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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Group actions and ergodic theory on Banach function spaces / Richard John de Beer

De Beer, Richard John January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is an account of our study of two branches of dynamical systems theory, namely the mean and pointwise ergodic theory. In our work on mean ergodic theorems, we investigate the spectral theory of integrable actions of a locally compact abelian group on a locally convex vector space. We start with an analysis of various spectral subspaces induced by the action of the group. This is applied to analyse the spectral theory of operators on the space generated by measures on the group. We apply these results to derive general Tauberian theorems that apply to arbitrary locally compact abelian groups acting on a large class of locally convex vector spaces which includes Fr echet spaces. We show how these theorems simplify the derivation of Mean Ergodic theorems. Next we turn to the topic of pointwise ergodic theorems. We analyse the Transfer Principle, which is used to generate weak type maximal inequalities for ergodic operators, and extend it to the general case of -compact locally compact Hausdor groups acting measure-preservingly on - nite measure spaces. We show how the techniques developed here generate various weak type maximal inequalities on di erent Banach function spaces, and how the properties of these function spaces in- uence the weak type inequalities that can be obtained. Finally, we demonstrate how the techniques developed imply almost sure pointwise convergence of a wide class of ergodic averages. Our investigations of these two parts of ergodic theory are uni ed by the techniques used - locally convex vector spaces, harmonic analysis, measure theory - and by the strong interaction of the nal results, which are obtained in greater generality than hitherto achieved. / PhD (Mathematics), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Quelques théorèmes ergodiques pour des suites de fonctions

Cyr, Jean-François 12 1900 (has links)
Le théorème ergodique de Birkhoff nous renseigne sur la convergence de suites de fonctions. Nous nous intéressons alors à étudier la convergence en moyenne et presque partout de ces suites, mais dans le cas où la suite est une suite strictement croissante de nombres entiers positifs. C’est alors que nous définirons les suites uniformes et étudierons la convergence presque partout pour ces suites. Nous regarderons également s’il existe certaines suites pour lesquelles la convergence n’a pas lieu. Nous présenterons alors un résultat dû en partie à Alexandra Bellow qui dit que de telles suites existent. Finalement, nous démontrerons une équivalence entre la notion de transformatiuon fortement mélangeante et la convergence d'une certaine suite qui utilise des “poids” qui satisfont certaines propriétés. / Birkhoff’s ergodic theorem gives us information about the convergence of sequences of functions. We are then interested in studying the mean and pointwise convergence of these sequences, but in the case the sequence is a strictly increasing sequence of positive integers. With that goal in mind, we will define uniform sequences and study the pointwise convergence for these sequences. We will also explore the possibility that there exists some sequences for which the convergence of the sequence does not occur. We will present a result of Alexandra Bellow that says that such sequences exist. Finally, we will prove a result which establishes an equivalence between the notion of a strongly mixing transformation and the convergence of a sequence that uses “weights” which satisfies certain properties.

Local Tb theorems and Hardy type inequalities / Théorèmes Tb locaux et inégalités de types Hardy

