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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

High School Teaching and Learning Experiences Related to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Ayega, Douglas 08 1900 (has links)
This phenomenological study explored and described the lived experiences of high school biology teachers from a school district in one of the states in the USA concerning the use of online platforms in online biology teaching and learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study interviewed teachers to evaluate the teacher experiences, challenges, and opportunities that online platforms presented in biology instruction during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study also analyzed students' perspectives based on the teachers' responses and district data obtained from the student engagement survey administered to all high school students at the school district every year. The findings of the study indicate that students experienced issues such as lack of engagement, unsuitable home environment to support learning, and poor attendance due to minimal monitoring when learning shifted to fully online. Teacher-related factors included inadequate preparedness to use technology to enhance teaching, limited content delivery, and increased teacher collaboration. In conclusion, the study recommends that school districts sufficiently prepare teachers to improve adaptability to different teaching and learning models, emphasizing the use of diverse educational technologies. Future studies should conduct quantitative or mixed studies to establish the extent and degree to which such factors as poor learner engagement contributed to less than satisfactory outcomes in summative and formative assessments.

Factors influencing user acceptance of online encyclopaedias in the arts and humanities

Sosibo, Samantha Nokuthula 15 January 2015 (has links)
Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements of the Master of Technology Degree in Information Technology, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2014. / This study aimed to explore user factors that may influence attitude and behaviour where technology acceptance is concerned. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) Framework was used as a tool to map this degree of acceptance in relation to the design of the current Encyclopaedia of South African Arts, Culture and Heritage (ESAACH). ESAACH is an encyclopaedia intended to address the dearth of reference material in South African arts, culture and heritage studies (ESAACH.org.za). The encyclopaedia is divided into broader areas of research such as: verbal arts, performing arts, visual arts, and heritage. It was originally established as a tool to provide support for education in arts, culture and heritage. There has been an increase in interest in the ESAACH online resource platform. This has resulted in the need to capture user perceptions and attitudes on the site in order to provide guidelines on the improvement of the site and to make usage of the encyclopaedia easier and less frustrating. The researcher investigates English Language Proficiency, Perceived Ease of Use and Perceived Usefulness and Computer Self-Efficacy as factors that influence an online user’s attitude towards intention to use and acceptance of an online encyclopaedia. There have been concerns expressed by website designers that because users may not be fully acquainted or familiar with using the Internet in general when accessing information, they anticipate some resistance or reluctance to make full use of available online content. The study included the administration of an online survey to a sample of 149 students from the Arts and Design and Library Information Studies departments whereby their demographics, antecedents and precedent constructs of the TAM were tested for co-relationships of user’s intention regarding usage and acceptance of the website. The TAM model was used as a tool to determine: whether a positive confidence in the students’ English language proficiency would affect intention to use the encyclopaedia and to predict whether positive Computer Self-Efficacy is an indicator for a positive effect regarding Ease of Use and/or Perceived Usefulness. Results confirmed that users perceived Computer Self-Efficacy as a positive contributor to the usefulness of the ESAACH online encyclopaedia. Although no significant relationship between English Language Proficiency and Perceived Ease of Use was demonstrated, the need for a design which caters for sensitivity to the language of users was identified.


