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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análisis, estudio y conservación de los edificios astronómicos mayas. Arquitectura maya y urbanismo, una aproximación desde la astronomía y el paisaje

May Castillo, Manuel 14 October 2014 (has links)
El presente trabajo representa el resultado final de seis años de investigación en la región maya y versa sobre las relaciones entre la arquitectura y el urbanismo con el paisaje y la astronomía. En una primera parte se presentan los fundamentos metódicos para el estudio de la arquitectura y el urbanismo maya, a partir de la lectura de los datos del paisaje circundante y las orientaciones arquitectónicas. A lo anterior se le suman los datos provistos por las fuentes pre-coloniales, coloniales y contemporáneas. Los aspectos teóricos sustentan la postura del autor, quien plantea una discusión desde una perspectiva interna, donde la visión del Mundo maya es un factor relevante ya que representa su visión propia. Enseguida se expone el estado del arte en materia de astronomía, paisaje, urbanismo y arquitectura para sustentar la discusión en los estudios de caso. En la segunda parte se realizan estudios de caso en diez sitios mayas desde una perspectiva integral. En ella destacan los análisis que aplican nuevas tecnologías en combinación con técnicas tradicionales, así como los análisis del paisaje alrededor de las antiguas ciudades mayas. Esto último gracias a los datos provistos por la NASA, mediante el proyecto Shuttle Radar Topography Mission. En materia de astronomía se emplean los métodos desarrollados desde la disciplina de la arqueoastronomía que permiten interpretar las orientaciones arquitectónicas en términos cosmogónicos y también del calendario. Finalmente, este trabajo propone que la astronomía, la percepción del paisaje, la arquitectura y el urbanismo se conjugaron para atender no solo necesidades científicas, sino también las religiosas y sociales. De este modo se procuró un desarrollo integral de la sociedad maya. / May Castillo, M. (2014). Análisis, estudio y conservación de los edificios astronómicos mayas. Arquitectura maya y urbanismo, una aproximación desde la astronomía y el paisaje [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/43218

La estructura urbana de las ciudades mayas del período clásico

Peiró Vitoria, Andrea 10 March 2016 (has links)
[EN] The Mayan city has been studied from many different perspectives, but only few of these studies have been carried out from an architectural and urban point of view using mapping as the main analytic tool. This is partly due to the lack of systematization and centralization of the cartographic information within a common database. This research's main purpose is delving into the composition of the main urban spaces of these cities so we can detect design patterns that support the thesis of an ongoing management and urban planning. As a starting point, I have created a new cartographic database with standardised vector maps which enable different types of analysis. Based on this new database, I have made a selection of sites that constitute a varied and comparable sample. I have suggested a methodology of urban analysis and I have carried out a comparative study, in order to detect similarities and differences among sites of different areas, formal patterns and common compositional criteria. This document shows the results of this analysis, the purpose of which is answering, as far as possible, to the key question of whether management and urban planning existed or not in the Mayan cities. / [ES] La ciudad maya ha sido estudiada desde muy diversas perspectivas, pero en pocas ocasiones, estos estudios se han realizado desde un punto de vista arquitectónico y urbanístico utilizando la cartografía como herramienta principal de análisis, debido en parte a la falta de sistematización y centralización de la información cartográfica en una base de datos común. Como objetivo principal de la presente investigación, se plantea el profundizar en el conocimiento sobre la composición de los espacios y conjuntos urbanos principales de estas ciudades para poder detectar pautas de diseño que respalden la tesis de que existía ordenación y planificación urbana. Como punto de partida, se crea una nueva base de datos cartográfica con planos normalizados y en formato vectorial que permitan realizar los diferentes tipos de análisis. Partiendo de esta nueva base de datos, se realiza una selección de sitios que constituyan una muestra variada y comparable. Se propone una metodología de análisis urbano y se lleva a cabo un estudio comparativo con el objetivo de poder detectar similitudes y diferencias entre sitios de distintas áreas, patrones formales y criterios compositivos comunes. En este documento se muestran los resultados de este análisis, con los que se pretende responder, en la medida de lo posible, a la pregunta clave formulada como objetivo principal, si existía, o no, ordenación y planificación urbana en las ciudades mayas. / [CA] La ciutat maia ha sigut estudiada des de perspectives molt diverses, però en poques ocasions estos estudis s'han realitzat des d'un punt de vista arquitectònic i urbanístic utilitzant una cartografia com a eina principal de l'anàlisi, degut, en part, a la falta de sistematització i centralització de la informació cartogràfica a una base de dades comuna. Com a objectiu principal de la present investigació es planteja el profunditzar en el coneixement sobre la composició dels espais i conjunts urbans principals d'estes ciutats per a poder detectar pautes de disseny que recolzen la tesi de que existia ordenació i planificació urbana. Com a punt de partida, es crea una nova base de dades cartogràfica amb plànols normalitzats i en format vectorial que permetisquen realitzar els diferents tipus d'anàlisis. Partint d'esta nova base de dades, es realitza una selecció de llocs que constituïsquen una mostra variada i comparable. Es proposa una metodologia d'anàlisis urbà i es du a terme un estudi comparatiu amb l'objectiu de poder detectar similituds i diferències entre llocs de distintes àrees, patrons formals i criteris compositius comuns. En el present document es mostren els resultats d'este anàlisi, amb els que es pretén respondre, en la mesura del possible, a la pregunta clau formulada com a objectiu principal, si existia, o no, ordenació i planificació urbana a les ciutats maies. / Peiró Vitoria, A. (2016). La estructura urbana de las ciudades mayas del período clásico [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/61628

