Spelling suggestions: "subject:"mam"" "subject:"aam""
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A Study of Using the Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior on the Adoption of e-Dealer Management System in Motorcycle BusinessLIN, CHEN-SHENG 26 July 2006 (has links)
Today¡¦s motorcycle business has come to the saturation point in the market of Tawian; consequently, the major motorcycle companies recently competed with each other in building the DMS (Dealer Management System) by using the e-solutions. Through the deployment of an e-DMS (e-solutions of Dealer Management System) for shops of motorcycle, the manufacturers hope that all the channels could be more competitive.
The purpose of this research is to explore the influence factors concerning the adoption of e-DMS of motorcycle¡¦s shops. After the studies of literature and empiric, the research is based on ¡§Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior¡¨ (Taylor and Todd, 1995b) to establish the research model.This resrerch suveryed 250 samples of motorcycle¡¦s shops for study cases
The result of the research indicated that factors influenced the adoption of e-DMS for motorcycle shops as follows:
(1).¡§Behavioral Intention¡¨ was principally influenced by ¡§Attitude¡¨ and ¡§Perceived Behavioral Control¡¨. The later was less important than the former. ¡§Subject Norms¡¨ showed no obvious influence.
(2).¡§Attitude¡¨ was mainly influenced by ¡§Perceived Usefulness¡¨, ¡§Perceived Ease of Use¡¨ and ¡§Compatibility¡¨. The first two factors were more important than the last one.
(3).¡§Perceived Behavioral Control¡¨ was chiefly influenced by ¡§Self-efficacy¡¨ and ¡§Technology Facilitating Conditions¡¨. The later was less essential than the former. ¡§Resource Facilitating Conditions¡¨ showed no apparent influence.
In the end, this research checks explanation by using three acceptance models, TAM (Davis, 1989), TPB (Ajzen, 1985) and D-TPB (Taylor and Todd, 1995b) to evaluate. All the explanations were nearly close. Because D-TPB considered the contruct of society psychology, it shows better explanation than the others.
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Identifying Factors That Affect StudentsAlkis, Nurcan 01 September 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The main aim of this thesis study is to identify the factors that affect higher education students&rsquo / perceptions of computerized assessment for learning. This study additionally aims to help effective use of computers in assessment activities by guiding the teachers or educational organization by interpreting the factors that affect students&rsquo / attitudes toward computer use in examinations. Quantitative research design has been used in this study. When choosing the participants, nonprobability sampling strategy was used due to its convenience. A total number 332 student of Middle East Technical University participated in the study. The data has been analyzed via Confirmatory Factor Analysis and interpreted by Structural Equation Modeling. The data loaded under 5 constructs: Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Usefulness, Intention, Computer Attitude and Anxiety. By identifying the relations between these constructs, a structural model was created to determine the intention of students&rsquo / towards computerized assessment. The findings of this study have revealed that &ldquo / perceived usefulness&rdquo / is the most important determinant in students&rsquo / willingness to use computerized assessment. Additionally, if students have anxiety resulted from computer use, this affect their easiness perceptions negatively. Computer attitude is another factor that affects students&rsquo / perceptions of easiness and their anxiety. Finally it is concluded that students&rsquo / computer attitudes and anxiety affect their behaviors toward computerized assessment.
