Spelling suggestions: "subject:"reach"" "subject:"teach""
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Era uma vez... uma aventura de (re)significação dialógica da prática educativa. / Once upon a time... dialogic\'s adventure meaning of educational practice.Puga, Leonardo Fortunato 22 June 2018 (has links)
Este estudo apresenta a questão do espaço autoral ocupado pela prática educativa do docente e de suas formas de existir, expressa na relação social (não) harmônica com os diversos \"outros\" com os quais dialoga frente ao ato de ensinar funções para estudantes do ensino médio. O acesso a este tipo de narrativa permite o esboço de aspectos da identidade docente, uma vez que, ao contar sua história -- para apropriar-se dela em um processo eminentemente formativo -- há um debate ligado a questões culturais e filosóficas que possibilitam diferenciar o que é seu e o que é dos outros, seu modo de ser e estar na docência, bem como as influências que integram a sua existência. / This study presents the issue of the authorship room occupied by the educational practice of the teacher and its forms of existence, it expressed in the (non-)harmonious relation social with the different \"others\" whichs he dialogues with the act of teaching functions for high school students. The access to this type of narrative allows the outline aspects of the teaching identity, once, in telling teacher\'s history -- to appropriate it in a process, eminently formative -- there is a debate linked to cultural and philosophical issues that makes possible to differentiate what is yours and what belongs to others, your way of being in teaching, as well as the influences that integrate the teacher\'s existence.
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Uma análise das teses e dissertações sobre experimentação no ensino de química, no Brasil: 2000 a 2012 / Uma análise das teses e dissertações sobre experimentação no ensino de Química, no Brasil: 2000 a 2012Matiello, José Richardson 30 November 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal identificar, catalogar, descrever, analisar e avaliar as principais características e tendências da pesquisa acadêmica brasileira divulgada em Dissertações e Teses que abordam a experimentação para o Ensino de Química no período de 2000 a 2012. Para construção do objeto de estudo desta pesquisa, foram realizadas buscas junto aos arquivos de documentos das seguintes fontes: Catálogo de Teses do Centro de Documentação em Ensino de Ciências (CEDOC/Unicamp); Banco de Teses da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES); Cadernos de Indicadores (CAPES); Catálogos das Bibliotecas das Instituições de Ensino Superior; Biblioteca Digital Brasileira de Teses e Dissertações - BDTD. Os trabalhos catalogados foram analisados em função dos seguintes critérios de classificação: ano de defesa, região brasileira, instituição, programa de pós-graduação, nível escolar abrangido, foco temático e conteúdo abordado. Os resultados sugerem um crescimento gradual da produção entre o período determinado. Geograficamente esta produção se concentra no eixo Sul-Sudeste (70%), dado este que se contrasta com os 13% produzido pelo eixo Norte-Nordeste, o Centro-Oeste brasileiro concentra 17% da produção nacional. Quanto ao grau de titulação acadêmica objetivada, a produção se concentra na modalidade de Mestrado Acadêmico, com 69%, seguido do Mestrado Profissional com 22% e Doutorado com 9%. Mais da metade dos trabalhos tem como foco de nível escolar o Ensino Médio, com 60%, seguido do Ensino Superior com aproximadamente 22% do total nacional. A distribuição das teses e dissertações segundo a sua dependência administrativa concentra-se na Instituição de Ensino Superior Federal (57%), seguido da Estadual (26%) e Privadas (17%). O foco temático concentra-se no conteúdo-método e recursos didáticos de forma equivalente. Os temas de estudo abordados tem como foco a Química Geral, seguido da Físico-Química e Química Inorgânica. As pesquisas catalogadas neste trabalho indicam os programas de pós-graduação em Educação, em Ensino de Ciências e em Química como os principais programas que desenvolvem pesquisa nesta área. / This study has the main goal identify, catalog, describe, analyze and assess the main features and trends of academic Brazilian research published as dissertations and thesis approaching experimentation on Teach of Chemistry between 2000 and 2012. To build the object of study of this research, were researched documents from archives sources from: Catalogue of Thesis from Center of Documentation Teach in Science (CEDOC/Unicamp); Bank of thesis from Coordination of People from Higher Education (CAPES); Indicators Books (CAPES); Catalougue of Libraries from Higher Education; Brazilian Library Digital of Thesis and Dissertations - BDTD. The works cataloged were analyzed according to the following evaluation criteria: defense year, Brazilian area, institution, postgraduate program, scholar level, thematic focus, and content approached. Our results suggest that there is a gradual increase of production between the period determined. Geographically this production is concentred in the South-Southeast (70%) axis, it contrasts with 13% produced in the North-Northeast axis, moreover mid-west Brazilian concentrated 17% of national production. About the level of academic degree objectified, the production concentrated in the Master Academic 69%, following by Master Professional 22% and Doctoral degree (Ph.D.) 9%. More than half works have the focus on high school level 60%, following higher education with approximately 22% from the national total. The distribution from thesis and dissertations as your dependence administrative were concentrated at Federal Institution Higher Studies (57%), following State Institutions (26%) and Private (17%). The thematic focus concentrated as content-method and resources didactic equivalently. The subjects from studies have focused on general Chemistry, following the Physics-Chemistry and Chemistry Inorganic. The research cataloged in this work indicates that the postgraduate programs in Education, in Teach Sciences and Chemistry as the main programs that develop research in this area
