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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Návrh a tvorba trackovacího systému s podporou vnitropodnikových analýz / Tracking System Design and Production Supported by In-house Analyses

Okáník, Pavel January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to devise a functional system that will improve workflow and productivity at Anovis s.r.o. The first chapter provides a theoretical framework. The second chapter provides a detailed description of the company in question as well as an analysis of current systems and applications. The last chapter discusses the system itself with respect to its economic benefits and its future use.

Giving answers or educating? : Evaluation of an automated tracking system and its possibilities to educate game intelligence in Swedish elite football players.

Ekholm, Edwin January 2020 (has links)
The aim of the study was to evaluate an automated tracking system and its possibilities to increase knowledge and awareness (future described as educate) in game intelligence among Swedish male elite football players. The study involved both qualitative and quantitative aspects. The quantitative part consisted of observing offensive passes performed by three male players, average age 25.3 (±1.5) years, weight 75.7 (±2.1) kg and height 181 (±4.4) cm. All of the players offensive passes were judged and categorized, based on criteria by the practitioner with footballing knowledge and by the automated tracking system. Pass probability (PP) and pass probability times pass impact (PP x PI) was observed since they indicate the possibility for a pass to succeed but also its impact, which could be associated with the game intelligence ability, knowledge of situational probability. The results showed a significant association (p<0.05) between PP and PP x PI. Hence, the null hypothesis could be rejected. Additionally, pass probability (PP) was a more accurate method than pass probability times pass impact (PP x PI) and results also showed that the players made more accurate decisions than the automated tracking system. The qualitative part of the study consisted of three recorded sessions with the player, where the automated tracking system was used as an educational tool. The players were shown different situations which they then discussed. Results indicated that most of the player quotes could be associated to visual search behavior (n=24). Although, an improved automated tracking system was used, there are still limitations with the automated tracking systems accuracy which could affect the results. This article provides a very preliminary step in the study of automated tracking systems as an educational tool and suggests an approach based on discussions with players, rather than only relying on answers given by the automated tracking system. However, the research area within automated tracking systems is relatively unexplored and results should be interpreted with caution. Therefore, future studies are necessary to determine how much an automated tracking system could improve game intelligence.

FORMULATING A CHANGE STRATEGY : How to introduce a tracking system in an organization / FORMULERING AV EN FÖRÄNDRINGSSTRATEGI : Hur ett spårningssystem kan införas i en organisation