黃正瑋, Cheng-Wei, Huang Unknown Date (has links)
女性網際網路使用者不斷增加的趨勢帶動下,針對女性提供服務的網站近年來頻頻出現。然而,網際網路使用者對於此一以性別區隔為訴求的網站所抱持的態度和定位為何?現階段女性網站經營者必須謹慎衡量哪些關鍵因素以吸引使用者前往?本研究希望藉由研究的進行與結果的發現,找出影響網際網路使用者瀏覽女性網站的因素,並驗證使用者認知和實際使用間的因果關係。 在以科技接受模型為研究架構之基礎進行研究後的結果顯示,女性網站之3C3O網站特性和使用者的網站認知間存有因果關係:網站設計的編排(context)、網站內容的豐富性(content)、網站發言或討論空間的經營(community),以及網站資訊的有條不紊(orderliness)等對於使用者的認知都會造成不同程度的影響;然而,大膽顛覆的用字遣詞(originality)以及技術層面的客製化服務(outreach),對於使用者的認知則沒有明顯的助益。 另一方面,科技接受模型原本所假設的認知─態度間的因果關係,在女性網站的實驗情境中亦有所變動。認知易用性(perceived easy of use)對網站態度產生的影響漸趨薄弱而不重要,相反地,認知有用性(perceived usefulness)和認知娛樂性(perceived playfulness)對態度產生的影響則漸顯重要,尤其是認知娛樂性的因素對於女性網站的使用更扮演了相當重要的角色。然而,當大部分的網際網路使用者將女性網站所提供的內容服務定位為休閒娛樂提供者的角色時,網站經營者亦需反思消費者對此服務的定位是否適切。 / The cyberspace has shown a growing number of female sites. It is of interest to understand the user perceptions on these gender-specific service appearances and the attitudes toward using them. This research attempts to identify the factors that influence users’ willingness to reuse a female site, and the relationship between user acceptance and actual usage. A survey of 390 respondents who have experience with and 310 respondents who have no experience with female sites in Taiwan was conducted. The results showed that the extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) proposed by Moon & Kim is applicable, with some relationships altered. Moreover, the site characteristics such as the arrangement of CONTEXT, the richness of CONTENT, the atmosphere of COMMUNITY, and the ORDERLINESS of information are the four key factors that affect users’ perceptions of the site. The ORIGINALITY of design and the OUTREACH of service, however, present no significant benefit to form positive perceptions of female site users.

以一整合性架構探討台灣行動商務科技接受度之研究 / Exploring the Technology Acceptance of Mobile Commerce in Taiwan under an Integrated Framework

陳盈妘, Chen,Ying Yun Unknown Date (has links)
當今行動裝置愈來愈普及,人們在接收和處理資訊、消費、娛樂以及種種生活便利服務的需求不減反增,衍生出的行動加值性服務也愈來愈多元,造就了行動商務的蓬勃發展。由於台灣行動電話持有率與全民上網普及率均在全球市場上名列前矛,然而消費者對行動商務的接受度普遍仍不高,因此本研究目的在找出影響台灣地區使用者採用行動商務的因素,並探索這些因素之間如何相互影響,最後如何影響使用者的採用意願。 本研究將以Sally& Indrit所提出的概念性整合性行動商務採用模型為基礎,加以修正後利用結構方程式進行假說驗證,並以不同類型的行動商務服務如功利型與享樂型作為調節變數,探討使用者在使用不同類型的服務時,影響其採用該服務的因素會對其採用態度有何種程度的影響,試圖解釋台灣地區使用者的採用行動商務之行為。 本研究結果發現: (1)使用者愈認為該行動商務的服務是有用的、有娛樂性的、使用過程是安全的和能維護隱私的,以及價格愈合理,使用者採用該行動商務服務的態度即愈正向。 (2)價格因素除了直接影響採用態度之外,還會對採用意願有直接影響。 (3)當使用者覺得該服務容易使用時,同時也較會認為該服務是有用的。 (4)當使用者認為該行動商務之服務為有用時,同時則認為該服務的娛樂性是較低的。 (5)使用者先前的使用知識與經驗及其所能掌控該服務的能力愈高,會增加其認知易用性,進而透過認知有用性的提升,其採用態度愈正向。 (6)使用者認為該服務有用與否及是否具有娛樂性,易受同儕或廠商的行銷活動影響,進而影響其採用態度,外部影響力與廠商的行銷活動對採用態度有間接的影響。 (7)使用者在使用功利型服務時,相較於使用享樂型的服務時,其對服務的認知有用性這項因素對其採用該服務的態度會有較大的影響。 (8)使用者所認知的易用性這項因素在使用者採用享樂型服務時更顯重要。 / With the higher availability of mobile devices, people’s needs in receiving information, consuming, pursuing entertainment, and other convenient services in life have augmented, resulting in the increase the variety of mobile services and attributing to the prosperity of mobile commerce. Both the possession rate of mobile phones and the penetration rate of the access to the Internet in Taiwan occupied the leading positions in global market, yet the consumers’ acceptance for mobile commerce is comparatively low. Thus, the purpose of the research is to discover possible factors that influence users’ adoption of mobile commerce in Taiwan, and to explore how these factors affect one another and further make impact on the users’ intention to use. This research, based on the conceptual framework for the acceptance of mobile commerce proposed by Sally & Indrit (2007), underwent the revision of the model and validated the hypotheses, including using different kinds of mobile services such as utilitarian and hedonic types as moderators to explore how these factors can influence the users’ attitude toward use differently when adopting different types of mobile services. The research intends to explicate the users’ adoption behavior of mobile commerce in Taiwan. The research induces the following findings: (1)The higher degree the users perceive that the mobile services are useful, joyful, secure, and that the price of the services is reasonable, the more positive the users’ attitude toward adoption for mobile services is. (2)The factor of price not merely influences the users’ attitude toward use, but also influences their intention to use. (3)When the users find the mobile services easy to use, they tend to feel that the services are useful. (4)When the users find the mobile services very useful, they tend to perceive less enjoyment of the services. (5)When the users possess more prior knowledge, experience, and behavior control for the mobile services, they tend to perceive higher degree of ease of use, which results in higher perceived usefulness, and their attitude toward use for mobile services will be more positive. (6)Peer influence and promotion from the enterprises can easily affect the users’ perception of usefulness and enjoyment for mobile services, which further influences their attitude toward use. External influence and promotion from the enterprises will make indirect impact on users’ attitude toward use. (7)The users’ perceived enjoyment makes greater influence to their attitude toward use when using utilitarian services than hedonic services. (8)The users’ perceived ease of use makes greater influence to their attitude toward use when using hedonic services than utilitarian services.

