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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La nouvelle génération d’intellectuels (1946-1962) : une approche à travers Jorge Gaitán Durán et la revue Mito / Intellectuals' new generation : an approach through Jorge Gaitán Durán and the review Mito

Builes Tobon, Carlos Alberto 06 December 2014 (has links)
Quelles conditions rendent-elles possibles l´apparition du champ littéraire d´une nation ? A quel moment peut-on parler de l´autonomie de ce champ ?, et pourquoi les luttes pour la liberté intellectuelle se cachent-elles à l´intérieur de cette lutte de pouvoirs pour instaurer une nouvelle indépendance des écrivains ? Ces interrogations nous amènent à nous demander, si, avant les années cinquante, il y a eu, en Colombie, une institution littéraire garantissant aux écrivains, aux institutions qui les soutenaient et au public, le libre exercice de la création, de la consécration et de la diffusion de la production littéraire. Le propos central de cette recherche est de voir, dans un premier temps, si les conditions historiques étaient réunies afin de rendre possible la conquête de l´autonomie du domaine littéraire dans la période 1946-1962 en Colombie. Dans un deuxième temps, il s´agit d´évaluer si, les intellectuels réunis autour de la revue Mito et en particulier autour de lafigure de « l´Intellectuel Total » de l´époque, Jorge Gaitán Durán (1924-1962) ont joué un rôle fondamental dans cette quête d´institutionnalisation de la littérature. / What conditions do they make possible the emergence of the literary field Due nation? At what point can we talk about the autonomy of the field?, And why the fight for intellectual freedom are they hiding in the interior of this power struggle to establish a new independent writers? These questions lead us to ask ourselves, if, before the fifties, there were, Colombia, a literary institution guaranteeing to writers, agencies that support them and the public, the free exercise of creation of consecration and distribution of literary production. The central aim of this research is to see, at first, if the historical conditions were met to enable the conquest of the autonomy of the literary field in the period 1946-1962 in Colombia. Secondly, if it is d’évaluer, intellectuals gathered around the magazine Mito and especially around the figure of “The Intellectual Total” of the time, Jorge Gaitán Durán (1924-1962) have played a key role in this quest of institutionalization of literature.

As confluências das tradições literárias escritas e orais nos livros didáticos: um estudo das representações das literaturas africanas, afro-brasileira e indígenas nos materiais do Programa Nacional do Livro Didático 2014 / The confluences of oral and written literary traditions in textbooks: a case study on the representations of african, afro-brazilian and indigenous literatures in Brazilian National Textbook Program (PNLD) 2014.

