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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La réflexion phénoménologique au crible de la grammaire : la question de l'expression de la vie intérieure de la conscience chez Husserl et Wittgenstein / Phenomenological reflection facing philosophical grammar : the expression of inner life of consciousness according to Husserl and Wittgenstein

Grondin, Vincent 27 February 2013 (has links)
Etant donné que la phénoménologie husserlienne se propose de résoudre les problèmes philosophiques en adoptant pour méthode la réflexion et la description de l'expérience vécue, il est très tentant de voir en Husserl un héritier de cette tradition philosophique qui se trouve ruinée par les arguments de Wittgenstein. En partant du présupposé que la déconstruction du « mythe de l'intériorité » enclenchée par Wittgenstein est juste en son principe, il s'agira de montrer que l'on ne peut trouver chez Wittgenstein une réfutation implicite de la conception phénoménologique de l'intériorité qu'en faisant une lecture superficielle des Recherches logiques et des Idées directrices. En effet, si l'on sait porter attention aux détails des textes pertinents, on peut déceler chez Husserl une réflexion très fine sur la nature du langage qui débouche éventuellement sur une critique de la conception moderne et empiriste de l'intériorité du sujet très similaire à celle mise en chantier par les Recherches philosophiques, critique qui, de surcroît, a l'avantage de désamorcer certaines difficultés rencontrées par Wittgenstein. Une telle étude comparative et polémique permettra de tirer deux grandes conclusions à l'égard de la méthode devant être employée en philosophie. Premièrement, il sera démontré que la réflexivité exigée par le discours philosophique se reflète dans l'usage que Husserl et Wittgenstein font des guillemets. Cette observation en apparence triviale permettra d'établir que le discours philosophique repose sur l'usage d'un dispositif typographique banal appartenant à la grammaire de notre langage ordinaire. Ensuite, la supériorité de la méthode « généalogique » de la phénoménologie génétique de Husserl sera mise en relief. Cette dernière a le mérite d'éviter les apories du conventionnalisme de Wittgenstein tout en désamorçant les difficultés soulevées par l'essentialisme de la phénoménologie statique des Idées directrices. / Since Husserl's phenomenology purports to solve philosophical problems through description and reflection upon lived experience, it is extremely tempting to see him as an inheritor of the philosophical tradition that Wittegenstein's arguments demolished. Taking as its starting point the assumption that the deconstruction of the « myth of interiority » instigated by Wittgenstein is well founded, this project will attempt to show that Wittegenstein's arguments can only appear to refute Husserl's conception of interiority on the basis of a superficial reading of the Logical Investigations and of the Ideas I. Indeed, upon a close examination of the relevant texts, Hussserl's reflexions on the nature of language can be shown to lead him to a critique of the modern and empiricist conception of interiority very similar to Wittgenstein's, a critique that turns out to have the ressources to avoid some of the major difficulties that the latter faces. This comparative and polemical study will defend two more general theses about the method that philosophical inquiry ought to rely upon. First, it will be argued that the reflexiveness required for philosophical discourse is illustrated in both Husserl and Wittgenstein's use of quotation marks. This seemingly trivial observation will support the claim that philosophical discourse relies on the use of a banal typographical devise belonging to the grammar of ordinary language. Second, a case will be made for the superiority of the « genealogical » method of Husserl's genetic phenomenology, for it manages to avoid the pitfalls of Wittgenstein's conventionalism while also steering clear of the problems incurred by the essentialism of the Ideas I static phenomenology.

Guerre sauvage et empire de la liberté : prolongements du mythe de la Frontière dans le cinéma américain post-western / Savage war and empire of liberty : continuations of the frontier myth in post-western American cinema

