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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nitrogen doped carbide derived carbon aerogels by chlorine etching of a SiCN aerogel

Zera, E., Nickel, W., Hao, G. P., Vanzetti, L., Kaskel, Stefan, Sorarù, G. D. 24 July 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Silicon was selectively removed from a silicon carbonitride (SiCN) aerogel by hot chlorine gas treatment, leading to a N-doped carbon aerogel (N-CDC aerogel). The combined effects of pyrolysis and etching temperature were studied with regard to the change in the composition of the material after etching as well as the microstructure of the produced hierarchically porous material. Upon removal of Si from amorphous SiCN, carbon and nitrogen, which are not bonded together in the starting material, react, creating new C–N bonds. The removal of silicon also gives rise to a high amount of micropores and hence a high specific surface area, which can be beneficial for the functionality of the carbonaceous material produced. The mesoporous structure of the aerogel allows us to complete the etching at low temperature, which was found to be a crucial parameter to maintain a high amount of nitrogen in the material. The combination of a high amount of micropores and the mesopore transport system is beneficial for adsorption processes due to the combination of a high amount of adsorption sites and effective transport properties of the material. The N-CDC aerogels were characterized by nitrogen physisorption, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), thermogravimetry (TG/DTA), and infrared spectroscopy (DRIFT) and they were evaluated as CO2 absorbers and as electrodes for electric double-layer capacitors (EDLCs).

Nitrogen doped carbide derived carbon aerogels by chlorine etching of a SiCN aerogel

Zera, E., Nickel, W., Hao, G. P., Vanzetti, L., Kaskel, Stefan, Sorarù, G. D. 24 July 2017 (has links)
Silicon was selectively removed from a silicon carbonitride (SiCN) aerogel by hot chlorine gas treatment, leading to a N-doped carbon aerogel (N-CDC aerogel). The combined effects of pyrolysis and etching temperature were studied with regard to the change in the composition of the material after etching as well as the microstructure of the produced hierarchically porous material. Upon removal of Si from amorphous SiCN, carbon and nitrogen, which are not bonded together in the starting material, react, creating new C–N bonds. The removal of silicon also gives rise to a high amount of micropores and hence a high specific surface area, which can be beneficial for the functionality of the carbonaceous material produced. The mesoporous structure of the aerogel allows us to complete the etching at low temperature, which was found to be a crucial parameter to maintain a high amount of nitrogen in the material. The combination of a high amount of micropores and the mesopore transport system is beneficial for adsorption processes due to the combination of a high amount of adsorption sites and effective transport properties of the material. The N-CDC aerogels were characterized by nitrogen physisorption, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), thermogravimetry (TG/DTA), and infrared spectroscopy (DRIFT) and they were evaluated as CO2 absorbers and as electrodes for electric double-layer capacitors (EDLCs).

Public-private partnership in the case of huge infrastructure projects. The example of High-Speed Railway Moscow - Kazan / Partenariat public-privé dans la mise en œuvre de grands projets d'infrastructure sur l'exemple de la construction de LGV Moscou - Kazan

Lavrinenko, Petr 25 June 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse les tendances mondiales dans le financement de grands projets d'infrastructure dans le secteur des transports, en identifiant les caractéristiques distinctives du financement dans les pays développés et en développement. Un nouveau mécanisme de financement est proposé dans le contexte de contraintes budgétaires strictes grâce à l'utilisation d'un certain nombre d'effets économiques indirects découlant de l'amélioration de l'accessibilité des différents territoires en matière de transport. Comme le sujet de l'analyse, il y avait un projet de la construction d'un chemin de fer à grande vitesse en Russie Moscou-Kazan. / This paper analyzes global trends in financing large infrastructure projects in the transport sector, identifying the distinctive features of financing in developed and developing countries. A new financing mechanism is proposed in the context of strict budgetary constraints through the use of a number of indirect economic effects arising from improved transport accessibility of individual territories. As the subject of the analysis, there was a project of the construction of a high-speed railway in Russia Moscow-Kazan.

