Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ehe 1aster"" "subject:"ehe 1master""
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Product Information Management / Product Information ManagementAntonov, Anton January 2012 (has links)
Product Information Management (PIM) is a field that deals with the product master data management and combines into one base the experience and the principles of data integration and data quality. Product Information Management merges the specific attributes of products across all channels in the supply chain. By unification, centralization and standardization of product information into one platform, quality and timely information with added value can be achieved. The goal of the theoretical part of the thesis is to construct a picture of the PIM, to place the PIM into a broader context, to define and describe various parts of the PIM solution, to describe the main differences in characteristics between the product data and data about clients and to summarize the available information on the administration and management of knowledge bases of the PIM data quality relevant for solving practical problems. The practical part of the thesis focuses on designing the structure, the content and the method of filling the knowledge base of the Product Information Management solution in the environment of the DataFlux software tools from SAS Institute. The practical part of the thesis further incorporates the analysis of the real product data, the design of definitions and objects of the knowledge base, the creation of a reference database and the testing of the knowledge base with the help of specially designed web services.
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MDM of Product Data / MDM produktovych dat (MDM of Product Data)Čvančarová, Lenka January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is focused on Master Data Management of Product Data. At present, most publications on the topic of MDM take into account customer data, and a very limited number of sources focus solely on product data. Some resources actually do attempt to cover MDM in full-depth. Even those publications are typically are very customer oriented. The lack of Product MDM oriented literature became one of the motivations for this thesis. Another motivation was to outline and analyze specifics of Product MDM in context of its implementation and software requirements for a vendor of MDM application software. For this I chose to create and describe a methodology for implementing MDM of product data. The methodology was derived from personal experience on projects focused on MDM of customer data, which was applied on findings from the theoretical part of this thesis. By analyzing product data characteristics and their impacts on MDM implementation as well as their requirements for application software, this thesis helps vendors of Customer MDM to understand the challenges of Product MDM and therefore to embark onto the product data MDM domain. Moreover this thesis can also serve as an information resource for enterprises considering adopting MDM of product data into their infrastructure.
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Simulace průmyslového protokolu CIP / CIP industrial protocol simulationMolent, Michal January 2020 (has links)
The thesis is about industrial automatic CIP protocol, which belongs to SCADA systems. The first part is focused on basic principles of CIP protocol and on analysis of two protocols (EtherNET/IP and DeviceNet), which are based on CIP protocol. The second part deals with designing scenarios for a simulation. The simulation of one-way communication, two-way communication with help of reads from the console and two-way real time communication between Raspberries PI 3B+. The third part deals with a realization of the simulation, a start-up and a function of predefined scenarios and graphic interface. The fourth part deals with analysis network communication in situations, which occur during a protocol EtherNet/IP simulation.
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La vallée de la Loire à l’époque de Jean Fouquet : la carrière de trois enlumineurs actifs entre 1460 et 1480 / The Loire Valley at the time of Jean Fouquet : the career of three illuminatorS between 1460 and 1480Gras, Samuel 18 November 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse s’attache à mettre en lumière plusieurs peintres ayant mené carrière à l’époque de Jean Fouquet (vers 1415/20-1478/81), peintre et enlumineur actif durant le troisième quart du XVe siècle ayant passé la plus grande partie de sa carrière dans la vallée de la Loire, à Tours, au temps des rois de France Charles VII (1403-1461) et Louis XI (1423-1483). Une attention particulière a été portée sur les manuscrits rassemblés autour d’un maître anonyme dénommé tantôt le Maître du Mamerot de Vienne, tantôt le Maître du missel de Yale, tantôt encore le Maître de Christophe de Champagne depuis le premier regroupement effectué en 1974 par Otto Pächt et Dagmar Thoss. Ainsi, le corpus est désormais redistribué entre trois enlumineurs : le Maître de Jeanne de France et le Maître de Macé Prestesaille, dont les carrières inédites prennent