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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reibmessgerät zur Bestimmung des Gleitreibkoeffizienten von bahnförmigen Packstoffen

Kayatz, Fabian, Claus, Ronald January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Thermal modelling of an FZG test gearbox / Termisk modellering av FZG-test-växellåda

Prakash del Valle, Carlos January 2014 (has links)
Gearboxes are always subject of study in order to increase their efficiency. Energy losses in gear contacts are transformed into heat which is distributed among the gearbox components increasing their temperature. A thermal model of the gearbox brings the opportunity of a deeper understanding of the heat dissipated related to the power losses in the gear contact. A MATLAB program based on ordinary differential equations was developed in order to make a thermal model of an FZG test gearbox. The model is based on a thermal network where each node represents a machine element. The thermal network is composed by thermal resistances due to deformation in the gear contact, conduction, convection and radiation. With thermal resistances, power losses and thermal inertia of each element, the temperature evolution was obtained by applying the First Principle of Thermodynamics. Due to the temperature evolution, heat transfer between different elements was estimated. Additionally, experimental results from an FZG test rig were implemented in the model and also used to verify its accuracy. Furthermore, additional features to the model such as a cooling system and spray lubrication were also studied. Results show a wide capability and handling of the program in terms of thermal analysis: heat flux direction and magnitude, visual tools such as thermal network of the test gearbox, as well as the analysis of different operating conditions. With these tools, an approach to the minimum amount of lubricant necessary and other ways to quench overheating could then be reached. Keywords: Thermal network, FZG gear test rig, heat flow, temperature, MATLAB, ODE. / Växellådor är ständigt ett forskningsområde för att förbättra deras verkningsgrad. Energiförluster i kuggkontakter omvandlas till värme som sprids i växellådan som sedan värmer upp komponenterna. En termisk modell av växellådan gör det möjligt för djupare förståelse hur värmen sprids i förhållande till energiförlusterna i kuggkontakten. Ett MATLAB-program baserat på ordinära differential-ekvationer utvecklades för att göra en termisk modell av en växellåda i en kuggrigg från FZG. Modellen är baserad på ett termiskt nätverk där varje nod representerar en maskinkomponent. Det termiska nätverket består av resistanser som uppstår på grund av deformation i kuggkontakten, ledning, konvektion och strålning. Med termiska resistanser, energiförluster, termisk tröghet från komponenterna och genom att applicera termodynamikens första grundsats kunde temperatur-genereringen bestämmas. Från temperatur-genereringen kunde värme-ledningen mellan komponenter uppskattas. Testresultat från en FZG-kuggrigg användes för att verifiera modellens noggrannhet. Andra egenskaper till modellen, som ett annat kylsystem och spraysmörjning studerades för att undersöka möjligheteten att adderas till modellen. Resultat visar på en bred användning av modellen i avseende på termisk analys: värmeflödets storlek och riktning, ett visuellt redskap för växellådans temperatur och hur växellådans temperatur varierar under olika driftförhållanden. Med de här redskapen kan den minsta oljemängden som behövs för att smörja kuggkontakten undersökas och hur kylning av kugghjulen kan förbättras. Nyckelord: Termiskt nätverk, FZG kugghjuls-rigg, värmeflöde, temperatur, MATLAB, ODE

Concept Design and Prototyping of a Test Rig for In Vitro Hemolysis Assessment of Pulsatile Blood Pumps : A design with an Improved Blood Filling and De-airing Interface / Konceptdesign och prototypframställning av en testrigg för in vitro hemolysbedömning av pulserande blodpumpar : En design med ett förbättrat gränssnitt för blodfyllning och avluftning