Periplasmic Delivery of Biologically Active Human Interleukin-10 in Escherichia coli via a Sec-Dependent Signal Peptide

Pöhlmann, Christoph, Brandt, Manuela, Mottok, Dorothea S., Zschüttig, Anke, Campbell, John W., Blattner, Frederick R., Frisch, David, Gunzer, Florian January 2012 (has links)
Interleukin-10 (IL-10) is a potent anti-inflammatory cytokine, with therapeutic applications in inflammatory bowel disease. For the in situ delivery of IL-10 by Escherichia coli as carrier chassis, a modified transporter was designed with the ability to secrete biologically active IL-10. De novo DNA synthesis comprised a 561-bp fragment encoding the signal sequence of the E. coli outer membrane protein F fused in frame to an E. coli codon-optimized mature human IL-10 gene under control of a T7 promoter. The construct was overexpressed in E. coli laboratory strains, E. coli BL21 (DE3) and E. coli MDS42:T7. The mean concentrations of human IL-10 in the periplasm and culture supernatant of E. coli BL21 (DE3) were 355.8 ± 86.3 and 5.7 ± 1.7 ng/ml, respectively. The molecular mass of the recombinant E. coli-derived human IL-10 was 19 kDa, while under non-reducing conditions the native IL-10 dimer could be demonstrated. Reduction of tumor necrosis factor-α secretion in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated mouse macrophages and detection of the activated form of the transcription factor signal transducer and activator of transcription protein 3 proved the biological activity of the bacteria-produced human IL-10. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

Possible Implications of Mobility as a Service in a Mid-sized City : A Case Study of a Utility Company / Möjliga implikationer av Mobility as a Service i en medelstor stad : En fallstudie av ett verktygsföretag

Nilsson, Sara January 2019 (has links)
The human behaviour is the greatest source of greenhouse gas emissions, and according to the Paris Agreement, the transport sector should lower their emissions by 70 % compared to the year 2010. Today, many organizations seek competitive advantage from service-oriented business opportunities to create further value for customers by fulfilling their problem and need. A sustainable transport alternative that has become more popular around different cities is Mobility as a Service (MaaS). MaaS is a possible strategy for organizations to support climate change and develop further services to their customers. The concept aims to offer an alternative to travel more sustainable. MaaS consists of several service providers that offers a combined service through an integrated platform, which aims to be a more convenient and less expensive option. Today, there are four major aspects that need to be fulfilled to implement the service. Apart from the concept, political and government support are essential. Sharing economy has not only become a trend but something the society is facing. Therefore this study will investigate the possibility of a mobility concept through a business model perspective where circularity and sustainability supplementary are lifted through layers to understand the business opportunity more thoroughly. Local service providers and the utility company were interviewed to understand the feasibility of MaaS in relation to existing capabilities in the city. The study concludes that it is a large project to develop a service-oriented strategy that usually is uncommon for utility companies. Today, external partners or new businesses are needed for a MaaS solution to become marketable in Skellefte˚a. However, being first on the market can have long-term advantages and create a lock-in effect. Although, consumer perspective is an essential parameter that future research needs to investigate in to fully understand the business potential. / Det äanskliga beteendet är en avgörande faktor till utsläpp av fossila bränslen och enligt Paris avtalet så ska transportsektorn minska utsläppen av fossila bränslen med 70 % i jämförelse med 2010. Till följd av det så söker sig många organisationer till mer service inriktade koncept för att främja hållbarhet och skapa nya affärsmöjligheter genom att erbjuda kunder ett ökat värde genom att erbjuda mer anpassade erbjudanden och tjänster. Mobility as a Service (MaaS) är ett relativt nytt hållbart koncept som har etablerats i allt fler städer, och det är en möjlighet för organisationer inom transportsektorn att bli mer miljövänliga och stötta klimatavtalet. Konceptet erbjuder en möjlighet att resa mer hållbart genom att integrera flera olika transport alternativ i en och samma plattform. Genom att erbjuda flera tjänster i en och samma applikation kan resekostnaderna minskas och det kan ge upphov till ett flexiblare och mer anpassat resealternativ efter varje individs enskilda behov. Idag finns inget flexibelt resealternativ för invånarna i samhället, och det är en perfekt möjlighet för bolag att undersöka ifall de har resurser att ingå i ett sådant koncept. Det finns fyra distinkta krav som måste uppfyllas om MaaS är lämpligt att implementera i en stad och även statliga och politiska finansiella medel och stöd är nödvändigheter som behöver undersökas. Delningsekonomi har blivit en allt vanligare trend och det ställer samhällen för en kommande omställning. Därav kommer denna studie att undersöka MaaS från ett affärsmodellsperspektiv där delning och cirkulär ekonomi tillämpas närmare genom två komplimenterade lager av ett affärsmodells ramverk. Förutsättningarna för konceptet ges av intervjuer av lokala transport aktörer i staden samt av energibolaget för att förstå rimligheten av en mobilitetslösning i staden. Studien visar att det är ett omfattande projekt som inriktar sig på tjänsterelaterade strategier som är en ovanligt för produktrelaterade bolag. Studien visar att det krävs fler aktörer för att implementera en mobilitetslösning och externa samarbeten är nödvändiga för att lyckas göra detta till en lönsam affärsmöjlighet. Idag är konceptet relativt nytt för de flesta lokala aktörerna och genom att investera och undersöka vidare i MaaS kan det på långsikt ge lönsamma följder och skapa en låsning effekt genom att vara först på marknaden. För att förstå närmare hur samhället och de blivande konsumenterna upplever en delad ekonomi och en integrerad tjänst krävs vidare påbyggnad av studien.