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Organisational Adoption of Innovations : Management Practices and ITLundmark, Erik January 2008 (has links)
<p>This thesis describes effects of use and reasons for using three different organisational innovations: ISO 9000, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and an administrative tool (the YAF-module) in the Swedish Sports Confederation’s system Swedish Sports Online. This is done through three separate studies. The first study is directed at Swedish Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SME) and the two following studies are directed at Swedish sport associations. The thesis contains three separate essays presenting the studies and an introductory part where the studies are compared.</p><p>In the introductory part of the thesis the interaction patterns between organisation and innovation are compared and discussed. I discuss the level of effort put into the decision and implementation processes, and how this is related to the satisfaction with the innovations. The patterns that emerged are quite different in the three studies. Understanding these different interaction patterns between organisation and innovation is a step away from a beneficial/ detrimental dichotomy of innovations.</p><p>The decision and implementation processes differ between the three studies regarding what parts of the organisations were involved. In the first study we saw top down decision and implementation processes, whereas in the second study we saw bottom or middle up processes. In the third study the decision and implementation was much narrower in scope, often involving only one person. I also describe how all perspectives (efficient choice, forced selection, fad and fashion perspective) suggested by Abrahamson (1991), bear some grain of truth for the adoption of ISO 9000 by SMEs and adoption of ICT by sport associations, whereas imitation (the fad and fashion perspectives) is less important in the adoption of the YAF-module. Furthermore, I discuss the parallels between human and organisational decisionmaking.</p><p>Summary of the first essay – The aim of the first study is to investigate the effects of quality management in accordance with the ISO 9000 as viewed by both quality managers and other managers. We also consider the way companies carried out the recertification process to ISO 9001:2000 and what consequences different approaches brought. The study is based on Swedish SMEs with an ISO 9000:1994 who had recertified according to the ISO 9001:2000 standard. The strongest, most obvious and most valued effects of the ISO 9000 standard are clearer and more apparent working procedures and responsibilities. The most apparent problem is bureaucracy, which according to some managers can lead to reduced flexibility. The effects of the certification vary depending on how the certification project is conducted and how consultants are used.</p><p>Summary of the second essay – This essay presents a descriptive study of the use of information and communication technology (ICT) and the change in communication patterns in Swedish sport associations over the period 1994 to 2003. The change is discussed in light of Internet and broadband diffusion. Results show that new channels for communication have been adopted, primarily Web sites and e-mail, but few established channels have been dropped. While there are associations that save time and money and increase the spirit of community using ICT, many organisations experience the increased number of communication channels as a burden since maintaining them takes extra resources but the benefits are not always easy to detect or measure. Certain characteristics common among non profit organisations (NPOs) as well as Internet and broadband access have influenced the development of ICT use.</p><p>Summary of the third essay – This essay presents a new model for analysing adoption of discretionary, public information systems (PIS) with digital use patterns (such as use or non-use, as opposed to frequency of use, or degree of engaged or compliant use). The model is based on Rogers’ innovation diffusion theory (IDT) and Nilsson’s user centred access model (UCAM). The model is an alternative to the general technology acceptance model (TAM). The AKAM-Model identifies six prerequisites for use and four management approaches and describes how these are related. To illustrate its applicability, the AKAM-Model is used to analyse the adoption of a specific module, the YAF-module, in the Swedish Sports Confederation’s (SSC) system Swedish Sports Online. We present empirical results that indicate the frequency and importance of the barriers and driving forces as experienced by the YAF-module users and the potential YAF-module users.</p> / <p>Denna avhandling beskriver effekterna av, och skälen för, användning av tre organisatoriska innovationer: ISO 9000, informations- och kommunikationsteknologi (ICT) och en administrativ modul (LOK-stödsmodulen) i Riksidrottsförbundets system Svenskidrott Online. Avhandlingen presenterar tre olika studier samt en kappa där studierna diskuteras och jämförs. Den första riktar sig mot svenska små och medelstora företag, och de två följande studierna riktar sig mot svenska</p><p>idrottsföreningar.</p><p>I den inledande delen av avhandlingen diskuterar jag interaktionsmönstren mellan organisation och innovation och jämför mellan de olika studierna. Jag diskuterar hur mycket kraft som läggs på besluts- och implementeringsprocessen, och hur detta är relaterat till nöjdheten med innovationen. Mönstren som framträder är olika mellan de tre studierna. Att förstå dessa interaktionsmönster är ett steg bort från dikotomin förbättring/försämring rörande innovationer.</p><p>Besluts- och implementeringsprocesserna skiljer sig också mellan studierna avseende vilka delar av organisationen som är inblandade. Den första studien handlar om ”topdown” processer medan den andra studien handlar om ”bottom-up” eller ”mitten-upp”- processer. I den tredje studien var besluts- och implementeringsprocesserna betydligt mindre omfattande, ofta var endast en person inblandad. Jag beskriver också hur alla, av Abrahamson (1991) föreslagna perspektiven (efficient choice, forced selection, fad and fashion-perspektiven) har ett korn av sanning för adoption av ISO 9000 och för adoption av ICT medan imitation (fad and fashion-perspektiven) är mindre viktigt för adoption av LOK-stödsmodulen. Utöver detta diskuterar jag också tänkbara paralleller mellan individuellt och organisatoriskt beslutsfattande.</p><p>Sammanfattning av den första studien – Syftet med studien är att undersöka effekterna av kvalitetsledning i enlighet med ISO 9000, som de upplevs av både kvalitetschefer och andra chefer. Vi beaktar också hur företagen genomför omcertifieringsprocessen till ISO 9001:2000 och vilka konsekvenser olika genomföranden fick. Studien fokuserar på svenska små och medelstora företag med ett ISO 9000:1994 certifikat som senare omcertifierat sig enligt ISO 9001:2000. De starkaste, tydligaste och högst värderade effekterna av ISO 9000 är tydligheten i arbetssätt och ansvarsfördelning. Det största problemet är byråkrati som kan leda till minskad flexibilitet. Effekterna av certifiering varierar beroende på hur certifieringsprojektet genomfördes och hur konsulter används.