Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dermination off pregnancy"" "subject:"dermination oof pregnancy""
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Difference, disability and discrimination : a philosophical critique of selective abortionHall, Susan 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Philosophy))--University of Stellenbosch, 2008. / The practice of abortion continues to provoke controversy and disagreement. However, within the context of this wider debate, a greater level of consensus appears to have been reached as to the moral acceptability of the practice of prenatal screening, and selective abortion following the detection of foetal abnormality. This study seeks to interrogate whether justifications of this practice lend credence to the moral permissibility of selective abortion. In particular, it considers whether justifications for this practice amount to, or perpetuate, discrimination on the basis of the characteristic of disability, as selective abortion entails choosing against a particular foetus because of its characteristics. This study poses this question in two contexts – where the moral permissibility of selective abortion is regarded as an exception to the general moral impermissibility of abortion, and where selective abortion is regarded as one distinct justification within the context of the general moral permissibility of abortion. This study attempts to show that while justifications of selective abortion are directly discriminatory in the former case, they are not necessarily discriminatory in the latter case. This latter conclusion, however, recommends maintaining vigilance against the possibility that such justifications could rely upon or perpetuate prejudice, or restrict reproductive autonomy. These conclusions are considered within the South African context; in particular, with regard to their application to the Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act of 1996.
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La grossesse suivant une interruption médicale de grossesse : quelles traces du deuil prénatal dans le lien à l'enfant suivant ? : de la préoccupation maternelle mélancolique à la préoccupation maternelle primaire / The pregnancy following a termination of pregnancy : what are the tracks of the prenatal mourning in the link to the following child ? : from the melancolic maternal concern to the primary maternal concernWarnier de Wailly, Diane 19 October 2015 (has links)
L'objet de ce travail est d'analyser l'évolution du processus de deuil lors d'une grossesse suivant une interruption médicale de grossesse (IMG). 8461 enfants sont nés sans vie en France en 2012 et 59 à 86% des femmes démarre,t une nouvelle grossesse dans les 6 mois suivant la perte; le deuil périnatal constitue un problème de santé publique puisque 25% évoluent vers un deuil pathologique. Le statut de l'objet perdu et la représentation que s'en font les mères participent du destin de ce foetus perdu; l'évolution des pratiques favorisant l'humanisation du foetus et l'objectalisation de ce dernier est critiquée par certains auteurs. Nous relevons un maque de consensus dans la littérature sur l'impact de cette nouvelle grossesse sur le processus de deuil; selon certains, elle pourrait interrompre le travail de deuil, pour d'autres au contraire favoriser une reprise élaborative. Ces grossesses suivantes, teintées du deuil, semblent représenter un facteur de risque dans l'attachement prénatal avec des conséquences sur le lien à l'enfant puîné. Nous interrogeons donc la relation entre le processus de deuil périnatal et le processus d'investissement de l'enfant à venir lors d'une grossesse suivante. Méthodologie utilisée: suivi longitudinal de 7 femmes enceintes lors d'une grossesse suivant une IMG après 15 SA, aux 3 trimestres de la grossesse et aux 3 mois de l'enfant suivant, selon une analyse qualitative au moyen d'entretiens de recherche clinique et une analyse quantitative de la dépression (EPDS), anxiété (STAI), deuil périnatal (PGS) et attachement prénatal (PAI) au moyen d'autoquestionnaires. Les résultats qualitatifs, traités de façon singulière selon une analyse psychodynamique, sont regroupés ensuite en fonction de nos hypothèses. Les résultats quantitatifs sont intégrés dans un corpus plus large pour permettre une analyse statistique des données. Résultats: entre le normal et le pathologique, les affects, les émotions, les représentations oscillent sur ce continuum, au fil de la grossesse, des termes et dates anniversaires, des manifestations sensorielles éprouvées. La grossesse suivante permet de revisiter la grossesse précédente; elle donne l'opportunité aux mères endeuillées de mettre en mots les affects brutes consécutifs à la perte, de mettre du sens pour inscrire cet événement traumatique dans l'histoire individuelle, conjugale et familiale. Certaines patientes, pour qui le travail de deuil pouvait sembler figé, ont pu mettre la transparence psychique de cette nouvelle grossesse à profit pour ré-élaborer la perte précédente et donner une juste place à chacun des deux bébés. L'actualisation du processus de deuil lors de la grossesse suivante sera fonction de la structure psychique des patientes; la dépression et l'angoisse sont également des marqueurs de l'élaboration de la perte et de la place faite à l'enfant puîné. L'analyse quantitative des données statistiques montre la présence d'anxiété particulièrement au début de la grossesse suivante. / The objet of this work is to analyze the evolution of the process of mourning during a pregnancy following a termination of pregnancy (TOP). 