Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ehe reconciliation"" "subject:"hhe reconciliation""
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L’influence américaine et la fonction du religieux dans les mécanismes de réconciliation et de prévention contre le génocide : quel modèle de réconciliation pour le cas du Burundi ? / US Influence and the Role of religious actors in the works of reconciliation and genocide prevention : what possible model of reconciliation for Burundi?Kamugisha, Yvonne 28 June 2019 (has links)
Tandis que le Burundi entame une phase clé dans la réconciliation nationale, l’immense travail de la mémoire collective initié par la signature des Accords de Paix d’Arusha en août 2000 offre une opportunité à la pénétration américaine de s’affirmer dans la Consolidation de la Paix dans la sous Région. L'erreur serait de voir l’investissement américain dans la Communauté de l'Afrique de l'Est comme un phénomène récent. Or, depuis l'ère postcoloniale jusqu'à la phase actuelle de la mise en place des mécanismes de réconciliation et prévention contre le génocide, la présence américaine en matière de politique africaine remonte bien plus loin ainsi que le prouve son entreprise missionnaire en Afrique. Beaucoup de travaux ont traité de la question des relations géopolitiques entre colonisateurs et colonisés en Afrique sub-saharienne. Cependant, peu d'études ont relevé l’importance ou l’ancienneté des rapports religieux et de leur influence dans les affaires politiques et sociales dans les pays de l'Afrique de l'Est tels que le Burundi ou le Rwanda. Expliquer la Politique Etrangère américaine en la rattachant à son investissement religieux dans la sous Région permet d'éviter une simplification erronée des intérêts américains. Notre étude du rôle des missions américaines et de leurs rapports complexes avec les missions chrétiennes des anciennes puissances coloniales nous permet de saisir sous un regard neuf les dynamiques politiques des Etats-Unis dans la région des Grands Lacs en Afrique de l’Est. L’enjeu du projet de la Commission Verite et Réconciliation au Burundi offre un espace politique et religieux unique pour une étude à la rencontre de ces différents acteurs religieux. L’instrumentalisation de la justice transitionnelle au Burundi souligne non seulement l’affrontement des processus de justice et de pardon en période post-conflit mais elle relève la difficile négociation des mémoires plurielles sous fond d’intérêts géopolitiques. / As Burundi begins a key phase in national reconciliation, the vast work of collective memory initiated by the Arusha Peace Accords in August 2000 offers an opportunity to the US to penetrate and strategically position them in the Great Lakes’ Region Peacebuilding. A mistake would be to see such U.S. involvement in the East Africa Community as a recent phenomenon. Since the postcolonial era until the current phase of reconciliation mechanisms and genocide prevention, the American visibility in African politics goes back in time as its missionary activities prove it. Many studies explored the question on geopolitical relations between former colonial countries and colonial powers in sub-Sahara Africa. Yet, few pointed out the relevance or the deep religious relationships and their influence in sociopolitical events in East African countries such as Burundi or Rwanda. To explain the U.S. Foreign Policy linking it to its religious investment in the Great Lake prevents a misleading simplification of U.S. interests. Our study of the role of American missions and their complex relations with Christian missions of former colonial powers offers us a new look at the U.S. political dynamics in the Great Lakes’ Region in East Africa. The challenge of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission provides a unique political and religious space for a study of these different religious actors. The use of the transitional justice in Burundi underlines not only the confrontation of processes of justice and forgiveness in post-conflict periods, but it underlines the difficult negotiation of collective memories along with geopolitical interests.
