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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Biodiversité endémique insulaire face aux changements globaux : état des lieux dans un contexte de conservation / Island endemic biodiversity in the face of global changes : state of play across a conservation context

Leclerc, Camille 10 December 2019 (has links)
Les changements globaux, du fait de l’empreinte humaine, sont associés à de nombreux déclins de populations et de disparitions d'espèces, et ce, notamment au sein des systèmes insulaires. L'importante biodiversité abritée par de tels écosystèmes est particulièrement vulnérable aux pressions anthropiques en raison de diverses caractéristiques (p. ex. syndrome d’insularité, faible redondance fonctionnelle, isolement géographique des îles). En dépit de cette vulnérabilité accrue, peu d’études se sont jusqu'à lors intéressées à ces systèmes comme modèle d’étude pour évaluer les patrons de menaces sur les différentes facettes de la diversité (taxonomique, fonctionnelle, et phylogénétique). Pourtant, un tel travail permettrait d’améliorer notre compréhension des menaces qui pèsent au sein des îles. Dans ce sens, l’objectif de cette thèse est de décrire les patrons de diversité endémique insulaire dans le contexte actuel des changements globaux et dans un contexte futur de changements climatiques, en explorant les différentes facettes de la diversité. Une finalité de ce travail est de mettre en évidence des priorités éventuelles de conservation pour ces écosystèmes particulièrement vulnérables. Nous avons abordé l'ensemble de ce travail de thèse à une grande échelle à l’aide de deux bases données recensant les îles mondiales et les espèces qui y sont endémiques. Dans une première partie, nous avons caractérisé les menaces pesant sur les écosystèmes insulaires à l'échelle globale, et prospecté également leurs distributions au sein de différents groupes taxonomiques et régions insulaires. Dans une deuxième partie, nous avons analysé l'incidence des menaces sur la biodiversité endémique insulaire et en particulier sur la composante fonctionnelle. Dans une troisième partie, nous avons identifié les régions insulaires à forte représentativité de la biodiversité endémique menacée au travers de différentes facettes et prospecté leurs niveaux de protection via les aires protégées et les menaces les affectant. Dans une dernière partie, nous avons étudié la vulnérabilité future des îles et de la biodiversité endémique face au changement climatique à l’échéance 2050. À la lumière de nos résultats (identification de menaces majeures dont l'importance varie suivant les groupes taxonomiques, les régions insulaires et également les dimensions de biodiversité considérées), nous avons discuté de l’implication des changements globaux pour la biodiversité endémique insulaire dans un contexte de conservation. Cette thèse révèle l’importance d’intégrer de multiples menaces (et leurs associations) et dimensions de diversité pour les approches de changements globaux et de conservation. / Global changes, because of human activities, are associated with numerous population declines and species extinctions, which are especially pronounced in island systems. The important biodiversity of such ecosystems is particularly vulnerable to anthropogenic pressures because of several characteristics (e.g. island syndrome, low functional redundancy, island geographical isolation). Despite this increased vulnerability, few studies have so far looked at these systems as a study model for assessing patterns of threats to the different facets of diversity (taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic). However, such work would improve our understanding of islands threats. In this sense, the aim of this PhD thesis is to describe patterns of insular endemic diversity in the current context of global changes and in a future climate change context, by exploring different facets of diversity. The purpose of this work is to highlight potential conservation priorities for these particularly vulnerable ecosystems. We have addressed all of this thesis work on a large scale using two databases of worldwide islands and endemic species. In a first part, we characterized threats to island ecosystems at a global scale and also explored their distributions within different taxonomic groups and island regions. In a second part, we analyzed the impact of threats on the functional component of island endemic biodiversity. In a third part, we have identified priority areas for insular endemic biodiversity representativeness and conservation across different dimensions of biodiversity and explored their levels of protection through protected areas and threats affecting them. In a last part, we studied the future vulnerability of islands and endemic biodiversity to climate change by 2050 based on endemic mammals. In the light of our results (identification of major threats whose importance varies according to the taxonomic groups, the island regions and also the dimensions of biodiversity considered), we discussed the implications of global changes for island endemic biodiversity in a conservation context. This PhD thesis reveals the importance of integrating multiple threats and diversity dimensions for global changes and conservation approaches.