Lee, Yun-Ting January 2022 (has links)
Hemolysis assessment of heart pumps is necessary to be carried out before progressing to clinical trials. Blood pump hemolysis assessment standards, such as ASTM F1830 and F1841, were initially based on continuous flow pumps and included the pulsatile flow pumps later in 2019. However, a lack of guidance on the test rig design results in diverse rigs being applied in literature and companies. An aluminum-profile-based rig, which was named the old rig in this study, was created based on Gräf’s mock loop for pulsatile flow pumps in the literature. Nevertheless, this rig was without a user-friendly interface for blood-filling and de-airing, and it led to a risk of blood leakage, more effort required, and a chance of more hemolysis induced during the processes. Thus, this thesis aims to create a new rig for pulsatile flow pumps and improve its usability for blood filling and de-airing. To achieve the goals, a new rig design concept and its prototype were generated through the design thinking process. Next, user experience testings with the tasks, rig filling, de-airing, and emptying, were given to 5 users to validate if the features of the new rig could satisfy the user needs and improve the usability in terms of efficiency and user satisfaction. Lastly, two blood tests were conducted with the paired rigs, the old rig, and the new rig, based on the same pulsatile flow pump prototypes to investigate the impact of the new system layout on the hemolysis assessment. The results from the user experience testing showed that the new rig had a higher efficiency mainly based on the positive qualitative feedback of the users. The average satisfaction scores in all three tasks were higher on the new rig than on the old rig. Furthermore, the new rig did not induce more hemolysis than the old rig based on the two blood tests. Though the results were not statistically significant, the new rig could be a potential reference for a new standard of hemolysis testing on pulsatile blood pumps with user-friendly blood filling and de-airing processes. / Hemolys bedömning av hjärtpumpar är nödvändigt att utföras innan fortsättning till kliniska tester. Blodpump hemolys bedömning standarder, såsom ASTM F1830 och F1841, var initialt baserade på kontinuerliga flödespumpar, men sedan 2019 har även pulserande pumpar blivit inkluderadeDock, ingen klar vägledning av test rigg design, resulterar i att diverse riggar har använts i litteraturen och företag. En aluminiumprofilbaserad rigg, som i denna studie fick namnet den gamla riggen, skapades utifrån Gräfs mock loop för pulserande flödespumpar i litteraturen. Ändå saknade denna rigg ett användarvänligt gränssnitt för blodfyllning och avluftning, och det ledde till risk för blodläckage, mer ansträngning som krävdes och en chans att mer hemolys inducerades under processerna. Således, syftet med denna avhandling är att skapa en ny rigg för pulserade flödespumpar och förbättra användbarheten för blodfyllning och avluftning. För att uppnå målet, generades en ny rigg design koncept och dess prototyp genom designtänkande processen. Sedan, gavs följande användarupplevelse uppgifter, riggfyllning, avluftning och tömning till 5 användare för att validera om funktionerna på den nya riggen kunde uppfylla användarens behov och förbättra användbarheten gällande effektivitet och användarnöjdhet. Slutligen, genomfördes två försök med blod med de parade riggarna, gamla riggen och den nya riggen, baserat på samma pulserade flödespump prototyp för att undersöka det nya systemets layout påverkan på hemolys bedöming. Resultatet från användarupplevelse försöken visade att den nya riggen hade högre effektivitet vilket främst baserades på den kvalitativa återkopplingen från användarna. Den genomsnittliga tillfredsställelsen i alla tre uppgifter var högre med den nya riggen än med gamla riggen. Det var ingen ökning av hemolys i den nya riggen, baserat på de två blodförsöken. Trots att resultaten inte var statiskt säkerställt, så visade det sig vara en potentiell referens för en ny standard för hemolystestning på pulserade blodpumpar med användarvänliga blodfyllnings- och avluftningsprocesser.


