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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Adolessent wat mishandel is se verhouding met God : 'n pastorale gestaltbenadering

Denton, Rudy Arthur 30 November 2005 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans with summaries in Afrikaans and English / Mishandeling is een van die mees traumatiese ervarings wat die adolessent kan beleef en beïnvloed sy totale ontwikkeling. Die doel met hierdie navorsing was om deur intervensie te bepaal of mishandeling enige implikasies het vir die adolessent se verhouding met God. Die pastorale en Gestaltterapie is aangewend om die adolessent wat mishandel is in sy verhouding met God te begelei. In die pastorale Gestaltterapiebenadering is daar rekening gehou met die dinamiese konteks van lewenservaring en betekenisvelde in die Godsbeeld van die adolessent. Hierdeur is die impak bepaal van die adolessent se ervaring, waarneming en verwagting van God. Die uitgangspunt van die pastorale Gestaltterapie was dat die adolessent se verhouding met God disfunksioneel geword het as gevolg van mishandeling. Met behulp van die intervensienavorsingsmodel is tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die pastorale Gestaltterapeutiese benadering die verwronge Godsbeeld van die adolessent verander het sodat die verhouding met God kan herstel. SUMMARY Abuse is one of the most traumatic experiences the adolescent can have and influences his total development. This research was aimed at establishing, by means of intervention, whether abuse has any implications for the adolescent's relationship with God. The pastoral and Gestalt therapy was applied to guide the abused adolescent in his relationship with God. In the pastoral Gestalt therapy approach the dynamic context of life experience and areas of meaning in the adolescent's image of God was taken into account. Thereby the impact of the adolescent's experience, observation and expectations of God was established. The starting-point of the pastoral Gestalt therapy was that the adolescent's relationship with God became dysfunctional as a result of abuse. With the aid of the intervention research model, it was concluded that the pastoral Gestalt therapeutic approach has changed the distorted God-image of the adolescent to restore the relationship with God. / Social work / M.Diac. (Play Therapy)

Pastorale gestaltterapeutiese intervensie om mishandelde laatadolessente wat skuld en skaamte ervaar, na vergifnis te begelei