Environmental Correlates of Tardigrade Community Structure in Mosses and Lichens in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park (Tennessee and North Carolina, USA)

Nelson, Diane R., Bartels, Paul J., Fegley, Stephen R. 01 January 2020 (has links)
A major inventory of tardigrades in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park was conducted and we compared tardigrade species composition in moss and lichen samples and analysed environmental correlates of tardigrade community structure. We also compared these tardigrades with those collected from soil. The basic dataset from tree mosses and lichens consisted of 336 samples, 9200 individuals and 43 species. The supplemental dataset from rock mosses and lichens consisted of 29 samples, 811 individuals, and 41 species. Collectively, there were 57 species present in mosses and lichens. Eleven species were found uniquely on rock habitats. Two-way ANOVAs for various community metrics showed no significant differences between substrate (moss versus lichen) or height (ground level versus breast height); however, there were significant differences between ATBI plots. Tardigrade communities were not significantly different between mosses and lichens, but soil tardigrade communities were quite distinct from these moss/lichen communities. We analysed the impact of 17 environmental variables on community structure using partition tree analyses. SOx deposition explained most of the variation in species richness and evenness in moss tardigrades. Forest disturbance regime had the greatest impact on abundance in lichen tardigrades. Other environmental factors influencing community structure are discussed.

Microbial phenomics information extractor (MicroPIE): a natural language processing tool for the automated acquisition of prokaryotic phenotypic characters from text sources

Mao, Jin, Moore, Lisa R., Blank, Carrine E., Wu, Elvis Hsin-Hui, Ackerman, Marcia, Ranade, Sonali, Cui, Hong 13 December 2016 (has links)
Background: The large-scale analysis of phenomic data (i.e., full phenotypic traits of an organism, such as shape, metabolic substrates, and growth conditions) in microbial bioinformatics has been hampered by the lack of tools to rapidly and accurately extract phenotypic data from existing legacy text in the field of microbiology. To quickly obtain knowledge on the distribution and evolution of microbial traits, an information extraction system needed to be developed to extract phenotypic characters from large numbers of taxonomic descriptions so they can be used as input to existing phylogenetic analysis software packages. Results: We report the development and evaluation of Microbial Phenomics Information Extractor (MicroPIE, version 0.1.0). MicroPIE is a natural language processing application that uses a robust supervised classification algorithm (Support Vector Machine) to identify characters from sentences in prokaryotic taxonomic descriptions, followed by a combination of algorithms applying linguistic rules with groups of known terms to extract characters as well as character states. The input to MicroPIE is a set of taxonomic descriptions (clean text). The output is a taxon-by-character matrix-with taxa in the rows and a set of 42 pre-defined characters (e.g., optimum growth temperature) in the columns. The performance of MicroPIE was evaluated against a gold standard matrix and another student-made matrix. Results show that, compared to the gold standard, MicroPIE extracted 21 characters (50%) with a Relaxed F1 score > 0.80 and 16 characters (38%) with Relaxed F1 scores ranging between 0.50 and 0.80. Inclusion of a character prediction component (SVM) improved the overall performance of MicroPIE, notably the precision. Evaluated against the same gold standard, MicroPIE performed significantly better than the undergraduate students. Conclusion: MicroPIE is a promising new tool for the rapid and efficient extraction of phenotypic character information from prokaryotic taxonomic descriptions. However, further development, including incorporation of ontologies, will be necessary to improve the performance of the extraction for some character types.

Les macroinvertébrés benthiques littoraux : bioindicateurs de la qualité écologique des milieux humides en zone urbaine