Mayer, Hervé 22 October 2016 (has links)
La résurgence du mythe de la Frontière dans la rhétorique politique de la « guerre contre la terreur » oblige à reconsidérer l’idée de sa marginalisation dans la culture américaine depuis la crise du mythe public identifiée par Richard Slotkin à la fin des années 1960. Cette thèse en civilisation américaine et études filmiques soutient que, loin d’avoir été marginalisé, le mythe de la Frontière s’est diversifié, prolongé et consolidé dans la culture américaine. Considérant le cinéma comme le médium central d’une culture américaine mondialisée, cette étude propose une analyse sociohistorique des représentations du mythe de la Frontière dans le cinéma populaire américain après les années 1960. Elle vise à éclairer la continuité, sur les plans narratifs et idéologiques, existant entre le mythe de la Frontière formulé à la fin du XIXe siècle et le cinéma du début du XXIe siècle. Le point d’articulation entre ces deux périodes se situe au tournant des années 1960, moment où les critiques du mythe classique provoquent une diversification générique et esthétique de ses représentations. À partir d’un corpus primaire de six films de genres et de points de vue différents, sortis entre 1968 et 1986, nous adoptons une perspective transgénérique pour analyser les réponses à ces critiques formulées par le cinéma américain et la manière dont ces réponses servent de cadre idéologique au cinéma contemporain. Comprenant le mythe de la Frontière comme la version américaine d’une idéologie impériale partagée à la fin du XIXe siècle, nous soulignons les dynamiques transnationales accompagnant son émergence et sa diffusion dans une culture de masse mondialisée. Nous suivrons deux trajectoires principales reliant le mythe de la Frontière au cinéma contemporain : depuis la Conquête de l’Ouest de Theodore Roosevelt jusqu’aux représentations contemporaines de la guerre sauvage ; et depuis la « théorie de la Frontière » de Frederick Turner jusqu’aux incarnations cinématographiques d’un empire de la liberté. / The frequent use of frontier mythology in the political rhetoric of the “war on terror” calls for a reassessment of the common notion that it was marginalized in American culture after what Richard Slotkin identified as a crisis of public myth in the wake of the 1960s. This dissertation in American and Film Studies argues that the myth of the frontier did not wane in the American imagination, but rather diversified its forms and consolidated its influence in American culture. Considering cinema as the primary medium of a globalized American culture, this study is a socio-historical analysis of the representations of the frontier myth in American cinema after the 1960s. Its purpose is to underline the continuity, on a narrative and ideological level, existing between 19th-century American mythology of the frontier and 21st-century American cinema. The critical juncture is the turn of the 1960s, when criticisms of the frontier myth fostered a generic and aesthetic diversification of its representations in films. Based on a primary corpus of six films released between 1968 and 1986, taken from different genres and embodying different perspectives on the myth, this research adopts a transgeneric perspective to unpack the cultural responses to criticisms of the myth in the 1960s and the way those responses ideologically frame contemporary American cinema. We understand the frontier myth as the American expression of an ideology shared by all imperial nations of the late 19th century and, as such, adopt a transnational perspective on its emergence as well as its popularization. This study identifies two major paths connecting the frontier myth to contemporary American cinema: from Theodore Roosevelt’s Winning of the West to the representations of savage war; and from Frederick Turner’s frontier thesis to filmic celebrations of an empire of liberty.

Elementos de persuasão no discurso religioso : "a comunicação por meio do mito" /

Campos, Pedro Celso. January 1997 (has links)
Orientador: Nelyse Apparecida Melro Salzedas / Banca: Jacinta Turolo / Banca: Silvio Santana Júnior / Resumo: Este estudo analisa a função do mito na esfera do discurso religioso, fazendo um corte entre o "auditório" dos tempos bíblicos e as condições atuais de recepção. Através de breve análise tenta-se mostrar que ocorreram variações específicas no modo de anunciar o sagrado, preservando-se a essência da mensagem. Trata-se de refletir com os comunicadores católicos que tipo de mensagem o auditório espera hoje e como ela deve ser transmitida para atingir a persuasão tanto no sentido de evitar a evasão de fiéis, como de conquistar novos adeptos ou, ainda, de melhorar a qualidade do auditório. / Abstract: This study analyzes the use of mythical religious speech, contrating and comparing the difference between how the biblical message was conveyed verses the conveyance of the same message in modern times. Through a short analysis, it attempts to show speech has been used trough the ages with some variation at times in order to convey the essence of the sacred message. Finally it discusses the expectations of modern people and it suggests an approach to effectively transmit the message to today's society. It also attempts to convey the message in such a way as to improve prospects for attracting better people to the catholic faith. / Mestre

