Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ehe 1aster"" "subject:"ehe 1master""
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Pensar a cidade iluminada : a iluminação pública na área central de Porto Alegre e sua relação com a poluição luminosaAdolpho, Rachel Silveira January 2018 (has links)
A ocorrência da poluição luminosa foi detectada a partir de 1970 pela redução da visibilidade dos corpos celestes no período noturno, sendo posteriormente associada a implicações negativas relacionadas à fauna, à flora e aos indivíduos. É definida como os efeitos nocivos causados pela iluminação elétrica inadequada, sendo a iluminação pública responsável por grande parte do problema. Em Porto Alegre o fenômeno é confirmado por imagens de satélites que medem o brilho artificial do céu noturno e apontam níveis máximos na região central da cidade. Situação essa que pode ter sido agravada por grandes projetos de modificação da iluminação pública, desenvolvidos desde 2013, para aumentar o número de luminárias e iluminâncias na cidade. Inciativas que não estão previstas no Plano Diretor de Iluminação Pública da cidade, embora esse seja um instrumento que deveria orientar a implantação do sistema e, que tem entre seus objetivos combater a poluição luminosa. Neste contexto, investigou-se como a iluminação pública do Centro Histórico de Porto Alegre pode estar contribuindo para a poluição luminosa, considerando as legislações vigentes e práticas de projeto. Essa investigação foi feita por meio de uma pesquisa qualitativa, desenvolvida a partir de revisão da literatura, pesquisa documental em Planos Diretores de Iluminação, no contexto nacional e internacional, e estudo de campo no Centro Histórico de Porto Alegre. Os resultados apontaram que na área de estudo o problema está relacionado principalmente à temperatura de cor do sistema empregado e à fotometria das luminárias que provocam iluminação intrusiva, ofuscamento e brilho do céu, que são componentes da poluição luminosa. / Light pollution has been detected since 1970 due to the reduction of visibility of celestial bodies, it was associated to the consequences to the fauna, flora and human beings. It is conceptualized as the harmful effects given by electric lighting. Public lighting is responsible for the biggest part of the problem. In Porto Alegre the phenomenon is confirmed by satellite images that measure sky glow and shows the highest levels in downtown area. The situation could be intensified due to large projects of public lighting remodeling have been developed since 2013, in order to increase the number of light fixtures and the illuminances in the city. These initiatives haven´t been on Porto Alegre´s Public Lighting Master Plan, although it is a document that could guide the implantation of the system and help to fight against light pollution. With this, to propose research of how the public lighting of Porto Alegre´s historic downtown can contribute to lighting pollution, considering the currents laws and project actions. This study was organized through a qualitative research, developed from a literature review, documental research at Urban Lighting Master Plans, from international cities as well as in Brazil, and field study in Porto Alegre´s downtown area. The results show that the main cause of lighting polluion is related to lighting fixtures´ high color temperature and the equipment that allows the up light emission, causing light trespass, glare and sky glow.
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spelaspel.nu : utveckling av webbplats i ASP.NETKoistinaho, Tony, Larsson, John January 2006 (has links)
Webbspel blir allt populärare. Gävleföretaget Extrude Interactive AB hade sedan en tid tillbaka planer på att lansera en spelsajt i nöjessyfte men även i syfte att marknadsföra företagets egenproducerade webbspel. Företaget hade redan en registrerad domän: spelaspel.nu. I denna rapport redovisas utvecklingsarbetet som ledde fram till den färdiga produkten som blev en färdigställd webbplats tänkt att publiceras under domänen spelaspel.nu. Webbplatsen använder sig av en SQL-databas och har utvecklats på Microsofts ramverk .NET Framework 2.0. Webbplatsen programmerades i C#, HTML och JavaScipt.