Robert, Maryse 09 1900 (has links)
Les milieux aquatiques en zone urbaine sont reconnus comme des îlots de biodiversité qui offrent de nombreux services écologiques. Dans cette étude, nous avons utilisé les macroinvertébrés comme bioindicateurs de la qualité écologique des étangs, petits lacs et marais de l’Île de Montréal. Les macroinvertébrés ont été récoltés durant l’été 2011 dans la zone littorale de 20 sites variant par leur urbanisation et leurs caractéristiques limnologiques. Nous avons évalué la variation dans la richesse en taxa, les indices de diversité et plusieurs métriques basées sur la composition taxonomique ou les traits fonctionnels. Nous avons déterminé la réponse des métriques aux changements dans l’urbanisation, l’aménagement et les conditions des plans d’eau. Notre étude montre que les étangs, marécages et petits lacs constituent des réserves importantes de biodiversité en zone urbaine. Les marécages naturels et les étangs et lacs permaments avaient une meilleure qualité écologique et supportaient des communautés de macroinvertébrés plus diverses et abondantes que les petits étangs temporaires aménagés. Le couvert de végétation aquatique, l’enrichissement en nutriments et en matière organique ainsi que la biomasse des algues expliquaient le plus de variation dans les macroinvertébrés. Les aménagements, la densité urbaine et la permanence de l’eau avaient aussi une bonne influence. Les métriques univariées avaient moins de potentiel que les métriques multivariées. Nous avons discuté les implications de notre étude pour le suivi environnemental de la biodiversité et la qualité écologique des milieux aquatiques en zone urbaine. / Aquatic ecosystems in urban landscapes are now recognized as good islets of biodiversity and valuable environments providing ecological services. However, more knowledge is needed to assess their ecological quality. Benthic macroinvertebrates are widely used as bioindicators, but rarely for urban ecosystems. In this study, we used macroinvertebrates to evaluate the ecological quality of urban ponds and lakes in the island of Montreal. We collected macroinvertebrates during summer 2011 in the littoral zone of 20 waterbodies varying in urban and limnological characteristics. We evaluated spatio-temporal variation in several diversity and biotic indices and multiple metrics based on taxonomic composition and functional traits. We investigated if macroinvertebrate metrics responded to variation in urban land-use, pond management and limnological conditions. Our study showed that small waterbodies, as ponds, lakes and marshes are important resources for sustaining aquatic biodiversity in urban landscapes. Natural wetlands and artifical permanent ponds had higher ecological quality and supported more diverse and abundant macroinvertebrates than artificial managed temporary ponds in municipal parks. Vegetation cover, nutrient and organic contents, and algal biomass were the most important factors explaining spatial variation in macroinvertebrate metrics. Pond management, urban density, and water permanence were also influencial factors. Univariate metrics had less potential than multivariable metrics to assess the responses of macroinvertebrates to environmental features. We discussed the implications of our study for management and quality assessment of urban ponds.

Fonctionnement biologique du sol sableux sous plantations d’eucalyptus d’âges différents. Effets du reboisement sur les communautés de la macrofaune et des microorganismes du sol en milieu tropical (Congo) et méditerranéen (Maroc) / Biological functioning of sandy soils under eucalyptus plantations of different age groups. Effects of reforestation on the communities of soil macrofauna and microorganisms in the Tropical (Congo) and Mediterranean regions (Morocco)

Sellami, Fatima 09 January 2013 (has links)
Les plantations d'Eucalyptus, au Congo (région de Pointe-Noire) comme au Maroc (forêt de la Maâmora), soulèvent des controverses quant à leurs effets sur des sols sableux pauvres en matière organique. Dans un enjeu de développement durable de tels écosystèmes anthropiques, les recherches sur le sujet se sont multipliées. Toutefois, les connaissances relatives au fonctionnement biologique des sols sous ces plantations méritent encore d'être approfondies. Principaux acteurs de ce fonctionnement biologique, les organismes vivant dans ces sols et leurs activités ne sont que trop peu décrites, et nécessitent en ce sens de se trouver au cœur des études sur le sujet. Notre travail de thèse s'inscrit dans ces problématiques. Ainsi, nous évaluons les conséquences du reboisement sur les communautés de la macrofaune et des microorganismes de ces sols, et également l'activité des enzymes clés liées aux principaux cycles biogéochimiques (C, N et P).Cette recherche présente la particularité de la prise en compte simultanée de deux facteurs peu souvent évoqués, que sont, l'« âge des plantations » et la « profondeur du sol ». Nous avons abordé ces questions par une étude multi-échelle.Ainsi, nous avons étudié les macroinvertébrés quant à leur diversité taxonomique et à leur composition verticale, selon une approche combinée (TSPF + carré anglais). Par la suite, les premières caractérisations de structure et de diversité des communautés microbiennes ont été réalisées. Ceci, par mesure de densité et par déterminations morphotypiques (cultures in vitro) et génétiques (DGGE), au niveau des communautés totales. Par mesure du potentiel métabolique pour ce qui est des communautés fonctionnelles (plaques Biolog). Enfin, l'activité biologique des sols a été évaluée en mesurant l'activité de huit enzymes et l'activité microbienne globale (hydrolyse FDA).Ainsi, par comparaison à la forêt naturelle adjacente, cette étude nous a permis de mettre en évidence que l'introduction d'eucalyptus sur savane (Congo) ou sur chêne-liège dégradé (Maroc), modifie la structure et la diversité des communautés de la macrofaune et des microorganismes du sol ainsi que le profil des activités enzymatiques. Aussi bien en fonction de l'âge des plantations que de la profondeur du sol, ceci est valable. C'est le fonctionnement biologique qui se trouve donc impacté.Les proportions et les conséquences de cet impact restent toutefois particulières à chaque cas. Il faut cependant noter exception pour les activités enzymatiques liées au cycle de l'azote, qui apparaissent influencées de façon comparable dans les deux cas à l'étude. Ces activités diminuent significativement avec l'âge du peuplement, confirmant le statut déficitaire en azote de ce type de plantation. / Eucalyptus plantations in Congo (Pointe-Noire region) and in Morocco (Mamora forest) raised certain controversies regarding their effects on the sandy poor soils. In such anthropogenic ecosystems, researches on the subject have multiplied in order to ensure their sustainable management. However, knowledge on the biological functioning of soils in these plantations still needs to be explored. Main actors of this biological functioning are soil organisms and their activities which have been described very little, and need to be more studied. Our thesis encompasses this problematic. Therefore, we evaluated the impact of reforestation on the communities of macrofauna and microorganisms of soil, and the activity of different key enzymes, as well, related to main biogeochemical cycles (C, N and P). This research presents, particularly, a simultaneous consideration of two factors rarely mentioned before: the "age of the plantations" and "soil depth". We addressed these issues by a multi-scale study. We studied macroinvertebrates by their taxonomic diversity and vertically composition by a combined approach (TSPF + English square). Subsequently, the characterization of structure and diversity of microbial communities was done by density measurements, morphotype-specific (in-vitro culture) and the genetic determinations (DGGE) and by measuring the metabolic potential in terms of functional communities (Biolog plates). Finally, soil biological activity was evaluated by determining the activity of eight different enzymes and the total microbial activity (FDA hydrolysis).Therefore, as compared to the adjacent natural forest soils, this study allowed us to demonstrate that the introduction of eucalyptus plantations, in savanna (Congo) or in degraded cork oak ecosystem (Morocco), alters the structure and diversity of macrofauna communities, soil microorganisms and the enzymatic activity profiles. Consequently, the biological functioning of the soils is impacted both in terms of the age of plantations and soil depth. However, the proportions and the consequences of this impact were very specific in each case, with the exception of enzymatic activities related to the nitrogen cycle, which influenced comparatively in both studies. These activities decreased significantly along with the stand age of eucalyptus plantations, confirming the deficient status of nitrogen in such plantations.