forme pour la première fois, et le Maître du Mamerot de Vienne / Maître du missel de Yale / Maître de Christophe de Champagne, que nous proposons d’identifier à Guillaume Piqueau, enlumineur tourangeau connu par deux documents d’archives. L’objectif est de proposer de nouveaux regroupements de manuscrits qui font émerger trois carrières d’enlumineurs aux profils bien distincts, dans une volonté de mieux comprendre leur travail et plus globalement le métier de peintre à Tours entre les années 1460 et 1480. Un exemplaire Des cas des nobles hommes et femmes permet de baptiser un des enlumineurs le « Maître de Jeanne de France », du nom de la commanditaire. Une douzaine de manuscrits, réalisés vers le milieu des années 1460 jusqu’à la fin des années 1470, jalonnent très précisément la carrière de ce peintre. Sa trajectoire est des plus intéressantes dans la compréhension des relations professionnelles qui s’établissent entre certains ateliers d’enluminures du Centre-Ouest de la France. Un deuxième enlumineur peut être dénommé le « Maître de Macé Prestesaille » d’après un manuscrit exécuté en 1475 pour la famille Prestesaille, basée en Touraine. Au style plus sobre, il apparaît comme un peintre secondaire dans le panorama artistique tourangeau mais se rattache pleinement à la peinture de Tours au cours des années 1470-1480 comme en témoignent les sept manuscrits retrouvés qui donnent un aperçu de la production de son atelier. Un peu plus d’une vingtaine de manuscrits s’ancrent aujourd’hui autour des noms d’emprunt du Maître du Mamerot de Vienne / Maître du missel de Yale / Maître de Christophe de Champagne. Un réseau d’indices me conduiront, dans le présent mémoire, à identifier ces peintres comme étant Guillaume Piqueau, connu pour avoir enluminé en 1482 une Vita Christi destinée à la reine Charlotte de Savoie. Au cours de la seconde moitié du XVe siècle, la vallée de la Loire est le fief d’une production artistique importante. Des ramifications complexes et multiples se tissent au sein des ateliers d’enluminure. L’analyse de la production de ces artistes, dévoilée par l’étude d’une quarantaine de manuscrits, permet de mieux la comprendre. Elle fait se poser de nombreuses questions. Qui étaient ces enlumineurs ? Qu’ont-ils produit et que nous reste-t-il à voir ? Pour qui et comment ont-ils travaillé ? S’agissait-il de peintres d’atelier ou d’artistes indépendants dont la collaboration était davantage liée à des intérêts marchands plutôt qu’à une véritable organisation professionnelle ? La mise en lumière des trois carrières apporte de nouveaux éléments de réflexions et des points de vue inédits sur des peintres ayant connu l’œuvre, voire côtoyé, les plus illustres ateliers d’enluminures de la vallée de la Loire dont ceux du Maître de Jouvenel et de Jean Fouquet. Il s’agit de replacer dans le temps et dans l’espace ces peintres, de comprendre leur mode de fonctionnement et leur organisation interne dans la distribution du travail et dans les sources iconographiques. / This thesis deals with the career of some painters active during the peak of fame of Jean Fouquet (1415/20 - 1478/81), painter and illuminator active during the third quarter of the fifteenth century who spent most of his career in the Loire Valley, Tours, during the time of Charles VII (1403-1461) and Louis XI (1423-1483). Particular attention is given on manuscripts attributed to an anonymous master called the Master of the Vienna Mamerot / Master of the Yale Missal or Master of Christophe de Champagne. It is necessary to review the work assigned to this illuminator and to reorganize the corpus now distributed between three illuminators: the Master of Jeanne de France and the Master of Macé Prestesaille, whose careers take shape for the first time, and the Master Mamerot Vienna / Master of the Yale Missal or Master of Christophe de Champagne himself, that we propose to identify as Guillaume Piqueau, an illuminator based in Tours and known by two archives. The aim of this revaluation is to offer new groups of manuscripts which emerge three with distinct illuminator’s profiles. They offer the possibility to better understand their work and more generally the production painting in Tours between 1460 and 1480. A copy of Des cas des nobles hommes et femmes baptizes one of them the Master of Jeanne de France, in relation with the name of the owner. A dozen manuscripts, made between the 1460s until the late 1470s, mark precisely the career of the painter. Its trajectory shows the professional relationships developed between some of western illuminations French workshops. A second illuminator can be called the Master of Macé Prestesaille from a manuscript executed in 1475 for the Prestesaille family, based in Touraine. He appears as a secondary painter in Tours by a more sober style but his career can be highlighted by seven manuscripts that provide an overview of his production. More than twenty manuscripts are linked to the Master of the Vienna Mamerot / Master of the Yale Missal or Master of Christophe de Champagne. We propose to identify these unknown painters as Guillaume Piqueau, a painter based in Tours known to have illuminated a Vita Christi for Queen Charlotte de Savoie in 1482.
