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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

From monochord to weather-glass : musica speculativa and its development in Robert Fludd's philosophy

Guariento, Luca January 2015 (has links)
The present thesis is an enquiry into the nature and consistency of the idea of music as a metaphor throughout the works of the English philosopher and physician Robert Fludd (1573/4-1637). Fludd was very fond of a view of the world in which man is made of the same elements and the same proportions of the cosmos. Though this idea was slowly losing credit amongst the intellectuals of the time, Fluddean thought made some impact in the British Isles, and even more so on the continent: Johannes Kepler, for instance, wrote extensively about Fludd’s use of numerical symbolism, and stressed the differences between his own idea of harmony of the spheres and Fludd’s. After Fludd’s death, his ideas were still taken seriously amongst certain intellectual circles, e.g. in England (John Webster) and Poland (John Amos Comenius), and Fluddean thought influenced German musico-theoretical writers such as Athanasius Kircher, Andreas Werckmeister, and Johann Walther. But the subsequent centuries witnessed a general obliviousness towards Fludd. His figure began to re- emerge only in the second half of the 20th century in an increasing number of essays, papers, articles and a few books dedicated to him. What is still lacking, though, is a reassessment relying upon a more organic approach, which takes into account the entirety of Fludd’s publications and the wide range of topics covered in them. My work attempts to address this issue. The musical metaphor is one of the strongest leitmotifs in Fluddean publications, thanks to its being fit for representing man, the cosmos, and their interrelationship. Indeed the monochord, which well before Fludd was the preeminent practical and philosophical demonstration of the Pythagorean ‘divine’ proportions, rules the pages of Fludd’s earlier volumes. In later volumes, though, a new instrument takes its place: the more up-to-date weather-glass, surprisingly also linked to musical proportions. I argue that the new scientific instrument retains some of the monochord’s traits, thus representing an original re-arrangement of ‘ancient’ music; in fact, Fludd even applies it to the human pulse – an under-studied topic that I survey in detail. Following the whole Fluddean opera omnia is a task that gives one a glimpse of Fludd’s reactions to the deep changes that the intellectual and scientific world was undergoing from a perspective that has been, so far, largely neglected. This opens up to new fascinating outlooks on music, medicine and science at the beginning of the seventeenth century.

A study of Tawfiq al-Hakim's Equilibrium doctrine and philosophical narratives

Shaw, Shereen January 2015 (has links)
Tawfiq al-Hakim is known across the Arab world as a pioneer dramatist. He is one of many misunderstood writers and philosophers. My aim is to introduce him to the English-speaking public in order to shed some light on a specific period known to be one of the best in Egypt intellectually and culturally. Former President Nasser’s ideologies, and those of former President Sadat such as his “open-door” policy to the West, have contributed positively to the forming of an intellectual renaissance in Egypt. This rich period in Egyptian history is one that can directly shed light on the literary and philosophical contributions of al-Hakim, and on the social and cultural issues that should be revisited in order to gain an understanding of the problems that face Egyptians today. With this said, it is my hope that by reviving al-Hakim’s philosophical doctrines and by examining the major issues he addresses in his texts, I will be able to explain and clarify some misconceptions about this author, his philosophy and his work. I would also like to show ways in which his distinctive doctrine of equilibrium can be of use to us both in the East and the West. The objectives, accordingly, are twofold: (1) To introduce and critically examine al-Hakim’s equilibrium doctrine; and, (2) To identify the philosophical traits and Western influences that had an impact on his character and philosophy. The core problem that this work will indirectly address is the problem of how philosophy in the Arab world, according to Sari Nusseibeh’s article “The Arab World: What role for philosophy?” has been blatantly used as a tool in order to defend one version or another of the religious beliefs of those who pursued it. I ask what specific role a philosopher or intellectual can play in his or her society and how his philosophy can be put to use. This question is one that has been long forgotten in the Arab world. Freeing the Arab world from the colonizer, back in the 1930s, was clearly a goal for many intellectuals. Today, freeing the Arab mind by introducing a philosophy or an ideology that can be of use to the Muslim world as well as to the West would be a great task to accomplish.

