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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Kundomdömen inom e-handeln : Faktorer som påverkar konsumenters attityd till omdömessystem vid e-handelsköp i Sverige.

Svantesson, Elin January 2020 (has links)
Vid ett e-handelsköp finns det två alternativ för informationssamling om produkten som skall köpas, produktinformation från e-handlaren och kundomdömen från tidigare konsumenter. Postnords e-barometer har flera år visat att svenska konsumenter önskade att e-handlare utvecklade kundomdömen på sina plattformar vilket denna studie har intresserat sig för att undersöka. Arbetet är av kvantitativ karaktär och har som syfte att undersöka svenska konsumenters användning av kundomdömen inför ett köp och vilka faktorer som påverkar användningen. För detta används en teoretisk modell med tillhörande hypoteser som är en förläning på TAM-modellen. Undersökningen bestod av en surveyundersökning där enkät har använts som datainsamlingsmetod. Resultatet visar på att de flesta respondenter till underökningen är positivt inställda till kundomdömen. De tycker att det är användbart, användarvänligt, betydelsefullt och har även en avsikt att använda dem innan köp. Dock är det väldigt få som använder omdömessystemet efter köp för att dela med sig av sina åsikter eller på annat sätt använda omdömessystemet. Studien föreslår att svenska konsumenter är mycket mer tystlåtna när det gäller eWOM än var tidigare studier har visat. Kundomdömen upplevs inte som trovärdiga, vilket dock inte visade sig vara en faktor som har en påverkan på användandet av kundomdömen vid köp. De faktorer som visade sig ha en stark direkt påverkan på avsikten att använda kundomdömen vid ett köp är omdömessystemets användbarhet och betydelse. En indirekt påverkan visade det sig att användarvänligheten har vilket påverkar användbarheten. Detta resultat skiljer sig från den ursprungliga TAM-modellen som menar att även användarvänligheten direkt påverkar avsikten att använda. Vidare har det i studien även identifierats olika demografiska grupper med olika datorvanor vilket har en medelmåttig effekt på hur användarvänligt ett omdömessystem upplevs. Resultaten visar också att det finns statistisk signifikanta skillnader mellan demografiska grupper och deras förhållning till kundomdömen. Kvinnor har en mer positiv syn på omdömessystem och har dessutom ett större förtroende till dem än män. Vidare upplever de kunder som ofta eller aldrig returnerar varor efter ett köp att kundomdömen är mer betydelsefulla och användbara. / When purchasing online there are two alternatives to collect information about the product of interest, product information from the e-retailer and customer reviews from previous customers. Postnord’s e-barometer has several years shown that Swedish customers wish that e-commerce providers developed customer reviews on their platforms, which are the main topic for this study. This work is of a quantitative nature and aims to explore Swedish online customers use of customer reviews before making a purchase and factors that influence their use. For this, a theoretical model with associated hypotheses has been used which is an extension on the original TAM-model. The study is a survey study where a survey was used as a primary data collection to test the model and analyze about factors that influence each other. The result of this study shows that most of the study’s respondents have a positive attitude towards customer reviews, they believe it is useful, easy to use, important and have intentions to use it before a purchase online. However, very few respondents tend to use customer review systems after purchases to share their purchase experience or use it in other ways. The study proposes that Swedish customers are much more of a silent observer when it comes to eWOM than what previous studies have found. Customer reviews is not perceived to be trustworthy, which however this study shows is not a factor that influence the intention to use customer reviews, in other words, customer reviews are perceived useful even if they are not trustworthy. The factors that proved to have strong direct influence on the intention to use customer reviews is the usefulness of the customer reviews system and the perceived importance of it. Additionally, the ease of use has an indirect influence, which differs from the original TAM-model which means that the ease of use directly influences the intention to use. Furthermore, different demographic groups with different computer experience has been identified, which has a moderate effect on the perceived ease of use customer reviews systems. The result also shows that there are statistically significant differences between demographical groups, and their relation to customer reviews. Women has a more positive view of customer reviews and perceive them to be more trustworthy than men. Furthermore, customers with different product return behaviors has different perceptions of the importance of customer review systems and the ones who never or often return products after a purchase online tend to perceive customer reviews more important.