Denton, Rudy Arthur 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans with summaries in Afrikaans and English / A pastoral Gestalt therapeutic intervention model was developed, implemented and evaluated in the research to facilitate the therapeutic process from guilt and shame to forgiveness. Guilt and shame can be traumatic self-conscious experiences which has an impact on abused late adolescent's physical, psychological, social, emotional, moral and religious development. It can determine the adolescent's behavior, their views of themselves and their interpersonal relationships. Guilt and shame arouses feelings of helplessness, anger, blame, bitterness and the need for retaliation, while forgiveness can relieve these impulses effectively and be utilized as a source for a recovering experience. In designing the intervention model, the researcher studied adolescents' emotional experience, behaviour and management of guilt, shame and forgiveness from a pastoral base theory within the Gestalt therapeutic perspective. The formation of the paradigm is based on a multidisciplinary approach which takes place on the interface between pastoral counselling and Gestalt therapy without the unique content and character of pastoral care or the Gestalt therapy being lost. By utilizing the intervention model abused late adolescents are assisted with the necessary awareness to focus on what is on their foreground in order to reach self-regulation of their emotional experience. The intervention model was developed as a prototype intervention based on Enright's forgiveness process model and components of both the pastoral base theory and the Gestalt therapeutic process of the Schoeman working model. The research was performed by using a mixed qualitative-quantitative approach. The qualitative approach entails the use of applied intervention in intervention research while the quantitative approach consists of measuring the respondents' experiences of guilt, shame and forgiveness, using three standardized rating scales before and after intervention. The researcher applied the intervention research design in a multiple case study with five respondents and a single-system design was incorporated into the intervention research. The measurement of respondents' experiences of guilt, shame and forgiveness after intervention, determined whether the changes took effect, attributable to their participation in the intervention. Following the research findings the conclusion was made that the pastoral Gestalt therapeutic intervention model can be used effectively to guide abused late adolescents who experience guilt and shame, to forgiveness. / In die navorsing is 'n pastorale Gestaltterapeutiese intervensiemodel ontwikkel, geimplementeer en geevalueer om die terapeutiese proses van skuld en skaamte na vergifnis te fasiliteer. Skuld en skaamte kan traumatiese selfbewuste ervaringe wees wat mishandelde laat-adolessente se fisieke, psigiese, sosiale, emosionele, morele en religieuse ontwikkeling beinvloed. Dit kan bepalend vir die adolessente se gedrag wees, asook hul siening van hulself en hul interpersoonlike verhoudinge. Skuld en skaamte wek gevoelens van magteloosheid, woede, blaam, bitterheid en die behoefte na vergelding, terwyl vergifnis hierdie impulse kan verlig en effektief benut kan word as 'n bron van die herstelervaring. In die antwerp van die intervensiemodel het die navorser die adolessente se emosionele ervaring, gedrag en hantering van skuld, skaamte en vergifnis vanuit 'n pastorale basisteorie binne die Gestaltterapeutiese perspektief bestudeer. Die vorming van die paradigma is geskoei op 'n multidissiplinere benadering wat op die tussenvlak tussen pastoraat en Gestaltterapie plaasvind, sander om die eiesoortige inhoud en karakter van die pastoraat of die Gestaltterapie verlore te laat gaan. Deur benutting van die intervensiemodel is mishandelde laat-adolessente begelei om met die nodige bewustheid te fokus op dit wat op hul voorgrond is ten einde selfregulering van hul emosionele belewenis te bereik. Die intervensiemodel is ontwikkel as 'n prototipe intervensie deur Enright se vergifnis prosesmodel en komponente van sowel die pastorale basisteorie as die Gestaltterapeutiese proses van die Schoeman-werkmodel te gebruik. Die navorsing is vanuit die gemengde kwalitatiewe-kwantitatiewe benadering onderneem. Die kwalitatiewe benadering het die gebruik van toegepaste intervensie in 'n intervensienavorsingsmodel behels en die kwantitatiewe benadering die meting van die respondente se ervaring van skuld, skaamte en vergifnis, met behulp van drie gestandaardiseerde metingskale, voor en na intervensie. Die navorser het die intervensienavorsingontwerp in 'n meervoudige gevallestudie met vyf respondente toegepas en 'n enkelsisteemontwerp in die intervensienavorsing gei"nkorporeer. Die meting van die respondente se ervaring van skuld, skaamte en vergifnis na intervensie, het bepaal of die veranderinge wat ingetree het, toegeskryf kan word aan hul deelname aan die intervensieprogram. Na aanleiding van die navorsingsresultate is die gevolgtrekking gemaak dat die pastorale Gestaltterapeutiese intervensiemodel effektief gebruik kan word om mishandelde laat-adolessente wat skuld en skaamte ervaar, na vergifnis te begelei. / Social Work / D.Diac. (Play Therapy)

Benutting van ervaringsleer van jeugdiges in die begeleiding tot geestelike volwassenheid

Nieuwenhuis, F. J. 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Aanduidings bestaan dat jongmense na twaalf jaar van kategetiese onderrig steeds slegs 'n opperviakkige kennis, begrip van en insig in skrifwaarhede het. Hierdie probleem moet deur die praktiese teologie aangespreek word, want kategetiese onderrig is 'n kommunikatiewe handeling in diens van die evangelie. Die praktiese teologie kan 'n bydrae lewer deur die polivorme en polivalente leefwereld van die jeugdige (as praxis) te beskryf en te verklaar, sodat tot groter insig in die geloofswereld van die jeugdige gekom kan word, maar ook wee verken waardeur die jeugdige effektief met die Evangelie bereik kan word. Onderhawige studie poog om langs beskrywend-analitiese weg ervaringsleer as aanbiedingswyse te ondersoek met die doel om te bepaal of ervaringsleer moontlikhede bied wat kan verseker dat skrifwaarhede effektief ontsluit word. Die vertrekpunt in die studie is die leerparadigmatiese en 'n konstruktivistiese benadering tot leer word gevolg. Die meriete van die benutting van ervaringsleer moet gesien word vanuit 'n prakties-teologiese vertrekpunt waar die praxis krities ondersoek is met die doel om kommunikatiewe handelinge tussen jeugwerker en jeugdige in diens van die evangelie te optimaliseer. / Indications are that youth, after twelve years of catechetical instruction, still have superficial knowledge, understanding and insight into biblical truths. This problem must be addressed within practical theology, because catechetical instruction is a communicative action in evangelical service. The practical theology can make a contribution by describing and interpreting the multifarious and multifaceted world of the youth (as praxis). In this way, greater insight can be gained into the spiritual life of the youth and ways can be explored to reach youth more effectively with the Word. This study, by means of a descriptive and analytical review of experiential learning, attempts to determine whether experiential learning could be used to effectively disclose biblical truths. The approach was based on the learning paradigm and a constructivistic view of learning. The merit of using experiential learning in youth work must be seen from a practical theology perspective where the praxis was critically examined with a view of optimising the communicative interaction between youth and youth workers. / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / Thesis (M. Diac.)--Universiteit van Suid-Afrika, 2000.