影音分享網站使用者意圖之研究 / A study of user intention on video sharing website

張書勳, Chang, Shu Hsun Unknown Date (has links)
網路科技不斷進步,服務創新與商業模式陸續推出。線上影音分享網站為目前當紅的領域,但對於網站該如何設計以及使用者為何使用影音分享網站都未有明確準則。因此本研究藉由科技接受行為相關理論的回顧,配合影音分享網站之特性,以Davis(1989)的科技接受模式為基礎,結合相關重要變數,提出概念性架構。目的為找出可能影響網站使用者的相關變數、並瞭解Web2.0影音網站使用者之使用意圖。 實驗方法採用線上問卷方式,在回收的501份問卷中,得到492份有效問卷,以結構方程模式進行研究模式分析。分析結果顯示,研究模式之適配度均達到應有標準。 研究結論章節中會說明本研究之管理意涵,並將研究結果提供給未來欲設立Web2.0影音分享網站的設計者,在網站建立初期,將有限資源投注在重要的變數上,使網站可達到最大效益。 / As the advance of Internet technology continues new business models are emerging in the market. Online video sharing website is the hottest application nowadays, but there is little study on designing the website and why the users using the website. In this research, we propose a conceptual model based on the technology acceptance model developed by Davis (1989) and this model integrating the important variables due to the extant research of relevant theory of technology acceptance and characteristics of video sharing website. The data collection was used the online survey, and we got the 492 eligible data and the analysis was used the Structural Equation Model (SEM). According to the result, the model fit was qualified. This research will give some management implication for designers who want to set up a video sharing website, this research provides the information on how to invest the limited resource on the critical variables in order to maximize the service value in the conclusion section in this paper.