Routin, Eddy 06 December 2011 (has links)
On étudie dans cette thèse les théorèmes Tb locaux pour les opérateurs d’intégrale singulière, dans le cadre des espaces de type homogène. On donne une preuve directe du théorème Tb local avec hypothèses d’intégrabilité L^2 sur le système pseudo-accrétif. Notre argument repose sur l’algorithme Beylkin-Coifman-Rokhlin, appliqué dans des bases d’ondelettes de Haar adaptées, et sur des résultats de temps d’arrêt. Motivés par une question posée par S. Hofmann, on étend notre résultat au cas où les conditions d’intégrabilité sont inférieures à 2, avec une hypothèse supplémentaire de type faible bornitude, qui incorpore des inégalités de type Hardy. On étudie la possibilité d’affaiblir les conditions de support du système pseudo-accrétif en l’autorisant à être défini sur un petit élargissement des cubes dyadiques. On donne également un résultat dans le cas où, pour des raisons pratiques, les hypothèses sur le système pseudo-accrétif sont faites sur les boules au lieu des cubes dyadiques. Enfin, on s’intéresse au cas des opérateurs parfaitement dyadiques pour lesquels la démonstration est grandement simplifiée. Notre argument nous donne l’opportunité de nous intéresser aux inégalités de type Hardy. Ces estimations sont bien connues des spécialistes dans le cadre Euclidien, mais elles ne semblent pas avoir été étudiées dans les espaces de type homogène. On montre qu’elles sont vérifiées sans restriction dans le cadre dyadique. Dans le cas plus général d’une boule B et de sa couronne 2B\B, elles peuvent être déduites de certaines conditions géométriques de distribution des points dans l’espace de type homogène. Par exemple, on prouve qu’une condition de petite couche relative est suffisante. On montre aussi que cette propriété est impliquée par la propriété de monotonie géodésique de Tessera. Enfin, on présente quelques exemples et contre-exemples explicites dans le plan complexe, afin d’illustrer le lien entre la géométrie de l’espace de type homogène et la validité des inégalités de type Hardy. / In this thesis, we study local Tb theorems for singular integral operators in the setting of spaces of homogeneous type. We give a direct proof of the local Tb theorem with L^2 integrability on the pseudo- accretive system. Our argument relies on the Beylkin-Coifman-Rokhlin algorithm applied in adapted Haar wavelet basis and some stopping time results. Motivated by questions of S. Hofmann, we extend it to the case when the integrability conditions are lower than 2, with an additional weak boundedness type hypothesis, which incorporates some Hardy type inequalities. We study the possibility of relaxing the support conditions on the pseudo-accretive system to a slight enlargement of the dyadic cubes. We also give a result in the case when, for practical reasons, hypotheses on the pseudo-accretive system are made on balls rather than dyadic cubes. Finally we study the particular case of perfect dyadic operators for which the proof gets much simpler. Our argument gives us the opportunity to study Hardy type inequalities. The latter are well known in the Euclidean setting, but seem to have been overlooked in spaces of homogeneous type. We prove that they hold without restriction in the dyadic setting. In the more general case of a ball B and its corona 2B\B, they can be obtained from some geometric conditions relative to the distribution of points in the homogeneous space. For example, we prove that some relative layer decay property suffices. We also prove that this property is implied by the monotone geodesic property of Tessera. Finally, we give some explicit examples and counterexamples in the complex plane to illustrate the relationship between the geometry of the homogeneous space and the validity of the Hardy type inequalities.

Generalizações e teoremas limites para modelos estocásticos de rumores / Generalizations and limit theorems for stochastic rumour models

Rodriguez, Pablo Martin 13 October 2010 (has links)
Os modelos de Daley-Kendall e Maki-Thompson são os dois modelos estocásticos para difusão de rumores mais citados até o momento. Em ambos, uma população finita fechada e totalmente misturada é subdividida em três classes de indivíduos denominados ignorantes, informantes e contidos. Depois de um rumor ser introduzido na população, difunde-se através desta seguindo determinadas regras que dependem da classe à qual a pessoa que sabe do rumor pertence. Tanto a proporção final de indivíduos que nunca chegam a conhecer o rumor quanto o tempo que este demora em ser difundido são variáveis de interesse para os modelos propostos. As técnicas encontradas na literatura para estudar modelos de rumores são o princípio de difusão de constantes arbitrárias; argumentos de martingais; o método de funções geradoras e a análise de versões determinísticas do processo. Neste trabalho apresentamos uma alternativa para essas técnicas baseando-nos na teoria de cadeias de Markov \"density dependent\'\'. O uso desta nova abordagem nos permite apresentar resultados assintóticos para um modelo geral que tem como casos particulares os famosos modelos de Daley-Kendall e Maki-Thompson, além de variações de modelos de rumores apresentados na literatura recentemente. / Daley-Kendall and Maki-Thompson models are the two most cited stochastic models for the spread of rumours phenomena, in scientific literature. In both, a closed homogeneously mixing population is subdivided into three classes of individuals called ignorants, spreaders and stiflers. After a rumor is introduced in the population, it spreads by following certain rules that depend on the class to which the individual who knows the rumor belongs. Both the final proportion of the population never hearing the rumor and the time it takes are variables of interest for the proposed models. The main tools used to study stochastic rumours have been the principle of the diffusion of arbitrary constants, martingale arguments, generating functions and the study of analogue deterministic versions. Relying on the theory of density dependent Markov chains, we present an alternative to these tools. This approach allows us to establish asymptotical results for a general model that has as particular cases the classical Daley-Kendall and Maki-Thompson models, and other variations for rumour models reported in the literature recently.