Akshat Sharma (17963420) 14 February 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Fretting wear occurs when two contacting bodies under load are subjected to small amplitude oscillatory motion. Depending on the applied normal load, displacement amplitude, coefficient of friction and resulting shear force, two types of fretting wear regimes exist – (i) partial slip and (ii) gross slip. At displacement amplitudes higher than gross slip condition, sliding wear regime prevails. Fretting wear becomes dominant in machine components subject to vibrations such as bearings, dovetail joints, etc. whereas sliding wear is observed in brakes, piston-ring applications, etc. The work in this dissertation primarily focuses on characterizing the material response of various machine components subjected to fretting and sliding wear regimes.</p><p dir="ltr">At first, the friction and fretting wear behavior of inlet ring and spring clip components used in land-based gas turbines was investigated at elevated (<a href="" target="_blank">500°C</a>) temperature. In order to achieve this objective, a novel high-temperature fretting wear apparatus was designed and developed to simulate the conditions existing in a gas turbine. The test apparatus was used to investigate fretting wear of atmospheric plasma sprayed (APS) Cr<sub>3</sub>C<sub>2</sub>-NiCr (25% wt.), high-velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) sprayed Cr<sub>3</sub>C<sub>2</sub>-NiCr (25% wt.), HVOF sprayed T-800 and APS sprayed PS400 coated inlet rings against HVOF-sprayed Cr<sub>3</sub>C<sub>2</sub>-NiCr (25% wt.) coated spring clip. The PS400 coated inlet rings demonstrated a significant reduction in friction and wear. A finite element (FE) framework was also developed to simulate fretting wear in HVOF-sprayed Cr<sub>3</sub>C<sub>2</sub>-NiCr composite cermet coating. The material microstructure was modelled using Voronoi tessellations with a log-normal distribution of grain size. Moreover, the individual material phases in the coating were randomly assigned to resemble the microstructure from an actual SEM micrograph. A damage mechanics based cohesive zone model with grain deletion algorithm was used to simulate debonding of the ceramic carbide phase from the matrix and resulting degradation from repeated fretting cycles. The specific wear rate obtained from the model for the existing material microstructure was benchmarked against experiments. Novel material microstructures were also modeled and demonstrated to show less scatter in wear rate.</p><p dir="ltr">Following, a three-dimensional (3D) continuum damage mechanics (CDM) FE model was developed to investigate the effects of fretting wear on rolling contact fatigue (RCF) of bearing steels. In order to determine the fretting scar geometry, a 3D arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) adaptive mesh (AM) FE model was developed to simulate fretting wear between two elastic bodies for different initially pristine fretting pressures (0.5, 0.75 and 1 GPa) and friction coefficients (0.15, 0.175 and 0.25) resulting in stick zone to contact width ratios, c/a = 0.35, 0.55 and 0.75. The resulting wear profiles were subjected to various initially pristine RCF pressures (1, 2.2 and 3.4 GPa). The pressure profiles for RCF were determined by moving the contact over the fretted wear profiles in 21 steps. These pressure profiles were then used in the CDM-FE model to predict the RCF life of fretted surfaces. The results indicate that increased fretting pressure leads to more wear on the surface, thereby reducing RCF life. As the RCF pressure increases (P<sub>RCF</sub> ≥ 2.2 GPa), the effect of fretting on RCF life decreases for all fretting pressures and c/a values, indicating that life is primarily governed by the RCF pressure. The results from CDM-FE model were used to develop a life equation for evaluating the L<sub>10</sub> life of fretted M-50 bearing steel for the range of tested conditions.</p><p dir="ltr">Lastly, the sliding wear characteristics of pitch and poly-acrylonitrile based carbon-carbon (C/C) composites were investigated in air and nitrogen environment by designing and developing a disc brake test rig. It was found that the temperature of the disc, the surrounding environment, the supplied energy flux as well as the type of composite play a critical role in determining whether C/C composites operate in normal wear or dusting wear regime. Further analysis of wear mechanisms revealed interface and matrix cracking with fiber breakage from tests in air environment, whereas in nitrogen environment, particulate and layered debris played a prominent role.</p>

Development and Scaling Up of Test Protocol to a Full-Scale Filter Rig to Investigate Soft Particle Filtration Efficiency in Biofuel Blends / Utveckling och uppskalning av ett testprotokoll för en fullskalig filteruppställning för undersökning av filtreringseffektiviteten av mjuka partiklar i biobränsleblandningar