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Komparace rodinné politiky umožňující slučitelnost práce a rodiny v České republice a Německu / The comparison of Czech and German family policy enabling the harmonization of work and family lifeEstočinová, Barbora January 2016 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is the comparison of family policy in the Czech Republic and Federal Republic of Germany in terms of measures adjustment enabling the reconciliation of work and care about the preschool children. The issue of work-life balance is further presented in the context of traditional sociological concepts and welfare state model theories, followed by a description of trends and current order of women's employment on the labor market of both countries and accompanied by the description of demographic trends. Thesis is specifically focused on the description of the governmental family policy of both countries in the perspective of parental leave entitlement settings, facilities of children day care facilities like nursery schools and creche, and formal involvement of fathers in the childcare. The methodological part of thesis is focused on the description of the family policy measures of the respective country. Comparison of both countries in terms of enabling the reconciliation of work and childcare is made on the basis of analyse and comparison of both the secondary quantitative data and the qualitative data drawn from the discussions placed on the free available web sites. The conclusion of thesis tackles the question of possible applicability of the family policy measures in...
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[pt] O presente estudo, apresenta um conjunto de propostas metodológicas
relacionadas a reconciliação de previsões em Séries Temporais Hierárquicas.
O principal objetivo é apresentar soluções originais ao tema, buscando obter
previsões mais acuradas do que as obtidas por modelos independentes para
os diferentes níveis da hierarquia. Os estudos foram realizados considerando
dados reais, mostrando a potencialidade de aplicação dos métodos desenvolvidos em diferentes cenários, onde as series temporais são estruturadas de forma
hierárquica. Esta tese é composta por um conjunto de ensaios que exploram
a reconciliação de previsão sob a ótica de um modelo de regressão, que dá
origem a reconciliação ótima. A primeira contribuição trata do problema da
reconciliação de previsões na perspectiva de estimadores robustos. A proposta
apresenta uma contribuição original aplicada a dados dos de pesquisas de força
de trabalho no Brasil, apresentando um conjunto de soluções que podem direcionar políticas públicas eficientes. Neste caso, as previsões reconciliadas obtidas através de estimadores robustos possibilitaram um maior ganho em termos
acurácia e uma performance equivalente aos métodos que representam o estado da arte sobre reconciliação de previsões em séries temporais hierárquicas.
A segunda contribuição trata do problema da reconciliação ótima em séries
de consumo de energia no Brasil, apresentado uma proposta alternativa, menos sensível a valores estremos. Os resultados obtidos neste segundo trabalho
apresentam melhoramentos consideráveis em métricas de avaliação padrão no
que diz respeito as novas previsões. Uma terceira proposta busca oferecer uma
estrutura alternativa de covariância dos erros de previsão, que irá ampliar o
conjunto de propostas apresentadas na literatura para o método de reconciliação denominado por MinT (do inglês, Minimum Trace) , que minimiza os
erros de reconciliação, oferecendo um estimador de variância mínima. / [en] This study presents a set of methodological proposals aimed at improving forecast reconciliation in the context of Hierarchical Time Series. The main
objective is to present original solutions to the theme, seeking to obtain more
accurate forecasts than those obtained by independent models for the different
levels of the hierarchy. The studies were conducted using real data, showing
the potentiality of application of the methods developed in different scenarios,
in which the time series are structured in a hierarchical fashion. This thesis
is composed of a set of essays that explore forecast reconciliation from the
perspective of a regression model, which gives foundations to optimal reconciliation. The first contribution addresses the problem of forecast reconciliation
from the perspective of robust estimators. The proposal presents an original
contribution applied to data from labor force surveys in Brazil, presenting a
set of solutions that can drive efficient public policies. In this case, the reconciled forecasts obtained through robust estimators provided consistent gains
in terms of accuracy when compared to methods that represent the state-of-the-art on forecast reconciliation in hierarchical time series. The second contribution deals with the problem of optimal reconciliation applied to energy
consumption time series in Brazil. We present an alternative proposal, less
sensitive to outlying forecasts at the reconciliation stage. The results obtained
in this second study show considerable improvements in standard evaluation
metrics with regard to the new forecasts. The third proposal seeks to offer
robust covariance structures for forecasting errors, which expands the set of
strategies presented in the literature. The main contribution is to incorporate
robust covariance estimates into the MinT (Minimum Trace) reconciliation
approach, which minimizes reconciliation errors, offering an estimator with
minimum variance.
