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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Programmatic Review of Bilingual Bicultural Teacher Education at Selected Universities and Colleges in the State of Texas

Maloney, Letty Lynn 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to review Bilingual Bicultural teacher education in Texas and to collect opinions about present certification requirements and institutional guidelines. Narrative descriptions of the history and present status of programs at thirty-seven institutions were compiled. A questionnaire was completed with program directors and members of the Texas Association for Bilingual Education. Data from the questionnaires were reported in frequencies and percentages and cross-tabulations were completed to assess differences in opinions on general issues, TEA requirements, and nationally-set standards.

Qualidade da educação: sentidos discursivos e projetos de formação docente / Education quality: discursive meanings and teacher training projects

Soares, J. I. 22 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by JÚLIO HEBER SILVA (julioheber@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-10-25T18:59:50Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Jackeline Império Soares - 2016.pdf: 1795608 bytes, checksum: 95743f1480928e2ce5ceac684c89b264 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Jaqueline Silva (jtas29@gmail.com) on 2016-11-08T17:52:26Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Jackeline Império Soares - 2016.pdf: 1795608 bytes, checksum: 95743f1480928e2ce5ceac684c89b264 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-11-08T17:52:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Jackeline Império Soares - 2016.pdf: 1795608 bytes, checksum: 95743f1480928e2ce5ceac684c89b264 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-07-22 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The dissertations is linked to the research line "Training, Teacher Professionalization and Educational Work" of the Postgraduate Program on Education from the College that belongs to the Federal University in Goiás. It integrates the work developed by the Researchers Net about teachers from centralwest (Redecentro). Based on dialectic historical materialist method with on quality of approaching, was developed a bibliographical research looking for the following objective: Understanding the discursive meanings about the educational quality written in Revista Brasileira de Educação; Estudos Pedagógicos; Revista Ensaio; Cadernos CEDES; Educação & Sociedade, from 2013 to 2015 and training projects linked the specific objectives where according to the contents the dissertation chapters: analyzing and understanding the different conceptions of educational quality in the educational field and their corresponding epistemologies; contextualizing and understanding the political, economic and social of Latin America since 1990 and the university inside that context; analyzing and understanding as the neoliberal politics influenced on the training, professionalization and teacher work field, bringing hegemonic quality and defense movements of the social quality; analyzing and understanding the quality of concepts mentioned at the selected scientific articles. We wondered: What are the discursive meanings about educational quality published in the national magazines in the field of education between 2013 and 2015 and training projects are related? The collection of information was done through analyses setting the followings: Conception of Educational Quality; Political statement; Base that sustains the "being a teacher" means; Base