Adolessent wat mishandel is se verhouding met God : 'n pastorale gestaltbenadering

Denton, Rudy Arthur 30 November 2005 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans with summaries in Afrikaans and English / Mishandeling is een van die mees traumatiese ervarings wat die adolessent kan beleef en beïnvloed sy totale ontwikkeling. Die doel met hierdie navorsing was om deur intervensie te bepaal of mishandeling enige implikasies het vir die adolessent se verhouding met God. Die pastorale en Gestaltterapie is aangewend om die adolessent wat mishandel is in sy verhouding met God te begelei. In die pastorale Gestaltterapiebenadering is daar rekening gehou met die dinamiese konteks van lewenservaring en betekenisvelde in die Godsbeeld van die adolessent. Hierdeur is die impak bepaal van die adolessent se ervaring, waarneming en verwagting van God. Die uitgangspunt van die pastorale Gestaltterapie was dat die adolessent se verhouding met God disfunksioneel geword het as gevolg van mishandeling. Met behulp van die intervensienavorsingsmodel is tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die pastorale Gestaltterapeutiese benadering die verwronge Godsbeeld van die adolessent verander het sodat die verhouding met God kan herstel. SUMMARY Abuse is one of the most traumatic experiences the adolescent can have and influences his total development. This research was aimed at establishing, by means of intervention, whether abuse has any implications for the adolescent's relationship with God. The pastoral and Gestalt therapy was applied to guide the abused adolescent in his relationship with God. In the pastoral Gestalt therapy approach the dynamic context of life experience and areas of meaning in the adolescent's image of God was taken into account. Thereby the impact of the adolescent's experience, observation and expectations of God was established. The starting-point of the pastoral Gestalt therapy was that the adolescent's relationship with God became dysfunctional as a result of abuse. With the aid of the intervention research model, it was concluded that the pastoral Gestalt therapeutic approach has changed the distorted God-image of the adolescent to restore the relationship with God. / Social work / M.Diac. (Play Therapy)

Pastorale gestaltterapeutiese intervensie om mishandelde laatadolessente wat skuld en skaamte ervaar, na vergifnis te begelei

