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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Quantifying the climate impact of emissions from land-based transport in Germany

Hendricks, Johannes, Righi, Mattia, Dahlmann, Katrin, Gottschaldt, Klaus-Dirk, Grewe, Volker, Ponater, Michael, Sausen, Robert, Heinrichs, Dirk, Winkler, Christian, Wolfermann, Axel, Kampffmeyer, Tatjana, Friedrich, Rainer, Klötzke, Matthias, Kugler, Ulrike 25 September 2020 (has links)
Although climate change is a global problem, specific mitigation measures are frequently applied on regional or national scales only. This is the case in particular for measures to reduce the emissions of land-based transport, which is largely characterized by regional or national systems with independent infrastructure, organization, and regulation. The climate perturbations caused by regional transport emissions are small compared to those resulting from global emissions. Consequently, they can be smaller than the detection limits in global three-dimensional chemistry-climate model simulations, hampering the evaluation of the climate benefit of mitigation strategies. Hence, we developed a new approach to solve this problem. The approach is based on a combination of a detailed three-dimensional global chemistry-climate model system, aerosol-climate response functions, and a zero-dimensional climate response model. For demonstration purposes, the approach was applied to results from a transport and emission modeling suite, which was designed to quantify the present-day and possible future transport activities in Germany and the resulting emissions. The results show that, in a baseline scenario, German transport emissions result in an increase in global mean surface temperature of the order of 0.01 K during the 21st century. This effect is dominated by the CO2 emissions, in contrast to the impact of global transport emissions, where non-CO2 species make a larger relative contribution to transport-induced climate change than in the case of German emissions. Our new approach is ready for operational use to evaluate the climate benefit of mitigation strategies to reduce the impact of transport emissions.

Propuesta de un sistema alternativo de transporte de carga a los sistemas de transporte empleados en la región amazónica de la selva del Perú, mediante el uso de vehículos aéreos del tipo dirigible / Proposal for an alternative cargo transportation system to the transportation systems used in the amazon region of the peruvian jungle, through the use of airship-type air vehicles

Ibárcena Balbuena, Jesús Armando 08 April 2022 (has links)
Los Dirigibles forman parte del grupo de tecnologías prometedoras que buscan impulsar el desarrollo de la humanidad a gran escala. Si bien es cierto, estas aeronaves ya han surcado los cielos durante las primeras décadas del siglo XX, su desarrollo y operación fue interrumpido por uno de los más graves accidentes que han conmocionado a la humanidad. Han pasado décadas y hoy nos encontramos en una mejor posición tecnológica como para hacer que estos gigantes vuelvan a levantar vuelo de una manera segura. A pesar del desarrollo y avance científico alcanzado, aún no hemos logrado integrar a los pueblos ubicados en regiones de difícil acceso; aunque podría hacerse con los sistemas de transporte actuales, los costos serían demasiado onerosos y no muchos países tienen los recursos como para invertir en la infraestructura requerida; sumado a esto, está el deterioro del medio ambiente producto del incremento del consumo de combustibles fósiles por medio de aviones, barcos y camiones. Los dirigibles, son una buena alternativa para intentar cambiar el rumbo, su tecnología ya ha sido probada con éxito en el pasado y con los nuevos avances tecnológicos su futuro se presenta prometedor. En el Perú, existen muchas poblaciones ubicadas en regiones de difícil acceso, que no han logrado ser desarrolladas ni integradas completamente al sistema nacional; los dirigibles tienen la capacidad de poder lograr este objetivo y de brindar a estos pueblos esa oportunidad que han venido esperando por mucho tiempo. El presente trabajo evalúa, desde un punto de vista estratégico, los beneficios de poner en marcha el empleo de dirigibles en las actividades del transporte de carga en la Selva del Perú. / Airships are part of a group of promising technologies that seek to drive human development on a large scale. While it is true, these aircraft have already crossed the skies during the first decades of the 20th century, their development and operation was interrupted by one of the most serious accidents that have shocked humanity. Decades have passed and today we are in a better technological position to make these giants take flight again safely. Despite the development and scientific progress achieved, we have not yet managed to integrate the peoples located in regions of difficult access; Although it could be done with current transportation systems, the costs would be too onerous and not many countries have the resources to invest in the required infrastructure; In addition to this, there is the deterioration of the environment as a result of the increase in the consumption of fossil fuels by means of airplanes, ships and trucks. Airships are a good alternative to try to change course, their technology has already been successfully tested in the past and with new technological advances, their future looks promising. In Peru, there are many populations located in regions of difficult access, which have not managed to be fully developed or integrated into the national system; airships have the ability to achieve this goal and to provide these peoples with the opportunity they have been waiting for a long time. Through this work, the benefits of launching the use of airships in cargo transport activities in the Peruvian Jungle are evaluated from a strategic point of view. / Trabajo de investigación