Central limit theorems and confidence sets in the calibration of Lévy models and in deconvolution

Söhl, Jakob 03 May 2013 (has links)
Zentrale Grenzwertsätze und Konfidenzmengen werden in zwei verschiedenen, nichtparametrischen, inversen Problemen ähnlicher Struktur untersucht, und zwar in der Kalibrierung eines exponentiellen Lévy-Modells und im Dekonvolutionsmodell. Im ersten Modell wird eine Geldanlage durch einen exponentiellen Lévy-Prozess dargestellt, Optionspreise werden beobachtet und das charakteristische Tripel des Lévy-Prozesses wird geschätzt. Wir zeigen, dass die Schätzer fast sicher wohldefiniert sind. Zu diesem Zweck beweisen wir eine obere Schranke für Trefferwahrscheinlichkeiten von gaußschen Zufallsfeldern und wenden diese auf einen Gauß-Prozess aus der Schätzmethode für Lévy-Modelle an. Wir beweisen gemeinsame asymptotische Normalität für die Schätzer von Volatilität, Drift und Intensität und für die punktweisen Schätzer der Sprungdichte. Basierend auf diesen Ergebnissen konstruieren wir Konfidenzintervalle und -mengen für die Schätzer. Wir zeigen, dass sich die Konfidenzintervalle in Simulationen gut verhalten, und wenden sie auf Optionsdaten des DAX an. Im Dekonvolutionsmodell beobachten wir unabhängige, identisch verteilte Zufallsvariablen mit additiven Fehlern und schätzen lineare Funktionale der Dichte der Zufallsvariablen. Wir betrachten Dekonvolutionsmodelle mit gewöhnlich glatten Fehlern. Bei diesen ist die Schlechtgestelltheit des Problems durch die polynomielle Abfallrate der charakteristischen Funktion der Fehler gegeben. Wir beweisen einen gleichmäßigen zentralen Grenzwertsatz für Schätzer von Translationsklassen linearer Funktionale, der die Schätzung der Verteilungsfunktion als Spezialfall enthält. Unsere Ergebnisse gelten in Situationen, in denen eine Wurzel-n-Rate erreicht werden kann, genauer gesagt gelten sie, wenn die Sobolev-Glattheit der Funktionale größer als die Schlechtgestelltheit des Problems ist. / Central limit theorems and confidence sets are studied in two different but related nonparametric inverse problems, namely in the calibration of an exponential Lévy model and in the deconvolution model. In the first set-up, an asset is modeled by an exponential of a Lévy process, option prices are observed and the characteristic triplet of the Lévy process is estimated. We show that the estimators are almost surely well-defined. To this end, we prove an upper bound for hitting probabilities of Gaussian random fields and apply this to a Gaussian process related to the estimation method for Lévy models. We prove joint asymptotic normality for estimators of the volatility, the drift, the intensity and for pointwise estimators of the jump density. Based on these results, we construct confidence intervals and sets for the estimators. We show that the confidence intervals perform well in simulations and apply them to option data of the German DAX index. In the deconvolution model, we observe independent, identically distributed random variables with additive errors and we estimate linear functionals of the density of the random variables. We consider deconvolution models with ordinary smooth errors. Then the ill-posedness of the problem is given by the polynomial decay rate with which the characteristic function of the errors decays. We prove a uniform central limit theorem for the estimators of translation classes of linear functionals, which includes the estimation of the distribution function as a special case. Our results hold in situations, for which a square-root-n-rate can be obtained, more precisely, if the Sobolev smoothness of the functionals is larger than the ill-posedness of the problem.

