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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Prática pedagógica do professor-tutor em educação a distância no curso Veredas - Formação Superior de Professores / Pedagogic practice of a teacher-tutor in a distance education course (EaD) - Veredas - Under Graduate Course for Teachers

Zeila Miranda Ferreira 31 March 2009 (has links)
A pesquisa tem por objetivo, compreender as possibilidades e os desafios da prática pedagógica do professor-tutor no curso Veredas, destinado à habilitação de professores das séries iniciais do ensino fundamental, na modalidade de Educação a Distância EaD). O estudo da prática do tutor no Veredas se deu por meio de pesquisa de campo, na Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (AFOR UFU), em Uberlândia, MG, no período de janeiro de 2003 a julho de 2005. Para melhor compreender de que modo e em que condições o tutor desenvolveu sua função de mediação pedagógica na formação de professores e qual a percepção dos tutores acerca da própria prática, observamos as atividades dos tutores nos encontros presenciais do curso. Realizamos entrevista semiestruturada com tutores e coordenadores, grupo focal com cursistas e análise documental. Participaram da pesquisa, dez tutores e trinta cursistas do total de 42 tutores e 630 professores cursistas. Os resultados mostraram que o Veredas apresentou avanços e inovação no que diz respeito à formação superior de professores das séries iniciais do ensino fundamental em EaD. Entretanto, a pesquisa aponta aspectos que precisam ser corrigidos e aperfeiçoados para melhor atender às necessidades de cursistas e tutores. Esses aspectos envolvem desde o processo seletivo dos tutores, as condições de trabalho até a criação de espaços autoformativos e formativos para o desempenho das funções que exercem. A EaD requer um professor-tutor capaz de refletir e pesquisar a própria prática, com vistas a transformá-la e ressignificá-la. O discurso e prática dos tutores são mesclados por inconsistentes concepções de educação, EaD, professor-tutor, ensino e aprendizagem. Transitam entre abordagens tradicionais, construtivistas e sociointeracionistas e explicitam reduzidos conhecimentos acerca destes elementos e da modalidade à distância. Na maior parte dos encontros presenciais, os tutores se mostram confusos, inseguros, carentes de orientações e de apoio didático-pedagógico, metodológico, tecnológico e administrativo. Apresentaram dificuldades com o planejamento, a coordenação de atividades interativas, colaborativas e significativas, orientações do estágio, monografia e memorial. Demonstraram fragilidades teórico-prática sobre os diversos saberes, competências e habilidades que envolvem a docência, na perspectiva crítico-reflexiva-investigativa em EaD. Consideramos que ficou comprometida a mediação pedagógica e a orientação acadêmica, no sentido de desenvolver nos cursistas práticas reflexivas, interativas e cooperativas, a articulação teoria-prática, autogestão e autonomia no aprendizado. Tal cenário confirma e explicita a urgência e necessidade de autoformação, de formação contínua do professor-tutor em serviço para dar conta de uma formação superior de professores qualificada em EaD. / The purpose of this paper is to comprehend the possibilities and the challenges of the pedagogic practice of a teacher-tutor in the Veredas course, aimed at enabling teachers in the initial grades of elementary schools, Distance Education System (EaD). The study of the tutor practice in Veredas course was through a field research in the Federal University of Uberlândia (AFOR UFU) in the city of Uberlândia, state of Minas Gerais, from January 2003 through July 2005. To better comprehend how and in what conditions the tutor developed his/her job of pedagogic mediation in the teachers development and the perceptions of the tutors concerning their own practice, we observed the activities of the tutors in the physical on site meetings during the course. We performed semistructured interviews with tutors and coordinators, focus group with students and document analysis. Some ten tutors and thirty students, out of 42 tutors and 630 student teachers, participated in the research. The results demonstrated that the Veredas course showed advancement and innovation concerning the development of the under graduate course of the initial grade teachers of elementary schools in distance education. However, the research shows aspects that need to be corrected and improved to better suit the needs of the teacher students and tutors. These aspects entangle since the selection procedure of the tutors, the working conditions up to the creation of self-formative and formative spaces to perform their tasks. Distance education requires a teacher-tutor that is able to reflect and research his/her own practice aiming at changing them and giving them a new meaning. The speech and practice of the tutors are mixed with inconsistent conceptions of education, distance education, teacher-tutor, teaching, and learning. They use traditional approach, constructivism, and social-interactionism and show little knowledge concerning these aspects as well as the distance education. In most part of the on site meetings, the tutors seemed confused, insecure, with lack of directions and lack of didactic-pedagogic, methodological, technological, and administrative support. They showed difficulty with the planning and the coordination of the interactive collaborative and significative tasks, internship orientation, dissertation, and the other reflective papers about practices. They also showed little theoretical-practical knowledge concerning various subjects, competence and abilities which entangle the teaching in a critic-reflective-investigative perspective in distance education. We conclude that the pedagogic mediation and academic orientation have been compromised in the way to develop in the teacher students reflective, interactive and cooperative practices, the theoretical-practical articulation, self management and autonomy in the learning process. Such scenario confirms and unveils the urgent need of self-development, continuous development of the working teacher-tutor to be able to carry out the task of majoring teachers in distance education.

