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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Über Zusammenhänge von leichten Tails, regulärer Variation und Extremwerttheorie / On Some Connections between Light Tails, Regular Variation and Extremes

Janßen, Anja 03 November 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Asymptotic results on nearly nonstationary processes / Beveik nestacionarių procesų asimptotiniai rezultatai

Markevičiūtė, Jurgita 29 October 2013 (has links)
We study some Hölderian functional central limit theorems for the polygonal partial sum processes built on a first order nearly nonstationary autoregressive process and its least squares residuals Innovations are i.i.d. centered and at least square-integrable innovations. Two types of models are considered. For the first type model we prove that the limiting process depends on Ornstein – Uhlenbeck one. In the second type model, the convergence to Brownian motion is established in Hölder space in terms of the rate of coefficient and the integrability of the residuals. We also investigate some epidemic change in the innovations of the first order nearly nonstationary autoregressive process . We build the alpha-Hölderian uniform increments statistics based on the observations and on the least squares residuals to detect the short epidemic change in the process under consideration. Under the assumptions for innovations we find the limit of the statistics under null hypothesis, some conditions of consistency and we perform a test power analysis. / Disertacijoje nagrinėjami dalinių sumų laužčių procesai sudaryti iš pirmos eilės beveik nestacionaraus proceso bei jo mažiausių kvadratų liekanų. Inovacijos yra nepriklausomi, vienodai pasiskirstę ir bent kvadratu integruojami atsitiktiniai dydžiai su nuliniu vidurkiu. Įrodomos funkcinės ribinės teoremos šiems laužčių procesams Hiolderio erdvėje. Nagrinėjami du beveik nestacionaraus proceso atvejai. Vienu atveju įrodoma, kad ribinis procesas priklauso nuo Ornsteino–Uhlenbecko proceso. Kitu atveju, įrodomas konvergavimas į Brauno judesį Hiolderio erdvėje, atsižvelgiant į koeficiento divergavimo greitį bei inovacijų integruojamumą. Toliau nagrinėjamas epideminio pasikeitimo modelis beveik nestacionaraus pirmos eilės autoregresinio proceso inovacijoms. Nagrinėjami du modeliai. Iš stebėjimų bei liekanų konstruojama tolydžiųjų prieaugių alpha-Hiolderio statistika. Remiantis prielaidomis inovacijoms, randama statistikos ribinis procesas prie nulinės hipotezės, suderinamumo sąlygos, atliekama galios analizė.

Beveik nestacionarių procesų asimptotiniai rezultatai / Asymptotic results on nearly nonstationary processes

Markevičiūtė, Jurgita 29 October 2013 (has links)
Disertacijoje nagrinėjami dalinių sumų laužčių procesai sudaryti iš pirmos eilės beveik nestacionaraus proceso bei jo mažiausių kvadratų liekanų. Inovacijos yra nepriklausomi, vienodai pasiskirstę ir bent kvadratu integruojami atsitiktiniai dydžiai su nuliniu vidurkiu. Įrodomos funkcinės ribinės teoremos šiems laužčių procesams Hiolderio erdvėje. Nagrinėjami du beveik nestacionaraus proceso atvejai. Vienu atveju įrodoma, kad ribinis procesas priklauso nuo Ornsteino–Uhlenbecko proceso. Kitu atveju, įrodomas konvergavimas į Brauno judesį Hiolderio erdvėje, atsižvelgiant į koeficiento divergavimo greitį bei inovacijų integruojamumą. Toliau nagrinėjamas epideminio pasikeitimo modelis beveik nestacionaraus pirmos eilės autoregresinio proceso inovacijoms. Nagrinėjami du modeliai. Iš stebėjimų bei liekanų konstruojama tolydžiųjų prieaugių alpha-Hiolderio statistika. Remiantis prielaidomis inovacijoms, randama statistikos ribinis procesas prie nulinės hipotezės, suderinamumo sąlygos, atliekama galios analizė. / We study some Hölderian functional central limit theorems for the polygonal partial sum processes built on a first order nearly nonstationary autoregressive process and its least squares residuals Innovations are i.i.d. centered and at least square-integrable innovations. Two types of models are considered. For the first type model we prove that the limiting process depends on Ornstein – Uhlenbeck one. In the second type model, the convergence to Brownian motion is established in Hölder space in terms of the rate of coefficient and the integrability of the residuals. We also investigate some epidemic change in the innovations of the first order nearly nonstationary autoregressive process . We build the alpha-Hölderian uniform increments statistics based on the observations and on the least squares residuals to detect the short epidemic change in the process under consideration. Under the assumptions for innovations we find the limit of the statistics under null hypothesis, some conditions of consistency and we perform a test power analysis.

