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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A systems engineering approach to metallurgical accounting of integrated smelter complexes

Mtotywa, Busisiwe Percelia, Lyman, G. J. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The growing need to improve accounting accuracy, precision and to standardise generally accepted measurement methods in the mining and processing industries has led to the joining of a number of organisations under the AMIRA International umbrella, with the purpose of fulfilling these objectives. As part of this venture, Anglo Platinum undertook a project on the material balancing around its largest smelter, the Waterval Smelter. The primary objective of the project was to perform a statistical material balance around the Waterval Smelter using the Maximum Likelihood method with respect to platinum, rhodium, nickel, sulphur and chrome (III) oxide. Pt, Rh and Ni were selected for their significant contribution to the company’s profit margin, whilst S was included because of its environmental importance. Cr2O3 was included for its importance in as far as the difficulties its presence poses in smelting of PGMs. The objective was achieved by performing a series of statistical computations. These include; quantification of total and analytical uncertainties, detection of outliers, estimation and modelling of daily and monthly measurement uncertainties, parameter estimation and data reconciliation. Comparisons were made between the Maximum Likelihood and Least Squares methods. Total uncertainties associated with the daily grades were determined by use of variographic studies. The estimated Pt standard deviations were within 10% relative to the respective average grades with a few exceptions. The total uncertainties were split into their respective components by determining analytical variances from analytical replicates. The results indicated that the sampling components of the total uncertainty were generally larger as compared to their analytical counterparts. WCM, the platinum rich Waterval smelter product, has an uncertainty that is worth ~R2 103 000 in its daily Pt grade. This estimated figure shows that the quality of measurements do not only affect the accuracy of metal accounting, but can have considerable implications if not quantified and managed. The daily uncertainties were estimated using Kriging and bootstrapped to obtain estimates for the monthly uncertainties. Distributions were fitted using MLE on the distribution fitting tool of the JMP6.0 programme and goodness of fit tests were performed. The data were fitted with normal and beta distributions, and there was a notable decrease in the skewness from the daily to the monthly data. The reconciliation of the data was performed using the Maximum Likelihood and comparing that with the widely used Least Squares. The Maximum Likelihood and Least Squares adjustments were performed on simulated data in order to conduct a test of accuracy and to determine the extent of error reduction after the reconciliation exercise. The test showed that the two methods had comparable accuracies and error reduction capabilities. However, it was shown that modelling of uncertainties with the unbounded normal distribution does lead to the estimation of adjustments so large that negative adjusted values are the result. The benefit of modelling the uncertainties with a bounded distribution, which is the beta distribution in this case, is that the possibility of obtaining negative adjusted values is annihilated. ML-adjusted values (beta) will always be non-negative, therefore feasible. In a further comparison of the ML(bounded model) and the LS methods in the material balancing of the Waterval smelter complex, it was found that for all those streams whose uncertainties were modelled with a beta distribution, i.e. those whose distribution possessed some degree of skewness, the ML adjustments were significantly smaller than the LS counterparts It is therefore concluded that the Maximum Likelihood (bounded models) is a rigorous alternative method of data reconciliation to the LS method with the benefits of; -- Better estimates due to the fact that the nature of the data (distribution) is not assumed, but determined through distribution fitting and parameter estimation -- Adjusted values can never be negative due to the bounded nature of the distribution The novel contributions made in this thesis are as follows; -- The Maximum Likelihood method was for the first time employed in the material balancing of non-normally distributed data and compared with the well-known Least Squares method -- This was an original integration of geostatistical methods with data reconciliation to quantify and predict measurement uncertainties. -- For the first time, measurement uncertainties were modeled with a distribution that was non-normal and bounded in nature, leading to smaller adjustments / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die groeiende behoefte aan rekeningkundige akkuraatheid, en om