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Making Sense of a Game : A look into Tutorials and Character Mechanics / Att förstå sig på ett spel : En överblick på handledningar och karaktärsmekanikerRamirez Sessarego, Andrés, Arévalo Arancibia, Felype January 2019 (has links)
This paper researches how information in game tutorials can be retained by the player. We use a teach-back framework to see what information the participants’ retained. The purpose of this study is to understand how a video game can communicate vital information about character mechanics and rules with the help of tutorials integrated through level design. This qualitative study was conducted with 15 participants, they played through a Third-Person Action Platformer game which the authors created for this study. The participants were all experienced in this game genre for the sake of the results’ consistency. The results showed that the most effective method is the one that presented most text and restricted player freedom, that being said it is not the preferred method by the participants. This resulted in suggestions that differed from what is presented to them, some of them including demonstrations in the game world and even some audio elements that could be implemented instead of having a text-based tutorial. / I den här studien undersöker vi hur information i spelhandledning kan bibehållas av spelaren, vi använder en undervisningssammanfattning för att se vilken information deltagarna behöll. Syftet med denna studie är att förstå hur ett videospel kan kommunicera viktig information om karaktärsmekaniker och regler med hjälp av handledning integrerad genom nivådesign. Denna kvalitativa studie genomfördes med 15 deltagare, de spelade genom ett Tredje-Person action Platform spel som författarna skapade för denna studie. Alla deltagarna är erfarna i den här spelgenren för att hålla resultaten konsekventa. Den mest effektiva metoden är den som presenterade mest text och begränsade spelarens frihet men det var inte den föredragna metoden bland deltagarna. Det här resulterade i förslag som skilde sig från vad som presenterades för deltagarna, några av de förslagen inkluderade demonstrationer i spelvärlden och vissa ljudelement som kunde ha implementerats istället för att endast ha en textbaserad handledning.
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Les effets de l’approche de l’enseignement bidirectionnel sur les couples francophones vivant en situation linguistique minoritaire dans la région d’Ottawa dont un partenaire est atteint de l’insuffisance cardiaque : Une étude de casMakana, Judith 04 April 2019 (has links)
Mise en contexte : Au Canada, environ 600 000 personnes font de l’insuffisance cardiaque (IC) avec une incidence de 50 000 par année. L’insuffisance cardiaque (IC) représente la 2ème cause d’hospitalisation chez les personnes âgées de 65 ans et plus avec une incidence plus élevée chez les hommes. L’IC pourrait être améliorée par les sessions éducatives selon l’approche d’enseignement bidrectionnel (‘teach-back’). Les autosoins sont de meilleure qualité lorsque la conjointe est activement impliquée dans tout le processus de prise en charge du patient. Cette étude a permis d’évaluer l’impact de l’approche d’enseignement bidirectionnel adapté aux couples sur les autosoins des franco-ontariens vivant en situation linguistique minoritaire dans la région d’Ottawa.
Méthodologie : Afin de mieux répondre aux questions de recherche en lien avec la rétention des connaissances des couples et l’apport sur la relation conjugale, le devis mixte d’une étude de cas intégrée avec unités d’analyse multiples a été utilisé auprès de six couples franco-ottaviens dont le conjoint était atteint d’IC.
Résultats : Les participants ont présenté une augmentation des connaissances des autosoins de l’IC de l’ordre de 27% entre la période avant l’intervention jusqu’à 30 jours après la formation. Il n’y a pas eu de réadmissions hospitalières parmi les participants. L’adaptation de l’approche d’enseignement bidirectionnel à la réalité individuelle des couples participants a eu un effet thérapeutique systémique sur la relation conjugale car cette approche a offert aux partenaires un cadre pour avoir une discussion ouverte sur l’impact réciproque de l’IC sur leur vécu quotidien. En assurant des visites aux domiciles des participants durant une phase post-hospitalisation considérée de grande vulnérabilité chez les patients IC, ce projet a pallié à la faille du système des soins parce qu’elle a permis à une transition sécuritaire des patients (et leurs conjointes) du milieu hospitalier en communauté.