Biazetto, Flávia Cristina Bandeca 06 October 2017 (has links)
O objetivo desta tese é analisar as representações do campo literário (Bourdieu, 1996), notadamente das produções africanas, afro-brasileiras e indígenas, divulgadas nos livros didáticos de Português mais distribuídos pelo Programa Nacional do Livro Didático (PNLD) 2014. Para isso, partimos da noção de que os livros didáticos são um gênero do discurso, cuja organização e seleção textual expressa um projeto autoral (Bunzen, 2005, 2009). A partir daí, foi possível compreender o papel das antologias dentro da proposta pedagógica de cada uma das coleções que compõem nosso corpus. Como uma etapa inicial, realizamos uma quantificação e tabulação do número de textos literários e não literários concernentes ao nosso recorte. Esses dados foram descritos, analisados e comparados à luz de perspectivas teóricas da área de Estudos Comparados de Literaturas de Língua Portuguesa e, tendo por base, também, o projeto autoral dos materiais analisados. Os resultados obtidos, em diálogo com a exigência legal do decreto 11645/08, mostram a tentativa de publicar textos oriundos das tradições oral e escrita do campo literário, divulgando duas naturezas distintas de produções literárias por meio dos materiais de Ensino Fundamental 2, e também demonstram que a presença de tais produções literárias nas coletâneas dos materiais didáticos é incipiente. Verificamos ainda distinções quanto aos processos de reconhecimento social, de acordo com a perspectiva de Honneth (2003) entre o legado da tradição oral e o da escrita para a composição do campo literário. Ao enfocar as especificidades e as representações de ambas as tradições, foi possível identificar a carência de propostas de leitura que fossem capazes de introduzir, na formação do jovem leitor, a engenhosidade e a complexidade das narrativas orais. Tal constatação se opõe aos resultados referentes às representações da tradição escrita, em que se notam iniciativas de expor autores e obras representativos das literaturas nacionais especificamente afro-brasileiros e indígenas e africanos de países de Língua Oficial Portuguesa. / The aim of this thesis is to analyze the literary field (Bourdieu, 1996) representations, notably the African, Afro-Brazilian, and Indigenous productions printed in the best seller Portuguese language textbooks for Brazilian National Textbook Program (PNLD) 2014. For such we start at the notion that textbooks are a discourse genre, whose text selection and organization convey an auctorial project (Bunzen, 2005, 2009). From that; it was possible to understand the role anthologies play within the pedagogical proposal of each one of the series that composed our corpus. At the first moment we quantified and tabulated the number of literary and nonliterary texts that belonged to our scope. These data have been described, analyzed and compared under theoretical perspectives of Comparative Studies of Literature in Portuguese Language, and also having the authorial projects of the analyzed resources as basis. The outcome obtained in line with legal demand of 11645/08 decreed shows an attempt of publishing texts from oral and written traditions from the literary field, promoting two different natures of literary production through Secondary School (Ensino Fundamental 2) resources, and also demonstrates that the presence of such literary productions within the anthologies is incipient. We also verified differences in the processes of social recognition, according to Honneth (2003), between the oral and written traditions to the composition of the literary field. When focusing the peculiarities and representations of both traditions, it was possible to identify the lack of reading proposals that were able to introduce in young readers formation the ingenuity and complexity of oral narratives. Such conclusion is opposite to the results regarding the representation of written tradition, in which initial notes show representative authors and texts of national especially Afro-Brazilian and Indigenous literatures and from African countries where Portuguese is an official language.

"For Australia": Joseph Furphy and Australian literary culture, 1889-1912

Jonita, Michael January 2009 (has links)
Research Doctorate - Doctor of Philoshpy (PhD) / This thesis re-examines the Australian literary field of the 1890s by focussing on the life and times of the novelist Joseph Furphy. He had only one book, Such is Life, published during his lifetime but in addition produced a small volume of literary work. All of his works have been published or re-published since his death in 1912. To better appreciate why Furphy struggled to secure publication of his writing requires understanding not only of the author himself but also of Australian society and culture at the time he was writing. To this end this thesis considers the ideas of French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu and his concepts of capital, habitus and field as a useful frame of reference. The ensuing analysis uses this framework for the interrelated dynamics within a social space – a literary field – to explain the production of literary works. Using Bourdieu’s idea that the social space in which works were produced is the proper starting point for interpreting literary works, the first section of the thesis defines a relevant literary field. The next section analyses Furphy’s confrontations within this literary field as he proceeded in his life as an author. An essential part of a Bourdieuan analysis depends upon recognising that a literary field is a microcosm of society where outside events are mediated through the particular autonomy of the field. In considering this, the remainder of the thesis analyses Furphy’s writing as he engaged with the topics of education, religion, language and identity as they were retranslated through the specific logic operating within an Australian literary field of the 1890s.

Qual o Campo(s) de Carvalho? : a literatura e a política no Brasil entre 1956 e 1977 pelo autor e sua obra