Taxonomies moléculaire et morphologique chez les foraminifères planctoniques : élaboration d'un référentiel et cas particuliers de Globigerinoides sacculifer et Neogloboquadrina pachyderma / Morphological and molecular taxonomies of planktonic foraminifera : design of a taxonomic framework and special cases of Globigerinoides sacculifer and Neogloboquadrina pachyderma

André, Aurore 14 November 2013 (has links)
Les morpho-espèces de foraminifères planctoniques sont composées d'éco-génotypes parfois différentiables sur la base de la morphologie de leur coquille. Cette découverte récente d'une diversité ainsi qualifiée de « pseudo-cryptique » ouvre des perspectives d'amélioration de la précision des reconstructions paléocéanographiques. Malheureusement, ces génotypes ont été définis de façon subjective et ne sont pas homogènes quant à leur rang taxonomique, ce qui est pourtant un pré-requis pour leur intégration dans les modèles de reconstruction. Grâce à l'application de méthodes quantitatives de délimitation d'unités taxinomiques sur les séquences partielles de la petite sous-unité ribosomale (SSU) disponibles chez l'ensemble des morpho-espèces de foraminifères planctoniques, nous montrons que 49 de ces génotypes sont suffisamment divergents pour constituer d'authentiques espèces. Deux morpho-espèces clefs de la paléocéanographie sont étudiées plus en détail. Chez Neogloboquadrina pachyderma, l'obtention des premières séquences complètes de la SSU et la comparaison morphogénétique de spécimens (sub)polaires permettent de proposer un nouveau scénario évolutif et de montrer que les variations morphologiques sont ici d'origine éco-phénotypique, et donc indépendantes de la diversité génétique. Chez Globigerinoides sacculifer, caractérisé par une forte diversité morphologique, il existe au contraire une seule et unique espèce cosmopolite dans les eaux (sub)tropicales de l'Océan mondial. Ces deux cas particuliers montrent que, contrairement à ce que suggéraient les études précédentes, la spéciation pseudo-cryptique n'a pas valeur de règle chez les foraminifères planctoniques / Morphospecies of planktonic foraminifera are clusters of eco-genotypes that show small but significant shell morphological differences (pseudo-cryptic species).This discovery opens a new perspective for improving the accuracy and resolving power of paleoceanographic reconstructions. Unfortunately, current genetic type delimitations suffer subjectivity, inducing non-homogenous taxonomic status while homogenous taxonomic status is a prerequisite for including genetic types in reconstruction models. By applying quantitative and complementary methods for taxonomic units delimitation to the available dataset of partial sequences of SSU (ribosomal small sub-unit), we delimited 49 genuine (pseudo)cryptic species of planktonic foraminifera. We studied two paleoceanographic key-species. Complete sequencing of the SSU and morpho-genetic comparison within austral (sub)polar genetic types of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma lead to a new phylogeographic hypothesis and showed that morphological variations are the result of ecophenotypic effects and are not related with genetic types. The morphologically diverse Globigerinoides sacculifer is the first case of a planktonic foraminifera morphospecies corresponding to a single genetic type distributed world-wide in (sub) tropical waters. These two cases show that, contrary to previous studies conclusions, pseudo-cryptic speciation is not a rule within planktonicForaminifera