ChatGPT as a Supporting Tool for System Developers : Understanding User Adoption

Andersson, Mattias, Marshall Olsson, Tom January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: AI, specifikt konversations-AI som OpenAI:s ChatGPT, växer snabbt i både privata och professionella sammanhang, vilket erbjuder möjligheter till kostnadsbesparingar och modernisering för företag. ChatGPT kan simulera mänskliga konversationer, vilket kan ge fördelar i flera olika industrier och kan genom samarbete mellan människa och AI potentiellt förbättra anställdas produktivitet. Det huvudsakliga forskningsproblemet är att identifiera faktorer som påverkar systemutvecklarens användning av ChatGPT och beakta dess design och implementation för att minska potentiella negativa effekter. Syfte:  Denna studie syftar till att undersöka de faktorer som påverkar användares adoption ChatGPT som ett verktyg för att stödja systemutvecklare. Dessutom syftar studien till att identifiera hur ChatGPT kan hjälpa systemutvecklare i deras dagliga arbete och vilka hinder som finns för att inkorporera ChatGPT i denna kontext. Metod: Genom en fallstudieansats med kvalitativa och kvantitativa datainsamlingsmetoder, använder studien positivistiska och interpretivistiska paradigm. Resultat: Resultatet visar att den uppfattade förmågan hos ChatGPT att förbättra effektiviteten och generera korrekta svar påverkar avsikten att använda tekniken. Faktorer som tidsbesparing, produktivitetsförbättring och användarvänlighet gav dock inte statistiskt signifikanta resultat. Utvecklare finner ChatGPT användbart för att förenkla uppgifter och hjälpa juniora utvecklare, men det finns oro för att hantera komplexa uppgifter och säkerhetsfrågor. Slutsatser: Användarnas acceptans av ChatGPT drivs främst av den uppfattade precisionen och effektiviteten. ChatGPT kan hjälpa till med uppgifter som felsökning, kodgenerering, kodrefaktorering, kodoptimering och teknisk dokumentation, men med vissa potentiella begränsningar när det gäller hantering av alltför komplex kod. Trots detta så finns hinder för införandet i form av oro för integritet, säkerhet och brist på medvetenhet samt funktionella begränsningar. Följder: De insikter som vunnits kan indirekt gynna företag, inklusive vår affärspartner CGI, genom att bidra till beslutsfattandeprocesser relaterade till adoption och användning av ChatGPT. / Background: AI, specifically conversational AI like OpenAI's ChatGPT, is rapidly expanding in personal and professional settings, offering cost-cutting and modernization opportunities for businesses. This technology, capable of simulating human-like conversations, holds promise across various industries, potentially enhancing productivity through human-AI collaboration. The main research problem is to identify factors influencing system developers' adoption of ChatGPT, considering its design and implementation to mitigate potential negative impacts. Aim: This study aims to investigate the factors that influence user adoption of ChatGPT as a tool to support system developers. Additionally, it aims to identify how ChatGPT can aid system developers in their daily work, and challenges associated with incorporating ChatGPT in this context. Method: Using a case study approach with qualitative and quantitative data collection methods, the study employs positivist and interpretivist philosophical paradigms. Results: Results showed that the perceived ability of ChatGPT to enhance efficiency and generate accurate responses significantly impacts adoption intentions. When examining aspects related to timesaving, productivity enhancement, and user-friendliness, no statistically significant results were found. Among developers, ChatGPT is considered valuable for simplifying tasks and assisting junior developers. There are concerns regarding its capability to handle complex tasks and potential security issues. Suggestions for improvement include better integration with integrated development environments (IDEs) and enhanced accuracy. Conclusions: The findings highlight perceived accuracy and efficiency as driving factors for user adoption regarding ChatGPT. ChatGPT can support tasks like debugging, code generation, code refactoring, code optimization, and technical documentation. However, there may be some potential limitations when dealing with overly complex code. Barriers to adoption include concerns about integrity and security, lack of awareness, and functional limitations. Implications: The insights gained can indirectly benefit companies, including our business partner CGI, by guiding decision-making processes related to the effective adoption and utilization of ChatGPT.

Anpassning av digital teknik för äldre människor : En kvalitativ studie med smartspeglar som inriktning / Adaptation of Digital Technology for Elderly : A Qualitative Study with Smart Mirrors as a Focus