Carlsberg desires to increase the traceability of their goods and this can be achieved with a tracking system. Therefore, this research aimed to create a model suitable to use when formulating a change strategy to implement a new technology in an organization. This model was then applied on Carlsberg to investigate how they should introduce a tracking system in their distribution system. The research was conducted in two phases, where the first phase included to create the suitable change model and to identify the current state in Carlsberg. This was achieved by collecting data from literature, observations and interviews. In phase two the model was applied to Carlsberg and thus, the change strategy to introduce a tracking system in Carlsberg was formulated. In this phase, data collection methods were literature and interviews with stakeholders and specialized consulting agencies in change management of IT systems. The research resulted in a model based on three questions that must be answered to create a change strategy; "What is the required change?", "How to build up the change process?" and "How will the change be measured?" In order to transform from the current state to the desired future, Carlsberg needs to introduce a tracking system with associated informational support, in the form of a website. This introduction results in changed work tasks and new features for truck drivers, administrative staff and collaboration partners. To succeed with this change, it is crucial that the stakeholders are willing to change. Carlsberg can increase the stakeholder’s willingness by a number of activities that have been identified in this research. Risks with the introduction of the tracking system have been identified and since this is a new system, start-up problems are likely to occur. These can be minimized through testing the system with a small group of truck drivers. Also, the introduction to the entire organization should then be done in one cross-dock at the time, partly to minimize the risk but also to be able to focus the resources. During and after the tracking system has been introduced in the organization, the change process needs to be measured in order to demonstrate that the desired improvements are met. Short-term measurements aim to motivate stakeholders for further implementation efforts and long-term measurements to consolidate the change in the organization. / Carlsberg vill öka spårbarheten på sina varor och detta kan uppnås med ett spårningssystem. Denna forskning har därför syftat till att skapa en modell lämplig för att använda vid utformningen av en förändringsstrategi ämnad till att införa en ny teknik i en organisation. Modell applicerades sedan på Carlsberg för att undersöka hur de ska införa ett spårningssystem i sitt distributionssystem. Forskningen genomfördes i två faser, där den första fasen inkluderade att skapa en lämplig modell för förändringsarbete och analysera den nuvarande situationen i Carlsberg. Detta uppnåddes genom att samla in information från litteratur, observationer och intervjuer. I fas två applicerades denna modell på Carlsberg och därmed formulerades förändringsstrategi för att införa ett spårningssystem i organisationen. I denna fas var metoder för datainsamling litteratur samt intervjuer med intressenter och specialiserade konsultbyråer i förändringsarbete av IT-system. Forskningen resulterade i en modell som bygger på tre frågor som måste besvaras för att skapa en förändringsstrategi; "Vilken förändring krävs?", "Hur ska förändringsprocessen utformas?" och "Hur kan förändringen mätas?" För att transformeras från det nuvarande läget till den önskade framtiden måste Carlsberg införa ett spårningssystem med tillhörande informationsstöd, i form av en hemsida. Införandet leder till förändrade arbetsuppgifter och nya funktioner för lastbilsförare, administrativ personal och samarbetspartners. För att lyckas med denna förändring, är det viktigt att de berörda parterna är villiga att förändras. Carlsberg kan öka intressenternas vilja genom en rad aktiviteter som har identifierats i denna forskning. Även risker med införandet av spårningssystemet har identifierats och eftersom detta är ett nytt system, kan uppstartsproblem förekomma. Dessa kan minimeras genom testning av systemet med en liten grupp av lastbilsförare. Dessutom bör införandet till hela organisationen sedan ske i en distributionslokal åt gången, dels för att minimera risken men också för att kunna fokusera resurserna. Under och efter spårningssystemet har införts i organisationen, behöver förändringsarbetet mätas för att visa att de önskade förbättringarna är uppfyllda. Kortsiktiga mätvärden syftar till att motivera intressenter för ytterligare förändringsarbete och långsiktiga mätvärden att befästa förändringen i organisationen.

Sun Tracking System

Dandu, Sai Charan Reddy, Sarla, Anish January 2022 (has links)
Solar energy is a clean energy source which has a minimal impact on the environment than other forms of energy. Solar energy is now widely used in a variety of applications. Although solar energy is widely used, the efficiency of converting solar energy into electricity is insufficient since most solar panels are installed at a fixed angle and the fixed solar panels do not aim directly towards the sun due to the earth’s constant motion. Solar panels are very expensive for families or businesses that consume more energy than usual, as they require several solar panels to generate enough power. The main objective of this project is to build a working model so that to increase the efficiency of power output taken from solar panel by continuously tracking the sun’s rays through out the day and aligns the solar panel orthogonal to the sun. To develop a model that benefits people by producing more solar energy with fewer solar panels. In order to overcome this problem we come up with a solution through Arduino Uno system which consists of four LDR sensors which are responsible for the detection of the light intensity of the sun’s rays. Two micro servo motors are used for movement of the solar panel in azimuth and elevation direction since it is a dual axis tracking system. A solar panel is the core part we use in this model for the conversion of solar energy into electrical energy. The LCD displays shows the power output of the solar panel. The proposed system is a dual axis tracking system that actively tracks solar radiation and adjusts the panel so that the sun’s rays are perpendicular to it, maximizing the solar panel’s power output. The LCD display shows the power output of the solar panel. By this project, we can say that dual axis tracking system we built can track the sun’s rays and increases the power output of solar panel. The manual effort for changing the solar panel according to the sun position can be avoided.