Hypersurfaces with defect and their densities over finite fields

Lindner, Niels 20 February 2017 (has links)
Das erste Thema dieser Dissertation ist der Defekt projektiver Hyperflächen. Es scheint, dass Hyperflächen mit Defekt einen verhältnismäßig großen singulären Ort besitzen. Diese Aussage wird im ersten Kapitel der Dissertation präzisiert und für Hyperflächen mit beliebigen isolierten Singularitäten über einem Körper der Charakteristik null, sowie für gewisse Klassen von Hyperflächen in positiver Charakteristik bewiesen. Darüber hinaus lässt sich die Dichte von Hyperflächen ohne Defekt über einem endlichen Körper abschätzen. Schließlich wird gezeigt, dass eine nicht-faktorielle Hyperfläche der Dimension drei mit isolierten Singularitäten stets Defekt besitzt. Das zweite Kapitel der Dissertation behandelt Bertini-Sätze über endlichen Körpern, aufbauend auf Poonens Formel für die Dichte glatter Hyperflächenschnitte in einer glatten Umgebungsvarietät. Diese wird auf quasiglatte Hyperflächen in simpliziellen torischen Varietäten verallgemeinert. Die Hauptanwendung ist zu zeigen, dass Hyperflächen mit einem in Relation zum Grad großen singulären Ort die Dichte null haben. Weiterhin enthält das Kapitel einen Bertini-Irreduzibilitätssatz, der auf einer Arbeit von Charles und Poonen beruht. Im dritten Kapitel werden ebenfalls Dichten über endlichen Körpern untersucht. Zunächst werden gewisse Faserungen über glatten projektiven Basisvarietäten in einem gewichteten projektiven Raum betrachtet. Das erste Resultat ist ein Bertini-Satz für glatte Faserungen, der Poonens Formel über glatte Hyperflächen impliziert. Der letzte Abschnitt behandelt elliptische Kurven über einem Funktionskörper einer Varietät der Dimension mindestens zwei. Die zuvor entwickelten Techniken ermöglichen es, eine untere Schranke für die Dichte solcher Kurven mit Mordell-Weil-Rang null anzugeben. Dies verbessert ein Ergebnis von Kloosterman. / The first topic of this dissertation is the defect of projective hypersurfaces. It is indicated that hypersurfaces with defect have a rather large singular locus. In the first chapter of this thesis, this will be made precise and proven for hypersurfaces with arbitrary isolated singularities over a field of characteristic zero, and for certain classes of hypersurfaces in positive characteristic. Moreover, over a finite field, an estimate on the density of hypersurfaces without defect is given. Finally, it is shown that a non-factorial threefold hypersurface with isolated singularities always has defect. The second chapter of this dissertation deals with Bertini theorems over finite fields building upon Poonen’s formula for the density of smooth hypersurface sections in a smooth ambient variety. This will be extended to quasismooth hypersurfaces in simplicial toric varieties. The main application is to show that hypersurfaces admitting a large singular locus compared to their degree have density zero. Furthermore, the chapter contains a Bertini irreducibility theorem for simplicial toric varieties generalizing work of Charles and Poonen. The third chapter continues with density questions over finite fields. In the beginning, certain fibrations over smooth projective bases living in a weighted projective space are considered. The first result is a Bertini-type theorem for smooth fibrations, giving back Poonen’s formula on smooth hypersurfaces. The final section deals with elliptic curves over a function field of a variety of dimension at least two. The techniques developed in the first two sections allow to produce a lower bound on the density of such curves with Mordell-Weil rank zero, improving an estimate of Kloosterman.

Generalizações e teoremas limites para modelos estocásticos de rumores / Generalizations and limit theorems for stochastic rumour models

Pablo Martin Rodriguez 13 October 2010 (has links)
Os modelos de Daley-Kendall e Maki-Thompson são os dois modelos estocásticos para difusão de rumores mais citados até o momento. Em ambos, uma população finita fechada e totalmente misturada é subdividida em três classes de indivíduos denominados ignorantes, informantes e contidos. Depois de um rumor ser introduzido na população, difunde-se através desta seguindo determinadas regras que dependem da classe à qual a pessoa que sabe do rumor pertence. Tanto a proporção final de indivíduos que nunca chegam a conhecer o rumor quanto o tempo que este demora em ser difundido são variáveis de interesse para os modelos propostos. As técnicas encontradas na literatura para estudar modelos de rumores são o princípio de difusão de constantes arbitrárias; argumentos de martingais; o método de funções geradoras e a análise de versões determinísticas do processo. Neste trabalho apresentamos uma alternativa para essas técnicas baseando-nos na teoria de cadeias de Markov \"density dependent\'\'. O uso desta nova abordagem nos permite apresentar resultados assintóticos para um modelo geral que tem como casos particulares os famosos modelos de Daley-Kendall e Maki-Thompson, além de variações de modelos de rumores apresentados na literatura recentemente. / Daley-Kendall and Maki-Thompson models are the two most cited stochastic models for the spread of rumours phenomena, in scientific literature. In both, a closed homogeneously mixing population is subdivided into three classes of individuals called ignorants, spreaders and stiflers. After a rumor is introduced in the population, it spreads by following certain rules that depend on the class to which the individual who knows the rumor belongs. Both the final proportion of the population never hearing the rumor and the time it takes are variables of interest for the proposed models. The main tools used to study stochastic rumours have been the principle of the diffusion of arbitrary constants, martingale arguments, generating functions and the study of analogue deterministic versions. Relying on the theory of density dependent Markov chains, we present an alternative to these tools. This approach allows us to establish asymptotical results for a general model that has as particular cases the classical Daley-Kendall and Maki-Thompson models, and other variations for rumour models reported in the literature recently.