epistemological; Training Project linked to the conception of Education Quality. Through the analysis of written seeing we could see the hegemonic quality is more frequent in the articles analyzed cropping, also highlighted a pseudoneutral considering the demands and educational projects. According to the dialectic, through the category of contradiction, there was the defense of the work and valuing teachers featuring another design quality, social quality in education, and as a fundamental basis access to public education and the formation of social subjects , autonomous and emancipated. With the results of the analysis recommends the publication of more articles with political positioning meet the demands of the educational policies so that thus the speeches counterhegemonic about quality of education to do more strongly present. / Esta dissertação está vinculada à linha de pesquisa “Formação, Profissionalização Docente e Trabalho Educativo” do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Faculdade de Educação da Universidade da Federal de Goiás. Integra os trabalhos desenvolvidos pela Rede de Pesquisadores(as) sobre professores do Centro–Oeste (Redecentro). Com base no método materialista histórico dialético, com abordagem qualitativa, desenvolveu-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica na busca do seguinte objetivo: Compreender os sentidos discursivos sobre a qualidade da educação nos periódicos Revista Brasileira de Educação; Estudos Pedagógicos; Revista Ensaio; Cadernos CEDES; Educação & Sociedade, período de 2013 a 2015, e os projetos de formação com os quais se vinculam. Os objetivos específicos corresponderam à constituição dos capítulos da dissertação: analisar e compreender as diferentes concepções de qualidade da educação presentes no campo educacional e suas epistemologias correspondentes; contextualizar e compreender o cenário político, econômico e social da América Latina a partir dos anos 1990 e a universidade nesse contexto; analisar e compreender como a política neoliberal influenciou os campos da formação, da profissionalização e do trabalho docente, resultando em demandas de qualidade hegemônica e ensejando movimentos de defesa da qualidade social; analisar e compreender as concepções de qualidade explicitadas nos artigos científicos selecionados. Construímos a seguinte questão norteadora: Quais os sentidos discursivos sobre qualidade da educação publicados nos periódicos nacionais do campo da educação entre os anos 2013 e 2015 e a quais projetos de formação se vinculam? A coleta de informações deu-se por meio de instrumento de análise em que foram estabelecidas as seguintes categorias: Concepção de Qualidade da Educação; Posicionamento Político; Base ontológica que sustenta o “ser professor”; Base epistemológica; Projeto de Formação ao qual se vincula a concepção de Qualidade da Educação. Por meio da análise dos discursos identificou-se que a qualidade hegemônica está presente com mais frequência nos artigos do recorte analisado, nos quais também se destacou uma pseudoneutralidade frente às demandas e projetos educacionais. Como aponta os pressupostos da dialética, pela categoria da contradição, observou-se a defesa do trabalho e valorização docentes caracterizando outra concepção de qualidade, a qualidade social para a educação, tendo como base fundamental o acesso à educação pública e a formação de sujeitos sociais, autônomos e emancipados. Com os resultados das análises recomenda-se a publicação de mais artigos com posicionamento político frente às demandas das políticas educacionais, para que, assim, os discursos contra-hegemônicos sobre a qualidade da educação se façam veementemente mais presentes.

