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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Implementace Application Lifecycle Mangement systému pro využití v nesoftwarových projektech ve firmě Audatex Systems s.r.o. / Implementing Application Lifecycle Management system for non-software projects usage in Audatex Systems s.r.o.

Hlobil, Lukáš January 2012 (has links)
This thesis describes implementation process of issue tracking systém in company Audatex Systems s.r.o. An analysis of company's processes has been performed and ideal state after implementation is proposed. The implemented system is going to be used not only for software defect tracking, but also for company's other needs like project management and internal communication. Output of company's analysis is a list of requirements for said system and a tender is performed -- along with setting up of test environments. Process of implementation and configuration is described along with experience from implementation proces. Each of shotlisted applications is configured for company's specific needs and is evaluated with an evaluation systém, that has been created for this specific tender. Situation after implementation is descibed in conclusion of this thesis. Main benefit of this thesis lies in comparision of applications and presenting their configurations for company's needs. Two free solutions are compared along with a comercial one. In conclusion this thesis answers a question, whether a comercial solution is really needed for this specific case.

Designing Applicant Tracking Systems : A user-centered approach to improving recruiter efficiency

Rannanpää, Sandra January 2023 (has links)
Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) help the recruiter keep track of all candidates and applications for a job. However, there is a large amount of information regarding candidates and their applications. Therefore, the interface that displays a candidate profile needs to be designed to help the recruiter manage all candidates in an efficient way. In this thesis, a user-centered design approach to designing a candidate profile was applied. User research consisted of contextual inquiries and content analysis of user reviews, to understand what activities and information are relevant for the recruiter throughout the recruitment process. The contextual inquiries focused on how recruiters screen an application, and the activities tied to an interview with a candidate. User needs were defined, and wireframes of the design were created and tested by users. Finally, a hi-fi design was created based on the usability test feedback, and a conclusion with recommendations for designing a candidate profile in an ATS. The result from the user research revealed that many recruiters have their own way of working with the recruitment process, leading to one of the recommendations for designing an ATS being to let the users customize parts of the candidate profile. Additionally, some recruiters use ranking or scoring of a candidate, while others do not. For those recruiters that use scoring, the score should be based on the job application and not stick to the candidate if they apply for another role. The results also revealed that reducing clutter, unnecessary information, and scrolling in the candidate profile was requested by users. Right before an interview was held, the recruiters needed to remind themselves who the candidate was. Additionally, the recruiters had candidate-specific questions to ask during the interview. This finding led to another recommendation for designing an ATS, to have a feature to let the user highlight interesting parts in the application. Future research could focus on which scales (linear or non-linear) a recruiter could best use to assess a candidate, based on the impression gathered either when screening an application or after an interview. Another area to further research is more reliable data on what candidate information is prioritized by the recruiter. / Rekryteringssystem hjälper rekryteraren att hålla koll på alla kandidater för ett jobb. Det finns däremot mycket information om kandidaternas ansökan. Designen av gränssnittet bör därmed utformas för att göra det effektivt för rekryteraren att hantera alla kandidater. I denna examensuppsats har en användarcentrerad design applicerats för att designa en kandidatprofil i ett rekryteringssystem. Användarundersökningar skedde i form av en kontextuell undersökning samt informationsanalys av användarrecensioner, för att förstå vilka aktiviteter samt vilken information som är relevant i de olika stadierna av rekryteringsprocessen för en rekryterare. Den kontextuella undersökningen fokuserade på hur rekryterare går igenom en ansökan, samt aktiviteterna relaterade till en intervju med en kandidat. Användarbehov definierades och enklare prototyper med fokus på struktur skapades och testades av användare. Slutligen skapades en designad prototyp av kandidatprofilen baserat på resultat från användartesterna, samt rekommendationer för hur en kandidatprofil kan utformas. Resultatet från användarundersökningarna visade att många rekryterare har ett eget sätt att hantera ansökningar och kandidater på. Detta ledde till att en av de rekommendationerna var att låta användaren anpassa delar av kandidatprofilen. Vissa rekryterare använder betygsättning för kandidater, medan andra inte gör det. För de som använder betygsättning, ska denna betygsättning vara baserat på det specifika jobbet, och inte för kandidaten som helhet. Resultaten visade också att det är uppskattat av användare att minska på onödig information presenterad till användaren och att inte vara tvungen att rulla långt ner på skärmen för att hitta det man söker. Precis innan intervjun, var många rekryterare tvungna att snabbt gå igenom ansökan igen, för att färska upp minnet. Dessutom hade rekryterarna kandidat-specifika frågor de ville ställe under intervjun. Detta resultat ledde till att en annan rekommendation för att designa en kandidatprofil är att erbjuda ett sätt att markera och kommentera på intressanta delar i en ansökan. Framtida arbeten kan fokusera på vilka olika typer av skalor (linjär eller olinjär) som en rekryterare kan visa sitt intryck av en kandidat, samt mer utförlig undersökning kring vilken specifik information om en kandidat som en rekryterare vill se först.

