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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Důkazní břemeno ve sporech o vydání bezdůvodného obohacení / The burden of proof in the disputes for unjust enrichment

Dobrovičová, Michaela January 2018 (has links)
1 The burden of proof in the disputes for unjust enrichment Abstract This diploma thesis deals with the institute of the burden of proof. Its aim is to analyse the distribution of the burden of proof in disputes for unjust enrichment. The thesis consists of an introduction, four main chapters, which are further internally divided and the conclusion. The introduction is focused mainly on the reasons of author's choice of the topic. The first chapter contains the general characteristics and interpretation of key concepts as well as related institutes, whose basic knowledge will be a key to other parts of the text. It explains the differences between the concepts of proof, counter-proof and objection. It then analyses the standard of proof needed to prove certain facts. It also describes the state of non liquet and analyses the individual procedural obligations and burdens of the parties. The subject of the second chapter of the thesis is the term of the burden of proof, which can be divided into the objective and subjective burden of proof. The subjective burden of proof can be further subdivided into the abstract and concrete burden of proof. The chapter goes on to analyse selected theories of distribution of the burden of proof, while not neglecting the negative theory of proof. In the partial conclusion,...

Análise crítica da distribuição dinâmica do ônus da prova / Critical analysis on the dynamic burden of proof.

Palmitesta, Mariana Aravechia 26 February 2015 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, a partir do surgimento da ideia de Estado Democrático de Direito, a moderna doutrina processualista passou a entender o processo não só como meio destinado à pacificação social, passando a encará-lo como mecanismo destinado a fazer valer garantias e direitos constitucionais e a alcançar a pacificação justa dos litígios. A partir deste novo contexto, verificou-se a limitação de alguns institutos processuais vigentes, que embora pudessem auxiliar na obtenção do escopo de pacificação, deixavam de resguardar ou de implementar, em alguns momentos, determinadas garantias constitucionais, o que prejudicava o fim último de acesso à ordem jurídica justa. Uma das limitações verificadas a partir da perspectiva publicista de processo corresponde à regra estática de distribuição dos encargos probatórios conforme a natureza dos fatos alegados, uma vez que esta deixava de observar eventual impossibilidade da parte em cumprir com seu encargo. Ante tal limitação, foi desenvolvida uma teoria destinada a reequilibrar a relação processual, assegurando a implementação das garantias constitucionais, quando a regra estática de distribuição dos encargos probatórios não se mostrava suficiente a assegurar o acesso à ordem jurídica justa. Denominada de distribuição dinâmica do ônus da prova (ou teoria das cargas probatórias dinâmicas) a teoria foi pensada a fim de, em tais situações e conforme as peculiaridades do caso concreto, determinar a redistribuição do encargo probatório a fim de que este recaia sobre as partes em melhores condições. Contudo, há grande divergência doutrinária sobre a viabilidade prática da distribuição dinâmica do ônus da prova, sendo apontados diversos problemas que podem decorrer de sua aplicação. O presente trabalho pretende contribuir com a análise do tema, a partir de um estudo sobre as razões que impuseram a criação do instituto, bem como as contribuições que sua implementação traz ao processo civil, encarado sobre a ótica de processo constitucional, e os riscos que podem decorrer de sua aplicação, de forma a verificar se existe viabilidade em sua aplicação e eventuais formas de se afastar os problemas apontados pelos críticos à teoria. / Over the past few years, with the raising of the idea of Democratic State of Law, the modern procedural doctrine has started to understand civil lawsuit not only as a mean to achieve social peace, starting to face it as a mechanism with an aim to reinforce constitutional rights and warranties and to achieve the pacification with Justice for disputes. From this new context, it was observed the limitation of certain current procedural institutes, that even though could help to achieve the pacification, wouldnt protect or carry into effect, at some circumstances, certain constitutional warranties, which would interfere with the definitive goal of providing access to a just legal order. One of the limitation verified after the public conception of civil procedure concerned the static rule for the distribution of the burden of proof, therefore the rule wouldnt take into account eventual impossibility of the party to fulfill the assignment. Regarding this limitation, it was developed a theory aiming to rebalance the procedural relation, carrying the constitutional warranties into effect, when the static rule for the distribution of the burden of proof wouldnt reveal to be sufficient to ensure the access to the just legal order. Therefore called the dynamic distribution of the burden of proof (or theory of the dynamic burden of proof) this theory has been developed to, at those said circumstances and according to the peculiarities of each case, determinate the replacement of the burden of proof attributing it to the party whith better means to fulfill the assignment. However, there is no theoretical agreement over the practical viability of the dynamic burden of proof, being pointed several problems that could result from its employment. The present research aims to contribute with this analysis, after the study over the reasons that impose the creation of this institute, as well as the contribution its implementation brings to civil procedure, looked from the constitutional procedure point of view, and the risks that could raise from its employment, as a way to verify if there is practical viability on its utilization and eventual forms to prevent the problems pointed by those who criticize the theory