Sobre hipersuperfÃcies mÃnimas, aplicaÃÃes do princÃpio do mÃximo fraco e de teoremas tipo-Liouville / On minimum hypersurfaces, application of the principle of maximum and weak theorems type-Liouville

Antonio Wilson Rodrigues da Cunha 13 March 2015 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / In this work we approach four research lines, where we began with the study of isometrically immersed hypersurfaces in a horoball. Next we studied Liouville type theorems in a complete Riemannian manifold for general operators. After we studied hypersurfaces f-minimal closed on a manifold with density, and nally we studied properly embedded minimal hypersurfaces with free boundary in a n-dimensional compact Riemannian manifold. Continuing, we obtain under a more general class operator than '-Laplacian, a Liouville type theorem for a complete Riemannian manifold, so that, prove a classication theorem for Killing graph of a foliation. Firstly, we are going to assume a weak maximum principle and that immersion is contained in a horoball, i.e., the set of bounded above Bussemann functions . We obtain an estimate for the highest quotient of r-curvatures. Moreover, under certain conditions on sectional curvature and assuming that the immersion is contained in a horoball, we forced the validity of the weak maximum principle and obtain the same estimates. Next, we establish a Choi-Wang type estimate for the rst eigenvalue of the weighter Laplacian on spaces with density in responding partially to Yau's conjecture for the rst eigenvalue weighter Laplacian for spaces with density, and moreover, we obtain an inequality Poincare type. With the estimates obtained, we establish an estimate of volume for a closed surface immersed in a space with density. Still following the study of spaces with density, we obtain a type Hientze-Karcher inequality for a compact manifold with nonempty boundary , so that, we obtain that if holds the equality than the manifold is isometric to a Euclidian ball. As consequence, we obtain under same conditions that if the f-mean curvature satisfy a bounded below than the manifold is isometric to a Euclidian ball. Finally, we obtain an estimate for the nonzero rst Steklov eigenvalue, where we are giving a answer partial to a conjecture by Fraser and Li. Moreover, as a consequence we establish an estimate for the total length of the boundary of the properly embedded minimal surfaces with free boundary in terms of its topology, thus, we proved the same when the surface is embedded in the Euclidean ball 3-dimensional. / Neste trabalho, abordamos quatro linhas de estudo, onde iniciamos com o estudo de hipersuperfcies isometricamente imersas sobre uma horobola. Em seguida estudamos Teoremas tipo Liouville para uma variedade Riemanniana completa em operadores mais gerais que o Laplaciano. Alem disso, estudamos hipersuperfcies f-mÃnimas fechadas em uma variedade com densidade e, por fim, estudamos hipersuperfÃcies mÃnimas com bordo livre, propriamente imersas em uma variedade Riemanniana compacta n-dimensional. Primeiramente, assumindo um princpio do maximo fraco e que a imersÃo està contida em uma horobola, i.e., um conjunto em que a funcÃo de Busemann à limitada superiormente, obtemos uma estimativa para o supremo do quociente das r-Ãsimas curvaturas. AlÃm disso, sob certas condiÃÃes sobre as curvaturas seccionais e assumindo que a imersÃo està contida em uma horobola, forÃamos a validade do princÃpio do mÃximo fraco e obtemos as mesmas estimativas. Prosseguindo, obtemos, para um operador mais geral que o '-Laplaciano, um teorema tipo-Liouville para uma variedade Riemanniana completa. Como aplicaÃÃo provamos um teorema de classificaÃÃo para grÃficos de Killing de uma folheaÃÃo. Em seguida, estabelecemos uma estimativa tipo Choi e Wang para o primeiro autovalor do f-Laplaciano em espaÃos com densidade, no sentido de responder parcialmente à conjectura de Yau para o primeiro autovalor do Laplaciano; alÃm disso, obtemos uma desigualdade tipo Poincarà para esse operador. Com a estimativa obtida, pudemos estabelecer uma estimativa de volume para uma superfÃcie fechada mergulhada em um espaÃo com densidade. Ainda seguindo o estudo de espaÃos com densidade, obtemos uma desigualdade tipo Heintze-Karcher para uma variedade compacta com bordo e verificamos que, se vale a igualdade, entÃo a variedade à isomÃtrica a uma bola Euclidiana. Como consequÃncia, obtemos que, nas mesmas condiÃÃes, e se a f-curvatura mÃdia satisfizer uma certa limitaÃÃo inferior, entÃo a variedade ainda à isometrica a uma bola Euclidiana. Finalmente, obtemos uma estimativa para o primeiro autovalor de Steklov, dando uma resposta parcial a uma conjectura devida a Fraser e Li. AlÃm disso, como consequÃncia, estabelecemos uma estimativa para o comprimento do bordo de uma superfÃcie mÃnima, compacta e propriamente megulhada com bordo livre em termos de sua topologia; assim, provamos o mesmo resultado quando a superfÃcie està mergulhada em uma bola Euclidiana 3-dimensional.