presisie te verbeter, en te standardiseer op algemeen aanvaarde meetmetodes in die mynbou en prosesseringsnywerhede, het gelei tot die samwewerking van 'n aantal van organisasies onder die AMIRA International sambreel, met die doel om bogenoemde behoeftes aan te spreek. As deel van hierdie onderneming, het Anglo Platinum onderneem om 'n projek op die materiaal balansering rondom sy grootste smelter, die Waterval smelter. Die primêre doel van die projek was om 'n statistiese materiaal balans rondom die Waterval smelter uit te voer deur gebruik te maak van die sogenaamde maksimum waarskynlikheid metode met betrekking tot platinum, rodium, nikkel, swawel en chroom (iii) oxied. Pt, Rh en Ni was gekies vir hul beduidende bydrae tot die maatskappy se winsmarge, terwyl S ingesluit was weens sy belangrike omgewingsimpak. Cr2O3 was ingesluit weens sy impak op die smelting van Platinum groep minerale. Die doelstelling was bereik deur die uitvoering van 'n reeks van statistiese berekeninge. Hierdie sluit in: die kwantifisering van die totale en analitiese variansies, opsporing van uitskieters, beraming en modellering van daaglikse en maandelikse metingsvariansies, parameter beraming en data rekonsiliasie. Vergelykings was getref tussen die maksimum waarskynlikheid en kleinste kwadrate metodes. Totale onsekerhede of variansies geassosieer met die daaglikse grade was bepaal deur ’n Variografiese studie. Die beraamde Pt standaard afwykings was binne 10% relatief tot die onderskeie gemiddelde grade met sommige uitsonderings. Die totale onsekerhede was onderverdeel in hul onderskeie komponente deur bepaling van die ontledingsvariansies van duplikate. Die uitslae toon dat die monsternemings komponente van die totale onsekerheid oor die algemeen groter was as hul bypassende analitiese variansies. WCM, ‘n platinum-ryke Waterval Smelter produk, het 'n onsekerheid in die orde van ~twee miljoen rand in sy daagliks Pt graad. Hierdie beraamde waarde toon dat die kwaliteit van metings nie alleen die akkuraatheid van metaal rekeningkunde affekteer nie, maar aansienlike finansiële implikasies het indien nie die nie gekwantifiseer en bestuur word nie. Die daagliks onsekerhede was beraam deur gebruik te maak van “Kriging” en “Bootstrap” metodes om die maandelikse onsekerhede te beraam. Verspreidings was gepas deur gebruik te maak van hoogste waarskynlikheid beraming passings en goedheid–van-pas toetse was uitgevoer. Die data was gepas met Normaal en Beta verspreidings, en daar was 'n opmerklike vermindering in die skeefheid van die daaglikse tot die maandeliks data. Die rekonsiliasies van die massabalans data was uitgevoer deur die gebruik die maksimum waarskynlikheid metodes en vergelyk daardie met die algemeen gebruikde kleinste kwadrate metode. Die maksimum waarskynlikheid (ML) en kleinste kwadrate (LS) aanpassings was uitgevoer op gesimuleerde data ten einde die akkuraatheid te toets en om die mate van fout vermindering na die rekonsiliasie te bepaal. Die toets getoon dat die twee metodes het vergelykbare akkuraathede en foutverminderingsvermoëns. Dit was egter getoon dat modellering van die onsekerhede met die onbegrensde Normaal verdeling lei tot die beraming van aanpassings wat so groot is dat negatiewe verstelde waardes kan onstaan na rekosniliasie. Die voordeel om onsekerhede met 'n begrensde distribusie te modelleer, soos die beta distribusie in hierdie geval, is dat die moontlikheid om negatiewe verstelde waardes te verkry uitgelsuit word. ML-verstelde waardes (met die Beta distribusie funksie) sal altyd nie-negatief wees, en om hierdie rede uitvoerbaar. In 'n verdere vergelyking van die ML (begrensd) en die LS metodes in die materiaal balansering van die waterval smelter kompleks, is dit gevind dat vir almal daardie strome waarvan die onserkerhede gesimuleer was met 'n Beta distribusie, dus daardie strome waarvan die onsekerheidsdistribusie ‘n mate van skeefheid toon, die ML verstellings altyd beduidend kleiner was as die ooreenkomstige LS verstellings. Vervolgens word die Maksimum Waarskynlikheid metode (met begrensde modelle) gesien as 'n beter alternatiewe metode van data rekosiliasie in vergelyking met die kleinste kwadrate metode met die voordele van: • Beter beramings te danke aan die feit dat die aard van die onsekerheidsdistribusie nie aangeneem word nie, maar bepaal is deur die distribusie te pas en deur van parameter beraming gebruik te maak. • Die aangepaste waardes kan nooit negatief wees te danke aan die begrensde aard van die verdeling. Die volgende oorspronklike bydraes is gelewer in hierdie verhandeling: • Die Maksimum Waarskynlikheid metode was vir die eerste keer geëvalueer vir massa balans rekonsiliasie van nie-Normaal verspreide data en vergelyk met die bekendde kleinste kwadrate metode. • Dit is die eerste keer geostatistiese metodes geïntegreer is met data rekonsiliasie om onsekerhede te beraam waarbinne verstellings gemaak word. • Vir die eerste keer, is meetonsekerhede gemoddelleer met 'n distribusie wat nie- Normaal en begrensd van aard is, wat lei tot kleiner en meer realistiese verstellings.