</p><p>Sammanfattning av den andra studien – Denna studie är deskriptiv och fokuserar på hur ICT används och hur kommunikationsmönstren förändrats i svenska idrottsföreningar under perioden 1994 till 2003. Förändringen diskuteras i ljuset av utbredningen av Internet och bredbandsuppkoppling. Resultaten visar att idrottsföreningarna har börjat använda nya kommunikationskanaler, främst hemsida och epost, men ofta inte slutat använda traditionella kanaler. Det finns föreningar som har sparat både tid och pengar samt ökat gemenskapen genom att använda ICT. Många föreningar upplever dock de nya kanalerna som en börda, i de fall de inte slutat använda några traditionella kanaler. Vissa faktorer utmärkande för ideella organisationer och vissa faktorer utmärkande för Internet- och bredbandstillgång har påverkat ICT-användningen.</p><p>Sammanfattning av den tredje studien – I denna studie utvecklas en ny modell (AKAM-modellen) för att analysera adoption av valfria, publika informationssystem (PIS) med digitala användningsmönster (d.v.s. användning eller ingen användning till skillnad från grad av användning). Modellen baseras på Rogers innovations- och diffusionsteori (IDT) och Nilssons användarcentrerade tillgångsmodell (UCAM). Modellen är ett alternativ till teknologiacceptansmodellen (TAM). AKAM-modellen baseras på sex förutsättningar för användning och fyra sätt att hantera PIS samt beskriver hur dessa är relaterade till varandra. För att illustrera tillämpbarheten av AKAM-modellen, använder vi den för att analysera adoptionen av LOK-stödsmodulen i Riksidrottsförbundets system Svenskidrott Online. Vi presenterar empiriska resultat som ger en indikation om hur vanliga och hur viktiga olika barriärer och drivkrafter är, för användare och potentiella användare av LOK-stödsmodulen.</p> / Report code: LIU-TEK-LIC-2008:10.
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Etablierung der Organotypischen Hirnschnitt-Kokultur als Tumor-Invasionsmodell / Organotypic brain slice coculture as a model for tumor invasionLohaus, Raphaela 25 February 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Determining the Factors Contributing to Electronic Referral System Adoption by Radiation Oncologists through User-centred DesignChandran, Arun 21 November 2013 (has links)
This study aimed to utilize usability engineering methods in order to identify facilitators and barriers to
electronic referral system adoption by radiation oncologists at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, and
provide recommendations for electronic referral system design. Analyses included workflow analysis of
radiation oncologists reviewing referrals, belief elicitation interviews with radiation oncologists, a
heuristic evaluation of an existing electronic referral system interface, and cognitive walkthrough of that
interface with radiation oncologists. Based on these findings, the system interface was redesigned using
mock-up software to address identified usability issues. The existing and redesigned interfaces were
compared using observational usability testing with radiation oncologists. The redesigned system
interface yielded reduced task times and enhanced user satisfaction as compared to the existing
interface. Thus, user-centred design was useful in determining facilitators and barriers to e-referral
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Determining the Factors Contributing to Electronic Referral System Adoption by Radiation Oncologists through User-centred DesignChandran, Arun 21 November 2013 (has links)
This study aimed to utilize usability engineering methods in order to identify facilitators and barriers to
electronic referral system adoption by radiation oncologists at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, and
provide recommendations for electronic referral system design. Analyses included workflow analysis of
radiation oncologists reviewing referrals, belief elicitation interviews with radiation oncologists, a
heuristic evaluation of an existing electronic referral system interface, and cognitive walkthrough of that
interface with radiation oncologists. Based on these findings, the system interface was redesigned using
mock-up software to address identified usability issues. The existing and redesigned interfaces were
compared using observational usability testing with radiation oncologists. The redesigned system
interface yielded reduced task times and enhanced user satisfaction as compared to the existing
interface. Thus, user-centred design was useful in determining facilitators and barriers to e-referral
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Does community matter? Social and cultural influences on acceptance and use of collaborative educational technologies.Osman, Negla, Köhler, Thomas 25 October 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The recent advances in information and communication technologies (ICTs) over the past two decades have influenced many aspects of live ([19] and [7]). These advances make the issue of acceptance of ICTs a topic of increasing importance, particularly in educational research and practice [18]. Many studies have been conducted to understand, explain, and predict the issue of acceptance and use of new technologies. Fortunately, these studies have resulted in several serious theoretical developments [9]. Overall understanding of the role of culture and social norms in influencing acceptance and use of education technologies, particularly collaborative and interactive technologies such as the internet, can facilitate the successful implementation and use of these technologies in the educational context. This study concentrates on providing insight into the influence of culture and social processes on staff members’ acceptance and use of educational technology, namely the internet at Khartoum state universities (KSUs). Specifically, the study aims to identify the influential role of these factors on acceptance and the use of the internet as a helpful collaborative educational technology. To achieve this aim, the study adopts technology acceptance model (TAM), which is modified (i.e. extended) with Hofstede’s cultural dimensions (mainly uncertainty avoidance and masculinity). With the help of a structural equation model (SEM), the data assessment demonstrates the validity of the model and proves that social influence process and cultural factors have significant (direct and moderate) influence on staff members’ acceptance and use of internet technology for teaching and academic activities – i.e. the authors are able to assert that community matters in the adoption of these new ICTs. The article concludes by offering important implications and recommendations for both research and practice.
