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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Odpovědnost za ochranu a změna režimu: případ Libye / Responsibility to Protect and Regime Change: Case of Libya

Koucká, Kateřina January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this work is to analyze the relationship between R2P and violent regime change. The work gives an overview of the establishment of R2P on the international scene, and then deals with its problem of selectivity in its application in practice. Despite the formal adoption of R2P in 2005 by all UN member states, R2P has been since then applied to similar cases of humanitarian crises in different ways. The problem of selectivity of R2P is fuelling the criticism of its legitimacy, because it is according to many a mean for achieving regime change. The most important reason for R2P's criticism is the connection between R2P and violent regime change, and that is the central theme of this work. Based on an analysis of the documents which form R2P, the work concludes that military intervention under R2P must not be deliberately used for regime change. However, there may be situations, when regime change is necessary for the protection of civilians; which means that regime change can be regarded as legitimate only if it is as an indirect result of the intervention. Therefore regime change is an integral part of R2P. The work aims to explore this ambivalent relationship and find out, where lies the boundary between legitimate overthrowing of a régime for the protection of civilians, and regime...

Les enjeux des relations Euro-Méditerranéennes entre la chute du mur de Berlin et les déboires du Printemps Arabe (1989-2013) / The issues of Euro-Mediterranean relations between the fall of the Berlin Wall and setbacks Arab Spring 1989-2013

El Khissassi, Abdelkader 07 July 2015 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche a pour objectif d’analyser les différentes initiatives de partenariat liant les pays méditerranéens avec l’UE, ainsi que l’élucidation des différents degrés d’engagement et d'implication de ces pays et sous-groupements régionaux dans ces initiatives. Il vise également à dévoiler les différents atouts et faiblesses qui caractérisent les relations Euro-méditerranéennes. La finalité de ce travail de recherche consiste à éclaircir les enjeux de ces relations et la justification de l’utilité de rapprochement entre les pays Sud-méditerranéens avec l’UE dans un espace géographique restreint et dans un cadre historique limité. Ainsi, cette analyse s’est focalisée sur les différents atouts politiques, économiques et sociaux ayant marqué les relations euro-méditerranéennes, durant la période allant de la Chute du Mur de Berlin (1989) jusqu'à l'échec du Printemps Arabe (2013). A l’issue de cette thèse, plusieurs alternatives et pistes de réflexion ont été suggérées, dans la perspective d’éviter les raisons d’échecs déjà constatées et afin de contribuer à l’édification de fondements solides susceptibles de concourir à la réussite des futurs partenariats et initiatives de coopérations euro-méditerranéennes. / This thesis is attempting to analyze the various partnership initiatives between the Mediterranean countries and the EU, as well as the different degrees of commitment and involvement of these countries and sub-regional groupings in these initiatives.It also aims at revealing the different strengths and weaknesses that characterize the Euro-Mediterranean relations.The purpose of this research work is to analyze the issues of the Euromed relationships and the size of building links between the Mediterranean countries and the EU in geographically restricted space and during a limited historical period. This analysis has focused on the different political assets, economic and social issues which characterized the Euro-Mediterranean relationships, especially in the period from the fall of the Berlin Wall (1989) until the failure of the Arab Spring (2013). Following this work, several alternatives and ideas have been suggested, with a view to avoiding the failure of stakes already recognized.The objective is to contribute to analysis of creating new strong frameworks which may contribute to the success of the future partnerships and initiatives in relation to the euro- Mediterranean cooperation.

Britská reakce na události arabského jara v kontextu vztahů Spojeného království se státy v Perském zálivu / British reaction to the Arab Spring events in the context of United Kingdom's relations with Persian Gulf countries

Fričová, Kateřina January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis named British reaction to the Arab Spring events in the context of United Kingdom's relations with Persian Gulf countries is concerned with an impact of the revolutionary events of 2011, known as the Arab Spring, on bilateral cooperation between United Kingdom on one side and Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates and Oman on the other. While using quantitative analysis approach, it depicts how the Persian Gulf developments were reflected by prominent British representatives and members of the Cameron coalition government. Since the government promised to approach foreign policy matters through a liberal-conservative lens and also planned to further deepen its relations with Persian Gulf countries, the Arab Spring events can be interpreted as a clear dilemma for British policymakers. This thesis aims to answer whether such dilemma forced the government officials to re-asses the traditionally warm attitudes towards Persian Gulf and additionally, it demonstrates which spheres of their cooperation were threatened the most. Firstly, the bilateral relations between United Kingdom and Persian Gulf countries between 1971 and 2010 are described. Then, the focus moves towards the Cameron coalition government and its foreign- policy aims. In its final part, the thesis focuses on British...

Vývoj jordánského politického režimu po roce 1989 / The Evolution of Jordanian Political Regime After 1989

Ducháčková, Michaela January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is to analyze political regime of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and to find out some possible effects, which could have had an influence on its stability and survival in the last 25 years. The Jordanian political regime had gone through several crises in the examined years. Not only did it survive all of them but also became stronger. Which factors caused the survival of the regime? In the first part of the thesis we typologize the regime from three possible perspectives (institutional, formalistic and legitimation). The second part deals with an analysis of factors, which enable the survival of Jordanian political regime. The emphasis is given on the role of institutions.