Does Difference Equal Division? : A Study of Reconciliation and Political Attitudes among young Croats in Mostar

Gustafsson (fd Greek), Maria January 2013 (has links)
With its departure in the challenge of avoiding conflict-issues becoming politics, the present study merges the literatures on reconciliation and post-conflict politics, and asks why a difference in post-conflict political moderation can be observed in individuals. It uses questionnaire- and interview-material gathered in Mostar during spring 2013 to do a comparative case study, testing the hypothesis that reconciliation makes individuals more politically moderate with respect to war-related issues. Results in line with the hypothesis are found, and the relationship appears to be causal. However, the causal mechanism requires additional work, and the issue of confounders needs to be addressed by future studies to ensure robustness. In conclusion, with these caveats in mind, the answer to the question is that the level of reconciliation affects the levels of political moderation.

Rwanda Gacaca traditional courts: an alternative solution for post-genocide justice and national reconciliation

Butera, Gerald 03 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / Initially, many Rwandans placed their hopes in the well-funded International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) but it has been plagued by inefficiencies and delays. Although the Rwandan national courts have tried a significantly larger number of cases than the ICTR, they are also criticized as being too slow. Therefore, the government of Rwanda has proposed using the "Gacaca" traditional courts to accelerate post-genocide justice. The purpose of this thesis is to determine whether, and under what conditions, the Gacaca courts can be an effective mechanism of justice and national reconciliation. / Captain, Rwanda Army

Contribution à l'étude des politiques de la mémoire dans la construction de l'Etat en Afrique / Contribution to the study of memory politics in the construction of State in Africa

Massamba Makoumbou, Jean-Serge 21 June 2010 (has links)
La construction de la paix en matière de sortie de crise admet l‟importance du rôle de la mémoire comme en témoigne la montée en puissance des politiques de la mémoire à qui incombe l‟apaisement de la mémoire collective d‟une société dans la résolution des conflits et le changement de régime politique. Cette entreprise reste assujettie à la connaissance ou non des violations graves des droits de l‟homme, à la réparation matérielle et symbolique à l‟égard des victimes en quête de reconnaissance ainsi qu‟à la réécriture de l‟histoire dans le but de changer les stéréotypes à l‟origine d‟une conflictualité à dominante communautaire.Du fait de l‟absence d‟un système judiciaire indépendant et d‟un État en position de tiers, les politiques de la mémoire initiées dans la résolution des crises congolaises tendent plutôt à légitimer un régime politique autoritaire au lieu de promouvoir la réconciliation. La constitutionnalisation de la paix, les mises en cause limitées des criminels de guerre et le déficit de « congolité » révèlent les lacunes de ces politiques et les constantes des politiques du pardon engagées sur la scène internationale.Dans cette optique, l‟édification d‟une paix positive différente d‟un simple arrêt des hostilités appelle l‟instauration d‟une corrélation entre le pardon et la justice dans une quête d‟accountability. Une telle approche requiert une attitude nouvelle à même de favoriser la mutation des conduites négatives en postures rationnelles afin d‟oublier les avanies du passé et de promouvoir un nouveau vivre en commun novateur. À ce titre, la réussite des politiques de la mémoire reste inséparable de la promotion graduelle d‟un projet commun entre les anciens belligérants. Si la mise en place de mécanismes de résolution des conflits futurs apparaît comme un facteur majeur, toute sortie de crise reste partielle quand elle n‟est pas affiliée à un processus de réconciliation. / Building peace following a conflict reveals the importance of the role of the memory as witnessed by the increased importance of the memory policies witch are responsible of conflicts and the change of political regimes. This undertaking remains subject to the knowledge, or lack of it, of the serious violations of the rights of man, and the material and symbolic redress for victims seeking recognition as well as the rewriting of history with the aim of changing stereotypes at the origin of conflicts within a particular community.Given the absence of an independent judicial system and a third party State, the memory policies initiated in the resolution of Congolese conflicts tend towards legitimizing an authoritarian political regime rather than promoting reconciliation. The constitutionalizing of peace, the limited accusation of war criminals and the deficit of “congolité” reveals the inadequacy of these policies, and the continuance of the international pardon policies.In light of this, the edification of a positive peace that differs from a simple cessation of the hostilities requires the establishment of a correlation between forgiveness and justice in a quest for accountability. This approach calls for a fresh attitude capable of favouring the transformation of the negative behaviours into rational positions with the aim of forgetting past outrages in order to work toward promoting a new innovative communal life. If the establishment of the future resolution mechanisms appear to be a major factor, any withdrawal from a crisis remains partial when not associated with a process of reconciliation.