Zpracování plánu společných zařízení pro komplexní pozemkovou úpravu

ANDREJKOVÁ, Michaela January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the elaboration of a plan of joint facilities for comprehensive land treatment in the selected cadastral territory of Dolní Třebonín, located in the South Bohemian Region. The purpose of the thesis is the characterization and evaluation of the cadastral area as part of the need to implement these joint facilities: anti-erosion measures for the protection of agricultural land resources, measures for access to land, measures for protection and creation of the environment and water management measures. The theoretical part of this work is literary research. This section explains basic concepts such as land treatment, forms of land treatment, exploration works and joint facilities. The practical part describes the characteristics of the selected area, the exploration work in the given area and the proposal of the common facilities. The results are processed in textual and graphical form using ArcMap 10.0.

Localisation et transmissions sécurisées pour la communication Véhicule à Infrastructure (V2I) : Application au service de télépéage ITS-G5 / Localization and secure transmissions for Vehicle to Infrastructure communication (V2I) : Application to the electronic toll service using the ITS-G5 technology

Randriamasy, Malalatiana 24 May 2019 (has links)
La localisation précise des véhicules et la sécurité des échanges sont deux grands axes qui font la fiabilité des services fournis dans les systèmes de transport intelligent. Ces dernières années, elles font l’objet de nombreux projets de recherche pour des champs d’application divers. Dans cette thèse, le contexte d’application est la réalisation d’un service de télépéage utilisant la technologie ITS-G5. Cette technologie de communication sans-fil permet dans un premier temps le partage des informations de sécurité routière entre les véhicules (V2V), le véhicule et l’infrastructure (V2I). Dans cette thèse, on propose une architecture permettant d’échanger des transactions de télépéage utilisant les équipements communicants en ITS-G5 embarqués dans les véhicules connectés et les unités bord de route (UBR) de l’infrastructure. Les problématiques de nos travaux de recherche se concentrent sur la méthode de localisation des véhicules ayant effectué la transaction afin de pouvoir la valider et sur la sécurité de l’architecture proposée pour assurer l’échange de cette transaction. Afin de bien localiser les véhicules lors du passage au péage, notre approche propose la compréhension de la cinématique du véhicule par une modélisation adéquate à partir des données recueillies dans les messages coopératifs (CAM : Cooperative Awareness Message) en approche du péage. Cela améliorera les informations de géolocalisation déjà présentes. Notre objectif est d’arriver à une précision de moins d’un mètre pour distinguer 2 véhicules adjacents. D’autre part, le protocole de sécurité proposé permet d’assurer l’authentification des équipements participant à l’échange et à la validation de la transaction, l’intégrité des données échangées ainsi que la confidentialité des échanges compte tenu du contexte de communication sans-fil et de la sensibilité des données échangées. Une preuve de concept de la solution de télépéage utilisant la technologie ITS-G5 est développée et intègre nos deux contributions. / The precise localization of vehicles and the security of communication are requirements that make almost of the services provided in intelligent transport systems (ITS) more reliable. In recent years, they have been the subject of numerous research projects for various fields of application. In this thesis, the context is the development of an electronic toll service using the ITS-G5 technology. This wireless communication technology initially allows the sharing of traffic safety information between vehicles (V2V), vehicle and infrastructure (V2I). In our work, we propose a tolling application using equipment operating in ITS-G5 embedded in the connected vehicles and roadside units. For this, ensuring both precise geolocation of the vehicles and security of communication are required to validate the transaction.In order to properly locate the vehicles during the toll crossing, our approach is based on the understanding of the kinematics of the vehicle through a suitable modeling from the data collected in the cooperative messages (called CAM: Cooperative Awareness Message). This approach aims to improve the geolocation information already present in the message. Our goal is to achieve vehicle localization with an accuracy lower than one meter to distinguish two adjacent vehicles. On the other hand, the proposed tolling protocol ensures the authentication of the equipment or entities involved in the exchange and the validation of the transaction, the integrity of the transmitted data as well as the confidentiality of the communication. In this way, we take into account the context of the wireless communication and the sensitivity of the exchanged data. Our two contributions are integrated in the implemented Proof of Concept of the tolling application using the ITS-G5 technology.