8461 children were born dead in France in 2012 and 59 to 86% of women start a new pregnancy in the six months following the loss; the perinatal mourning constitutes a problem of public health because 25% lead to a pathological mourning. The status of the lost object and maternal representations participate in the fate this lost foetus. The evolution of the practices favoring the humanization of the foetus and the objectalisation of the latter is criticized by some authors. We find a lack of consensus in the literature on the impact of this new pregnancy on the process of mourning. According to certain authors, she could interrupt the work of mourning, for others on the contrary, favor a elaborative resumption. These following pregnancies, tinged with the mourning, seem to represent a risk factor in the prenatal attachment with consequences on the link to the puisne child. We thus question the relation between the process of perinatal mourning and the process of investment of the child coming during a following pregnancy. Used methodology: longitudinal follow-up of seven pregnant women during pregnancy following a TOP after 15 weeks, three times during the pregnancy and at three months after the birth of the subsequent child according to a qualitative analysis (interview of clinical research) and a quantitative analysis of depression (EPDS), anxiety (STAI), perinatal mourning (PGS) and prenatal attachment (PAI) by means of auto-questionnaires. The qualitative results, treated in a singular way according to a psychodynamic analysis, are then included according to our hypotheses. The quantitative results are integrated into a wier corpus to allow statistical analysis of the data. Results: between the normal and the pathological, affects, feelings and representations oscillate on this continuum, in the course of the pregnancy, the terms and anniversaries, the proven sensory demonstrations. The following pregnancy allows to revisit the previous pregnancy; she gives the opportunity to the mothers saddened to put into words the gross affects consecutive to the loss, to put of the sens to register this traumatic event in the individual, conjugal, and family history. Somme women,for whom the work of mourning could seem motionless, were able to put the psychic transparency of this new pregnancy in profit to redevelop the previous loss and to give a just place to each of both babies. The updating of the process of mourning during the following pregnancy will be function of the psychic structure of the woman. The depression and the anxiety are also markers of the elaboration of the loss and the place made for the puisne child. The quantitaive analysis of the statistical data shows the presence of anxiety, particularly at the begining of the following pregnancy.
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Knowledge, perceptions and attitudes regarding contraception among secondary school learners in the Limpopo ProvinceNetshikweta, Mutshinyalo Lizzybeth 11 1900 (has links)
This study explored knowledge, perceptions and attitudes regarding contraception and contraceptive practices among secondary school learners in the Limpopo Province. Self-administered questionnaires were completed by 612 Grade 8 and 332 Grade 12 learners from 24 randomly selected secondary schools. The study found that permissive attitudes prevailed towards sex, characterised by casual sexual activities commencing at 12 years of age.
The availability of contraceptive and termination of pregnancy (TOP) services did not enable learners to utilise them, because of social, cultural, financial and service barriers. Most learners were sexually active without being knowledgeable about contraceptives, emergency contraceptives and TOP services.
Two workshops conducted with learners produced similar results to those obtained from the completed questionnaires. Semi-structured interviews conducted with nurses, providing contraceptive and TOP services in the Limpopo Province, also substantiated the findings from the questionnaires.
Secondary school learners in the Limpopo Province require more knowledge about and ready access to contraceptives to enable them to delay child bearing until they are emotionally, financially and physically ready for these responsibilities. Nurses and teachers in this province can enhance the learners' contraceptive knowledge and utilisation to help learners make better informed decisions about their own and their future children's lives. / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)
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Psychological effects of the termination of pregnancy by choice on adolescentsSebola, Botshelo Rachel 11 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study was to explore the psychological effects of termination of pregnancy by choice amongst adolescents within the ages of 18 to 21 years.
