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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Elephant in Antiquity and the Middle Ages

Ogata, Kiwako 08 September 2017 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this study is to describe the evolution of knowledge and representation of an animal – elephant – from Antiquity to the Middle Ages up to the 13th century in the West and to demonstrate continuity and changes, from one civilization to another, especially in its visual representations. We tried to introduce the fruits of contemporary study of philosophical and ethical thought on the animal and its relationship with man, represented especially by Jacques Derrida and Giorgio Agamben. The study therefore, discusses not only the relationship between man and the elephant, but also includes a consideration of the attitude of man toward the animal in general, a theme discussed already by Philon and Plutarch. The study takes a similar approach with the study on the monster which became more popular after the 1980s. Study of the monster raises questions on the relationship between "ourselves" and "the others" and on the boundary between them. The relation between "us human beings" and "monsters" can be projected on the relation between "us human beings" and "the animals except men". In Judaism and Christianity, man is created in the image of God and placed at the pinnacle of the hierarchy of the creatures. He is allowed by God to exercise dominion over other animals (and to eat them). Domination of other peoples (including monstrous races) is justified by the idea that other peoples lack reason just as animals lack it. Because of its huge size, peculiar appearance, and remarkable intelligence, the elephant is one of the most surprising pieces of the evidence of God's marvellous Creation. That is why scenes of the "creation of the animals", "Adam naming animals" and Noah's Ark often included the elephant. In particular, the elephant's trunk was praised as a mystery of creation from the time of Aristotle and Pliny. However, the elephant was often considered half animal, half monster, and in consequence "other" par excellence. It is illustrated on the Souvigny Pillar with monsters and monstrous races. Therefore, the elephant was used sometimes as a symbol of "appropriation" of other peoples and their culture by Europeans, as in portraits of Alexander the Great and the Diadokoi wearing exuviae elephantis, head dresses made from elephant's scalp. To analyse visual images, we took into consideration various factors that form an image, such as artists' scientific knowledge of the animal, influence from the words (written or pronounced), use of model books, transmission of iconography among itinerant artists and ateliers, and the imagination of artists and programme makers who tend to fill any lack of information by knowledge of other animals, etc. Minute observation on some details of the visual representation of the elephant helped to reveal some aspects of the inter-relationship of various factors, especially between text and image. / Ce travail cherche à suivre le fil de l'évolution des connaissances sur un animal- l'éléphant- et sa représentation de l'Antiquité au Moyen Age dans l'Occident pour en éclaircir les continuités et changements notables. Nous avons cherché à situer nos recherches sur l'iconographie concernant l'éléphant dans le courant contemporain de pensée philosophique et éthique sur les animaux, représentée par Jacques Derrida et Giorgio Agamben notamment. C'est pourquoi les considérations sur l'attitude de l'homme contre l'animal en général, à partir de Philon et Plutarque occupe une partie assez importante de notre thèse. Nous avons adopté une approche similaire à l'étude sur le monstre qui a connu un développement remarquable surtout après les années 80. Les études sur les monstres adressent des questions concernant les rapports entre "soi " et "les autres" et les limites entre eux. Les rapports entre "nous" et "les monstres" sont une projection des rapports entre le "nous homme" et les "autres animaux excepté l'homme". L'homme est créé à la ressemblance de Dieu dans le Judaïsme et le Christianisme. Mettre sous la domination les autres peuples, dont aussi les peuples monstrueux se justifie par leur identification aux animaux dépourvus de raison. L'éléphant constitue une évidence de la grande variété de l'œuvre créatrice de Dieu par excellence, mais dans le même temps il a été considéré mi animal mi monstre à cause de sa dimension et de sa forme particulière. Il a été connu presque toujours comme africain ou indien et donc "étranger", et en conséquence "autre". La représentation visuelle de l'éléphant est donc utilisée quelquefois comme symbole d'appropriation d'un autre peuple et de sa culture par les Européens. Notre travail reconnait que les représentations visuelles de l'éléphant n’oscillent pas seulement entre les deux pôles de " réel" et "non réel", mais qu'elles consistent plutôt en divers éléments. Ces éléments sont: la connaissance scientifique sur l'animal, l'influence directe des mots (écrits et émis par la voix), l'usage de modèles visuels (carnet des modèles), la transmission par les artistes itinérants, l'action de l'imagination de l'artiste ou du programmateur iconographique qui essaie de combler l'information manquante par la connaissance sur d'autres animaux, etc. On ne connait pas bien les rapports entre celui qui a commandé l'objet d'art ou l’édifice, l'auteur du programme iconographique et l'artiste ou constructeur au Moyen Age, et vérifier les relations entre ces éléments n'est pas facile, mais l'observation de certains détails a permis d'en mettre au clair quelques éléments. / Doctorat en Histoire, art et archéologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Les élites au village, étude de la distinction sociale par les marqueurs archéologiques de part et d'autre de la Manche, entre le XIe et le XVe siècle. / The elites in the village : study of the social distinction through archaeological indicators on both sides of the Channel Sea, from the 11th to the 15th century