A língua kaingáng da aldeia paulista Icatu : uma descrição funcional /

Silva, Maria Sueli Ribeiro da. January 2011 (has links)
Orientador: Erotilde Goreti Pezatti / Banca: Aryon Dall'Igna Rodrigues / Banca: Wilmar da Rocha D'Angelis / Banca: Cristina Martins Fargetti / Banca: Niminon Suzel Pinheiro / Resumo: Os índios Kaingáng do Oeste Paulista, após o processo de pacificação, foram levados a viver em aldeias, demarcadas pelo Governo e administradas pelo SPI - Serviço de Proteção ao índio (hoje FUNAI). A primeira aldeia que surgiu desse processo foi a de Icatu, localizada a 8 km da cidade Braúna, no Oeste Paulista. Os professores Kaingáng de Icatu atualmente demonstram a preocupação com o ensino da língua, já que, segundo eles, a fala e a escrita do Kaingáng do Sul não correspondem com a do Kaingáng de São Paulo e que há diferenças entre as duas variedades. Para verificar se as observações dos Kaingáng paulistas têm fundamento, propusemo-nos em descrever o dialeto Kaingáng paulista da aldeia Icatu, comparando-o com o dialeto Kaingáng do Sul. A hipótese é a de que a divergência entre as duas variedades do Kaingáng se deve ao contato do Kaingáng de Icatu com a língua terena, também falada nessa aldeia, e, principalmente, com o português, atualmente a primeira língua. Para tanto, investigamos a ordenação e as categorias Tempo, Modo e Aspecto (TAM), diferenciando aspectos morfossintáticos mais visíveis entre as duas variedades. Para averiguarmos a ordenação e a categorização do TAM no Kaingáng do Sul, utilizamos os trabalhos de Wiesemann (1967, 1971, 2002), D'Angelis (2004, 2005) e Gonçalves (2007, 2009a, 2009b, 2010a, 2010b). E, para mostramos os aspectos relacionados à sintaxe do Kaingáng paulista, embasamo-nos em Cavalcanti (1987), D'Angelis e Silva (2000), D'Angelis (2002a, 2002b, 2006a, 2006b, 2008a, 2008b). O corpus analisado compõe-se de sentenças e narrativas produzidas por professores Kaingáng da aldeia paulista de Icatu, com a ajuda de uma das falantes mais velhas. Ao compararmos o dialeto paulista de Icatu com o do Sul, notamos que, apesar de sua obsolescência e sua ortografia distanciada da ortografia do dialeto do Sul, a morfossintaxe... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The Kaingáng Indians from the western region of the State of São Paulo, after undergoing a pacification process, were taken to live in villages lined off by the government and managed by the Indian Protection Service [SPI - Serviço de Proteção ao Índio] (currently, FUNAI). Located 8 km away from the city of Braúna, in western São Paulo State, Icatu is the first village built out of this process. Currently, Kaingáng teachers from Icatu show concern about teaching the language, since, according to them, the spoken and written aspects of the Kaingáng from the South do not correspond to those of the Kaingáng from São Paulo. They also claim that there are differences between these two varieties. In order to verify that those claims about the Kaingáng from São Paulo are accurate, we endeavored in describing the Kaingáng dialect from São Paulo State, specifically from Icatu, comparing it to the Kaingáng dialect from the South. Our hypothesis suggests that the differences between both varieties of the Kaingáng are explained by the contact of the Kaingáng people from Icatu with the Terena language, also spoken in this village, and, mainly, with the Portuguese language, currently their first language. So, we investigated both the order and the Time, Mode and Aspect categories [TAM - Tempo, Modo, Aspecto], differentiating the most visible morphosyntactic aspects between the two varieties. In order to verify the order and the TAM categories in the Kaingáng from the South, we used written materials from Wiesemann (1967, 1971, 2002), D'Angelis (2004, 2005) and Gonçalves (2007, 2009a, 2009b, 2010a, 2010b). Also, in order to show the syntax-related aspects of the Kaingáng from São Paulo, we based our study on Cavalcanti (1987), D'Angelis e Silva (2000), D'Angelis (2002a, 2002b, 2006a, 2006b, 2008a, 2008b). The analyzed corpus is comprised of sentences and narratives put together... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Exploring Strategies for Successful Implementation of Electronic Health Records

Warren, Richard Alton 01 January 2017 (has links)
Adoption of electronic health records (EHR) systems in nonfederal acute care hospitals has increased, with adoption rates across the United States reaching as high as 94%. Of the 330 plus acute care hospital EHR implementations in Texas, only 31% have completed attestation to Stage 2 of the meaningful use (MU) criteria. The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore strategies that hospital chief information officers (CIOs) used for the successful implementation of EHR. The target population consists of 3 hospitals CIOs from a multi-county region in North Central Texas who successfully implemented EHRs meeting Stage 2 MU criteria. The conceptual framework, for this research, was the technology acceptance model theory. The data were collected through semistructured interviews, member checking, review of the literature on the topic, and publicly available documents on the respective hospital websites. Using methodological triangulation of the data, 4 themes emerged from data analysis: EHR implementation strategies, overcoming resistance to technology acceptance, strategic alignment, and patient wellbeing. Participants identified implementation teams and informatics teams as a primary strategy for obtaining user engagement, ownership, and establishing a culture of acceptance to the technological changes. The application of the findings may contribute to social change by identifying the strategies hospital CIOs used for successful implementation of EHRs. Successful EHR implementation might provide positive social change by improving the quality of patient care, patient safety, security of personal health information, lowering health care cost, and improvements in the overall health of the general population.

