Spelling suggestions: "subject:"terms off reference"" "subject:"terms oof reference""
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Les émissions culturelles à la Télévision Marocaine : quel statut dans une démocratie en devenir ? / Cultural Programs on Moroccan Television : What is the status in a fledgling democracy?Mazih Benboucetta, Bouchra 06 January 2015 (has links)
L’objectif principal de ce travail est de vérifier si le statut de la culture à la télévision nationale pourrait être un indicateur sur la mise en place d’un processus démocratique au Maroc. La réforme de l’audiovisuel constitue un prétexte pour observer la portée des discours réformistes, surtout quand ils sont annoncés par des régimes autoritaires. Comme nous voulons aborder un aspect spécifique d’une politique sectorielle, il serait utile de l’intégrer dans le climat global où elle évolue. En s’intéressant au passé colonial du pays, nous comprendrons les fondements du régime marocain ainsi que les relations qu’il entretient avec les différentes composantes du paysage politique.Les relations entre la monarchie et la religion, la politique et les médias, et le peuple marocain, contribueront à exposer la problématique du nouveau rôle que les réformes jouent dans la réaffirmation des régimes autoritaires. Les élections de 2011 ont permis l’accès des islamistes au gouvernement. L’élaboration des cahiers des charges de l’audiovisuel public par le ministère de tutelle provoquera un affrontement avec les vrais détenteurs de pouvoir sur ce domaine. Grâce aux conditions de la mise en application de ces textes, nous verrons comment les enjeux politiques influencent les décisions des différents acteurs, car nous souhaitons participer à poser un regard différent sur les démarches de modernisation d’un pays comme le Maroc. / This paper primarily seeks to verify whether the status of culture on Moroccan national television could be an indicator of the implementation of a democratic process in Morocco. Audiovisual reform is a pretext for observing the scope of reformist discourse, especially when such discourse is delivered by authoritarian regimes. As we intend to examine a specific aspect of policy in a given sector, it would be interesting to place it in the broader context in which it evolves. We shall take a close look at the country's colonial past to better understand the foundations of the Moroccan regime and the relations that it nurtures with the various stakeholders in the political landscape.We will use the relations between the monarchy and religion, politics and the media, and the Moroccan people to present the problematic of how authoritarian regimes now use reforms as a new way of reasserting their authority. The 2011 elections brought Islamists into the government. In the audiovisual sector, we can expect a confrontation between the true holders of power in this field and the ministry in charge of the sector when it comes to drafting the terms of reference for public radios and televisions. We shall examine how political stakes influence the decisions of the various professionals through the conditions for implementing these texts; for we wish to participate in viewing from a different angle, the modernization processes of a country such as Morocco.
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Les émissions culturelles à la Télévision Marocaine : quel statut dans une démocratie en devenir ? / Cultural Programs on Moroccan Television : What is the status in a fledgling democracy?Mazih Benboucetta, Bouchra 06 January 2015 (has links)
L’objectif principal de ce travail est de vérifier si le statut de la culture à la télévision nationale pourrait être un indicateur sur la mise en place d’un processus démocratique au Maroc. La réforme de l’audiovisuel constitue un prétexte pour observer la portée des discours réformistes, surtout quand ils sont annoncés par des régimes autoritaires. Comme nous voulons aborder un aspect spécifique d’une politique sectorielle, il serait utile de l’intégrer dans le climat global où elle évolue. En s’intéressant au passé colonial du pays, nous comprendrons les fondements du régime marocain ainsi que les relations qu’il entretient avec les différentes composantes du paysage politique.Les relations entre la monarchie et la religion, la politique et les médias, et le peuple marocain, contribueront à exposer la problématique du nouveau rôle que les réformes jouent dans la réaffirmation des régimes autoritaires. Les élections de 2011 ont permis l’accès des islamistes au gouvernement. L’élaboration des cahiers des charges de l’audiovisuel public par le ministère de tutelle provoquera un affrontement avec les vrais détenteurs de pouvoir sur ce domaine. Grâce aux conditions de la mise en application de ces textes, nous verrons comment les enjeux politiques influencent les décisions des différents acteurs, car nous souhaitons participer à poser un regard différent sur les démarches de modernisation d’un pays comme le Maroc. / This paper primarily seeks to verify whether the status of culture on Moroccan national television could be an indicator of the implementation of a democratic process in Morocco. Audiovisual reform is a pretext for observing the scope of reformist discourse, especially when such discourse is delivered by authoritarian regimes. As we intend to examine a specific aspect of policy in a given sector, it would be interesting to place it in the broader context in which it evolves. We shall take a close look at the country's colonial past to better understand the foundations of the Moroccan regime and the relations that it nurtures with the various stakeholders in the political landscape.We will use the relations between the monarchy and religion, politics and the media, and the Moroccan people to present the problematic of how authoritarian regimes now use reforms as a new way of reasserting their authority. The 2011 elections brought Islamists into the government. In the audiovisual sector, we can expect a confrontation between the true holders of power in this field and the ministry in charge of the sector when it comes to drafting the terms of reference for public radios and televisions. We shall examine how political stakes influence the decisions of the various professionals through the conditions for implementing these texts; for we wish to participate in viewing from a different angle, the modernization processes of a country such as Morocco.