Conclusion : L’adaptation de l’approche d’enseignement bidirectionnel en français est une nouveauté pour les infirmières francophones œuvrant auprès des francophones vivant en situation linguistique minoritaire. Cette étude soutient l’importance d’intégrer la gérontandragogie dans les interventions éducatives des personnes âgées en matière de santé.
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From the Schoolhouse to the Statehouse: The Role of Teach For America Alumni in Education PolicyReddy, Vikash T. January 2016 (has links)
Teach For America (TFA) is a non-profit whose mission involves addressing and eliminating the racial achievement gap in education. To that end, TFA recruits and trains thousands of teachers each year, mostly recent college graduates, to spend two years teaching in low-income neighborhoods across America. The theory of change publicly espoused by TFA, however, includes a second component that is predicated on the notion that participation in TFA will be a “transformational experience” for those who join the organization – an experience that will turn participants into lifelong advocates for educational equity, and inform and influence their future endeavors. While TFA has long been a magnet for controversy, the criticisms have come to include the organization’s place in a policy context awash with neoliberal influences.
Researchers have looked at the impact of TFA teachers on student outcomes with increasingly sophisticated research designs, but much less has been written about the second half of TFA’s theory of change. Further, while the exploits of TFA and its alumni in policy are increasingly the subject of both academic and popular articles, little of this research examines the role that the TFA experience is playing in the current work of TFA alumni in policy.
Using data gathered from 45 semi-structured interviews with TFA alumni who now work in public policy, as well as news sources, public statements and press releases from TFA and its leadership and other publicly available materials, this dissertation examines the ways in which TFA and its alumni are involved in education policy, and how the TFA experience factors into the lives and work of these alumni. This study also examines the ways in which TFA and its alumni are engaged in matters of charter schools and school choice, teacher evaluation and accountability, and teacher preparation policy, as well as the ways in which alumni credit their TFA experience for influencing their views. Further, this work looks to separate the influences that come directly from TFA, such as TFA messaging or TFA-planned events, and those that are the result of joining TFA, but that fall outside of TFA’s immediate control.
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Alunos e professores fazendo geografia : a rede ressignificando informaçõesGoulart, Ligia Beatriz January 2011 (has links)
A tese analisa como a Pedagogia de Projetos interfere na aprendizagem dos alunos e da professora e nas práticas pedagógicas de Geografia. Nesse trabalho, utilizo a metáfora da organização de um projeto para construir a pesquisa. Inicio construindo a mobilização em um capítulo em que explico o sentido de escolher o portfólio como instrumento para coleta de dados e encaminho a discussão dos referenciais teóricos a partir dos quais fundamentei o estudo − as ideias de Hernandez, Levy, Maturana, Villas Boas, Callai e Cavalcanti. Em seguida, examino a prática do trabalho com Pedagogia de Projetos e as desestabilizações que esse trabalho produziu em minhas certezas, destacando a leitura e escrita como inibidores do ensinar Geografia, as fragilidades pedagógicas camufladas pela indisciplina e os questionamentos sobre ensinar ou aprender a Geografia. Ainda nesse capítulo, destaco a Pedagogia de Projetos e suas articulações com a Geografia, bem como as aprendizagens produzidas no movimento das interações com os portfólios dos alunos e os bilhetes da professora. No capítulo final, estabeleço uma conversa com os pensamentos que me produziram, para examinar os deslocamentos pedagógicos gerados pelos projetos de pesquisa, às vezes impulsionando, outras vezes inibindo as ações do professor. O caminho dessa investigação não se constituiu de forma linear. Como na lógica dos projetos de pesquisa, foram construídas redes, exibidas no emaranhado de idas e vindas que articularam os achados coletados nos diferentes instrumentos: portfólios dos alunos e da professora pesquisadora, cadernos informais de registro de conversas com colegas e outros professores, relatórios de pesquisa dos alunos e os planejamentos, tanto da proposta, quanto das aulas. A execução da Pedagogia de Projetos gerou deslocamentos em dois sentidos: aqueles que pontuaram sua validade e alcance em relação à contemporaneidade e os que criaram desestabilizações à efetivação da proposta, imobilizando algumas ações. Esses deslocamentos produziram três eixos que merecem ser destacados como aprendizagens emanadas da pesquisa: a formação, o ensinar e aprender Geografia e as práticas contemporâneas. Os escritos no portfólio produziram um processo reflexivo importante para reorganizar as ações pedagógicas, compreender as atitudes dos alunos, repensar minhas certezas em relação à Pedagogia de Projetos e estabelecer estratégias de atuação na escola, definindo avanços e recuos. / This thesis analyzes the way that Project Pedagogy interferes in both students‟ and a teacher‟s learning as well as in the pedagogical practices in Geography. In this work, I used the metaphor of the organization of a project to construct the research. I started constructing mobilization, in