Andersson, Ida, Strömbäck, Anna January 2021 (has links)
Många människor som tillhör äldre generationer har svårt att hänga med i dagens digitaliserade samhälle. Detta kan bero på rädsla, ångest, lågt självförtroende, brist på motivation och intresse. Det kan också bero på att äldre människor inte ser någon nytta med att implementera tekniken i sitt liv. Detta påvisar en negativ inställning mot att använda tekniken. Dålig användbarhet och användarvänlighet är de två faktorer som främst påverkar detta. Upplevelsen av sådant kan i sin tur avgöra deras acceptans mot att använda tekniken. Uppdragsgivaren för denna studie vill underlätta vardagen för äldre människor och arbetar på att ta fram ett hjälpmedel i form av en smartspegel. Definitionen av smartspegel är svår. De gemensamma nämnarna för smartspeglar är framför allt att de består av en digital skärm med en spegel framför, kan visa olika former av information och digitalt material och dessa kan skräddarsys efter användaren(Smart Mirror Guide, 2021). Det finns fler begrepp för denna produkt, t.ex. “magic mirror”.Denna studie bidrar med är att kartlägga vilka önskemål på funktioner och behov målgruppen har gällande gränssnittet i smartspegeln för denna uppdragsgivare. Detta gjordes genom att genomföra en litteraturstudie i form av att ta reda på tidigare forskning inom närliggande områden, ett teoretiskt ramverk som består av användbarhet, användarvänlighet och TAM 2, intervjuer med människor som tillhör målgruppen och skapandet av en prototyp baserad på data från intervjuerna. På prototypen genomfördes sedan användartest och följdfrågor ställdes. Kvalitativ data har samlats in i denna studie, som ledde till en slutsats och en besvarad forskningsfråga. Resultat och slutsats grundas på tidigare forskning, det teoretiska ramverket, intervjuer och användartest. Slutsatsen är att digital teknik kan vara svårt att hantera för den äldre målgruppen och för att förhindra detta består en del av slutsatsen av förslag på lösningar, framför allt för gränssnittet i smartspegeln i denna studie. En syntes togs fram för att uppnå en användbar design för denna målgrupp. Ytterligare förslag är att ge en pedagogisk introduktion till produkten så att användaren förstår nyttan och hur den ska användas. En genomgående enkel utformning av gränssnitt är viktigt för denna målgrupp. Designers bör i så stor mån som möjligt försöka förstå användarnas tidigare erfarenheter och förutfattade meningar. De bör även undvika att få användarna att känna att eventuella fel som uppstår är på grund av dem, låta användarna själva bestämma vilka funktioner som ska vara synliga för att minska risken för förvirring. Studien visar också på att deras upplevelse av användbarhet och användarvänlighet är två stora faktorer som kan öka chansen för acceptans av teknik för denna målgrupp. / Many people who belong to older generations find it difficult to keep up with today's digitalized society. This can be due to fear, anxiety, low self-esteem, lack of motivation and interest. It may also be because older people do not see any benefit in implementing the technology in their lives. This shows a negative attitude towards using the technology. Poor usability and user-friendliness are the two factors that mainly affect this. The experience of such can in turn determine their acceptance of using the technology. The client for this study wants to make everyday life easier for older people and is working on developing an aid in the form of a smart mirror.The definition of a smart mirror is difficult. The common denominators for smart mirrors are above all that they consist of a digital screen with a mirror in front, can display various previous information and digital material and these can be tailored to the user (Smart Mirror Guide, 2021). There are more terms for this product, e.g. "magic mirror".This study helps to identify the wishes and functions of the target group regarding the interface in the smart mirror. This was done by conducting a literature study in the form of finding out previous research in related areas, a theoretical framework consisting of usability, user-friendliness and TAM 2, interviews with people belonging to the target group and the creation of a prototype based on the data from the interviews. User testing was performed on the prototype with follow-up questions. Qualitative data has been collected in this project and it led to a conclusion and two answered research questions. Results and conclusions are based on previous research, the theoretical framework, interviews and user tests. The conclusion is that digital technology can be difficult to handle for the older target group and to prevent this, part of the conclusion consists of suggestions for solutions, especially for the interface in the smart mirror that this study focuses on. A synthesis was developed to achieve a useful design for this target group. Further suggestions are to provide an educational introduction to the product so that the user understands the benefits and how this should be used. A consistently simple design of interfaces is important for this target group. Designers should, as far as possible, try to understand users' past experiences and preconceived notions. They should also avoid making users feel that any errors that occur are due to them, let users decide for themselves which features should be visible to reduce the risk of confusion. The study also shows that their experience of usability and user-friendliness are two major factors that can increase the chance of technology acceptance for this target group.