A arquitetura da criação : um estudo de Mínimos, múltiplos, comuns, de João Gilberto Noll /

Neubern, Fabiula. January 2011 (has links)
Orientador: Luiz Gonzaga Marchezan / Banca: Arnaldo Cortina / Banca: Sérgio Vicente Motta / Resumo: O presente trabalho de pesquisa tem como objetivo principal estudar os desdobramentos teóricos e críticos da singular composição de Mínimos, múltiplos, comuns (NOLL, 2003). O livro é constituído de 338 microcontos publicados originalmente no jornal Folha de S. Paulo. Para a publicação em livro, os textos foram agrupados em cinco conjuntos, divididos em subconjuntos pelo editor Wagner Carelli. Analisamos a situação da prosa brasileira contemporânea, do mercado editorial nacional e da produção de João Gilberto Noll e propomos formas de entender a estrutura do livro, considerando os aspectos editoriais e autorais. Faz-se também um breve histórico do conto e do microconto, dando ênfase à produção microcontística de Gilberto Noll. As reflexões deste trabalho se amplificam ao estudarmos a lógica organizacional cosmogônica da obra, tendo no mito da criação uma de suas linhas de força. Durante o trabalho, deparamo-nos com três microcontos que não foram inseridos em Mínimos, múltiplos, comuns (NOLL, 2003) e que são aqui analisados, permitindo reflexões a respeito da autoria / Abstract: The present research aims to study the major theoretical developments and critical of the unique composition of Mínimos, múltiplos, comuns (NOLL, 2003). The book consists of 338 short stories originally published in the newspaper Folha de S. Paulo. For book publication, the texts were grouped into five sets, divided into subsets by the publisher Wagner Carelli. We analyzed the situation of contemporary Brazilian prose, the publishing industry and national production of João Gilberto Noll and propose ways to understand the structure of the book, taking into consideration editorial and copyright. It also makes a brief history of the tale and short story, emphasizing the production of Gilberto Noll. The reflections of this work is amplified when studying the organizational logic of cosmogonic work, and the myth of creation as one of its lines of force. During the work, we find three short stories that were not included in Mínimos, múltiplos, comuns (NOLL, 2003) and are reviewed here, allowing reflections on authorship / Mestre

Vision contemporaine de la Grèce antique : mythe et cinéma selon Pier Paolo Pasolini / Contemporary vision of ancient Greece : Myth and Cinema by Pier Paolo Pasolini

Frach, Sylwia 12 January 2013 (has links)
La vision de la Grèce antique de Pasolini est une vision barbare parce que le cinéasterefuse toute idéalisation néoclassique. Une telle vision de l’antiquité était déjà répondue dans laculture européenne à travers les textes de Nietzsche. Pasolini est inspiré particulièrement pardeux disciplines auxquelles il se réfère souvent : l’anthropologie et la psychanalyse.A une thématique barbare correspond aussi, chez le cinéaste italien, un environnementbarbare, avec l’accord entre la forme de l’expression et la forme du contenu. Pasolini rejette lareconstitution archéologique : à la luminosité aveuglante du Maroc (où est tournée la partiemythique d’OEdipe roi), à l’architecture archaïque de pierre de la Cappadoce (la Colchide deMédée), aux remparts d’une ville syrienne d’Alep (Corinthe dans Médée), le cinéaste associe descostumes dans lesquels s’inscrivent de différentes cultures archaïques, et des musiquesprovenant pour la plupart des pays non-occidentaux (africaines, tibétaines, japonaises,roumaines).Avec la pratique de la contamination et du pastiche, Pasolini souhaite recréer le langageintemporel du mythe, le langage primaire dans lequel s’inscrit la civilisation paysanne. Cetterelation entre le mythe grec et le monde rural s’articule principalement autour de la notion decyclicité. / Pasolini’s vision of ancient Greece is barbaric because the filmmaker refuses any neoclassicalidealization. This vision of antiquity was already famous in European culture through the textsof Nietzsche. Pasolini is particularly inspired by two disciplines he often refers to : anthropologyand psychoanalysis.The barbarian theme is also linked to a barbaric environment, with agreement between the formof expression and form of content. Pasolini rejects archaeological reconstruction. He combinesblinding brightness of Morocco (were the mythical part of the Oedipus Rex is turned), archaicarchitecture in stone of Cappadocia (Colchis in Medea), and the ramparts of a Syrian city Aleppo(Corinth in Medea) with costumes from different archaic cultures and music mostly from non-Western countries (African, Tibetan, Japanese, Romanian).With the practice of contamination and pastiche, Pasolini wants to recreate the timelesslanguage of myth, the primary language of the peasant civilization. The relationship between theGreek myth and the rural world revolves mainly around the notion of cyclicity.