O futuro é agora: possíveis caminhos para a formação de professores de espanhol como língua estrangeira para crianças / The future is now: possible paths for teacher training in Spanish as a foreign language for children.

Simone Rinaldi 25 April 2011 (has links)
Neste estudo doutoral procuramos dar continuidade à nossa pesquisa anterior, em nível de Mestrado, na qual apresentamos um retrato da formação de professores de espanhol como língua estrangeira para crianças. Agora, propusemo-nos oferecer diretrizes para uma formação inicial ou continuada de docentes de espanhol que trabalhem ou queiram atuar com alunos dos primeiros anos do ensino fundamental. Nossa trajetória iniciou-se pela revisão bibliográfica, muitas vezes campeada entre as referências de disciplinas cursadas, outras tantas escolhidas em estantes de bibliotecas, livrarias reais e virtuais. Nossas leituras, análises e reflexões começaram pela área da legislação referente ao ensino de línguas estrangeiras (Lei paulista 1.750 de 08 de dezembro de 1920; Decreto Federal 1.164, de 1939; LDBEN, 1996; Resolução CNE/CEB 7/2010; PCN, 1998; RCNEI, 1998), passaram pelos conceitos e fundamentos dos mais renomados pensadores da educação, em especial teóricos vinculados ao desenvolvimento infantil (BROFENBRENNER, 1996; BRUNER, 1978, 2006; FREUD, 2010; GESELL, 2002; PIAGET, 1967, 1972; SKINNER, 1970, 1974; VYGOTSKY, 2002, 2005), à aquisição da linguagem (CHOMSKY, 1959 apud BARALO, 2004; PIAGET, 1967, 1972; TOMASELLO, 2003; VYGOTSKY, 2002, 2005, por exemplo), à alfabetização e ao letramento (ABUD, 1987; FERREIRO E TEBEROSKY, 1999; KATO, 1998; KLEIMAN, 2004) e, por fim, à aquisição da língua estrangeira (KRASHEN, 1995; PAIVA in BRUNO, 2005). Demos continuidade à nossa pesquisa por meio da observação e da análise de aulas ministradas por nós em um curso de extensão, bem como de professoras que já ensinavam espanhol para crianças e de uma estagiária que era responsável pelo minicurso de espanhol para crianças durante seu curso de licenciatura. Seguimos com entrevistas às docentes, à coordenadora de uma das instituições escolares visitadas, a pais e responsáveis por alunos que estudavam espanhol em uma dessas escolas regulares e a alguns alunos. Finalizamos nossa pesquisa com a máxima certeza de que o caminho que apontávamos é o mais adequado: existe, sim, a necessidade e a viabilidade de se criar uma disciplina para o curso de licenciatura em espanhol, com respaldo na Resolução CNE/CEB nº 7/2010 e/ou um curso de formação continuada que aborde os conhecimentos, as competências e as habilidades necessários aos professores de espanhol que queiram ensinar o idioma a crianças. Esperamos que as diretrizes gerais que consideramos imprescindíveis na organização e proposição de um curso ou disciplina com as características mencionadas, incluídas neste trabalho, sejam uma das contribuições de nossa pesquisa para a área de ensino e aprendizagem de línguas estrangeiras a crianças. / In this doctoral study we attempted to continue with our previous research, in Masters\' level, in which we presented a portrait of teacher training in Spanish as a foreign language for children. Now, we decided to provide guidelines for initial or continuing training of teachers of Spanish who work or want to work with students from the first years of elementary school. Our history began through literature review, often searching among references of courses taken, and many other times chosen in libraries shelves, real and virtual bookstores. Our readings, analysis and reflections began in the area of law concerning the teaching of foreign language (São Paulo State Law 1.750 of 8 December 1920; Federal Decree 1.164, 1939; LDBEN, 1996; Resolution CNE/CEB 7/2010; PCN, 1998; RCNEI, 1998), they passed by the concepts and fundamentals of the most renowned thinkers in education, especially theorists related to children development (BROFENBRENNER, 1996; BRUNER, 1978, 2006; FREUD, 2010; GESELL, 2002; PIAGET, 1967, 1972; SKINNER, 1970, 1974; VYGOTSKY, 2002, 2005), to language acquisition (CHOMSKY, 1959 apud BARALO, 2004; PIAGET, 1967, 1972; TOMASELLO, 2003; VYGOTSKY, 2002, 2005, for example), to alphabetization and literacy (ABUD, 1987; FERREIRO E TEBEROSKY, 1999; KATO, 1998; KLEIMAN, 2004) and, finally, to the acquisition of foreign language (KRASHEN, 1995; PAIVA in BRUNO, 2005). We continued our research through the observation and analysis of classes given by us in an extension course, as well as teachers who already have taught Spanish to children and an intern who was responsible for the short course in Spanish for children during her graduation course. We followed by interviewing teachers, the coordinator of one of the schools visited, the parents and guardians of students who studied Spanish in one of these regular schools and some students. We concluded our research with the outmost certainty that the path that we pointed out is the most appropriate: there really is the necessity and feasibility of establishing a discipline to the graduation course of Spanish, supported by the Resolution CNE/CEB nº 7/2010 and / or a continuing education course that addresses the knowledge, skills and abilities needed by teachers of Spanish who want to teach the language to children. We hope that the general guidelines which we consider indispensable in organizing and proposing a course or discipline with the mentioned features, included in this study, are one of the contributions of our research into the area of teaching and learning of foreign languages for children.

Zur Verstärkung des Praxisbezugs in der dritten Phase der Lehrerbildung für Berufspädagogen an berufsbildenden Schulen in Sachsen