Exploratory, contextual, qualitative design was used to determine the psychological effects of termination of pregnancy by choice amongst adolescents. Purposive sampling method as well as snowballing were used to select participants for the study.
Data collection was done through in-depth, one-on-one, face-to-face interviews, using a semi-structured interview guide.
The study highlighted that adolescents who seek abortion are unmarried and mostly still studying.
The results revealed that adolescents experience mental ill health after termination of pregnancy due to feelings of guilt. All participants stated that abortion is murder of a life person and that it is a bad thing to do.
The study revealed that counselling that is done before TOP focuses on the procedure of TOP. There is need for a holistic approach to counselling.
As a guide, policy makers need to specify the mandatory counselling in the Choice on
Termination of Pregnancy Act (Act No 92 of 1996). / Health Studies / M.A. (Nursing Science)
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The effects of termination of pregnancy on future reproductionMännistö, J. (Jaana) 24 October 2017 (has links)
Termination of pregnancy (TOP) is the most common gynaecological procedure, each year approximately 9500 TOPs have been performed in Finland in recent years. In recent decades the termination practice has changed. In Finland the traditional surgical method has been largely replaced by medical method. Commonly, women undergoing TOP are at their best reproductive age, and a high proportion of them will be pregnant again later in life. There has been a concern that TOP might lead to adverse outcomes in following pregnancies, or could affect future fertility. However, the long-term reproductive health effects of TOP, and especially the effects of medical TOP, are not well established.
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of medical TOP and the influence of inter-pregnancy intervals (IPIs) after TOP on the risk of adverse events in following pregnancies. The other part of the study assessed which factors are associated with future in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment after TOP.
In this large nationwide register-based study, the risks of preterm birth, low birth weight, SGA (small-for-gestational-age) infants and placental complications were similar among women giving birth following a single first-trimester medical TOP (n = 3441) compared with surgical TOP (n = 4853), and after a single second-trimester medical TOP (n = 416) compared with first-trimester medical TOP (n = 3427). Women who conceived < 6 months after TOP (n = 2956) had a slightly but significantly increased risk of preterm birth compared with women who conceived at 18 to < 24 months (n = 2076).
A higher age and a lower number of previous terminations and deliveries at the time of TOP were associated with the IVF treatments in the future. TOP-associated factors, such as method or complications of TOP or gestational age at TOP did not have an association with IVF.
This study provides further evidence on the safety of medical TOP as regards the following pregnancy. Well-timed subsequent pregnancy after TOP may help to avoid potential harmful consequences associated with preterm birth. The factors found to be associated with IVF treatments after TOP are those generally recognized risk factors for infertility. / Tiivistelmä
Raskaudenkeskeytys on yleisin gynekologinen toimenpide; viime vuosina Suomessa on tehty keskimäärin 9500 keskeytystä vuosittain. Kahden viimeisen vuosikymmenen aikana raskaudenkeskeytysmenetelmien käytössä on tapahtunut merkittävä muutos. Lääkkeellinen menetelmä on lähes syrjäyttänyt perinteisen kirurgisen menetelmän Suomessa. Suurin osa keskeytykseen hakeutuvista naisista on nuoria ja huomattava osa suunnittelee raskautta myöhemmässä elämänvaiheessa. Tämä on herättänyt huolen siitä, onko raskaudenkeskeytyksellä vaikutusta seuraavan raskauden kulkuun tai myöhempään hedelmällisyyteen. Yhteneväistä laajaa näyttöä raskaudenkeskeytyksen, erityisesti lääkkeellisen menetelmän, pitkäaikaisvaikutuksista lisääntymisterveyteen ei kuitenkaan ole saatavilla.