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Plano diretor como elemento de preservação do meio ambiente histórico culturalTonial, Juliana Chilanti 22 March 2013 (has links)
Diante das transformações sociais, que exigem cada vez mais dos juristas um
dinamismo, o ordenamento jurídico interno viu-se na necessidade de implementar
novos mecanismos processuais que objetivassem defender e garantir o direito de
agir dos já garantidos pelo artigo 5º, inciso XXXV da Constituição Federal de 1988,
assegurando a possibilidade de submeter à apreciação do Poder Judiciário toda e
qualquer lesão ou ameaça ao meio ambiente histórico cultural, em face do que
estabelecem os artigos 225, 215 e 216 da Constituição Federal. Entretanto, embora
esses mecanismos representem um grande avanço para o ordenamento jurídico
pátrio, há a necessidade de outras alternativas que visem ampliar o acesso à Justiça
em defesa da proteção ao patrimônio histórico dos municípios, de maneira cada vez
mais eficiente e democrática. É uma realidade a desafiar os profissionais jurídicos.
Abordar, no plano diretor dos municípios, a tutela a um meio ambiente cultural bem
como sua valoração, até então, não reconhecidos por atos do Poder Executivo ou do
Poder Legislativo, descrevendo quem deve ser o responsável pela preservação bem
como se a legislação existente assegura a preservação do patrimônio histórico
cultural dos municípios, apresenta-se como um desafio. Ou seja, urge, no
ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, uma nova forma de interpretar e aplicar uma tutela
ao meio ambiente histórico cultural municipal, bem como a busca de outros
instrumentos como o Código de Obras, o Código de Posturas, o Código Tributário, a
Lei do Parcelamento do Solo a fim de garantir-lhes uma proteção mais efetiva. Esta
segurança de proteção visando a não deixar cair no esquecimento a história de um
povo bem como a dissipação da memória da geração anterior deve ocorrer,
principalmente, a nível local, por meio de determinações nos planos diretores dos
municípios sendo, portanto, uma função pública. / Given the social transformations that increasingly require the operator of a dynamic
law, the domestic legal system found itself in the need to implement new procedural
mechanisms which aimed to defend and guarantee the right to act those already
guaranteed by Article 5, the XXXV CF/88, ensuring the possibility to submit to the
Judiciary any injury or threat to the environment cultural history, in the face of what
lay Articles 225, 215 and 216 of the Federal Constitution. However, although these
mechanisms represents a major breakthrough for the legal parental rights, there is a
need for other alternatives aimed at increasing access to justice in defense of
protecting the heritage of the municipalities, of ever more efficient and democratic.
It's a really challenging legal professionals. Approach, in the master plan of the
municipalities, the guardianship to a cultural environment as well as its valuation
hitherto unrecognized by acts of the Executive or the Legislature, describing who
should be responsible for the preservation and the existing legislation ensures the
preservation of the cultural heritage of the municipalities, presents itself as a
challenge. That is, it is urgent, the Brazilian legal system, a new way to interpret and
apply a protection to the environment historic cultural city, as well as search for other
instruments such as building codes, the Code of postures, the Tax Code, Law the
Installment Land in order to guarantee more effective protection. This security
protection in order not to let fall by the wayside the story of a people as well as the
dissipation of the memory of the previous generation should occur mainly at the local
level, by determining the master plans of the cities and is therefore a public function .
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MENINO, QUEM FOI TEU MESTRE? A FORMAÇÃO DO MESTRE E A CAPOEIRA DE PELOTAS / Menino, quem foi teu mestre? A formação do mestre e a capoeira de PelotasFonseca, Andre Oreques 23 March 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-03-23 / The capoeira, a Brazilian immaterial cultural patrimony, Is enchanting thousands of people worldwide. Apprentices in more than 150 countries that make use of an entire
range of possibilities and corporal and partner-cultural attractions linked to the capoeiragem. These attractions, quite peculiar, are responsible for the construction
of a philosophy of a single life, which frames and mixes to the daily of its followers. Inside of this context the " master's " figure appears as the main responsible for preserving and spreading such singularities, such philosophy. And in the intention of unmasking some secrets of the process of these masters' formation is that the objectives of this work were structured, where, in a cartographic referential, four
masters' formative processes of the city of Pelotas-RS were investigated. In a first moment, a bibliographical research to understand the nuances in relation to the master's formation since the beginning of the century XX to the current days was
made. Soon after, the masters' of Pelotas accounts were colected, following the script of a semi-structured interview. This way it was possible to have a larger understanding concerning the intrigues of the capoeiragem, in the subject of the master's formation, as well as on the history of the capoeira in Pelotas and the constitution of this Capoeirano lifestyle / FONSECA, André Oreques. Menino, quem foi teu mestre? A formação do mestre e a capoeira de Pelotas. 2010. 99f. Dissertação (Mestrado) Programa de Pós-
Graduação em Educação Física. Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Pelotas.