IT-miljö för produktorganisation på Electrolux Forum / IT-environment for product organization at Electrolux Forum

Saleh-Nihad, Dalila-Violeta January 2015 (has links)
I denna rapport utreds en ostrukturerad och splittrad IT miljö på Electrolux. Miljön saknade flöden och processer för bland annat felhantering. Omodern hård- och mjukvara samt bristande kommunikation mellan produktorganisationen och Electrolux IT medförde förhöjd risk för nätverksattacker och virusangrepp. Situationen medförde onödiga kostnader, eftersatt säkerhet samt otillräcklig IT-stöd för slutanvändarna. Målet med detta arbete är att uppnå en enad, strukturerad och väletablerad IT-miljö med klara rutiner och flöden för felhantering av hård- och mjukvaror. Enhetliga hård- och mjukvaror samt standardiserade IT-lösningar är av stor vikt. Hinder för en migration till en väletablerad IT-miljö skulle med detta arbete också elimineras. En nulägesanalys utfördes tillsammans med en inventering av hård- och mjukvara. Detta för att få en överblick och för att förstå hur verksamheten fungerade, samt finna eventuella IT brister. Resultatet visade på behovet av en migration av en grupp datorer till en etablerad IT miljö med fungerande rutiner och processer. Implementationsplan samt manual för migration genererades i rapporten. En utvärdering av olika verktyg för begränsade administrativa rättigheter i slutanvändarnas datorer utfördes. Det bäst lämpade verktyget för Electrolux var Avecto Privilege Guard som testades och konfigurerades. Detta för att tillgodogöra produktorganisationens behov. Lösningsförslag för att möta kraven och standarden från både Electrolux-IT samt produktorganisationen framtogs och presenteras i resultatet. Resultatet av detta examensarbete påvisade ett stort behov av en IT-koordinator för en bättre kommunikation och ett bättre samarbete mellan organisationerna. En rekommendation om detta presenteras i slutsatsen tillsammans med förslag på andra förbättringar och åtgärder. / This report investigated an unstructured and fragmented IT environment at Electrolux. The environment lacked flows and processes for troubleshooting. Outdated hardware and software and a lack of communication between the product organization and the IT organization, resulted in an increased risk of network attacks and virus attacks. The situation resulted in unnecessary costs, neglected security and inadequate IT support for the end-users. The goal of this work is to achieve a unified, structured and well-established IT environment with clear procedures and flows for the troubleshooting of computer hardware and software. Uniform hardware and software as well as standardized IT solutions is of great importance. Barriers to migration to a well-established IT environment would with this work also be eliminated. A situation analysis was conducted together with an inventory of hardware and software. This was done to get an overview and to understand how the business worked, also to find possible IT failures. The results showed the need for a migration of a group of computers to an established IT environment with operational procedures and processes. An implementation plan and manual for the migration was generated in the report. An evaluation of the different tools for limited administrative rights on end-user computers was also performed. The most suitable tool for Electrolux was Avecto Privilege Guard which was tested and configured. This was done to assimilate the product organization’s needs. Solution´s to meet the requirements from both Electrolux IT and product organization was developed and is presented in the results. The results of this thesis showed a great need of an IT coordinator for a better communication and better cooperation between the organizations. A recommendation regarding this was presented to Electrolux together with suggestions for improvements and measures.

Evaluation of Tracking Regimes for, and Security of, PLI Systems

Taheri, Shayan 01 May 2015 (has links)
In the area of computer and network security, due to the insufficiency, high costs, and user-unfriendliness of existing defending methods against a number of cyber attacks, focus for developing new security improvement methods has shifted from the digital to analog domain. In the analog domain, devices are distinguished based on the present variations and characteristics in their physical signals. In fact, each device has unique features in its signal that can be used for identification and monitoring purposes. In this regard, the term physical layer identification (PLI) or device fingerprinting refers to the process of classifying different electronic devices based on their analog identities that are created by employment of signal processing and data analysis methods. Due to the fact that a device behavior undergoes changes due to variations in external and internal conditions, the available PLI techniques might not be able to identify the device reliably. Therefore, a tracking system that is capable of extracting and explaining the present variations in the electrical signals is required to be developed. In order to achieve the best possible tracking system, a number of prediction models are designed using certain statistical techniques. In order to evaluate the performance of these models, models are run on the acquired data from five different fabrications of the same device in four distinct experiments. The results of performance evaluation show that the surrounding temperature of a device is the best option for predicting its signal. The last part of this research project belongs to the security evaluation of a PLI system. The leveraged security examination technique exposes the PLI system to different types of attacks and evaluates its defending strength accordingly. Based on the mechanism of the employed attack in this work, the forged version of a device’s signal is generated using an arbitrary waveform generator (AWG) and is sent to the PLI system. The outcomes of this experiment indicate that the leveraged PLI technique is strong enough in defeating this attack.