Analyse moléculaire de la formation des microgamètes non-réduits chez Rosa spp / Molecular analysis of unreduced microgametes formation in Rosa spp

Pécrix, Yann 22 January 2013 (has links)
Dans l’histoire évolutive des végétaux, la polyploïdisation a été un phénomène récurrent qui a façonné les génomes, aurait contribué à l’avènement de grandes étapes évolutives et aurait favorisé la survie de nombreuses lignées lors de crises écologiques majeures. Le principal mécanisme d’apparition d’espèces polyploïdes est la polyploïdisation sexuelle, qui implique la formation de gamètes 2n résultant de modifications de la division méiotique. Récemment plusieurs mutants produisant des taux élevés de gamètes 2n ont été identifiés chez A. thaliana. Chez cette espèce, la perte de fonction du gène AtPS1 conduit à la mise en place de fuseaux parallèles en méiose II et celle du gène AtCYCA1;2/TAM à l’omission de la seconde division méiotique. L’objectif de cette thèse a été de déterminer des facteurs et mécanismes responsables de la formation de gamètes 2n, en utilisant le rosier comme modèle végétal. Ces travaux ont permis : (i) d’identifier un facteur abiotique, la température élevée, comme inducteur de production de forts taux de gamètes 2n, (ii) de montrer que la fenêtre de sensibilité à ce facteur est restreinte à la méiose et (iii) de révéler que ces gamètes 2n produits sont principalement issus de la mise en place de fuseaux parallèles en méiose II. Afin de déterminer les mécanismes moléculaires à l’origine de leur formation, deux gènes candidats, RhPS1 et RhCYCA1 ont été identifiés chez Rosa. L’analyse de leur expression a révélé : (i) en condition non inductible, leur forte expression dans les étamines au stade méiose et (ii) la répression rapide de leurs niveaux de transcrits en condition d’induction de gamètes 2n. La fonction méiotique du gène RhPS1 a été validée par complémentation du mutant atps1-1 d’A. thaliana et par l’obtention d’une lignée rosier transgénique p35S::ARNi-RhPS1. Compte tenu de ces résultats, l’étude de la polyploïdisation et de ses mécanismes peut désormais être replacée dans le contexte actuel de changement climatique. / In the evolutionary history of plants, polyploidization has been a recurring phenomenon that has shaped the genomes, might have contributed to the occurrence of major evolutionary step and might have facilitated the survival of many plant families during major ecological crises. The main mechanism of polyploidization is sexual polyploidization, which involves the formation of 2n gametes resulting from meiotic division changes. Recently, mutants highly producing 2n gametes have been isolated in A. thaliana. Loss of AtPS1 gene function leads to parallel spindles orientation in meiosis II and loss of AtCYCA1;2/TAM gene function leads to the omission of the second meiotic division. The aim of this PhD project was to identify factors and mechanisms responsible for the 2n gametes formation, using Rosa as a model. This work permitted to: (i) discover an abiotic factor, high temperature, that can induce a high production of 2n gametes, (ii) show that the sensitivity window to this factor is narrow and restricted to meiosis and (iii) reveal that 2n gamete production in inductive condition, results from parallel spindle orientation in meiosis II. To determine molecular mechanisms responsible for their formation, two candidate genes, RhPS1 and RhCYCA1 were identified in Rosa. Analysis of their expression revealed: (i) their high expression level in stamens at meiosis stage in non-inductive condition and (ii) the rapid repression of their transcript levels under inductive condition. Meiotic gene function of RhPS1 was validated by complementation of atps1-1 mutant and by generating a rose transgenic line p35S:: RNAi-RhPS1. According to these results, polyploidization and its mechanisms can now be replaced in the context of the current climate.


JESSICA MATTOSO DA FONSECA 21 August 2006 (has links)
[pt] As operadoras celulares estão vivendo um momento no qual a comunicação por voz praticamente já chegou ao seu ápice e os serviços de valor agregado estão se tornando peças fundamentais para o sucesso de uma empresa móvel. O Serviço de Mensagem de Texto (SMS) é o serviço de valor agregado mais difundido atualmente, sendo responsável por aproximadamente 80% da receita de dados da maioria das operadoras móveis no Brasil e no mundo. Esta dissertação busca compreender os motivadores que levam os usuários de celular a adotarem o Serviço de Mensagem de Texto. Para compreendê-los foi realizada uma análise baseada no Modelo de Aceitação da Tecnologia (TAM - Technology Acceptance Model) incluindo as variáveis qualidade do serviço percebida e custo percebido. A análise de dados foi feita por meio de análise multivariada utilizando o software estatístico SPSS 13.0, e o sistema de equações estruturais foi suportado pelo software AMOS 4.0. Constatou-se no modelo que, apesar das variáveis Facilidade Percebida, Qualidade do Serviço Percebida e Custo Percebido influenciarem a Atitude em Relação ao Uso; a Utilidade Percebida é o constructo mais relevante na determinação da Atitude em Relação ao Uso e da Intenção de Uso, e que a Intenção de Uso é fundamental para o constructo Uso Real. / [en] Mobile operators have been challenged since voice communication reached its peak and value added services became crucial for success. SMS is the most adopted value added service and responds for 80% of mobile data revenues in Brazil and in the world. This essay tries to understand customer`s motivation for adopting SMS service. An extended version of TAM - Technology Acceptance Model that includes the Perceived Quality Service and the Perceived Cost variables was analyzed in order to understand these factors. The software SPSS 13.0 helped to perform a multivariate data analysis and the structured equations were supported by the software AMOS 4.0. The analysis of results provides the following conclusions: Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Service Quality and Perceived Cost influence the Attitude toward Using; Perceived Usefulness is the most relevant construct to determine the Attitude toward Using and the Behavioral Intention to Use; Behavioral Intention to Use is key driver to the construct Actual Use.