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Aspects of migrants' theology of God and of human beings: a missiological exploration of some responses to the xenophobic violence in and around Tshwane, May 2008Ng'ang'a, Susan Wanjiru 06 1900 (has links)
When violence towards fellow humans deteriorates to the extent of setting fire on others, it becomes a matter of grievous concern and a subject of empirical research. This study therefore inquires into xenophobic violence in South Africa of 2008 and tries to understand the victims‟ plight in the light of their conception of the image of God. To achieve this, a questionnaire survey among migrant victims from other African countries was conducted, analysed and critiqued. The findings established a deep feeling of animosity from a section of a South Africans with consequent loss of property, physical harm and death, as well as emotional trauma. The study deduces that such hostile treatment by hosts results from a loss of African humanity, Ubuntu. Going forward a theology of the image of God is critical for human relations in South Africa and essential for reconciliation between migrants and locals. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Missiology)
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The use of classification methods for gross error detection in process dataGerber, Egardt 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)-- Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: All process measurements contain some element of error. Typically, a distinction is made between
random errors, with zero expected value, and gross errors with non-zero magnitude. Data Reconciliation
(DR) and Gross Error Detection (GED) comprise a collection of techniques designed to attenuate
measurement errors in process data in order to reduce the effect of the errors on subsequent use of the
data. DR proceeds by finding the optimum adjustments so that reconciled measurement data satisfy
imposed process constraints, such as material and energy balances. The DR solution is optimal under
the assumed statistical random error model, typically Gaussian with zero mean and known covariance.
The presence of outliers and gross errors in the measurements or imposed process constraints invalidates
the assumptions underlying DR, so that the DR solution may become biased. GED is required to detect,
identify and remove or otherwise compensate for the gross errors. Typically GED relies on formal
hypothesis testing of constraint residuals or measurement adjustment-based statistics derived from the
assumed random error statistical model.
Classification methodologies are methods by which observations are classified as belonging to one of
several possible groups. For the GED problem, artificial neural networks (ANN’s) have been applied
historically to resolve the classification of a data set as either containing or not containing a gross error.
The hypothesis investigated in this thesis is that classification methodologies, specifically classification
trees (CT) and linear or quadratic classification functions (LCF, QCF), may provide an alternative to the
classical GED techniques.
This hypothesis is tested via the modelling of a simple steady-state process unit with associated
simulated process measurements. DR is performed on the simulated process measurements in order to
satisfy one linear and two nonlinear material conservation constraints. Selected features from the DR
procedure and process constraints are incorporated into two separate input vectors for classifier
construction. The performance of the classification methodologies developed on each input vector is
compared with the classical measurement test in order to address the posed hypothesis.
General trends in the results are as follows: - The power to detect and/or identify a gross error is a strong function of the gross error magnitude
as well as location for all the classification methodologies as well as the measurement test.
- For some locations there exist large differences between the power to detect a gross error and the
power to identify it correctly. This is consistent over all the classifiers and their associated
measurement tests, and indicates significant smearing of gross errors.
- In general, the classification methodologies have higher power for equivalent type I error than
the measurement test.
- The measurement test is superior for small magnitude gross errors, and for specific locations,
depending on which classification methodology it is compared with.