Blízkovýchodní aliance: analýza vztahů a dalšího vývoje regionu / The Middle Eastern alliances: Analysis of relations and further development of the region

Eštoková, Denisa January 2015 (has links)
Examining any topic in the Middle East requires a general knowledge because of the region's complexity and dynamics. Important characteristics is the link of Islam and politics, because this relation shaped political establishment of states. The strategic location and rich natural resources of this part of the world were tempting also for the global superpowers whose engagement divided the Middle Eastern states, particularly during the Cold War. An analysis of the factors and events that led to the formation of alliances and rivalries in the Middle East is the goal of this work. Research will focus on alliances of Iran and its Shia allies on the one hand and Saudi Arabia with the rest of Sunni monarchies on the other. Unlike other alliances mentioned in the work, these two blocks have long term character. They are also specific because of sectarian differences, their stance towards the United States and Israel and shared responses to emerging threats. Historical development of Middle Eastern alliances begins with the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire, continues with the both World wars, the Israeli-Arab conflict, the Islamic revolution in Iran and other milestones which were meaningful in shaping inter-state relations in the region. The modern period moves from invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq to...

In Pursuit of `Good Society’: Navigating Politics, Marriage, and Adulthood in Contemporary Jordan

Shahrani, Shahreena January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Jus Gentium & the Arab as Muselmänner: The “Islamist Winter” is the Pre-Emptive (Creative) Chaos of the “Arab Spring” Multiplying Necropolises / JUS GENTIUM & THE ARAB AS MUSELMÄNNER

Al-Kassimi, Khaled January 2020 (has links)
While the (re)conquest of Arabia as manifest in 2003 Iraq, and 2006 Lebanon, were respectively Act I and II accenting sovereign figures exercising necropower by adjudicating (il)legal doctrines (i.e., pre-emptive defense strategy) legalizing extrajudicial techniques of violence founded on discursive technologies of racism, I argue that the “Islamist Winter” – temporarily dubbed the “Arab Spring” in 2011 – is Act III reifying similar legal doctrines (i.e., Bethlehem Legal Principles) and a (secular) linear temporal perception of time seeking to implement a New Middle East (NME) that is no longer “resistant to Latin-European modernity” but amenable to such inclusive exclusion historicist telos. The importance of “creative anarchy” as a positivist legal technique in producing chaotic developments such as carnage and a “crisis” or “emergency” of displacement – with sovereign members of jus gentium authorizing agents of terror (i.e., death squads/war-machines) – is that it reveals the deadly technologies of racism and relations of enmity inherent in sovereignty as a positivist juridical concept endowing sovereign figures with the power to formulate legal doctrines that ultimately subjugate Arab life to the power of death (necropower). Therefore, one of the main questions orbiting the writing of this dissertation is interested in deconstructing and critiquing jus gentium – by adopting a Third World Approach to International Law (TWAIL) in tandem with necropolitics and biopolitics as paradigms of analysis – to disclose that it is because jus gentium valorizes positivist jurisprudent scholastics postulating an unbridgeable cultural gap between an Athenian mode of Being as a universal sovereign subject, and a Madīnian mode of Being as the particular object denied sovereignty, that leads ratiocinative sovereign figures to legally exercise necropower on the Arab body. Therefore, the following chapters seek to go beyond the limited (post-colonial) idea asserting that the problem with international law is that it is primarily “Eurocentric” since the simple solution to such a claim would be to include the non-European body in International Law. Rather, the primary question constellating this monograph is: what are the experienced consequences of being temporally included and what are the experienced consequences of being temporally excluded from a legal regime (i.e., jus gentium) reifying a Latin-European philosophical theology universalizing a particular set of liberal-secular cultural mores as a “cultural benchmark” (i.e., purity-metric) in order to be-come imagined as temporally “inside” jus gentium? / Thesis / Doctor of Social Science

Authoritarian Learning during crisis: Egypt & Morocco in the Arab Uprisings / An explorative study into pathways of authoritarian learning in Morocco and Egypt during 2011

