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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nematode communities act as bio-indicator of status and processes of an agricultural soil ecosystem in Thanh An, Binh Phuoc province: Research article

Duong, Duc Hieu, Le, Thi Phuong Anh, Bui, Thi Thu Nga, Ngo, Xuan Quang, Nguyen, Dinh Tu, Nguyen, Huu Hung, Nguyen, Vu Thanh 09 December 2015 (has links)
Nematode communities in black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) agricultural soil in Thanh An, Binh Phuoc province, were investigated. Soil samples were collected in February 2012 at 9 selected sites belonging to 3 pepper groves. The structure of nematode communities and critical ecological indices were determined to estimate environmental status. 26 genera were found. Of those, plant parasitic nematodes such as Meloidogyne, Helicotylenchus, Hoplolaimus, Psilenchus, and Tylenchidae always appear with high frequency and density, whereas the carnivorous nematodes were rarely detected. The nematode density correlates to the concentration of the total organic matter which correlates closely to the (Ba + Fu) proportion showed by the regression equation y = 0.0223x + 1.6819 with R2 = 1. The ecological triangle model, but not the maturity index (MI), apparently showed the status and processes (decomposition and mineralization) which may be happening in the soils of areas studied. The first grove is rich in nutrient but stressed by chemicals. The second grove is stable, with no chemical stress, but has low nutrient contents. The third grove is affected by chemicals but to a lesser extent than the first one. / Các quần xã tuyến trùng trong hệ sinh thái đất trồng tiêu ở khu vực xã Thanh An, tỉnh Bình Phước được nghiên cứu. Các mẫu đất được thu nhận trong tháng hai năm 2012 tại 9 điểm thuộc 3 vườn tiêu. Cấu trúc quần xã tuyến trùng và các chỉ số sinh thái đã được xác định để qua đó đánh giá trạng thái môi trường. Tổng cộng có 26 giống tuyến trùng được tìm thấy. Trong đó, các loài tuyến trùng ký sinh thực vật như Meloidogyne, Helicotylenchus, Hoplolaimus, Psilenchus, và tuyến trùng ăn nấm Tylenchidae luôn xuất hiện với tần suất và mật độ cao, trong khi tuyến trùng ăn thịt lại hiếm khi được phát hiện. Mật độ tuyến trùng tương quan với lượng chất hữu cơ tổng số mà nó tương quan chặt chẽ với với tỉ lệ nhóm (Ba + Fu) được thể hiện ở phương trình hồi quy là y = 0.0223x + 1.6819 với R2 = 1. Mô hình tam giác sinh thái, nhưng không phải chỉ số tăng trưởng MI, thể hiện rõ trạng thái và các quá trình (sự phân hủy và sự khoáng hóa) có lẽ đang diễn ra trong đất của khu vực được nghiên cứu. Vườn thứ nhất thì giàu dinh dưỡng nhưng bị áp lực bởi hóa chất. Vườn thứ hai khá ổn định, không chịu áp lực hóa chất, nhưng hàm lượng dinh dưỡng rất kém. Vườn thứ ba bị tác động bởi hóa chất nhưng ở mức độ thấp hơn vườn thứ nhất.

Essays on the Causes and Consequences of Migration from Latin America to the U.S.

Acuna Garcia, Julio Ernesto, Acuna 21 December 2018 (has links)
No description available.

A qualitative inquiry into how romantic love has been portrayed by contemporary media and researchers

Griffin, Stephanie A. 08 August 2006 (has links)
No description available.

How Mature are You? : An Exploratory Investigation on Digital Maturity and the Effects Management Teams Have on Digital Transformation.

Gustin, Oscar, Hellholm, Victor January 2022 (has links)
With the rapid growth of industry 4.0 and the digital age, we can see that the use of digital tools, systems and solutions are becoming more standardized in all sectors. We are currently witnessing these tools becoming a much more integral part of future industry and therefore putting pressure on current organizations to adapt. Digital maturity is a phenomenon that has gained an abundance of exposure in recent years, and the importance of this phenomenon grows in relation to the growth of the digital environment. According to academia, questions about companies’ digital status have recently become topical. Digital maturity can act as a portal for possibilities and change. For example, exploiting opportunities, implementing technological processes and averting business risks that stem from advanced technologies. Academic research in this field mainly concentrates on the quantitative aspects and therefore we have engaged in a qualitative approach in order to fill the gap within this field of research. Moreover, we have identified that studies and contemporary assessment models do not consider the importance of management and aspect of change to the necessary extent. Academia mentions the importance of converting digital maturity assessments to company actions through a systematic engagement from managers. However, most studies in the field have focused on either giving overviews on different perspectives of assessments or answered questions regarding the success rate of digital transformations, we believe that management and change management are key components to digital maturity and transformational success. A qualitative approach is therefore suitable because of the exploratory nature of our interests. To gather data, we conducted interviews with participants chosen through a purposive sampling technique. The purposive sampling method was chosen to achieve a better and more qualitative result since the participants all had expertise within the field of digital development, digital maturity measurements and management. The interview questions were based on theories in our conceptual framework and served as a foundation for the interview guide. The intention was to see if our initial theories on digital maturity transformation would match the views of the participants. By using a thematic analysis method, we connected the participants answers to our identified framework themes, potentially altering our conceptual framework. The original components of our conceptual framework were: Importance of management and change management, which included theories of organizations, people, change kaleidoscope, the theory of constraints, PDSA-cycle and RACI-model. The result of the study showed that our predicted components of importance of management and change management were essential for the success of digital maturity. Our underlying theories also matched the participants views. However, new theories and components were added based on the empirical findings. These were: long term solutions and strategies, strong and motivating leadership, project triangle and communication plans. Our study indicates that management and change management can be success factors in the process of becoming more digitally mature.