The role of the M2C region of the K+ translocating subunit KtrB of the Ktr system of Vibrio alginolyticus

Hänelt, Inga 30 September 2010 (has links)
The KtrAB system of Vibrio alginolyticus is a sodium-dependent potassium transport system. KtrB, the membrane integral and K+ translocating subunit of the KtrAB complex, belongs to a superfamily of K+ transporter (SKT). These proteins are likely to have evolved from simple K+ channels of the M1PM2 type like KcsA by multiple gene duplication and gene fusion. They share a so called fourfold M1PM2-motif, in which two transmembrane helices (M1 and M2) are connected by a p-loop (P), which folds half back into the membrane. Comparing members of this superfamily with the K+ channel KcsA for structural predictions a striking amino acid sequence in helix M2C was found. In VaKtrB the first part of this helix, M2C1, consists of 12 hydrophobic amino acids and is expected to form an α-helix. The following very flexible and hydrophilic part, M2C2, with many glycines and small, partly polar amino acids is not supposed to have a helical conformation. By contrast, the last part, M2C3, shows a partial amphipathic and α-helical character, followed by three positive charged amino acids (R341, K343, K344) which are consistent with the "positive inside rule" and should be localized in the cytoplasm. Due to these findings Durell and Guy in 1999 hypothesised two possible folding models for segments PC and M2C but till now the conformation of this part remains unclear. In this thesis the role of the M2C region was studied in more detail. Point and partial to complete deletions in M2C2 led to a huge increase in Vmax for K+ transport while the affinity for potassium and the sodium transport properties were unaffected. Together with some PhoA-fusion studies which indicated that M2C2 forms a flexible structure within the membrane these data were interpreted to mean that M2C2 forms a flexible gate controlling K+ translocation at the cytoplasmic side of KtrB. This hypothesis was confimed by EPR measurements of single and double spin-labeled cysteine variants of KtrB. It was shown that M2C2 forms a loop inside the cavity of the protein. Upon the addition of K+ ions M2C2 residue T318R1 moved both with respect to M2B residue D222R1 and to M2C3 residue V331, but not with respect to M2C1 residue M311R1. Other residues within M2B, M2C1 and M2C3 did not move with respect to each other. With the help of a rotamer library analysis the measured distances were used to propose two new models for the structure of the M2C2 gate inside the KtrB protein in a closed conformation in the absence of K+ ion and in an open conformation in the presence of K+ ions. Since a flexible gate like M2C2 is missing in potassium channels, it is interpreted to be a transporter-specific structure. In the context of the analysis of the role of M2C2 in purified and reconstituted KtrB by biochemical and biophysical approaches a protocol for the overproduction, purification and reconstitution of natively folded, active protein was developed. In addition, results obtained from static light scattering measurements are shown in order to gain information about the oligomeric state of single subunits as well as of the assembled KtrAB complex.

Análisis de Diseño Gráfico Ambiental del Sistema Metropolitano de Transporte de Lima / Analysis of environmental graphic design of the Metropolitan Transportation system of Lima