Perschk, Anett 12 June 2013 (has links)
Lehrerinnen und Lehrer in der beruflichen Bildung müssen die Erfordernisse der modernen und sich ständig verändernden Produktions- und Dienstleistungsstrukturen und deren Auswirkungen auf die berufliche Bildung kennen. Die Umsetzung des Bologna-Prozesses in Deutschland gab den Anstoß, den Prozess der Modularisierung und den Übergang zu Bachelor-/ Masterstrukturen in der Lehramtsausbildung für das höhere Lehramt an berufsbildenden Schulen im Hinblick auf den sogenannten „doppelten Praxisbezug“ (berufspraktische und schulpraktische Studien) in der ersten Phase der Lehrerbildung (Studium an Universitäten bzw. Hochschulen) und in der zweiten Phase der Lehrerbildung (Vorbereitungsdienst bzw. Referendariat) zu analysieren und mögliche Folgerungen bzw. Konsequenzen für die dritte Phase (Fort- und Weiterbildung) aufzuzeigen. Dazu wurden auf der Grundlage des „Didaktischen Grundverhältnisses“ (Hortsch, 1994) Praxisbereiche definiert, die dann den drei Komponenten beruflicher Handlungskompetenz eines Berufspädagogen (Hortsch, 1997) zugeordnet worden sind. Mittels Inhalts- und Dokumentenanalyse wurden einerseits die schulpraktischen und berufspraktischen Anteile in den auf Bachelor-/ Masterstrukturen umgestellten Lehramtsstudiengängen für das höhere Lehramt an berufsbildenden Schulen und der jeweilige Vorbereitungsdienst und andererseits Angebote im Rahmen von Lehrerfort- bzw. Weiterbildung, die der Ausprägung der produktionsorientierten Komponente der beruflichen Handlungskompetenz dienen, ermittelt. Eine schriftliche Befragung von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern an Beruflichen Schulzentren im Freistaat Sachsen wurde mit dem Ziel durchgeführt, den Grad der Ausprägung der drei Komponenten der beruflichen Handlungskompetenz sowie das Fort- und Weiterbildungsverhalten zu untersuchen. Eine zweite schriftliche Befragung bei Partnern der beruflichen Bildung ermittelte deren Bereitschaft zur Kooperation im Rahmen von Lehrerfort- und Weiterbildung.

Teacher Training Via Digital Apprenticeship to Master Teachers of Arabic: Exposure, Reflection, and Replication as Instruments for Change in Novice Instructor Teaching Style

Palmer, Jeremy L. 06 July 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The Modern Language Association (MLA) recently reported that from 1998 to 2002 there was a 92% increase in Arabic programs throughout the United States. With the increase in media coverage of current events in the Middle East, more and more students are desiring to learn about the region's languages and cultures. More teachers of Arabic are needed to meet this growing demand for Arabic instruction. This thesis investigates whether deliberate intervention via explicit and implicit exposure to the instructional behavior, skills, and strategies of master teachers of Arabic, combined with replication thereof, as well as critical personal reflection, positively alters instructor-teaching style (style, defined as behavior and beliefs in Katz, 1996). This thesis is also an attempt to provide an exportable model for the training of novice instructors of Arabic. One model currently being developed by the National Middle East Language Resource Center (NMELRC) is based on video footage of Muhammad Eissa, a master teacher of Arabic, made available by Brigham Young University, as well as additional footage from NMELRC's summer teacher development seminars. The model supports the first two semesters of Arabic instruction, including a set of DVDs of Dr. Muhammad Eissa teaching and interacting with students in a live classroom. The model also includes explicit training footage captured on DVDs from a two-week training seminar that took place at Middlebury College in Middlebury, Vermont, in the summer of 2003. My thesis investigates two types of training in this model: first, implicit training via exposure to Muhammad Eissa, accompanied with various reflective activities; and second, explicit training by way of exposure to, and discussion of, specific pedagogical issues via footage from the 2003 training seminar for instructors of Arabic at Middlebury College. It is hoped that my research will serve as a training model for teacher trainers and language program coordinators at institutions of higher education that desire to offer Arabic courses.

Transformative Learning and Teacher Beliefs: A Comparative Study of International Teacher Experiences

Barnes, Valerie Rose 05 1900 (has links)
This project aims to explore the beliefs of international teachers regarding the students with whom they work, and the change in those beliefs over time. Participant observation, interviews, and questionnaires were used as tools of collection to address the following research questions: How did teachers' beliefs about students change over time? What variables were significantly associated with the rate of change in teacher beliefs about students? What types of challenges did teaches face while living and working in Thailand? Over the course of four months, I shadowed twenty-two U.S. teachers in thirteen different locations throughout Thailand. Participants were enrolled in an international teaching program in Thailand that provided a cultural orientation and teacher training. Participants were then assigned to teaching jobs throughout the country. Qualitative and quantitative data was analyzed using SPSS and NVivo software. This project contributes to the scholarship of teaching and learning, and anthropological and education research dedicated to exploring teachers' beliefs about students. Results of the study provide vital information about what variables or experiences may influence a critical analysis of beliefs among teachers working with students who they perceive as different from themselves. Due to some of the parallels between this study population and that of teachers in public schools within the United States, findings may also be applicable to preservice teacher training contexts that consider ways to help teachers critically reflect on their beliefs and worldviews in preparation for working with students whom they may perceive as different from themselves.