Vines of different capacity and water status alter the sensory perception of Cabernet Sauvignon wines

Hickey, Cain Charles 26 June 2012 (has links)
Reducing disease and increasing fruit quality in vigorous vineyards with dense canopies is demanding of time and resources; unfortunately, vineyards of this nature are common in humid environments. This study investigated the effectiveness with which vine capacity and water status could be regulated as well as if they related to fruit quality and wine sensory perception. The treatments regulating vine size and water status were under-trellis groundcover, root manipulation, rootstocks, and irrigation. Treatments were arranged in a strip-split-split plot design before the introduction of the irrigation treatment resulted in incomplete replication in each block. Treatment levels were under-trellis cover crop (CC) compared to under-trellis herbicide (Herb); root restriction bags (RBG) compared to no root manipulation (NRM); three compared rootstocks (101-14, 420-A, riparia Gloire); low water stress (LOW) compared to high water stress (HIGH). Vines grown with RBG and CC regulated vegetative growth more so than conventional treatments, resulting in 56% and 23% greater cluster exposure flux availability (CEFA). High water stress (HIGH) and RBG reduced stem water potential and discriminated less against 13C. Vines grown with RBG and CC consistently reduced harvest berry weight by 17 and 6% compared to conventional treatments. Estimated phenolics were consistently increased by RBG and were correlated with berry weight, vine capacity and CEFA. Sensory attributes were significantly distinguishable between wines produced from vines that differed in both vine capacity and water status, amongst other responses. Treatments have been identified that can alter the sensory perception of wines, with the potential to improve wine quality. / Master of Science

冷戰後時期「中俄戰略協作夥伴關係」之形成與探析 / The Formation and Analysis: Sino-Russian Partnership of Strategic Coordination in the Post Cold War Era