Sjukvårdspersonals inställning till videobesök

Hamberg, Mattias, Bouvier, Hugo January 2018 (has links)
I Sverige har en rad olika mobila applikationer vuxit fram där patienter kan ställa frågor och konsultera läkare med hjälp av videobesök. Dessa typer av tjänster är i dagsläget menat att användas som ett substitut eller komplement till traditionella vårdbesök med syfte att avlasta sjukhus och tillgängliggöra vård. ​Ökade krav och nya behov har däremot skapat nya förväntningar på hälso- och sjukvårdstjänster och hur de ska tillhandahållas. Detta har lett till en debatt kring huruvida det är positivt för vården eller ej. Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka sjukvårdspersonals inställning till videobesök, samt vilka faktorer som är viktiga för att sjukvårdspersonalen ska acceptera ett sådant system. För att få en förståelse för detta genomfördes totalt sex intervjuer med sjukvårdare i Stockholm, Uppsala och Norrtälje. Intervjuer utformades och analyserades med hjälp det teoretiska ramverket, TAM, som ämnar förutse och förklara användares acceptans till system innan de har utsatts för det. Resultaten av undersökningen visar att det finns en positivitet och nyfikenhet hos respondenterna till videobesök i sig men en skepsis kring hur tekniken används idag - de ansåg ​att videobesök är ett viktigt verktyg som i dagsläget används på fel sätt. Utfallet av analysen ledde dock till ett annat resultat än det som empirin visade: ​acceptans och inställning hos respondenterna visade sig bero på mer på vilken kontext det används inom än demografiska faktorer. Validiteten av det teoretiska ramverket i relation till sjukvård är något som vidare bör diskuteras i framtida forskning. / During the past few years, there has been a increase of services which provide healthcare through mobile applications. These types of services are meant to be used as a complement to traditional health care with the purpose of relieving hospitals and making health care more accessible. An increase in demand has formed new expectations in health care and the way in which health care services are carried out. This has led to an ongoing debate where some argue that this is a positive development concerning the quality of care and others argue that it is not. The purpose of this study was to examine the attitudes of health care professionals toward mobile application based health care, as well as examine which factors are important in assuring that health care professionals accept such a system.Interviews with six different health care professionals in Stockholm, Uppsala and Norrtälje were carried out to gain knowledge in this subject. The interviews were developed and analysed using the theoretical framework, TAM, which aims to predict and explain user acceptance of systems that they have not yet been exposed to. The results of this study reveal a positivity and curiosity among the respondents towards video healthcare, but a skepticism of how the technology is being used today. They felt that it is an important tool which is being used in the wrong way. The outcome of our analysis show different results than our empirics imply. The acceptance and attitude among our respondents seem to depend more on which context it is being used in rather than demographic differences. The validity of our theoretical framework in the context of healthcare is something that should be further discussed in future studies.

BIBLIOTECA VIRTUAL: UMA ANÁLISE DOS FATORES ANTECEDENTES DA INTENÇÃO DE USO DOS ESTUDANTES DO ENSINO SUPERIOR / Virtual Library: na analysis of background factors of higher education students intente of use