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Mistr Hartmann a švábské sochařství počátku 15. století / Master Hartmann and the Swabian Woodcarving at the Beginning of the 15th CenturyHladká, Kateřina January 2017 (has links)
Master Hartmann and the Swabian Woodcarving at the Beginning of the 15th Century The stonemason Master Hartmann from Ulm is known to art historians already long time, but his role in Swabian woodcarving at the beginning of the 15th century, however, still evokes numerous questions. Although Hartmann is believed to work simultaneously in the hut and the woodcarving workshop, the average quality of his works, and the fact, that he was accepted as a citizen only in the year 1928, more than ten years after we encounter him in Ulm records for the first time, indicates certain complications of this hypothesis. In this doctoral thesis, Master Hartmann is studied from the perspective of social and cultural situation in Ulm at the beginning of the 15th century. Attention is given to his position in the hut organization on the construction of Ulm Minster and his artistic activity on the western façade, which in its iconographical concept reflects also the historical background. The second part of the thesis focuses on the woodcarving workshop, where the Altarpiece of Dornstadt was made, and on the phenomenon of wide distribution of this style around the entire Swabia. The Ulm workshop is presented in the context of the city and its minster hut, former local centers and even more distant regions. Around 1415,...
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Master Data Integration hub - řešení pro konsolidaci referenčních dat v podniku / Master Data Integration hub - solution for company-wide consolidation of referrential dataBartoš, Jan January 2011 (has links)
In current information systems the requirement to integrate disparate applications into cohesive package is greatly accented. While well-established technologies facilitating functional and comunicational integration (ESB, message brokes, web services) already exist, tools and methodologies for continuous integration of disparate data sources on enterprise-wide level are still in development. Master Data Management (MDM) is a major approach in the area of data integration and referrential data management in particular. It encompasses the referrential data integration, data quality management and referrential data consolidation, metadata management, master data ownership, principle of accountability for master data and processes related to referrential data management. Thesis is focused on technological aspects of MDM implementation realized via introduction of centrallized repository for master data -- Master Data Integration Hub (MDI Hub). MDI Hub is an application which enables the integration and consolidation of referrential data stored in disparate systems and applications based on predefined workflows. It also handles the master data propagation back to source systems and provides services like dictionaries management and data quality monitoring. Thesis objective is to cover design and implementation aspects of MDI Hub, which forms the application part of MDM. In introduction the motivation for referrential data consolidation is discussed and list of techniques used in MDI Hub solution development is presented. The main part of thesis proposes the design of MDI Hub referrential architecture and suggests the activities performed in process of MDI Hub implementation. Thesis is based on information gained from specialized publications, on knowledge gathererd by delivering projects with companies Adastra and Ataccama and on co-workers know-how and experience. Most important contribution of thesis is comprehensive view on MDI Hub design and MDI Hub referrential architecture proposal. MDI Hub referrential architecture can serve as basis for particular MDI Hub implementation.