黃振祥, Huang , Martin Unknown Date (has links)
本文之目的在於探討冷戰後時期「中俄戰略協作夥伴關係」(Sino-Russian Partnership of Strategic Coordination)對戰略三角政治互動的意涵及其對台海安全的可能影響與衝擊。本文將以「系統理論研究途徑」(System Theory Approach)作為中心分析概念架構(central organizing concept)進行研究分析。 冷戰結束後,隨著蘇聯解體,冷戰時期的兩極格局已不復存在,大國之間的關係實行了相對的調整。在新的國際格局中,中國與俄羅斯兩國基於遏制「北約東擴」和防止「美日安保」條約的圍堵(Containment),雙方除了極力倡導多極化國際體系外,並進一步建立「戰略協作夥伴關係」,冀由強化雙邊的多層面關係,來共同對抗「美國霸權」局面。 中俄戰略協作夥伴關係之建立為新世紀中、俄兩國關係的發展奠定了良好基礎。10年來,中俄關係發展相當順利。1992年-2001年,中俄關係的發展,連續上了四個台階,這就是:(一)92年「互視為友好國家關係」;(二)94年「建設性夥伴關係」;(三)96年「戰略協作夥伴關係」。在此以後,中俄戰略協作夥伴關係在實踐中不斷得到充實和發展。(四)2001年7月中俄雙方簽署了一份歷史性文件「中俄睦鄰友好合作條約」(China-Russia Good-neighborhood, Friendship and Cooperation Treaty),標誌雙方關係又進入一個新的發展階段。 在冷戰時期,中國、蘇聯與美國的戰略三角關係是影響國際政治變動的主要因素。蘇聯解體後,中俄關係發生重大變化,兩國已建立一個面向二十一世紀的戰略協作夥伴關係。作為冷戰後時期的世上唯一超強,美國非常關注中俄軍事合作面向之擴大。對美國而言,中國與俄羅斯為其全球戰略部署兩個最重要的國家,它們的重要性是因為它們的幅員、經濟潛力和軍事力量。其中最值得注意的是,中俄雙方在軍事和技術層面的合作,包括俄羅斯對中國的軍售。美國擔心中俄發展戰略協作夥伴關係,會導致中國軍力的增強,以及亞太區域「權力平衡」(Balance of Power)之改變。 本文認為,中俄戰略協作夥伴關係,就短程而言: 中俄「戰略匯合」(the Strategic Convergence between China and Russia)將使中俄在「政治」、「經濟」、「軍事」、「外交戰略」等合作面向獲得若干程度的「實質利益」(substantial interests)。同時中俄戰略協作夥伴關係之條約化將對美國在亞太區域戰略地位造成影響,從而衝擊到台海均勢與安全。然而,就長程而言: 未來中俄戰略協作夥伴關係發展,顯然仍有其「地緣政治」、「歷史上陰影」因素之侷限。 關鍵字: 中國、俄羅斯、系統理論分析途徑、現實主義、 國家利益、戰略三角互動、中俄戰略協作夥伴關係 / The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of the“Sino-Russian Partnership of Strategic Coordination” in the Post Cold War Era, on the strategic triangle politics and its implication for the security and balance of power across the Taiwan Straits. In this thesis, the “System Theory Approach” will be the central organizing concept, applied to the analysis. After the Cold War, the bi-polar system has been broken since the collapse of the USSR. Relations among great powers were adjusted accordingly. PRC and Russia initiated multi-polar system and become“Partnership of Strategic Coordination ” to resist the “American hegemony” It has laid a solid foundation for the development of Sino-Russian relations in the new century. In the past ten years, Sino-Russian relations witnessed a smooth progress. From 1992-2001, the relations progressed from“Friendly neighbors” to “Constructive partnership” to“Partnership of strategic coordination”. Since then,“China-Russia Good-neighborhood, Friendship and Cooperation Treaty”signed by the PRC and the Russia Federation in July 2001, marked a new era in the development of bilateral relations. The Sino-Soviet-US triangular relations were the most dominant factor which affected the change of international politics in the Cold War period. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the Sino-Russian relations have developed to a certain degree that the two countries have established a strategic partnership aimed at the 21st century. As the sole world super power, the United States is wary of Expanded Sino-Russian military cooperation. For the US, China and Russia are the two most important countries in the world. Their importance is derived from their size, their economic potential, and their military power. The US is much concerned about the development of Sino-Russian Strategic relations which may lead to a buildup of China’s military power and a change of Asia-pacific “Balance of Power”. It is believed in this study that,“Sino-Russian Partnership of Strategic Coordination,” in the short term: “The Strategic Convergence between China and Russia,” China and Russia will gain to some degree the substantial interests from the bilateral cooperation, such as “Political” ,“Economic ”,“Military”,“Foreign Policy Strategy.”At the same time, the stipulation of the mechanism of Chinese-Russo partnership in the treaty will create impact on the US strategic position in the Taiwan Straits and security of Taiwan. Nevertheless, in the long term: In the future, the development of” Chinese-Russo strategic partnership” still has its limits in the terms of “Geopolitical” and “ Historical Shadow” conditions. Key word: China, Russia, System Theory Approach, Realism, National Interest, Strategic Triangle Interaction, Sino-Russian Partnership of Strategic Coordination

Developing systemically-oriented secondary care mental health services

Burbach, Frank Robert January 2013 (has links)
Research has indicated that offering support and services for people who experience mental health problems and their families is a complex and contested area. Despite the controversies surrounding therapeutic interventions with families, it has now been recognised that relatives and other supporters of people with mental health problems should be included in their care. Whole- family interventions and partnership working with carers and families is now central to secondary care UK mental health policies and clinical practice guidelines. However, for many families/ carers this remains an aspiration rather than a reality. The way in which we successfully developed family focused mental health practice, as well as specialist family interventions (FI) for people who have been given a diagnosis of psychosis, has therefore aroused considerable interest. The Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust has adopted a Strategy to Enhance Working Partnerships with Carers and Families, developed best practice guidance and has established two complementary workforce development projects - the development of specialist family intervention services and the widespread training of mental health staff to create a ‘triangle of care’ with service users and their families. This has resulted in widespread adoption of systemically informed, ‘whole-family’ practice. In response to the widespread difficulties experienced following other staff- training initiatives we developed specialist family interventions (FI) services by means of an innovative one-year course delivered in partnership with Plymouth University. This training initiative has been widely acknowledged for its novel integration of psycho-educational and systemic approaches and the effective in-situ, multi-disciplinary service development model. An advantage of this approach is that by the end of the course a local FI Service has been established and staff experience fewer difficulties in applying their new skills than people trained in other programmes. We then ensure the continued development of clinical skills by means of a service structure that emphasises on-going supervision. Regular audits of the service and in-depth research studies clearly indicate that the service is effective and highly valued by users. Our ‘cognitive-interactional’ approach, which integrates systemic therapy with psychosocial interventions (individual- and family-CBT) within a collaborative therapeutic relationship, enables us to meet the needs of families in a flexible, tailored manner. The FI teams are able to deliver early interventions for people with first episode psychosis, as well as meeting the NICE guidelines for people with longstanding symptoms. Recognising that many families do not require formal family interventions/ therapy, we also have been designing ‘stepped-care’ family intervention services. We have developed, and extensively evaluated, short training packages to enhance working partnerships with families throughout our mental health services. We have used this three-day package to train a range of community and inpatient teams. We have also encouraged family- inclusive practice with the establishment of a trustwide steering group, practice guidelines and the establishment of ‘family liaison’ posts to facilitate family meetings on inpatient units, as part of the assessment process. Both training initiatives explicitly focus on developing systemic thinking, by integrating CBT and systemic therapy. The involvement of families/ carers in the design and delivery of both training initiatives is also crucial.