North American Tree Bat (Genera: Lasiurus, Lasionycteris) Migration on the Mid-Atlantic Coast—Implications and Discussion for Current and Future Offshore Wind Development

True, Michael C. 18 January 2022 (has links)
In eastern North America, "tree bats" (Genera: Lasiurus and Lasionycteris) are highly susceptible to collisions with wind energy turbines and are known to fly offshore during migration. This raises concern about ongoing expansion of offshore wind-energy development off the Atlantic Coast. Season, atmospheric conditions, and site-level characteristics such as local habitat features (e.g., forest coverage) have been shown to influence wind turbine collision rates by bats onshore, and similar features may be related to risk offshore. In response to rapidly developing offshore wind energy development, I assessed the factors affecting coastal and offshore presence of tree bats. I continuously gathered tree bat nightly occurrence data using stationary acoustic recorders on five structures (four lighthouses on barrier islands and one light tower offshore) off the coast of Virginia, USA, across all seasons, 2012–2019. I used generalized additive models to describe nightly tree bat occurrence in relation to multiple factors. I found that sites either indicated maternity or migratory patterns in their seasonal occurrence pattern that were associated with local roosting resources (i.e., presence of forest). Across all sites, nightly occurrence was negatively related to wind speed and positively related to temperature and visibility. Using predictive performance metrics, I concluded that the model was highly predictive for the Virginia coast. My findings were consistent with other studies—tree bat occurrence probability and presumed mortality risk to offshore wind-energy collisions is highest on nights with low wind speed, high temperature and visibility during spring and fall. The high predictive model performance I observed provides a basis for which managers, using a similar monitoring and modeling regime, could develop an effective curtailment-based mitigation strategy. Although information at fixed points is helpful for managing specific sites, large questions remain on certain aspects of tree bat migration, in part because direct evidence (i.e., tracking of individuals) has been difficult to obtain so far. For instance, patterns in fall behavior such as the timing of migration events, the existence of migratory pathways, consistencies in the direction of travel, the drivers of over-water flight, and the activity states of residents (or bats in stopover) remain unstudied in the mid-Atlantic. The recently established Motus Wildlife Tracking System, an array of ground-based receiver stations, provides a new technique to track individual bats via the ability to detect course-scale movement paths of attached very high frequency radio-tags. To reveal patterns in migration, and to understand drivers of over-water flight, I captured and radio-tagged 115 eastern red bats (Lasiurus borealis) and subsequently tracked their movements. For the bats with evidence of large movements, most traveled in a southwesterly direction whereby paths were often oriented interior toward the continental landmass rather than being oriented along the coastline. This observation challenges earlier held beliefs that bats closely follow linear landscape features, such as the coast, when migrating. I documented bats traveling across wide sections of the Chesapeake and Delaware bays confirming the species' ability to travel across large water bodies. This behavior typically occurred in the early hours of the night and during favorable flying conditions such as low wind speeds, warm temperatures, and/or during sudden increases in temperature associated with the passage of cold fronts. For bats engaging in site residency through the fall, the proportion of night-hours in which bats were in a resting state (and possibly torpor), increased with colder temperatures and the progression of the fall season. My study demonstrated that bats may be at risk to offshore wind turbine collisions off the mid-Atlantic, but that this risk might be minimal if most bats are migrating toward the interior landscape rather than following the coast. Nonetheless, if flight over large water bodies such as Chesapeake and Delaware bays is a viable proxy for over-ocean flight, then collision risk at offshore wind turbines may be somewhat linked to atmospheric, seasonal timing, or other effects, and therefore some level of predictable and manageable with mitigations options such as smart curtailment. / Master of Science / In eastern North America on the mid-Atlantic and Northeast coasts, a group of bat species named "tree bats" engage in seasonal migrations—generally shifting north in spring and south in fall. On the East coast, it is known that eastern red bats and silver-haired bats will occasionally fly over the ocean during these periods. Although this behavior is somewhat hard to explain due to their reliance on trees for day-time roosting, it raises concern conservation concerns due to the current and future rapid development of offshore wind energy turbines. This is compounded by the fact that collision rates with turbines are high for this species group in general and highest in the fall migratory season. The fall period is also when bats may be attracted to tall structures such as turbines and when most offshore flight happens. Nevertheless, bats are sensitive to atmospheric conditions such as temperature and wind speed, and other factors influence their propensity to fly (and be at risk to turbine strikes). So, understanding these drivers may aid in understanding the conditions that present the highest risk to strike at offshore wind turbines. In response to rapid offshore wind development in the Atlantic, I recorded bats in coastal Virginia, USA from 2012–2019, using acoustic monitors—devices that collect the echolocation vocalizations of bats. I found that tree bat visitation offshore or on barrier islands was associated with wind speed, temperature, visibility, and seasonality. Using statistical modeling, I developed a predictive tool to assess occurrence probabilities at varying levels of wind speed, temperature, and seasonality. Probability of occurrence and therefore assumed risk to collision was highest on high temperature and visibility nights, low wind speed nights, and during the spring and fall seasons. Therefore, I suggest a similar modeling regime could be used to predict the occurrence of bats at offshore wind sites to inform potential mitigation efforts. Next, I attempted to answer broader questions about tree bat migratory behavior such as attempting to identify migratory pathways throughout the mid-Atlantic. The Motus Wildlife Tracking System gives researchers the ability to directly track individuals over long-distances with radio-transmitters and ground-based receiver stations. Using Motus, I captured and radio-tagged >100 tree bats, which were of majority eastern red bats and tracked their movements throughout the mid-Atlantic region. I found that movements were not oriented along the coastline, which challenged previously held beliefs that bats use the coast during migration. Tree bats also traversed large bodies of water, the Chesapeake and Delaware bays, confirming the ability for this group to fly over-water. Through statistical modeling, I found that these over-water bouts were early in the night and related to advantageous flying conditions such as low wind speeds, high temperatures, and during periods of sudden temperature increase (which could be linked to the passage of cold weather fronts). Offshore collision risk to tree bats may be somewhat minimal if most bats orient inland, rather than coastal for their migration movement. Nevertheless, for those bats that do fly over the ocean, if crossing large waterbodies is a viable proxy for over-ocean movement, then this behavior is linked to multiple factors, of which can be used to predict occurrences and even potentially predict and manage risk to collision.