Performance Evaluation of Public Bus Transport Operations in Karnataka by using Non-parametric and Multivariate Analysis

Mulangi, Raviraj H January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Indian cities rely predominantly on buses for public transport. The issues of performance measurement and efficiency analyses for the bus company have been gaining significance due to severe operating conditions and financial constraints in which these bus companies provide the service. Performance is defined as the levels of success of the service with respect to different parameters such as quality of service, cost effectiveness and safety. Performance is measured in terms of operational efficiency and financial efficiency. Operational Efficiency of an organization is the ability to utilize its available resources to the maximum extent. Financial Efficiency is a measure of the organization’s ability to translate its financial resources into revenue. Public bus transportation plays a pivotal role in India in bringing about greater mobility both within and between urban and rural areas. Through increased mobility, road transport also contributes immensely to social and economic development of different regions of the country. Public transport is provided by surface road transport using buses by the State Road Transport Undertakings (SRTUs) and by private operators. In this thesis, scientific analysis of the performance of SRTUs is carried out at different levels considering physical and financial parameters through multivariate techniques, non-parametric techniques and qualitative techniques. A comprehensive study on all the SRTUs of Karnataka at depot, division level are done and determined which quantitative method is suited for depot level and division level studies. From quantitative and qualitative studies of SRTUs strategies are developed and recommendations are made to improve the performance of SRTUs. Further, in addition to Bangalore metropolitan transport corporation (BMTC) performance analyses, the routes are analyzed to reduce the dead kilometer. Major contributions from this work: 1. Both inter and intra city operations of the public transport corporation in the state of Karnataka have been exhaustively analysed using operational and financial parameters. 2. Large amount of data over a long period has been collated from State road transport units and a standard format has been developed for collecting both operational and financial parameters for SRTU’s. 3. A generic framework and plan for performance evaluation of SRTU’s has been developed using ratio and benchmarking analysis, and, non-parametric and multivariate techniques like DEA (constant return to scale (CRS) and variable return to scale (VRS)), DEA-principal component analysis (PCA), DEA- bootstrapping. These analyses have been carried out at different levels, like transport corporations level (KSRTC NEKRTC, NWKRTC, BMTC), division level (33 divisions), and Depot level (193 depots). 4. Non parametric and multivariate Models have been developed and validated using DEAP and GAMS software before embarking on the above detailed analyses. 5. Analytical hierarchy approach (AHP), which is multi criteria structured technique, has been adopted to evaluate and analyze performance of the SRTU’s, divisions and depots based on qualitative and quantitative data. 6. User and operator perception studies of different SRTU’s of Karnataka have been done to evaluate the performance of these corporations from qualitative techniques. 7. From these comprehensive non parametric techniques, the efficiency of the SRTU’s have been evaluated and found that KSRTC has been the best operating unit among the SRTU’s considered for the study. The same has been observed from the AHP as well as perception surveys carried out as part of this thesis. 8. Operation and financial performance including profitability studies of Mysore urban transportation (Mysore city transport division) has been carried out before and after implementation of intelligent transport system (ITS). 9. The dead kilometer minimization model was formulated, which is a mixed integer programming problem, to get the optimal solution considering the capacity of the depot and time period of operation for the chosen network. An optimization technique has been developed for solving the dead kilometer problem in the operations of BMTC buses for the Volvo division (division operates 794 schedules). The alternative depot locations have been identified to reduce the dead kilometer, leading to large amount of savings for the corporation. 10. From the detailed analyses using non parametric techniques, multivariate and multi-criteria techniques along with perception surveys, strategies and recommendations have been arrived at to improve performance of the public transport corporations. This thesis consists of nine chapters and they are as below; Chapter 1 provides a brief introduction of public bus transport systems in India, their problems and need for performance evaluation of SRTUs. The impacts study of Mysore ITS, dead kilometer minimization problem for BMTC along with evaluating the performance of SRTUs by quantitative and qualitative data. This chapter provides the objective of the work and scope of the work. The main objectives of this research are 1. To develop a generic framework and plan for evaluation by identifying the performance indicators and data sources for evaluation.

Nízkoteplotní rastrovací tunelová mikroskopie / Low temperature scanning tunneling microscopy

Sojka, Antonín January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis is divided into two main parts. The first part describes the production of chrome and cobalt tips for SP-STM with subsequent testing of chrome tips on the Fe-Ir system (111). Furthermore, the first results from the growth studies of niobium on iridium(111) are presented. In the second part is described in detail the experimental LT-STM microscope of the Faculty of Physical Engineering. The chapter deals with the development of the microscope and its testing on a HOPG sample under atmospheric and vacuum conditions. The chapter describes the biggest problems which were solved when the microscope was puting into operation state. The second part also introduces the design of a new vacuum transport system, which consists of a tip and sample transport pallet. At the end of the second part is described the testing of cooling systems for LT-STM and the design of their modifications.

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