Heck, Caroline Rafaela January 2015 (has links)
O escritor mineiro Campos de Carvalho publicou seus principais romances entre 1956 e 1964 tendo uma recepção relativamente fria por parte dos críticos. Escrevendo em um momento em que o nacional-desenvolvimentismo reinava no país e sob a égide da literatura engajada, viu-se excluído das obras canônicas de seu tempo. Com o golpe militar de 1964 começaram a ocorrer modificações significativas no campo cultural brasileiro, quando o engajamento começou a ser contestado. Tal ruptura deu-se abruptamente no ano de 1968 quando, com o decreto do Ato Institucional nº5, o padrões da produção artística nacional passaram a refletir essa nova realidade. Com um Estado extremamente violento e com as liberdades democráticas limitadas por repressão e censura, foram necessários novos espaços de expressão artística como a chamada imprensa alternativa. Nesse novo contexto, marcado por movimentos como contracultura, marginalidade e Tropicalismo, Campos de Carvalho e sua obra passaram a ser ressignificados, encontrando novos horizontes interpretativos para sua literatura. Contribuindo como colunista do jornal O Pasquim, encontrou novos leitores. / The writer Campos de Carvalho published his major novels between 1956 and 1964 having a relatively indifferent reception from critics. Writing in a time when the national developmentalism reigned in the country and under the auspices of committed literature, he was excluded from the canonical works of his time. With the military coup of 1964 began to be significant changes in the Brazilian cultural field, when the engagement began to be challenged. This rupture occurred abruptly in 1968 when, with the decree of Institutional Act No. 5, the standards of the national artistic production began to reflect this new reality. With an extremely violent state and democratic freedoms limited by repression and censorship, it took new artistic expression of spaces such as call alternative press. In this new context, marked by movements such counterculture, marginality and Tropicalismo, Campos de Carvalho and his work began to be reevaluated, finding new interpretative horizons for its literature. Contributing as a columnist for O Pasquim, found new readers.

Nina Bouraoui ou la tentation de l'universel : posture littéraire et stratégies d'intégration dans le champ littéraire français / Nina Bouraoui or the temptation of the universal : literary posture and integration strategies in the French literary field

Marhouch, Rabiaa 08 December 2017 (has links)
Notre projet de recherche décrit les enjeux et les tensions qui sous-tendent la posture universaliste contestataire de Nina Bouraoui. L’analyse de la trajectoire littéraire de l’auteure montre qu’elle a réussi à déjouer les pièges institutionnels qu’elle a rencontrés à ses débuts littéraires, notamment la position stéréotypée d’écrivain-sociologue du Maghreb. Elle s’est engagée dès lors dans la récusation des assignations à des particularismes qu’ils soient « ethniques » ou genrés. Les discours métalittéraires (médiatiques et parfois universitaires) tendent souvent à l’altériser en classant sa production littéraire dans le pôle « francophone » minoré. Il ne s’agit pas d’un ostracisme univoque (tourné vers la seule Nina Bouraoui), mais d’une position socialement construite pour défendre un groupe supposé homogène par essence (la « blanchité »), se percevant comme le dépositaire exclusif de l’universalisme. Malgré des négociations internes (texte) et externes (hors-texte) de sa posture, la réception de Bouraoui comme écrivaine française/universelle est sans cesse ajournée. Le sens donné à la reconnaissance de son œuvre et à sa consécration subséquente par l’attribution de prix littéraires importants dans le champ littéraire français n’ont pas réduit des ambiguïtés et des équivocités qui continuent à suggérer des significations multiples et parfois contradictoires sur sa position (francophone ou française ?). Ce qui est certain, en revanche, c’est la volonté de l’auteure, par-delà la réception, de bousculer les codes et de perturber un jeu littéraire qu’elle estime obsolète. Subversive et parfois opportuniste, joueuse elle-même et iconoclaste, sa littérature reste un témoin des hésitations de notre temps et de justes proclamations (universalistes) qui restent à satisfaire. / Our research project describes the underlying challenges and tensions of Nina Bouraoui's anti-authority universalist posture. Analysing the author’s literary trajectory we note that she has successfully avoided common pitfalls encountered early on her career in particular the stereotypical Maghreb writer-sociologist. She has challenged and reassigned « ethnic » and gender identities. Meta-literary critics (media and sometimes university) often have a habit to emphasise her « otherness » by classifying her work in the underestimated « francophone » genre. It is not an unequivocal exception directed just towards Nina Bouraoui but a social position built to defend a supposed group essentially homogenous (the "whiteness" ), perceived as the exclusive custodians of universalism. Despite internal (text) and external negotiations (out of the text) of her posture, Bouraoui has not been accepted as a french/universal writer. The literary acclaim for her work and many consecration by important literary prizes in the French literary field has not reduced certain ambiguities which continue to suggest contradictory ideas on her position (francophone or french ?). What is certain, on the other hand, is the will of the author, beyond the reception, to push boundaries and to shake up the literary game which she considers obsolete. Subversive and sometimes opportunist player herself and maverick, her literature remains a witness of the hesitations of our time and of the right proclamations (universalists) remain unsatisfied.