Rego, Diane 17 October 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat s’attache à montrer que les vestiges archéologiques de terrain peuvent être interpréter socialement et à réviser une vision parfois superficielle de la stratification socio-économique des villages médiévaux. A partir de l’exemple de la fouille du hameau de Trainecourt (Grentheville - Calvados) où une maison « aristocratique » est installée au cœur de l’habitat groupé, ce projet a été centré sur le développement d’une méthode permettant d’approcher les élites villageoises dont nous percevons l’existence grâce aux sources textuelles mais qui n’ont que peu été abordées en archéologie médiévale.En employant une démarche comparatiste consistant à mettre en parallèle aussi bien les données archéologiques que les perspectives scientifiques anglaises et françaises, en adoptant le cadre théorique de la Social Archaeology, en étudiant de manière approfondie les processus sociaux (distinction, rapprochement, performance) exprimés au travers des pratiques de consommation se jouant dans l’habitat et en examinant des sites archéologiques élitaires (manoirs, maisons fortes, châteaux, etc.), nous avons réussi à établir une liste de trente-quatre marqueurs archéologiques révélant une identité sociale qui se distingue, regroupés en trois catégories : l’utilisation de l’espace, la morphologie de l’habitat et un style de vie spécifique. Ce référentiel a ensuite été comparé à des habitats ruraux (villages, hameaux, etc.) situés de part et d’autre de la Manche, afin de percevoir des éléments de stratification sociale. Au total, des unités élitaires ont été repérées dans sept villages ou hameaux et des hiérarchies socio-économiques élaborées pour une dizaine d’autres sites ruraux. / This PhD aims both at demonstrating that archaeological remains could and should be socially interpreted and at revising our - sometimes simplified - perspective on the socio-economic stratification of medieval villages. This project is based on the example of the excavations situated at Trainecourt (Grentheville - Calvados) where an “aristocratic” house had been established in the centre of the hamlet. Thus, a method has been developed to grasp village elites, of whom we know some details thanks to medieval written sources but who had hardly been studied in medieval archaeology.By using a comparative approach that draws a parallel between both French and English archaeological data and scientific perspectives; by adopting the theoretical frame offered by the Social Archaeology; by studying the social processes (the distinction, coming closer to, the performance) that are expressed by patterns of consumption in the settlement; by examining aristocratic sites (manor houses, moated sites, castles, etc.), we managed to establish a list of thirty-four archaeological indicators revealing an outstanding social identity. They are grouped in three categories: the use of space, the morphology of the settlement and a specific lifestyle. This repertoire was then compared to rural sites (villages, hamlets, etc.) situated on both sides of the Channel Sea, to emphasize some details of social stratification. As a whole, elite units have been spotted out in seven villages or hamlets and socio-economic hierarchies established for a dozen more.

Sérignan et Vendres, deux villages biterrois face à la guerre dans la seconde moitié du XIVe siècle : étude du gouvernement villageois au bas Moyen âge / Sérignan and Vendres, two villages of Biterrois in face of the war during the latter half of the XIVth century : a study on the village government in the late Middle Ages