There is significant scope to extend the work to more complex processes and constraints, including
dynamic processes with multiple gross errors in the system. Further investigation into the optimal
selection of input vector elements for the classification methodologies is also required. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Alle prosesmetings bevat ʼn sekere mate van metingsfoute. Die fout-element van ʼn prosesmeting word
dikwels uitgedruk as bestaande uit ʼn ewekansige fout met nul verwagte waarde, asook ʼn nie-ewekansige
fout met ʼn beduidende grootte. Data Rekonsiliasie (DR) en Fout Opsporing (FO) is ʼn versameling van
tegnieke met die doelwit om die effek van sulke foute in prosesdata op die daaropvolgende aanwending
van die data te verminder. DR word uitgevoer deur die optimale veranderinge aan die oorspronklike
prosesmetings aan te bring sodat die aangepaste metings sekere prosesmodelle gehoorsaam, tipies
massa- en energie-balanse. Die DR-oplossing is optimaal, mits die statistiese aannames rakende die
ewekansige fout-element in die prosesdata geldig is. Dit word tipies aanvaar dat die fout-element
normaal verdeel is, met nul verwagte waarde, en ʼn gegewe kovariansie matriks.
Wanneer nie-ewekansige foute in die data teenwoordig is, kan die resultate van DR sydig wees. FO is
daarom nodig om nie-ewekansige foute te vind (Deteksie) en te identifiseer (Identifikasie). FO maak
gewoonlik staat op die statistiese eienskappe van die meting aanpassings wat gemaak word deur die DR
prosedure, of die afwykingsverskil van die model vergelykings, om formele hipoteses rakende die
teenwoordigheid van nie-ewekansige foute te toets.
Klassifikasie tegnieke word gebruik om die klasverwantskap van observasies te bepaal. Rakende die FO
probleem, is sintetiese neurale netwerke (SNN) histories aangewend om die Deteksie en Identifikasie
probleme op te los. Die hipotese van hierdie tesis is dat klassifikasie tegnieke, spesifiek klassifikasiebome
(CT) en lineêre asook kwadratiese klassifikasie funksies (LCF en QCF), suksesvol aangewend
kan word om die FO probleem op te los.
Die hipotese word ondersoek deur middel van ʼn simulasie rondom ʼn eenvoudige gestadigde toestand
proses-eenheid wat aan een lineêre en twee nie-lineêre vergelykings onderhewig is. Kunsmatige
prosesmetings word geskep met behulp van lukrake syfers sodat die foutkomponent van elke
prosesmeting bekend is. DR word toegepas op die kunsmatige data, en die DR resultate word gebruik
om twee verskillende insetvektore vir die klassifikasie tegnieke te skep. Die prestasie van die
klassifikasie metodes word vergelyk met die metingstoets van klassieke FO ten einde die gestelde
hipotese te beantwoord. Die onderliggende tendense in die resultate is soos volg:
- Die vermoë om ‘n nie-ewekansige fout op te spoor en te identifiseer is sterk afhanklik van die
grootte asook die ligging van die fout vir al die klassifikasie tegnieke sowel as die metingstoets.
- Vir sekere liggings van die nie-ewekansige fout is daar ‘n groot verskil tussen die vermoë om die
fout op te spoor, en die vermoë om die fout te identifiseer, wat dui op smering van die fout. Al
die klassifikasie tegnieke asook die metingstoets baar hierdie eienskap.
- Oor die algemeen toon die klassifikasie metodes groter sukses as die metingstoets.
- Die metingstoets is meer suksesvol vir relatief klein nie-ewekansige foute, asook vir sekere
liggings van die nie-ewekansige fout, afhangende van die klassifikasie tegniek ter sprake.
Daar is verskeie maniere om die bestek van hierdie ondersoek uit te brei. Meer komplekse, niegestadigde
prosesse met sterk nie-lineêre prosesmodelle en meervuldige nie-ewekansige foute kan
ondersoek word. Die moontlikheid bestaan ook om die prestasie van klassifikasie metodes te verbeter
deur die gepaste keuse van insetvektor elemente.
