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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Interactive Visual Analytics for Agent-Based simulation : Street-Crossing Behavior at Signalized Pedestrian Crossing

Zheng, Jiaqi January 2019 (has links)
To design a pedestrian crossing area reasonably can be a demanding task for traffic planners. There are several challenges, including determining the appropriate dimensions, and ensuring that pedestrians are exposed to the least risks. Pedestrian safety is especially obscure to analyze, given that many people in Stockholm cross the street illegally by running against the red light. To cope with these challenges, computational approaches of trajectory data visual analytics can be used to support the analytical reasoning process. However, it remains an unexplored field regarding how to visualize and communicate the street-crossing spatio-temporal data effectively. Moreover, the rendering also needs to deal with a growing data size for a more massive number of people. This thesis proposes a web-based interactive visual analytics tool for pedestrians' street-crossing behavior under various flow rates. The visualization methodology is also presented, which is then evaluated to have achieved satisfying communication and rendering effectiveness for maximal 180 agents over 100 seconds. In terms of the visualization scenario, pedestrians either wait for the red light or cross the street illegally; all people can choose to stop by a buffer island before they finish crossing. The visualization enables the analysis under multiple flow rates for 1) pedestrian movement, 2) space utilization, 3) crossing frequency in time-series, and 4) illegal frequency. Additionally, to acquire the initial trajectory data, Optimal Reciprocal Collision Avoidance (ORCA) algorithm is engaged in the crowd simulation. Then different visualization techniques are utilized to comply with user demands, including map animation, data aggregation, and time-series graph. / Att konstruera ett gångvägsområde kan rimligen vara en krävande uppgift för trafikplanerare. Det finns flera utmaningar, bland annat att bestämma lämpliga dimensioner och se till att fotgängare utsätts för minst risker. Fotgängarnas säkerhet är särskilt obskyrlig att analysera, eftersom många människor i Stockholm korsar gatan olagligt genom att springa mot det röda ljuset. För att klara av dessa utmaningar kan beräkningsmetoder för bana data visuell analys användas för att stödja den analytiska resonemangsprocessen. Det är emellertid ett oexplorerat fält om hur man visualiserar och kommunicerar gataövergången spatio-temporal data effektivt. Dessutom måste rendering också hantera en växande datastorlek för ett mer massivt antal människor. Denna avhandling föreslår ett webbaserat interaktivt visuellt analysverktyg för fotgängares gatöverföring under olika flödeshastigheter. Visualiseringsmetoden presenteras också, som sedan utvärderas för att ha uppnått tillfredsställande kommunikation och effektivitet för maximal 180 agenter över 100 sekunder. Vad beträffar visualiseringsscenariot, väntar fotgängare antingen på det röda ljuset eller tvärs över gatan; alla människor kan välja att stanna vid en buffertö innan de slutar korsa. Visualiseringen möjliggör analysen under flera flödeshastigheter för 1) fotgängarrörelse, 2) rymdutnyttjande, 3) korsfrekvens i tidsserier och 4) olaglig frekvens. För att förvärva den ursprungliga bana-data är Optimal Reciprocal Collision Avoidance (ORCA) algoritmen förknippad med folkmassimuleringen. Därefter utnyttjas olika visualiseringstekniker för att uppfylla användarnas krav, inklusive kartanimering, dataaggregering och tidsserier.

Modelo integrado de mineração de dados para análise de séries temporais de preços de indicadores agroeconômicos. / Data mining model for analysis of prices indices Agroeconomic time series.