HERMENÊUTICAS EM CONFLITO: PERSPECTIVAS DE MIRCEA ELIADE E RUDOLF BULTMANN SOBRE O MITO / Hermeneutics in conflict: Mircea Eliade and Rudolf Bultmann’s perspectives about the myth.

ALMEIDA, SÉRGIO CESAR PRATES DE 21 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Noeme Timbo (noeme.timbo@metodista.br) on 2017-06-19T19:12:44Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Sergio Cesar Prates.pdf: 1452123 bytes, checksum: 412e754c70bd63d7debc451b89bd4380 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-19T19:12:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Sergio Cesar Prates.pdf: 1452123 bytes, checksum: 412e754c70bd63d7debc451b89bd4380 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-21 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The objective of this research is to address the distances that exist on Mircea Eliade and Rudolf Bultmann’s perspectives about the myth. As we investigate the issue of myth and its interpretations we find that there are many significant discussions about the theme. Among them, unquestionably, two stand out not because of their role over others, but because of the importance that this question plays in the thinking of their researchers, since it is practically impossible to disassociate the question from the myth on Mircea Eliade and Rudolf Bultmann’s thoughts. For Eliade the myth reveals that the world, human and life have a supernatural origin and story. This sacred story, besides being true, is significant, precious and exemplary, as it makes reference and brings meaning to the realities of a certain society to which the myth belongs. In contrast Bultmann notes a problem to be solved in the application of his hermeneutics: how to relate to the question of the myth present in the New Testament writings. The myth is a threat to the modern mind steeped in a scientific worldview. Myth and modern thought are totally excluding. What Bultmann insists on is the elimination of the conceptual universe of the New Testament so that the word of God can be understood by modern man. The myth, therefore, in Bultmann's conception is nothing more than a way of objectifying what is transcendent to the immanent, is to transform divine beings into humans. In this way, we will analyze the assumptions that led both to take different paths and construct opposite hermeneutics of the myth. And finally, to understand the repercussions of hermeneutical practices for contemporary religious thoughts. / O objetivo dessa pesquisa é abordar os distanciamentos que existem sobre as perspectivas de Mircea Eliade e Rudolf Bultmann acerca do mito. Ao investigarmos sobre a questão do mito e suas interpretações constatamos que existem muitas discussões significativas acerca do tema. Dentre elas inquestionavelmente duas se destacam, não pelo papel que exercem sobre as outras, mas pela importância que esta questão desempenha no pensamento de seus pesquisadores, pois é praticamente impossível desassociar a questão do mito do pensamento de Mircea Eliade e Rudolf Bultmann. Para Eliade o mito revela que o mundo, o homem e a vida possuem uma origem e uma história sobrenatural. Essa história sagrada além de verdadeira é significativa, preciosa e exemplar, pois faz referencia e traz significado às realidades de determinada sociedade a qual pertence o mito. Em contrapartida Bultmann constata um problema a ser resolvido na aplicação de sua hermenêutica: como se relacionar com a questão do mito presente nos escritos neotestamentários. O mito é uma ameaça à mente moderna mergulhada em uma cosmovisão científica. Mito e pensamento moderno são totalmente excludentes. Em que Bultmann insiste é na eliminação do universo conceitual do Novo Testamento para que a palavra de Deus possa ser compreendida pelo homem moderno. O mito, portanto, na concepção de Bultmann nada mais é do que uma forma de objetivar o que é transcendente para o imanente, é transformar seres divinos em humanos. Desta forma, analisaremos os pressupostos que levaram ambos a tomarem caminhos distintos e construírem hermenêuticas opostas do mito. E por fim, entender as repercussões de suas práticas hermenêuticas para o pensamento religioso contemporâneo.

