Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ehe arrangement"" "subject:"hhe arrangement""
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Two Piano Editions of the Third and Fifth Movements of Bartók's Concerto for Orchestra: Their Textual Fidelity and Technical AccessibilityPolgár, Éva, 1983- 08 1900 (has links)
In the case of Concerto for Orchestra, Béla Bartók transcribed one of his most emblematic orchestral compositions to his own solo instrument, the piano. This transcription's primary function was to suffice for ballet rehearsal accompaniment for the choreography to be introduced alongside a performance of the orchestral work. György Sándor, Bartók's pupil and pianist, prepared the original manuscript for publication. Logan Skelton, pianist-composer, used this published edition as a point of departure for his own piano arrangement of the same work. György Sándor took an editorial approach to the score and followed the manuscript as literally as possible. On the other hand, Logan Skelton treated the same musical material daringly, striving for technical simplicity and a richer orchestral sound. The purpose of this study is to examine and identify the contrasting treatments pertaining to playability, text, and texture in the Bartók-Sándor edition and Skelton arrangement of the two movements, Elegia and Finale, of the Concerto for Orchestra piano arrangement.György Sándor took an editorial approach to the score and followed the manuscript as literally as possible. On the other hand, Logan Skelton treated the same musical material daringly, striving for technical simplicity and a richer orchestral sound. The purpose of this study is to examine and identify the contrasting treatments pertaining to playability, text, and texture in the Bartók-Sándor edition and Skelton arrangement of the two movements, Elegia and Finale, of the Concerto for Orchestra piano arrangement.
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The Mozart Flute: Old and New Transcriptions of KV. 10-15Potts, Elizabeth (Elizabeth Ann) 05 1900 (has links)
My lecture serves as a critical examination of the Six Sonatas Op. 3, KV. 10-15 by W.A. Mozart. I will engage the variances between the first edition of Op. 3 and those by Joseph Bopp and Louis Moyse edited specifically for the flute in hopes of providing another perspective for students, performers, and pedagogues alike. This study will (1) provide background information regarding the creation of KV. 10-15, (2) include a brief analysis of each sonata, (3) compare adaptions between the first edition, according to NMA, and two modern flute transcriptions, and (4) produce two new transcriptions. My new transcriptions of Sonatas KV. 10 and 13 represent a closer interpretation to the first edition and alerts students and teachers to the differences between the editions by Joseph Bopp and Louis Moyse to that of the first and NMA editions. The goal is to stimulate performers to reappraise their approach to this particular repertoire and to encourage more authentic performances of these engaging sonatas.
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Modernizace silnice II/368 Moravská Třebová - průtah / Road II/369 Moravská Třebová - průtah - Modernisation designEliáš, Radim January 2018 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to create conditions for safe and continuous transit through the local road II / 368 Moravská Třebová. The thesis deals with the new design of the broad layout of the communication, the creation of a safe transfer of cyclists, the modification of all existing crossroads and the creation of new platforms for bus stops. Additionally, existing paved surfaces in the associated space of the local road are modified.
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Architektúra a nevidiaci / Architecture and sightlessLuciaková, Katarína Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis explores the relationship between architecture and the blind people. For better clarity and understanding of the topic, The work has been divided into five distinctive parts. In the first, introduction part, I approach space sensation of a blind person from the physiological and psychological angle. This analysis is very important for the understanding of imagination, which the blind person has. Another important fact to understand is the way in which the blind person gets the information about the space and what is his ability to process it. Further, I explain the basic principles of the blind person’s movement through space and describe instructions of how to help blind people in the concrete spatial situations. In the next part, I give a short information about the historical progress of the relation between the society and the blind people. An important fact is that, as late as 200 years ago, the blind people were considered as “sub men” and did not have the full freedom privilege. This relation has been modified over time and nowadays, the blind people have the freedom of movement and all the rights to enjoy their lives. To meet the needs of the blind people, many associations have been created that act on their behalf. The associations have different modes of functioning, but their common goal is to help blind people with their social rehabilitation, looking for employment and removing architectural barriers. The core of my work is divided into two parts. In the first one, I focus on the problematic of the blind people and architecture from the functional aspect. The functional aspect is vital for the blind people. It corresponds to their safety in the environment. In this chapter, I treat in detail basic elements for designing buildings, for specifying barriers and principles of design for blind people. Furthermore, I describe the help tools the blind people need in order to move in the space. I evaluate the future of these tools and indicate the rapid technological progression which makes the life of blind people more comfortable. In the next part, I focus on the problematic of the blind people and architecture from the aesthetic aspect. This question has not been much explored yet, but is, nonetheless, very important. In this part of my work, I use more my personal experience and the knowledge coming from the exploration of space. Aesthetical values are subjective for all the people, with or without a handicap. Therefore, in this final chapter, I try to note the facts that can be used in the process of the aesthetical perception and to reflect on them. In the domain of aesthetical research, there also exist tools and institutions that help blind people in their comprehension of architecture. The division of my work emerged from the compilation of diverse facts in the process of writing. This thesis has an informative and practical character. It is intended for people who want to understand and to be informed about how to design architecture for the blind people. It will be directed towards people who build this kind of architecture and need an overview of how to make it. It is also intended for people interested in learning more about architecture.