Chavez Enriquez, Danit Yofre 02 July 2019 (has links)
El congestionamiento vehicular es el segundo problema más grande de los limeños, este se debe a que el sistema de transporte actual tiene algunas deficiencias. Sin embargo, existen sistemas vehiculares que han tenido más éxito, como es el caso del Sistema Metropolitano de Transporte de Lima (Metropolitano). No obstante, este también presenta algunos déficits, sobre todo, en la aplicación del Diseño Gráfico Ambiental que no permite que los usuarios se desenvuelvan correctamente en sus instalaciones. Por esa razón el objetivo del presente trabajo es identificar los principales problemas encontrados en el Metropolitano para poder crear una propuesta de solución basada en las herramientas que brinda el Diseño Gráfico Ambiental para comprobar si es que la implementación de Diseño Gráfico Ambiental, haciendo uso de sus elementos acompañados del uso de branding, códigos visuales, y un método de proyecto enfocado a diseño en el Sistema Metropolitano de Transporte de Lima puede mejorar la experiencia del usuario. Para el presente trabajo se realizó una investigación a nivel exploratorio y de enfoque cualitativo, ya que el objetivo era hallar las causas por las cuales los usuarios no logran conectar totalmente con las instalaciones del Metropolitano. La propuesta fue el replanteamiento del sistema de Diseño Gráfico Ambiental que va acompañado de una nueva identidad de marca. El resultado de los test fue en su mayoría positivo y por lo tanto se puede decir que la hipótesis presentada fue validada en el presente trabajo. / Traffic congestion is the second largest of the limeans problem, this is due to that the current transport system has some shortcomings. However, there are vehicular systems who have had more success, as it is the case of the Metropolitan system of transportation of Lima (Metropolitan). However, this also presents some deficits in its environmental design that not allows that users can manage is correctly in its facilities. Therefore, so the objective of the present study is to identify the main problems encountered in the system Metropolitan Transportation of Lima (Metropolitan) in order to create a proposal for a solution based on tools that provides design Environmental to thus be able to check if it is a good implementation of environmental graphic design, making use of its elements accompanied by the use of branding, Visual codes, and a method of project focused on design in the Metropolitan system of Transportation of Lima will allow that their user experience is improved. This study was an Experimental investigation level exploratory and qualitative approach, since the objective was to find the causes by which the users unable to connect completely with the metropolitan facilities. The proposal was the implementation of a system of environmental design that goes along with a new identity. The result of the test was mostly favourable so we can say that the hypothesis presented was validated in this study. / Trabajo de investigación

Truck Platoon Coordination in a Large-Scale Transportation System

Lin, Guanyu, Ganguly, Robin January 2022 (has links)
Truck platooning is a technology where trucks drive in a formation with each other with a small distance in between trucks in order to save fuel and reduce emissions. In this project,a distributed method for solving the optimal time problem for every truck in a hub-based transport system will be developed.Each truck will have its own utility function to optimize and is able to adjust its schedule independently. To create and test the method, a simulation of hundreds of trucks in a network of routes was created using the Python language. The results produced by running the simulation were positive and realistic. / Konvojkörning med lastbilar är en teknologi där lastbilar kör i en formation med varandra med små avstånd mellan lastbil för att spara på bränsle och minska utsläppen. I det här projektet kommer en distribuerande metod för att lösa det optimala tidsschemat för varje lastbil i ett navbaserat tranportsystem att utvecklas. Varje lastbil kommer att ha sin egen vinstfunktion att optimera och kommer självständigt att kunna ändra sitt reseschema. För att skapa och testa metoden kördes en simulation som skrevs i Python, och som behandlade hundratals lastbilar i ett nätverk av vägar. Resultaten som simulationen cerade var positiva och realistiska. / Kandidatexjobb i elektroteknik 2022, KTH, Stockholm

The Ownership Structure Dilemma and its Implications on the Transition from Small-Scale to Large-Scale Electric Road Systems