Literatura inglesa e norte americana e formação de professores em universidades particulares / English and North-American literatures and teachers development in private universities

Adriana da Silva Araujo 18 September 2006 (has links)
Essa pesquisa qualitativa investiga a leitura do texto literário em aulas de Literatura Inglesa e Norte Americana dentro do curso de Letras em universidades particulares da Grande São Paulo. A pesquisa observa o papel da leitura de textos literários ingleses e norte americanos, visando analisar a competência interpretativa dos alunos do ensino superior. Para tanto, foram observadas e analisadas aulas e entrevistados alunos e professores de literatura inglesa e Norte Americana. Essa pesquisa também dialoga com outras pesquisas que tiveram como foco a sala de aula de literaturas em língua inglesa no ensino universitário. Duas características se revelam nos dados sobre a educação literária: 1) a transmissão de dados relacionados com o texto literário e 2) a sala de aula de literatura ser vista pelos alunos apenas como um espaço onde se obter informações sobre literatura. Tais observações conduzem à percepção do predomínio da \"reprodução de leituras\" nessa área. Esses trabalho também apresenta resultados de experiências em que a interpretação e a construção de sentidos são enfatizadas nos estudos literários. A proposta pedagógica nas atividades dessas experiências parte da premissa de que as aulas de Literatura Estrangeira constituem um espaço transformador que pode contribuir para o crescimento crítico dos estudantes e para a formação de professores / This ethnography-based report attempts at researching the reading of literary texts in English and North American literature classes in undergraduate courses in private universities in São Paulo region. This research looks at the role of reading literary English and North American texts, focusing on the analysis of the interpretative competence of under graduate students. It is accomplished by class observations and analyses and interviews with university teachers and students of English and North American literature. This research also dialogues with previous researches that had focused the teaching of literature in English in Brazilian universities. Two main traits have shown out in the data about literary education: 1) the transmission of data related to the literary text and 2) the literary class seen by students as a place where they gather information about literature. As for that, the observations lead to the perception of the predominance of \"reproductive reading\" in the area. This research also presents the results of experiences in which the interpretation and the meaning construction are emphasized in the literary studies. The pedagogic proposal in the mentioned experiences looks at the literature classroom as site for promoting reflection, awareness, meaning construction, and critical sense which may contribute to the development of critical literacy of students and teachers-to-be

O papel das entrevistas de aloconfrontação na formação de professores iniciantes de francês como língua estrangeira / The role of allo-confrontation interviews on the development of French as a foreign language beginning teachers