Saliba, Ilyas 12 December 2024 (has links)
Die Dissertation untersucht, wie Bedingungen und Dynamiken auf der Makro-, Meso- und Mikroebene autoritäres Lernen während Krisen beeinflussen. Die Studie verfolgt einen Mehrebenenansatz, der Informationen und Daten auf drei Ebenen in einem analytischen Rahmen und einem Forschungsdesign kombiniert, das sich auf mehrere Methoden stützt. Auf der strukturellen Makroebene findet Analyse, dass die Bedingungen für autoritäres Lernen in Ägypten aufgrund der Sequenz der Protestdiffusion während der arabischen Aufstände weniger förderlich waren als in Marokko. Auf der Mesoebene stürzte die tägliche Mobilisierung das ägyptische Regime innerhalb weniger Tage in eine existenzielle Krise, während in Marokko die wöchentlichen Proteste weniger Druck auf den Palast ausübten und dadurch Regimeeliten ermöglichten, zu lernen. Auf der Mikroebene zeigt die Studie, dass die ägyptischen Eliten unter Mubarak die Parallelen zwischen ihrer Situation und den Entwicklungen in Tunesien unterschätzt haben. Dies führte dazu, dass die ägyptischen Eliten die Bedrohung durch die Proteste unterschätzten. In Marokko haben sich die Wahrnehmungen der Regimeeliten im Laufe der Zeit verändert. Während die Proteste in Tunesien und Ägypten, nicht besonders relevant schienen, änderte sich diese Wahrnehmung, als die Proteste auf Monarchien wie Bahrain und Jordanien übergriffen. Die Anerkennung der Parallelen zwischen der eigenen Situation und der von Regimen, die bereits von den Protesten betroffen waren ermöglichte autoritäres Lernen in Marokko. Die geringe Bedrohungswahrnehmung der ägyptischen Regimeeliten führte dazu, dass Sie die Gefahr falsch einschätzten. Die Studie entwickelt einen analytischen Rahmen und einen methodischen Ansatz zur Untersuchung von autoritärem Lernen in Krisen, der empirisch zwei Fallstudien zu Ägypten und Marokko während der arabischen Aufstände untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen vielversprechende neue Wege für die Erforschung autoritären Lernens in der Krise aufzeigen. / This study explores how conditions on the macro-, meso- and micro- levels affect authoritarian learning during crisis. It combines data from three levels into a multi-level analytical framework and research design relying on various methods of data collection. On the macro-level, the study finds that the sequence of protest diffusion during the Arab Uprisings in Egypt were much less conducive to authoritarian learning than those in Morocco. On the meso-level, the massive daily mobilisation plunged the Egyptian regime into an existential crisis in a matter of days, while in Morocco, weekly protests allowed the palace more opportunity to learn. On the micro-level, the study finds that bounded elite perceptions led the Egyptian regime elites to underestimate similarities between their situation and developments in Tunisia. Leading them to reject that they can learn anything from events in Tunisia. In Morocco, perceptions amongst regime elites shifted over time. While they did not consider the initial protests particularly relevant to their situation, this perception shifted when the protests spilled into other monarchies. Acknowledging parallels between their situation and those of regimes that were deposed by protests led to authoritarian learning affecting regime calculations. Lastly, relatively low threat perceptions amongst Egyptian regime elites led them to misjudge the threat that the protests posed for their rule, rendering it less likely that authoritarian learning impacted regime calculations. In contrast, before the protests in Morocco even erupted, the palace elites acknowledged the threat posed by mass mobilisation for the hegemonic position of the monarchy. Further, this study develops an analytical framework and methodological approach to investigate authoritarian learning applied in a comparative case study of Egypt and Morocco during the Arab Uprisings. The findings provide promising avenues for researching authoritarian learning during crisis.

The globalisation of universal human rights and the Middle East

Hosseinioun, Mishana January 2014 (has links)
The goal of this study is to generate a more holistic picture of the diffusion and assimilation of universal human rights norms in diverse cultural and political settings such as the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). The overarching question to be investigated in this thesis is the relationship between the evolving international human rights regime and the emerging human rights normative and legal culture in the Middle East. This question will be investigated in detail with reference to regional human rights schemes such as the Arab Charter of Human Rights, as well as local human rights developments in three Middle Eastern states, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, and the Islamic Republic of Iran. Having gauged the take-up of human rights norms on the ground at the local and regional levels, the thesis examines in full the extent of socialisation and internalisation of human rights norms across the Middle East region at large.

Casablanca belongs to us : globalisation, everyday life and postcolonial subjectivity in Moroccan cinema since the 1990s

Bahmad, Jamal January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation examines the representations of Casablanca in Moroccan cinema and their articulation of postcolonial subjectivity since the 1990s. To overcome a deep economic recession and simmering social unrest in the early 1980s, Morocco embarked on a comprehensive programme of structural adjustment policies under the aegis of the International Monetary Fund. Market reforms ushered in novel forms of spatial development and social relations in Moroccan cities over the next decades. In the cultural field, a popular cinema emerged in the early 1990s and has projected the complex structures of everyday life in urban space. The New Urban Cinema (NUC) has anchored national cinema in the everyday life and affective economy of a society in transition. The country’s largest city, Casablanca, is the setting for some of NUC’s most original portrayals of the Moroccan subject under globalisation. Taking space, affect and violence as intertwined sites of film analysis, my research project closely examines the new forms of postcolonial subjectivity that have evolved in Morocco through this cinema. Twenty films are read against the backdrop of neoliberal Casablanca and the social, economic as well as political transformation of Morocco and the world under globalisation. The dissertation combines close textual analysis with a cultural studies perspective, which situates films in their historical contexts of production and reception in Morocco and beyond. Drawing on postcolonial, film and urban studies, my aim is to contribute to interdisciplinary scholarship on cinematic responses to neoliberal globalisation, and to a social history of contemporary Morocco.

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