This master thesis is written on behalf of KTH Royal Institute of Technology and the Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI). The study investigates how infrastructure ownership could affect the transition from small-scale to large-scale electric road systems (ERS) and how infrastructure ownership affects the foreseen future roles of the ERS stakeholders. The authors have used a qualitative research method, including a literature study within the areas of infrastructure transitions and infrastructure ownership and a case study on ERS. Conclusions are based on the chosen theoretical framework and the empirical findings from conducted interviews within the following stakeholder segments; agencies, electric utilities, road carriers, construction firms and road power technology firms. The transport system is a large sociotechnical system, which is characterized by a high level of complexity, capital intensity and asset durability which makes it difficult to accomplish radical system transitions. Political regulations and progressive environmental targets have created a demand for new solutions within the transport system. One widely discussed, possible solution is ERS, which are considered to be beneficial from both an environmental and socio-economic perspective. The main identified barriers for a transition to ERS are related to the complex system design. Further, the matter of how the ERS infrastructure should be owned and financed remains unclear. It will be argued that the government needs to play a key role, both as a coordinator and financier, during the initial phase of an ERS expansion. In order to obtain a high level of competence, which is considered as vital, it is important with close cooperation between different public and private stakeholders and to have a procurement process which is strongly focused on functionality. The authors suggest that in order to decrease system complexity and increase stakeholder cooperation, cross-sectorial system suppliers should be formed. During an initial deployment of ERS towards a national system, it is suggested to only have one cross-sectorial system supplier which manages the constructions and operations of ERS, in order to decrease complexity and increase knowledge. As the system and technology matures and knowledge regarding ERS has been established, it is suggested by the authors to introduce competition at the cross-sectorial system supplier level nationally. There are many barriers for public private partnerships (PPP) during an initial expansion phase of ERS due to large investments, immature technology and the necessity for an overall control of a large-scale system. In addition, early investments in a large-scale system is considered as unattractive among private actors due to the high risks. However, it will be argued that PPP structures or private ownerships are suitable in closed systems as the level of complexity is lower. These systems should be subsidized by the government as they will drive innovation and stimulate the development. Depending on the degree of capital intensity and governmental regulations, PPP structures could become suitable also in a national system, when the system has matured. The suggested stakeholder structure with cross-sectorial system suppliers facilitates for a possible future PPP structure. / Denna masteruppsats är skriven på uppdrag av Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan och Statens väg- och transportforskningsinstitut (VTI). I studien undersöks hur ägarskap av infrastruktur skulle kunna påverka skiftet från småskaliga till storskaliga elvägssystem och hur ägarskapet av infrastrukturen påverkar de förutsedda framtida rollerna hos elvägssystemets intressenter. Författarna har använt sig av en kvalitativ forskningsmetod, vilken inkluderar en litteraturstudie inom områden för infrastrukturskiften och ägarskap av infrastruktur samt en fallstudie inom elvägssystem. Slutsatser är baserade på det valda teoretiska ramverket och de empiriska resultaten från de genomförda intervjuerna inom följande intressentsegment; myndigheter, energibolag, godstransportörer, konstruktionsfirmor och tillverkare av elvägsinfrastruktur. Transportsystemet är ett stort sociotekniskt system, vilket karakteriseras av en hög nivå av komplexitet, kapitalintensitet och lång livslängd på tillgångar, vilket gör det svårt att uppnå radikala systemskiften. Politiska regleringar och progressiva miljömål har skapat ett behov för nya lösningar inom transportsystemet. En diskuterad möjlig lösning är elvägssystem, vilket anses vara fördelaktigt både från ett miljömässigt och socioekonomiskt perspektiv. De huvudsakliga identifierade barriärerna för ett skifte till ett elvägssystem är relaterade till den komplexa systemdesignen. Vidare är frågan rörande hur infrastrukturen till ett elvägssystem ska ägas och finansieras fortfarande oklar. Det kommer att argumenteras för att staten behöver ha en nyckelroll, både som koordinator och finansiär, under den initiala expansionsfasen av ett elvägssystem. För att uppnå en hög nivå av kompetens, vilket anses vara avgörande, så är det viktigt med ett nära samarbete mellan olika statliga och privata intressenter och att ha en upphandlingsprocess som starkt fokuserar på funktionalitet. Författarna föreslår att för att minska systemets komplexitet och öka intressenternas samarbete, så borde tvärsektoriella systemleverantörer formas. Under en initial utbredning av elvägssystem mot ett nationellt system, så föreslås det att enbart ha en tvärsektoriell systemleverantör som sköter konstruktion och verksamhet av elvägssystemet för att minska komplexiteten och öka kunskapen. Allt eftersom att systemet och teknologin mognar och kunskap om elvägssystem etableras, så föreslår författarna att konkurrens ska introduceras på tvärsektoriell systemleverantörsnivå nationellt. Det finns många barriärer för offentlig-privat samverkan (OPS) under den initiala expansionsfasen av elvägssystem på grund av stora investeringar, omogen teknologi och behovet av övergripande kontroll i ett storskaligt system. Dessutom anses tidiga investeringar i ett storskaligt system vara oattraktivt hos de privata aktörerna på grund av de höga riskerna. Det kan dock argumenteras för att OPS-strukturer eller privat ägande är passande för slutna system då nivån av komplexitet är lägre. Dessa system borde subventioneras av staten då de kommer driva innovation och stimulera utvecklingen. Beroende på graden av kapitalintensitet och statliga regleringar, skulle OPS-strukturer också kunna vara lämpliga för ett nationellt system, när systemet har mognat. De föreslagna intressentstrukturerna med tvärsektoriella systemleverantörer underlättar för en möjlig framtida OPS-struktur