Naiara Alves Duarte 10 October 2017 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo investigar o processo de formação de professores iniciantes de francês como língua estrangeira (FLE) sob o enfoque do ensino como trabalho. De forma mais específica, pretendemos analisar o papel das entrevistas de aloconfrontação (MOLLO, FALZON, 2004) nesse processo, identificando os questionamentos dos professores quando se veem diante de dilemas do trabalho de ensino vividos por outros professores e a forma como essas entrevistas podem contribuir para a construção de noções sobre o trabalho do professor de FLE. Para a compreensão desse processo sob o ponto de vista dos próprios professores, realizamos nosso estudo no contexto de um curso de francês em extensão universitária. Fizemos uso da aloconfrontação (MOLLO, FALZON, 2004), um método de intervenção formativa baseado na noção de confrontação entre o sujeito e sua atividade realizada por outros, em que, primeiramente, realizamos reuniões de discussão sobre o trabalho a fim de identificar os questionamentos dos professores desse contexto e, em um segundo momento, convidamos quatro professores a assistirem a vídeos de aulas de outros professores e comentarem-nos, possibilitando, assim, que eles verbalizassem seus questionamentos. O corpus desta pesquisa consiste nos textos das reuniões e das entrevistas e foi analisado segundo os pressupostos teórico-metodológicos do Interacionismo Sociodiscursivo (BRONCKART, 1999, 2004; BULEA, 2010). Adotamos como referência pesquisas produzidas no Brasil que consideram o ensino como um trabalho (LOUSADA, 2006, 2011; MACHADO, 2004, 2007) contamos, também, com aportes teóricos da Clínica da Atividade (CLOT, 1999, 2001a, 2008) e da Ergonomia da Atividade (FAITA, 2004, 2011; AMIGUES, 2002, 2004; SAUJAT, 2004). Os resultados de nossas análises permitiram-nos identificar alguns questionamentos dos professores iniciantes de FLE que participaram de nossa pesquisa e observar o posicionamento deles diante de suas dificuldades. Além disso, pudemos observar a construção de noções sobre o trabalho do professor de FLE propiciadas pelas verbalizações e generalizações da experiência vivida dos participantes. Entre outras contribuições, destacamos que a pesquisa confirmou o papel das aloconfrontações como um instrumento (VYGOTSKI, 1934/1997) que contribui para a reflexão sobre outras maneiras de realizar o trabalho do professsor de FLE , portanto para sua formação. / This dissertation goal is to study the process of development of beginning teachers of French as a foreign language (FLE) under the focus of teaching as work. In a more specific way, we aim at analyzing the role of allo-confrontation interviews (MOLLO, FALZON, 2004) in this process. To do so, we tried to identify teachers queries when they face teaching dilemmas lived by other teachers and to study how these interviews can contribute to the construction of notions about the FLE teachers work. In order to understand this process from the point of view of the teachers, we conducted our study in the context of a French open course at the University. We used allo-confrontation (MOLLO, FALZON, 2004), a method of formative intervention based on the concept of confrontation between the subject and its activity performed by others. First, we made some discussion meetings about the work in order to identify teachers queries in this context and, in a second moment, we invited four teachers to watch and to comment recorded classes from other teachers, making it possible for them to verbalize about their own queries. Our research corpus consists of texts from these meetings and interviews which were analyzed according to the theoretical and methodological assumptions of Socio-Discursive Interactionism (BRONCKART, 1999, 2004; BULEA, 2010). Our study is also based on studies produced in Brazil which consider teaching as work (LOUSADA, 2006, 2011; MACHADO, 2004, 2007), as well as in many theoretical contributions from Clinic of Activity (CLOT, 1999, 2001a, 2008) and Ergonomics of Activity (FAITA, 2004, 2011; AMIGUES, 2002, 2004; SAUJAT, 2004). The results of our analyzes led us to two conclusions: we could observe some queries from the beginning teachers of FLE who participated of our research and their opinion on their own difficulties. Besides that, we could observe that the fact participants verbalized and generalized their lived experience allowed the construction of notions of the teacher of FLEs work. Among other contributions, we highlight that our research confirmed the role of the allo-confrontation as an instrument (VYGOTSKI, 1934/1997) that contributes to think about ways of doing teachers of FLE work and to their development.

Technology and Special Education: Designing Effective Professional Development for Equitable and Inclusive Classrooms