Dvejetainių atsatatymo procesų ribinės teoremos / Limit Theorems for Alternating Renewal Processes

Daškevičius, Jaroslavas 23 July 2012 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe gautos dvejetainių atstatymo procesų sumų konvergavimo į Puasono procesą sąlygos. Remiamasi Grigelionio teorema, nusakančia nepriklausomų taškinių procesų sumų konvergavimo sąlygas. Analizuojami atvejai, kai sumuojamų dvejetainių atstatymo procesų veikimo ir atstatymo periodai yra nepriklausomi ir pasiskirstę pagal tolygųjį, eksponentinį, geometrinį ir Erlango dėsnius. Taip pat nagrinėjamas atvejis, kai veikimo ir atstatymo laikotarpiai turi skirtingus skirstinius. Kiekvienu atveju gautos ir įrodytos būtinos ir pakankamos sąlygos. Remiantis teoriniais rezultatais, procesai yra modeliuojami ir lyginami. Darbo pabaigoje yra suformuluojamos išvados. / In this master thesis conditions for convergence of sums of alternating renewal processes to Poisson process is obtained. Thesis is based on Grigelionis theorem, which defines conditions for convergence of sums of independent counting processes. More specific cases, when alternating renewal processes life and recovery periods are independent and have uniform, exponential, geometric and Erlang distributions, are examined too. Also, case when life and recovery periods have different distributions is examined. Necessary and sufficient conditions are formulated and proven for each case. Processes are modeled and compared according to theoretical results. In the end of thesis conclusions are made.

Local Tb theorems and Hardy type inequalities

Routin, Eddy 06 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, we study local Tb theorems for singular integral operators in the setting of spaces of homogeneous type. We give a direct proof of the local Tb theorem with L^2 integrability on the pseudo- accretive system. Our argument relies on the Beylkin-Coifman-Rokhlin algorithm applied in adapted Haar wavelet basis and some stopping time results. Motivated by questions of S. Hofmann, we extend it to the case when the integrability conditions are lower than 2, with an additional weak boundedness type hypothesis, which incorporates some Hardy type inequalities. We study the possibility of relaxing the support conditions on the pseudo-accretive system to a slight enlargement of the dyadic cubes. We also give a result in the case when, for practical reasons, hypotheses on the pseudo-accretive system are made on balls rather than dyadic cubes. Finally we study the particular case of perfect dyadic operators for which the proof gets much simpler. Our argument gives us the opportunity to study Hardy type inequalities. The latter are well known in the Euclidean setting, but seem to have been overlooked in spaces of homogeneous type. We prove that they hold without restriction in the dyadic setting. In the more general case of a ball B and its corona 2B\B, they can be obtained from some geometric conditions relative to the distribution of points in the homogeneous space. For example, we prove that some relative layer decay property suffices. We also prove that this property is implied by the monotone geodesic property of Tessera. Finally, we give some explicit examples and counterexamples in the complex plane to illustrate the relationship between the geometry of the homogeneous space and the validity of the Hardy type inequalities.