Reliable communication in mine environments for autonomous vehicles

Tomasi, Alessandro January 2016 (has links)
Automation in the mining industry has the potential to increase safety and productivity while improving working conditions. Ore transportation within the mine is a repetitive task which is well suited to be replaced by an autonomous mining vehicle operating around the clock. Scania, a world leader in sustainable transport solutions is investigating this new concept of vehicle. The autonomous operation is enabled by several technologies installed on the vehicle, including a communication system object of this thesis. Connectivity among vehicles is required in order to coordinate paths and exchange mission critical information. In this thesis, after identifying the challenges of wireless propagations in mines, the communication technology is chosen and possible antenna configurations and communication ranges are found. Through numerical link-budget simulations and subsequent range measurements, the potential communication range of this vehicle has been quantified. The results show the effectiveness of height diversity in extending the communication range. Lastly, the performance degradation caused by dust accumulated on the antennas is discussed. / Automatiseringen i gruvindustrin har potentialen att öka säkerheten och produktiviteten samtidigt som den förbättrar arbetsvillkoren. Malmtransporten inne i gruvan är en repetitiv uppgift som passar bra att bli utbytt av en autonom gruvtransport som är i drift dygnet runt. Scania, en av de världsledande inom hållbara tranportlösningar, undersöker just nu denna typ av fordon. Den självstyrande driften aktiveras genom att ett flertal teknologier installeras på fordonet, inklusive ett kommunikationssystem som är ämne för denna avhandling. Anslutningen mellan fordonen är nödvändig för att kunna samordna banor och ge information i för uppdraget kritiska lägen. I denna avhandling, efter att ha identifierat svårigheterna med en trådlös utbredning i gruvor, är kommunikationsteknologin vald och möjliga antennkonfigurationer och kommunikationsräckvidder funna. Genom numeriska länkbudgetsimuleringar och efterföljande räckviddsmätningar, har det potentiella kommunikationsområdet för detta fordon kvantifierats. Resultaten visar effektiviteten av mångfald när det gäller höjd när man utvidgar kommunikationsområdet. Slutligen diskuteras prestandaförsämringen orsakad av damm som ackumulerats på antennerna.

Periplasmic Delivery of Biologically Active Human Interleukin-10 in Escherichia coli via a Sec-Dependent Signal Peptide

Pöhlmann, Christoph, Brandt, Manuela, Mottok, Dorothea S., Zschüttig, Anke, Campbell, John W., Blattner, Frederick R., Frisch, David, Gunzer, Florian 18 March 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Interleukin-10 (IL-10) is a potent anti-inflammatory cytokine, with therapeutic applications in inflammatory bowel disease. For the in situ delivery of IL-10 by Escherichia coli as carrier chassis, a modified transporter was designed with the ability to secrete biologically active IL-10. De novo DNA synthesis comprised a 561-bp fragment encoding the signal sequence of the E. coli outer membrane protein F fused in frame to an E. coli codon-optimized mature human IL-10 gene under control of a T7 promoter. The construct was overexpressed in E. coli laboratory strains, E. coli BL21 (DE3) and E. coli MDS42:T7. The mean concentrations of human IL-10 in the periplasm and culture supernatant of E. coli BL21 (DE3) were 355.8 ± 86.3 and 5.7 ± 1.7 ng/ml, respectively. The molecular mass of the recombinant E. coli-derived human IL-10 was 19 kDa, while under non-reducing conditions the native IL-10 dimer could be demonstrated. Reduction of tumor necrosis factor-α secretion in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated mouse macrophages and detection of the activated form of the transcription factor signal transducer and activator of transcription protein 3 proved the biological activity of the bacteria-produced human IL-10. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