Yamanaka, Thaisa Bechelli 25 June 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-02T21:42:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Thaisa Bechelli Yamanaka2.pdf: 1549749 bytes, checksum: 040f32a5a9d1704a5c0ae8060fc81262 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-06-25 / Several studies on the acceptance and use of information technology have been conducted by different conceptual models that seek to demonstrate the existence of factors that influence the intention and behavior of users on a particular information system. Some aspects that enhance the use of intentions can be essential for the individual to choose whether or not a particular technology. This study examined the background factors that can influence the intended use of the Virtual Library of an Institution of Higher Education. Among the conceptual models studying the adoption of information technology, it was decided in this study the use of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) proposed by Davis (1986). In this model the external variables were also added stimulus Professor and smoker in order to expand the power of explanation of the intended use of the users in question. Through a quantitative research approach, data were collected through a survey tool to obtain 406 questionnaires responses. The results of this research confirms that the influence of various factors positioned in different dimensions provide findings relevant to the adoption of virtual library. It concludes that the Teacher Incentive positively influences Ease of Use, Perceived Usefulness and the Habit of undergraduate students on the intended use of the Virtual Library. Thus, it was found that the influence of the teacher becomes a determining factor in the use of virtual library intention, which emphasizes the importance of guidance and recommendation of teachers in the use of this technological tool. The study concluded that the perceived usefulness proved to be the factor that most influences the intention to use this technology because there is a perception that if the student will use the virtual library, you can improve your performance in studies, among others. The habit can also influence the adoption of a virtual library in parallel to perceptions about the benefits that can be obtained from the use of this technology. / Diversos estudos sobre a aceitação e o uso de tecnologias de informação têm sido realizados por diferentes modelos conceituais que buscam demonstrar a existência de fatores que influenciam a intenção e comportamento dos usuários sobre um determinado sistema de informação. Alguns aspectos que potencializam as intenções de uso podem ser fundamentais para que o indivíduo adote, ou não, uma determinada tecnologia. Este estudo analisou os fatores antecedentes que podem influenciar a intenção de uso da Biblioteca Virtual de uma Instituição de Ensino Superior (IES). Dentre os modelos conceituais que estudam a adoção de tecnologias de informação, optou-se nesta pesquisa pelo Modelo de Aceitação de Tecnologia (TAM) proposto por Davis (1986). Neste modelo ainda foram adicionadas as variáveis externas Estímulo Docente e Hábito a fim de ampliar o poder de explicação da intenção de uso dos usuários em questão. Através de uma abordagem de investigação quantitativa, os dados foram coletados por meio de um instrumento de pesquisa com obtenção de resposta de 406 questionários. Os resultados obtidos por esta pesquisa confirmam a influência de diversos fatores posicionados em diferentes dimensões e proporcionam conclusões relevantes à adoção da biblioteca virtual. Conclui-se que o Estímulo Docente influencia positivamente a Facilidade de Uso, Utilidade Percebida e o Habito dos alunos de graduação sobre a intenção de uso da Biblioteca Virtual. Com isso, constatou-se que a influência do professor torna-se um fator determinante na intenção de uso da biblioteca virtual, o que ressalta a importância da orientação e recomendação dos professores no uso desta ferramenta tecnológica. O estudo concluiu que a utilidade percebida revelou-se o fator que mais influencia a intenção de uso desta tecnologia, pois há a percepção de que, caso o aluno venha utilizar a biblioteca virtual, pode-se melhorar seu desempenho nos estudos, entre outros aspectos. O Hábito também pode influenciar à adoção da biblioteca virtual de forma paralela às percepções sobre os benefícios que podem ser obtidos com o uso desta tecnologia.

Síndrome de Gabriela: resistência e aceitação de tecnologias de informação e comunicação em uma comunidade rural de João Pessoa