Frontières de l’asile : Contribution à l’étude de la complexité des territoires de l’asile en Europe / Borders of Asylum : Contribution to the Study of the Complexity of Asylum's Territories in Europe

Lamort, Sarah 31 January 2014 (has links)
Durant la décennie 1990, de nouveaux défis s’imposent aux Etats européens dans le domaine de l’asile. La transformation des flux de migration forcée et la construction d’un espace de libre circulation conduisent à porter la question de l’asile au sein de l’arène européenne. La politique d’asile de l’Union européenne est élaborée afin de répondre à l’échelle européenne aux défis de la protection et des flux spontanés. Plus de 10 ans après son coup d’envoi, le bilan est mitigé. Certes, une réponse européenne a été apportée au moyen du développement du droit communautaire de l’asile, porteur de nouveaux droits subjectifs. Toutefois, l’espace européen de l’asile reste un espace hétérogène au sein duquel la répartition des charges de l’asile est particulièrement inéquitable. L’harmonisation des normes des systèmes d’asile nationaux est inachevée, le système Dublin est un échec, la solidarité financière entre les Etats est minimale. Au-delà du territoire des Etats membres, de nouvelles politiques sont élaborées dans le prolongement de celles mises en œuvre sur le territoire des Etats membres. Les politiques extraterritorialisées de contrôle des frontières extérieures de l’Union visent à limiter les charges de l’asile assumées par ces derniers. Elles conduisent à faire émerger un nouveau défi dans le domaine de la protection : celui de l’accès à l’espace européen. La dimension extérieure de la politique d’asile constitue une réponse partielle et inachevée à cette nouvelle problématique. Aussi, l’Union européenne porte désormais de manière systématique ses intérêts migratoires au sein de sa coopération avec les Etats non membres de l’Union européenne. La coopération qu’elle mène avec la Turquie dans le domaine de l’asile illustre la portée et les limites de telles politiques. Si l’influence de l’Union européenne sur le système d’asile turc est certaine, son impact sur la répartition des charges de l’asile entre la Turquie et les Etats membres est sujette à discussion. Tout en explorant la relation dialectique entre droit d’asile et politique migratoire, cette recherche sur l’espace européen de l’asile et ses frontières sonde les transformations de la territorialité de l’asile et en propose une approche renouvelée. / During the 1990s, European States face new challenges in the asylum area. The transformation of forced migration flows and the achievement of the common area of free movement bring the asylum issue in the European arena. The European Union asylum policy is built to answer at the European level to the protection and mixed migration flows challenges. More than 10 years after the policy has been launched, the picture is mixed. A European answer has certainly been elaborated through the development of the EU asylum law, guaranteeing new subjective rights for asylum seekers and refugees. However, the common European asylum area remains an heterogeneous area in which fair burden-sharing is not ensured. The harmonization of the legal norms of the domestic asylum system is unachieved, the Dublin system is a deadlock, and only minimum financial solidarity mechanisms between the Member States have been established. Beyond the Member States territories, new answers are being built as a continuation of those implemented within the European Union. The extraterritorialization of border control policies aims to limit the Member states’ asylum burden. Access to the asylum territory is the new protection challenge emerging as a result of those policies. The external dimension of the European Union asylum policy is a partial and unachieved attempt to address this issue. Also, the European Union now systematically integrates its migrations concerns within its cooperation policy with non-EU Member States. Its cooperation with Turkey in the asylum area illustrates the scope and the limits of this policy. The influence of the European Union on the Turkish asylum system is uncontested. However, whether the European Union has an impact on the asylum burden-sharing between Turkey and the Member States is subject to discussion. While exploring the dialectic relation between the right to asylum and migration policies, this research on the common European asylum area and its borders focuses on the transformation of asylum territoriality and seeks to propose a renewed approach of it.