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Desajustes identificados em relatórios de estudos de impactos ambientais em empreendimentos hidrelétricos focando os grupos de aves e mamíferos silvestres / Discrepancies identified in environmental impact assessment reports for hydropower projects focused on analyses of wild birds and mammalsKamogawa, Adriana Akemi Kuniy 19 March 2013 (has links)
Os Estudos de Impacto Ambiental (EIA) foram legalmente institucionalizados no Brasil durante a década de 1980. Estes são balizados a partir do Termo de Referência (TR) que define as diretrizes que o EIAs deverão seguir, mas não determina qual grupo faunístico e metodologias devem ser adotadas, o que fica a critério dos empreendedores e consultores contratados. Visando verificar se esse procedimento resulta ou não em ausência de padronização entre os TRs e os relatórios de EIAs, bem como em outros possíveis desajustes que resultem na menor eficácia dos relatórios de EIA, foram compararados nove relatórios de empreendimentos hidrelétricos das décadas de 1980, 1990 e dos anos 2000. Para tanto, foram utilizadas informações como atendimento às exigências contidas nos TRs e metodologias utilizadas, no que diz respeito aos métodos de coleta, esforço amostral, levantamento de grupos de aves e mamíferos dependentes de hábitats específicos relacionados, solidez das listas de faunas e análise dos dados. Além disso, foi avaliada a aplicabilidade do delineamento RAPELD na avaliação de impacto de empreendimentos hidrelétricos. Os resultados indicaram que há discrepância quanto aos esforços amostrais e às metodologias utilizadas nos estudos, além da ausência de informações requeridas pelos Termos de Referência e a escassez de dados relacionados aos grupos de fauna associada aos ambientes que serão afetados e a aves e mamíferos dependentes de ambientes aluviais. O delineamento RAPELD muitas vezes não é aplicável em regiões com alterações antrogênicas, mas deve-se levar em consideração que a recomendação de sua utilização pelo órgão ambiental para um casos analisados indica uma sutil evolução recente no delineamento amostral. As análises realizadas neste trabalho podem servir como indicadores sobre o estado geral da efetividade dos EIA como ferramentas a serem utilizadas pela sociedade no que se refere às intervenções ambientais. / Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) studies were legally institutionalised in Brazil in the 1980s, and their elaboration is based on guidelines established by Terms of Reference (TR) which define the main directives to be followed by each project\'s EIA, but often do not determine the faunal groups to include and the methods to be employed choices which are then left at the discretion of the company proposing the project and their hired consultants. In order to analyse whether this procedure does or does not result in an absence of standardisation among Terms of Reference and EIA studies, as well as in other disparities which may impair the effectiveness of EIA reports, this work compared 9 EIA reports for hydro-power projects from the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s. The reports were compared with regard to such information as compliance with the requirements set by the TRs and methodology used (including sampling methods, sampling effort, study of bird and mammal groups dependent on specific habit types, reliability of the fauna lists provided and data analysis). The appropriateness of the RAPELD sampling design for Hydro-power environmental impact assessments was also analysed. The results indicated incongruities as to the sampling effort and the methodologies employed for the studies, as well as an absence of information required according to the Terms of Reference and a paucity of data specifically dealing with fauna groups associated with environments to be directly affected by the projects and with mammals and birds dependent on alluvial environments. The RAPELD sampling design is often considered inappropriate for highly human-modified regions, but it is noted that its recommendation by environmental agencies for some of the cases analysed indicates a recent improvement in sampling designs. This work\'s findings may serve as indicators of the overall state of the effectiveness of EIA studies as tools for the society to assess the effects of interventions in the environment.