Rethinking Reconciliation : Concepts, Methods, and an Empirical Study of Truth Telling and Psychological Health in Rwanda

Brounéus, Karen January 2008 (has links)
This dissertation combines psychology with peace and conflict research in a cross-disciplinary approach to reconciliation processes after intrastate armed conflict. Two overarching contributions are made to the field of reconciliation research. The first is conceptual and methodological. The vague concept of reconciliation is defined and operationalized (Paper I), and a method is proposed for how reconciliation may be studied systematically at the national level (Paper II). By discussing what reconciliation is and how we should measure it, comparative research on reconciliation is facilitated which is imperative if we wish to learn of its promises and pitfalls in post-conflict peacebuilding. The second contribution is empirical. There has been an assumption that truth telling is healing and thereby will lead to reconciliation; healing is the assumed link between truth and reconciliation. This assumption was investigated in two studies in Rwanda in 2006. A multistage, stratified cluster random survey of 1,200 adults was conducted to assess whether witnessing in the gacaca, the Rwandan village tribunals for truth and reconciliation, was beneficial for psychological health; thereby investigating the claim that truth telling is healing (Paper III). The results of the survey are disconcerting. Witnesses in the gacaca suffered from significantly higher levels of depression and posttraumatic stress disorder than non-witnesses also when controlling for important predictors for psychological ill-health such as gender or trauma exposure. To acquire a more comprehensive understanding of the experience of witnessing in the gacaca, in-depth interviews were conducted with 16 women genocide survivors who had witnessed in the gacaca (Paper IV). The results of this study challenge the claim that truth telling is healing, suggesting instead that there are risks for the individuals on whom truth-telling processes depend. Traumatization, ill-health, isolation, and insecurity dominate the lives of the testifying women. Insecurity as a result of the truth-telling process emerged as one of the most crucial issues at stake. This dissertation presents a novel understanding of the complexity of reconciliation in post-conflict peacebuilding, demonstrating that truth and reconciliation processes may entail more risks than were previously known. The results of this dissertation can be used to improve the study and the design of truth and reconciliation processes after civil war and genocide.

The concept of enmity in the political philosophy of Hobbes

Jaede, Maximilian January 2015 (has links)
To the author's knowledge, this is the first systematic study of the concept of enmity in the political philosophy of Thomas Hobbes. Examining this important category does not only elucidate the concept itself, but also provides an opportunity to reconnect fragments of Hobbes's thought that are increasingly being treated as disparate subjects. It is suggested that the notion of enmity can shed further light on related aspects of his political philosophy, including human competitiveness, the roles of fear and trust, the evil of violent death, the status of rebels, and his theory of international relations. In addition, the subject invites a rethinking of Hobbes's place in the history of political thought. It is argued that he was among the first to make enmity a central subject of political philosophy. This seems to be related to Hobbes's break with the traditional notion of natural sociability, as a consequence of which he describes the natural condition of mankind as a war of all against all. Although Hobbes depicts human beings as natural enemies, he holds that enmity does not exclude the possibility of reconciliation; individuals can supposedly overcome their hostility through subjection to a sovereign. These views give rise to a dynamic distinction between public and private enmity, according to which outright hostility can be transformed into private rivalry if human beings renounce their natural right of war. Conversely, subjects become public enemies if they rebel against the sovereign. Hobbes's views on natural enmity and reconciliation also have important implications for his theory of international relations. This thesis particularly highlights the possibility that states can be decomposed and reassembled after a foreign invasion, which precludes wars of annihilation.