Aproxima??o dial?gica: cosmogonias grega e iorub?

Brito, Robson Gomes de 13 April 2018 (has links)
?rea de concentra??o: Linguagem, Filosofia e Cultura. / Submitted by Jos? Henrique Henrique (jose.neves@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-09-06T20:17:17Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) robson_gomes_brito.pdf: 1784663 bytes, checksum: 86b36ce815d5a626c4134aecee3769a6 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Martins Cruz (rodrigo.cruz@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-10-04T19:09:15Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) robson_gomes_brito.pdf: 1784663 bytes, checksum: 86b36ce815d5a626c4134aecee3769a6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-04T19:09:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) robson_gomes_brito.pdf: 1784663 bytes, checksum: 86b36ce815d5a626c4134aecee3769a6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018 / A presente pesquisa desenvolve um exerc?cio anal?tico e te?rico-conceitual da aproxima??o dial?gica existente entre os mitos cosmog?nicos grego e iorub?. Por meio de uma an?lise comparada que envolve a lingu?stica, a antropologia e os estudos acerca dos mitos. A princ?pio busca-se demonstrar a compara??o entre os mitos e a sua import?ncia para o exerc?cio lingu?stico textual. Em seguida, prop?e-se verificar a proced?ncia de outras investiga??es que atestam os textos, Mitologia dos Orix?s e Teogonia de Hes?odo, como produ??es m?ticas cosmog?nicas e finaliza-se com a demonstra??o das poss?veis interpreta??es extra?das dos textos. / Disserta??o (Mestrado Profissional) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Ci?ncias Humanas, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2018. / The present research develops an analytical and theoretical-conceptual exercise of the dialogical approach existing between the Greek and Yoruba cosmogonic myths. Through a comparative analysis involving linguistics, anthropology, and studies of myths. At first it is tried to demonstrate the comparison between the myths and their importance for the textual linguistic exercise. Next, it is proposed to verify the origin of other investigations that attest the texts, Mythology of the Orix?s and Theogony of Hesiod, as mythical cosmogonic productions and ends with the demonstration of the possible interpretations extracted from the texts.

Literatura, historia y mito de una ciudad: el Cuzco como prólogo (Paisajes peruanos, I)

Wiesse Rebagliati, Jorge Raúl 25 September 2017 (has links)
El artículo destaca la relevancia de considerar al primer capítulo de Paisajes peruanos, texto seminal del polígrafo peruano José de la Riva-Agüero y Osma, como el prólogo de todo el libro, pues en la disposición de este —y no solo en su contenido— pueden encontrarse sus grandes temas: la reunión de la naturaleza y la historia del Perú, de lo indígena y lo español. Riva-Agüero contrasta dos perspectivas del Cuzco y descubre en la contemplación del paisaje la esencia de la nación peruana. Al hacerlo, no solo se convierte en el historiador que él mismo añoraba en La Historia en el Perú, sino que genera —mediante procedimientos literarios, imaginativos, connotativos— un mito patrio. / The article highlights the importance of considering the first chapter of Peruvian polygraph José de la Riva-Agüero y Osma’s Paisajes peruanos (Peruvian Landscapes) as the prologue of the entire book, as in the disposition of this and not only in its content, one recognizes its great topics: the meeting of nature and history of Peru, the indigenous and the Spanish. Riva-Agüero contrasts two views of Cuzco and discovers in the contemplation of the landscape the essence of the Peruvian nation. In doing so, he not only becomes the historian who he himself missed in La Historia en el Perú (History in Peru), but generates—through literary, imaginative and connotative procedures—a patriotic myth.