Fernando Elias Corrêa 27 November 2014 (has links)
Um dos principais setores da economia brasileira, o agronegócio envolve uma série de negociações dentro de toda a cadeia produtiva. Instituições de pesquisa como o CEPEA (Centro de Estudos Avançados em Economia Aplicada), da ESALQ/USP, coletam diariamente dados sobre diversos produtos agropecuários, gerando informações para agentes de diferentes categorias interessados no acompanhamento desses mercados, entre eles pesquisadores, produtores e formuladores de políticas públicas. O uso desses dados para realização de análises históricas integradas com análises atuais de mercado, porém, ainda é um desafio, dada a falta de uma padronização e a necessidade de identificação de técnicas computacionais adequadas. O objetivo desta tese é organizar as informações agroeconômicas consolidadas por meio de modelos de Data Mining e estatísticos para gerar análises integradas de relações entre as séries temporais, compreendendo produtos, mercados e o tempo, baseando-se nos dados obtidos pelo CEPEA em 7 anos de coleta diária de preços. As técnicas propostas para o modelo de análise integrada compreendem séries temporais para a projeção de trajetórias temporais e reconhecimento de padrões temporais. Especificamente para as trajetórias temporais, as técnicas utilizadas são de Matrizes de Correlações e Decomposição de Tucker e trajetórias, as quais permitem uma redução das matrizes e identificação de pontos relevantes no conjunto de dados. Já o reconhecimento de padrões nas séries temporais de grande volume de dados é obtido por meio de duas fases. Inicialmente, os dados são preparados utilizando-se as técnicas de redução de dimensionalidade e discretização. Posteriormente, é realizada a busca por motifs, que se utiliza de métricas de distâncias para encontrar similaridades entre as séries temporais ou entre sub partes de uma mesma série temporal para estas, destaca-se a aplicação do MINDIST e das distâncias euclidianas. Os resultados obtidos do modelo integrado são reportados em dois estudos de casos, sendo o primeiro sobre trajetórias temporais e o segundo, sobre identificação de padrões temporais. O conjunto de dados utilizado para ambos os casos foram preços comercialização de grãos no mercado interno do Brasil e valores negociados em Bolsa de valores de Chicago-EUA. / One of the main activities economy sector in Brazil is agribusiness and involves several negotiations within the entire supply chain. Researchers Centers, as example CEPEA (Center for Advanced Studies on Applied Economics) from ESALQ / USP, collect daily data of agricultural products, generating information for players and staff of several categories for these markets, including researchers, producers and governmental. These historical data of agricultural market is used to create integrated analyses. However, it is still a challenge deal with the data standard or which statistical techniques is appropriated in order to perform a data analysis. The aim of the thesis is to provide an Agrieconomics analyses by data mining and statistical models, analyzing the relationship between time series, products, markets and time, based on dataset from CEPEA over seven years of daily prices. In order to understand the behaviors and patterns of these time series, two case studies were produced. The first case study was temporal trajectories, the techniques used were Correlations Matrix, Tucker Decomposition and trajectories, which allow a reduction of the matrices and identification of relevant points in the data set. The second case study applied was the patterns identification, where the main idea was understand and highlight events that happens frequently over seven year of daily grain prices quotation in several products. In order to proceed the technique, the data are prepared using the dimensionality and discretization reduction. Next, the search for motifs is performed using metrics distance to find similarities in time series or between parts of the same time series, in special two time series was used, that are MINDIST and Euclidean distances. The results give a understanding of the dynamic of these grains time series, such as, Some important aspects were detect by applying the trajectories, first that the both products soybean and corn prices has opposites trajectories, it is possible to infer this products competes in fields for next crops. On the market analysis, the trajectory of Chicago Stock Market spread the behavior of the prices in Brazil domestic market, both trajectories are similar over the years.

Modelo integrado de mineração de dados para análise de séries temporais de preços de indicadores agroeconômicos. / Data mining model for analysis of prices indices Agroeconomic time series.