A Study of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987 and the Amendments of 1989 and 1990. Mandatory Education for Nursing Assistants and Their Effect on Job Performance in Two Counties in Florida

Burns, Paul A. (Paul Andrew), 1941- 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to focus on the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987 and the amendments of 1989 and 1990. Nursing assistants were placed in cluster groups of 300-hours, 120-hours, and 0-hours. Each subject's job performance of nursing care was observed using the Francis's Task Performance Rating Scale. The purpose of the analysis was to determine (1) if there was a significant difference in job performance of patient care between program completers and the challengers, (2) if there was a significant difference in the job performance of patient care between 300-hour and 120-hour, and (3) if there was a significant difference between the content required in OBRA mandated nursing assistant programs and actual job performance skills needed in patient care. It was determined that program completers' job performance of patient care was significantly different from the challengers.

Réconciliations : corriger des arbres de gènes et inférer la fiabilité d'événements évolutifs / Reconciliations : correcting gene trees and inferring the reliability of evolutionary events

Nguyen Thi, Hau 03 October 2013 (has links)
Les génomes des eucaryotes et des procaryotes évoluent de temps en temps par un processus complexe, impliquant entre autres, des événements évolutifs tels que les spéciations, les duplications, les transferts horizontaux, et les pertes de gènes. Nous étudions ici les méthodes de réconciliation, une technique bien connue pour inférer de tels événements et retrouver leur localisation dans l'histoire d'espèces. En effet, ces méthodes construisent une correspondance entre l'histoire d'une famille de gènes (l'arbre de gènes) et l'histoire des espèces contenant ces gènes (l'arbre d'espèces) pour expliquer leurs discordances sur la base d'événements évolutifs qu'elles infèrent et positionnent sur l'arbre de gènes et l'arbre d'espèces. Les méthodes de réconciliation sont appliquées dans plusieurs domaines tels que l'étude de l'évolution du génome; l'inférence des relations d'orthologies en évolution moléculaire; l'étude de la coévolution entre hôtes et parasites en écologie, ou encore l'étude des zones de population en biogéographie. Les trois principales contributions de cette thèse sont les suivantes : premièrement, un outil nommé SEAS est proposé pour simuler l'évolution des familles de gènes dans une phylogénie d'espèces donnée. Cela permet d'obtenir des arbres de gènes synthétiques dont la réconciliation est connue et qui permettent donc d'évaluer la précision des méthodes de réconciliation. Deuxièmement, une méthode heuristique, appelée MowgliNNI, est proposée pour corriger les arbres de gènes partiellement erronés au regard des réconciliations. Cette méthode itérative réarrange les branches faiblement supportées pour rechercher une nouvelle topologie de l'arbre de gènes, dont le coût de réconciliation est moindre. Troisièmement, nous proposons une approche pour estimer la fiabilité des événements évolutifs prédits par les méthodes de réconciliation. Contrairement aux approches existantes qui ne considèrent qu'une des réconciliations optimales possible entre l'arbre de gènes et l'arbre d'espèces, notre approche prend en compte un ensemble de solutions optimales voire sous-optimales. En outre, nous introduisons le concept de réconciliations médianes symétriques et asymétriques qui servent d'éléments centraux pour représenter un ensemble de réconciliations. Nous présentons un algorithme pour calculer ces réconciliations médianes qui est en temps polynomial bien que l'ensemble de toutes les réconciliations optimales est potentiellement exponentiel. Des expériences ont été réalisées pour montrer l'exactitude, la signification et l'efficacité de nos méthodes proposées. / The genomes of eukaryotes and prokaryotes evolve over time through a complex process involving, among other things, evolutionary events such as speciations, duplications, horizontal transfers, and losses of genes. We study here reconciliation methods, a well-known technique for recovering such events as well as locating them along the species history. Indeed, reconciliation methods construct a mapping between a gene family history (a gene tree) and a species history (a species tree) to explain their incongruence thanks to the inferred evolutionary events located on both the gene and species trees. Reconciliation methods can be applied to various areas such as the study of genome evolution, the inference of orthology relationships in molecular evolution, the study of host-parasite coevolution in ecology, or the study of population areas in biogeography. The three main contributions of this thesis are as follows: First, we provide a tool, named SEAS, for simulating the evolution of gene families along a given species phylogeny. This provides synthetic gene trees along with their known reconciliations that are helpful to evaluate the accuracy of reconciliation methods. Second, we propose a heuristic method, called MowgliNNI, to correct partly erroneous gene trees based on reconciliation scores. This method iteratively rearranges the weakly supported parts of a gene tree as long as it improves the reconciliation score. Third, we propose effective solutions for estimating the reliability of the predicted evolutionary events. Unlike the currently existing approaches considering only the optimal solutions for reconciling a pair of species-gene trees, our approach additionally takes into account the nearly optimal solutions. Furthermore, we introduce the concept of symmetric and asymmetric median reconciliations, which serve as central elements to represent a set of reconciliations. We present a polynomial time algorithm computing such median reconciliations from the potentially exponential set of all optimal reconciliations for a given pair of species-gene trees. Experiments have been carried on to show the correctness, meaningfulness and effectiveness of our proposed methods.