Foundation of Density Functionals in the Presence of Magnetic Field

Laestadius, Andre January 2014 (has links)
This thesis contains four articles related to mathematical aspects of Density Functional Theory. In Paper A, the theoretical justification of density methods formulated with current densities is addressed. It is shown that the set of ground-states is determined by the ensemble-representable particle and paramagnetic current density. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that the Schrödinger equation with a magnetic field is not uniquely determined by its ground-state solution. Thus, a wavefunction may be the ground-state of two different Hamiltonians, where the Hamiltonians differ by more than a gauge transformation. This implies that the particle and paramagnetic current density do not determine the potentials of the system and, consequently, no Hohenberg-Kohn theorem exists for Current Density Functional Theory formulated with the paramagnetic current density. On the other hand, by instead using the particle density as data, we show that the scalar potential in the system's Hamiltonian is determined for a fixed magnetic field. This means that the Hohenberg-Kohn theorem continues to hold in the presence of a magnetic field, if the magnetic field has been fixed. Paper B deals with N-representable density functionals that also depend on the paramagnetic current density. Here the Levy-Lieb density functional is generalized to include the paramagnetic current density. It is shown that a wavefunction exists that minimizes the "free" Hamiltonian subject to the constraints that the particle and paramagnetic current density are held fixed. Furthermore, a convex and universal current density functional is introduced and shown to equal the convex envelope of the generalized Levy-Lieb density functional. Since this functional is convex, the problem of finding the particle and paramagnetic current density that minimize the energy is related to a set of Euler-Lagrange equations. In Paper C, an N-representable Kohn-Sham approach is developed that also include the paramagnetic current density. It is demonstrated that a wavefunction exists that minimizes the kinetic energy subject to the constraint that only determinant wavefunctions are considered, as well as that the particle and paramagnetic current density are held fixed. Using this result, it is then shown that the ground-state energy can be obtained by minimizing an energy functional over all determinant wavefunctions that have finite kinetic energy. Moreover, the minimum is achieved and this determinant wavefunction gives the ground-state particle and paramagnetic current density. Lastly, Paper D addresses the issue of a Hohenberg-Kohn variational principle for Current Density Functional Theory formulated with the total current density. Under the assumption that a Hohenberg-Kohn theorem exists formulated with the total current density, it is shown that the map from particle and total current density to the vector potential enters explicitly in the energy functional to be minimized. Thus, no variational principle as that of Hohenberg and Kohn exists for density methods formulated with the total current density. / <p>QC 20140523</p>

The Integrated Density of States for Operators on Groups / Die Integrierte Zustandsdichte für Operatoren auf Gruppen

Schwarzenberger, Fabian 14 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
This book is devoted to the study of operators on discrete structures. The operators are supposed to be self-adjoint and obey a certain translation invariance property. The discrete structures are given as Cayley graphs via finitely generated groups. Here, sofic groups and amenable groups are in the center of our considerations. Note that every finitely generated amenable group is sofic. We investigate the spectrum of a discrete self-adjoint operator by studying a sequence of finite dimensional analogues of these operators. In the setting of amenable groups we obtain these approximating operators by restricting the operator in question to finite subsets Qn , n ∈ N. These finite dimensional operators are self-adjoint and therefore admit a well-defined normalized eigenvalue counting function. The limit of the normalized eigenvalue counting functions when |Qn | → ∞ (if it exists) is called the integrated density of states (IDS). It is a distribution function of a probability measure encoding the distribution of the spectrum of the operator in question on the real axis. We prove the existence of the IDS in various geometric settings and for different types of operators. The models we consider include deterministic as well as random situations. Depending on the specific setting, we prove existence of the IDS as a weak limit of distribution functions or even as a uniform limit. Moreover, in certain situations we are able to express the IDS via a semi-explicit formula using the trace of the spectral projection of the original operator. This is sometimes referred to as the validity of the Pastur-Shubin trace formula. In the most general geometric setting we study, the operators are defined on Cayley graphs of sofic groups. Here we prove weak convergence of the eigenvalue counting functions and verify the validity of the Pastur-Shubin trace formula for random and non-random operators . These results apply to operators which not necessarily bounded or of finite hopping range. The methods are based on resolvent techniques. This theory is established without having an ergodic theorem for sofic groups at hand. Note that ergodic theory is the usual tool used in the proof of convergence results of this type. Specifying to operators on amenable groups we are able to prove stronger results. In the discrete case, we show that the IDS exists uniformly for a certain class of finite hopping range operators. This is obtained by using a Banach space-valued ergodic theorem. We show that this applies to eigenvalue counting functions, which implies their convergence with respect to the Banach space norm, in this case the supremum norm. Thus, the heart of this theory is the verification of the Banach space-valued ergodic theorem. Proceeding in two steps we first prove this result for so-called ST-amenable groups. Then, using results from the theory of ε-quasi tilings, we prove a version of the Banach space-valued ergodic theorem which is valid for all amenable groups. Focusing on random operators on amenable groups, we prove uniform existence of the IDS without the assumption that the operator needs to be of finite hopping range or bounded. Moreover, we verify the Pastur-Shubin trace formula. Here we present different techniques. First we show uniform convergence of the normalized eigenvalue counting functions adapting the technique of the Banach space-valued ergodic theorem from the deterministic setting. In a second approach we use weak convergence of the eigenvalue counting functions and additionally obtain control over the convergence at the jumps of the IDS. These ingredients are applied to verify uniform existence of the IDS. In both situations we employ results from the theory of large deviations, in order to deal with long-range interactions.