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Die Genauigkeit der menschlichen Hand im Vergleich mit einem Mikromanipulator- präklinische Evaluation für die OhrchirurgieRunge, Annette 06 August 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Manual accuracy in microsurgery is reduced by tremor and limited access. A surgical approach through the middle ear also puts delicate structures at risk, while the surgeon is often working at an unergonomic position. At this point a micromanipulator could have a positive influence. A system was developed to measure “working accuracy”, time and precision during manipulation in the middle ear. 10 ENT- surgeons simulated a perforation of the stapedial footplate on a modified 3D print of a human skull in a mock OR. Each trial was repeated more than 200 times aiming manually and using a micro-manipulator. Data of over 4000 measurements was tested and graphically processed. Work strain was evaluated
with a questionnaire. Accuracy for manual and micromanipulator perforation revealed a small
difference. Learning curves showed a stronger decrease both in deviation and time when the micromanipulator was used. Also a lower work strain was apparent. The micromanipulator has the potential as an aiding device in ear surgery. / Die manuelle Genauigkeit in der Mikrochirurgie wird duch Tremor und limitierten Zugang eingeschränkt. Ein chirurgischer Eingriff am Mittelohr birgt außerdem ein Verletzungspotential für empfindliche anatomische Strukturen. Überdies ist die Sitzposition des Operateurs oft unergonomisch. Ein neuartiger Mikromanipulator kann auf diese Faktoren einen positiven Einfluss haben. Eine spezielle Software wurde entwickelt und Genauigkeit, Zeit und Präzision bei einem Eingriff am Mittelohr zu bestimmen. 10 Kopf- Hals- Chirurgen simulierten die Perforation der Steigbügelfußplatte an einem 3D Modell eines menschlichen Schädels in einem Demonstrations- OP. Jeder Versuch wurde mehr als 200 mal zunächst manuell und später mit Hilfe des Mikromanipulators wiederholt. Die Daten von mehr als 4000 Messversuchen wurden getestet und grafisch dargestellt. Die Arbeitsbelastung wure mittels eines Fragebogens evaluiert.
Manuelle und mikromanipulatorgestütze Genauigkeit zeigten einen signifikanten, jedoch ,absolut betrachtet,sehr geringen Unterschied der Genauigkeit. Die Lernkurven zeigten einen steileren Verlauf sowohl im Hinblick auf Genauigkeit als auch Versuchszeit, wenn der Mikromanipulator zur Anwendung kam. Weiterhin war eine geringere Arbeitsbelastung zu erkennen. Der Mikromanipulator birgt Potential als kompaktes Hilfsmittel für die Ohrchirurgie.
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Master Data Management-studie om nästa entiteto och leverantör för Scania / Master Data Management study about the next entity and suppier for ScaniaOldelius, David, Pham, Douglas January 2018 (has links)
Stora företag har olika avdelningar där informationen från dessa måste hanteras. Master Data Management(MDM) är ett informationshanteringssystem för att hantera information från olika källor. En MDM-implementation sker med en entitet i taget. Arbetets problemställning är att rekommendera nästa entitet att inkludera i MDM-implementationen hos Scania samt vilken leverantör som passar till implementationen. En rekommendation av entitet framställs av material från Scania och intervjuer med anställda på Scania. Rekommendationen av leverantör framställs från material från leverantörer och intervjuer med leverantörerna. Entiteten som rekommenderas är produkt som individ för att informationen i området har behov av förbättrad hantering och entiteten är nära kärnverksamheten. Orchestra Networks är leverantören som rekommenderas för att de ligger i framkant inom MDM, de är nischade mot området och är starka inom produktinformation. / Enterprises has different departments and the information from them needs management. Master Data Management(MDM) is an information handling system for handling information from different sources. One entity at the time is implemented to MDM. The work's problem is to recommend the next entity to include in the MDM implementation at Scania as well as which provider fits the implementation. A recommendation of entity is prepared from materials provided by Scania and interviews with employees at Scania. A recommendation of provider is prepared from materials from the providers and interviews with the providers. The recommended entity is product as individual because information in the area needs improved management. Orchestra Networks is the recommended supplier because they are a leader among the MDM providers, they are specialised in the area and they are strong in the product information area.