El duelo y el tiempo mítico en Rosa Cuchillo y La hora azul

Torres Oyarce, Tania 25 September 2017 (has links)
En este artículo, sostenemos que las novelas Rosa Cuchillo y La hora azul proyectan procesos individuales de duelo en un orden social mítico que se limita a reproducir el fantasma de la nación cercada (Ubilluz) como (seudo) propuesta de solución al conflicto armado acontecido en el Perú entre 1980-2000. En Rosa Cuchillo, la protagonista Rosa Cuchillo atraviesa un proceso de duelo por haber perdido a su hijo subversivo, Liborio, mientras que, en La hora azul, el protagonista Adrián Ormache sufre un proceso de duelo a causa de una crisis de la figura paterna idealizada que tenía de su fallecido padre militar. Estas experiencias individuales de duelo tienen como desenlace la apertura al orden social a través del mito del eternoretorno (Debord), en Rosa Cuchillo, y del mito del progreso (Benjamin) en La hora azul. Situados en el tiempo mítico, se hacen tangibles los alcances sociales de las novelas entendidos como una reproducción de propuestas que no cuestionan el fantasma de la nación cercada: Rosa Cuchillo propone un pachacuti de runas, mientras que La hora azul propone una ética tutelar que mantiene el status quo. / In this paper, I propose that the novels Rosa Cuchillo and La hora azulproject individual processes of mourning in a mythical social order thatlimits itself to reproduce the phantom of the enclosed nation (Ubilluz) asa (seudo) proposal to solve the internal conflict that took place in Perubetween 1980-2000. In Rosa Cuchillo the main character, Rosa Cuchillo,goes through a process of mourning due to the loss of his terrorist son,Liborio, whereas in La hora azul the main character, Adrián Ormache,undergoes a process of mourning due to the crisis of the idealized paternalfigure he had of his dead military father. These individual experiences ofmourning result in an opening to the social order by means of the mythof the eternal return (Debord) in Rosa Cuchillo and the myth of progress(Benjamin) in La hora azul. Located in a mythical time, the social consequencesof the novels become apparent: they reproduce proposals thatdo not question the phantom of the enclosed nation, since Rosa Cuchilloproposes a pachacuti of runas, whereas La hora azul suggests a form oftutelary ethics that maintains the status quo.

Alternative mythical structures in the fiction of Patrick White

Bosman, Brenda Evadne January 1990 (has links)
The texts in this study interrogate the dominant myths which have affected the constructs of identity and history in the white Australian socio-historical context. These myths are exposed by White as ideologically determined and as operating by processes of exclusion, repression and marginalisation. White challenges the autonomy of both European and Australian cultures, reveals the ideological complicity between them and adopts a critical approach to all Western cultural assumptions. As a post-colonial writer, White shares the need of both post-colonising and post-colonised groups for an identity established not in terms of the colonial power but in terms of themselves. As a dissident white male, he is a privileged member of the post- colonising group but one who rejects the dominant discourses as illegitimate and unlegitimating. He offers a re-writing of the myths underpinning colonial and post-colonising discourses which privileges their suppressed and repressed elements. His re-writings affect aboriginal men and women, white women and the 'privileged' white male whose subjection to social control is masked as unproblematic freedom. White's re-writing of myth enbraces the post-modern as well as the post- colonial. He not only deconstructs and demystifies the phallogocentric/ethnocentric order of things; he also attempts to avoid totalization by privileging indeterminacy, fragmentation, hybridization and those liminary states which defy articulation: the ecstatic, the abject, the unspeakable. He himself is denied authority in that his re-writings are presented as mere acts in the always provisional process of making interpretations. White acknowledges the problematics of both presentation and re-presentation - an unresolved tension between the post-colonial desire for self-definition and the post-modern decentring of all meaning and interpretation permeates his discourse. The close readings of the texts attempt, accordingly, to reflect varying oppositional strategies: those which seek to overturn hierarchies and expose power-relations and those which seek an idiom in which contemporary Australia may find its least distorted reflexion. Within this ideological context, the Lacanian thematics of the subject, and their re-writing by Kristeva, are linked with dialectical criticism in an attempt to reflect a strictly provisional process of (re) construction

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