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Reconciling performance : the drama of discipline in early modern Scotland, 1560-1610MacDonald, Nikki Marie January 2013 (has links)
This thesis investigates the liturgical context of ecclesiastical discipline in early modern Scotland. The core question addresses the narrative being recounted within Protestant rituals of repentance, the liturgical expression of ecclesiastical discipline. Through an analysis of these rituals it is demonstrated that the primary narrative underpinning the performance of repentance is reconciliation with God and with neighbour. An examination of ceremonies officially authorised by the General Assembly, alongside descriptions of local practice, reveals how reconciliation was firmly embedded within the liturgical life of the Kirk. A secondary question addresses continuities and breaks with Scottish penitential practices prior to 1560. Although bringing a physical shift and ‘decluttering’ of performance space, many ritual continuities remained after 1560, especially in costumes, props, gestures and speech. This thesis is divided into four sections. Section One focuses upon ritual penitential practices employed by the pre-Reformation Kirk c.1500-1560. The ‘cluttered’ stage, or stages, upon which rituals of repentance were performed is also analysed. These twin themes, focusing upon pre- Reformation practice and performance spaces, provide the base-line for the assessment of ritual continuity. Section Two moves the performance to the Protestant theatre of reconciliation, 1560- 1610. After an initial exploration of the stages of discipline, rituals employed by the Kirk to effect neighbourly reconciliation are examined. They demonstrate how the expression of reconciliation and dispute settlement presents a potent visible representation of the harmonious community as the ‘true’ church. Moving from the harmonious community at the local level, Section Three investigates the liturgical performance of corporate repentance utilising the key text The Order of the General Fast. At both national and regional levels, corporate repentance became a visible expression of communal reconciliation to God and of the Protestant self-identification as the ‘new Israel’. The focus of the final section concerns excommunication, the ultimate tool of ecclesiastical discipline, and a further authorised liturgy, The Order of Excommunication and of Public Repentance, is examined. Far from permanent exclusion, the ritual of excommunication was intended to be radical soul-saving surgery, designed to reconcile an offender with both God and neighbour. In contrast with other recent studies which have analysed ecclesiastical discipline within a judicial context, the liturgical context of discipline as performed in rituals of repentance is placed centre-stage.
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The Day of the Lord as reconciliation between judgement and salvation in the Book of the TwelveBuisman, Garrelt 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Old and New Testament))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / The earliest written reference to the “Day of the Lord” is found in the book of Amos.
Throughout the prophets, especially the Minor Prophets, the term becomes something of a Leitmotiv, either in those words or in abbreviations such as “that day”. The “Day
of the Lord” was to be one of judgement on the enemies of Yahweh. Such judgement in Israelite thought applied to Israelite enemies. To be an enemy of Israel was to be an enemy of God since the Israelites were God’s chosen people. Shockingly, Amos included both Israel and Judah amongst his list of the nations God had declared he would punish.
Judgement implied God’s wrath and punishment. This is variously depicted metaphorically as warfare, locust invasions, drought, fire and seismic events.
Nations to be punished were those who warred against the Israelite kingdoms. Either
they had been part of the Israelite mini-empire under David and Solomon and had broken political covenant, or, like Assyria and Babylon, they had practised cruelty against the people of God and against their other subject nations.
The kingdoms of Judah and Israel were to be punished because they had broken the
Sinai Covenant by becoming involved in worshipping images of the gods of the
surrounding nations. Symbols of these gods were even set up in the Jerusalem Temple. They involved fertility cults which often practised temple prostitution. The Sinai laws were further disobeyed by the Israelites, who ignored ill-treatment of the poor, widows, orphans and aliens.
While Amos was aware of the inevitability of judgement, others, like Hosea, were aware of God’s love. God longed for his people to repent and receive blessing.
This created a tension in Israelite theology between the need for judgement, which
God’s greatness and holiness required and God’s love, which desires to forgive and save. True repentance will bring forgiveness and salvation. Punishment may have to be endured, for example the Babylonian exile, but God will lead his people to salvation.
An analysis of judgement and salvation being reconciled on the “Day of the Lord” is
first made by looking at the Minor Prophets in a historical and literary context and then how redaction sought to form them into a nified “Book of the Twelve”. In doing so, various critical methods, especially Form Criticism and Canonical Criticism are discussed.
