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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Interaction entre le temps, l'aspect et le mode dans les phrases complexes en mandarin moderne / Interaction between tense, aspect and mood in complex sentences in modern Mandarin

Chuang, Yuan-Ting 22 January 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objectif d’étudier le fonctionnement des catégories de temps, aspect et mode (TAM) et l’interaction de ces trois catégories dans des phrases complexes en mandarin moderne à partir d’un corpus tiré principalement d’énoncés authentiques (oral et écrit). A travers cette étude nous cherchons à répondre à trois questions liées à l’interprétation de la temporalité en mandarin : (i) Comment les catégories temporelles, aspectuelles et modales se manifestent et interagissent dans des phrases complexes ? ; (ii) Quelles sont les différences entre les interactions du TAM dans la phrase complexe et celles dans la phrase simple ? ; (iii) Comment est exprimé l’ordre séquentiel en mandarin ? La théorie temporelle de Comrie (1985) et le modèle aspectuel élaboré par Tournadre (2004) sont utilisés comme cadre théorique de cette étude. Dans la première partie, nous présentons les théories du TAM utilisées en linguistique générale et introduisons les notions fondamentales que nous allons utiliser dans la thèse. Puis nous abordons les moyens linguistiques employés en mandarin pour véhiculer des valeurs temporelles, aspectuelles et modales, ainsi que le fonctionnement de ces trois catégories dans la phrase simple afin de comparer ce fonctionnement avec celui dans la phrase complexe. La seconde partie consiste à analyser l’interaction du TAM dans divers types de phrases complexes, comprenant des phrases subordonnées ou des constructions verbale en série. / This dissertation is a corpus-based study of the tense, aspect and mood (TAM) and the interaction between these three categories in complex sentences in modern Mandarin Chinese. It aims to answer three questions related to the interpretation of temporality in Mandarin: (i) How temporal, aspectual and modal categories are marked and how they interact in complex sentences? ; (ii) What are the differences between the interactions of TAM in complex sentences and those in simple sentences? ; (iii) How is temporal sequence expressed in Mandarin? The temporal theory of Comrie (1985) and the aspectual model developed by Tournadre (2004) will be used as the theoretical framework to analyze the data. In the first part, we first introduce the concepts and theories of TAM used in general linguistics. Then we discuss the linguistic means used in Mandarin to convey temporal, aspectual and modal concepts, and the functioning of these three categories in simple sentences in order to compare it with the functioning in complex sentences. The second part is devoted to the analysis the interaction of TAM categories in various types of complex sentences which include those in subordinate clauses and verbal construction in series.

Tillit till chatbottar : En studie om tillit inom kundservice

Ted, Jallow, Olle, Nilsson January 2021 (has links)
Artificiell intelligens inom kundtjänst blir allt vanligare med chatbottarnas framfart. Företagen använder sig allt mer av chatbottar för att hantera sina konsumenters ärenden vilket ställer höga krav på en bra implementation av ny teknik för att kunderna ska ta till sig denna. Tidigare forskninghar visat på att accepterandet av ny teknik i stor grad beror av den förväntade nyttan personen ser sig ha utav tekniken samt hur användarvänlig den är. När det gäller just chatbottar och system som hanterar personlig information bör det även finnas ett inslag av hur pass mycket personen litar på tekniken eller företagen bakom tekniken. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka just hur tillit påverkar konsumenters acceptans av en ny teknik samt hur det påverkar deras syn på företagen som använder sig av tekniken. En enkät undersökning genomfördes för att mäta konsumenters tillit till företag gällande chatbottar samt för att undersöka om tillit kan ingå som en förklarande variabel i technology acceptance modellen. Resultaten visar på att tillit har en viss påverkan men att den förväntade nyttan och erbjudande om annan service med chatbottar som tillägg eller komplement är det som konsumenterna värnar mest om.