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää lääkkeellisen raskaudenkeskeytyksen sekä keskeytyksen ja seuraavan raskauden välisen ajan vaikutuksia mahdollisiin haitallisiin tapahtumiin keskeytystä seuraavassa raskaudessa. Lisäksi selvitettiin, ovatko keskeytykseen liittyvät tekijät yhteydessä mahdolliseen myöhempään koeputkihedelmöityshoitoon (in vitro fertilization, IVF).
Tässä laajassa valtakunnallisessa rekisteripohjaisessa tutkimuksessa ennenaikaisen synnytyksen, vastasyntyneen matalan syntymäpainon, pienikokoisena syntyneen lapsen ja istukkaongelmien riski oli samankaltainen yhden lääkkeellisen (n = 3441) ja kirurgisen (n = 4853) ensimmäisen raskauskolmanneksen keskeytyksen jälkeen. Myöskään ensimmäisen (n = 3427) ja toisen raskauskolmanneksen (n = 416) lääkkeellisen keskeytyksen välillä ei havaittu eroja kyseisissä haittatapahtumissa. Ennenaikaisen synnytyksen riski lisääntyi hieman naisilla, joilla keskeytyksen ja seuraavan raskauden välinen aika oli alle kuusi kuukautta (n = 2956) verrattuna naisiin, joilla raskauksien välinen aika oli 18–23 kuukautta (n = 2076).
IVF-hoitoja lisäsivät naisen korkeampi ikä ja matalampi aikaisempien keskeytysten ja synnytysten määrä keskeytyshetkellä. Raskaudenkeskeytykseen liittyvät tekijät, kuten keskeytysmenetelmä, komplikaatiot tai raskausviikot keskeytyshetkellä, eivät sen sijaan liittyneet myöhempään hoitojen tarpeeseen.
Tutkimus antaa lisätietoa lääkkeellisen raskaudenkeskeytyksen turvallisuudesta. Hyvin ajoitettu seuraava raskaus keskeytyksen jälkeen voi vähentää ennenaikaisen synnytyksen riskiä. IVF-hoidot keskeytyksen jälkeen liittyvät aiemmin tunnettuihin lapsettomuuden riskitekijöihin.
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La grossesse suivant une interruption médicale de grossesse : quelles traces du deuil prénatal dans le lien à l'enfant suivant ? : de la préoccupation maternelle mélancolique à la préoccupation maternelle primaire / The pregnancy following a termination of pregnancy : what are the tracks of the prenatal mourning in the link to the following child ? : from the melancolic maternal concern to the primary maternal concernWarnier de Wailly, Diane 19 October 2015 (has links)
L'objet de ce travail est d'analyser l'évolution du processus de deuil lors d'une grossesse suivant une interruption médicale de grossesse (IMG). 8461 enfants sont nés sans vie en France en 2012 et 59 à 86% des femmes démarre,t une nouvelle grossesse dans les 6 mois suivant la perte; le deuil périnatal constitue un problème de santé publique puisque 25% évoluent vers un deuil pathologique. Le statut de l'objet perdu et la représentation que s'en font les mères participent du destin de ce foetus perdu; l'évolution des pratiques favorisant l'humanisation du foetus et l'objectalisation de ce dernier est critiquée par certains auteurs. Nous relevons un maque de consensus dans la littérature sur l'impact de cette nouvelle grossesse sur le processus de deuil; selon certains, elle pourrait interrompre le travail de deuil, pour d'autres au contraire favoriser une reprise élaborative. Ces grossesses suivantes, teintées du deuil, semblent représenter un facteur de risque dans l'attachement prénatal avec des conséquences sur le lien à l'enfant puîné. Nous interrogeons donc la relation entre le processus de deuil périnatal et le processus d'investissement de l'enfant à venir lors d'une grossesse suivante. Méthodologie utilisée: suivi longitudinal de 7 femmes enceintes lors d'une grossesse suivant une IMG après 15 SA, aux 3 trimestres de la grossesse et aux 3 mois de l'enfant suivant, selon une analyse qualitative au moyen d'entretiens de recherche clinique et une analyse quantitative de la dépression (EPDS), anxiété (STAI), deuil périnatal (PGS) et attachement prénatal (PAI) au moyen d'autoquestionnaires. Les résultats qualitatifs, traités de façon singulière selon une analyse psychodynamique, sont regroupés ensuite en fonction de nos hypothèses. Les résultats quantitatifs sont intégrés dans un corpus plus large pour permettre une analyse statistique des données. Résultats: entre le normal et le pathologique, les affects, les émotions, les représentations oscillent sur ce continuum, au fil de la grossesse, des termes et dates anniversaires, des manifestations sensorielles éprouvées. La grossesse suivante permet de revisiter la grossesse précédente; elle donne l'opportunité aux mères endeuillées de