A study of the teaching skills needed for outdoor biology instruction

Heintz, Thomas R. January 2011 (has links)
Typescript (photocopy). / Digitized by Kansas Correctional Industries

An investigation of communities of inquiry within a blended mode of delivery for technology education / Jessica Pool

Pool, Jessica January 2014 (has links)
Enhanced innovative learning through the purposeful development of effective blended teaching and learning environments supported by a variety of interfaces is a strategic focus of the NWU and specifically the Faculty of Educational Science. There are several emerging models to ensure effective online and blended learning but the prominent model that has attracted attention is the Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework developed by Garrison, Anderson and Archer in 2000. The CoI framework is conceptually grounded in theories of teaching and learning in higher education and is consistent with John Dewey’s work on community of inquiry. CoI is deeply rooted into pragmatism as is evident in Dewey’s argument where he explains the idea of extracting meaning from experience. The focused of this study was on blended learning in a graduate teacher training course in Technology Education. The content of Technology as a subject is derived from other disciplines such as science, engineering and design. Due to the unique features of Technology as a subject, it was of great value, within this applied discipline, to investigate the unique patterns and relationships occurring among CoI presences in such a module of a teacher training graduate course. The purpose of the study was to:  develop an understanding of how the three presences (teaching presence, social presence and cognitive presence) in CoI enhance online learning;  investigate the extent of CoI in a blended mode of delivery within a TE graduate course; and  develop, implement and evaluate a module for a graduate course in Technology teacher training for a blended mode of delivery, based on requirements for the development of CoI. A design-based research methodology approach was followed for this study and included qualitative and quantitative methods in a multi-strand design. Design-based research is intrinsically linked to, and developmentally nourished by, multiple design and research methodologies, which utilises many data collection and analysis methods and which makes it suitable for a mixed method research. Findings from the literature review on the value of CoI for the effectiveness of online learning indicated that blended learning is dependent on the ability to facilitate a CoI. It is through the application of the principles for CoI that a successful transition from a face-to-face to a blended mode of delivery for the applied subject TE was possible. Findings with regard to the extent to which CoI manifested itself in this Technology graduate course indicated that teaching presence manifested itself to a good extent in the TE undergraduate course. The main findings that were of concern with regard to teaching presence included: insufficient clear instructions and communication, feelings of isolations and disconnectedness, lack of immediacy and the inability to connect online feedback to lecturer expertise. Although social presence did manifest itself to some extent in the TE undergraduate course, it was the hardest to establish out of the three presences. The main issues arising from the manifestation and existence of social presence included: insufficient sense of belonging in the online environment, students didn’t feel comfortable expressing themselves affectively as well as uneasiness to communicate, interact and participate online with other module participants. Finally, cognitive presence did manifest itself to a satisfying extent in the TE undergraduate course. Findings suggest that there was a not sufficient structured triggering events to create a sense of puzzlement which suggests that more activities must be included that will encourage reflection and therefore will improve the movement through the cognitive inquiry process. Other findings from the study indicated that students experienced time management and the coordination and management of group activities as challenging. These challenges experienced by students reflect a lack of self-regulation skills in learning presence. Other challenges included that students experienced in the online environment of blended learning included: accessibility, lack of technology skills and the newness of blended learning. Design principles for the manifestation and existence of CoI for effective learning within a TE graduate module were establish for teaching presence, social presence and cognitive presence. The research contributed to the field by reporting on the process of how CoI can be enhanced in a blended learning environment for a complex subject such as Technology, and by providing evidence based guidelines for the design and implementation of blended learning with CoI principles as guidelines. / PhD (Curriculum Development Innovation and Evaluation), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