Qual o Campo(s) de Carvalho? : a literatura e a política no Brasil entre 1956 e 1977 pelo autor e sua obra

Heck, Caroline Rafaela January 2015 (has links)
O escritor mineiro Campos de Carvalho publicou seus principais romances entre 1956 e 1964 tendo uma recepção relativamente fria por parte dos críticos. Escrevendo em um momento em que o nacional-desenvolvimentismo reinava no país e sob a égide da literatura engajada, viu-se excluído das obras canônicas de seu tempo. Com o golpe militar de 1964 começaram a ocorrer modificações significativas no campo cultural brasileiro, quando o engajamento começou a ser contestado. Tal ruptura deu-se abruptamente no ano de 1968 quando, com o decreto do Ato Institucional nº5, o padrões da produção artística nacional passaram a refletir essa nova realidade. Com um Estado extremamente violento e com as liberdades democráticas limitadas por repressão e censura, foram necessários novos espaços de expressão artística como a chamada imprensa alternativa. Nesse novo contexto, marcado por movimentos como contracultura, marginalidade e Tropicalismo, Campos de Carvalho e sua obra passaram a ser ressignificados, encontrando novos horizontes interpretativos para sua literatura. Contribuindo como colunista do jornal O Pasquim, encontrou novos leitores. / The writer Campos de Carvalho published his major novels between 1956 and 1964 having a relatively indifferent reception from critics. Writing in a time when the national developmentalism reigned in the country and under the auspices of committed literature, he was excluded from the canonical works of his time. With the military coup of 1964 began to be significant changes in the Brazilian cultural field, when the engagement began to be challenged. This rupture occurred abruptly in 1968 when, with the decree of Institutional Act No. 5, the standards of the national artistic production began to reflect this new reality. With an extremely violent state and democratic freedoms limited by repression and censorship, it took new artistic expression of spaces such as call alternative press. In this new context, marked by movements such counterculture, marginality and Tropicalismo, Campos de Carvalho and his work began to be reevaluated, finding new interpretative horizons for its literature. Contributing as a columnist for O Pasquim, found new readers.

As confluências das tradições literárias escritas e orais nos livros didáticos: um estudo das representações das literaturas africanas, afro-brasileira e indígenas nos materiais do Programa Nacional do Livro Didático 2014 / The confluences of oral and written literary traditions in textbooks: a case study on the representations of african, afro-brazilian and indigenous literatures in Brazilian National Textbook Program (PNLD) 2014.