Systeme protéolytique de surface de "streptococcus thermophilus" : variabilité des capacités d'hydrolyse des caséines : caractérisation d'un nouveau système de transport de peptides / Proteolytic system of the surface of Streptococcus thermophilus : Variability in the capacity of casein hydrolysis : Characterization of a novel peptide transport system

Jameh, Nawara 20 June 2012 (has links)
S. thermophilus est une bactérie largement employée dans la fabrication des produits laitiers. La capacité des souches de S. thermophilus à générer des peptides bioactifs à partir des caséines bovines a été étudiée. Dix souches exprimant différemment la protéase de surface, PrtS, ont été incubées en présence de la caséine [alpha]s1, [alpha]s2 ou [bêta]. Le nombre et le type de peptides libérés dépendent de la souche utilisée. Des peptides connus comme des peptides bioactifs ont été détectés : 13 peptides ont été générés à partir de la caséine [bêta], 5 peptides à partir de la caséine [alpha]s2 et 2 peptides à partir de la caséine [alpha]s1. L'utilisation de cette bactérie pour la production de tels peptides dans l'aliment requiert qu'elle en internalise le moins possible. Nous nous sommes intéressés aux systèmes de transport de peptides présents au sein de l'espèce S. thermophilus. Une collection de 22 souches de S. thermophilus a été choisie pour étudier la variabilité des systèmes de transport des peptides présents au sein de l'espèce. Toute d'abord, la proximité phylogénétique entre les souches a été évaluée par MLST, puis la variabilité génétique du système de transport des oligopeptides Ami et du transporteur de di- et tripeptides DtpT a été étudiée au sein de cette collection. Un cluster, composé de 4 gènes, annoté en tant que transporteur ABC de peptides et de nickel a été détecté au sein du génome de la souche LMD-9, et appelé Ots. Il est présent chez 9 sur 22 souches de S. thermophilus et est transcrit tout au long de la croissance en milieu M17. La caractérisation du système Ots suggère qu'il est impliqué dans l'internalisation de peptides de petites tailles / S. thermophilus is a widely used bacterium in the manufacture of dairy products. The capacity of S. thermophilus to generate bioactive peptides from bovine caseins was studied. Ten strains expressing different levels of the cell envelope protease, PrtS, were incubated with [alpha]s1-, [alpha]s2- or [beta]-casein. Number and type of peptides released were strain-dependent. Peptides known as bioactive peptides were detected: 13 peptides were generated from [beta]-casein, 5 peptides from [alpha]s2-casein and 2 peptides from [alpha]s1-casein. The use of this bacterium for the production of such peptides in the food products requires the least internalization of these peptides by this bacterium. We were interested in knowing the peptide transport system present in the species S. thermophilus. A collection of 22 strains of S. thermophilus was chosen to study the genetic variability of peptide transport systems present within the species. First of all, we evaluated the phylogenetic proximity between selected strains by MLST, and then the genetic variability of the transport system of oligopeptides Ami and di- and tripeptides transporter, DtpT were studied in this collection. A cluster consisting of four genes, annotated as ABC transporter of peptides and nickel was detected in the genome of strain LMD-9, and called Ots. It is present in 9 of 22 strains of S. thermophilus and is transcribed throughout the growth in M17 medium. The Ots system seems to be involved in the internalization of smaller sized peptides

Echanges trophiques entre Hebeloma cylindrosporum et Pinus pinaster : analyse de systèmes de transport fongiques de potassium et de phosphate inorganique impliqués dans la symbiose ectomycorhizienne / Trophic exchanges between Hebeloma cylindrosporum and Pinus pinaster : analysis of fungal potassium and inorganic phosphate transport systems involved in ectomycorrhizal symbiosis