Shinkhede, Saurabh January 2021 (has links)
Kommersiella tunga transporter står för en stor del av utsläppen av växthusgaser. För att minska det globala fotavtrycket hos kommersiella fordon är det vanligt att använda biodrivmedel som ”drop in” bränslen. De avancerade motorer som för närvarande finns på marknaden är känsliga för olösliga föroreningarna, vilka benämns ”mjuka partiklar” av Scania. Dessa partiklar bildas som ett resultat av att biodieseln åldras, p.g.a. oxidationsinstabilitet, och en växelverkan med metalltillsatser i bränslet. Mjuka partiklar orsakar interna dieselinjektoravlagringar (IDID) och ett snabbt åldrande av bränslefilters genom igensättning. Avsikten med denna studie var att analysera det sistnämnda problemet genom att undersöka bränslefiltrets filtreringseffektivitet av oönskade mjuka partiklar. Ett protokoll över utförandet av feltreringstesterna utvecklades och skalades upp från en småskalig filterrestrigg vid KTH (Fas 1) till en fullskalig filtertestrigg på Scania (fas 2). Den experimentella uppställningen var ett försök att reproducera fältscenarier för filtrering i verkliga lastbilar. Tyngdpunkten i fas 1 riktades mot accelererade tester i den småskaliga testriggen med höga koncentrationer av tvålmjuka partiklar av zinkneodekanoat och syntetiskt producerade mjuka kalciumpartiklar. Separationseffektiviteten hos bränslefilter undersöktes med hjälp av GC-MS-analys. ICP mätningar gjordes för att upptäcka Zn2+ och Ca2+-joner i tvålämnena. Dessa tvålämnen identifierades tidigare på igensatta bränslefiltren och värden från dessa konventionella bränslefilter jämfördes med resultat från en absorptionsfiltreringsprocess med hjälp av ler(silikat)filter. Syftet med jämförelsen var att studera en alternativ bränslefiltreringsteknik för fordonstillämpningar. Mätningar med SEM-EDS gav rimliga förklaringar angående effektivitetsvärden för Zn-och Ca-tvålämnen för olika filtren, som används i försöken. Adsorptionsfiltret av lera hade 99 % filtreringseffektivitet och är en intressant lösning för framtida studier. Fas 2 fokuserade på en uppskalning av försöksprotokoll för filtreringstester med biobränslen och inkluderade sex olika riggförsök. Resultaten visade på tillförlitliga och exakta värden av tryckvariationer och filtereffektiviteten med en maximal effektivitet på 63,3 % för huvudfiltret och 75 % för förfiltret, som ett resultat av GC-MS-analysen. De uppmätta tryckvariationerna visar att förfiltret fångar in en majoritet (över 70 %) av de mjuka partiklarna, vilket resulterar i en ökning av tryckfallet över tiden. Med hänsyn till resultaten så rekommenderas försöksförfarandet för fortsatta framtida studier. / Commercial heavy duty transportation accounts for a major share of greenhouse gas emissions. In order to reduce the global footprint, commercial vehicles are widely known to use biodiesel as drop in fuels. The advanced engines, currently on the market, are sensitive to the insoluble contaminants, termed as soft particles in Scania. They are formed because of aging of biodiesel and the interaction with metal additives in the fuel. This is a common problem associated with the fuel due to high oxidation instability. Soft particles are responsible for causing Internal Diesel Injector Deposits (IDIDs) and premature fuel filter clogging. This report deals with the analysis of the latter problem. The purpose of the project is to investigate the fuel filter efficiencies against desired soft particles. A protocol of experiments was developed and scaled up from a small-scale filter rig at KTH (Phase 1) to a full-scale filter test rig at Scania (Phase 2) at ambient temperatures. The experimental campaign in this project is an attempt to replicate on field scenarios of filtration in real trucks. In Phase 1, the emphasis of the accelerated tests (higher concentrations) was on using soap soft particles, zinc neodecanoate and synthetically produced calcium soft particles for the small-scale filter rig. Separation efficiencies of fuel filters were examined using GC-MS analysis. Whereas ICP measurements were done to detect Zn2+ and Ca2+ ion in these soaps. These soaps were successfully identified to be present on the clogged fuel filters. Values from conventional fuel filters were compared with results from absorption filtration process using clay (silicate) filters. The purpose of the comparison was to study an alternate fuel filtration technique for vehicle application. Furthermore, SEM-EDS provided reasonable explanations about the efficiency values of the filters against Zn and Ca soaps used in the operation. The adsorption clay filter as had 99% of filtration efficiency proving an interesting solution for future investigations. Phase 2 started with an initiation of the scaling up or the protocol for test fuels, including six different rig operations. The maximum efficiencies of the filters (63.3% for main filters and 75% for pre filters) were noted as a result of quantification of the GC-MS results of the samples obtained from the rig. The pressure variations recorded proved, that the pre filters were trapping majority (over 70%) of the soft particles showing a rise in pressure drops over time. According to the results, the full-scale filter rig gave reliable and accurate values of pressure variations and filter efficiencies. Thus, it is suggested to use in the future investigations.