Povinnost tvrzení a povinnost důkazní ve sporném občanskoprávním řízení / Duty of pleading and duty of proof in the contetious civil proceedings

Nováková, Hana January 2019 (has links)
The thesis topic is Duty of pleading and duty of proof in the contentious civil proceedings. The hereby stated obligations belong to the basic concepts of procedural law. If the interested party fulfils both obligations together with bearing the corresponding burdens, it increases its chance of success in a dispute. Supposing it was inactive, its inactivity might be reflected in the dispute result. My thesis aim was to deal with essential obligations in civil proceedings within eight chapters. In chapter one I mention historical excurcus where I introduce how the above stated obligations were adjusted in the previous civil procedural law regulations. It is only an outline of the historical development. Chapter two I briefly devote to the current concept - de lege lata. In the subsequent chapter three I deal with the burden of pleading and burden of proof in both types of declaratory proceedings namely in contentious and non-contentious proceedings. Where the contentious proceedings require higher activity of the interested parties in comparison with the interested parties in the non- contentious proceedings. Chapter four is focused on detailed description of both procedural obligations and to them corresponding burdens. Besides other various theories of burden of proof are stated here. And also...

Valstybės skolos naštos vertinimas / Evaluation of the Public Debt Burden

Žadauskienė, Inga 13 June 2012 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas – skolos našta. Darbo tikslas – parengti metodiką ir įvertinti skolos naštą. Uždaviniai: 1. atskleisti valstybės skolos esmę, klasifikavimą bei skolinimosi tikslus; 2. išanalizuoti teigiamą ir neigiamą skolos poveikį ekonomikai; 3. nustatyti kokiais santykiniais rodikliais bei metodais vertinama skolos našta; 4. parengti skolos naštos įvertinimo metodiką; 5. įvertinti Lietuvos skolos naštą ir palyginti su kitomis Baltijos šalimis. Tyrimo metodai: mokslinės literatūros analizės ir sintezės metodas, matematinio modeliavimo ir apibendrinimo metodai, statistinių rodiklių rinkimo, palyginimo ir grafinio vaizdavimo būdai. Lietuvos valstybės skolos naštos įvertinimas atliktas 2001–2011 m. laikotarpiu. Tyrimo rezultatai. Pirmoje darbo dalyje atskleidus valstybės skolos esmę, sudėties svarbą, bei skolinimosi tikslus, nustatytas teorinis valstybės skolos poveikis ekonomikai. Antroje darbo dalyje, išanalizavus įvairių mokslininkų darbus, pateikti skolos naštos įvertinimo modeliai, išskiriami skolos naštos įvertinimo rodikliai, parengta skolos naštos įvertinimo metodika. Trečioje darbo dalyje, pagal siūlomą skolos naštos įvertinimo metodiką, įvertinta Lietuvos skolos našta, gauti rezultatai palyginami su kitomis Baltijos šalimis, nustatytos rezultatų priežastys. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad Lietuvos ir Latvijos didėjanti valstybės skola jau tapo neigiamai ekonomiką veikiančiu makroekonominiu rodikliu, kuris rodo, kad valstybės skola tampa našta ateities kartoms... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Object of the research – debt burden. Aim of the research – to prepare methods and to assess the debt burden. Objectives: 1. to reveal the essence of the public debt, classification and goals of borrowing; 2. to analyze the positive and negative effects of debt on the economy; 3. to determine the indicators and methods to be used in evaluating the debt burden; 4. to prepare methods for the debt burden assessment; 5. to assess the debt burden of Lithuania, to compare it with that of other Baltic countries. Research methods: analysis and synthesis of scientific literature, mathematical modeling, aggregation, statistical data collection, comparison, visualization techniques. The evaluation of Lithuanian public debt burden was carried out during the period of 2001-2011. Research results. The first part reveals the essence of the public debt, the importance of its composition and borrowing targets, determines the theoretical impact on the economy. The second part analyzes the models of the debt burden, distinguishes the figures of debt burden, prepares methodology the debt burden. The third part employs the methology of the debt burden of Lithuanian debt for future generations, compares the results obtained with those of the other Baltic countries, establishes reasons of results. The results show that growing national debt of Lithuania and Latvia has become a negative macro-economical indicator, which shows that public debt would be a burden for future generations. Lithuanian... [to full text]