Du, Xiaoxue January 2021 (has links)
This dissertation investigates the adaptation of a research-based professional development approach, Innovating Instruction, for special education teachers. This adapted approach uses assistive technology (AT) as a catalyst for helping teachers acquire design skills needed to include more inquiry-based practices. The adapted approach introduces effective teaching practices based on the learning sciences and demonstrates multiple ways to use AT to meet the needs of students. To address the “unexamined link between the use of design practices and the introduction of technology within a learning science framework,” (Meier, 2018, p.142), the Innovating Instruction© professional development framework (2018) at the Center for Technology and School Change provides a three-part approach to implement these changes: design, situate, lead. Two recent National Science Foundation grants have established the model’s positive impact on teachers’ ability to design projects, to shift from disciplinary to transdisciplinary project design, and to shift instructional thinking to include inquiry-based approaches. This dissertation responds to an important challenge in special education: the limited opportunities to prepare special education teachers to provide high-quality instruction to support all students. It uses technology as a catalyst to help special education teachers learn about design practices that engage students in inquiry practices that are culturally relevant and build on student strengths. The intervention introduced teachers to inquiry-driven design practices and used technology that supported new ways of understanding the capacity of special needs students through a six-month professional development program. The research design used was a convergent parallel mixed methods approach to analyze both qualitative and qualitative data to capture how special education teachers used AT to design inquiry-based learning. The analysis revealed a statistically significant shift over the period of the professional development, implementation, and reflection phases in terms of teachers’ ability to design inquiry-based projects that integrated AT. Also, the findings showed the importance of “situating” teachers’ needs, encouraging collaborative learning with colleagues, and developing a shared knowledge base of inquiry-based teaching strategies in special education classrooms. Findings from teacher questionnaires and interviews showed emerging leadership activities: teachers took more initiative to design projects and collaborate with other teachers in the school community.

Internal quality assurance of a distance teacher education programme : the case of Lesotho

Phenduka, Ntaeboso January 2013 (has links)
This paper looks at the qualitative study of distance learning at Lesotho College of Education. In 2002 the college was tasked by the Government of Lesotho with the provision of distance education to unqualified and under-qualified teachers. It is the experiences, feelings and observations of the professional learners as they progress through the distance teacher education programme. It looks at the internal quality assurance process within the college. Student support is enhanced by short contact sessions on a weekend at centre level where tutors provide assistance once a month. All professional learners meet at the college at the end of each semester for a week long contact session followed by the examinations. Semi-structured interviews were used to elicit experiences, feelings and observations about the programme. The results indicate that whilst there are challenges, there are lots of positives within the programme. / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2014 / Science, Mathematics and Technology Education / unrestricted

The contribution of instructional leadership to learner performance

Mafuwane, Barber Mbangwa 18 April 2012 (has links)
This is an explanatory research investigation on the role of principals as instructional leaders which has been highlighted over the past two to three decades. The emergence of this concept in the leadership field and the rigorous research attention that it has received is a result of mounting pressure faced by principals as a result of the year-on-year poor performance of learners in the matriculation examinations. Parents, politicians and other organs of civil society expect principals to be accountable for what happens in the classroom (teaching and learning), including the performance of learners. The poor performance of learners in the matriculation examinations is the central focus of this study, growing out of the discussions and arguments which have dominated the media, social and political groupings, government, as well as the business sector. All these groupings and institutions are perturbed about the decline of learner performance in the matriculation examinations and seek possible solutions to this problem. I was therefore intrigued by the above concerns, which motivated me to engage in this study. This study set out to investigate the variables related to instructional leadership and the contribution of these variables to learner performance. The study was guided by the following research question: What are the variables related to instructional leadership practices of secondary school principals and what is their effect on the pass rate in the matriculation examinations? In order to respond to the above question, the following subsidiary questions were examined: a. How can instructional leadership possibly contribute to the improvement of learner performance? b. How do heads of department (HODs) and deputy principals perceive the role of their principals regarding instructional leadership? c. How are principals prepared with regard to their role as instructional leaders? This study followed an explanatory, mixed method research approach, utilising two sets of questionnaires (one for principals and another for HODs and deputy principals), semi-structured interviews, and focus group interviews. Seventy eight principals completed questionnaires regarding the performance of their learners. One hundred and thirty-seven deputy principals and HODs completed questionnaires regarding their principals‟ roles in instructional leadership and contribution to learner performance. The interviewing process took place in two stages / phases. During the first phase, a group of sixty principals was exposed to the four variables which underpin this study, namely: a. The principals’ role in promoting frequent and appropriate school-wide teacher development activities; b. Defining and communicating shared vision and goals; c. Monitoring and providing feedback on the teaching and learning process; and d. Managing the curriculum and instruction. In fifteen groups of four, the respondents brainstormed the strength of each variable and prioritised or arranged them in order of their importance and contribution to learner achievement. The outcome of this first phase of the interview process and the findings from the analysis of the questionnaires informed the formulation of questions for the face-to-face interviews with five principals who were randomly selected from the seventy eight principals who participated in the completion of the questionnaires for the quantitative part of this study. The key insights and contributions drawn from this study make it unique in the sense that it: <ul><li> has an impact on the preparation of principals for their role as instructional leaders; </li><li> informs the support that principals need with regard to their practice as instructional leaders; </li><li> assists principals to identify appropriate variables to help align their own visions for their schools with the national, provincial and regional visions for the improvement of learner achievement; </li><li> adds value to the existing body of knowledge on instructional leadership and the central role that it plays in improving the achievement levels of learners in the National Senior Certificate; and </li><li> clarifies the fact that "leadership" is not a semantic substitute for "management and administration", but rather an independent construct which is capable of interacting with the latter in the practice of education. </li></ul> / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Education Management and Policy Studies / unrestricted