a chapter that explains the meaning of choosing the portfolio as an instrument for data collection, and discusses the theoretical references on which I grounded this study, i.e. ideas by Hernandez, Levy, Maturana, Villas Boas, Callai and Cavalcanti. Next, I examined the practice of working with Project Pedagogy and the destabilizations it caused in my certainties. I highlighted both reading and writing as inhibitors of Geography teaching, the pedagogical fragilities camouflaged by indiscipline, and questionings about teaching or learning Geography. Still in this chapter, I highlighted the work with projects and its articulations with Geography, as well as learning produced through the interactions with the students‟ portfolios and the teacher‟s notes. In the final chapter, I established a conversation with the thoughts that produced me, in order to examine the pedagogical displacements generated by the projects, sometimes stimulating, sometimes inhibiting the teacher‟s actions. The path of this investigation was not linearly traced. As with the project logic, networks were built, exhibited in a web of movements forward and backward that articulated the findings obtained through different instruments: students‟ and researcher-teacher‟s portfolios, informal notebooks where conversations with classmates and other teachers were recorded, students‟ research reports, and plans of both the proposal and classes. The practice of project pedagogy caused displacements in two senses: those that claimed its validity and reach in relation to contemporaneity, and those that generated destabilizations in the proposal, thus immobilizing some actions. These displacements produced three axes that are worth mentioning as learning stemming from the research: education; teaching and learning geography; and contemporary practices. The portfolio writings produced an important reflexive process to reorganize pedagogical actions, understand students‟ attitudes, rethink my certainties in relation to the project pedagogy, and establish strategies for action at school, by defining advances and drawbacks.
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A Nursing In-Service for Diabetes EducationSteiner, Heidi 01 January 2018 (has links)
Nurses play a central role in preparing patients for discharge. Diabetes affects one-third of all hospitalized patients, with readmission rates 20% higher for patients with diabetes. Low health literacy affects patients' ability to understand education provided during a hospitalization, especially in diabetic patients who are required to perform complex self-care activities. The rehabilitation nurses within the practicum site struggled to provide adequate diabetes education, leading to patients' readmissions and frequent calls to the nursing unit post discharge. The purpose of this project was to educate nurses on an inpatient unit about survival skills and teach-back approaches to improve inpatient diabetes education. Orem's self-care nursing deficit theory guided the project. Nursing literature provided current evidence-based practice guidelines on diabetes education for the staff education program. An expert panel was used to evaluate the effectiveness of the project in improving rehabilitation nurses' knowledge, skills, and ability to administer patient education to diabetic patients using the teach-back method. All 6 expert panel members agreed that the in-service content was relevant to the environment and would improve the nurses' ability to deliver diabetic education on the rehabilitation unit using the teach-back method. Current knowledge of diabetes education practices and strategies to overcome low health literacy can bring positive social change and improve nursing practice by advancing the nurses' ability to provide inpatient diabetes education.
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Staff Education for Registered Nurses Using the Teach-Back MethodSizer, Mary Elizabeth 01 January 2018 (has links)
This purpose of this quality improvement project was to develop an educational training curriculum designed for staff nurses to use the teach-back method with patients with low health literacy during discharge instructions. Health literacy is associated with the ability to read, comprehend, and make appropriate healthcare decisions; the teach-back method asks patients to restate or explain health information in their own words, aiding retention and literacy. Effective staff education plays a critical role in the education of patients during discharge teaching: Nurses must help to ensure that patients and their families understand healthcare information and apply this information in their daily lives. The program was planned in an ambulatory care setting and used conceptual frameworks including the Iowa model and the Plan-Do-Study-Act cycle for quality improvement. The program was informed by evidence in the peer-reviewed literature. The curriculum was contextualized by needs of the care setting. The evidence was organized and analyzed using a review matrix to identify common findings among major studies that were applicable to the context. As an aid to operationalization of the program, an implementation plan and an evaluation plan were developed for use by the institution to move the program forward without additional planning. This project may effect positive social change by addressing a health care need that exists throughout the population and is prevalent in those of lower socioeconomic status. Increasing health literacy among patients is likely to promote improved health outcomes among those who are most vulnerable to illness.
