Spelling suggestions: "subject:"4teachers attitudes."" "subject:"4teachers atttitudes.""
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Teacher’s beliefs, gender differences, and mathematicsLi, Qing 05 1900 (has links)
The major focus of this study is to explore, using the 1990 British
Columbia Mathematics Assessment data at the Grade 7 level, gender
differences in mathematics teachers' beliefs. As well, this study compared
these differences to gender differences of students' beliefs found in the
same data.
The theoretical rationale for this study is based on a model devised
by this researcher, namely the Modified Cognitively Guided Instruction
(CGI) Research Model, which is the combination of the Cognitively Guided
Instruction Research Model (Fennema, Carpenter, and Peterson, 1989) and
the Autonomous Learning Behavior (ALB) Model (Fennema & Peterson,
Two way ANOVA as well as planned comparisons (t-test) were used
to investigate gender differences within and across a random sample of two
status groups (teachers and students). The analysis of the data suggested
several conclusions.
First, male and female teachers are more similar than different with
respect to their beliefs regarding the importance and difficulty of selected
mathematics topics. And, Numbers and Operations was the only topic
under study in which male and female teachers differed significantly. Male
teachers rated Numbers and Operations more important than female
teachers. Second, gender differences existed only in students' beliefs about the
difficulty of Geometry, and Numbers and Operations. Female students,
compared to male students, believe Geometry and Numbers and Operations
more difficult.
Third, the findings of this study show that the gender differences
within each status group are similar. In addition, significant gender
difference was found only in overall male's and female's (regardless of
their status) beliefs about the importance of Numbers and Operations.
Males rated Numbers and Operations significantly more important than
females. Further research which directly investigates gender differences in
teachers' beliefs and students' beliefs is suggested, as well as further
research into relationships between gender differences in teachers' and
students' beliefs.
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Teacher’s beliefs, gender differences, and mathematicsLi, Qing 05 1900 (has links)
The major focus of this study is to explore, using the 1990 British
Columbia Mathematics Assessment data at the Grade 7 level, gender
differences in mathematics teachers' beliefs. As well, this study compared
these differences to gender differences of students' beliefs found in the
same data.
The theoretical rationale for this study is based on a model devised
by this researcher, namely the Modified Cognitively Guided Instruction
(CGI) Research Model, which is the combination of the Cognitively Guided
Instruction Research Model (Fennema, Carpenter, and Peterson, 1989) and
the Autonomous Learning Behavior (ALB) Model (Fennema & Peterson,
Two way ANOVA as well as planned comparisons (t-test) were used
to investigate gender differences within and across a random sample of two
status groups (teachers and students). The analysis of the data suggested
several conclusions.
First, male and female teachers are more similar than different with
respect to their beliefs regarding the importance and difficulty of selected
mathematics topics. And, Numbers and Operations was the only topic
under study in which male and female teachers differed significantly. Male
teachers rated Numbers and Operations more important than female
teachers. Second, gender differences existed only in students' beliefs about the
difficulty of Geometry, and Numbers and Operations. Female students,
compared to male students, believe Geometry and Numbers and Operations
more difficult.
Third, the findings of this study show that the gender differences
within each status group are similar. In addition, significant gender
difference was found only in overall male's and female's (regardless of
their status) beliefs about the importance of Numbers and Operations.
Males rated Numbers and Operations significantly more important than
females. Further research which directly investigates gender differences in
teachers' beliefs and students' beliefs is suggested, as well as further
research into relationships between gender differences in teachers' and
students' beliefs. / Education, Faculty of / Curriculum and Pedagogy (EDCP), Department of / Graduate
153 |
The Perceptions of Teachers Toward Factors of Motivation to Work Who are Grouped According to the Way in Which They Perceived the Organizational Climate in Their SchoolShapiro, Michael L. (Michael Lawrence) 08 1900 (has links)
The problems of this study, using secondary teachers in selected schools in Region X, Texas, was to determine (a) How teachers perceived the climate in their school using the Organizational Climate Description Questionnaire (OCDQ); (b) how teachers perceived factors of motivation to work using the Educational Work Components Study questionnaire (EWCS); (c) whether or not teachers who perceived the climate similarly had different perceptions concerning factors of motivation to work. A sample of 600 secondary teachers in Service Center Region X, Texas, was selected to participate, of which 422 completed and returned the two questionnaires (Organizational Climate Description Questionnaire and Educational Work Components Study).
