Spelling suggestions: "subject:"mam"" "subject:"aam""
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Användaracceptans vid IT-förändringsarbete : utvärdering av användardeltagande / User acceptance in IT change management : an evaluation of user participationMortensen, Daniel, Kvist, Christoffer January 2014 (has links)
Idag misslyckas en stor andel förändringsprojekt inom IT vilket är oroväckande med tanke på hur centralt IT är för verksamheter. En återkommande anledning till att så många projekt misslyckas anses vara svårigheten i att hantera människors tankar och attityder när de genomgår en förändring. Speciellt förändringar av system, som har en så påtaglig inverkan på de anställdas arbete. För att hantera dessa svårigheter förespråkar teoretiker att en användardeltagande strategi bör implementeras vid förändringsarbeten inom IT. Syftet med studien är därför att utreda hur organisationer använder sig utav användardeltagande och om det faktiskt har någon effekt på användarnas acceptans för systemförändringar. Detta då IT projekt fortsätter att misslyckas. Studien har grundats på tidigare forskning inom användardeltagande och användaracceptans för att sedan genomföra en undersökning på hur det går till i verkligheten. För att skapa djupare förståelse för hur användardeltagande kan ta form har intervjuer genomförts hos verksamheter som nyligen genomgått en systemförändring. Vidare har enkäter skickats ut till de anställda hos de studerade verksamheterna för att på ett tillförlitligt sätt avgöra acceptansen för systemen. Studien visar att användardeltagande utformas utefter vilken organisationsstruktur samt vilka maktförhållanden som råder i organisationer. Användardeltagande påverkar olika systemanvändare annorlunda då dessa har olika behov som behöver tillgodoses. Vissa användare är i behov av att användaranpassa system för att uppnå användaracceptans, samtidigt som andra är i behov av att ledas genom själva förändringen. Detta gör användardeltagande till ett bra val i syfte att öka användares acceptans för informationssystem, ifall det anpassas till användarnas behov samt rådande organisationsstruktur. / Program: Dataekonomutbildningen
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Investigating the factors affecting customers' trust and acceptance of online banking : the case of Saudi ArabiaAlboqami, Hassan Abdullah January 2018 (has links)
The need for online banking technology in the banking industry is important to allow financial institutions to serve their customers worldwide, without having the need to be present in person or face-to-face to benefit from the service. Despite the investment in informational technology and information system infrastructure by Saudi Arabian financial institutions, the Saudi banks have lagged their Western counterparts when it comes to provision of online banking services. Given a relatively recent adoption of online banking in Saudi Arabia, consumer trust in online banking is a critical challenge facing bank managers, warranting further research. The aim of this research is to develop a framework to improve consumer trust toward online banking services and its affect consumer intentions to use the online banking service and e-WOM. The literature included the assessment of relevant theories including social cognitive theory, technology acceptance model and commitment trust theory. These theories formed the basis of formulation of research framework, including development of 12 research hypotheses. Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, relationship termination cost, shared value, communication, privacy and demographic factors all have an important role in influencing the extent of trust and the subsequent intention of customers to engage in and use online banking services provided by the financial institutions. When it comes to the literature gap, there remains a relative lack of existence of research on the subject of consumer trust in online banking within Saudi Arabia (Zhou, 2012; Alanezi and Brooks, 2014; AL-Malkawi et al., 2016), which presents a gap in the literature warranting further research. Moreover, most of the prior research on the subject of consumer trust in online banking has concentrated on the information cues such as reputation and information quality (Montazemi and Qahri-Saremi, 2015). This is alongside relatively little attention given to other factors such as perceived usefulness, ease of use, shared value, and privacy/security, which are crucial factors in online banking services (Fatima, 2011; Aloul., 2012; Montazemi and Qahri-Saremi, 2015). Regarding methodology, the positivist research philosophy, deductive approach, survey questionnaire and quantitative data collection and analysis techniques were undertaken. A key rationale for selection of such a methodology is the review of relevant literature, which led to development of research hypotheses that are tested through the survey technique, which is consistent with positivist and deductive research approach. The survey questionnaire request was sent online to 800 research participants (users of online services in Saudi Arabia). Out of these 800, 585 responded (indicating a response rate of an impressive 73%). The response rate was improved through giving regular reminders to the research participants who had not responded to the survey earlier. The findings of this research support the argument that trust in e-bank website play an important role in maintaining long term relationship with customers. Therefore, online banks who deal with their customers in a confidential, transparent and honest manner and ultimately protect the consumers' interests are likely to contribute to greater adoption of online banking by customers in Saudi Arabia. Furthermore, it is also concluded that perceived ease of use, trust in online banking website, trust in technology, relationship termination cost, privacy/security, shared value, and communication have positive and significant effect on customer trust in e-bank website, intention to use online banking, and e-WOM.