Extern belastning hos elitfotbollsspelare – en litteraturöversikt på kvinnliga spelare. : En studie om total distans i olika hastigheter, acceleration, deceleration samt topphastighet under matchspel inom kvinnlig elitfotboll.

Shojaeddin, Hossein, Pacha, Kevin January 2023 (has links)
Den kvinnliga fotbollen har aldrig varit lika populär som den är idag och den fortsättergöra framsteg och lockar mer publik, samtidigt som flera tjejer/kvinnor börjar utövasporten. Tidigare forskning är begränsad gällande kvinnliga elitfotbollsspelare, merforskning inom kvinnlig fotboll och dess externa belastning kan hjälpa den kvinnligafotbollens utveckling. Kraven som ställs skiljer sig efter den position spelaren har, denexterna belastningen är en viktig del inom fotbollen. Fotbollen ställer krav på löpningari olika riktningar och i olika hastigheter, inbromsningar samt acceleration. Varjeposition tillämpar olika egenskaper. Syftet var att sammanställa kunskapen gällande denexterna belastningen hos kvinnliga elitfotbollsspelare. En systematisk deskriptivlitteraturöversikt med en systematisk sökning har använts för att besvara studiens syfte.Sökningen gjordes i databaserna Discovery och Pubmed och resulterade i 10vetenskapliga artiklar. En kvalitetsanalys utfördes på artiklarna, med hjälp av SBUmallar bedömdes 10 artiklar med poäng, av dessa 10 fick 4 artiklar 4 poäng, 1 fick 5poäng, 4 fick 6 poäng och 1 fick 7 poäng. Resultatet delades in i 3 teman: total distans iolika hastigheter, acceleration och deceleration samt topphastighet. De förstnämnda ochsistnämnda innebar att det skiljde sig beroende på position medan acceleration ochdeceleration syftade på hur många gånger det sker under en match men även om vilkazoner det sker i. Det ställs olika krav på spelarna beroende på position. De sekvensersom sker under en fotbollsmatch påverkas utifrån den position som spelaren har.Resultatet visade att kvinnliga elitfotbollsspelare har en totaldistans mellan 10–12 kmper match, utför mellan 400–1000 accelerationer och decelerationer och har engenomsnittlig topphastighet på ca 26 km/h. Sammanfattningsvis visar studien att denexterna belastningen som ställs på kvinnliga elitfotbollsspelare handlar om vilkenposition spelaren har. Resultatet ger även möjligheten för tränare att förbereda spelarnabättre inför match genom att anpassa träningsupplägget

e-DTS 2.0: A Next-Generation of a Distributed Tracking System

Rybarczyk, Ryan Thomas 20 March 2012 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / A key component in tracking is identifying relevant data and combining the data in an effort to provide an accurate estimate of both the location and the orientation of an object marker as it moves through an environment. This thesis proposes an enhancement to an existing tracking system, the enhanced distributed tracking system (e-DTS), in the form of the e-DTS 2.0 and provides an empirical analysis of these enhancements. The thesis also provides suggestions on future enhancements and improvements. When a Camera identifies an object within its frame of view, it communicates with a JINI-based service in an effort to expose this information to any client who wishes to consume it. This aforementioned communication utilizes the JINI Multicast Lookup Protocol to provide the means for a dynamic discovery of any sensors as they are added or removed from the environment during the tracking process. The client can then retrieve this information from the service and perform a fusion technique in an effort to provide an estimation of the marker's current location with respect to a given coordinate system. The coordinate system handoff and transformation is a key component of the e-DTS 2.0 tracking process as it improves the agility of the system.


Vincent, David E. 01 May 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Theory and performance of an X-band radio frequency phase-differencing position tracking system

Dutton, Kevin E. January 2003 (has links)
No description available.

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