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Factors that promote the level of job satisfaction among school educators: an education management perspectiveMaforah, Tsholofelo Pauline 11 1900 (has links)
In this dissertation the findings of a survey on 100 inner-city independent school educators, concerning the factors that affect the level of job satisfaction are presented. It was found that educators derive most of their job satisfaction from interpersonal relationships. Dissatisfaction was mainly the result of low salaries, low status in the community, poor facilities and lack of security. Most of the educators were looking for alternative employment and regarded employment in public schools as a much better option. Recommendations were made to principals on how to improve the factors that affect the level of job satisfaction for educators. / Educational Studies / MED (EDUC MANAGEMENT)
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A culture of violent behaviour in contemporary society :DiGiulio, Robert C., 1949- January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (D. Ed.)--University of South Africa, 2001.
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Några grundskollärares uppfattningar om elevers resultat i läsförståelse : En komparativ studie i ett urval svenska och finska grundskollärares förhållningssätt till läsförståelse bland elever i grundskolan, åk 4-6. / Some school teachers' perceptions of the pupils' performance in reading comprehension : A comparative study of a selection of Swedish and Finnish primary school teachers' approach to reading comprehension among pupils in elementary school, grades 4-6.Savinen Andersson, Sari January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to provide an insight into six primary school teachers’ attitudes, ideas and approaches to teaching reading comprehension in Finnish and Swedish schools. In addition, the informants’ reflections on the PISA studies’ results concerning reading comprehension are also included. The study is comparative and based on interviews with primary school teachers in Finland and Sweden. Six teachers, three from a Finish school and three from different Swedish schools, have been interviewed by e-mail. The result shows that on the one hand there are some similarities but also differences both concerning approach and practice. Regarding the reasons why the PISA results differ between the two countries, the informants seem to differ because they have different views on how their colleagues in the other country work and they have no knowledge of each other´s work.
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Strategies and attitudes of teachers towards learners with behaviour problems in rural areas of the Limpopo Privince, South AfricaMudau, Mpheletshedzeni Joyce 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This .study is .almed at exploring teacher attitudes towards learners presenting with
behavior problems and the subsequent strategies they use to manage such problems.
Teachers under consideration are from the Limpopo Province, South Africa. In order to
better understand the impact of such attitudes and strategies, theoretical underpinnings
from the literature as well as the effect of training are also considered. Data gathered from
this study was analysed by means of SPSS using descriptive statistics. High levels of
behavioural problems appear to be present in the respondents' classrooms, with most
teachers attempting to deal with these issues in a contextual manner. Furthermore, those
respondents who have received training would appear to be doing so more than those
teachers who have not received training. Results of this study also highlight areas on
which future research could focus. These include teacher emotions and the effect training
has on these emotions. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie het ten doelom onderwysers se houdings te ondersoek teenoor leerders
met gedragsprobleme en die strategieë wat hulle gebruik om sulke probleme te hanteer.
Die onderwysers is woonagtig in die Limpopo Provinsie, Suid Afrika. Deur gebruik te
maak van beskrywende statistiek, is die data wat ingesamel is deur middel van die SPSSprogram
Dit blyk dat die voorkoms van gedragsprobleme hoog is en dat onderwysers dit op
uiteenlopende maniere binne konteks hanteer. Die studie het verder getoon dat die
respondente wat opleiding ontvang het die probleme meer effektief hanteer as daardie
respondente wat nie opleiding ontvang het nie. Die studie beklemtoon die belang van die
houdings van onderwysers in die hantering van gedragsprobleme in die klaskamer en
maak ook aanbevelings vir verdere navorsing in hierdie verband.