Suburban High School Teachers' Teaching Styles, Teaching Experiences, and Acceptance of Edmodo

Mukenge, Tshimpo C. 01 January 2019 (has links)
Southern U.S. teachers at suburban high schools can use Edmodo; however, teachers prefer traditional teacher-centered teaching methods. This quantitative correlative study explored teachers' technology acceptance in relation to teaching styles and experiences. Framing acceptance by Davis's technology acceptance model (TAM), research questions addressed the direct and moderating relationships between teaching style and the TAM variables related to using Edmodo and the direct and moderating relationships between teaching experiences and TAM variables. From 240 teachers at the high school, 45 completed an online survey (response rate of 18.75%). Descriptive statistics, ANOVA, and regression analyzed data. TAM could be verified for the entire sample; however, no significant direct relationship between teaching style and the TAM variables was found. Teaching style moderated the relationships within the TAM; these were stronger for teachers with a teacher-centered teaching style. No significant direct relationship existed between teaching experiences and TAM variables; a moderating effect on the relationships existed within the TAM. Among experienced teachers, ease of use was the strongest acceptance predictor, whereas perceived use was the strongest predictor among less experienced teachers. Results indicated teachers might develop a more student-centered teaching style, thus concentrating on technology's ease of use, rather than its potential utility. A policy recommendation could ensure teachers efficiently used technology to support student-centered learning. The application of the recommended policies might lead to teachers' more effective use of instructional technology, which might affect student learning and motivation.

影響企業採用整合通訊系統之因素探討 / A study on the factors affecting the implementation of unified communications in an enterprise

陳秋正 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著資訊通訊技術的快速發展,Internet已成為全世界最重要的資料乘載工具,以IP為基礎的多媒體通訊架構,逐漸取代傳統電話的溝通模式,成為企業快速佈署與協同運作的最佳選擇。透過整合通訊系統(Unified Communications, UC)的導入,企業可以將網路電話、視訊會議、電子郵件、即時通訊與行動裝置等通訊系統整合在同一個平台上,以大幅提升企業協同運能力,並有效的提升企業運作效率。 現今企業內部充斥著各種溝通工具,從傳統的電話、傳真到Internet興起後的MSN與Skype,這些工具廣泛的運用在商務運行中,其目的皆為了增加溝通效率並節省溝通成本,但這些雜亂無章的溝通方式若未能有效整合,將衍生許多資訊安全與系統相容性問題。 UC的觀念已在許多國際大型企業中獲得驗證,而台灣這個充滿創造力的科技島,在資通訊運用的腳步必須與世界接軌,妥善運用自身優勢,以確保在這波國際化浪潮中,持續保持競爭優勢。本研究經由個案訪談大型銀行業、電子製造業與顧問服務業,以科技接受模型為架構,分別探討個人、組織、技術、任務與環境等五大構面所組成的外部變數,對於UC系統採用之有用與易用認知影響,找出影響企業採用整合通訊系統的相關因素,以做為未來企業在採用整合通訊系統時之參考。 關鍵字:Unified Communications,UC,IP Phone,整合通訊系統,TAM,科技接受模型,VoIP,網路電話 / Along with the fast development of the information technology technique, combined with the adoption of Internet that made the Internet the most important transmission tool for communications, the IP-based multi-media communication framework has gradually replacing the traditional fixed-line telephone systems and has become the optimum option for the enterprises for their business establishments and their organizational synchronization. By applying the Unified Communications (UC), enterprises are able to integrate their IP Telephony, Video Conference, e-mail, Instant Message and Mobile Communication devices into the same platform; as a result, the systematic integration has greatly advanced the level of synchronization and improved the efficiency of the business operation. The multiple communication equipment being used such as the traditional telephone, fax, MSN and Skype are for the purposes of enhancing the efficiency of communication and reduce costs. However, the information security and compatibility amongst different systems may become problematic if the integration is not being carefully organized. The adoption of UC was proven to be a success by many international enterprises that has integrated it into their business practices. Therefore, Taiwan, with its good reputation of an island of technology and one who is renowned with its creativity, should keep up to speed with the world in adopting the prevalent information technology. We should keep maintaining our competitive advantage that we have developed over the years. This Study was conducted through interviews with large bank, electronic product manufacturer and consulting services company. The research was based on the TAM framework to analyze the five aspects of the external variables namely, individual, organization, technique, mission and environment. In addition, this Study intends to seek a result that will provide an enterprise a future reference about the factors that can influence in making a decision on the feasibility and applicability of adopting the Unified Communications. Key Words: Unified Communications, UC, IP Phone, TAM(Technology Acceptance Model), VoIP(Voice over Internet Protocol), IP Telephony