Revisão taxonômica dos caranguejos marinhos do gênero Persephona Leach, 1817 (Decapoda, Leucosiidae) / Taxonomic Review of the marine crabs of the genus Persephona Leach, 1817

Magalhães, Tatiana 29 June 2012 (has links)
O gênero Persephona Leach, 1817 é restrito a América e é constituído por dez espécies com ocorrência no Atlântico Ocidental e Pacífico Oriental, estando inserido na subfamília Ebaliinae, a qual não se encontra taxonomicamente bem estabelecida. Ao longo dos anos, este gênero foi alocado em diferentes subfamílias e sua classificação é mal definida. Além disso, existem chaves de identificação que não permitem a correta identificação das espécies dentro do gênero. Estas infomações são indicativos de uma forte necessidade de estudos enfocando Persephona, os quais podem fornecer uma melhor compreensão sobre a história evolutiva do gênero. Neste contexto, o presente estudo pretendeu realizar uma ampla revisão taxonômica do gênero Persephona, incluindo caracteres que possuem grande variabilidade dentro do gênero (número e tamanho dos espinhos, quelípodos, etc), caracteres tradicionalmente utilizados na diagnose das espécies, além de outros selecionados a partir do presente estudo (gonópodos, coloração, etc), além de incluir pela primeira vez para o gênero, análises de dados moleculares. Dois genes mitocondriais, o 16S rRNA e o Citocromo Oxidase I (COI) foram utilizados como marcadores. As análises morfológicas revelaram uma ausência de diferenças entre algumas espécies propostas para o gênero Persephona, as quais foram corroboradas pelas análises moleculares. Desta forma, são propostas modificações a respeito da taxonomia de Persephona: P. finneganae é um sinônimo júnior de P. lichtensteinii. O nome P. crinita é valido apenas para os espécimes de ocorrência no Golfo do México; os espécimes de P. mediterranea com ocorrência no Golfo do México, correspondem a P. aquilonaris e aqueles com ocorrência no Caribe e Atlântico Sul, correspondem a P. mediterranea e além do exposto, Iliacantha hancocki é um sinônimo júnior de P. subovata. / The genus Persephona Leach, 1817 is restricted to America and consists of ten species occurring in the Western Atlantic and Eastern Pacific. It belongs to the subfamily Ebaliinae, which is not taxonomically well established. Over the years, Persephona was placed in different subfamilies and its classification is still poorly defined. Also, existing identification keys do not allow a correct classification of the species within the genus. These informations are indicatives of a strong need of studies focusing on Persephona, which can provide a better understanding concerning its evolutionary history. In this context, the present study intends to undertake a broad taxonomic revision of the genus Persephona, including characters possessing great variability within the genus (number and size of the spines, cheliped, etc.), characters traditionally used in the diagnosis of the species, and others selected from the present study (gonopod, coloration, etc.), including for the first time for the genus, analyses of molecular data. As guides for the molecular analyses, two mitochondrial genes, the 16S rRNA and the Cytochrome Oxidase I (COI) were used as markers. The morphological analyses revealed an absence of differences among some species proposed for the genus Persephona, wich were corroborated by molecular and phylogenetic analysis. In this way, is propose modifications regarding Persephona taxonomy: P. finneganae is a junior synonym of P. lichtensteinii: the name P. crinita is valid only for specimens occurring in the Gulf of Mexico; the specimens of P. mediterranea with occurence in the Gulf of Mexico, correspond to P. aquilonaris and those with occurence in the Caribbean and South Atlantic correspond to P. mediterranea, moreover I. hancocki is a junior synonym of P. subovata.