Universalios sklendės tiesiaeigės pavaros tyrimas / Research on the Universal Linear Electric Drive

Inčirauskaitė, Asta 20 June 2011 (has links)
Šiame baigiamajame darbe apžvelgtos dulkių sprogimų atsiradimo priežastys bei sprogimų plitimų mechanizmas. Aprašyti sprogimų žemės ūkio įmonėse padariniai. Aptartos techninės priemonės, įgalinančias lokalizuoti pirminius silpnus dulkių sprogimus ir taip išvengiant stiprių, griaunamosios jėgos sprogimų. Išanalizuotos ugnį užtveriančių ir technologinių universaliųjų sklendžių tiesiaeiges elektros pavaros. Naudojant programinį modeliavimo paketą Matlab Simulink sudarytas universaliosios sklendės tiesiaeigės pavaros modelis ir gautos dinaminių charakteristikų imitacijos kreives. Naudojant programinį paketą SolidWorks sumodeliuota universalioji sklendė ir gauta smūginės bangos slėgio veikiamo sklendės judamojo elemento deformacija ir judamojo elemento deformacija, kai induktoriaus aktyviojoje zonoje įtaisyti papildomi atraminiai guoliai. Baigiamojo darbo pabaigoje pateiktos išvados ir pasiūlymai. / The final work of master analyses the causes of dust explosions and explosions spread mechanism. A short overview of the explosions effects in the agro - industry is presented. Technical devices enabling the localization of primary weak dust explosions and so avoiding the strong, destructive force explosions are discussed. Fire blocking and universal linear electric drives are analyzed. Using software package Matlab Simulink model of universal linear electric drive is created and dynamic characteristics are gained. Using software package SolidWorks model of universal linear electric drive is created and valves mobile element deformation and deformation of the mobile element, when there are installed additional supporting bearings in the inductor active zone are obtained when mobile element is affected by the pressure of the explosion wave. Concluding part presents inferences and suggestions.

Visual tracking systém pro UAV

KOLÁŘ, Michal January 2018 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the analysis of the current possibilities for object tracking in the image, based on which is designed a procedure for creating a system capable of tracking an object of interest. Part of this work is designing virtual reality for the needs of implementation of the tracking system, which is finally deployed and tested on a real prototype of unmanned vehicle.