Ar 100 proc. asmens pajamų apmokestinimas gali būti teisėtas? / Is it legitimate to impose 100 % personal income tax?

Andriuškevičius, Rytis 17 June 2013 (has links)
Visuomenėje kylančios diskusijos dėl didelio mokesčių lygio yra aktualios ir palydimos daugybės komentarų. Mokesčių lygio svarstymas apima teisines, politines ir ekonomikos sritis. Šio darbo problema yra ta, kad Vyriausybei vykdant mokestinę politiką visuomenėje išnyksta teisinis tikrumas dėl buvimo apribojimų, kurie varžytų maksimalios mokestinės naštos ribą. Šiam darbui keliami tokie uždaviniai: (1) atskleisti mokestinės prievolės esmę; (2) nustatyti mokestinei prievolei atsirasti būtinas prielaidas; (3) nustatyti mokestinės prievolės nebuvimo prielaidas; (4) pagrįsti teisinės valstybės finansavimo mokesčiais būtinumą; (5) išnagrinėti mokestinės naštos didinimo istorinius atvejus; (6) išskirti ir apibūdinti laikotarpius, kuomet mokestinės naštos didinimui galioja mažesni apribojimai; (7) išanalizuoti situacijas Lietuvos Respublikoje mokesčių reguliavimo politikoje ir teisės aktuose, kuomet galėtų būti maksimaliai didinama mokestinės naštos riba. Šio darbo tikslas yra ištirti mokestinės naštos didinimo teisėtumą. Šio darbo objektas – maksimalios mokestinės naštos ribos. Įgyvendinant darbo tikslą, daugiausia dėmesio buvo skiriama mokestinės prievolės atskleidimui, mokestinės prievolės pagrindimui ir maksimalios mokestinės naštos ribų ieškojimui ir jų teisėtumo tyrimui. Šis iškeltas tikslas darbe sėkmingai įgyvendintas – išanalizavus mokesčių teisės literatūrą, politines – teisines teorijas ir mokestinės naštos reguliavimo teorinius aspektus bei praktiką. Vadovaujantis įvairių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The title of this work is: Is it legitimate to impose 100 % personal income tax? The tackled problem in this work is that as the Government creates new tax policy it also creates some uncertainty in the society because of vagueness of legal limitations to impose maximum tax burden. It creates a lot of discussion in society as people on micro economical level very vulnerable to Government’s moves in changing tax policy. The actuality of this problem is that after 2008 global financial crisis the interest in society towards economical issues skyrocketed into unseen level and internet news sites were bombarded by differently economically educated people. Indeed, the changes in tax policy touches almost every person‘s life and there is proverbial Benjamin Franklin saying that „in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes“. The stability of tax policy for businesses and investors is of most importance when choosing country to invest and the acts of Government witnesses about its readiness to keep promises by creating long term stable legal business environment. In country, where is „rule of law“, one thing to evaluate the Government decision to raise tax level is to question its legitimacy. Every such decision to change tax policy should be grounded in specific needs and situations. The problem is not with individual tax but with general tax level. The finding of maximum level of taxation would give more clarity to state and it‘s citizen relationship as... [to full text]

Análise crítica da distribuição dinâmica do ônus da prova / Critical analysis on the dynamic burden of proof.