Flávia Cristina Bandeca Biazetto 06 October 2017 (has links)
O objetivo desta tese é analisar as representações do campo literário (Bourdieu, 1996), notadamente das produções africanas, afro-brasileiras e indígenas, divulgadas nos livros didáticos de Português mais distribuídos pelo Programa Nacional do Livro Didático (PNLD) 2014. Para isso, partimos da noção de que os livros didáticos são um gênero do discurso, cuja organização e seleção textual expressa um projeto autoral (Bunzen, 2005, 2009). A partir daí, foi possível compreender o papel das antologias dentro da proposta pedagógica de cada uma das coleções que compõem nosso corpus. Como uma etapa inicial, realizamos uma quantificação e tabulação do número de textos literários e não literários concernentes ao nosso recorte. Esses dados foram descritos, analisados e comparados à luz de perspectivas teóricas da área de Estudos Comparados de Literaturas de Língua Portuguesa e, tendo por base, também, o projeto autoral dos materiais analisados. Os resultados obtidos, em diálogo com a exigência legal do decreto 11645/08, mostram a tentativa de publicar textos oriundos das tradições oral e escrita do campo literário, divulgando duas naturezas distintas de produções literárias por meio dos materiais de Ensino Fundamental 2, e também demonstram que a presença de tais produções literárias nas coletâneas dos materiais didáticos é incipiente. Verificamos ainda distinções quanto aos processos de reconhecimento social, de acordo com a perspectiva de Honneth (2003) entre o legado da tradição oral e o da escrita para a composição do campo literário. Ao enfocar as especificidades e as representações de ambas as tradições, foi possível identificar a carência de propostas de leitura que fossem capazes de introduzir, na formação do jovem leitor, a engenhosidade e a complexidade das narrativas orais. Tal constatação se opõe aos resultados referentes às representações da tradição escrita, em que se notam iniciativas de expor autores e obras representativos das literaturas nacionais especificamente afro-brasileiros e indígenas e africanos de países de Língua Oficial Portuguesa. / The aim of this thesis is to analyze the literary field (Bourdieu, 1996) representations, notably the African, Afro-Brazilian, and Indigenous productions printed in the best seller Portuguese language textbooks for Brazilian National Textbook Program (PNLD) 2014. For such we start at the notion that textbooks are a discourse genre, whose text selection and organization convey an auctorial project (Bunzen, 2005, 2009). From that; it was possible to understand the role anthologies play within the pedagogical proposal of each one of the series that composed our corpus. At the first moment we quantified and tabulated the number of literary and nonliterary texts that belonged to our scope. These data have been described, analyzed and compared under theoretical perspectives of Comparative Studies of Literature in Portuguese Language, and also having the authorial projects of the analyzed resources as basis. The outcome obtained in line with legal demand of 11645/08 decreed shows an attempt of publishing texts from oral and written traditions from the literary field, promoting two different natures of literary production through Secondary School (Ensino Fundamental 2) resources, and also demonstrates that the presence of such literary productions within the anthologies is incipient. We also verified differences in the processes of social recognition, according to Honneth (2003), between the oral and written traditions to the composition of the literary field. When focusing the peculiarities and representations of both traditions, it was possible to identify the lack of reading proposals that were able to introduce in young readers formation the ingenuity and complexity of oral narratives. Such conclusion is opposite to the results regarding the representation of written tradition, in which initial notes show representative authors and texts of national especially Afro-Brazilian and Indigenous literatures and from African countries where Portuguese is an official language.

Qual o Campo(s) de Carvalho? : a literatura e a política no Brasil entre 1956 e 1977 pelo autor e sua obra

Heck, Caroline Rafaela January 2015 (has links)
O escritor mineiro Campos de Carvalho publicou seus principais romances entre 1956 e 1964 tendo uma recepção relativamente fria por parte dos críticos. Escrevendo em um momento em que o nacional-desenvolvimentismo reinava no país e sob a égide da literatura engajada, viu-se excluído das obras canônicas de seu tempo. Com o golpe militar de 1964 começaram a ocorrer modificações significativas no campo cultural brasileiro, quando o engajamento começou a ser contestado. Tal ruptura deu-se abruptamente no ano de 1968 quando, com o decreto do Ato Institucional nº5, o padrões da produção artística nacional passaram a refletir essa nova realidade. Com um Estado extremamente violento e com as liberdades democráticas limitadas por repressão e censura, foram necessários novos espaços de expressão artística como a chamada imprensa alternativa. Nesse novo contexto, marcado por movimentos como contracultura, marginalidade e Tropicalismo, Campos de Carvalho e sua obra passaram a ser ressignificados, encontrando novos horizontes interpretativos para sua literatura. Contribuindo como colunista do jornal O Pasquim, encontrou novos leitores. / The writer Campos de Carvalho published his major novels between 1956 and 1964 having a relatively indifferent reception from critics. Writing in a time when the national developmentalism reigned in the country and under the auspices of committed literature, he was excluded from the canonical works of his time. With the military coup of 1964 began to be significant changes in the Brazilian cultural field, when the engagement began to be challenged. This rupture occurred abruptly in 1968 when, with the decree of Institutional Act No. 5, the standards of the national artistic production began to reflect this new reality. With an extremely violent state and democratic freedoms limited by repression and censorship, it took new artistic expression of spaces such as call alternative press. In this new context, marked by movements such counterculture, marginality and Tropicalismo, Campos de Carvalho and his work began to be reevaluated, finding new interpretative horizons for its literature. Contributing as a columnist for O Pasquim, found new readers.