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Centrum polymerních systémů ve Zlíně - stavebně technologická příprava výstavby / Polymer Systems Centre in Zlín - the Construction Techological PlanningFoltánek, Jan January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with a technological project of Polymer System Centre in Zlín. It focuses on financial documentation and a time schedule of the construction. The technological project in detail focuses on implementation of a fabric of the Polymer System Centre. The thesis includes a technical report which suggests procedure of the construction. The technological documentation includes a plan of the construction site arrangement, a time schedule, a financial plan for the construction, a budget, a technological report suggesting partitions made of magnesium slabs, a control plan, a test plan and health and safety plan.
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Manejo do solo e do nitrogênio em milho cultivado em dois espaçamentos entrelinhas /Kaneko, Flávio Hiroshi. January 2009 (has links)
Orientador: Orivaldo Arf / Banca: João Antonio da Costa Andrade / Banca: Gustavo Pavan Mateus / Resumo: O objetivo do trabalho foi determinar o efeito do manejo do solo, do nitrogênio e do espaçamento entrelinhas na cultura do milho. O mesmo foi desenvolvido na Fazenda experimental da UNESP - Campus de Ilha Solteira, em Latossolo Vermelho Distrófico. O delineamento experimental foi em parcelas subdividas. Os tratamentos foram constituídos pela combinação de 3 manejos do solo (grade pesada + grade niveladora, escarificador + grade niveladora e plantio direto), 5 épocas de aplicação do nitrogênio : testemunha (sem N); 120 kg ha-1 na semeadura (S); 120 kg ha-1 em V6 ; 30 kg ha-1 (S) e 90 kg ha-1 em V6; 30 kg ha-1 (S) + 45 kg ha-1 em V4 + 45 kg ha-1 em V8) e 2 espaçamentos entrelinhas (0,45 e 0,90 m) com população fixa. Concluiu-se que o sistema plantio direto promoveu maior produtividade de grãos e maior lucratividade; a aplicação precoce de todo o N promoveu produtividade de grãos semelhante aos manejos com parcelamento; o espaçamento entrelinhas não influenciou a produtividade de grãos / Abstract: Agronomic practices that help the farmer to raise the yield and reduce costs must be studied to ensure the sustainability of agriculture. Thinking about it, an experiment was conducted to study the effect of soil management, nitrogen fertilization and of the row spacing in maize crop. It was developed in Distrophic Red Latossol. The experimental design was randomized in split plot. The treatments were constituted by the combination of 3 soil management (plow harrow + "floating harrows", chisel +" floating harrows" and no tillage), 5 times of nitrogen management (control without N, 120 kg ha-1 at sowing (S), 120 kg ha-1 in the V6 stage, 30 kg ha-1 (S) + 90 kg ha-1 in V6, 30 kg ha-1 (S) + 45 kg ha-1 in the V4 + 45 kg ha-1 in V8 and 2 row spacing (0,45 and 0,90 m) with the same plants population. It was concluded that the no tillage system promotes higher grain yield and greater profitability; the nitrogen management (all at sowing) promoted grain yield similar the treatments that the N was divided; and the row spacing didn't influenced the grain yield / Mestre
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Popularmusik-Improvisation im Rahmen des gymnasialen MusikunterrichtsFietzek, Sarah 19 August 2014 (has links)
Die zunehmende Praxisorientierung des Musikunterrichts, welche im Laufe der letzten Jahrzehnte mit dem allmählichen Paradigmenwechsel didaktischer Konzeptionen einherging, führte u.a. dazu, dass Improvisation als ein wesentlicher Teil der Musizierpraxis in den Lehrplan aufgenommen wurde. Was sich diesbezüglich in der Realität hinter den geschlossenen Türen der Musikräume abspielt, beabsichtigt diese Arbeit zu enthüllen. Unter der Forschungsfrage: "Welche Möglichkeiten der Realisierung und effizienten Vermittlung von Improvisation bietet der gymnasiale Musikunterricht und wie werden diese derzeit in der Praxis umgesetzt?" wird dabei zugleich die Bedeutung von Improvisation im Kontext des Musiklernens und –lehrens einbezogen. Um das Bild von einer Improvisationspraxis, wie sie an heutigen Gymnasien tatsächlich stattfindet, zu fundieren und auszubauen, werden die Erfahrungen und Meinungen von Lehrkräften auf Grundlage einer durchgeführten Befragung zusammengefasst und diskutiert.