Relationship Between Perceived Usefulness, Ease of Use, and Acceptance of Business Intelligence Systems

Sandema-Sombe, Christina Ndiwa 01 January 2019 (has links)
In retail, the explosion of data sources and data has provided incentive to invest in information systems (IS), which enable leaders to understand the market and make timely decisions to improve performance. Given that users’ perceptions of IS affects their use of IS, understanding the factors influencing user acceptance is critical to acquiring an effective business intelligence system (BIS) for an organization. Grounded in the technology acceptance model theory, the purpose of this correlational study was to examine the relationship between perceived usefulness (PU), perceived ease of use (PEOU), and user acceptance of business intelligence systems (BIS) in retail organizations. A 9-question survey was used to collect data from end-users of BIS in strategic managerial positions from retail organizations in the eastern United States who reported using BIS within the past 5 years. A total of 106 complete survey responses were collected and analyzed using multiple linear regression and Pearson’s product-moment correlation. The results of the multiple linear regression indicated the model’s ability to predict user acceptance, F(2,103) = 21.903, p < .000, R2 = 0.298. In addition, PU was a statistically significant predictor of user acceptance (t = -3.947, p = .000), which decreased with time as shown by the results from Pearson’s product-moment correlation, r = -.540, n = 106, p < .01. The implications of this study for positive social change include the potential for business leaders to leverage BIS in addressing the underlying causes of social and economic challenges in the communities they serve.

Den upplevda användbarheten av RISE intranät : En fallstudie med fokus på användarna / The perceived usability of RISE intranet : A case study with focus on users

Prissberg, Johanna, Fredriksson, Julia January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this case study is to examine how the employees perceive the usability of RISEintranet, Medarbetarportalen, and their attitude toward using it. Semi-structured interviews were used as a method to gather empirical data. A theoretical framework was made based on the selected usability components Relevance, Efficiency, and Learnability in combination with the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The theoretical framework was then used to analyse the empirical findings. The study shows an overall average, with a tendency towards low attitude against the usability of the intranet.

The impact of network related factors on Internet based technology in South Africa : a cloud computing perspective

Ramagoffu, Madisa Modisaotsile 24 February 2013 (has links)
Outsourcing, consolidation and cost savings of IT services, are increasingly becoming an imperative source of competitive advantage and a great challenge for most local and global businesses. These challenges not only affect consumers, but also the service providers’ community. As IT is slowly becoming commoditised, consumers, such as business organisations, are increasingly expecting IT services that will mimic other utility services such as water, electricity, and telecommunications.To this end, no one model has been able to emulate these utilities in the computing arena.Cloud Computing is the recent computing phenomenon that attempts to be the answer to most business IT requirements. This phenomenon is gaining traction in the IT industry, with a promise of advantages such as cost reduction, elimination of upfront capital outlay, pay per use models, shared infrastructure, and high flexibility allowing users and providers to handle high elasticity of demand. The critical success factor that remains unanswered for most IT organisations and its management is: What is the effect of the communication network factors on Internet based technology such as Cloud Computing, given the emerging market context.This study therefore, investigates the effect of four communication network factors (price, availability, reliability and security) in the adoption of Cloud Computing by IT managers in a South African context, including their propensity to adopt the technology. The study investigates numerous technology adoption theories, in which Technology, Organisation and Environment (TOE) framework is selected due to it having an organisational focus as opposed to an individual focus.Based on the results, this study proposes that Bandwidth (Pricing and Security) should be included into any adoption model that involves services running on the Internet. The study makes an attempt to contribute to the emerging literature of Cloud Computing, Internet in South Africa, in addition to offering organisations considering adoption and Cloud Providers’ significant ideas to consider for Cloud Computing adoption. / Dissertation (MBA)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) / unrestricted

Påverkansfaktorer i digitaliseringsprocessen : En kvalitativ studie om användares syn på implementering av nya informationssystem