Development of CMOS pixel sensors for the inner tracking system upgrade of the ALICE experiment / Développement des capteurs à pixels CMOS pour le nouveau trajectometre interne de l'expérience ALICE

Wang, Tianyang 25 September 2015 (has links)
Ce travail contribue au programme de recherche et de développement d'un capteur CMOS à pixel qui pourrait satisfaire pleinement les spécifications du nouvel ITS (Inner Tracking System : trajectomètre interne) de l'expérience ALICE. Afin de briser les limites de la CPS de pointe, une technologie CMOS 0.18 µm à quatre puits a été explorée. Les capteurs fabriqués dans cette nouvelle technologie ont montré une meilleure tolérance aux radiations que les capteurs réalisés dans une technologie CMOS 0.35 µm plus ancienne. En outre, cette nouvelle technologie offre la possibilité d’implémenter des transistors de type P dans chaque pixel sans dégrader la capacité de collection de la diode. Il devient donc possible d’intégrer un discriminateur dans chaque pixel et obtenir un pixel à sortie binaire. En conséquence, la consommation sera largement réduite. De plus, le temps de traitement de la ligne peut être potentiellement réduit. Un premier prototype de petite taille, intitulé AROM-0, a été conçu et fabriqué afin d’étudier la faisabilité de la discrimination de signal dans un petit pixel. Dans ce prototype, chaque pixel de surface 22 × 33 µm2 contient une diode de détection, un préamplificateur et un discriminateur à tension d’offset compensée. La performance de bruit des différentes versions de pixels dans le capteur AROM-0 a été évaluée. Ensuite sera détaillé le développement des capteurs AROM-1. Ce sont les capteurs intermédiaires vers le capteur final proposé par notre groupe. Ils ont deux objectifs principaux, l’un est de valider les optimisations de conception du pixel et l’autre est de mettre en place une architecture du capteur évolutive intégrant l’intelligence nécessaire dans le circuit. Cette thèse présente en détail la conception et les résultats de mesure de ces capteurs AROM. / This work is part of the R&D program aimed for a CMOS pixel sensor (CPS) complying with the requirements of the upgrade of the inner tracking system (ITS) of the ALICE experiment. In order break the limitations of the state-of-the-art CPS, a 0.18 µm quadruple-well CMOS process was explored. Besides an enhanced radiation tolerance, with respect to the former sensors fabricated in a 0.35 µm process, the sensor based on this new process allows for full CMOS capability inside the pixel without degradation of the detection efficiency. Therefore, the signal discrimination, which was formerly performed at the column level, can be integrated inside the pixel. As a result, the readout speed and power consumption can be greatly improved as compared to the CPS with column-level discrimination. This work addresses the feasibility study of achieving the signal discrimination withina small pixel (i.e. 22 × 33 µm2), via the prototype named AROM-0. The pixel of AROM-0 contains a sensing diode, a pre-amplifier and an offset compensated discriminator. The noise performance of the various pixel versions implemented in AROM-0 was evaluated. The study was further pursued with the AROM-1 prototypes, incorporating the optimized pixel designs and the necessary on-chip intelligence to approach the final sensor we have proposed for the ALICE-ITS upgrade. This thesis presents in detail the design and the measurement results of these AROM sensors.

Suivi automatique de nageurs à partir des séquences vidéo : application à l'analyse des performances / Automatic swimmer tracking using video sequences : application to performance analysis