Evolution and Classification of the Cariceae-Dulichieae-Scirpeae Clade (Cyperaceae)

Léveillé-Bourret, Étienne 07 May 2018 (has links)
For over a century, the origins and mechanisms underlying the diversification of the enormous cosmopolitan genus Carex (>2,100 species; Cariceae, Cyperaceae or sedge family) have remained largely speculative. Although its unique morphology (e.g., unisexual flowers, perigynia) clearly indicated it was a natural group, it obscured its relationships to all other Cyperaceae because the morphological gap between it and the rest of the family was so wide. Consequently, no plausible sister group to Carex has ever been proposed. Early molecular analyses narrowed the problem by placing Carex within a strongly-supported clade with the enigmatic monospecific genus Khaosokia, and tribes Dulichieae and Scirpeae (hereafter CDS), a group consisting of 2,250 species, or approximately 41% of all Cyperaceae. However, poor taxonomic sampling and the limited number of molecular markers used in these studies meant that the sister group to Carex remained a mystery. The goals of this thesis were to resolve evolutionary relationships within the CDS clade, to identify the sister group to Carex, and to develop a new natural tribal classification of CDS that could be used in future biogeographic and comparative analyses of Carex and its relatives. Initial phylogenetic analyses using two plastid markers (matK, ndhF) identified seven major CDS lineages, and suggested that Carex could be nested within a paraphyletic Scirpeae. However, backbone support for these relationships was low due to an ancient rapid radiation (~10 million years) followed by long divergence of the seven major lineages (~40 million years). The addition of conventional sequence-based markers from the plastid genome (rps16) and nuclear ribosomal region (ETS-1f, ITS) indicated that a traditional molecular approach would not resolve these key backbone nodes. Consequently, a recently developed flowering-plant-specific anchored enrichment probe kit targeting hundreds of conserved nuclear genes combined with next generation sequencing was used to resolve the CDS backbone. Although the resulting phylogenomic dataset was able to resolve the CDS backbone with high support, the topology and branch lengths only reaffirmed the isolated position of Carex. However, comparative morphological analyses of specimens at key herbaria not only suggested that Sumatroscirpus, a rare genus thought to be endemic to Sumatra, could be sister to Carex, but they also provided an easily accessible site to collect DNA in Northern Vietnam. Subsequent phylogenetic analyses of plastid (matK, ndhF, rps16) and nuclear ribosomal (ETS-1f, ITS) markers strongly supported Sumatroscirpus as the sister to Carex, and molecular dating estimates suggested they shared a common ancestor in the late Eocene (~36 million years ago). Comparative studies and ancestral state estimates of key morphological characters were congruent with this hypothesis, suggesting that the perigynium is not unique to Carex, but in fact a synapomorphy shared with Sumatroscirpus. This means that the initial key innovation in the remarkable diversification of Carex is not the perigynium, but could be the release of mechanical constraints that permitted the evolution of the remarkable morphological diversity of Carex perigynia seen today. A taxonomic revision of Sumatroscirpus revealed that this purportedly monospecific genus actually consisted of four species, and it extended its range over 2,400 km to the north into Northern Vietnam, Myanmar, and Southwestern China. The phylogenetic framework provided by the previous studies enabled a new tribal and generic classification of CDS to be proposed. Seven monophyletic tribes are recognised including four new tribes (Calliscirpeae, Khaosokieae, Sumatroscirpeae, Trichophoreae), and a new genus (Rhodoscirpus). Morphological synapomorphies are identified for all recognized tribes, and a worldwide treatment, including identification keys, is provided for Sumatroscirpus species, CDS genera, and Cyperaceae tribes.

Revis?o taxon?mica das esp?cies brasileiras de Alternanthera Forssk (Amaranthaceae Juss.)

