinuities in their functions and their derivatives. The discrete nature and the
discontinuities hinder the solution of the problem by classical methods of mathematical
programming. So, they had been adequately addressed by algorithms based on simulation of
the process of Darwinian evolution and principles of genetics, called Genetic Algorithms
(GA). Thus, some applications of the formulation are made and solutions are obtained using
GAâs. The results are compared with solutions from literature, and the optimum solutions
obtained are verified by shell finite elements models using the software ABAQUS.
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Innovation in construction techniques for tall buildingsSkelton, Ian R. January 2015 (has links)
The skyline of many 'world cities' are defined and punctuated by tall buildings. The drivers for such dominant skylines range from land scarcity and social needs; high real estate values; commercial opportunity and corporate demand, through to metropolitan signposting. This fascination with tall buildings started with the patrician families who created the 11th Century skyline of San Gimignano by building seventy tower-houses (some up to 50m tall) as symbols of their wealth and power. This was most famously followed in the late 19th Century with the Manhattan skyline, then Dubai building the world's highest building, then China building some eighty tall buildings completed in the last 5 years, then UK building Europe's highest tower, the Shard and finally back to Dubai, planning a kilometre tall tower, potentially realising Ludwig Mies van der Rohe's 'Impossible Dream' of the 1920's and Frank Lloyd Wright's 1956 'Mile High Illinois'. This ambition to build higher and higher continues to challenge the Architects, Engineers and Builders of tall buildings and is expected to continue into the future. The tall building format is clearly here to stay.
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The Apprentices' Tower of HanoiBall, Cory BH 01 May 2015 (has links)
The Apprentices' Tower of Hanoi is introduced in this thesis. Several bounds are found in regards to optimal algorithms which solve the puzzle. Graph theoretic properties of the associated state graphs are explored. A brief summary of other Tower of Hanoi variants is also presented.
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