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A study on MBA programmes in Hong Kong.January 1993 (has links)
by Chan Lai-ying, Rita. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1993. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 92-94). / ABSTRACT --- p.iii / TABLE OF CONTENTS --- p.vi / LIST OF TABLES --- p.x / ACKNOWLEDGEMENT --- p.xiii / Chapter / Chapter I. --- INTRODUCTION --- p.1 / MBA Education in Hong Kong --- p.1 / Proliferation of MBA Education --- p.1 / Customer Needs --- p.2 / Value of a Local MBA Degree --- p.3 / Chapter II. --- LITERATURE REVIEW --- p.6 / MBA Education --- p.6 / The World MBA Market --- p.7 / Decrease in Demand --- p.7 / Increase in Supply --- p.7 / The Impact of Recession --- p.8 / Inadequacy of Traditional MBA Curricula --- p.8 / Competition from Corporate Management Development Training --- p.9 / The Future --- p.9 / The MBA still Lures --- p.9 / MBA Consurmers --- p.10 / Training Sponsorship --- p.10 / Future Development of MBA Programmes --- p.11 / The Trend toward In-house MBA Programmes --- p.11 / The Local MBA Market --- p.12 / Programme Evaluation Indicators --- p.13 / Quality of Curriculum --- p.13 / Quality of Applicants --- p.13 / Admission Requirements --- p.14 / Quality of Faculty --- p.15 / Quality of Graduates --- p.15 / Chapter III. --- METHODOLOGY --- p.17 / Objectives --- p.17 / Method of Study --- p.18 / Design of Questionnaire --- p.18 / Test of Questionnaire --- p.19 / Scope and Coverage --- p.19 / Method of Approaching the Companies --- p.20 / Anonymity --- p.20 / Follow-up Actions --- p.20 / Data Analysis --- p.21 / Limitations --- p.21 / Chapter IV. --- RESEARCH FINDINGS AND ANALYSIS --- p.24 / Response Rate --- p.24 / Overall Sample Characteristics --- p.24 / Respondent Companies --- p.24 / Nature of Business --- p.24 / Company Size --- p.25 / Individual Respondents --- p.26 / Department They Belong To --- p.26 / Positions Held --- p.27 / Education Level --- p.28 / Institutions Where They Graduated From --- p.29 / Institutions Where They Got / Are Studying For Their MBA Degrees --- p.30 / Experience In Working With Local MBA Graduates --- p.31 / "Company Practices on Recruitment, Training Sponsorship and Promotion of Local MBA Employees" --- p.32 / Recruitment of Local MBA Employees --- p.32 / Companies Currently Hiring Local MBA Graduates --- p.32 / Company Size and Hiring Local MBA Graduates --- p.33 / Reasons For Not Hiring Local MBA Graduates --- p.34 / Positions Requiring MBA As Requisite --- p.34 / Training Sponsorship Practices --- p.35 / Training Sponsorship For Local MBA Programmes --- p.35 / Reasons For Sponsorship --- p.35 / Institutions Qualified For Training Sponsorship Schemes --- p.37 / Company Offer to Graduates of Different Institutions --- p.38 / Recruitment Preference --- p.38 / Difference in Renumeration Packages --- p.41 / Difference in Positions / Grades --- p.42 / Promotion Preference --- p.43 / Preference For Graduates From Different Institutions --- p.44 / Future Company Needs For Local MBA Graduates --- p.44 / Evaluation on Local MBA Programmes --- p.46 / What do They rely on when Evaluating --- p.46 / Knowledge about Individual MBA Programmes --- p.47 / Admission Requirements --- p.49 / Correlation between Admission Requirements and Reputation --- p.49 / Programme Evaluation --- p.50 / Quality of Applicants --- p.51 / Quality of Curriculum --- p.52 / Quality of Teaching Staff --- p.52 / Quality of Graduates --- p.54 / Effectiveness in Preparing Graduates for Current Job --- p.56 / Effectiveness in Preparing Graduates for Position of Significant Management Leadership --- p.57 / Overall Reputation of Individual Programmes --- p.58 / The Correlation between Knowledge about the MBA Programmes and the Evaluation of the Programmes --- p.59 / Future Development of Local MBA Programmes --- p.60 / Topics / Areas Needed --- p.60 / Importance of MBA Education --- p.61 / Demand for MBA Graduates --- p.63 / Kinds / Levels of Staff needing an MBA Degree Most --- p.65 / Comparing Part-time MBA Programmes with In-house Management Development Training --- p.65 / Overall Findings --- p.67 / Chapter V. --- RECOMMENDATIONS --- p.69 / Targeting at Satisfying Customer Needs --- p.69 / Partnering with the Business Community to meet Demands --- p.70 / Determining Customer Needs --- p.70 / In-House MBA Programmes --- p.71 / Promotion Efforts --- p.72 / Programme Prospectus --- p.72 / Programme Consultancy Service --- p.73 / Image Building --- p.73 / Alumni Networking --- p.74 / Product Differentiation among MBA Programmes --- p.75 / Product Differentiation between BBA and MBA Programmes --- p.76 / Curriculum Reform --- p.77 / Total Quality Management --- p.79 / China Trade --- p.80 / Enhancement in Quality of Faculty --- p.80 / APPENDIX --- p.82 / BIBLIOGRAPHY --- p.92
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Plano Diretor de CuiabáOliveira, Dinara de Arruda 12 June 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-06-12 / This thesis has as its object of study the Master Plan of the city of Cuiabá, and it was demonstrated that the way the city of Cuiabá was formed influenced negatively in the execution of the Master Plan, in the face of difficulties and structural, cultural, the which eventually impossible, in some aspects, the real applicability. Therefore, we studied the formation of cities, in particular, the formation and origin of Cuiabá.
This work raised the concept of the city and its social function, analyzing the City Statute, going to the prediction of the need for institution of the Master Plan in municipalities, as well as the actions taken to implement the Master Plan in each municipality.
We analyzed the Master Plan, with its conceptualization, goals, mandating their institution and what elements required, pointing the mechanisms necessary for the effective implementation, and highlight issues related to participatory Plan.
It approaches the Master Plan for Urban Development of Cuiabá, talking about their goals and the need to adapt to local realities, pointing out which elements to this intent. There was also an analysis of the social benefits brought to the Master Plan for the population of Cuiabá, as well as regarding the World Cup in 2014 and the influence to the Municipality / A presente tese tem como objeto de estudo o Plano Diretor do Município de Cuiabá, sendo que se demonstrou que a maneira como o Município de Cuiabá foi formado influenciou, negativamente, na efetivação do Plano Diretor, em face das dificuldades estruturais e, culturais, o que acabou por impossibilitar, em alguns aspectos, a real aplicabilidade. Para tanto, estudou-se a formação das cidades, em especial, a formação e origem de Cuiabá.
Neste trabalho, foi levantado o conceito de cidade e, de sua função social, analisando-se o Estatuto da Cidade, passando-se à previsão da necessidade de instituição do Plano Diretor nos Municípios, assim como as ações desenvolvidas para a implementação do Plano Diretor, em cada Município.
Analisou-se o Plano Diretor, com sua conceituação, objetivos, a obrigatoriedade de sua instituição e, quais os elementos obrigatórios, apontando os mecanismos necessários para a implementação efetiva, além de destacar as questões referentes ao Plano Diretor participativo.
Abordou-se o Plano Diretor de Desenvolvimento Urbano de Cuiabá, discorrendo acerca de seus objetivos e, da necessidade de adequação à realidade local, apontando quais os elementos para esse intento. Fez-se, ainda, uma análise dos benefícios sociais trazidos com o Plano Diretor para a população de Cuiabá, bem como no tocante à Copa do Mundo de 2014 e, a influência para o Município
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