ALINE DE MELO MACHADO 31 January 2019 (has links)
[pt] Os resultados fundamentais da teoria ergódica – o teorema de Birkhoff e o teorema de Kingman – se referem a convergência em quase todo ponto de um processo ergódico aditivo e subaditivo, respectivamente. É bem conhecido que dado um sistema unicamente ergódico e um observável contínuo, as médias de Birkhoff correspondentes convergem em todo ponto e uniformemente. Desta forma, é natural também se perguntar o que acontece com o teorema de Kingman quando o sistema é unicamente ergódico. O primeiro objetivo desta dissertação é responder a essa pergunta utilizando o trabalho de A. Furman. Mais ainda, apresentamos algumas extensões e aplicações desse resultado para cociclos lineares, que foram obtidas por S. Jitomirskaya e R. Mavi. Nosso segundo objetivo é provar um novo resultado sobre taxas de convergências de médias de Birkhoff, para um certo tipo de processo unicamente ergódico: uma translação diofantina no toro com um observável Holder contínuo. / [en] The fundamental results in ergodic theory – the Birkhoff theorem and the Kingman theorem – refer to the almost everywhere convergence of additive and respectively subadditive ergodic processes. It is well known that given a uniquely ergodic system and a continuous observable, the corresponding Birkhoff averages converge everywhere and uniformly. It is therefore natural to ask what happens with Kingman s theorem when the system is uniquely ergodic. The first objective of this dissertation is to answer this question following the work of A. Furman. Moreover, we present some extensions and applications of this result for linear cocycles, which were obtained by S. Jitomirskaya and R. Mavi. Our second objective is to prove a new result regarding the rate of convergence of the Birkhoff averages for a certain type of uniquely ergodic process: a Diophantine torus translation with Holder continuous observable.

Asymptotiques dans des modèles de boules aléatoires poissoniennes et non-poissoniennes / Asymptotics in poissonian and non-poissonian random balls models

Clarenne, Adrien 11 July 2019 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, on étudie le comportement asymptotique de modèles de boules aléatoires engendrées selon différents processus ponctuels, après leur avoir appliqué un changement d’échelle qui peut être vu comme un dézoom. Des théorèmes limites existent pour des processus de Poisson et on généralise ces résultats en considérant tout d’abord des boules engendrées par des processus déterminantaux, qui induisent de la répulsion entre les points. Cela permet de modéliser de nombreux phénomènes, comme par exemple la répartition des arbres dans une forêt. On s’intéresse ensuite à un cas particulier des processus de Cox, les processus shot-noise, qui présentent des amas de points, modélisant notamment la présence de corpuscules dans des nano-composites. / In this thesis, we study the asymptotic behavior of random balls models generated by different point processes, after performing a zoom-out on the model. Limit theorems already exist for Poissonian random balls and we generalize the existing results first by studying determinantal random balls models, which induce repulsion between the centers of the balls. It models many phenomena, for example the distribution of trees in a forest. We are then interested in a particular case of Cox processes, the shot-noise Cox processes, which exhibit clusters, modeling the presence of corpuscles in nano composites.

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