In the “Book of the Twelve” the “Day of the Lord” proves to be the occasion when judgement and salvation occur. Judgement is necessary since it leads to acknowledgement of sin and repentance. Only the innocent and the repentant are saved. This involves a remnant of Israel and, later also applies to a gentile remnant which acknowledges YHWH.
Eschatologically, the “Day of the Lord”, at first, seems imminent. Later it is seen as a
future event under God’s control. At first it is believed the “Day” will usher in destruction of Israel’s enemies, the re-establishment of a united kingdom under a descendant of David and an everlasting time of peace and prosperity, free from control by enemy nations, from apostasy and social injustice.
After the defeats of the Kingdom of Israel in the 8th century by Assyria and of Judah in the 6tth by the Babylonians, YHWH is understood as being the God of all nations who will use powerful (and sinful) nations to punish his people, while at the same time preparing their punishment at the hands of other nations. So Assyria is conquered
by Babylon and Babylon by the Chaldeans.
For many, after the return from Babylonian exile, salvation seems to have been accomplished. The failure of expectations after the return leads to the “Day of the Lord” being seen as an even more distant event. It begins to take on apocalyptic
overtones and becomes a moment at the end of time when there is judgement with salvation for the faithful and repentant. God’s eternal reign is inaugurated. Belief in salvation is beginning to move from deliverance being part of earthly life to otherworldly existence with God .
The seeming failure of the prophetic earthly ideal may have led to the end of prophecy
as a recorded scriptural genre and to the redaction of that genre in post-prophetic
times to bring the “Book of the Twelve” into line with contemporary deuteronomistic and priestly outlooks.
The Israelite view of the “Day of the Lord” has become a belief that on that “Day”
there will be judgement for those who have not repented and at the same time salvation for a remnant which has either remained faithful or has repented. It will usher in an eternal time of divine blessing for the saved who will be a new Israel. Sin leads to God’s earthly punishment. If there is no repentance, judgement becomes eternal.
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Liturgie en versoening, die inkulturasie van rituele van versoening in Suid-Afrika : 'n ondersoeksvoorstelWepener, C. J. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2000 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: As a multidisciplinary liturgical scientific research project, all seven existing methods
within the field of Liturgy will be used. These seven methods are namely: liturgy as
book; a depth approach; the integral approach; primary and secondary sources;
designation and appropriation; contextual: anthropological and cultural; as well as
present, past, continuity and discontinuity, future. These seven approaches will form
the matrix of the research that will be steered/directed by the researcher himself by
means of interference, a so-called tamed intuition and the Bible as critical-normative
source. As indicated in the title of the research proposal, the dynamic concept of
inculturation will play a vital role throughout the course of the research. Since the
research will be done with the intention of liturgical inculturation, the dynamic of cult
and culture, as well as the time aspect of continuity and discontinuity, must be
brought into account.
It follows that a number of main parts will have to be opened, of which three parts
have already been opened to serve as an example in this research proposal. These
main parts are firstly a chapter on inculturation, secondly a chapter on ritual theory
and also a chapter on the history of rituals of reconciliation within the Christian
tradition. These three main parts will be opened again from a South African
perspective in the final research, but will also be supplemented with a part on the
theology of reconciliation, and a recent contextual analysis by means of participatory
observation! ethnography.