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Adoção da computação em nuvem: questões organizacionais e ambientais com o uso do modelo TAM-TOE em empresas de grande porte. / Cloud computing adoption: organizational and environmental issues with the use of the TAM-TOE model in large companies.Nemer Alberto Zaguir 19 April 2017 (has links)
A computação em nuvem é um modelo que catalisa mudanças marcantes na forma com que a Tecnologia da Informação é distribuída. Como benefícios, sobressai-se a viabilidade de acesso rápido, de qualquer lugar, a recursos disponibilizados como serviços e utilizados sob demanda, subsidiando a criação de novos modelos de negócios. Entretanto, com os ativos da TI externos à organização, aumenta-se o interesse por estudos sobre adoção. A literatura retrata a utilização de vários modelos de adoção, entre eles o TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) e o TOE (Technology-Organizational-enviroment framework). Uma pesquisa que utilizou a combinação TAM-TOE revelou bom grau de previsão da adoção pelo modelo, porém indicou a necessidade de estudos de casos para aprofundar o tema em outros contextos, ensejando a questão: como ocorre o processo de adoção da computação em nuvem em relação às questões organizacionais e ambientais? Foi realizada uma revisão sistemática da literatura para confirmar lacunas de pesquisa e estender o modelo TAM-TOE, destacando-se elementos da teoria institucional no processo de adoção. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, descritiva e estruturada por meio de estudos de casos múltiplos, com unidade de análise definida pelo estudo do processo de adoção de um serviço de nuvem em empresa de grande porte caracterizada como suporte no modelo de grade estratégica da TI. Sete unidades foram analisadas abordando-se influência das pressões institucionais sobre a alta gestão, as avaliações dos serviços e os termos de licenciamento dos contratos. O estudo contribui para a elucidação de comportamentos diferenciados das pressões institucionais sobre a alta gestão na decisão de adoção, destacando-se os mecanismos coercitivos. Expõe situações onde a gestão dos serviços requer a participação da TI sob o modo tradicional e discute aspectos contratuais sobre o licenciamento de serviços. Por fim, apresenta-se uma reflexão sobre a utilização do modelo, do método e limitações da pesquisa, com a indicação de estudos futuros para aprofundar as contribuições indicadas em outros contextos. / Cloud Computing is a model that has brought revolutionary changes in the way Information Technology (IT) is distributed. As benefits, it stands out the feasibility of fast access possible from anywhere to resources made available as on-demand services that help to create new business models. However, with IT assets outside the organization, interest in adoption studies have increased. The literature describes the use of several adoption models, among which are the Technology-Acceptance-Model (TAM) and the Technology-Organizational-environment (TOE). One research used the TAM-TOE combination and revealed a good degree of prediction to justify adoptions, but indicated the need for case studies to better understanding of adoptions in other contexts, raising the question: how should the process of adopting cloud computing occur regarding organizational and environmental questions? A systematic literature review was conducted to confirm research gaps and to broaden the TAM-TOE model, highlighting elements of institutional theory and its influence in the adoption process. This is a qualitative, descriptive and structured research using multiple case studies, with unit of analysis defined by the study of the process of adopting a cloud service in a large company characterized as support in the IT strategic grid model. Seven units were analyzed by addressing institutional pressures on top management, service evaluations and contract licensing terms. The study contributes to the elucidation of different behaviors of the institutional pressures on the top management in the decision making for its adoption, emphasizing the coercive mechanisms. It exposes situations in which the service management might require the participation of IT in the traditional way and the discussion of contractual aspects about the licensing of services. Finally, a reflection on the use of the model, method and limitations of the research is presented, indicating future studies.