An investigation of communities of inquiry within a blended mode of delivery for technology education / Jessica Pool

Pool, Jessica January 2014 (has links)
Enhanced innovative learning through the purposeful development of effective blended teaching and learning environments supported by a variety of interfaces is a strategic focus of the NWU and specifically the Faculty of Educational Science. There are several emerging models to ensure effective online and blended learning but the prominent model that has attracted attention is the Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework developed by Garrison, Anderson and Archer in 2000. The CoI framework is conceptually grounded in theories of teaching and learning in higher education and is consistent with John Dewey’s work on community of inquiry. CoI is deeply rooted into pragmatism as is evident in Dewey’s argument where he explains the idea of extracting meaning from experience. The focused of this study was on blended learning in a graduate teacher training course in Technology Education. The content of Technology as a subject is derived from other disciplines such as science, engineering and design. Due to the unique features of Technology as a subject, it was of great value, within this applied discipline, to investigate the unique patterns and relationships occurring among CoI presences in such a module of a teacher training graduate course. The purpose of the study was to:  develop an understanding of how the three presences (teaching presence, social presence and cognitive presence) in CoI enhance online learning;  investigate the extent of CoI in a blended mode of delivery within a TE graduate course; and  develop, implement and evaluate a module for a graduate course in Technology teacher training for a blended mode of delivery, based on requirements for the development of CoI. A design-based research methodology approach was followed for this study and included qualitative and quantitative methods in a multi-strand design. Design-based research is intrinsically linked to, and developmentally nourished by, multiple design and research methodologies, which utilises many data collection and analysis methods and which makes it suitable for a mixed method research. Findings from the literature review on the value of CoI for the effectiveness of online learning indicated that blended learning is dependent on the ability to facilitate a CoI. It is through the application of the principles for CoI that a successful transition from a face-to-face to a blended mode of delivery for the applied subject TE was possible. Findings with regard to the extent to which CoI manifested itself in this Technology graduate course indicated that teaching presence manifested itself to a good extent in the TE undergraduate course. The main findings that were of concern with regard to teaching presence included: insufficient clear instructions and communication, feelings of isolations and disconnectedness, lack of immediacy and the inability to connect online feedback to lecturer expertise. Although social presence did manifest itself to some extent in the TE undergraduate course, it was the hardest to establish out of the three presences. The main issues arising from the manifestation and existence of social presence included: insufficient sense of belonging in the online environment, students didn’t feel comfortable expressing themselves affectively as well as uneasiness to communicate, interact and participate online with other module participants. Finally, cognitive presence did manifest itself to a satisfying extent in the TE undergraduate course. Findings suggest that there was a not sufficient structured triggering events to create a sense of puzzlement which suggests that more activities must be included that will encourage reflection and therefore will improve the movement through the cognitive inquiry process. Other findings from the study indicated that students experienced time management and the coordination and management of group activities as challenging. These challenges experienced by students reflect a lack of self-regulation skills in learning presence. Other challenges included that students experienced in the online environment of blended learning included: accessibility, lack of technology skills and the newness of blended learning. Design principles for the manifestation and existence of CoI for effective learning within a TE graduate module were establish for teaching presence, social presence and cognitive presence. The research contributed to the field by reporting on the process of how CoI can be enhanced in a blended learning environment for a complex subject such as Technology, and by providing evidence based guidelines for the design and implementation of blended learning with CoI principles as guidelines. / PhD (Curriculum Development Innovation and Evaluation), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

“I hope I get it. I do hope I figure it out.”: pre-service secondary language arts teachers’ negotiations of high school students’ literacies