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Problemática de los estudios de preinversión de carreteras en PerúCamacho Julca, Cynthia Ruth, Ramirez Curay, Piero Jesus January 2015 (has links)
El principal objetivo de la presente Tesis es evaluar y analizar la influencia de los Términos de Referencia establecidos por el Ministerio de Transporte y Comunicaciones (MTC) para el cumplimiento de los Cronogramas de ejecución de los Estudios de Ingeniería correspondientes a la fase de Preinversión a nivel de factibilidad de obras viales en el Perú.
En los primeros Capítulos se presenta la teoría del Estudio de Factibilidad, así como también la definición del Sistema Nacional de Inversión Pública donde consideramos el Anexo 7 y el Anexo 10 donde se desarrollan los Contenidos Mínimos que debe tener el estudio de Factibilidad para un Proyecto de Inversión Pública y los Parámetros de Evaluación, después de ello se presentan los 3 Proyectos que vamos a analizar y la descripción de los estudios con sus respectivos porcentajes de avance según los informes a presentar y los plazos establecidos por los Términos de Referencia.
A partir de esta información, se procede a evaluar mediante rendimientos obtenidos de las experiencias de Especialistas, para la ejecución de los estudios de las diferentes especialidades de Ingeniería, estos rendimientos fueron usados para elaborar un cronograma Gantt para el Proyecto “Rehabilitación y Mejoramiento de la Carretera Ciudad de Dios – Cajamarca” y así determinar la influencia de los TDR en el cumplimiento de los Cronogramas.
La presente Tesis se ha enfocado en determinar la interdependencia de cada una de las Especialidades de los estudios de Ingeniería y evaluar los plazos establecidos en los Términos de Referencia para la entrega de los informes que contienen estos estudios.
The main objective of this thesis is to evaluate and analyze the influence of the Terms of Reference established by the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC) for compliance schedules execution of engineering studies at the preliminary stage level feasibility of road works in Peru.
In the early chapters the theory of the Feasibility Study is presented, as well as the definition of the National Public Investment System where we consider Annex 7 and Annex 10 where the minimum content that should be a feasibility study for a project to develop Public investment and the evaluation parameters thereafter presented the 3 projects that will analyze and description of studies with their respective percentage of progress reported at present and the deadlines set by the Terms of Reference.
From this information, we proceed to evaluate by yields from the experiences of specialists for the execution of studies of different engineering specialties, these returns were used to develop a Gantt schedule for the "Rehabilitation and Improvement Project City of God road - Cajamarca "and determine the influence of TDR in compliance with schedules.
This thesis has focused on determining the interdependence of each of the specialties of engineering studies and evaluate the terms established in the Terms of Reference for the submission of reports containing these studies.