Throughout the proposed research the matrix will be applied to each chapter
individually, and then on everything as a whole. The whole process will be steered by
the concepts interference and quality of ritual in order to see what lines of force or
series of qualities can be distilled from the process. As a whole the research will serve
the initial question, namely:" How a better inculturated repertoire of rituals of
reconciliation can be attained?" On this basis the research aims at making a
contribution towards the so-called liturgia condenda (liturgy in process/formation),
working towards the goal that the current liturgical formation in South Africa, and
specifically within the Dutch Reformed Church, will take place in a theologically and
anthropologically justifiable fashion. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: As multidissiplinere liturgiewetenskaplike ondersoek, sal van al sewe bestaande
ondersoekswyses binne die liturgiewetenskap gebruik gemaak word, te wete liturgie
as boek; In diepte benadering; die integrale benadering; primere- en sekondere
bronne; benoeming en toe-eiening; kontekstueel: antropologies en kultureel; en hede,
verlede, kontinuiteit en diskontinuiteit, toekoms. Hierdie sewe benaderings sal die
matriks van die ondersoek vorm wat deur die ondersoeker self deur middel van
interferensie, 'n sogenaamde getemde intuisie en die Bybel as krities-normatiewe bron
gestuur sal word. Soos blyk uit die titel van die ondersoek, word daar vera! gewerk
met die dinamiese begrip inkulturasie. Synde die ondersoek gedoen word met die oog
op liturgiese inkulturasie, moet die dinamiek van liturgielkultus en kultuur, asook die
tydsapek van kontinuiteit en diskontituiteit met die liturgiese tradisie wat deur die
begrip inkulturasie opgeroep word, in berekening gebring word.
In hierdie ondersoeksvoorstel is drie van die vyf beoogde hoofdele a! eksemplaries
oopgemaak, naamlik inkulturasie, ritualiteit en geskiedenis van versoeningrituele in
die Christelike tradisie. Hierdie drie hoofdele sal in die finale ondersoek weer vanuit
'n Suid-Afrikaanse perspektief oopgemaak word, en aangevul word met 'n resente
kontekstuele analise met behulp van deelnemende observasie geng op
versoeningrituele, asook In teologiese hoofstuk oor die begrip versoening.
Die matriks sal deurgaans op al vyf dele toegepas word, eers op elkeen afsonderlik en
daarna op alma! saam. Hierdie proses sal deur middel van interferensie en kwaliteite
van ritueel plaasvind om te sien watter kraglyne en reekse kwaliteite afgelei kan word
uit die proses. As 'n geheel staan die proses in diens van die inisiele vraagstelling,
"Hoe 'n beter geinkultureerde rituele repertoire van versoening verkry kan word?".
Sodoende wil die ondersoek 'n bydrae lewer tot die liturgia condenda (liturgie in
wording), om mee te werk aan die ideaal dat die huidige liturgiese vormgewing in
Suid-Afrika, maar spesifiek ook in die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk, op In
teologies en antropologies verantwoorde wyse geskied.
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Deconstruction of the UN Discourse on Transitional Justice : An Understanding of Justice and Reconciliation through Derrida’s ConceptsLebedeva, Alexandra January 2016 (has links)
The present thesis seeks to problematize the UN discourse within transitional justice. Many scholars have pointed out that the discourse has been normalised and that is why it is in need for deconstruction. The study aims to critically analyse how justice and reconciliation are understood in the field. For the purpose of the study Derrida’s concepts on justice and forgiveness have been chosen as theoretical frameworks. The method of study is a deconstructive analysis, based on Derrida’s notion of deconstruction. The method implies analysis of language of the research material, i.e. four UN reports regarding transitional justice from 2004, 2009, 2010 and 2011. The study has shown, firstly, that the rule of law concept is closely connected with the idea of justice and, secondly, justice is often reduced to accountability. That in turn explains the dominance of the juridical instruments in transitional justice processes. Apart from this, based on Derrida’s concept of forgiveness, reconciliation and mechanisms applied represent a conditional forgiveness, seeking to re-establish normality. Another problem is that reconciliation is not sufficiently approached in the reports. Nevertheless, the history of the transitional justice development has shown that there is a potential for further changes and that is why it necessary to continue question the established norms. Finally, deconstruction analysis has proved to be an adequate method for analysing transitional justice discourses and contributed to a nuanced analysis. The use of two languages, English and Russian versions of the reports allowed to identify and visualise some conceptual constructions that could otherwise have been missing.
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