Corrêa, Fernando Elias 27 November 2014 (has links)
Um dos principais setores da economia brasileira, o agronegócio envolve uma série de negociações dentro de toda a cadeia produtiva. Instituições de pesquisa como o CEPEA (Centro de Estudos Avançados em Economia Aplicada), da ESALQ/USP, coletam diariamente dados sobre diversos produtos agropecuários, gerando informações para agentes de diferentes categorias interessados no acompanhamento desses mercados, entre eles pesquisadores, produtores e formuladores de políticas públicas. O uso desses dados para realização de análises históricas integradas com análises atuais de mercado, porém, ainda é um desafio, dada a falta de uma padronização e a necessidade de identificação de técnicas computacionais adequadas. O objetivo desta tese é organizar as informações agroeconômicas consolidadas por meio de modelos de Data Mining e estatísticos para gerar análises integradas de relações entre as séries temporais, compreendendo produtos, mercados e o tempo, baseando-se nos dados obtidos pelo CEPEA em 7 anos de coleta diária de preços. As técnicas propostas para o modelo de análise integrada compreendem séries temporais para a projeção de trajetórias temporais e reconhecimento de padrões temporais. Especificamente para as trajetórias temporais, as técnicas utilizadas são de Matrizes de Correlações e Decomposição de Tucker e trajetórias, as quais permitem uma redução das matrizes e identificação de pontos relevantes no conjunto de dados. Já o reconhecimento de padrões nas séries temporais de grande volume de dados é obtido por meio de duas fases. Inicialmente, os dados são preparados utilizando-se as técnicas de redução de dimensionalidade e discretização. Posteriormente, é realizada a busca por motifs, que se utiliza de métricas de distâncias para encontrar similaridades entre as séries temporais ou entre sub partes de uma mesma série temporal para estas, destaca-se a aplicação do MINDIST e das distâncias euclidianas. Os resultados obtidos do modelo integrado são reportados em dois estudos de casos, sendo o primeiro sobre trajetórias temporais e o segundo, sobre identificação de padrões temporais. O conjunto de dados utilizado para ambos os casos foram preços comercialização de grãos no mercado interno do Brasil e valores negociados em Bolsa de valores de Chicago-EUA. / One of the main activities economy sector in Brazil is agribusiness and involves several negotiations within the entire supply chain. Researchers Centers, as example CEPEA (Center for Advanced Studies on Applied Economics) from ESALQ / USP, collect daily data of agricultural products, generating information for players and staff of several categories for these markets, including researchers, producers and governmental. These historical data of agricultural market is used to create integrated analyses. However, it is still a challenge deal with the data standard or which statistical techniques is appropriated in order to perform a data analysis. The aim of the thesis is to provide an Agrieconomics analyses by data mining and statistical models, analyzing the relationship between time series, products, markets and time, based on dataset from CEPEA over seven years of daily prices. In order to understand the behaviors and patterns of these time series, two case studies were produced. The first case study was temporal trajectories, the techniques used were Correlations Matrix, Tucker Decomposition and trajectories, which allow a reduction of the matrices and identification of relevant points in the data set. The second case study applied was the patterns identification, where the main idea was understand and highlight events that happens frequently over seven year of daily grain prices quotation in several products. In order to proceed the technique, the data are prepared using the dimensionality and discretization reduction. Next, the search for motifs is performed using metrics distance to find similarities in time series or between parts of the same time series, in special two time series was used, that are MINDIST and Euclidean distances. The results give a understanding of the dynamic of these grains time series, such as, Some important aspects were detect by applying the trajectories, first that the both products soybean and corn prices has opposites trajectories, it is possible to infer this products competes in fields for next crops. On the market analysis, the trajectory of Chicago Stock Market spread the behavior of the prices in Brazil domestic market, both trajectories are similar over the years.

Trajectoire temporelle et monitoring hydro-morphologique d'une anastomose rhénane restaurée : le Bauerngrundwasser dans l'île du Rohrschollen (Strasbourg, France) / Temporal trajectory and hydromorphological monitoring of a restored Rhine anastomosis : the Bauerngrundwasser in the Rohrschollen Island (Strasbourg, France)

Eschbach, David 25 September 2017 (has links)
Ce travail s’inscrit dans le cadre d’un projet LIFE+ qui vise à restaurer le fonctionnement hydromorphologique d’un hydrosystème rhénan. Une étude planimétrique couplée à des analyses hydromorphologiques et sédimentologiques ont permis (i) d’améliorer la compréhension des dynamiques d’ajustement passées et (ii) d’identifier les principales limites du projet. Les évolutions morphologiques post-restauration ont été suivies à l’aide d’une combinaison de méthodes géodésiques et géomorphologiques afin de déterminer précisément les volumes déposés / exportés à différentes échelles spatio-temporelles. Enfin, la thermographie infra-rouge aéroportée a permis de mettre en évidence les liens entre la répartition spatiale des anomalies thermiques, les caractéristiques morphodynamiques et les héritages géomorphologiques. L’approche interdisciplinaire développée dans ce travail a permis de guider les choix opérationnels pour optimiser le suivi et l’évaluation des restaurations fonctionnelles futures. / This study is part of a LIFE+ project which aims to restore hydromorphological functioning of a Rhine hydrosystem. A planimetric study combined with hydromorphological and sedimentological analysis allowed to (i) improve understanding of past adjustment dynamics and (ii) identify main limitations of the project. Post-restoration morphological changes were monitored by geodesic and geomorphological methods combination in order to determine accurate volumes of sediment deposited / exported at different spatio-temporal scales. Finally, airborne thermal-infrared was used to highlight the relationship between spatial distribution of thermal anomalies, morphodynamic characteristics and inherited geomorphological features. Interdisciplinary approach leaded in this study was able to guide decision-makers choices in order to optimise the monitoring and assess future functional restorations.

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