Mörch, Henric January 2021 (has links)
Det finns en stor mängd nya digitala satsningar som införs i företag varje år. Tyvärr får dessa system ofta ett begränsat genomslag, då forskning visar att bristande acceptans hos de anställda ofta leder till bristande effektivitet. För att identifiera vilka faktorer som bidrar till acceptans hos användarna så har Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) utvecklats, vilken kartlägger dessa faktorer. Denna uppsats undersöker hur en faktor i TAM, subjektiv norm, påverkar användarens attityd mot användning. Subjektiv norm identifieras ofta som någonting det finns en stark allmän uppfattning om. I innevarande uppsats konkretiseras subjektiv norm som en vilja att agera miljövänligt, till följd av de miljöproblem som uppmärksammats allt mer på senare tid. Uppsatsen tillämpar en kvalitativ metod i form av en enkätundersökning med kompletterande intervjuer. Resultaten indikerar att subjektiv norm påverkar acceptansen positivt hos de individer som har en stark emotionell koppling till den subjektiva normen. Vidare så identifierades även ett antal hinder som minskar acceptans. Intraorganisatorisk kommunikation visade sig även vara avgörande för hur användarna uppfattade det nya systemet, och i förlängningen hur de accepterar satsningen.

Augmented Reality Contact Lenses: An Investigation of Technology Acceptance Drivers from a Potential User Perspective

Gmeinwieser, Korbinian, Schock, Nikolas January 2020 (has links)
Background: Augmented Reality (AR) could be the next revolutionary technology after the personal computer, the internet and the mobile era. While AR Smart Glasses are already on the market, AR Contact Lenses (ARCL) are still in the stage of research and development, but likely to replace the smartphone in the near future. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is the identification of key factors influencing the acceptance of ARCL from a potential user perspective to gather early-stage pre-market knowledge and extend the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) literature to this novel wearable technology. Method: An explanatory online survey was conducted to test the hypotheses in an extended TAM. Data from 250 respondents up to an age of 34 years, representing the potential target group was collected. Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) was used to assess the measurement model in terms of validity and reliability and the structural model in terms of hypotheses testing and strength of relationships between proposed variables. In addition, a multigroup analysis was examined to identify significant differences among groups. Conclusion: The results show that the attitude, which is strongly influenced by perceived usefulness, is the major key determinant affecting potential users’ behavioral intention to adopt ARCL in the future, followed by subjective norms. Furthermore, a strong influence of personal innovativeness on both antecedents of attitude, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use was identified. Moreover, moderating effects of educational background, knowledge of ARCL and usage of contact lenses were discovered.

Användares acceptans kring applikationer för diagnostisering och spårning av COVID-19

Sköldkvist, Eskil, Lundin, Viggo January 2020 (has links)
COVID-19 är ett av de största virusutbrott som drabbat vårt globala samhälle i modern tid.För att lindra och hantera konsekvenserna av dess framfart har olika insatser prövats. En av dessa insatser är utvecklingen av applikationer för diagnosticering och spårning. Även om dessa applikationer utvecklas och implementeras är området kring acceptansen för dem relativt outforskat. Syftet med uppsatsen är att få en bättre förståelse kring hur användare uppfattar och i sin tur accepterar applikationer för diagnostisering och spårning under en pågående pandemi. Studien genomförde intervjuer med användare av två applikationer: COVID‑19-bedömningsverktyg av Apple och COVID Symptom Study av Lunds universitet. Intervjufrågorna formulerades efter Health Information Technology Acceptance Model vilketresulterat i flertal insikter i vilka faktorer som gör att användare accepterar dessa applikationer. Tre faktorer var särskilt intressanta då de utmanar de befintliga antaganden avstudiens teoretiska ramverk. Dessa faktorer är: kritik av kopplingen till sociala nätverk, varumärkets stärkande påverkan på användarnas tillförlitlighet samt acceptans bland användare kopplat till att appar fyller ett större syfte och hjälper samhället i stort.