Mukai, Shinya 08 November 2017 (has links)
Dans le Bas-Languedoc de la seconde moitié du XIVe siècle, avec l’aggravation de la guerre franco-anglaise, l’insécurité devient permanente à cause de l’incursion des armées anglo-gasconnes et du pillage des routiers, et augmentent les exigences royales liées à l’état de guerre : fortification, mobilisation et taxation. Quel impact la guerre a-t-elle sur le village ? Comment les villageois répondent-ils à ce nouvel environnement caractérisé par l’insécurité montante et par la pression accrue de la fiscalité royale ? La guerre ne suscite-t-elle pas une profonde transformation de la société villageoise ? Notre thèse a pour objectif d’éclaircir le fonctionnement et le changement du gouvernement villageois face à la guerre dans la seconde moitié du XIVe siècle. Nous avons choisi comme les objets centraux de notre recherche deux villages : Sérignan et Vendres. Ceux-ci se trouvent à proximité de Béziers, dans le Biterrois, au centre du Bas-Languedoc. Avant tout, ces deux villages conservent les comptes consulaires les plus volumineux du Biterrois de la seconde moitié du XIVe siècle, qui contiennent de riches renseignements sur la société, en général, et des individus, en particulier. En vue d’étudier le village en guerre, se posent quatre pistes de recherche : 1. Actions défensives de la communauté villageoise ; 2. Emprise de la guerre sur les finances villageoises ; 3. Politique et administration au sein du village ; 4. Relations extérieures de la communauté villageoise. Les valeurs du gouvernement villageois dans le Biterrois de la seconde moitié du XIVe siècle peuvent être résumées en trois mots : liberté, équité, généralité. C’est-à-dire la liberté politique contre les pouvoirs extérieurs, l’équité fiscale au sein de la communauté, le consensus général entre les habitants. / In Bas-Languedoc of the latter half of the XIVth century, with the aggravation of the French-English war, the insecurity becomes normalized because of the incursion of the Anglo-Gascon army and of the pillage of the campaigners, and the royal demands ― fortification, mobilization and taxation ― increase in relation with the state of war. What impact does the war make on the village? How do the villagers respond to this new and unprecedented environment characterized by the mounting insecurity and the huge pressure of the royal taxation? Doesn’t the war spark off a profound transformation of the village society? The objective of our thesis is to shed light on the functioning and the reorganizing of village government in face of the war during the latter half of the XIVth century. We have chosen as the central objects of our research two villages: Sérignan and Vendres. These are situated near Béziers, in Biterrois, in the middle of Bas-Languedoc. Above all, these two villages conserve the consular account books, which are the most voluminous in Biterrois of the latter half of the XIVth century and contain rich and significant information about the society and individual villagers. In order to study the villages in wartime, we take four courses of research: 1. defensive actions of the village community; 2. influence of the war on the village finance; 3. politics and administration inside the village; 4. external relations of the village community. The values of village government in Biterrois of the latter half of the XIVth century can be summarized in three words: liberty, equity, and ‘‘generality’’. That is to say, the political liberty against external powers, the fiscal equity inside the community, and the general consensus among inhabitants.

Obraz Svaté země v Adomnánově De locis sanctis / Picture of the Holy Land in Adomnán's De locis sanctis

Falátková, Michaela January 2021 (has links)
The presented thesis deals with the work On the Holy Places (De locis sanctis) compiled by the monk and abbot Adomnán of Iona (624-704). Adomnán's work provides evidence of the unknown Gallic pilgrim Arculf about his journey to the Holy Land. Furthermore, Adomnán's text represents a complex historical source about the character of the early medieval pilgrimage during the second half of the 7th Century. Moreover, On the Holy Places offers extensive description and topography of the holy places associated with Jesus Christ's life, passion, and resurrection, hence oscillates between itinerary and hagiography. From the perspective of literary history, Adomnán's narrative has a deep-rooted background within the tradition, nevertheless, provides a significant number of innovations beyond the traditional views. The thesis contextualised Adomnán's text within the 7th-Century Iro-Scottish literary production, i.e. introduces Adomnán's new concept of pilgrimage narrative. Moreover, the text presents the first translation of On the Holy Places from Latin into Czech along with extensive commentary. The historical-critical method of Classic and Medieval studies, together with synchronous and diachronic analysis, was used. The detailed commentary contextualised Adomnán's work within the archaeological excavations...

Kou Qianzhi (365-448) a reforma taoismu za dynastie Severní Wej / Kou Qianzhi (365-448) and the Daoist Reform during the Northern Wei Dynasty

Otčenášek, Jakub January 2011 (has links)
Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy v Praze Ústav Dálného východu Diplomová práce Jakub Otčenášek Kou Qianzhi (365-448) a reforma taoismu za dynastie Severní Wei Kou Qianzhi (365-448) and the Daoist Reform during the Northern Wei Dynasty Vedoucí práce: Olga Lomová 2011 Konzultant: Jakub Hrubý Poděkování Chtěl bych poděkovat Olze Lomové za vstřícnost, ochotu a cenné rady při vedení mé práce. Můj velký dík patří také mým francouzským pedagogům z École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE) v Paříži - Sylvii Hureau za pomoc s rešerší v buddhistických textech, Alainu Arraultovi za další rady a především Johnu Lagerweyovi, který mi pomohl proniknout do jazyka studovaného textu. Pobyt na EPHE mi byl umožněn studijním programem Erasmus. Svým rodičům děkuji za podporu při studiích. Prohlášení Prohlašuji, že jsem diplomovou práci vypracoval samostatně, že jsem řádně citoval všechny použité prameny a literaturu a že práce nebyla využita v rámci jiného vysokoškolského studia či k získání jiného nebo stejného titulu. V Praze dne 5. září 2011 Abstrakt Diplomová práce Kou Qianzhi (365-448) a reforma taoismu za dynastie Severní Wei analyzuje dílo Laojun yinsong jiejing 老君音誦誡經, připisované Kou Qianzhiovi 寇謙之, který v letech 424 až 448 působil na dvoře čínské dynastie Severní Wei jako hlava taoistické tradice nebeských...