Denton, Rudy Arthur 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans with summaries in Afrikaans and English / A pastoral Gestalt therapeutic intervention model was developed, implemented and evaluated in the research to facilitate the therapeutic process from guilt and shame to forgiveness. Guilt and shame can be traumatic self-conscious experiences which has an impact on abused late adolescent's physical, psychological, social, emotional, moral and religious development. It can determine the adolescent's behavior, their views of themselves and their interpersonal relationships. Guilt and shame arouses feelings of helplessness, anger, blame, bitterness and the need for retaliation, while forgiveness can relieve these impulses effectively and be utilized as a source for a recovering experience. In designing the intervention model, the researcher studied adolescents' emotional experience, behaviour and management of guilt, shame and forgiveness from a pastoral base theory within the Gestalt therapeutic perspective. The formation of the paradigm is based on a multidisciplinary approach which takes place on the interface between pastoral counselling and Gestalt therapy without the unique content and character of pastoral care or the Gestalt therapy being lost. By utilizing the intervention model abused late adolescents are assisted with the necessary awareness to focus on what is on their foreground in order to reach self-regulation of their emotional experience. The intervention model was developed as a prototype intervention based on Enright's forgiveness process model and components of both the pastoral base theory and the Gestalt therapeutic process of the Schoeman working model. The research was performed by using a mixed qualitative-quantitative approach. The qualitative approach entails the use of applied intervention in intervention research while the quantitative approach consists of measuring the respondents' experiences of guilt, shame and forgiveness, using three standardized rating scales before and after intervention. The researcher applied the intervention research design in a multiple case study with five respondents and a single-system design was incorporated into the intervention research. The measurement of respondents' experiences of guilt, shame and forgiveness after intervention, determined whether the changes took effect, attributable to their participation in the intervention. Following the research findings the conclusion was made that the pastoral Gestalt therapeutic intervention model can be used effectively to guide abused late adolescents who experience guilt and shame, to forgiveness. / In die navorsing is 'n pastorale Gestaltterapeutiese intervensiemodel ontwikkel, geimplementeer en geevalueer om die terapeutiese proses van skuld en skaamte na vergifnis te fasiliteer. Skuld en skaamte kan traumatiese selfbewuste ervaringe wees wat mishandelde laat-adolessente se fisieke, psigiese, sosiale, emosionele, morele en religieuse ontwikkeling beinvloed. Dit kan bepalend vir die adolessente se gedrag wees, asook hul siening van hulself en hul interpersoonlike verhoudinge. Skuld en skaamte wek gevoelens van magteloosheid, woede, blaam, bitterheid en die behoefte na vergelding, terwyl vergifnis hierdie impulse kan verlig en effektief benut kan word as 'n bron van die herstelervaring. In die antwerp van die intervensiemodel het die navorser die adolessente se emosionele ervaring, gedrag en hantering van skuld, skaamte en vergifnis vanuit 'n pastorale basisteorie binne die Gestaltterapeutiese perspektief bestudeer. Die vorming van die paradigma is geskoei op 'n multidissiplinere benadering wat op die tussenvlak tussen pastoraat en Gestaltterapie plaasvind, sander om die eiesoortige inhoud en karakter van die pastoraat of die Gestaltterapie verlore te laat gaan. Deur benutting van die intervensiemodel is mishandelde laat-adolessente begelei om met die nodige bewustheid te fokus op dit wat op hul voorgrond is ten einde selfregulering van hul emosionele belewenis te bereik. Die intervensiemodel is ontwikkel as 'n prototipe intervensie deur Enright se vergifnis prosesmodel en komponente van sowel die pastorale basisteorie as die Gestaltterapeutiese proses van die Schoeman-werkmodel te gebruik. Die navorsing is vanuit die gemengde kwalitatiewe-kwantitatiewe benadering onderneem. Die kwalitatiewe benadering het die gebruik van toegepaste intervensie in 'n intervensienavorsingsmodel behels en die kwantitatiewe benadering die meting van die respondente se ervaring van skuld, skaamte en vergifnis, met behulp van drie gestandaardiseerde metingskale, voor en na intervensie. Die navorser het die intervensienavorsingontwerp in 'n meervoudige gevallestudie met vyf respondente toegepas en 'n enkelsisteemontwerp in die intervensienavorsing gei"nkorporeer. Die meting van die respondente se ervaring van skuld, skaamte en vergifnis na intervensie, het bepaal of die veranderinge wat ingetree het, toegeskryf kan word aan hul deelname aan die intervensieprogram. Na aanleiding van die navorsingsresultate is die gevolgtrekking gemaak dat die pastorale Gestaltterapeutiese intervensiemodel effektief gebruik kan word om mishandelde laat-adolessente wat skuld en skaamte ervaar, na vergifnis te begelei. / Social Work / D.Diac. (Play Therapy)

Benutting van ervaringsleer van jeugdiges in die begeleiding tot geestelike volwassenheid

