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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An ergative view of Thao syntax

Wang, Shan-Shan. January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2004. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 373-389).

Trần Đức Thảo’s Theory of Language Origins / La théorie des origines du langage de Trần Đức Thảo

D'Alonzo, Jacopo 17 November 2018 (has links)
Depuis des siècles, plusieurs penseurs et scientifiques ont abordé la relation entre la coopération, le langage et la cognition sociale. Parmi eux, Trần Đức Thảo (1917-1993) mérite une mention spéciale. Le but de la recherche qui suit est de présenter au lecteur la réflexion philosophique de Thảo sur le langage humain et son évolution. Nous essaierons de tracer les grandes lignes de la théorie de Thảo sur les origines du langage dans ses Recherches sur l'origine du langage et de la conscience (1973) dans lesquelles il a essayé de trouver une synthèse entre philosophie, linguistique, psychologie et anthropologie physique. La découverte du marxisme-léninisme a conduit Thảo à proposer une approche matérialiste et dialectique au problème de la relation entre corps esprit. De cette façon, Thảo a proposé une sorte de tournant matérialiste et historique de la philosophie de la conscience de Husserl qui était au cœur de ses premiers intérêts philosophiques. La théorie de Thảo met en relief la nature sociale du langage et de la cognition, de sorte que l’évolution du langage est inextricablement liée aux relations sociales. Une telle conclusion reposait sur l’hypothèse que le travail est une caractéristique exclusivement humaine qui distingue les humains des animaux. Pour lui, la genèse du langage est dans le travail humain et donc le langage se développe parmi nos ancêtres pré-humains ainsi que chez les humains en réponse aux problèmes posés par la vie matérielle. En gardant à l’esprit que le langage découle des exigences sociales et des besoins du monde matériel, selon Thảo le langage se transforme lui-même au fur et à mesure que la société humaine change. Et compte tenu des racines sociales de la pensée et du langage, la conscience évolue continuellement avec le temps. Dans ce cadre, Thảo a voulu déterminer la nature du langage et son rôle dans les sociétés préhistoriques et son évolution à travers les relations sociales. / Several thinkers and scientists throughout the philosophical and scientific tradition took up the relationship between cooperation, language, and social cognition. Among them, Trần Đức Thảoʼs (1917–1993) deserves a special mention. The purpose of the following research is to introduce the reader to Thảoʼs philosophical reflection on human language and its evolution. We shall attempt to map out the main lines of Thảoʼs theory of language origins set out in his Recherches sur l’origine du langage et de la conscience (1973) that combines philosophy, linguistics, psychology, and anthropology. The discovery of Marxism-Leninism led Thảo to suggest a materialistic and dialectic approach to the mind-body problem. In this way, Thảo tried to suggest a materialist and historical turn of Husserl’s philosophy of consciousness which was at the very heart of his own first philosophical interests. Thảo’s account threw into sharp relief the social nature of both language and cognition, so that language evolution is linked inextricably to social relations. Such a view depended upon the assumption that labour is an exclusively human characteristic which sets humans apart from animals. And the genesis of language is in human labour. In this way of thinking, language develops among both our pre-human ancestors and present humans in response to problems posed by the material life. Bearing in mind that language arises from the social demands and needs of the material world, language is transformed itself as human society changes. And given the social roots of thought and language, consciousness evolves continuously over time. Within this framework, Thảo wanted to determine the nature of language and its role in pre-historical societies and its making through social relations.

Le Moment marxiste de la phénoménologie française (Sartre, Merleau-Ponty, Tran Duc Thao) / The Marxist moment of French phenomenology (Sartre, Merleau-Ponty, Tran Duc Thao)

Feron, Alexandre 09 December 2017 (has links)
Entre la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale et le début des années 1960, les représentants les plus importants du courant phénoménologique en France, Jean-Paul Sartre, Maurice Merleau-Ponty et Trân Duc Thào, estiment non seulement qu'il est nécessaire de se confronter au marxisme, mais également que l'articulation entre phénoménologie et marxisme constitue l'un des enjeux essentiels de la philosophie dans le monde contemporain. L'objet de notre recherche est de comprendre la spécificité du travail philosophique que chacun de ces auteurs opère sur ces deux courants en apparence si opposés afin de rendre possible leur synthèse. Ce travail montre notamment comment le projet initial de 1944 est progressivement mis en question et reconfiguré au contact des évolutions historiques et politiques, des débats philosophiques et du développement des sciences humaines. Nous entendons ainsi restituer les enjeux et inventions conceptuelles de ce qui restera l'un des moments les plus féconds et originaux de la philosophie française contemporaine. / Between the end of the Second World War and the beginning of the 1960s, the chief representatives of the phenomenological school in France, Jean-Paul Sartre, Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Tran Duc Thao, not only considered that they had to confront Marxism in their works : they deemed the endeavour to combine Marxism with phenomenology one of the major tasks of philosophy in the modern world. The object of our research is to understand the specificity of the philosophical work each performed on these two apparently incompatible schools of thought, in order to make their synthesis possible. Our work traces the way in which the initial project of 1944 was progressively questioned and reworked in the wake of political and historical change, philosophical debates and the development of human sciences. Thus we hope to bring to light the underlying stakes and conceptual innovations of what remains one of the most fertile and original moments in contemporary French philosophy.