Zolova Théresa Raquinová a její literární inspirace / Novel Thérese Raquin by Émile Zola and it's literary inspiration

Raatzová, Tereza January 2012 (has links)
Title of the thesis: The novel Thérèse Raquin by Émile Zola and its literary inspirations Keywords: naturalism, realism, love triangle, a female heroine, jealousy, murder, femme destructrice, Thérèse Raquin, Madeleine Férat, LʼAmoureuse comédie, Germinie Lacerteux, La Vénus de Gordes, Lʼassassinat du Pont-Rouge, Un mariage dʼamour, La Bête humaine, Émile Zola, frères de Goncourt, Charles Barbara, Adolphe Belot, Ernest Daudet Abstract: This thesis is mainly a literarily comparative study, analysing several literary works preceding and influencing Zola's novel Thérèse Raquin; namely in these works Zola had found the basic story for his next novel. The analysis of the following impact of the novel Thérèse Raquin on further Zola's work is also emphasised. The comparison of novels follows after the overall inclusion of Zola's works into the literary-historical context of his time. The aim of the work is first of all to reveal and make more familiar the Zola's fascination by the central theme and the main heroine of the novel Thérèse Raquin

Statistical properties of the liquidity and its influence on the volatility prediction / Statistical properties of the liquidity and its influence on the volatility prediction

Brandejs, David January 2016 (has links)
This master thesis concentrates on the influence of liquidity measures on the prediction of volatility and given the magic triangle phenomena subsequently on the expected return. Liquidity measures Amihud Illiquidity, Amivest Liquidity and Roll adjusted for high frequency data have been utilized. Dataset used for the modeling was consisting of 98 shares that were traded on S&P 100. The time range was from 1st January 2013 to 31st December 2014. We have found out that the liquidity truly enters into the return-volatility relationship and influences these variables - the magic triangle interacts. However, contrary to our hypothesis, the model shows up that lower liquidity signifies lower realized risk. This inference has been suggested by all three models (3SLS, 2SLS and OLS). Furthermore, we have used the realized variance and bi-power variation to separate the jump. Our second hypothesis that lower liquidity signifies higher frequency of jumps was confirmed only for one of two liquidity proxies (Roll) included in the resulting logit FE model. Keywords liquidity, risk, volatility, expected return, magic triangle, price jumps, realized variance, bi-power variation, three-stage least squares model, logit, high-frequency data, S&P 100 Author's e-mail david.brandejs@seznam.cz Supervisor's e-mail...

Pavages de l'espace affine / Tilings of the affine space

Smilga, Ilia 12 November 2014 (has links)
Pour tout entier naturel impair d, on construit un domaine fondamental pour l'action sur l'espace affine de dimension 2d+1 de certains groupes de transformations affines libres non abéliens, discrets, agissant proprement et de partie linéaire Zariski-dense dans SO(d+1, d). Pour tout groupe de Lie semisimple réel non compact G, on construit ensuite un groupe de transformations affines de son algèbre de Lie g qui est libre non abélien, discret, agit proprement sur g et a sa partie linéaire Zariski-dense dans Ad G. Enfin, on donne quelques résultats sur le comportement local des fonctions harmoniques sur le triangle de Sierpinski, plus précisément de leur restriction à un bord du triangle. / For every odd positive integer d, we construct a fundamental domain for the action on the 2d+1-dimensional space of certain groups of affine transformations which are free, nonabelian, act properly discontinuously and have linear part Zariski-dense in SO(d+1,d). Next for every semisimple noncompact real Lie group G, we construct a group of affine transformations of its Lie algebra g which is free, nonabelian, acts properly discontinuously and has linear part Zariski-dense in Ad G. Finally, we give some results about the local behavior of harmonic functions on the Sierpinski triangle restricted to a side of the triangle.

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