A capoeira, um patrimônio cultural imaterial brasileiro, há algumas décadas vem encantando milhares de pessoas mundo afora. Há praticantes em mais de 150 países, que usufruem de toda uma gama de possibilidades e atrativos corpóreos e socioculturais vinculados à capoeiragem. Esses atrativos, bastante peculiares, são responsáveis pela construção de uma filosofia de vida singularizada, que emoldura e
se mescla ao cotidiano de seus adeptos. Dentro desse contexto, a figura do mestre surge como a do principal responsável por preservar e propagar tais singularidades,
tal filosofia. E, no intuito de desvendar alguns segredos do processo de formação desses mestres, é que foram estruturados os objetivos deste trabalho, em que, num
referencial cartográfico, investigaram-se os processos formativos de quatro mestres da cidade de Pelotas-RS. Em um primeiro momento, foi feita uma pesquisa bibliográfica para compreender as nuances em relação à formação do mestre desde o início do século XX até os dias atuais. Em seguida, foram recolhidos e analisados os depoimentos dos mestres de Pelotas, seguindo o roteiro de uma entrevista emiestruturada. Dessa maneira, tornou-se possível uma maior compreensão acerca dos meandros da capoeiragem, tanto na questão da formação do mestre como também sobre a história da capoeira em Pelotas e a constituição do estilo de vida
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The nature of making: rapid prototyping in architectureBacon, Mark January 1900 (has links)
Master of Architecture / Department of Architecture / Matthew Knox / The purpose of this study is to examine how the industrial process of rapid prototyping might reshape practice and making in architecture. Rapid prototyping is defined as an accelerated, adaptive evolution of a system or its components in some form using computer-aided drafting and manufacturing.
Historically, all architecture was the intelligence of a single maker—the master builder. Specialization has caused architecture to fragment with architects serving only as designers. This report explores the ability of computer-aided drafting and manufacturing technologies to streamline the design procedure, which potentially increases the architect’s input into the process of building. Effectually, the architect narrows the distance between the design and the built—returning the
architect to the role of master builder.
An actual design exercise will examine the connection of architectural practice to making. To apply this research a habitable space was constructed through the incorporation of rapid prototyping.
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2008 Bicycle Master Plan update, city of Manhattan, KansasBunger, Chad January 1900 (has links)
Master of Regional and Community Planning / Department of Landscape Architecture/Regional and Community Planning / Sheri L. Smith / In 1998, the City of Manhattan, Kansas and Kansas State University jointly developed a City of Manhattan Bicycle Master Plan. This plan created a vision for bicycling in the community, established goals and designated streets to be improved with bicycle facilities. The Master Plan also developed recommendations to incorporate bicycle facility planning into the growth of Manhattan. This plan created a solid political foundation that showed that bicycling matters in Manhattan, Kansas. However, the 1998 Bicycle Master Plan lacked specifics on how to incorporate these recommendations and routes into the existing and future street system.