Coding Theorems via Jar Decoding

Meng, Jin January 2013 (has links)
In the development of digital communication and information theory, every channel decoding rule has resulted in a revolution at the time when it was invented. In the area of information theory, early channel coding theorems were established mainly by maximum likelihood decoding, while the arrival of typical sequence decoding signaled the era of multi-user information theory, in which achievability proof became simple and intuitive. Practical channel code design, on the other hand, was based on minimum distance decoding at the early stage. The invention of belief propagation decoding with soft input and soft output, leading to the birth of turbo codes and low-density-parity check (LDPC) codes which are indispensable coding techniques in current communication systems, changed the whole research area so dramatically that people started to use the term "modern coding theory'' to refer to the research based on this decoding rule. In this thesis, we propose a new decoding rule, dubbed jar decoding, which would be expected to bring some new thoughts to both the code performance analysis and the code design. Given any channel with input alphabet X and output alphabet Y, jar decoding rule can be simply expressed as follows: upon receiving the channel output y^n ∈ Y^n, the decoder first forms a set (called a jar) of sequences x^n ∈ X^n considered to be close to y^n and pick any codeword (if any) inside this jar as the decoding output. The way how the decoder forms the jar is defined independently with the actual channel code and even the channel statistics in certain cases. Under this jar decoding, various coding theorems are proved in this thesis. First of all, focusing on the word error probability, jar decoding is shown to be near optimal by the achievabilities proved via jar decoding and the converses proved via a proof technique, dubbed the outer mirror image of jar, which is also quite related to jar decoding. Then a Taylor-type expansion of optimal channel coding rate with finite block length is discovered by combining those achievability and converse theorems, and it is demonstrated that jar decoding is optimal up to the second order in this Taylor-type expansion. Flexibility of jar decoding is then illustrated by proving LDPC coding theorems via jar decoding, where the bit error probability is concerned. And finally, we consider a coding scenario, called interactive encoding and decoding, and show that jar decoding can be also used to prove coding theorems and guide the code design in the scenario of two-way communication.

Scalar Waves In Spacetimes With Closed Timelike Curves

Bugdayci, Necmi 01 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The existence and -if exists- the nature of the solutions of the scalar wave equation in spacetimes with closed timelike curves are investigated. The general properties of the solutions on some class of spacetimes are obtained. Global monochromatic solutions of the scalar wave equation are obtained in flat wormholes of dimensions 2+1 and 3+1. The solutions are in the form of infinite series involving cylindirical and spherical wave functions and they are elucidated by the multiple scattering method. Explicit solutions for some limiting cases are illustrated as well. The results of 2+1 dimensions are verified by using numerical methods.

Proof, rigour and informality : a virtue account of mathematical knowledge

Tanswell, Fenner Stanley January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is about the nature of proofs in mathematics as it is practiced, contrasting the informal proofs found in practice with formal proofs in formal systems. In the first chapter I present a new argument against the Formalist-Reductionist view that informal proofs are justified as rigorous and correct by corresponding to formal counterparts. The second chapter builds on this to reject arguments from Gödel's paradox and incompleteness theorems to the claim that mathematics is inherently inconsistent, basing my objections on the complexities of the process of formalisation. Chapter 3 looks into the relationship between proofs and the development of the mathematical concepts that feature in them. I deploy Waismann's notion of open texture in the case of mathematical concepts, and discuss both Lakatos and Kneebone's dialectical philosophies of mathematics. I then argue that we can apply work from conceptual engineering to the relationship between formal and informal mathematics. The fourth chapter argues for the importance of mathematical knowledge-how and emphasises the primary role of the activity of proving in securing mathematical knowledge. In the final chapter I develop an account of mathematical knowledge based on virtue epistemology, which I argue provides a better view of proofs and mathematical rigour.

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