O leitor Gerardo Mello MourÃo / The reader Gerardo Mello MourÃo

LÃcia Maria Alves Maia de Oliveira 26 November 2008 (has links)
FundaÃÃo de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Cearà / O imaginÃrio e as inclinaÃÃes estÃticas dos escritores estÃo inseridos no contexto histÃrico e cultural que os envolve. Mas, alÃm de vivenciar as tensÃes sociais de seu tempo, o escritor busca sua autonomia como criador literÃrio absorvendo e reinterpretando a tradiÃÃo. Assim, na anÃlise do projeto literÃrio de Gerardo Mello MourÃo (8.1.1917 - 9.3.2007) esboÃamos, inicialmente, um painel histÃrico e cultural do perÃodo de criaÃÃo de sua obra O Valete de Espadas (1960). Essa investigaÃÃo recebe a orientaÃÃo teÃrico-crÃtica de: AntÃnio CÃndido, Literatura e Sociedade (2000), Wilson Martins, HistÃria da Intelectualidade Brasileira (1996), Gilberto de Mello Kujawski, A Crise do SÃculo XX (1991), Vitor Manuel de Aguiar e Silva, Teoria da Literatura (1973) e os pressupostos discursivos de Pierre Bourdieu, As Regras da Arte (2005) e Dominique Maingueneau, O Contexto da Obra LiterÃria (2001). AlÃm disso, investigamos as correntes filosÃficas e estÃticas do perÃodo, que se inter-relacionam com o posicionamento crÃtico do escritor acerca do mundo que o rodeia e com sua concepÃÃo de escrita literÃria. à luz de categorias teÃricas como âDesleituraâ (Harold Bloom) e âIntertextualidadeâ (Julia Kristeva), examinamos, no 2 capÃtulo, a obra literÃria e crÃtica, as entrevistas e os discursos de Gerardo Mello MourÃo, com o intuito de apreendermos um diÃlogo criativo com a tradiÃÃo. Nessa anÃlise, as obras crÃticas que embasaram nossa reflexÃo foram: A AngÃstia da InfluÃncia (1991) e Um Mapa da Desleitura (1995) de Harold Bloom e Palavras da CrÃtica (1992), organizada por Josà Luis Jobim. Na etapa final da pesquisa, observamos os encontros discursivos que Gerardo Mello MourÃo mantÃm com outros escritores, na busca por um espaÃo de enunciaÃÃo autÃnoma. / The writerâs imaginary and aesthetical inclinations are inserted in the historical and cultural context which involves them. However, besides experiencing the social tensions of his time, the writer searches for his autonomy as a literary creator, absorbing and reinterpreting the tradition. Thus, in the analysis of literary project of Gerardo Mello MourÃo from (Jan., 8th, 1917 to March, 9th 2007), we outline firstly, a historical and cultural panel of the period his work was created with O Valete de Espadas (1960). Such investigation receives the theoretical critical orientation of Antronio Candidoâs, Literature and Society (2000), Wilson Martinsâ, HistÃria da Intelectualidade Brasileira (1996), Gilberto de Mello Kujawskiâs, A Crise do SÃculo XX (1991), Vitor Manuel de Aguiar e Silvaâs, Teoria da Literatura (1973) Pierre Bourdieuâs discussive pressuposition, The Rules of Art (2005) and Dominique Maingueneau with The context of the Literary work (2001). Moreover, we investigated the philosophical and aesthetical tendency of the period which interrelates with the writerâs critical positioning regarding the world around him as well as with his notion about literary writing. At the light of theoretical categories such as âMisreadingâ (Harold Bloom) and intertextuality (Julia Kristeva), we inquired into the 2nd chapter, the literary and critical work, Gerardo Melo MourÃoâs interviews and speeches with the purpose of learning about a dialogue which is creative and traditional. In such analysis, the critical writings which were base for our reflexions were: A AngÃstia da InfluÃncia (1991) and Um Mapa da Desleitura (1995) by Harold Bloom as well as Palavras da CrÃtica (1992), organized by Josà Luis Jobim. In the final part of the research we observed the discursive intercourse that Gerardo MourÃo keeps with other writers searching for a space of autonomous emancipation.