Souza, Luisa Ramos Senna 10 January 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Ricardo Cedraz Duque Moliterno (ricardo.moliterno@uefs.br) on 2017-10-09T21:51:42Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE_LUISA RAMOS.pdf: 12171909 bytes, checksum: dfd039e3c7457072b9d4c4c178c30162 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-09T21:51:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE_LUISA RAMOS.pdf: 12171909 bytes, checksum: dfd039e3c7457072b9d4c4c178c30162 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-01-10 / Amaranthaceae is a family of about 180 genera and 2,500 species, divided in 8 subfamilies, and distributed in tropical and temperate areas of both hemispheres. It represents the most species-rich lineage within the Caryophyllales. For Brazil are recognized 158 species in 27 genera, with three endemic, and most of them included in Gomphrenoideae.This subfamily includes two major Brazilian genera,Gomphrena with 45 species and Alternanthera with 36 species. Alternanthera is a monophyletic group of about 100 species of pantropical distribution, characterized by sessile or pedunculate axillaryinflorescences, with the partial inflorescence unit reduced to a single flower. Flowers are sessile or pedicellate, protected by a bract and two bracteoles, bisexual, with (4-)5 tepals, (4-)5 stamens, with fused filaments forming a basal tube, free towards the tube end and alternating with pseudo-staminodes.The latest revision of Alternanthera for Brazil dates backto that of the Flora Brasiliensis,of more than 160 years ago, fully justifyinga new revision, the principal objective of our thesis. It isdivided into four chapters, followingan introduction. Chapter 1 includes a morphological study of the Alternanthera species in Brazil, using 107 characters, of which 99 were considered informative and have been evaluated using DELTA, resulting in a description of vegetative and floral organs of Alternanthera,with the focuson the most important of them for the group's taxonomy anda discussionof their terminology.Chapter 2 isa study of the Alternanthera brasiliana complex of five species, using the statistical exploratory analysis. Only four species in the complexwere recognized, with a proposalto synonymize Alternanthera ramosissimatoA. brasiliana.Chapter 3 is the text of a paperon the new species Alternanthera catingae, submitted for publication in Phytotaxa. Chapter 4 is a revision of the Brazilian species of Alternanthera, based on the study of 1,900 specimens deposited in 19 herbaria and using the adopted typological species concept.In addition to the traditional revisionary methodology, modernanalytic tools were used inthe evaluation of species occurring in Brazil. We recognized 35 species, with one, A.catingae, new to science, synonymizedsix species, and made one new combination. The work should be an important contributionto the study of the Brazilian Amaranthaceae, especially in terms of reaching the objective of making the Flora of Brazil go online in 2020. / As Amaranthaceae constituem uma fam?lia com cerca de 180 g?neros e 2.500 esp?cies, com distribui??o nas faixas tropicais e temperadas dos dois hemisf?rios e representam a mais rica linhagem de esp?cies dentre as Caryophyllales. Inclui 8 subfam?lias . Para o Brasil s?o referidas 158 esp?cies distribu?das em 27 g?neros, dos quais tr?s s?o end?micos, grande parte desses g?neros s?o inclu?dos em Gomphrenoideae. Esta subfam?lia inclui os maiores g?neros representados no Brasil, Gomphrena com 45 esp?cies e Alternanthera com 36 esp?cies. Alternanthera ? um grupo monofil?tico com cerca de 100 esp?cies, possui distribui??o pantropical e ? caracterizado por apresentar infloresc?ncias axilares, s?sseis ou pedunculadas, com unidade parcial da infloresc?ncia reduzida a ?nica flor. As flores s?o s?sseis ou pediceladas, protegidas por uma br?ctea e duas bract?olas, bissexuadas, com (4?)5 t?palas, (4?)5 estames com filetes fundidos formando um tubo basal, livres acima do tubo e alternados com pseudo-estamin?dios. A ?ltima revis?o de Alternanthera para o Brasil foi elaborada para a Flora brasiliensis mais de 160 anos atr?s, justificando-se plenamente a nova revis?o proposta, que ? o principal objetivo desta tese. Os resultados obtidos encontram-se distribu?dos em quatro cap?tulos, que se seguem ap?s a Introdu??o. No Cap?tulo 1 ? apresentado o estudo morfol?gico das esp?cies de Alternanthera do Brasil, onde foram levantados 107 caracteres dos quais 99 foram considerado informativos e foram avaliados utilizando o Programa DeLTA. Como resultado, ? produzida uma descri??o dos ?rg?os vegetativos e florais de Alternanthera destacando os mais importantes para taxonomia do grupo, bem como uma discuss?o dos diferentes termos utilizados na morfologia do grupo. No Cap?tulo 2 ? apresentado o estudo do ?complexo Alternanthera brasiliana? composto por cinco esp?cies, atrav?s da abordagem de estat?stica explorat?ria. Como resultado foram reconhecidas apenas quatro esp?cies no grupo, com a proposta de sinonimiza??o de Alternanthera ramosissima em A. brasiliana. No Cap?tulo 3 ? inclu?do o texto original da nova esp?cie Alternanthera catingae, enviado para publica??o na revista Phytotaxa. No Cap?tulo 4 ? apresentada a revis?o das esp?cies brasileiras de Alternanthera realizada a partir da an?lise de mais de 1900 esp?cimes do g?nero, depositados em 19 herb?rios, com a utiliza??o do conceito tipol?gico de esp?cies. Al?m da metodologia tradicional utilizada em trabalhos de revis?o, foram utilizadas tamb?m ferramentas diferenciadas para an?lise e avalia??o das esp?cies que ocorrem no Brasil. Foram reconhecidas 35 esp?cies, das quais uma nova para a ci?ncia, A.catingae, seis sin?nimos de esp?cies cujos tipos s?o do p?is, e uma nova combina??o. O trabalho aqui apresentado se constitui um importante avan?o para o estudo das Amaranthaceae brasileiras, especialmente visando a flora do Brasil on line para 2020.