Nieuwenhuis, F. J. 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Aanduidings bestaan dat jongmense na twaalf jaar van kategetiese onderrig steeds slegs 'n opperviakkige kennis, begrip van en insig in skrifwaarhede het. Hierdie probleem moet deur die praktiese teologie aangespreek word, want kategetiese onderrig is 'n kommunikatiewe handeling in diens van die evangelie. Die praktiese teologie kan 'n bydrae lewer deur die polivorme en polivalente leefwereld van die jeugdige (as praxis) te beskryf en te verklaar, sodat tot groter insig in die geloofswereld van die jeugdige gekom kan word, maar ook wee verken waardeur die jeugdige effektief met die Evangelie bereik kan word. Onderhawige studie poog om langs beskrywend-analitiese weg ervaringsleer as aanbiedingswyse te ondersoek met die doel om te bepaal of ervaringsleer moontlikhede bied wat kan verseker dat skrifwaarhede effektief ontsluit word. Die vertrekpunt in die studie is die leerparadigmatiese en 'n konstruktivistiese benadering tot leer word gevolg. Die meriete van die benutting van ervaringsleer moet gesien word vanuit 'n prakties-teologiese vertrekpunt waar die praxis krities ondersoek is met die doel om kommunikatiewe handelinge tussen jeugwerker en jeugdige in diens van die evangelie te optimaliseer. / Indications are that youth, after twelve years of catechetical instruction, still have superficial knowledge, understanding and insight into biblical truths. This problem must be addressed within practical theology, because catechetical instruction is a communicative action in evangelical service. The practical theology can make a contribution by describing and interpreting the multifarious and multifaceted world of the youth (as praxis). In this way, greater insight can be gained into the spiritual life of the youth and ways can be explored to reach youth more effectively with the Word. This study, by means of a descriptive and analytical review of experiential learning, attempts to determine whether experiential learning could be used to effectively disclose biblical truths. The approach was based on the learning paradigm and a constructivistic view of learning. The merit of using experiential learning in youth work must be seen from a practical theology perspective where the praxis was critically examined with a view of optimising the communicative interaction between youth and youth workers. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / Thesis (M. Diac.)--Universiteit van Suid-Afrika, 2000.

Die religiöse Entwicklung in der Adoleszenz: Wissenschaftliche Kontroverse über die traditionellen Kognitiv-Strukturellen Stufentheorien / Religious development in adolescence: scientific controversy surrounding the traditional cognitive-structural stage theories

Kulcsar, Benjamin 30 November 2004 (has links)
Text in German / This study analyses, mainly within the scope of the stage theories of Fritz Oser/Paul Gmünder and James W. Fowler, the development of religiosity during adolescence. After an introduction into the social and scientific significance of religiosity, the developmental and functional theories of religiosity are explored. The study then shows, by examining multiple perspectives on the scientific controversy, to what extent the stage theories of Oser/Gmünder and Fowler effectively open up the field of religious development for pastoral and religious educational practice. This clarification of the stages of religious development has many consequences for pastoral care and religious education. Some of the proposed applications either complement or modify significantly the stage theories of Oser/Gmünder and Fowler. Altogether the study provides a critical view of the cognitive-structural theory itself, its empirical reliability and range of applicability, as well as its theological suitability. / Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)

Wer sagen die Leute, wer ich bin? Eine qualitative Erhebung zur Gottesvorstellung bei Jugendlichen in Deutschland. Eine Studie aus der sicht empirischer Missionswissenschaft = Who do people say that I am? A qualitative research of the image of God among German youth. A study from the perspective of empirical Missiology

Faix, Tobias 30 June 2006 (has links)
Zusammenfassung Die vorliegende Forschungsarbeit unternimmt den Versuch, einen konzeptionellen Entwurf einer empirischen Missionswissenschaft als Grundlagenforschung zu entwickeln, der im Praxisfeld durchgeführt wird. Dabei soll die intradisziplinäre Vorgehensweise einen methodologischen Zugang sozialwissenschaftlicher Methoden zur Missionswissenschaft möglich machen. Als Grundlage wird ein Einblick in die sozialwissenschaftliche und missionswissenschaftliche Forschung gegeben und daraus ein eigener, empirisch-theologischer Praxiszyklus entwickelt, der die Methodologie der Untersuchung darstellt. Die inhaltliche Forschungsarbeit fragt nach Gottesvorstellungen von Jugendlichen aus missionswissenschaftlicher Sicht. Dabei wird die Möglichkeit missionarischer Begegnung und Ansprechbarkeit von Jugendlichen im Kontext der kulturellen Veränderungen des postmodernen Paradigmemwechsels beleuchtet. Die Frage, wie Gottesvorstellungen von Jugendlichen gesellschaftlich geprägt und wie sich dies auf ihre Religiosität in ihrem Alltag auswirkt, spielt in diesem Zusammenhang eine wichtige Rolle. Deshalb wird nicht nur der aktuelle Forschungsstand zur Thematik untersucht, sondern 18 Jugendliche werden in Form von halbstandardisierten Interviews qualitativ befragt und ihre Aussagen empirisch-missiologisch ausgewertet. Die Thesis hat somit zweierlei Zielsetzungen: Zum einen geht es um eine empirisch-theologische Studie zur Erforschung von Gottesvorstellung bei Jugendlichen im Hinblick auf ihre missionarische Ansprechbarkeit. Zum anderen zielt sie darauf ab, durch Umsetzung des empirisch-theologischen Praxiszyklus einen Typus zu entwickeln, der auch künftig in der Missionswissenschaft für empirisch-theologische Erhebungen eingesetzt werden kann. Summary The intention of this research project is to evolve a concept for empirical missiology as a method of fundamental research and to apply it in practice. Through the usage of an intradisciplinary approach, access to missiology via the methodology of the social sciences is rendered possible. To establish a basis, an insight into social as well as missiological research will be given, and an inherent, empirical-theological praxis cycle will be developed. This praxis cycle is the methodology of this research paper. Concerning content, this research paper scrutinises the image of God held by juveniles from a missiological point of view. It considers the missionary receptiveness of juveniles in the context of cultural change in the postmodernist shift of paradigm. In how far are juvenile concepts of God marked by the correspondent social environment and does that have an impact on their everyday religious behaviour? Consequently not only the current state of research will be evaluated but, furthermore, the half-standardised qualitative interviews of 18 juveniles will be enclosed and their answers analysed on an empirical- missiological basis. Hence, this thesis has a twofold aim; one considers empirical-theological research as a way of evaluating concepts of God among juveniles with regard to their missionary receptiveness. The other implements the empirical-theological praxis cycle aiming to develop a type which enables further empirical-theological investigation in missilogy. / Missiology / D.Th.