Aménager les frontières des périphéries européennes : la frontière Serbie/Croatie à l'épreuve des injonctions à la coopération et à la réconciliation / Planning the borders of european peripheries : the Serbia/Croatia borderland and the cooperation and reconciliation injunctions

Blondel, Cyril 29 April 2016 (has links)
La politique de pré-adhésion de l’Union européenne enjoint les pays des Balkans occidentaux à coopérer et à se réconcilier avant d’envisager leur entrée dans l’Union. Le volet coopération transfrontalière de l’Instrument d’Aide pour la Pré-adhésion est l’instrument unique au travers duquel l’UE soutient concrètement ces injonctions. De la sorte, elle désigne les espaces frontaliers comme les lieux privilégiés des réconciliations et le projet d’aménagement transfrontalier comme l’instrument pour atteindre cet objectif. Cette thèse vise à interroger ces deux présupposés. A partir d’un travail de terrain mené à la frontière Serbie/Croatie, elle montre que le programme européen de coopération transfrontalière a permis le rapprochement des Ministères concernés et que les projets développés à la frontière ont contribué à une « réconciliation de niche » entre quelques acteurs locaux. Néanmoins, celle-ci ne s’étend pas au-delà de ce noyau de base. Pour dépasser cette limite, il apparaît nécessaire de repenser la politique d’élargissement pour toutes les parties associées à ce processus. Car c’est la question du vivre-ensemble à l’échelle du continent européen qui se pose. / The European Union pre-accession policy urges the Western Balkans countries to cooperate and reconcile before considering joining the European Union. The cross-border co-operation component of the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance is the only tool by which the EU concretely supports these injunctions. In this way, it appoints cross border areas as privileged places of reconciliation and the planning project as the tool to achieve this objective. This thesis aims to examine these two presumptions. Field work conducted at the border between Serbia and Croatia, showed that the European cross border cooperation programme enabled concerned ministries to get closer and that the local projects contributed to a “niche reconciliation” between a few local stakeholders. Nevertheless, it does not extend beyond this basic core. In order to overcome this limit it appears necessary to rethink the enlargement policy for all parties involved in the process. Because therein lies the issue of community harmony in the European continent.

Analysing gender equality in EU’s work-life balance policy: -What is the problem represented to be?

Sherpa, Neema January 2019 (has links)
This thesis focuses on work-life balance policy; one of the key field of EU gender equality policies. The purpose of this study was to analyze most recently proposed policy on work-life balance ‘An initiative to support work-life balance for working parents and carers’ that aims to upgrade existing policy and legal frameworks. The main objective of the study is to identify problem representation(s) of gender equality in the stated policy. The study objectives comprises of problematizing identified problem representation(s) by drawing attention to silences and underplayed issues including its far-reaching implications on various groups. Analysis presented in this thesis is guided by theoretical framework of poststuructural feminism chiefly through discourse analysis methodology. In that endeavor, Carol Bacchi’s ‘What’s the problem represented to be?’ (WPR) approach has been applied for discourse analysis of the policy by employing 3 out 6 postulated questions. The study identifies several problem representations of gender equality in the stated EU reconciliation policy. Among others, childcare responsibility is identified as the most dominant problem representation. Likewise, the study points out silenced issues in the policy. This includes structural challenges affecting accessibility and advancement of women in labour market, the type of work, division of unpaid work besides caring responsibilities, inequalities engendered by intersectional factors, well-being of individuals, family, children, elderly care and commitment from employing organizations. The study finally notes ensuing lived effects on women due to added responsibilities. The study analysis concludes some still present pitfalls in the modernized work-life balance policy.

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