Transistion through the abyss: archaeological interpretations of the iconographic raised-heel in classic Maya sculpture

Collins, Ryan H. 01 January 2009 (has links)
In the past, Classic Maya dance has been defined by the proposed correlation between sculptures that feature a figure with a raised-heel and the T516 hieroglyph. The interpretation of the T516 hieroglyph as dance depends on its association to the raisedheel. However, there is reason to doubt the proposed correlation as there are spatial and temporal divisions between the two features as well as a lack of material evidence to suitably substantiate their relationship. More importantly the available material documenting the raised-heel motif in Classic Maya sculpture is suggestive of alternative interpretations to dance, warranting a reexamination of the raised-heel. This article attempts to study the raised-heel motif in sculpture during the Late Classic in order to show commonalities in changes in its associations both spatially and temporally while providing evidence for a liminal interpretation. This Thesis sheds light not only on the interpretation of the raised-heel through archeological remains and context, but also on ideas which would have been central to the Late Classic Maya world view.

Food and identity politics : changes in religion, community, economy and nutrition in a Maya village

O'Connor, Amber Marie 21 October 2010 (has links)
This paper addresses an interesting point of intersection between groups of Maya adhering to the traditional syncretic Maya religion and those who have more recently become Protestants, focusing on the change from farming to wage labor and the rise of the individual. This change is the first conversion that may well be “conquering” the native belief systems of this area known for its participation in the Caste War and its legacy of resistance. With this conversion come not only changes in the monetary system but a complete makeover of the religious symbolism of duality, reciprocity and regeneration. With the mandate from Protestant conversionists, the milpa and its associated rituals are being lost, resulting in a potential nutritional deficit for the rural members of its congregation. I will use data from discourse and food to address these changes using references to ethnohistory as compared to ethnography and ongoing fieldwork. / text

Ecos da solidão: uma autobiografia de Maya Angelou / Echoes of loneliness: an autobiography of Maya Angelou

Corrêa, Cláudia Maria Fernandes 13 February 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho centra sua atenção sobre a construção identitária por meio da palavra escrita, refletindo sobre o passado por meio da narrativa autobiográfica I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings (1970) da escritora afro-americana Maya Angelou. Utilizamos a obra de Maya Angelou devido ao seu esforço pioneiro em confrontar abertamente seu passado e fazer de suas mazelas pessoais um meio catártico: descer aos infernos, ou à morte para retornar transformada. / This work focuses its attention on the construction of identity by means of the written word using the autobiographical narrative I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings (1970) by the afroamerican writer Maya Angelou. We have utilized the work of Maya Angelou due to her pioneering efforts to openly confront her past and use her personal challenges as a cathartic means to descend to the hells or to death so that she could be transformed.