Mariana Aravechia Palmitesta 26 February 2015 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, a partir do surgimento da ideia de Estado Democrático de Direito, a moderna doutrina processualista passou a entender o processo não só como meio destinado à pacificação social, passando a encará-lo como mecanismo destinado a fazer valer garantias e direitos constitucionais e a alcançar a pacificação justa dos litígios. A partir deste novo contexto, verificou-se a limitação de alguns institutos processuais vigentes, que embora pudessem auxiliar na obtenção do escopo de pacificação, deixavam de resguardar ou de implementar, em alguns momentos, determinadas garantias constitucionais, o que prejudicava o fim último de acesso à ordem jurídica justa. Uma das limitações verificadas a partir da perspectiva publicista de processo corresponde à regra estática de distribuição dos encargos probatórios conforme a natureza dos fatos alegados, uma vez que esta deixava de observar eventual impossibilidade da parte em cumprir com seu encargo. Ante tal limitação, foi desenvolvida uma teoria destinada a reequilibrar a relação processual, assegurando a implementação das garantias constitucionais, quando a regra estática de distribuição dos encargos probatórios não se mostrava suficiente a assegurar o acesso à ordem jurídica justa. Denominada de distribuição dinâmica do ônus da prova (ou teoria das cargas probatórias dinâmicas) a teoria foi pensada a fim de, em tais situações e conforme as peculiaridades do caso concreto, determinar a redistribuição do encargo probatório a fim de que este recaia sobre as partes em melhores condições. Contudo, há grande divergência doutrinária sobre a viabilidade prática da distribuição dinâmica do ônus da prova, sendo apontados diversos problemas que podem decorrer de sua aplicação. O presente trabalho pretende contribuir com a análise do tema, a partir de um estudo sobre as razões que impuseram a criação do instituto, bem como as contribuições que sua implementação traz ao processo civil, encarado sobre a ótica de processo constitucional, e os riscos que podem decorrer de sua aplicação, de forma a verificar se existe viabilidade em sua aplicação e eventuais formas de se afastar os problemas apontados pelos críticos à teoria. / Over the past few years, with the raising of the idea of Democratic State of Law, the modern procedural doctrine has started to understand civil lawsuit not only as a mean to achieve social peace, starting to face it as a mechanism with an aim to reinforce constitutional rights and warranties and to achieve the pacification with Justice for disputes. From this new context, it was observed the limitation of certain current procedural institutes, that even though could help to achieve the pacification, wouldnt protect or carry into effect, at some circumstances, certain constitutional warranties, which would interfere with the definitive goal of providing access to a just legal order. One of the limitation verified after the public conception of civil procedure concerned the static rule for the distribution of the burden of proof, therefore the rule wouldnt take into account eventual impossibility of the party to fulfill the assignment. Regarding this limitation, it was developed a theory aiming to rebalance the procedural relation, carrying the constitutional warranties into effect, when the static rule for the distribution of the burden of proof wouldnt reveal to be sufficient to ensure the access to the just legal order. Therefore called the dynamic distribution of the burden of proof (or theory of the dynamic burden of proof) this theory has been developed to, at those said circumstances and according to the peculiarities of each case, determinate the replacement of the burden of proof attributing it to the party whith better means to fulfill the assignment. However, there is no theoretical agreement over the practical viability of the dynamic burden of proof, being pointed several problems that could result from its employment. The present research aims to contribute with this analysis, after the study over the reasons that impose the creation of this institute, as well as the contribution its implementation brings to civil procedure, looked from the constitutional procedure point of view, and the risks that could raise from its employment, as a way to verify if there is practical viability on its utilization and eventual forms to prevent the problems pointed by those who criticize the theory

Důkazní břemeno v civilním procesu / Burden of proof in civil procedure

Loutchan, Petr January 2016 (has links)
Thesis title: Burden of proof in civil procedure This paper deals with burden of proof. The aim of this thesis is to provide a broader framework for this burden, since it is absolutely crucial in order to form a proper understanding of this topic. The first chapter mentions principles that are common to all legal procedures and those that are applicable only within civil procedure. These general procedural principles need to be interpreted in accordance with the European Convention on Human Rights, which is binding upon Czech law. They also serve as a tool for a deeper integration of European law. The principles that are only applicable within civil procedure are usually presented in pairs consisting of principles of opposite meaning and are never really used in their pure form. The second chapter deals with basic rules of Evidence. It mentions the definition of Evidence, it makes a clear distinction between logical methods of proving and procedural ones, followed by definition of the purpose of Evidence. It also mentions topics that do not need to be proven, since there is some type of presumption governing these issues or they are somehow known to the court. This chapter emphasizes tools that simplify the process of proving. It also defines basic terms of Evidence. It does not try to be a complex...