The 2008 Bicycle Master Plan Update attempts to address the shortcomings of the 1998 Master Plan and incorporate the growth and expansion of the City since 1998. The initial step of the Bicycle Master Plan Update was to calculate a Bicycle Safety Index. The Bicycle Safety Index was modeled after previous research conducted on the City of Manhattan, where street and land use attributes, such as road surface materials, street width, traffic volume, presence of angled-parking and traffic speeds were weighted and calculated in a spatial environment using GIS software. The result was a rating of all streets in Manhattan based on their suitability for safe bicycle travels.
Using the results of the Bicycle Safety Index, specific routes were developed based on their proximity to bicycle destinations, such as commercial areas, schools and parks. Routes were created by using ESRI's Network Analyst software. Routes proposed by the software were evaluated by a windshield and handlebar survey to ultimately determine the appropriateness of each route.
Following the determination of the proposed routes, specific facility recommendations for each street segment were proposed based on the traffic volume, vehicle speeds, street widths and the geometry of the segment. General recommendations and funding options were created to assist in the advancement of the goals and objectives originally initiated in the 1998 Master Plan. The result is a Master Plan that can be used by City Planners to incorporate bicycle transportation into the City and a map for bicyclist to travel from one place to another in the City safely.
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Optimizing Surgical Scheduling Through Integer Programming and Robust OptimizationGeranmayeh, Shirin January 2015 (has links)
This thesis proposes and verifies a number of optimization models for re-designing a master surgery schedule with minimized peak inpatient load at the ward. All models include limitations on Operating Rooms and surgeons availability. Surgeons` preference is included with regards to a consistent weekly schedule over a cycle. The uncertain in patients` length of stay was incorporated using discrete probability distributions unique to each surgeon. Furthermore, robust optimization was utilized to protect against the uncertainty in the number of inpatients a surgeon may send to the ward per block. Different scenarios were developed that explore the impact of varying the availability of operating rooms on each day of the week. The models were solved using Cplex and were verified by an Arena simulation model.
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Living Pedagogies of a Game-Master: An Autoethnographic Education of Liminal MomentsLachance, Graeme January 2016 (has links)
This study presents the concept of the pedagogy of the game-master. Written from a bricolage of autoethnographic perspectives, a fractured narrative was (de)composed out of the author’s dual experiences as educator and game-master of fantasy tabletop-role-playing games. The narrative seeks to evoke the blurred boundaries of what it means to occupy each role, dwelling between fantasies, (teaching) realities, and player/person/persona identities (Waskul & Lust, 2004), constructing and remaining in the middle of a bridged pedagogy which spans education and tabletop role-playing. From the narrative, the latter section of this manuscript presents a discussion of how the liminal duties of the game-master might help draw educators to and beyond the boundaries of what is possible in education.
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Renouveau du documentaire en Espagne et nouveau réalisme catalan : le Master en Documentaire de création de l'Université Pompeu Fabra (Barcelone) / Renewal of documentary in spain and Catalan new realism : the Master in Creative documentary of the Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona)Castanon, Brice 22 June 2011 (has links)
Comme dans d'autres pays d'Europe, à la fin des années 90, le cinéma documentaire connaît en Espagne un essor singulier. Le Master en Documentaire de création de I'université Pompeu Fabra participe à ce renouveau et en est I'un des principaux initiateurs. Centre de formation où naissent de nombreux films, il est à l'origine d'un nouveau monde de I' art, favorisant les coopérations entre producteurs, créateurs, techniciens et animateurs culturels. Dans cette thèse, nous avons voulu rendre compte de cette dynamique qui s'inscrit à la fois à I' échelle locale (une Université) et dans un panorama culturel global. Dans un pays où le « documentaire de création » n'a pas su forger de tradition, il nous a paru intéressant d'interroger la transmission qui se met en place entre cinéastes de différentes générations au sein de I'UPF et. en même temps, la transmission d'un concept, celui du « documentaire de création », entre cinéastes, producteurs, programmateurs, diffuseurs et spectateurs. Parmi les films analysés dans ces pages, on trouvera certains de Jean-Louis Comolli, Joaquin Jorda, José Luis Guerin, Isaki Lacuesta, Ricardo Iscar, Mercedes Alvarez, Xavier Montanyà, Ariadna Pujol, Lupe Pérez et Marc Recha. / As in others European countries, at the end of the 9O's, documentary experiences a new boom in Spain. The Master in Creative documentary of the Pompeu Fabra University takes part to the renewal and is one the main originator. This training center, where a lot of movies are developed, is the origin of a new world of art and promotes the cooperation between producers, creators, technicians and cultural coordinators. In this thesis, we wanted to give an account of the process that considers both local scale (a University) and the global cultural panorama. In a country where "creative documentary" doesn't success in elaborating a tradition, we wanted to question the transmission between filmmakers of different generations in the UPF and, at the same time, the transmission of the concept of "creative documentary", between filmmakers, producers, programm planners. broadcasters and spectators. In these pages, we analyze movies of filmmakers as Jean-Louis Comolli, Joaquin Jorda, José Luis Guerin, lsaki Lacuesta, Ricardo Iscar, Mercedes Alvarez, Xavier Montanyà, Ariadna Pujol, Lupe Pérez and Marc Recha.