Teenagers interviewing problems

Giliomee, Yolandé 11 1900 (has links)
Patriarchal discourse has lead to the marginalisation of women, children and teenagers. The aims of this research were to deconstruct patriarchal discourse; to empower teenagers to speak out for themselves; to facilitate teenagers' identifying, questioning and 'interviewing' of important problems in their lives, and to let teenagers' voices be heard by adults. Post-modern social construction discourse, post-modern and feminist theologies were used to challenge patriarchal discourse. A narrative, pastoral approach was used to assist teenagers to accomplish these aims. Using externalisation, three problems (Depression; Drugs and Alcohol; Verbal, Physical and Sexual Abuse) were exposed for what they really are, and how they influence many teenagers' lives. Alternative stories of how teenagers stand up against these problems were told. The teenagers decided to inform parents and teachers of their lived experiences in three letters. These three interesting, innovative letters are included in this dissertation. / Practical Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology with specialisation in Pastoral Therapy)

Kerkmusiek vir hedendaagse tieners

Van Tonder, Barend Jacobus 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die eng definiering van kerkmusiek staan tans in die spervuur vanwee: 1. Ingrypende wendinge binne die praktiese teologie in die afgelope paar dekades, wat pleit om 'n hernieude ondersoek binne die handelingsveld van viering (waaronder himnologie); 2. 'n Verskuiwing in wereldbeskouing weg van modernisme na postmodernisme; 3. Die geboorte van 'n totaal nuwe geslag adolessente, bekend as die 'Verlore Generasie' of 'Generasie X' . Kerkmusiek, in die engere sin, soos dit steeds grootliks verstaan word, hou nie genoegsaam met hierdie tendense rekening nie. Vandaar verloor kerkmusiek sy impak en inspraak in die leefwereld van die hedendaagse tiener. Dit veroorsaak gevolglik 'n groterwordende kloof tussen adolessente en die erediens, gemeente en kerk. In hierdie studie word gepoog om genoegsaam op bostaande tendense ag te slaan, sodat 'n breer def iniering van kerkmusiek tot stand mag kom, wat ruimte vir grater verskeidenheid en aktualiteit tot gevolg sal he, en die spanning random kerkmusiek en die tiener kan probeer ontlont. / The narrow defining of church music today experiences a critical assault on account of: 1. Drastic turns within the development of Practical theology in the past few decades, which ask for a renewed investigation within the field of himnology; 2. a Shift in worldview away from modernism to post-modernism; 3. The birth of a total new generation of adolescents, known as the 'Lost Generation' or 'Generation X' . Church music in the narrow sense, as it is still understood to a great extent, does not take these tendencys serious enough. For this reason it's impact and influence in the life of today's teenagers declines. With this study a thorough acknowledgement of these shifts is attempted, which will result in a much broader defining of church music, and in turn will bring forth a scope for more variety and actuality, so that hopefully the growing gap between teenagers and church music can be bridged. / Practical Theology / M.Diac. (Jeugwerk)

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