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Desajustes identificados em relatórios de estudos de impactos ambientais em empreendimentos hidrelétricos focando os grupos de aves e mamíferos silvestres / Discrepancies identified in environmental impact assessment reports for hydropower projects focused on analyses of wild birds and mammalsAdriana Akemi Kuniy Kamogawa 19 March 2013 (has links)
Os Estudos de Impacto Ambiental (EIA) foram legalmente institucionalizados no Brasil durante a década de 1980. Estes são balizados a partir do Termo de Referência (TR) que define as diretrizes que o EIAs deverão seguir, mas não determina qual grupo faunístico e metodologias devem ser adotadas, o que fica a critério dos empreendedores e consultores contratados. Visando verificar se esse procedimento resulta ou não em ausência de padronização entre os TRs e os relatórios de EIAs, bem como em outros possíveis desajustes que resultem na menor eficácia dos relatórios de EIA, foram compararados nove relatórios de empreendimentos hidrelétricos das décadas de 1980, 1990 e dos anos 2000. Para tanto, foram utilizadas informações como atendimento às exigências contidas nos TRs e metodologias utilizadas, no que diz respeito aos métodos de coleta, esforço amostral, levantamento de grupos de aves e mamíferos dependentes de hábitats específicos relacionados, solidez das listas de faunas e análise dos dados. Além disso, foi avaliada a aplicabilidade do delineamento RAPELD na avaliação de impacto de empreendimentos hidrelétricos. Os resultados indicaram que há discrepância quanto aos esforços amostrais e às metodologias utilizadas nos estudos, além da ausência de informações requeridas pelos Termos de Referência e a escassez de dados relacionados aos grupos de fauna associada aos ambientes que serão afetados e a aves e mamíferos dependentes de ambientes aluviais. O delineamento RAPELD muitas vezes não é aplicável em regiões com alterações antrogênicas, mas deve-se levar em consideração que a recomendação de sua utilização pelo órgão ambiental para um casos analisados indica uma sutil evolução recente no delineamento amostral. As análises realizadas neste trabalho podem servir como indicadores sobre o estado geral da efetividade dos EIA como ferramentas a serem utilizadas pela sociedade no que se refere às intervenções ambientais. / Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) studies were legally institutionalised in Brazil in the 1980s, and their elaboration is based on guidelines established by Terms of Reference (TR) which define the main directives to be followed by each project\'s EIA, but often do not determine the faunal groups to include and the methods to be employed choices which are then left at the discretion of the company proposing the project and their hired consultants. In order to analyse whether this procedure does or does not result in an absence of standardisation among Terms of Reference and EIA studies, as well as in other disparities which may impair the effectiveness of EIA reports, this work compared 9 EIA reports for hydro-power projects from the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s. The reports were compared with regard to such information as compliance with the requirements set by the TRs and methodology used (including sampling methods, sampling effort, study of bird and mammal groups dependent on specific habit types, reliability of the fauna lists provided and data analysis). The appropriateness of the RAPELD sampling design for Hydro-power environmental impact assessments was also analysed. The results indicated incongruities as to the sampling effort and the methodologies employed for the studies, as well as an absence of information required according to the Terms of Reference and a paucity of data specifically dealing with fauna groups associated with environments to be directly affected by the projects and with mammals and birds dependent on alluvial environments. The RAPELD sampling design is often considered inappropriate for highly human-modified regions, but it is noted that its recommendation by environmental agencies for some of the cases analysed indicates a recent improvement in sampling designs. This work\'s findings may serve as indicators of the overall state of the effectiveness of EIA studies as tools for the society to assess the effects of interventions in the environment.
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Les émissions culturelles à la Télévision Marocaine : quel statut dans une démocratie en devenir ? / Cultural Programs on Moroccan Television : What is the status in a fledgling democracy?Mazih Benboucetta, Bouchra 06 January 2015 (has links)
L’objectif principal de ce travail est de vérifier si le statut de la culture à la télévision nationale pourrait être un indicateur sur la mise en place d’un processus démocratique au Maroc. La réforme de l’audiovisuel constitue un prétexte pour observer la portée des discours réformistes, surtout quand ils sont annoncés par des régimes autoritaires. Comme nous voulons aborder un aspect spécifique d’une politique sectorielle, il serait utile de l’intégrer dans le climat global où elle évolue. En s’intéressant au passé colonial du pays, nous comprendrons les fondements du régime marocain ainsi que les relations qu’il entretient avec les différentes composantes du paysage politique.Les relations entre la monarchie et la religion, la politique et les médias, et le peuple marocain, contribueront à exposer la problématique du nouveau rôle que les réformes jouent dans la réaffirmation des régimes autoritaires. Les élections de 2011 ont permis l’accès des islamistes au gouvernement. L’élaboration des cahiers des charges de l’audiovisuel public par le ministère de tutelle provoquera un affrontement avec les vrais détenteurs de pouvoir sur ce domaine. Grâce aux conditions de la mise en application de ces textes, nous verrons comment les enjeux politiques influencent les décisions des différents acteurs, car nous souhaitons participer à poser un regard différent sur les démarches de modernisation d’un pays comme le Maroc. / This paper primarily seeks to verify whether the status of culture on Moroccan national television could be an indicator of the implementation of a democratic process in Morocco. Audiovisual reform is a pretext for observing the scope of reformist discourse, especially when such discourse is delivered by authoritarian regimes. As we intend to examine a specific aspect of policy in a given sector, it would be interesting to place it in the broader context in which it evolves. We shall take a close look at the country's colonial past to better understand the foundations of the Moroccan regime and the relations that it nurtures with the various stakeholders in the political landscape.We will use the relations between the monarchy and religion, politics and the media, and the Moroccan people to present the problematic of how authoritarian regimes now use reforms as a new way of reasserting their authority. The 2011 elections brought Islamists into the government. In the audiovisual sector, we can expect a confrontation between the true holders of power in this field and the ministry in charge of the sector when it comes to drafting the terms of reference for public radios and televisions. We shall examine how political stakes influence the decisions of the various professionals through the conditions for implementing these texts; for we wish to participate in viewing from a different angle, the modernization processes of a country such as Morocco.