Social Support, Gender, and Burden in Caregivers of Patients with Alzheimer's Disease

Wisneski, Jennifer Lynne 01 January 2018 (has links)
There are 15.9 million adults in the United States providing care to a family member diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. Family member caregivers experience detrimental physical and mental health stress because of their caregiving role. The purpose of this study was to determine if the independent variables of marital status, perceived social support, and gender of family member caregivers of patients with Alzheimer's disease were related to the dependent variable of caregiver burden. The variables were examined through the lens of John Bowlby's attachment theory using archival data (n = 586) from the REACH II program. The results of the analysis of variance indicated that marital status did not affect level of burden. The outcome of a correlational analysis indicated a positive linear association between burden and social support. The result of an independent samples t test was that females reported higher burden than males. The outcome of a linear regression identified marital status, social support, and gender as predictors of caregiver burden. Positive social change implications of this study include contributing to scholarly literature, providing information for families to consider when implementing a plan for long-term care, and encouraging caregivers to seek professional support to minimize burden and maximize quality of life for themselves and the care receiver. Female caregivers with many social supports were identified as high risk for severe burden, an important factor for clinicians, agencies, and healthcare providers who work with family caregivers to consider. Identifying factors that contribute to burden and developing strategies to manage these factors may reduce severity of burden and improve quality of life for both caregivers and care recipients.

Teoria da distribuição dinâmica do ônus da prova no processo do trabalho / Theory of dynamic distribution of the burden of proof in labor procedural law

Pires, Líbia da Graça 29 April 2011 (has links)
Esta tese aborda a distribuição do ônus da prova no processo trabalhista pretendendo a aplicação da teoria da distribuição dinâmica do onus probandi neste ramo processual especial. Na primeira parte do trabalho são examinadas questões relativas aos direitos fundamentais, bem assim aos princípios constitucionais processuais, com relevo especial ao direito constitucional à prova. Na sequência serão estudadas as matérias relativas ao ônus da prova na teoria geral do processo, suas dimensões, os poderes instrutórios do juiz, a teoria clássica da distribuição do ônus da prova, bem assim as especificidades da inversão da prova no processo do trabalho. Segue-se a abordagem com a apresentação de teoria dinâmica do ônus da prova e sua recepção pelo direito brasileiro, apontando ainda alguns projetos legislativos que já positivam sua adoção no Brasil. Por fim, e considerando a necessidade de superação das regras estáticas do ônus da prova no direito processual do trabalho propõe-se a adoção das regras dinâmicas, partindo da necessidade de efetividade da tutela jurisdicional e concretização dos princípios da igualdade substancial, tudo em observância ao direito fundamental a um processo do trabalho justo e igualitário. Serão, ainda, abordadas algumas decisões jurisprudenciais da Justiça do Trabalho que aplicam o ônus dinâmico da prova. / The present thesis addresses the distribution of the burden of proof in labor procedural law aiming to apply the theory of dynamic distribution of the onus probandi in this branch of special procedural law. In the first part of this paper, issues related to the fundamental rights, as well as procedural constitutional principles, will be assessed, with special emphasis to the constitutional right to poof. Subsequently, matters related to the burden of proof in general procedural theory, its dimensions, the instruction powers of the judge, the classic theory of distribution of the burden of proof, as well as the specificities of the inversion of the proof burden in labor procedural law will be analyzed. Then, an approach to the dynamic theory of the burden of proof and its reception in Brazilian law is presented, highlighting some legislative projects that already indicate the positive adoption in Brazil. Finally, and considering the urge to overcome the static rules of the proof burden in labor procedural law, we propose the adoption of the dynamic rules, from the standpoint of the need for effectiveness in jurisdictional custody and materialization of the principles of substantial equality, in observance of the fundamental right to a fair and equalitarian labor proceeding. And yet, some case law rulings of the Labor Justice applying the principle of dynamic burden of proof will be addressed.

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