Luigi Pirandello: tensÃes e conflitos em Um, nenhum e cem mil / Luigi Pirandello, the tensions and conflicts in Um, nenhum e cem mil

Terezinha Marta de Paula Peres 03 May 2011 (has links)
nÃo hà / Esta pesquisa, intitulada Luigi Pirandello: TensÃes e Conflitos em Um, nenhum e cem mil (1926), pretende discutir como o escritor italiano Luigi Pirandello (1867-1936) participou das tensÃes sociais de sua Ãpoca, como se deram seus deslocamentos geogrÃficos, que implicam em relacionar o autor ao processo histÃrico de seu tempo; sua formaÃÃo intelectual e como aconteceu sua trajetÃria em busca de uma posiÃÃo como escritor dentro do âcampo literÃrioâ. Para realizar esta investigaÃÃo, contamos com o apoio teÃrico de Pierre Bourdieu, em As regras da arte (1996), e Dominique Maingueneau, em O contexto da obra literÃria (1991), com o propÃsito de compreender em que circunstÃncias o autor compÃs sua obra. Pretendemos tambÃm verificar as relaÃÃes de interaÃÃo do autor com a sociedade de seu tempo, no tocante aos costumes, Ãs crenÃas, Ãs tradiÃÃes e, principalmente, Ãs relaÃÃes de interaÃÃo com obras tradicionais, no intuito de averiguar suas experiÃncias como leitor, a absorÃÃo que fez dessas leituras e de que maneira as interpretou e as recriou em sua arte literÃria. Para um melhor entendimento sobre o processo de compreensÃo do autor, em relaÃÃo à tradiÃÃo, discutiremos os conceitos de âinfluÃnciaâ e âdesleituraâ, sob o apoio teÃrico de Harold Bloom, em A angÃstia da influÃncia (1991), bem como de Sandra Nitrini, em Literatura Comparada (2010). Como conclusÃo da pesquisa, analisamos o posicionamento de Luigi Pirandello como romancista, a partir de Um, nenhum e cem mil (1926), como superou seus precursores e como elaborou uma nova obra, na qual se identifica um estilo novo de fazer Literatura. Para essa anÃlise, contamos com o apoio teÃrico de Roland Barthes, em O grau zero da escritura (1993), de Harold Bloom, em Um mapa da desleitura (1995), de Arcangelo Leone de Castris, em Storia di Pirandello (1978), entre outros, com a intenÃÃo de discutir os caminhos do escritor, atravÃs dos mÃtodos analÃtico, descritivo, interpretativo e comparativo, para uma melhor compreensÃo da construÃÃo de uma nova poÃtica, a qual confere a Luigi Pirandello uma voz diferente na Literatura Ocidental, no sÃculo XX e entre seus leitores atuais. / The present research, entitled Luigi Pirandello, the tensions and conflicts in Um, nenhum e cem mil (1926), aims at discussing how the Italian writer Luigi Pirandello (1867 -1936) took part in the social tensions of his time, how his geographic moves occurred, moves which imply in relating the author to the historic process of his time as well as his intellectual formation and how his search for a place in the intellectual world happened. For carrying on this investigation, we counted on the help of Pierre Bourdieu in his The rules of the art (1996) and Dominique Maingueneau in O contexto da obra literÃria (1991) in order to understand the circumstances in which Pirandello did his work. We also intend to investigate the authorâs interactive relationship with the society of his time in what concerns the customs, beliefs, traditions and, above all, his interaction with the traditional literature, his position as a reader, how much he absorbed influences from it, and to what extent he interpreted and recreated them in his literary work. For a clearer view of the authorâs relations to tradition, we will discuss the concepts of âinfluenceâ and âdesreadingâ under the theoretical support of Harold Bloom in his Anguish of influence (1991) as well as Sandra Nitriniâs Compared Literature (2010). As a conclusion of this research, we analyze Pirandelloâs position from his Um, nenhum e cem mil (1926), how he overcame his predecessors and how he elaborated a new work where a brand-new literary style is clearly viewed. For such analysis, we counted on the theoretical support of Roland Barthesâs Zero degree in whiting (1993) and Harold Bloomâs A map of desleitura (1995) and Arcangelo Leone de Castrisâs Storia di Pirandello (1978), among others. We herein discussed the paths through which Pirandello wandered, using for such the analytical, descriptive, interpretative and comparative methods in the pursuit of a better understanding of his building process of a new poetry, which confers to Luigi Pirandello a different voice in the twentieth-century western literature.

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