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Reducing Congestive Heart Failure Hospital Readmissions through Discharge PlanningThomas, Lacy Rebaka 01 January 2018 (has links)
Every year, thousands of congestive heart failure (CHF) patients are readmitted to the hospital within 30 days of discharge. There is a gap in practice in the care continuum of patients with CHF within the transition from hospital to home. One of the factors known to increase a patient's risk for readmission is the lack of patient engagement and self-efficacy regarding the treatment plan. The purpose of this project was to implement a transition of care practice guideline that consisted of the use of a risk identification tool, a customized care plan for patients at high risk for readmission, and a discharge checklist crafted specifically for CHF patients who are at risk for readmission. The practice initiative utilized the Iowa model of Evidence Based Practice as a framework and the teach-back method for discharge education. A sample of 193 patients admitted during a 1-month timeframe fit the inclusion criteria and was generated from the electronic health record. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data collected during implementation. In fact, of the 106 CHF patients who benefited from the CHF checklist only 2 required readmission within 30 days, a 1.8% 30 day readmission rate. As compared to the 22% readmission rate experienced in 2017, this represented a considerable improvement, albeit preliminary. Efforts to improve the lives of patients and their families will ultimately serve society well, making a significant contribution to positive social change. Providing comprehensive discharge education to patients using the teach-back method to assess the retention of knowledge will help close the gap in the transition of care between hospital and home, ultimately reducing CHF readmissions.
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Barns tankar och pedagogers undervisning om människokroppen / Children’s thoughts and the tuition of educationalist concerning the human bodyWallroth, Lisa January 2009 (has links)
<p>The purpose with this essay was to study the knowledge of children today between six and eight years old about the human body and its function. A second purpose was to study how junior-level educationalist were carrying through there tuition about the human body. I wanted to investigate if the children today hade another knowledge about the human body than children that participated in previous similar investigations. I wanted to investigate this because today we live in another society than before with more access to information. My first question was to find out what children thought that we humans looked like inside the body and how its works. My second question was how junior-level educationalist do carry out their tuition. Ten children and tree junior-level educationalist participated in qualitative interviews, interviewed one by one. During the interviews the children were given a picture with a contour of the human body where they could fill in different organ. The most common organs that the children painted on their pictures of the human body where brain, heart, stomach, skeleton and lungs. The children also had some knowledge about the different organs like the skeletons function was to make the body hard, the hearts function was to pump the blood around in our body, the brain control the whole body and the stomach purpose was to take care of the food we eat. The educationalist replied that they used a lot of concrete material and they tried to have miscellaneous tuition. The result of this study is that the children today don’t have so much more knowledge of the human body than children that have been interview in older days. The result also showed that the way the educationalist were teaching hade a positive influents on the students learning.</p> / <p>Syftet med undersökningen var att se vad barn mellan sex och åtta års ålder idag hade för tankar om hur vi människor ser ut inuti vår kropp och hur det fungerar inuti oss men också att undersöka hur lågstadiepedagoger går tillväga vid undervisningen om människokroppen. Jag ville undersöka om barnen idag hade mer kunskap om människokroppen än de barn som ingått i liknande studier tidigare, eftersom vi idag lever i ett informationssamhälle. Min första frågeställning blev att ta reda på barnens tankar om människokroppens inre och hur det fungerar inuti oss. Min andra frågeställning blev hur lågstadiepedagoger gick tillväga med sin undervisning om människokroppen. Tio barn och tre lågstadiepedagoger har medverkat i kvalitativa intervjuer där de intervjuades en och en. Under intervjutillfällena fick barnen en bild med människokroppens kontur för att fylla i olika organ. De vanligaste organen som barnen ritade var hjärna, hjärta, magsäck, skelett och lungorna. Barnen berättade också bl.a. att skelettets funktion var att göra kroppen hård, hjärtat pumpade runt blod i kroppen, hjärnan styrde kroppen, magen tog hand om vår mat. Pedagogerna svarade att de använde mycket konkret material och att de försökte ha en så varierad undervisning som möjligt. Resultatet från denna studie visade att barnen idag inte har så mycket mer kunskap än de barn som ingått i liknande studier från förr. Resultatet visade också att det sätt pedagogerna undervisade på hade en positiv inverkan på elevernas lärande.</p>
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