Santana, Rosângela Maria 14 December 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T11:06:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ROSANGELA MARIA SANTANA.pdf: 600316 bytes, checksum: 26ad48f3259465d1a74cb315a42185fe (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-12-14 / This dissertation presents an analysis based on a bibliographical research on the imagination/imaginary in the novel Maya, by Ursulino Leão. The novel was written in 1949, when the writer, student of a law course, still very young, volatilized himself into the literary world. The book describes as illusory all feelings present in the novel, which brings an interesting story because of its content of truths, its drama and its human experience. The novel Maya stands out for its structure and narrative technique, the characterization of the characters, its values discussed and questioned and the richness and appropriateness of vocabulary. Imagination, fantasy, sentimentality, the exuberance of emotions and symbolism make the novel a story focused on a vision of the innermost essence of the human being. The study is theoretically based on Gaston Bachelard and Gilbert Durand, when analyzing the imaginary; on C. G. Jung, about the symbolic; and finally on G. Lukacs and M. Bakhtin, about a possible reading of the novel theory. / Esta dissertação apresenta uma análise fundamentada numa pesquisa bibliográfica sobre o imaginário na obra literária Maya, de Ursulino Leão. O romance foi escrito em 1949 quando o escritor, acadêmico do Curso de Direito, ainda muito jovem, se evolava para o mundo literário. A obra descreve como ilusórios todos os sentimentos revelados numa história interessante pelo seu conteúdo de verdades, seu drama e sua experiência humana. Maya se destaca pela sua estrutura e técnica narrativa e pela caracterização das personagens, por seus valores discutidos e questionados e pela riqueza e adequação do vocabulário. A imaginação, a fantasia, o sentimentalismo, a exuberância de emoções e a simbologia o fazem um romance concentrado numa visão da essência mais íntima do ser. O estudo se alicerça teoricamente em Gaston Bachelard e Gilbert Durand, ao analisar o imaginário; em C.G. Jung, a respeito do simbólico; e finalmente em G. Lukács e M. Bakhtin, acerca de uma leitura possível da teoria do romance.

Mitopoéticas do corpo / Mitopoéticas do corpo

Couto, Flávia Fernandes do 03 March 2009 (has links)
Essa é uma investigação do corpo do ator que visa explorar o mito e o ritual dentro das artes cênicas. Mito poéticas do corpo é uma busca da potencialização de um corpo múltiplo e despersonalizado. O objetivo é descobrir a poesia corpórea de cada ator criador. A terminologia despersonalização é um conceito aplicado pela cineasta de vanguarda Maya Deren, uma inspiração fundamental para minha investigação teórica e prática. O treinamento físico e vocal constou com uma série de abordagens corporais que transitam entrem princípios dança e do teatro. O foco primordial é trabalhar com os estados. Para isso, a observação dos orixás do candomblé em suas festas cerimoniais foram subsídios que vieram a contribuir determinantemente na investigação de algumas corporeidades. Esse processo de investigação exigiu um esvaziamento de energias pessoais uma despersonalização - para experienciar uma multiplicidade de estados gerados por motes arquetípicos e simbólicos. / This is an investigation of the actor\'s body which aims to explore the myth and ritual within the performing arts. Poetic myth of the body is a search for potentiation of a multiple body and despersonalized. The idea is to find the poetry body of each actor creator. The terminology depersonalization is a concept applied by the avant-garde filmmaker Maya Deren, a key inspiration for my theoretical and practical research. The vocal and physical training consisted of a series of approaches body, passing entering principles of dance and theater. The primary focus is to work with \"states\". For this reason, the observation of the deities of Candomblé in their ceremonial festivities were subsidies that came to contribute decisively in the investigation of certain corporeities. This process of investigation required a \"emptying\" of personal energy - a depersonalization - to experience a multitude of states generated by arquetypal headings and symbolic.