The Cycle of Inquiry Rubric: for Facilitating Teacher Development with Emergent Curricula Planning

Broderick, Jane Tingle, Hong, Seong Bock 01 January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Språkinriktad undervisning i mediaämnet : Ett autoetnografiskt utvecklingsarbete i gymnasieskolan / Language focused teaching in Media studies : An autoethnographic development work in upper secondary school

Fagerström, Johan January 2022 (has links)
In connection with the introduction of the current curriculum in 2011, a student’s language development became the shared responsibility of all subject areas. This imply that a student’s knowledge development can be strengthened no matter the subject area through teaching methods that focus on developing language skills.The purpose of this study is to develop the teaching of the subject ‘Digital Creation’ using a language-improvement perspective. The questions asked include: what do the contents and structure of a teaching plan with focus on language development look like in practice and how can my teaching develop through planning and focusing on language development?The theoretical basis has been taken from the Swedish National Agency for Education's competence development initiative ‘Läslyftet’ where a part of a module has been selected. Its content has formed the basis for processing an already existing lesson plan, which then has been tried and evaluated through a series of lesson trials. The work has been carried out in the form of practical development work using an autoethnographic method, where own reflections together with the students' results and evaluations formed the basis for further reflection and analysis.Existing research,which formed the basis for the structure and method of the work, shows that development and persistent change in teachers' method of teaching often relies on new ideas and tools tried in practice. By implementation through new experiences, positive and persistent change can occur.This development project indicates that the teacher can, with relatively few tools, get a more language-oriented approach in their teaching. The result suggests that it can have a positive impact on students' knowledge development and understanding.

Secondary Mathematics Teachers' Mindsets

Kunz, Emily Ann Hales 11 August 2020 (has links)
Much research supports that student mindset influences how well students do in school and that teacher actions influence student mindset. Research has also shown that just because a teacher has a growth mindset, it does not imply that their students will also have a growth mindset. This research looks closer as to why a teacher's mindset does not correlate with their students' mindset by further examining teacher mindset and the connection between teacher mindset and teacher actions. In summary, teachers' mindsets do not directly influence student mindset for a few reasons: secondary mathematics teachers have different mindsets towards honors and regular students, while they have heard about mindset, they do not understand mindset deeply, and mathematics teachers do not know how to help their students develop a growth mindset.

Investigating the implementation of a school-based literacy intervention programme: A case of grade one isiXhosa speaking learners in the Western Cape

Nondalana, Nomfundo Tiny January 2016 (has links)
Magister Educationis - Med / The purpose of this study was to investigate the implementation of a Literacy Intervention Programme with Grade One isiXhosa speaking learners in one primary school in the Western Cape. The study was motivated by the persisting low literacy levels in the Foundation Phase which have been reported in the Annual National Assessment (ANA) reports since 2011. The Department of Basic Education (DBE) and the Provincial Departments of Education have designed many intervention programmes to assist teachers in teaching literacy to young learners. These programmes include teacher development workshops and the supply of literacy materials in schools. Schools also have their own intervention programmes to support learners who struggle with reading and writing. Despite these efforts, there is no significant improvement in learners' literacy levels. Therefore, this study investigated how the literacy intervention programme for Grade one was implemented in one township school in Cape Town.

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