Estrutura taxonômica e funcional da assembleia de peixes no Rio Tocantins, antes e após a formação do reservatório de Peixe Angical, região do Alto Rio Tocantins, TO

Perônico, Phamela Bernardes 07 March 2017 (has links)
Análises baseadas em traços funcionais descrevem as espécies em relação às suas características biológicas e assim complementam as informações taxonômicas. Ainda que diversos trabalhos sejam realizados visando descobrir impactos ambientais após a criação de usinas hidrelétricas, poucos são voltados para investigar padrões de estabilização da estrutura da ictiofauna em termos taxonômicos e funcionais; a resposta funcional em longo prazo, em particular, é totalmente desconhecida. Neste estudo buscamos investigar padrões de reestruturação da assembléia de peixes em termos taxonômicos e funcionais nas zonas de transição, fluvial e lacustre, ao longo de dez anos, englobando momentos anteriores e posteriores à construção da UHE Peixe Angical, rio Tocantins. Nossos resultados revelaram indícios de estabilização taxonômica e funcional dentro da primeira década do reservatório, nas diferentes zonas. Tanto a riqueza taxonômica quanto a riqueza funcional apresentaram declínio progressivo após a instalação da barragem, atingindo níveis mais estáveis após seis anos. Conforme esperado, o aumento na abundância registrado no primeiro ano do reservatório não se manteve ao longo do tempo e foi possível notar um decréscimo acentuado em todos os pontos amostrais. Houve evidente alteração na composição taxonômica e funcional ao longo dos anos, com menor taxa de mudança a partir do 6º ano. Espécies registradas na fase Rio com maiores abundâncias praticamente deixaram de ser registradas após a criação da barragem, enquanto outras espécies com características que lhes permitiram resistir aos filtros ambientais do reservatório se destacaram em número de indivíduos. Espacialmente, foi possível notar diferentes padrões de composição tanto para a estrutura taxonômica quanto para a estrutura funcional da assembléia. Além disso, nossos resultados apontam que a perda de diversidade funcional se dá por fatores estocásticos; e que, apesar de haverem perdas de perfis funcionais através da perda de espécies, ainda não foi possível constatar uma convergência funcional. Portanto, dez anos de represamento foi suficiente para observarmos fortes padrões de alteração sobre a ictiofauna afetada pelo represamento da UHE Peixe Angical, além da eminente estabilização dos atributos taxonômicos e funcionais nas diferentes zonas do reservatório ao longo do tempo. / Functional traits describe species in respect to functional characteristics and therefore complement taxonomic information. Although several studies investigate environmental impacts caused by hydropower dams, few have focused on long-term patterns of functional and taxonomic fish diversity; changes in functional structure, in particular, are largely unknown. In this study, we investigated long-term changes (10 years) in taxonomic and functional diversity across environmental gradients created by the construction of Peixe Angical hydropower dam, Tocantins River, Amazon Basin. Our results revealed trends of functional and taxonomic stabilization 10 years after river regulation, in the different zones of the reservoir. Both the functional and taxonomic diversity showed progressive decrease over time, reaching more stable levels after 6 years. As expected, the increase in fish abundance registered soon after damming was followed by a marked decrease in all sites. We observed strong alteration in functional and taxonomic composition over the years, with more stable values after the sixth year. The most abundant species in the river period virtually disappeared after river damming, replaced by species with adaptations to cope with the environmental filters created by the impoundment. In addition, our results showed that the loss of functional diversity occurred stochastically; despite the loss of functional profiles with the loss of species, it was not possible to determine functional convergence. In conclusion, Peixe Angical hydropower dam induced strong changes in the taxonomic and functional structure of fish assemblages, with trends of stabilization ten years after river impoundment, in the different zones of the reservoir.

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