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Arrangement Design Studies : the introduction of the digital wall in domestic environments / Designstudier av införandet av den digitala väggen i hemmiljöerAbdipour, Morteza January 2021 (has links)
This research focuses on the emergence of 'digital walls' that can project images onto almost all or even the entirety of interior (and perhaps exterior) walls, and what implications this might have for how we arrange our rooms. It demonstrates the arrangement, i.e., the way that domestic products are arranged physically, of rooms changes in the domestic environment in a complex scenario when using large screens. Due to the fast-growing demand for large screens, this product could potentially be available to be used by people in their home environments; however, it does not yet exist in reality at this scale. Constructing large screens can be carried out using different production methods. Here, this concept is called the digital wall, a very thin wall-sized interactive screen. The characteristics of the digital wall will vary to be able to create different scenarios. One such scenario is a space in the home where the surface of the wall is covered with screens, which allows multiple possibilities to experience and interact with digital content. In this research, the social gathering space of homes, nowadays called the living room, is considered as a highly relevant space for installing the digital wall. In this space, the conceptual framework outlines the basic elements of the research and demonstrates the relationships between people’s interactions with the digital wall and domestic products in the domestic environment. I show two examples from design history to understand how arrangement changes impact the home environment: the transformation of the parlor to the living room, and entry of the television into the living room. These two examples are focused on the place in the home where people gather for socializing. The discussion of these examples led to the elaboration of the relationships between the elements in the conceptual framework. I explored relevant design research methodologies to bring this future scenario into the present to understand the relationships between people and the digital wall. I applied research through design and the constructive design research approaches to frame the design research methodology. In this thesis, I set up seven series of design studies in two cluster groups: Supportive studies and Main studies. All of the design studies were conducted in the Design Research Lab, the actual space for carrying out the design experiments, prototyping the digital wall, and the setting of the experiments for user participation. The Lab was fully equipped with relevant technology and allowed me to use multiple methods to collect data while people were experiencing the design study sessions. The Lab was useful as a platform to understand user experiences, barriers for interactions as well as people's experiences in a simulated space of a domestic environment. The main contribution of this research is to understand the forms of arrangement changes when people use the digital wall in homes. The research demonstrates two significant implications that are seen in two forms of arrangements: tangible arrangement and imperceptible arrangement. These findings are useful for both designers and users of the elements of domestic contexts and the relations that can be shaped by the presence of a digital wall in home environments. This understanding may provide design guidelines in future scenarios in which the digital wall is used in homes. The findings are also beneficial for designing the domestic environment, improving the arrangement of space, and raising the requirements for designing domestic products.
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Beitrag zur Optimierung von NetzwerkbogenbrückenTeich, Stephan 14 February 2012 (has links)
Gegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Entwicklung einer optimalen Tragstruktur für Netzwerkbogenbrücken. Dabei wird die systematische Nutzung der Optimierungspotenziale dieses Brückentragwerkes an ausgewählten Tragwerkselementen erarbeitet. Es werden Lösungsvorschläge für die System- und Detailausbildung sowie Berechnungs- und Entwurfsgrundlagen entwickelt. Die Schwerpunkte der Arbeit bilden die Entwicklung von ermüdungssicheren Hängeranschlusskonstruktionen, statisch effizienten Hängernetzen sowie Bögen, die sich durch eine hohe Tragfähigkeit bei gleichzeitig geringem Materialverbrauch auszeichnen.
Um eine ausreichende Ermüdungssicherheit der in dieser Hinsicht maßgebenden Hängeranschlusskonstruktionen zu gewährleisten, ist es notwendig, die risserzeugenden Spannungsspitzen zu minimieren und möglichst einen homogenen Spannungsverlauf über das gesamte Bauteil zu erzeugen. Mit Hilfe einer parametergestützten Gestaltoptimierung und anschließender Topologieanpassung wird zunächst eine optimale Lösung für die Hängeranschlusskonstruktion entworfen. Anschließend erfolgt die Entwicklung einer Bestimmungsgleichung für die Kerbwirkungszahl dieser Anschlusskonstruktion, welche die Anwendung des Kerbspannungskonzeptes für Hängeranschlüsse ermöglicht.