mettre en mots les affects brutes consécutifs à la perte, de mettre du sens pour inscrire cet événement traumatique dans l'histoire individuelle, conjugale et familiale. Certaines patientes, pour qui le travail de deuil pouvait sembler figé, ont pu mettre la transparence psychique de cette nouvelle grossesse à profit pour ré-élaborer la perte précédente et donner une juste place à chacun des deux bébés. L'actualisation du processus de deuil lors de la grossesse suivante sera fonction de la structure psychique des patientes; la dépression et l'angoisse sont également des marqueurs de l'élaboration de la perte et de la place faite à l'enfant puîné. L'analyse quantitative des données statistiques montre la présence d'anxiété particulièrement au début de la grossesse suivante. / The objet of this work is to analyze the evolution of the process of mourning during a pregnancy following a termination of pregnancy (TOP). 8461 children were born dead in France in 2012 and 59 to 86% of women start a new pregnancy in the six months following the loss; the perinatal mourning constitutes a problem of public health because 25% lead to a pathological mourning. The status of the lost object and maternal representations participate in the fate this lost foetus. The evolution of the practices favoring the humanization of the foetus and the objectalisation of the latter is criticized by some authors. We find a lack of consensus in the literature on the impact of this new pregnancy on the process of mourning. According to certain authors, she could interrupt the work of mourning, for others on the contrary, favor a elaborative resumption. These following pregnancies, tinged with the mourning, seem to represent a risk factor in the prenatal attachment with consequences on the link to the puisne child. We thus question the relation between the process of perinatal mourning and the process of investment of the child coming during a following pregnancy. Used methodology: longitudinal follow-up of seven pregnant women during pregnancy following a TOP after 15 weeks, three times during the pregnancy and at three months after the birth of the subsequent child according to a qualitative analysis (interview of clinical research) and a quantitative analysis of depression (EPDS), anxiety (STAI), perinatal mourning (PGS) and prenatal attachment (PAI) by means of auto-questionnaires. The qualitative results, treated in a singular way according to a psychodynamic analysis, are then included according to our hypotheses. The quantitative results are integrated into a wier corpus to allow statistical analysis of the data. Results: between the normal and the pathological, affects, feelings and representations oscillate on this continuum, in the course of the pregnancy, the terms and anniversaries, the proven sensory demonstrations. The following pregnancy allows to revisit the previous pregnancy; she gives the opportunity to the mothers saddened to put into words the gross affects consecutive to the loss, to put of the sens to register this traumatic event in the individual, conjugal, and family history. Somme women,for whom the work of mourning could seem motionless, were able to put the psychic transparency of this new pregnancy in profit to redevelop the previous loss and to give a just place to each of both babies. The updating of the process of mourning during the following pregnancy will be function of the psychic structure of the woman. The depression and the anxiety are also markers of the elaboration of the loss and the place made for the puisne child. The quantitaive analysis of the statistical data shows the presence of anxiety, particularly at the begining of the following pregnancy.
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Knowledge, utilisation of contraceptives and sexual activity among clients who choose to terminate a pregnancy at Prince Mshiyeni Memorial HospitalMazuba, Charity Chipili 27 November 2014 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate sexual activity as well as contraceptive knowledge and use among termination of pregnancy (TOP) clients at Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital’s TOP clinic in the province of KwaZulu-Natal (KZN).
This was a non-experimental quantitative study in the form of a cross sectional study. Self-administered questionnaires were used for collecting data from 61 respondents selected non-randomly.