Motstridiga krafter och initiativ gällande RPA : Riktlinjer för implementationer

Nordlund, Emil, Lindgren, Rickard January 2022 (has links)
Genom att använda sig av robotar kan processer automatiseras på ett enkelt och kostnadseffektivt sätt. Tidigare forskning visar på att Robotic Process Automation (RPA) är ett attraktivt sätt för företag att investera i ny teknik som ger snabb avkastning. RPA kan även avlasta anställda inom företag där processer upplevs manuella och repetitiva. Å andra sidan visar även forskningen på att utmaningar finns vid implementationen av RPA, som att anställda inte vill acceptera den nya teknologin samt att ledning har svårt att kommunicera ut vad RPA ska bidra med. Syftet med denna studie är att öka förståelse kring implementeringsprocessen av RPA och vilka utmaningar som finns. Vidare ämnar studien att ge riktlinjer kring hur det går att underlätta implementationen av RPA och öka anställdas acceptans. Teoretiskt bidrar denna studie till ökad kunskap och förståelse i hur företag ska gå till väga för att öka anställas acceptans vid implementation av RPA. Genom litteratursökningar har relevanta teorier samlats in; RPA,Automation, Projektledning, IT-Projekt, Förändringsarbete och Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). Utifrån en kvalitativ ansats genomfördes fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer för att samla in empiri. Intervjuerna utfördes med fyra olika anställda på ett företag med olika roller. Genom en tematisk dataanalys identifierades tre teman; gemensam vision om RPA, saknad designfas och ansvar efter implementation. Resultatet visar på att det idag finns brister inom kommunikationen, förarbete och efterarbete vid implementeringen av RPA. Slutligen presenterar studien tre riktlinjer som ska hjälpa företaget att underlätta framtida implementationer av RPA.

Exploratory study of the impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)-based features in conference center selection/recommendation by meeting planners

Lee, Seungwon Shawn 17 June 2009 (has links)
This study examined the perceived importance of availability of ICT-based features and technical support on meeting planners' recommendation/selection of a conference center. In addition, this study attempted to explain relationships between meeting planners' beliefs (perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use) toward ICT-based features and other factors: personal innovativeness of ICT (PIICT); perceived importance of the availability of technical support; self efficacy; and result demonstrability. A conceptually integrated and expanded model of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) developed by Davis (1986, 1989) was used as a theoretical frame. The subjects of the study were meeting planners who used the selected two conference centers for their meetings or were considering them for their future meetings. A total of 167 usable responses were gathered and the proposed model was empirically examined using the data collected. The results of the model test revealed that the expanded TAM with the integration of key factors provided a systematic view of the meeting planners' beliefs in selection/recommendation of a conference center with ICT-based features. In addition, factor analysis of the fifteen ICT-based features revealed three underlying dimensions based on meeting planners' perceived importance of the availability of each feature for a conference center selection: 1) high-speed wireless Internet; 2) network backbone; and 3) ICT-based service outlet. Specifically, high-speed wireless Internet was the most important ICT-based determinant of a conference center selection/recommendation to all types of meeting planners. Due to the exploratory nature of this study, the results provided limited facets of the impact of ICT-based feature and technical support on meeting facility selection/recommendation. Nevertheless, this study is the first research effort of its kind to investigate what type of ICT-based feature and technical support impact conference center selection/recommendation by different types of meeting planners the most. The results revealed that corporate meeting planners consider wireless Internet and a fast network more important in selection than other types of meeting planners do. The availability of ICT-based features was less important to association meeting planners when they make a conference center selection. This study also identified that there is a serious lack of knowledge in terms related to network backbones across all types of meeting planners. Technical support, especially on-site technical support, was perceived as very important to all types of meeting planners. This study also identified that meeting planners with high PIICT possess stronger confidence in using and visualizing the advantages of ICT-based features. Thus conference centers should make efforts to measure meeting planners' PIICT and use the score effectively for their marketing of ICT-based features. The study also identified result demonstrability—the visualizing of positive outcomes of using ICT-based features—as very important to meeting planners. PIICT and result demonstrability were positively related to perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness which were identified as key antecedents of actual acceptance/usage of technology in previous studies. The results of the current study present an important step toward providing practical as well as theoretical implications for future technology impact studies in the context of meeting facility selection. / Ph. D.

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