Brito, Raissa Carneiro de 25 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Maike Costa (maiksebas@gmail.com) on 2016-02-12T13:19:23Z No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 1738554 bytes, checksum: a9230a1fdab52efe394b701e70c8fca4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-02-12T13:19:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 1738554 bytes, checksum: a9230a1fdab52efe394b701e70c8fca4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-25 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This research aims to identify which are the reasons that lead people from rural communities to overcome the challenges of handling technological devices when acquire new habits on their routines. Evidences related to these difficulties which the subject experiences technology usage is called, in this research, by “Gabriela’s Syndrome”, term that started to be used commonly after the soap opera “Gabriela cravo e canela”, written by Jorge Amado, in which Gabriela was the protagonist. She was a simple woman who did not get used to the urban life. The soundtrack says “... I was born on this way. I am just like this way. I will be always like this way that is my own way, Gabriela…”. The project “Luz do Saber”, at the rural community in Engenho Velho, Joao Pessoa, is an opportunity for people who live there being able to be literate through interactive activities like didactics games on the computer that help the student to become literate. However, despite all these resources offered by the program, it was verified the a strong resistance by people due to the technology usage – aspect that means changing of habits and costums. The analysis of the phenomenon found at this community is helped by the theory of Digital Limitations that was developed by Bellini et al. (2010), which presents a tridimensional model of Access Limitation, Informational Cognitive Limitation and Behavioral Limitation. This research investigates what motivates these students to overcome their limitations and attend their project’s classes. It was conducted through the construction of theoretical references about the project’s subject and counted on Focal Group’s support of data collection technic, which it was discussed questions based on TAM’s model (model of acceptation technology) under analysis of public opinions contente. Referencing this procedure, it will be produced advices which other similar social projects can take in order to target their goals and a higher popular acceptance. As a result, it was proven that applications of cognitive theory and social learning in pedagogical methodologies help to overcome the resistence to the challenge of changing and the usage of ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies). / Esta pesquisa identifica motivos que levam algumas pessoas a superarem as aversões em relação ao manuseio de aparatos tecnológicos, devido à aquisição de novos hábitos em suas rotinas. As evidências referentes a essa dificuldade do sujeito em vivenciar o uso das tecnologias denomina-se, aqui, “síndrome de Gabriela”, termo que passou a ser utilizado popularmente após a obra “Gabriela, Cravo e Canela”, de Jorge Amado, tendo como protagonista a Gabriela, mulher simples, que não se adaptava aos costumes da vida urbana, e cuja trilha sonora, música de Gal Costa, diz “...Eu nasci assim, eu sou mesmo assim, vou ser sempre assim, do meu jeito assim, Gabriela...”. O projeto Luz do Saber, na comunidade rural Engenho Velho, em João Pessoa, no estado da Paraíba, é uma oportunidade de alfabetização e inclusão digital direcionada às pessoas que lá residem, através do computador, com atividades interativas e jogos didáticos, em que o aluno é alfabetizado. Porém, mesmo com os recursos oferecidos pelo programa, verifica-se resistência das pessoas quanto ao uso da tecnologia – aspecto que se configuraria em mudanças de hábitos e costumes. A análise do fenômeno encontrado nesta comunidade é amparada pela teoria das Limitações Digitais, desenvolvida por Bellini et al.(2010), o qual apresenta um modelo tridimensional que aborda limitações de acesso, limitações cognitivo-informacionais e limitações comportamentais. A presente pesquisa investiga quais motivações levaram os alunos a superarem suas limitações e continuarem frequentando as aulas. A pesquisa foi conduzida através da construção do referencial teórico sobre o tema abordado, e contou com o apoio da técnica de coleta de dados das entrevistas, observação direta e Grupo Focal, cuja discussão abordou questões orientadas no modelo TAM (modelo de aceitação de tecnologia), através da análise de conteúdo das opiniões expressas. Referenciando tal procedimento, foram construídas recomendações para que outros projetos sociais com características semelhantes possam ser conduzidos, a fim de atingir seus objetivos e, assim, alcançar maior aceitação da população. Como resultado, foi comprovado que as aplicações das teorias cognitivas e da aprendizagem social em metodologias pedagógicas auxiliam na superação das resistências à mudança e ao uso das TICs.

Uso da internet em ambiente acad?mico :estudo com docentes em institrui??o de educa??o tecnol?gica no Brasi / Factors of usage of the Internet in academic environment: study in institution of education technological in the Brazil