Ecos da solidão: uma autobiografia de Maya Angelou / Echoes of loneliness: an autobiography of Maya Angelou

Cláudia Maria Fernandes Corrêa 13 February 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho centra sua atenção sobre a construção identitária por meio da palavra escrita, refletindo sobre o passado por meio da narrativa autobiográfica I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings (1970) da escritora afro-americana Maya Angelou. Utilizamos a obra de Maya Angelou devido ao seu esforço pioneiro em confrontar abertamente seu passado e fazer de suas mazelas pessoais um meio catártico: descer aos infernos, ou à morte para retornar transformada. / This work focuses its attention on the construction of identity by means of the written word using the autobiographical narrative I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings (1970) by the afroamerican writer Maya Angelou. We have utilized the work of Maya Angelou due to her pioneering efforts to openly confront her past and use her personal challenges as a cathartic means to descend to the hells or to death so that she could be transformed.

Demise of Classic Maya Civilization : a theoretical approach

Hannikainen, Mikael January 2011 (has links)
Kollapsen av den klassiska Mayakulturen under sen 700- till sen 900-tal e.Kr. har förbluffat forskare ända sedan studier av Mayakulturen påbörjades på 1840-talet. Både arkeologer och antropologer som epigrafiker eller klimatforskare har arbetat med att lösa gåtan av hur ett kulturellt vidsträckt samhälle kunde kollapsa utan någon klar förklaring. Civilisationen som än idag talar till oss genom sina kolossala pyramider och tempel, inskriptioner och den vetenskapliga kunskapen som ansetts outförbara utan moderna instrument. Dock har inte kollapsen varit ett direkt fokus i Mayastudier sedan forskningen påbörjades. Det var inte förrän på 1960-talet som systematiska undersökningar utfördes för att hitta rimliga teorier till kollapsen. Ända sedan dess har hypoteser och teorier haglat in och forskarna idag hittar sig själva i en sjö av oförklarlig information. Kunskapen av Mayakulturen är enorm men det har inte hjälpt att hitta någon bestämd teori om kollapsen av klassiska Maya. Det finns forskare som fokuserar på stora katastrofala händelser såsom drastiska klimatförändringar, sjukdomar eller jordbävningar så svåra att återhämtning var omöjligt. Sedan finns den andra skaran av forskare som förkastar enskilda händelser och fokuserar mer på mångfaldiga katastrofer som kunnat utlösa ödesdigra mönster i samhället som till slut utmynnat i en kollaps. Trots oklarheter kring kollapsen har framsteg gjorts inom fältet. Många teorier har mycket tack vare avancerade metoder kunnat förkastas medan andra blivit mer debatterade. Vad som än Mayakulturen kan berätta för oss, står ändå kollapsen som den stora nöten att knäcka och ju längre forskningen av ämnet fortgår desto närmare kommer även forskare till svaret. Frågor dyker dock fortfarande upp om det är möjligt att lösa en av arkeologins stora gåtor.

Dancing in the watery past : mythical history and performative architecture in the Palace of Palenque / Mythical history and performative architecture in the Palace of Palenque

Rodriguez, Gretel 13 June 2012 (has links)
This thesis analyzes a series of stucco reliefs that decorate the piers of House D of the Palace of Palenque, a Classic Maya city in modern Chiapas, Mexico. Each of the five extant piers of House D depict pairs of individuals facing each other and engaged in what appears to be ritual performances associated with dance and sacrifice. I rely on an iconographic analysis of the reliefs of House D and on a reading of the architecture in relation to the surrounding built environment in order to reconstruct ancient patterns of viewership. I argue that the reliefs of House D of the Palace present a royal narrative where myth and history are fused, and that this combination is validated through ritual performance. The integration of mythical and historical narratives is transmitted through the ruler's enactment of past events that take place in a watery environment signifying the mythical origins of the city of Palenque. This performative narrative at the same time reproduces and perpetuates the actual ceremonies that took place in and around the building, specifically in the monumental stairway and in the ceremonial plaza that flank the building on its western margin. The dynastic messages embedded in the narrative of the piers, and its incorporation into the performances associated with the building, serve to promote the military accomplishments and the political legitimacy of a new ruling dynasty, initiated by the king of Palenque K'inich Janab Pakal, who is the main figure portrayed on the reliefs. / text

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