Benarab, Djamel-Eddine 02 December 2016 (has links)
Dans le but d’améliorer les performances des nageurs professionnels, nous avons développé, en collaboration avec la Fédération Française de Natation, un système automatique de suivi à base des séquences vidéo. Pour ce faire, nous proposons un nouveau système de prise de vue 8K adapté au milieu aquatique et permettant un calibrage du bassin. Celui-ci établit le lien entre les coordonnées pixels et métriques permettant, entre autres, d’extraire le couloir concerné pour effectuer les différents traitements. Afin d’initialiser le suivi, il est nécessaire de localiser le nageur. Pour cela, nous proposons d’utiliser une approche a contrario pour détecter le mouvement, puis l’approche Scaled Composite JTC pour localiser précisément la tête du nageur. Ensuite, nous implémentons et adaptons les techniques de suivi de la littérature, notamment celles basées sur la corrélation NL-JTC, les histogrammes de couleur, les motifs binaires locaux (LBP) et les histogrammes de gradient orienté (HOG). Suite aux différentes limitations de ces techniques, nous proposons de nouvelles approches optimisées basées principalement sur la fusion de données. Tout d’abord, nous développons l’approche multipiste constituée de plusieurs pistes de suivi, où chacune représente l’une des techniques de suivi citées précédemment. Ensuite, un choix basé sur l’histogramme de couleur est effectué afin de choisir la meilleure décision parmi celles offertes par chaque piste. Cette approche a significativement amélioré les résultats mais ceux-ci restent insuffisants pour l’étude des performances. Dans ce sens, nous proposons une nouvelle approche par fusion dynamique qui consiste à fusionner le plan de corrélation NL-JTC et le plan de scores couleurs dans le but d’extraire une description plus riche de la cible (forme + couleur). Cette approche a montré de très bons résultats dans le cas où la cible à suivre est visible mais reste très sensible aux occultations de celle-ci. Afin de résoudre cette difficulté, nous améliorons l’approche proposée en suivant simultanément la tête et le maillot de bain du nageur. Cette approche multizone permet, grâce à un critère de décision complexe, de retrouver la zone occultée à l’aide de la zone visible. Enfin, une étude de performances a été menée et les résultats obtenus ont permis de valider ce système. En particulier, nous nous sommes intéressés aux mesures de vitesse cyclique, intra-cyclique et instantanée, afin d’étudier et améliorer les performances des nageurs. / Swimming Federation), an automatic tracking approach using video sequences. To do this, we propose a new 8K shooting system adapted to the aquatic environment and allowing a pool calibration. This establishes the link between pixel and metric coordinates, which allows among others, to extract the concerned lane to carry out the different treatments. In order to initialize the tracking, it is necessary to localize the swimmer. For this, we propose to use an a contrario approach to detect movement, then the Scaled Composites JTC approach to precisely localize the swimmer’s head. Afterwards, we implement and adapt several tracking techniques well-known in the literature, namely those based on the NL-JTC correlation, color histograms, Local Binary Patterns (LBP) and histograms of oriented gradient (HOG). Given the various limitations of these techniques, we propose new optimized approaches based primarily on data fusion. First, we develop a multitracking approach consists of several tracks, where each track represents one of the tracking techniques mentioned above.Then, a choice based on the color histogram is made to select the best decision among those offered by each track. This approach has significantly improved the results, but it remains insufficient for the performance analysis. Therefore, we propose a new dynamic fusion approach that combines NL-JTC correlation plane and color scores plane in order to generate a richer description of the target (form + color). This approach has shown very good results in the case where the target is visible but it is still sensitive to occlusions. To solve this problem, we improve this proposed approach by tracking simultaneously the head and the swimsuit of the athlete. This multi related targets approach enables, through a complex decision criterion, to find the occluded zone based on the visible one. Finally, a performance study is conducted and the results have validated the system. In particular, we were interested in cyclical, intra-cyclical and instantaneous speed measurements, to study and improve the swimmers’performance.

Analýza interpretace hudby metodami číslicového zpracování signálu / Analysis of Expressive Music Performance using Digital Signal Processing Methods

Ištvánek, Matěj January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with methods of the onset and tempo detection in audio signals using specific techniques of digital processing. It analyzes and describes the issue from both the musical and the technical side. First, several implementations using different programming environments are tested. The system with the highest detection accuracy and adjustable parameters is selected, which is then used to test functionality on the reference database. Then, an extension of the algorithm based on the Teager-Kaiser energy operator in the preprocessing stage is created. The difference in accuracy of both systems is compared – the operator has on average increased the accuracy of detection of a global tempo and inter-beat intervals. Finally, a second dataset containing 33 different interpretations of the first movement of Bedřich Smetana’s composition, String Quartet No. 1 in E minor "From My Life". The results show that the average tempo of the entire first movement of the song slightly decreases depending on the later year of the recording.


Tuna, Eser Erdem 21 June 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Разработка системы фиксации по камерам факта отъезда автомобиля с помощью технологий компьютерного зрения : магистерская диссертация / Development of a system for detecting the departure of a vehicle using computer vision technologies

Орлов, А. А., Orlov, A. A. January 2024 (has links)
В данной работе исследуется и разрабатывается система, способная автоматически фиксировать начало и конец тест-драйва автомобилей с использованием технологий компьютерного зрения. Основные методы исследования включают использование глубокого обучения, в частности одноэтапных детекторов, методов анализа видеоданных и временных меток. Работа имеет как теоретическую, так и практическую значимость. Она вносит вклад в область применения технологий компьютерного зрения для автоматизации процессов в автосалонах, а также предоставляет практический инструмент для повышения эффективности работы дилерских центров. / This paper investigates and develops a system capable of automatically detecting the start and end of car test drives using computer vision technologies. The main research methods include the use of deep learning, particularly single-stage detectors, video data analysis methods, and timestamps. The work has both theoretical and practical significance. It contributes to the application of computer vision technologies for automating processes in car dealerships and provides a practical tool to enhance the efficiency of dealership operations.

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