The majority of the respondents were single young women between 18 and 27 years of age. Sexual intercourse frequency was mostly once a month (91.8%). Most were unemployed and dependent on government grants and had heard of both contraception in general and emergency contraception. Only 44 (78.6%) had used contraceptives before and the most frequently used method of contraception was the injection (36.6%).
Despite the respondents having heard of contraception, the median score of the knowledge of contraception was only 16%. The distribution of knowledge was very wide, but on the whole the level of knowledge of contraception was very low / Health Studies / M.A. (Public Health)
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La grossesse suivant une interruption médicale de grossesse : quelles traces du deuil prénatal dans le lien à l'enfant suivant ? : de la préoccupation maternelle mélancolique à la préoccupation maternelle primaire / The pregnancy following a termination of pregnancy : what are the tracks of the prenatal mourning in the link to the following child ? : from the melancolic maternal concern to the primary maternal concernWarnier de Wailly, Diane 19 October 2015 (has links)
L'objet de ce travail est d'analyser l'évolution du processus de deuil lors d'une grossesse suivant une interruption médicale de grossesse (IMG). 8461 enfants sont nés sans vie en France en 2012 et 59 à 86% des femmes démarre,t une nouvelle grossesse dans les 6 mois suivant la perte; le deuil périnatal constitue un problème de santé publique puisque 25% évoluent vers un deuil pathologique. Le statut de l'objet perdu et la représentation que s'en font les mères participent du destin de ce foetus perdu; l'évolution des pratiques favorisant l'humanisation du foetus et l'objectalisation de ce dernier est critiquée par certains auteurs. Nous relevons un maque de consensus dans la littérature sur l'impact de cette nouvelle grossesse sur le processus de deuil; selon certains, elle pourrait interrompre le travail de deuil, pour d'autres au contraire favoriser une reprise élaborative. Ces grossesses suivantes, teintées du deuil, semblent représenter un facteur de risque dans l'attachement prénatal avec des conséquences sur le lien à l'enfant puîné. Nous interrogeons donc la relation entre le processus de deuil périnatal et le processus d'investissement de l'enfant à venir lors d'une grossesse suivante. Méthodologie utilisée: suivi longitudinal de 7 femmes enceintes lors d'une grossesse suivant une IMG après 15 SA, aux 3 trimestres de la grossesse et aux 3 mois de l'enfant suivant, selon une analyse qualitative au moyen d'entretiens de recherche clinique et une analyse quantitative de la dépression (EPDS), anxiété (STAI), deuil périnatal (PGS) et attachement prénatal (PAI) au moyen d'autoquestionnaires. Les résultats qualitatifs, traités de façon singulière selon une analyse psychodynamique, sont regroupés ensuite en fonction de nos hypothèses. Les résultats quantitatifs sont intégrés dans un corpus plus large pour permettre une analyse statistique des données. Résultats: entre le normal et le pathologique, les affects, les émotions, les représentations oscillent sur ce continuum, au fil de la grossesse, des termes et dates anniversaires, des manifestations sensorielles éprouvées. La grossesse suivante permet de revisiter la grossesse précédente; elle donne l'opportunité aux mères endeuillées de mettre en mots les affects brutes consécutifs à la perte, de mettre du sens pour inscrire cet événement traumatique dans l'histoire individuelle, conjugale et familiale. Certaines patientes, pour qui le travail de deuil pouvait sembler figé, ont pu mettre la transparence psychique de cette nouvelle grossesse à profit pour ré-élaborer la perte précédente et donner une juste place à chacun des deux bébés. L'actualisation du processus de deuil lors de la grossesse suivante sera fonction de la structure psychique des patientes; la dépression et l'angoisse sont également des marqueurs de l'élaboration de la perte et de la place faite à l'enfant puîné. L'analyse quantitative des données statistiques montre la présence d'anxiété particulièrement au début de la grossesse suivante. / The objet of this work is to analyze the evolution of the process of mourning during a pregnancy following a termination of pregnancy (TOP). 