Analysis of design requirements for early failure detection in a gear test rig / Analys av konstruktionskrav för detektering av tidiga kuggskador i en kuggprovningsrigg

Spaccesi, José Agustín January 2020 (has links)
Gears are the heart of many machines, being its function transform and transmit torque. This work is a study of adequate design requirements, in particular, the best methodology to early detect gear fatigue failure using a gear test rig, an FZG test machine. The study used the widely proved QFD analysis technique that introduces the client in the design process by using a matrix system. All available relevant literature on the subject and interviews with relevant people in the field were sources of information for the development of this technique. In that way, a mapping is presented, showing the most common fatigue failure modes and available detection methods.  As a result of the investigation, the most suitable technique for the early gear failure detection in the FZG rig to be a combination of vibration analysis and acoustic emissions analysis, these techniques present the best practice at the moment and also possible to implement. However, other technologies are also presented in the report. / Kuggväxlar uppfyller en viktig funktion i många system. I det här arbetet studerades de viktigaste konstruktionskraven hos en tetstrigg för kugg, en FZG-rigg, för att kunna detektera tidiga tecken på kuggskador. Litteraturstudier tillsammans med intervjuer av personer från industrin lade grunden till en jämförelse av produktegenskaper som uppfyller kundkraven med hjälp av en så kallad Quality Function Deployment matrix (QFD-matris). I en QFD omvandlas kundkrav till funktion- och konstruktionskrav, i och med den kunde också de vanligaste kuggskadorna och detekteringsmetoderna kartläggas.  De mest relevanta teknikerna för att detektera tidiga tecken på skador i en FZG-rigg idag visade sig vara en kombination av vibrationsmätningar och akustiska emissionsmätningar. Lösningen är möjlig att implementera. Även andra teknologier finns presenterade i rapporten. / Los engranajes son el corazón de muchas máquinas, siendo su función transformar y transmitir par. En este trabajo se realizó un estudio de los requisitos de diseño más adecuados, en particular, la mejor metodología para detección anticipada de fallo a fatiga de engranajes testeados en un banco de pruebas de engranajes FZG. Durante el estudio se utilizó la técnica de análisis QFD que introduce al cliente en el proceso de diseño mediante el uso de un sistema matricial. Toda la literatura relevante disponible sobre el tema, así como entrevistas a personas relevantes en el campo fueron utilizadas como fuente de información para el desarrollo de dicha técnica. También se realizó un mapeo de los diferentes modos y mecanismos de fallo por fatiga más comunes, así como los métodos de detección disponibles.  Como resultado de la investigación se concretó como metodología más adecuada para la detección anticipada de fallo de engranajes en los bancos de prueba FZG, una combinación de análisis de vibraciones y análisis de emisiones acústicas, estas técnicas presentan las mejores características en función de la dificultad de implementación. Sin embargo, en el informe también se presentan otras tecnologías.