國小圖書館自動化系統共建共享之研究:以全國閱讀推動與圖書管理系統網為例 / Collaborative building and sharing on the integrated library systems of elementary schools in Taoyuan

許嶸鴻, Hsu , Jung Hung Unknown Date (has links)
國民小學圖書館在缺乏人力、經費與技術支援的情況之下,圖書館自動化的發展明顯落後於其他類型的學校圖書館。為了改善此一現象,教育部自民國99學年度開始啟用「全國閱讀推動與圖書管理系統網」來協助中小學學校圖書館進行閱讀推動與圖書館自動化的實施。透過網路的連結,達成系統共建、資源共享的目標。 為了解「全國閱讀推動與圖書管理系統網」在國小圖書館實際使用的情況以及國小圖書館人員對該系統的接受情形,筆者以桃園縣公立小學圖書館為對象,藉由TAM科技接受模式修正版來評估使用者實際使用「全國閱讀推動與圖書管理系統網」的情形,並據此提出相關的建議。本研究以問卷調查法為主,訪談法為輔,以桃園縣188所公立小學圖書館的負責人為調查對象,透過問卷分析使用者對系統的認知情形與使用意願,並輔以訪談法蒐集使用者態度之後的原因來補充問卷資料的不足,以增加研究的正確性。 本研究調查發現「全國閱讀推動與圖書管理系統網」明顯的提升了國小圖書館實施自動化的比率,但由於使用者太多且集中在密集的時段使用系統,導致系統連線品質降低,影響系統的正常運作。教育訓練的不足與廠商服務的品質低落亦降低了使用者的滿意度。而「閱讀推動」的目標由於系統功能不符合學校實際推動閱讀的情境導致多數學校使用率偏低。研究者建議必須透過改善系統連線品質、加強教育訓練與提升服務品質來提升使用者的滿意度,達成系統建置的目標。 / Due to a lack of human resources, funding, and technical support for library automation, elementary school libraries have fallen much behind other types of school libraries in the development of library automation. To address this problem, Ministry of Education launched the “National Reading Promotion and Library Management System Website” in 2010. This system can assist elementary school libraries in promotion of reading and implementation of library automation. Its goal is to achieve co-construction of library systems and sharing of resources through the network. In order to understand the practical usage of the “National Reading Promotion and Library Management System Website” in elementary school libraries and acceptance of this website among librarians, this study investigated libraries of public elementary schools in Taoyuan County and applied the modified Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to evaluate practical usage of this system. The methodology was based on survey and interview. The survey was administered to directors of 188 public elementary school libraries in Taoyuan County to understand users’ perceptions and usage intentions. The interview was conducted to explore factors behind user attitude, which could make up the insufficiency of survey data and increase the value of research findings. Results showed that the “National Reading Promotion and Library Management System Website” has significantly enhanced the percentage of library automation among elementary school libraries. However, the huge number of users of the system and their concentration of usage of the system in certain hours have resulted in a reduction of system connection quality, affecting the normal functioning of the system. Besides, insufficient education training and poor service quality of the system provider have also lowered user satisfaction with the system. With regard to “reading promotion”, the system’s functions are not conformed to the practical situations of reading promotion among elementary schools. As a result, the utility of these functions is low among most schools. Therefore, this study suggested that the authority concerned enhance user satisfaction and achieve the goals of the system by improving system connection quality, education training, and service quality first.

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