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Information technology implementation and acceptance: a case study of change managementCompton, Shane M., n/a January 2002 (has links)
The implementation of a new Information Technology in an organization represents a
significant change. Little research, however, has been conducted on the collective
power of Information Technology acceptance and change management. The current
research seeks to integrate a prominent model of technology acceptance and change
management theory to develop an holistic approach to Information Technology
implementation and acceptance. Using Davis' (1989) Technology Acceptance Model
(TAM) (Attitude) and Beer, Eisenstat and Specter's (1990) six step model of change
(Change), this three phase longitudinal case study examined the change management
of the implementation of a new Information System within a statutory authority.
Results from the current study show that the addition of the six step model (Change)
adds appreciably to the TAM (Attitude) in the prediction of general service
satisfaction and perceived implementation success. Findings also show the temporal
salience of the factors of the six step model and the TAM in the prediction of these
dependent variables. The current research supports previous work by Davis (1989)
and Thompson, Higgins and Howell (1994) who stated that initially people are
motivated to use an Information System by affect, but will in time be more concerned
with usefulness as habit formation occurs. The current study found that during the
pre-implementation phase, commitment through communication and vision are
critical to the change process. However, as the change moves into the implementation
phase, consensus becomes most important. The shift in factors salient during the
change process is what the author refers to as the temporal progression proposition.
Strengths and limitations of the current study and recommendations for future
research are discussed.
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Nordea Bank versus Industrial and Commercial Bank of China : A comparison of internet banking adoptingHua, Dong January 2010 (has links)
<p>Banking can be viewed as one of the most traditional and sophisticated sectors in the economy and business markets. However, over the past decades, developments in technology has been changing dramatically the way that retail banks conduct their business and this change has also been accelerated due to the introduction and evolution of internet banking. The aim of this thesis is to get a better understanding about what factors are important to have impact on the internet banking implementing.</p>
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Nordea Bank versus Industrial and Commercial Bank of China : A comparison of internet banking adoptingHua, Dong January 2010 (has links)
Banking can be viewed as one of the most traditional and sophisticated sectors in the economy and business markets. However, over the past decades, developments in technology has been changing dramatically the way that retail banks conduct their business and this change has also been accelerated due to the introduction and evolution of internet banking. The aim of this thesis is to get a better understanding about what factors are important to have impact on the internet banking implementing.
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Etude diachronique du système verbal persan (Xe-XVIe siècles) : d'un équilibre à l'autre ?Lenepveu-Hotz, Agnès 24 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail établit les changements morphologiques et syntaxiques du système verbal persan entre les Xe et XVIe siècles. Dix textes en prose représentatifs (régions et dialectes, judéo-persan compris) ont pu faire apparaître les évolutions suivantes. Le nouveau passif analytique recourt à différents auxiliaires avant qu'un seul ne s'impose, šudan, " devenir " (XIIe). L'infinitif et le participe passé évoluent conjointement : les formes d'infinitif plein, en -an, disparaissent au profit de l'infinitif apocopé (kard), quand l'ancien participe passé kard est remplacé par le participe en karda (XIIIe-XIVe). L'adverbe moyen-perse hamē s'est grammaticalisé en préfixe mē et sa valeur principale de concomitance s'est progressivement affaiblie. Le suffixe ē, marqueur d'habitude dans le passé et d'irréel, a décliné au bénéfice de mē (XVe). Peu à peu, le parfait a aussi été utilisé pour l'expression du médiatif. Le futur périphrastique, formé avec xvāstan, " vouloir ", marque à l'origine un futur d'intention, puis exprime également un futur de prédiction (XIVe). Même si le système se délite à partir du XVe siècle, le préfixe bi est un indice de rhématicité tout au long de la période et l'opposition indicatif/subjonctif n'est pas encore recréée. buvad, " est ", a cédé la place à bāšad ; aux époques où ils coexistent (Xe-XIe), buvad marque l'inhérent et bāšad, le transitoire. Quant à la construction des modaux, elle est passée de la rection d'un infinitif à celle d'un verbe conjugué, à la morphologie plus riche (XIVe-XVIe). Il en résulte que, sans en cristalliser tous les changements, le XVe siècle constitue une date charnière dans l'évolution du système verbal persan.