Revolutionizing Wind Energy with CRVT: A Test Rig for Drivetrain Optimization

Carlberg Toulemonde, Leo, Norrblom, Tim January 2024 (has links)
This study presents the design and optimization of a test rig tailored for upcoming wind turbine design applications. Initial decisions were made regarding component selection, focusing on a gearbox, electric motor, and motor controller. Requirements included continuous power output of 300 kW from the electric motor and the gearbox's ability to handle specified torque and reduce input speed to match the structural limitations. Key challenges revolved around gearbox design and performance, necessitating a right-angle configuration for converting horizontal to vertical torque efficiently. To meet the rotational speed requirements, a 30 to 1 ratio gearbox was selected, ensuring compatibility with the maximum structural rotational speed of 50 revolutions per minute. The electric motor, pivotal in the drivetrain, was chosen based on a balance between economic viability and rotational speed, resulting in a four-pole motor configuration. Coupling mechanisms were employed to connect the motor and gearbox, facilitating energy transfer between shafts. A motor controller was integrated to regulate current flow, voltage application, and frequency modulation, enhancing operational control and adaptability to specific requirements. Radial ball bearings were selected to minimize energy expenditure during rotation, particularly due to downward compressive forces. The test rig setup, situated indoors on a concrete floor, mandated a metal plate foundation to ease component attachment without drilling into the floor. Data simulations were conducted to determine bolt specifications capable of withstanding motor-induced forces. Furthermore, collaboration with industry experts facilitated component selection and quotation analysis, ensuring an optimized drivetrain solution meeting both technical and economic criteria. This research contributes to the advancement of wind turbine design testing methodologies, providing insights into component selection, integration, and optimization for enhanced performance and reliability.

Jacking and Equalizing Cylinders for NASA- Crawler Transporter

Rühlicke, Ingo 03 May 2016 (has links) (PDF)
For the transport of their spacecraft from the vehicle assembly building to the launch pads at Kennedy Space Centre, Florida, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is using two special crawler transporters since 1965. First developed for the Saturn V rocket the crawler transporters have been sufficient for all following generations of space ships so far. But for the new generation of Orionspacecraft which is under development now, a load capacity increase for the crawler transporter of plus 50% was necessary. For this task Hunger Hydraulik did develop new jacking, equalizing and levelling (JEL) cylinders with sufficient load capacity but also with some new features to improve the availability, reliability and safety of this system. After design approval and manufacture of the cylinders they have been tested in a special developed one-to-one scale dynamic test rig and after passing this the cylinders had to prove their performance in the crawler transporter itself. This article describes the general application and introduces the technical requirements of this project as well as the realized solution.

Some aspects of human performance in a Human Adaptive Mechatronics (HAM) system

Parthornratt, Tussanai January 2011 (has links)
An interest in developing the intelligent machine system that works in conjunction with human has been growing rapidly in recent years. A number of studies were conducted to shed light on how to design an interactive, adaptive and assistive machine system to serve a wide range of purposes including commonly seen ones like training, manufacturing and rehabilitation. In the year 2003, Human Adaptive Mechatronics (HAM) was proposed to resolve these issues. According to past research, the focus is predominantly on evaluation of human skill rather than human performance and that is the reason why intensive training and selection of suitable human subjects for those experiments were required. As a result, the pattern and state of control motion are of critical concern for these works. In this research, a focus on human skill is shifted to human performance instead due to its proneness to negligence and lack of reflection on actual work quality. Human performance or Human Performance Index (HPI) is defined to consist of speed and accuracy characteristics according to a well-renowned speed-accuracy trade-off or Fitts' Law. Speed and accuracy characteristics are collectively referred to as speed and accuracy criteria with corresponding contributors referred to as speed and accuracy variables respectively. This research aims at proving a validity of the HPI concept for the systems with different architecture or the one with and without hardware elements. A direct use of system output logged from the operating field is considered the main method of HPI computation, which is referred to as a non-model approach in this thesis. To ensure the validity of these results, they are compared against a model-based approach based on System Identification theory. Its name is due to being involved with a derivation of mathematical equation for human operator and extraction of performance variables. Certain steps are required to match the processing outlined in that of non-model approach. Some human operators with complicated output patterns are inaccurately derived and explained by the ARX models.

Contributions en simulation, expérimentation et modélisation destinées à l’analyse des instabilités de combustion hautes fréquences des moteurs fusées à ergols liquides / Simulation, experimentation and modeling contributions to the analysis of high frequency combustion instabilities in liquid propellant rocket-engines