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Teachers' attitudes towards working with students with special educational needs in mainstream classes in EgyptMomberg, Naadia 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEdPsych)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / Recent developments in education have focused on exploring different ways of
responding to the diverse learning needs of students. The international trend has
been to move towards an inclusive approach based on democratic principles in
education, including students with special educational needs in mainstream schools
and classrooms.
Egypt, an initial signatory to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, has not
escaped the prominence of inclusive education on the international education
agenda. No legislation on inclusion in schools has been promulgated in Egypt.
Furthermore, information is lacking regarding teachers' attitudes towards working
with students with special educational needs in mainstream classes, despite the fact
that teacher attitude are instrumental in determining the success or failure of
inclusive education. The aim of the research, therefore, was to identify teachers'
attitudes towards inclusive education.
For the purpose of this study, a non-experimental quantitative research design with
specific reference to survey research was chosen. The population consisted of
teachers in five schools in Alexandria and Cairo and a questionnaire was designed.
Data was analysed using the statistical programme SPSS (14.0 for Windows).
Results indicate that teachers in Egypt have serious reservations about the feasibility
of accommodating students with special educational needs in their classrooms.
Curriculum development, educational support, funding opportunities, as well as the
training of teachers, need to be addressed in order to facilitate the development of
inclusive educational strategies.
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Die invloed van onderwysers se demokratiese waardes op hulle houding teenoor inklusiewe onderwysOswald, Marietjie M 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--Universiteit van Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Since 1994 the South African government has been committed to the transformation
of the educational system driven by the process of democratisation. Inclusive
education, as a recent initiative in education, finds its philosophical position within
the niche created by the democratic ideal of freedom. equality and justice. Both the
teacher and teacher training are key elements within the process of educational
transformation. Successful transformation in the schools and classrooms depends
upon a change of heart on the part of every teacher in the school. The establishment
of a democratic way of life in learners and the successful implementation of inclusive
education require that the whole school community, including the teachers, undergo
a paradigm shift.
The primary purpose of the study was to obtain a clear picture of the teachers'
democratic values and their attitude to inclusive education as well as the relationship
between their democratic/autocratic orientations and their attitude to inclusive
education. The study was done using mainly qualitative research, but it also had a
small quantitative component, which was limited to the data collection and data
analysis phases. The research findings may be described as follows:
• The participating teachers are still in a transitional phase on the road to the
transformation of school and classroom practice and are resisting the
renewal in education.
• Although they find the philosophic underpinnings of inclusive education
acceptable, they do not see themselves as ready for the implementation
• There is a significant correlation between the teachers' democratic/
autocratic orientations and their attitude to inclusive education.
The findings of this study have critical implications for teacher training within a
process of transformation, such as we are in at present. During an in-service training
programme teachers should be brought to the point where they can place their own
values, and attitudes under the microscope and to change them. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sedert 1994 is die Suid-Afrikaanse regering verbind tot die transformering van die
onderwyssisteem soos gestuur deur In proses van demokratisering. Inklusiewe
onderwys as In onlangse inisiatief in die onderwys vind 'n filosofiese staanplek binne
die nis soos deur die demokratiese ideaal van vryheid, gelykheid en regverdigheid
geskep. Beide die onderwyser en onderwyseropleiding is sleutelelemente binne 'n
proses van transformasie in die onderwys. Suksesvolle transformasie in skole en
klaskamers is afhanklik van In persoonlike harts- en wilsverandering van elke
onderwyser in die skool. Die vestiging van In demokratiese lewenswyse by leerders
en die suksesvolle implementering van inklusiewe onderwys vra dus In
paradigmaskuif van die hele skoolgemeenskap, insluitende die onderwyser.