Die antieke ruimtevaarder-teorie : 'n godsdienswetenskaplike studie (Afrikaans)

De Bruin, Gerhardus Stefanus 20 March 2006 (has links)
AFRIKAANS: Die Antieke ruimtevaarder-teorie stel voor dat wesens uit die ruimte die Aarde in die antieke verlede besoek het. Hierdie wesens was betrokke by die vroeë geskiedenis van die planet. Hulle het bewoonbare toestande geskep asook menslike intelligensie deur 'n proses van genetiese ingenieurswese. Hul besoeke is opgeteken en deur mense oorgelewer in godsdienste, mitologieë en antieke legendes. Hul teenwoordigheid is ook nog waarneembaar in antieke fisiese oorblyfsels. Voorstanders van die Ruimtevaarderteorie bied dit aan as 'n wetenskaplike hipotese en as die "mees perfekte algemene noemer van alle tye" wat 'n moderne verklaring vir die oer-godsdiens bied. Afdeling A van die studie bied 'n oorsig oor die teorie en die bewyse wat daarvoor aangebied word. Daar word aangetoon dat, hoewel die meeste van die postulate nie deur die moderne wetenskap as "onsinnig" beskou word nie, dit nie oortuig as 'n werkbare wetenskaplike teorie nie. Omdat daar weinig verskille tussen die basiese onderneming van die wtenskap en die godsdiens bestaan (beide vertrek vanaf onbewysbare aannames om waargenome data te verklaar) word daar vermoed dat die Antieke ruimtevaarder-teorie eerder funksioneer op die vlak van religieusiteit. Hierdie tese word ondersoek in Afdeling B van die studie: Daar word voorgestel dat die Fenomenologiese metode van godsdienswetenskaplike ondersoek, wat poog om 'n fenomeen te verstaan nie soos dit manifesteer nie, maar op die dieper vlak van die funksie en betekenins daarvan, die mees paslike metode vir die ondersoek is. (p> Met gebruikmaking van die insigte van 'n Fenomenologiese benadering, word aangedui dat die Antieke ruimtevaarder-teorie funksioneer as 'n godsdienstige beweging met eienskappe van 'n kulte en 'n nieu-mitologie. Die aanvaarbaarheid van die teorie vir die vele volgelinge daarvan, en die gepaardgaande groei van die bcweging wat dit propageer, word verklaar uit 'n kombinasie van sosiologiese en psigologiese faktore wat aan die werk is in die moderne Westerse beskawing. Vanuit 'n fenomenologiese gesigspunt word gekonkludeer dat die Ruimtevaardcrteorie baie suksesvol op religieuse vlak is. Dit slaag daarin om die Bybel weer "geloofwaardig" te maak en skep weer 'n "kosmiese raamwerk" vir die betekenis van die menslike bestaan. Die teorie kan ook beskou word as 'n prysenswaardige poging tot die sintetisering van godsdiens en die modeme wetenskap vir die aanhangers daarvan, en om die geestelike behoeftes van mense in 'n verwarrende en verwarde wêreld aan te spreek. In 'n slotafdeling word die bevindinge van die studie teologies oorweeg en word die waarde daarvan vir die Chrislelike godsdiens aangetoon. ENGLISH: The Ancient astronaut theory proposes that beings from outer space came to Earth in the distant past. These beings were involved in the early history of the planet: They created habitable conditions and human intelligence by genetic engineering. Their visits were recorded and handed down by humans in their religions, mythologies and ancient legends. Their presence is also visible in ancient physical remains. Proponents present the Astronaut theory as a scientific hypothesis and as "the most perfect common denominator of all time", allowing a modem explanation for old-time religion: Section A of the study provides an overview of the theory and the evidence presented in support of it. It is shown that, although many of the postulates are being accepted by modem science as "not unreasonable", it is not convincing as a workable scientific theory. Since there is little difference between the basic enterprises of science and religion (both departing from unproven suppositions to explain perceived data) it is suspected that the Astronaut theory rather functions on a level of religiosity. This thesis is investigated in Section 8 of the study: It is proposed that the Phenomenological method of studying religion, which attempts to understand a phenomenon not in the way it manifests itself, but on the deeper level of its function and meaning, is the most appropriate for this investigation. Using the insights of a Phenomeno!ogical approach, it is shown that the Ancient astronaut theory functions as a religious movement with attributes of a cult and a new-mythology. The acceptability of the theory for its many followers and the resulting growth of the movement that proposes it, is explained from a combination of social and psychological factors at work in Western society. From a phenomenological point of view it is concluded that the Astronaut theory may be considered very successful on a religious level: It succeeds in making the Bible "respectable" again and it recreates a "cosmic framework" for the meaning of human existence. The theory may also be considered a praiseworthy attempt to synthesise religion and modem science for its supporters and to address the spiritual needs of man in a confusing and confused world. In a final section of the study, the results are being considered theologically and their value. being shown for Christianity. / Thesis (PhD (Science of Religion))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Science of Religion and Missiology / unrestricted

Deconstructing Thought Forms : Ett bokformgivningsprojekt om ett färg- och formsystem över hur tankar och känslor ser ut