8461 children were born dead in France in 2012 and 59 to 86% of women start a new pregnancy in the six months following the loss; the perinatal mourning constitutes a problem of public health because 25% lead to a pathological mourning. The status of the lost object and maternal representations participate in the fate this lost foetus. The evolution of the practices favoring the humanization of the foetus and the objectalisation of the latter is criticized by some authors. We find a lack of consensus in the literature on the impact of this new pregnancy on the process of mourning. According to certain authors, she could interrupt the work of mourning, for others on the contrary, favor a elaborative resumption. These following pregnancies, tinged with the mourning, seem to represent a risk factor in the prenatal attachment with consequences on the link to the puisne child. We thus question the relation between the process of perinatal mourning and the process of investment of the child coming during a following pregnancy. Used methodology: longitudinal follow-up of seven pregnant women during pregnancy following a TOP after 15 weeks, three times during the pregnancy and at three months after the birth of the subsequent child according to a qualitative analysis (interview of clinical research) and a quantitative analysis of depression (EPDS), anxiety (STAI), perinatal mourning (PGS) and prenatal attachment (PAI) by means of auto-questionnaires. The qualitative results, treated in a singular way according to a psychodynamic analysis, are then included according to our hypotheses. The quantitative results are integrated into a wier corpus to allow statistical analysis of the data. Results: between the normal and the pathological, affects, feelings and representations oscillate on this continuum, in the course of the pregnancy, the terms and anniversaries, the proven sensory demonstrations. The following pregnancy allows to revisit the previous pregnancy; she gives the opportunity to the mothers saddened to put into words the gross affects consecutive to the loss, to put of the sens to register this traumatic event in the individual, conjugal, and family history. Somme women,for whom the work of mourning could seem motionless, were able to put the psychic transparency of this new pregnancy in profit to redevelop the previous loss and to give a just place to each of both babies. The updating of the process of mourning during the following pregnancy will be function of the psychic structure of the woman. The depression and the anxiety are also markers of the elaboration of the loss and the place made for the puisne child. The quantitaive analysis of the statistical data shows the presence of anxiety, particularly at the begining of the following pregnancy.
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Community perceptions regarding legal choice of termination of pregnancyMahanyele, Barley Balebetse 11 1900 (has links)
The Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act (Act 92 of 1996) states that “reproductive rights must be guaranteed and reproductive health services must promote people’s rights to privacy and dignity”, but most communities seem to lack proper information about this legislative aspect.
The purpose of the study was to explore the community’s perceptions regarding legal choice of termination of pregnancy in order to have a broader understanding how the community views termination of pregnancy, and whether they are able to access legal termination of pregnancy.
An exploratory qualitative study was conducted. The exploratory and descriptive research assisted the researcher to have adequate time to explore and describe the community’s perceptions about termination of pregnancy. The researcher purposely selected participants who consult at a particular Tshwane hospital as most of this particular community members presents with complications of illegal abortions. Both men and women above 18 years had an opportunity to participate.
Data was collected until saturation is reached. Thematic analysis was conducted. The findings reveal that the community still needs to be given more information about rights and laws surrounding termination of pregnancy. Recommendations were made to create more awareness and improve access. / Health Studies / M.A. (Health Studies)
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A phenomenological study of the experiences of nurses directly involved with termination of pregnancies in the Limpopo ProvinceLebese, Moipone Veronicah 06 1900 (has links)
The South African government promulgated the Choice on Termination of pregnancy Act (CTOP Act, 92 of 1996). This was a dramatic declaration of intent unprecedented in the African continent and globally. This act changed the outlook of the practice of termination of pregnancy by ensuring that services play a critical role in the delivery of the service. This study, which is qualitative in nature, explored the experiences of Termination of Pregnancy service providers working in three designated public health institutions in the Limpopo Province. Interviews were conducted with six service providers to look at how they construct their practice of providing termination of pregnancy services. The information was analyzed and interpreted by means of a thematic analysis method. Major themes that emerged from the participants’ experiences centred on their relationship with family, colleagues, management, clients, and the community reflecting a sense of alienation and lack of adequate infrastructural support. Inadequate support has been found to greatly contribute to the loss of interest in the work around abortion. / Psychology / M. A. (Clinical Psychology)
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