Die doel van hierdie studie was eerstens om In duidelike beeld te verkry van
onderwysers se demokratiese waardes, hulle houding teenoor inklusiewe onderwys
en ook die verband tussen hulle demokraties/outokratiese orientasies en hulle
houding teenoor inklusiewe onderwys. Die ondersoek is gedoen aan hand van In
oorwegend kwalitatiewe studie, maar met In klein kwantitatiewe komponent wat net
in die data-insamelings- en -analisefases gefigureer het. Die navorsingsbevindinge
kan as volg aangedui word:
• Die deelnemende onderwysers bevind hulle nog in In oorgangsfase na die
transformering van die skool- en klaskamerpraktyk en bied weerstand teen
die vernuwing in die onderwys.
• Alhoewel die filosofiese begronding van inklusiewe onderwys vir hulle
aanvaarbaar is, beskou hulle hulleself nie as gereed vir die
implementeringsfase nie.
• In Beduidende verband is bevind tussen onderwysers se
demokraties/outokratiese orientasles en hulle houding teenoor inklusiewe
Die bevindinge van hierdie studie hou krities-belangrike implikasies in vir
onderwyseropleiding binne In proses van transformasie van die
onderwyssisteem soos tans die geval. Onderwysers behoort binne In indiens-opleidingsprogram begelei te word om eie waardes, oortuigings en houdings
onder loep te neem en te verander.
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Leerkragte se belewing van bemagtiging en die implikasies daarvan vir die skoolkultuur en -klimaat : 'n ondersoek aan 'n hoërskool in die Suid-KaapJoubert, Francois 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In the light of the emphasis on the decentralization of school management in South
Africa, the empowerment of all role players to be involved in decision-making has
became crucial.
My concern is with the experience of the process of empowerment by leaders in
The implications of empowerment or the lack there-off for the school culture and
climate, as well as the underlying role played by the leadership approach of
educational leaders, are examined.
By engaging in an interpretative analysis of data (questionnaires which contains the
views of various role players) I examined the relationship between empowerment,
school culture and climate, as well as transformational leadership.
Empowerment is not a simplistic concept which is clear from the mutual coherence
between the school culture and climate and the particular role assumed by the
transformational approach. The particular interaction between transformational
leadership, empowerment and the school culture and climate implies greater clarity
from all role players about the impact of empowerment.
In this way participative management can realise in a spontaneous manner and can
change be seen as a unique opportunity to improve teaching and learning.
KEY WORDS Empowerment, school culture and climate and transformational
leadership. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In die lig van die klem op die desentralisasie van skoolbestuur in Suid-Afrika is die
bemagtiging van alle rolspelers tot effektiewe deelname in besluitneming
onontbeerlik. My besorgdheid is met die belewing van die proses van bemagtiging
deur onderwysleiers. Die implikasies van bemagtiging of die gebrek daaraan vir die
skoolkultuur en -klimaat, asook die onderliggende rol wat die leierskapbenadering van
die onderwysleiers in die verband speel, is ook ondersoek.
Verbind tot 'n interpretatiewe data-analise (vraelyste met die menings van verskeie
rolspelers daarin vervat) het ek die verband tussen bemagtiging, skoolkultuur en
-klimaat en transformatiewe leierskap ondersoek.
Bemagtiging is nie 'n simplistiese begrip nie dit blyk onder meer uit die onderlinge
samehang daarvan met skoolkultuur en -klimaat en die besondere rol wat die
transformatiewe leierskapbenadering veronderstel. Die besondere wisselwerking
tussen transformatiewe leierskap, bemagtiging en skoolkultuur en -klimaat vereis 'n
groter duidelikheid by alle rolspelers oor die impak van bemagtiging. Sodoende
realiseer deelnemende bestuur spontaan en word verandering as 'n besondere
geleentheid beskou om onderrig en leer voortdurend te verbeter.
SLEUTELWOORDE Bemagtiging, skoolkultuur en -klimaat en transformatiewe
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