Hrady doby husitské / Castles of Hussites Era

Sýkora, Milan January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the Czech castles during the Hussite Wars (1419-1436 and 1467-1485). Its aim was to explore and evaluate a group of selected objects and compare the results with the development of castle architecture in Europe. Research has shown that - in connection with the introduction of early guns in the end of the 14th century - there was a radical change of military tactics and castle architecture. Castles were equipped with a new type of fortifications that were not only resistant to artillery, but also allowed for their efficient firearm defense. Along with the penetration of the Hussite troops into neighboring countries, there came the spread of their military knowledge, which has gradually adopted in entire Central Europe. The local military architecture stands at the beginning of the Medieval fort architecture and precedes, by nearly a hundred years, the Italian and German fortifications. Key-words: Central Europe - Late Middle Age - Early Modern Age - Castle - Fortress - Firearms

Vývoj středověkého osídlení na východním okraji Prahy / Development of medieval settlement in eastern fringe of Prague

Kartousová, Hana January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the development of medieval settlement in eastern fringe of Prague. Although the archeology has focused to this area for tens of years, our knowledge of the medieval settlement isn't satisfying. This thesis focuses on the development of medieval settlement from 6th to 13th and 14th century when the settlement was stabilized. Within this is created a catalog of archaeological founds and localities in specified area. It also deals with the metallurgy which is an important economical factor. It tries to capture the relationship of the rural settlement to the central localities and church, if it was possible to capture such thing, and document changes in the development of settlement. Keywords: Prague, the Middle Ages, settlement, hinterland, archeology

Čechy a Morava v raném středověku v pohledu historie a archeologie. Shody a rozdíly. / Bohemia and Moravia in the Early Middle Age from view of history and archaeology. Coincidences and differences.

Lohnická, Jana January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with selected early medieval archeological material from both sides of Czech-Moravian Highlands, in Bohemia and Moravia. Main period of interest is from late 8th century to 11th century. The aim of the work is comparison to an overview of Czech Moravian contacts from the point of view of historical sources by reason that between the 9th century and the 11th century Bohemia and Moravia come in on major and the minor interdependency culminant in first quarter 11th century by final Přemyslid subjugation of Moravia. In the thesis I focus on Early Medieval Hoards of Iron Implements and Weapons, axe-shaped Ingots, alcove Graves, Ceramics (especially parallel of pottery from south Moravia and north-western Bohemia), jewellery of Great Moravian origin or tradition and coins (especially Hungarian coins in Moravia). The thesis is based on partial studies focused on individual findings. The relationship between Moravian, Bohemian Elite and Avar khaganate can be state on the basis of increasing number of findings. There were no fundamental differences between Bohemia and Moravia. Alcove Graves indicate link between south Moravia and Avar khaganate. In comparison Hoards of Iron Implements and Weapons were concluded resemblance between Bohemian and Moravian Hoards with no contain of...

Vývoj středověkého osídlení na východním okraji Prahy / Development of medieval settlement in eastern fringe of Prague

Kartousová, Hana January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the development of medieval settlement in eastern fringe of Prague. Although the archeology has focused to this area for tens of years, our knowledge of the medieval settlement isn't satisfying. This thesis focuses on the development of medieval settlement from 6th to 13th and 14th century when the settlement was stabilized. Within this is created a catalog of archaeological founds and localities in specified area. It also deals with the metallurgy which is an important economical factor. It tries to capture the relationship of the rural settlement to the central localities and church, if it was possible to capture such thing, and document changes in the development of settlement. Keywords: Prague, the Middle Ages, settlement, hinterland, archeology

Příspěvek k počátkům Pražského hradu (doklady a proměny osídlení západního předhradí na místě dnešního tzv. Severního výběžku) / Contribution to the settlement of the Prague Castle (documents and changes of settlement in the west forecastle in place today's so called Northern Wing)

Hurajčíková, Veronika January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the beginnings of the Prague Castle. The principal attention is mainly turned to a closer recognation of course of settlement in the original west forecastle, which means today's forecastles I, II and IV. In connection with this problem the principal goal of this thesis consists in processing of the research that Jan Frolík accomplished within the forecastle I and the forecastle IV in the building of today's so called Northern Wing in 1987. There were six trenches with features and habitation layers of the Early Middle Ages explored. These discovered archaeological sections were divided into horizons in chronological sequence on the basis of stratigraphy (reciprocal superposition of features), or in the case of habitation layers on the basis of ceramics. Subsequent analysis of ceramic material enabled to date them more precisely. Also processing and evaluation of the remaining archaeological artifacts, primarily bone artifacts and animal bones, is a part of this thesis. At the end of the thesis the results of the research are counted among the context of the evolution of so called west forecastle, alternatively of the general evolution of the history of Prague Castle.

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