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Truth Commissions: Did the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission serve the purpose for which it was established?Abduroaf, Muneer January 2010 (has links)
<p>Since the 1980&rsquo / s, many dictatorships around the world have been replaced by new democracies. These old dictatorships were notorious for their human rights abuses. Many people were killed and tortured / and many others were disappeared. When the new governments came into power, they had to confront these injustices that were perpetrated under the predecessor regime. This was necessary to create a culture of human rights / promote a respect for the law and access to justice. Many confronted these injustices in different ways, some granted amnesty, some prosecuted and others instituted truth commissions. This research paper focuses on truth commissions. The research focuses particularly on the study of the South African Truth Commission. The mandate of the South African Truth Commission is analysed and the investigation into whether the commission served the purpose for which it had been established is discussed.</p>
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Truth Commissions: Did the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission serve the purpose for which it was established?Abduroaf, Muneer January 2010 (has links)
<p>Since the 1980&rsquo / s, many dictatorships around the world have been replaced by new democracies. These old dictatorships were notorious for their human rights abuses. Many people were killed and tortured / and many others were disappeared. When the new governments came into power, they had to confront these injustices that were perpetrated under the predecessor regime. This was necessary to create a culture of human rights / promote a respect for the law and access to justice. Many confronted these injustices in different ways, some granted amnesty, some prosecuted and others instituted truth commissions. This research paper focuses on truth commissions. The research focuses particularly on the study of the South African Truth Commission. The mandate of the South African Truth Commission is analysed and the investigation into whether the commission served the purpose for which it had been established is discussed.</p>
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La formation des traducteurs en arabe/français : étude de terrain à Damas et à l'Université Lumière Lyon II / Pedagogy of translators in Lyon and DamascusHassan, Ward 17 December 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse présente des propositions pour les professeurs concernés par la formation des traducteurs de l'arabe en français et vice-versa. Elle suggère un cadre de référence qui fournit une conception globale de la formation des traducteurs dès le plus bas niveau jusqu'au niveau le plus élevé. Le cadre de référence sert de base pour une étude de terrain de la formation des traducteurs à Lyon 2, au Centre Culturel Français de Damas et à l'Université de Damas. / This thesis presents suggestions for teachers involved in the training of translators from Arabic into French and vice versa. It suggests a framework that provides a comprehensive approach to the training of translators from the lowest to the highest level. The framework provides the basis for a field study of the formation of two translators in Lyon, the French Cultural Center in Damascus and Damascus University.
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Truth Commissions: Did the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission serve the purpose for which it was established?Abduroaf, Muneer January 2010 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / Since the 1980's, many dictatorships around the world have been replaced by new democracies. These old dictatorships were notorious for their human rights abuses. Many people were killed and tortured; and many others were disappeared. When the new governments came into power, they had to confront these injustices that were perpetrated under the predecessor regime. This was necessary to create a culture of human rights; promote a respect for the law and access to justice. Many confronted these injustices in different ways, some granted amnesty, some prosecuted and others instituted truth commissions. This research paper focuses on truth commissions. The research focuses particularly on the study of the South African Truth Commission. The mandate of the South African Truth Commission is analysed and the investigation into whether the commission served the purpose for which it had been established is discussed. / South Africa
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