mintháw ya minshpút? (做番抑是做人?)──邵族的祭祀體系與民族邊界

簡史朗 Unknown Date (has links)
邵族在政治上雖然得到了身分的認定,但是其傳統文化的保存、維護和傳承卻正面臨著極大的危機,甚至於連民族邊界都可能在逐步消弭模糊之中,本論文嘗試從現今邵族新舊交揉的祭儀體系中,分析它的核心價值究竟是什麼?也就是說在邵族最基底的祭儀文化當中,支撐邵族之所以為邵族的「邊界」究竟在哪裡? 「邵族」有別於「非邵族」的邊界,除了最無爭議的語言條件之外,在於他的「傳統祖靈信仰」,如果邵族能夠守住「民族宗教」裡「祖靈信仰」的部分,則邵族的民族邊界就可以清楚界定,亦即:邵族不致於由thaw(邵)變成shput(平地人)。 邵族的祖靈信仰在外部為具體化的「公媽籃」,而在內部則由「祀拜的方式和場域」衍生出家族認同和民族認同,經由「先生媽拜公媽籃」、「公領域和私領域交替祀拜」與「婚入者擔任pariqaz」的儀式,不斷地銘印邵族的「家族身分」與「民族身分」,傳統氏族結構的社會組織也因此得以經常加以確認並維繫,邵族的民族邊界於是突顯出來:邵族仍然是邵族,不會模糊了他與別族之間的界線。 傳統的祖靈信仰是邵族的民族邊界,足以區隔出邵族和其他民族的不同,而祖靈信仰的具體依托是「ulalaluan(公媽籃)」和shinshí(先生媽)」,前者是具體化的祖靈,後者是執行祖靈信仰的人,如果能妥善保護「ulalaluan(公媽籃)」和shinshí(先生媽)」的傳承,鞏固並且確保邵族的傳統祖靈信仰方式,則邵族的民族邊界就不虞有消失的可能。

落空的權利—從法律多重製圖觀點看日月潭邵族原住民族土地同意權的實踐 / The Hollow Rights: The Practice of Thao’s Indigenous Land Rights in Taiwan from the Perspective of "Multi-Layered Mapping of Law"

沈世祐, Shen, Shih Yu Unknown Date (has links)
《原住民族基本法》於2005年通過,是台灣原住民族運動努力多年的成果,但是近年來原住民族仍持續面對各種壓迫。在土地權利方面,該法第21條規定政府或私人於原住民族土地進行開發利用時,需事先諮詢當地原住民族之同意或參與(簡稱「同意權」),然而在許多案件中,原住民族主張此條文表達反對時,經常未能得到行政部門正面回應。本研究以日月潭邵族反對向山旅館開發案為例,理解「同意權」如何變成「落空的權利」。 許多文獻討論,將原住民族權利與實踐的落差歸因於「個人權」(individual right)與「集體權」(collective right)兩種概念的差異及行政部門本位主義因素。本研究則想更進一步釐清,又有哪些其他因素也影響原住民族權利的落實? 在這些因素的影響下,「同意權」的規範運作又產生了何種實際效用? 本研究將從「法律多重製圖」之觀點回答上述問題,首先將探究「同意權」概念在國際法、國內法與行政實踐中的規範生產與運作,分析在不同的場域下,場域內的參與者如何對「同意權」進行法律製圖。本文主張,法律生產過程中對權利概念的意義內涵轉換、法律生產與運作場域的邏輯結構,皆影響原住民族權利的實踐。同時,本研究進一步以日月潭邵族的案例,說明原住民族土地權中「自由與事先知情同意原則」或「同意權」規範,理想上是以原住民族的「參與」並實現自決權為目標,但在邵族的案例中,實際運作卻是不斷「排除」原住民族的過程,法律成為排除原住民族權利的合理化機制,更避開各種議題對立面的討論。 權利的落空一方面指權利主張不被理解與正視,更進一步指原住民族社會愈遠離「集體」的過程,因而我們需對原住民族同意權或各種集體權的運作有更多的反省,並持續探詢屬於每個部落或族群中所謂「好生活」(good life)的意義。本文最後藉用「草根後現代主義」(grassroots post-modernism)之概念,介紹原住民族在追求「好生活」的道路上,如何藉著在地思考、找回與族群內部的連結,以此對抗全球化、新自由主義趨勢下對原住民族權利的影響與侷限。 / Though its enactment in 2005 can be regarded as an achievement of Indigenous movement in Taiwan, The Indigenous Peoples Basic Law does not work as it promises. The indigenous people are still struggling for the fulfillment of rights. With respect to land rights, Article 21 of the Law requires the participation and consent of local indigenous people before the development and utilization of the indigenous land. However, the article is often neglected by the government in many cases. This case study then focuses on Thao people (邵族)who live around Sun-Moon Lake (日月潭)and their opposition to a Hotel program located in Xiangshan(向山), which is regarded as the traditional territory of Thao. By adopting the perspective of “Multi-Layered Mapping of Law”, I hope to analyze the enactment process and the effect of law concerning the principle of Free, Prior and Informed Consent as well as land rights of indigenous people, and try to describe how the “right to consent” becomes a “hollow right” in practice. The study depicts the right as “hollow” for two meanings. On the one hand, it shows the situation for indigenous people facing the gap between the law’s promise and law’s practice in the complex process of law making and law enforcement. On the other hand, it further describes the more distance from collectiveness within indigenous society. The study suggests that more dialogue and more reflection is needed when claiming rights. The last part of the study then introduces the idea of “grassroots post-modernism” which discuss the way to “Good Life" and the way of resistance against globalization and neoliberalism. Although the issues need further discussion in future studies, the idea can be a guidance for indigenous people as they pursue the fulfillment of land rights, autonomy and self-determination.

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