Garcia, Kevin 13 December 2013 (has links)
La symbiose ectomycorhizienne se définie comme une association mutualiste entre les racines des plantes ligneuses et le mycélium de champignons du sol. Elle est majoritaire dans les écosystèmes forestiers de l'hémisphère nord et permet l'amélioration de la nutrition hydrominérale des plantes ligneuses, notamment lorsque la disponibilité en ressources se fait rare. Des données transcriptomiques et génomiques du champignon ectomycorhizien Hebeloma cylindrosporum ont permis d'identifier différents gènes codant pour des protéines capables de transporter des nutriments. L'implication éventuelle de ces systèmes de transport dans la nutrition potassique et phosphatée ectomycorhize-dépendante de la plante hôte Pinus pinaster reste à évaluer. Dans cette étude, deux gènes candidats codant pour des systèmes de transport de potassium (K+), HcTrk1 et HcSKC, et deux autres pour des transporteurs de phosphate inorganique (Pi), HcPT1.1 et HcPT2, ont été analysés. Des approches permettant la localisation dans l'ectomycorhize des transcrits (hybridation in situ) et des protéines (fusion traductionnelle) de ces candidats ont été générés. Ces différents outils ont permis de montrer que le transporteur HcTrk1 et le canal HcSKC étaient respectivement localisés dans l'ectomycorhize au niveau des sites de prélèvement et de relargage du K+. D'autre part, des lignées transgéniques d'H. cylindrosporum sur- et/ou sous-exprimant ces gènes ont été produites afin de voir si la nutrition végétale en K+ et en Pi était impactée. Ainsi, l'utilisation en mycorhization de lignées surexprimant HcTrk1 et sous-exprimant HcSKC ont montré une diminution de la nutrition potassique et de l'homéostasie du phosphore de la plante hôte. Les mêmes types d'approches ont été utilisés avec les transporteurs de Pi HcPT1.1 et HcPT2. En utilisant des lignées transgéniques, il a ainsi pu être montré que la surexpression de HcPT1.1 en condition carencée décrite précédemment était liée à l'activité de son promoteur. Quant au transporteur HcPT2, des analyses préliminaires de localisation suggèrent qu'il pourrait être impliqué dans le prélèvement de Pi du sol et dans son relargage au niveau du réseau de Hartig. Des études complémentaires restent cependant à mener. Enfin, cinq autres systèmes de transport de K+ et trois de phosphate ont été récemment identifiés à partir du génome d'H. cylindrosporum, ouvrant la voie à la dissection fine des mécanismes moléculaires régissant la nutrition potassique et phosphatée ectomycorhize dépendante de P. pinaster. / Ectomycorrhizal symbiosis is defined as a mutual association between the roots of woody plants and the mycelium of soil fungi. This symbiosis is widespread in northern forests and plays a major role in nutrient and water uptake of woody plants, especially when resources become scarce. Transcriptomic and genomic data of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Hebeloma cylindrosporum allowed the identification of several genes coding for nutrient transport proteins. Their putative involvement in ectomycorrhiza-dependent potassium and phosphate nutrition of the host plant Pinus pinaster needs to be assessed. In this study, two candidate genes coding for potassium (K+) transport systems, HcTrk1 and HcSKC, and two other genes coding for inorganic phosphate (Pi) transporters, HcPT1.1 and HcPT2, were analyzed. Molecular approaches allowing the localization of transcripts (in situ hybridization) and proteins (translational fusion) of these candidates in ectomycorrhiza were obtained. These tools allowed us to show that the HcTrk1 transporter and the HcSKC channel were localized in K+ uptake and release sites of the ectomycorrhiza, respectively. In order to know whether these proteins play a role in plant K+ and Pi nutrition, H. cylindrosporum transgenic lines with up- and/or down-regulated expression of candidate genes were produced. In mycorrhizal assays, the use of fungal strains with up- or down- regulated expression of HcTrk1 and HcSKC, respectively, affects the K+ nutrition and phosphorus homeostasis of the host plant. The same approaches were used for HcPT1.1 and HcPT2 Pi transporters. Therefore, using transgenic strategies, we demonstrated that the previously shown up-regulation of HcPT1.1 expression under Pi shortage is related to its promoter activity. Concerning HcPT2, preliminary localization analysis suggested that this transporter might be involved in Pi uptake from soil and in release in the Hartig net. However, complementary studies are needed. Five and three novel K+ and Pi transport systems, respectively, were identified from the recent genome accession of H. cylindrosporum, opening the way to a fine dissection of molecular mechanisms controlling the ectomycorrhiza-dependent K+ and phosphate nutrition of Pinus pinaster.

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