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Pensar a cidade iluminada : a iluminação pública na área central de Porto Alegre e sua relação com a poluição luminosaAdolpho, Rachel Silveira January 2018 (has links)
A ocorrência da poluição luminosa foi detectada a partir de 1970 pela redução da visibilidade dos corpos celestes no período noturno, sendo posteriormente associada a implicações negativas relacionadas à fauna, à flora e aos indivíduos. É definida como os efeitos nocivos causados pela iluminação elétrica inadequada, sendo a iluminação pública responsável por grande parte do problema. Em Porto Alegre o fenômeno é confirmado por imagens de satélites que medem o brilho artificial do céu noturno e apontam níveis máximos na região central da cidade. Situação essa que pode ter sido agravada por grandes projetos de modificação da iluminação pública, desenvolvidos desde 2013, para aumentar o número de luminárias e iluminâncias na cidade. Inciativas que não estão previstas no Plano Diretor de Iluminação Pública da cidade, embora esse seja um instrumento que deveria orientar a implantação do sistema e, que tem entre seus objetivos combater a poluição luminosa. Neste contexto, investigou-se como a iluminação pública do Centro Histórico de Porto Alegre pode estar contribuindo para a poluição luminosa, considerando as legislações vigentes e práticas de projeto. Essa investigação foi feita por meio de uma pesquisa qualitativa, desenvolvida a partir de revisão da literatura, pesquisa documental em Planos Diretores de Iluminação, no contexto nacional e internacional, e estudo de campo no Centro Histórico de Porto Alegre. Os resultados apontaram que na área de estudo o problema está relacionado principalmente à temperatura de cor do sistema empregado e à fotometria das luminárias que provocam iluminação intrusiva, ofuscamento e brilho do céu, que são componentes da poluição luminosa. / Light pollution has been detected since 1970 due to the reduction of visibility of celestial bodies, it was associated to the consequences to the fauna, flora and human beings. It is conceptualized as the harmful effects given by electric lighting. Public lighting is responsible for the biggest part of the problem. In Porto Alegre the phenomenon is confirmed by satellite images that measure sky glow and shows the highest levels in downtown area. The situation could be intensified due to large projects of public lighting remodeling have been developed since 2013, in order to increase the number of light fixtures and the illuminances in the city. These initiatives haven´t been on Porto Alegre´s Public Lighting Master Plan, although it is a document that could guide the implantation of the system and help to fight against light pollution. With this, to propose research of how the public lighting of Porto Alegre´s historic downtown can contribute to lighting pollution, considering the currents laws and project actions. This study was organized through a qualitative research, developed from a literature review, documental research at Urban Lighting Master Plans, from international cities as well as in Brazil, and field study in Porto Alegre´s downtown area. The results show that the main cause of lighting polluion is related to lighting fixtures´ high color temperature and the equipment that allows the up light emission, causing light trespass, glare and sky glow.
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