Rocha, Belchior de Oliveira 19 May 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:53:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 BelchiorOR.pdf: 1696414 bytes, checksum: 5786f663eb3492765f7fd96b27c3309f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-05-19 / The last decade, characterized by the vertiginous growth of the computers worldwide net, brought radical changes in the use of the information and communication. Internet s use at business world has been largely studied; however, few are the researches about the academic use of this technology, mainly if we take into consideration institutions of technologic education. In this context, this research made an analysis of internet s use in a technologic education institution in Brazil, analyzing, in particular, the Centro Federal de Educa??o Tecnol?gica do Rio Grande do Norte CEFET/RN for that standard use of this Information Technology (IT) tools and, at the same time, studying the determinant factors of this use. To reach the considered objectives, a survey research was effected, be given data collected daily through the research s questionnaire application to 150 teachers who answered a set of closed and scaled questions. The quantitative data were qualitatively analyzed, arriving a some significant results related to the standard use and the factors that influenced in the use of these Internet technologies, like: the age scale, the exposition s to the computer level, the area of academic graduation, the area of knowledge where acts and the title, exert significant influence in the academic use of Internet between the professors / A ?ltima d?cada, caracterizada pelo crescimento vertiginoso da rede mundial de computadores, trouxe mudan?as radicais no uso da informa??o e da comunica??o. O uso da Internet no mundo dos neg?cios tem sido largamente estudado, no entanto s?o poucas as pesquisas sobre o uso acad?mico dessa tecnologia, principalmente se levarmos em considera??o institui??es de educa??o tecnol?gica. Neste contexto, esta pesquisa fez uma an?lise do uso da Internet numa institui??o de ensino tecnol?gico no Brasil, analisando, em particular, o Centro Federal de Educa??o Tecnol?gica do Rio Grande do Norte CEFET/RN quanto ao padr?o de uso das ferramentas dessa Tecnologia da Informa??o (TI) e, ao mesmo tempo, estudando os fatores determinantes desse uso. Para tanto, foram coletados dados junto ao corpo docente das seis ger?ncias educacionais que comp?em a Unidade Sede da Institui??o. Para atingir os objetivos propostos, efetuou-se uma pesquisa survey, sendo os dados coletados diretamente atrav?s da aplica??o do question?rio da pesquisa a 150 professores que responderam a um conjunto de quest?es fechadas e escalares. Os dados quantitativos foram analisados qualitativamente, chegando-se a alguns resultados significativos com rela??o ao padr?o de uso e aos fatores que influenciam no uso dessas tecnologias Internet, tais como: a faixa et?ria, o n?vel de exposi??o ao computador, a ?rea de forma??o acad?mica, a ?rea de conhecimento na qual atua e a titula??o, exercem influ?ncia significativa no uso acad?mico da Internet entre os docentes

M-handel och förtroende : En studie av svenska konsumenters förtroende för mobil handel / M-Commerce and Trust : A Study of Swedish Consumer's Trust in Mobile Commerce

Fredén, Ellen January 2015 (has links)
Denna uppsats söker att undersöka svenska m-handelkonsumenters syn på m-handel, elektronisk handel på mobilen, i ett förtroendeperspektiv. Då 77% av Sveriges befolkning idag äger en smartmobil, är smartmobilanvändningen mer utbredd än tidigare (Svenskarna och internet, 2015). Men trots smartmobilernas tillväxt har inte m-handel följts upp i samma takt och många föredrar fortfarande ehandel. För att ta reda på vad som kännetecknar svenska konsumenters tankar kring m-handel när det gäller förtroende och få en inblick till vad som skapar förtroende för m-handel har denna undersökning skapats. För att besvara dessa frågor har en nätbaserad enkätundersökning genomförts med TAMmodellen som underlag för att avgöra vilka de mer bestämmande faktorerna är när det gäller acceptansen av m-handel. Baserat på denna empiri som samlats in från enkätundersökningen har sedan ett flertal fokusgruppsintervjuer genomförts med MoTEC-modellen som grund för att få fram konsumenternas inställning till m-handel i ett förtroendeperspektiv samt avgöra vilka faktorer enligt konsumenterna skapar förtroende. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att konsumenter i överlag har en positiv syn till förtroendet för mhandel, men att många använder sig av e-handel på datorn då vana skapar ökad trygghet. Säkra betalmetoder är centrala för upplevt förtroende och var det konsumenter tittade på först för att värdera upplevd säkerhet. Andra faktorer som skapar förtroende är goda gränssnittsegenskaper med tydlig och överblickbar layout, med en högre feltolerans. Samt välformulerat informationsinnehåll i kombination med gott rykte. / This paper aims to examine swedish consumers’ views on m-commerce, mobile commerce, while taking a focus on the trust perspective of these views. The expansion of smartphones have reached a higher level than before and today 77 percent of Sweden’s population owns a smartphone (Svenskarna och internet, 2015). However, the growth of smartphones can not be applied to m-commerce as the growth of m-commerce has not reached the same level, as many still prefers e-commerce over m-commerce. This study has therefore been conducted to get an understanding of what characterises consumers’ thoughts about the trust aspects of m-commerce and to get an overview of which factors are creating perceived trust. To answer these questions an online survey was created with the TAM model as an underlying source to determine which the more defining factors are when it comes to consumers’ acceptance of m-commerce. Based on the material gathered from the survey has a number of focus group interviews been carried out with the MoTEC model applied, to get more detailed information about consumers’ views on m-commerce from a trust perspective and determine which variables increase trust. The results indicate that consumers mainly have a positive view on the trust aspects of m-commerce, yet many still prefer e-commerce, arguing that habit has a big role for added perceived trust. Secure payment methods are central for perceived trust and was the first thing that consumers looked upon to estimate the level of security. Other central factors were good interface features including a simple and reviewable layout with a higher error tolerance, in combination with well-formulated informational content and a good reputation.

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