Gonzalez Flesca, Manuel 28 November 2016 (has links)
Cette recherche se focalise sur les problèmes d’instabilités de combustion hautes fréquences dans les moteurs fusées. Ces instabilités sont connues pour avoir des effets néfastes et peuvent, dans certains cas, causer la destruction du système propulsif. Pour éviter l’apparition de ces instabilités, il est important de connaître les mécanismes qui entretiennent ces phénomènes dynamiques et de comprendre le couplage complexe entre l’injection, la combustion et la résonnance acoustique du système. Ce travail comprend trois parties.La première partie traite de la simulation numérique de jets non-réactifs et réactifs soumis à différentes conditions de modulation afin de comprendre les interactions entre les jets, les flammes et leur environnement. Les calculs numériques de jets ronds non-réactifs ainsi que des flammes plus complexes formées par des injecteurs coaxiaux dans des conditions transcritiques ont été effectuées avec des simulations aux grandes échelles (SGE), adaptées aux conditions gaz réels à l’aide du solveur AVBP-RG. Les jets ronds ont été soumis à des fluctuations de vitesse transverse. Il a été trouvé que pour toutes les amplitudes et fréquences de modulation, le jet est déformé et oscille dans la direction transverse. Ce comportement peut être représenté par un modèle. Les flammes coaxiales ont été soumises à une modulation de débit et de pression. La modulation induit des variations du dégagement de chaleur global. Un modèle mathématique reliant les paramètres modulés au dégagement de chaleur est proposé.La seconde partie contient les travaux expérimentaux. Dans ce cadre, un nouveau banc expérimental a été développé pour l’étude de cavités couplées pressurisées (NPCC). Le couplage entre le plénum (ou dôme) et la chambre a été étudié. Un modèle reliant les fluctuations de pression et de vitesse en sortie des injecteurs a été développé et comparés aux données d’essais. Le banc NPCC a aussi été utilisé pour acquérir plus de connaissances sur le niveau d’amortissement. Les coefficients d’amortissement ont été déterminés.La dernière partie de ce document traite du développement d’un modèle ordre réduit qui représente des mécanismes qui entretiennent et amortissent les instabilités de combustion hautes fréquences. Cette description dynamique a été incorporée dans un code de stabilité haute fréquence (STAHF). Ce code a été utilisé pour étudier un moteur à ergols liquides d’une puissance de 87 MW (le banc BKD du DLR en Allemagne) qui présente des instabilités hautes fréquences. Après le recalage de certains paramètres de contrôle, STAHF a été capable de retrouver des résultats obtenus d’essais au DLR. / This research concerns some of the issues raised by high frequency combustion instabilities in rocket engines. These instabilities are known to have detrimental effects leading, in some cases, to the destruction of the propulsion system. To avoid the appearance of such instabilities it is important to gain an understanding of the processes driving such dynamical phenomena. One has to consider the complex coupling between injection, combustion and the acoustic resonances of the system. The present work contributes to this objective by developing three items.The first deals with numerical simulations of non-reactive and reactive jets submitted to different modulation conditions to understand the interaction between jets, flames and their environment. Numerical simulations of non-reactive round jets as well as more complex flames formed by coaxial injectors operating under transcritical conditions were carried out using large eddy simulation (LES) adapted to real gas situations by making use of the AVBP-RG flow solver. Round jets were submitted to transverse velocity fluctuations. It has been found that for all amplitudes and frequencies of modulation, the modulated jet is deformed and oscillates. This behavior can be represented by a model. The coaxial flames were submitted to mass flow rate and pressure modulation. For these cases it has been found that the modulation induces variations of the global heat release rate. A mathematical relationship between the modulated parameters and the heat release rate has been proposed.The second item includes experimental investigations. For this purpose a New Pressurized Coupled Cavities (NPCC) laboratory test rig has been developed. The possible coupling between the plenum and the thrust chamber was studied. A model, linking pressure and velocity fluctuations between the plenum and the thrust chamber, has been developed. The laboratory test rig was also used to gather some knowledge on the levels of damping and the damping coefficients could be determined.The last item of this document deals with the development of a reduced order dynamical model which includes some of the driving and damping mechanisms of high frequency combustion instabilities. This dynamical description was implemented in a high frequency stability code (STAHF). This code was used to examine a 87 MW liquid rocket engine (BKD operated at DLR, Germany) exhibiting high frequency oscillations. After the adjustment of some control parameters, STAHF was able to retrieve some the features observed in experiments carried out at DLR.

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