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Usage of Business Intelligence : Testing the Technology Acceptance Model on a BI SystemPettersson, Dennis, Arvidsson, Pär January 2012 (has links)
Business Intelligence (BI) has become an essential part of the modern enterprise, and what used to be thought of as a luxury is now a matter of survival. Recent economic developments have forced companies to rethink their IT investment strategy. BI investments are now targeting the majority of people in the organisation instead of a select few. Thus, it is important to understand why users of a BI system choose to accept and use the system. Previous research has established the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) as one of the most powerful and parsimonious models explaining user acceptance and usage behaviour of information technologies. This quantitative study replicates the original TAM study with the purpose to increase the understanding of BI usage, and investigates the behaviour of the users of the BI system QlikView in the case company GE Healthcare. The results showed a lower explanatory power for the model when compared to previous research. This indicates that how useful a user perceives a BI system to be does not affect the amount of usage to the same extent as predicted by TAM. Possible causes for this are discussed, with an emphasis on the influence of what tasks a user is confronted with and the measurement of system use.
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Literature has examined the cognitive processes that underlie user evaluation of target websites, apps and information systems (WIS). In general, the studies have found that the consciously reasoning evaluation of a specific WIS¡¦ usefulness and enjoyment can effectively predict the usage that WIS. However, in the trend of consumerzing WIS, users are more likely than before to evaluate WIS by impression, meaning that users browse and appraise multiple novel WISs simultaneously and can pay little attention to each of them. To investigate the impression formation process, the current study develops hypotheses based on social neuroscience literature of emotional processing. This study further captures the transient process of impression formation with the event-related potential (ERP, or the brain wave pattern) methodology. Two ERP experiments were conducted. In the first experiment, 24 subjects made evaluations (like vs. dislike) toward novel website logos that were presented with 200 milliseconds (ms). The results show that, as early as 120 ms after logo appearance, the ERP starts to differentiate between liked and disliked logos. In the second experiment, 18 subjects made enjoyment and usefulness evaluations toward novel logos that were presented with 1 second. The behavior data of the second experiment show that for novel logos, enjoyment and usefulness evaluation scores are correlated. ERP data further indicated that information of both enjoyment and usefulness dimensions are inevitably noticed and processed. These findings suggest that, for WIS, the process of evaluation by impression formation might be different from that by reasoning. The impression formation process might be characterized by the activation of spontaneous emotion and by the interdependence between the enjoyment and usefulness evaluations.
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Factors Affecting the Employee¡¦s Use Intention of Enterprise e-Learning SystemsFen, Yu 05 August 2005 (has links)
This study is attempted to the discovery critical factors of employee¡¦s e-Learning system use intention that may help companies understand for e-learning effective implement plans. It starts from literature review for getting the subjects of critical factors of enterprise e-learning and then we integrated technology acceptance model with subjective norm , system flexibility, e-Learning content richness, evaluation and records, e -Learning self-efficacy as the antecedents of perceived usefulness(PU) and perceived ease of use(PEU) Data were collected from seven implemented e-learning companies.. And analysised this structural equation model with SEM.
The findings of this study present that employee¡¦s e-learning use intention and attitude are affected and guided by PU, PEOU has less influences power , Subjective norm ,system flexibility, e-Learning content richness are antecedent of PU, User support , e-Learning content richness and e-Learning self-efficacy are PEU¡¦s antecedents. Finally, we made some suggestion for practice and other researcher¡¦s base on the result
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