Zur effizienten Nutzung der statischen Vorteile von Netzwerkbogenbrücken ist die Anordnung der Hänger von großer Bedeutung. Um die vorteilhafteste Hängeranordnung zu ermitteln, werden fünf mögliche Hängernetze mit variierenden Hängerneigungsparametern, Hängeranzahlen und Stützweiten hinsichtlich gezielt ausgewählter statischer Kriterien untersucht und bewertet. Daraus resultierend werden Empfehlungen formuliert, die dem Ingenieur die Wahl eines für entsprechende Rahmenbedingungen geeigneten Hängernetzes erleichtern.
Auch die konstruktive Ausführung des Bogens sowie des oberen Windverbandes und das damit verbundene Tragverhalten sind beim Entwurf einer effizienten Netzwerkbogenbrücke von großer Bedeutung. Deswegen wird der Einfluss von Form, Geometrie und Steifigkeit des Bogens sowie von Ausführung und Konstruktion anderer Tragwerksteile auf die Bogenstabilität analysiert. Darauf aufbauend erfolgt die Optimierung dieser Konstruktionsparameter, um die Stahlmasse des Bogens ohne maßgebliche Reduzierung der Tragfähigkeit zu minimieren. Zusätzlich werden verschiedene Ersatzimperfektionen bezüglich ihrer Auswirkung auf die rechnerische Bogenstabilität untersucht und die maßgebenden Vorverformungen hinsichtlich ihrer Form und ihrer Größe herausgestellt.
In ausgewählten Beispielen werden abschließend die entwickelten Lösungen mit Bauwerken aus der Praxis verglichen, um die Effizienz des optimierten Tragwerkes zu demonstrieren. / This work of research will tackle the development of an optimal structure for network arch bridges. The systematic employment of potentials to optimize these bridge structures will be examined for selected structural members. Suggestions for the construction of the bridge system and of selected details as well as basics for calculation and design will be developed. This paper will focuses mainly on the design of fatigue-proof hanger connections, statically efficient hanger networks as well as arches, which have a high load carrying capacity along with low material consumption.
In order to provide sufficient security against fatigue failure for the decisive connections of the hanger bars, stress peaks that cause cracks have to be minimized and homogeneous stress distribution within the whole element has to be ensured. Initially, this paper will delineate an optimal solution for hanger connections by means of parameter-based shape optimization and subsequent topology adaptation. In the following, an analytic formula for the stress concentration factor of this connection will be developed in order to enable the application of the notch stress concept for hanger connections.
To apply the static advantages of network arch bridges efficiently, the arrangement of the hangers is essential. In order to determine the most efficient hanger arrangement, five possible hanger arrangements with varying parameters (slope of the hangers, number of the hangers and span of the bridge) will be analyzed and evaluated with respect to systematically selected static criteria. On the basis of these investigations, recommendations for engineers how to choose an optimized hanger arrangement according to different geometrical bridge parameters will be made.
Additionally, the constructive design of the arches and the upper wind bracing as well as the associated structural behavior are significant when an efficient network arch bridge is to be designed. For this reason, this paper will analyze the influence of the arch-shape, the arch-geometry and the arch-stiffness as well as the design and construction of other structural members on the stability of the arch. Based on these results, the constructive parameters will be optimized in order to reduce the steel weight of the arch without significantly reducing the load carrying capacity. Furthermore, the influence of different imperfections on the arch stability will be analyzed and the form and size of the decisive initial deflections emphasized.
Finally, systematically selected examples will provide a comparison between the developed solutions and existing bridge structures in order to demonstrate the efficiency of the optimized structure.
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Kaikhosru Sorabji's Rapsodie Espagnole de Maurice Ravel, Transcription de Concert pour piano: A Comparison of the Two Versions from 1923 and 1945Chu, Fang-Yi 12 1900 (has links)
Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji (1892-1988) was an English composer-pianist of Parsi descent. Although he composed many works for piano, these compositions remain largely unknown to the public due to the composer's self-imposed 40-year ban on public performances of all his works and the immense technical difficulty of his music. This research proposes a comparative study of Sorabji's two versions of Rapsodie espagnole de Maurice Ravel-Transcription de concert pour piano (1923, 1945). These transcriptions are based on Ravel's orchestral work and are different in terms of the style of their arrangements: the 1923 version is more of a literal transcription, whereas the 1945 version has been expanded upon the former. This dissertation compares the differences between the two versions, as well as identifying how Sorabji infused his own style into the 1945 transcription. This study relies on primary sources including writings and manuscripts of Sorabji, and secondary sources such as articles on interpreting Sorabji's piano works and biographies about Sorabji.
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