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影響第三方支付平台導入、發展與使用之關鍵要素研究 / Critical Factors Affecting Adoption and Usage of Third Party Payment Platform張亦美, Chang, Cecilia Unknown Date (has links)
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Augmented Reality : The current and potential use of augmented reality in B2BGankhuyag, Azjargal, Xiang, Bingqing, Bonnevie, Victoria January 2015 (has links)
In today’s world, we live in a technologically advanced environment where information access is huge and limitless. The advantage to this is that, people are able to create more information, share and communicate with each other instantly on the go regardless of where they are in the world. However on the downside, with endless information, it becomes confusing and difficult to filter which information is right for a person’s need. This goes hand-in-hand for business companies, as it requires strategic processes and tools to identify the information from the market, store and evaluate it into meaningful insights and lastly communicate it efficiently so that the value of it is not lost along the way. Therefore this study focuses on how augmented reality (AR) as an emerging digital technology is able to dissect and communicate information and bring value to those who are implementing it. What is more interesting in this study is to see the usefulness and ease of using AR from commercial and non-commercial aspects in B2B field. This study was conducted through a qualitative research approach with semi-structured interviews with five companies providing and using AR applications. In conclusion, AR brings value by transferring data faster and communicating it effectively through visualization of integrating computer-generated information with the real world as one. From commercial aspect, companies could use this technology in their marketing communication to increase customer involvement and perception of the brand. In contrast, from non-commercial perspective, companies could use AR as an internal resource to increase efficiency in operation process.
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Smart Devices as U-Learning Tools: Key Factors Influencing Users’ IntentionAziz, Najibullah January 2015 (has links)
There was a lack of knowledge about the user’s acceptance of smart devices as ubiquitous learning (u-learning) tools at higher education institutions in Sweden. As the mobile technology grows, the demand for mobile devices, particularly smart devices increases as well. With the increase in the usage of smart devices, the higher education institutions provide mobile learning platforms to attract more customers in the competitive industry of education. Thus, understanding the key factors from the perspectives of end-users is important for the institutions to survive in the competitive market. This study explores and explains Behavioral and Continuance intentions of students regarding the acceptance and usage of smart devices (Smartphones and Personal Digital Assistants or PDA) as u-learning tools. Key factors related to the users’ intentions to accept and continue using smart devices as u-learning tools were identified and hypothesized in the Swedish context. Ten hypotheses were suggested based on TAM, UTAUT, and ECT. To achieve the aim and objective of this study, a quantitative approach was chosen, and a survey strategy based on purposive and convenience sampling techniques were used. A web-based questionnaire on five-points Likert Scale was designed to collect the required data. 115 (96 valid) students answered the questionnaire. The collected data were used to conduct statistical operations in SPSS. Five hypotheses were supported, and the other five were not. The findings suggest that Performance Expectancy, Perceived Mobility value, Confirmation, and Satisfaction positively influence both Behavioral and Continuance Intentions of students to accept and continue using smart devices as u-learning tools. According to the findings, Confirmation and Satisfaction from ECT can be included as separate constructs in UTAUT and UTAUT2. Higher education institutions planning to have (and those that already have) learning platforms, compatible with smart devices, can benefit from the findings. Higher education institutions can also design their u-learning platforms according to the Performance Expectancy, Perceived Mobility value, Confirmation, and Satisfaction of the students. / Master program in Strategic-IT Management
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