Skillen, Matthew Glen January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Curriculum and Instruction Programs / F. Todd Goodson / As the curriculum of American schools becomes more standardized, while teachers face the elevated levels of accountability, and definition of adolescent literacy rapidly expands, teacher education programs must do more to help pre-service teachers prepare for the realities of public education (Boyd, Ariail, Williams, Jocson, & Sachs, 2006). Among these realities exists the looming pressure to demonstrate the ability to help students succeed on standardized assessments that test comprehension-based literacy skills. Meyer (1999) suggests two sets of teacher education reforms have emerged as a result of rising awareness of adolescent literacy in public schools. Meyer (1999) explains “one set focus[es] on the content of teacher education—what courses and topics should be included—and another set focus[es] on the structure—where and when should teacher education take place and who should manage it” (p. 459). In addressing the second set of teacher education reforms, pre-service teachers are often afforded the opportunity to gain valuable professional training in public school classrooms, as field experiences are increasingly seen as an integral piece in the training of pre-service teachers. And, though these initiatives have shown improvement in teacher education, there are concerns, specifically in the field of language arts, that new teachers are not successfully negotiating the void that exists between theory and practice that is evident in some public school settings. So, with an expanding definition of literacy, and the rising awareness of secondary students’ literacy practices, there is a concern that pre-service teachers may in fact be unprepared to negotiate the demands of the career they have chosen for themselves. This study sets out to examine this problem. In preparing for a career in public education, certain expectations are formed by the teacher candidate based on what he or she understands adolescents should be able to do. These expectations are formed from a variety of sources. This study utilizes narrative inquiry to investigate the experiences of pre-service undergraduate language arts teachers who are completing a series of arranged field experiences. This study uses the stories of the participants to examine how the expectations of undergraduate pre-service language arts teachers are formed in regards to the range of high school students’ literacies. The data collected in this study indicate that while each participant in the study is operating from a different life stage, each has developed her own understanding of literacy and has the ability to apply that understanding to improve her practice. The ways in which these individually unique understandings of literacy vary widely and are, by in large, based on the personal experiences of each participant. This narrative study utilizes narrative analysis to investigate the storied experiences of three pre-service language arts teachers, on traditional undergraduate, one nontraditional undergraduate, and one self proclaimed “semi-nontraditional” undergraduate. Throughout the inquiry period, the primary research participants completed a field experience at a public high school located in American Midwest. During this field experience, each primary participant assisted a classroom teacher and tutored high school students during a common study hall period. Data was collected from a variety of sources including: personal interviews, video taped observations, reflective journals, and field notes. The storied experiences provided by the primary participants and field data were then reconstructed into narratives that present a meaningful representation of each participant’s experience in the field. These narratives also served as a meaningful platform for discussion in the final chapter of the report. The results of the study indicate that the participants base their expectations of high school students’ literacies on their own personal experiences. Throughout the inquiry period, each participant recalled their own experiences as a high school student when referencing literacy practices of the high school students under their direction. The narratives further illustrate noticeable differences in the understandings of literacy between the traditional and non-traditional participants. Where as the traditional undergraduates in the study were more reflective in their assessment of high school students’ literacies, the non-traditional undergraduate was more active in meeting the needs of the students she tutored and assisted during the field experience. In addition to providing answers to the primary and secondary research questions that investigate the participants’ developing expectations in terms of high school students’ literacies, the data also present themes that contribute to a better understanding of how the three pre-service language arts teachers negotiate the challenges that come with the major life transition of entering the professional workforce as a schoolteacher. While all three participants represent three different populations of undergraduate college students (i.e.: traditional, “semi-nontraditional”, and nontraditional), common themes of fear and uncertainty are present in each participant’s narrative. While these results are reminiscent of Fuller’s (1969) findings, it is important to understand that these feelings of fear and uncertainty are still present after forty years of advancements in teacher education. Which leads to further examination of the experiences these three participants have shared about the training they have received. Additionally, because each participant’s life experiences vary greatly from the other participants in the study, these feelings of fear and uncertainty are manifested differently for each participant. The findings of this study could have lasting implications to the fields of adolescent literacy and teacher education. While the definition of literacy is expanding to include not only academic literacy but social literacy practices that students experience beyond the classroom, the data in this study indicate that the participants who are close in age to the students the are preparing to teach seem open minded to use alternative texts that support academic literacies while encouraging students to explore their own interests. Additionally, each participant shared that she could benefit from more extensive field experiences where she could learn more about teaching as it is done in the field. And, as the data collected in this study indicate, more varied experiences tend to provide undergraduates with the necessary context to more successfully negotiate the demands of providing quality instruction.

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