Nycander, Olga January 2021 (has links)
Ett bokformgivningsprojekt som visar färg- och formteorierna i boken Thought Forms (1905) som ett tidigt konst- och designteoretiskt verk. Boken Thought Forms (1905) av Annie Besant and C. W. Leadbeater är en teosofisk bok som presenterar ”tankeformer” som visar hur tankar och känslor ser ut för den klärvoajanta. Boken tros ha inspirerat abstrakta konstnärer som till exempel Vasilij Kandinski och Hilma af Klint som båda var medlemmar i det teosofiska samfundet. Genom en serie på tre böcker presenterar jag färg- och formsystemen i Thought Forms som ett tidigt konst- och designteoretisk verk. Projektet är lika delar en undersökning av känslor och andliga idéers påverkan på formgivning som ett ut utforskande av bokformens påverkan på läsningen av ett innehåll. Projektet består av tre handgjorda böcker som presenterar bilderna, förgläran och formerna ur Thought Forms: Deconstructing Thought Forms: The Figures Deconstructing Thought Forms: The Colours  Deconstructing Thought Forms: The Shapes / A book design project that shows the theories of color and form in the book Thought Forms from 1905 as an early of art- and design theoretical work. The book Thought Forms by Annie Besant and C. W. Leadbeater is a theosophical book that shows "thought forms". Colourful shapes formed by thoughts and feelings, only visible for the clairvoyant. The book is believed to have inspired abstract artists such as Wassily Kandinsky and Hilma af Klint, who were both members of the Theosophical Society. Through a series of three books, I present the color and shape systems from Thought Forms as an early art and design theoretical work. This project is both an investigation of the influence of emotions and spiritual ideas on design as an exploration of the book designs effect on how we receive a content.    The result is a series of three books: Deconstructing Thought Forms: The Figures  Deconstructing Thought Forms: The Colors Deconstructing Thought Forms: The Shapes

The Home of Truth: The Metaphysical World of Marie Ogden

Thayne, Stanley J. 24 November 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Marie Ogden's Home of Truth colony—a religious community that was located in southern Utah during the 1930s and 40s—was part of a segment of the American religious landscape that has largely been overlooked. As such, her movement points to a significant gap in the historiography of American religion. In addition to documenting the history of this obscure community, I situate Marie Ogden as part of what I call the early new age of American religion, an underdeveloped part of the broader categories of metaphysical religion or Western esotericism. This thesis also points to several other overlooked figures from the same era, suggesting several avenues for further study.

L'expérience de l'imagination comme agent noétique dans les courants ésotériques occidentaux : aspects méthodologiques, historiques et phénoménologiques

Bourbonnais, Louis January 2006 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Translating Mohammed Dib : Deleuzean rhizome or Sufi errancy?

Campbell, Madeleine January 2014 (has links)
There is a conceptual resonance between the rhizomatic habit in the world of plants and the perennial errancy in the (meta)physical world of man traversed by Mohammed Dib’s writing. In so far as reflective research and the practice of translation can ‘mirror’ the surface of their object, this project is a rhizomatic endeavour. It is a fragmentary journey into the desert, in search of the mysterious at’lāl, the trace of the sign, drawn and effaced and redrawn again by Mohammed Dib to reveal ephemeral truths about the self and its others. Dib’s focus migrates from early realist ‘socio-ethnographic’ novels in the 1950s to metaphysical explorations described by critics as ‘hermetic’, ‘mystical’ or ‘surreal’. The historical and the mystical, however, are two facets of the same inexorable acts of deterritorialization and reterritorialization in a precarious, often oneiric, universe. The ‘visions’ expressed in his poetics are couched in the elemental vocabularies of light and shadow, fire and water, space and duration and draw their substance from Sufi mystical scholars and poets. I posit that Dib’s nomadic contemporary writing arises from the place that lies between the sensible and the intelligible in Sufi mysticism, in a secular transposition of the Sufi Imagination: Dib neither constructs nor deconstructs. Rather, his singular style serves to hone an acutely experiential expression. Further, there is a sense in which each ouvrage is a heterotrope whereby his poetry and prose collections are inextricably embedded in each other, thus one is always in the middle of his universe. The ubiquitous entry point to this universe lies in the middle of his metaphorical desert, an aesthetic landscape stripped of idiocultural signification. Central to its lines of flight is the sign, both ephemeral and enduring, and what is enveloped in the sign is the non-signifying impact of its expression. I argue that Dib’s perennial re-assembling of ‘ces chaînes aux mailles d’acier qui sont mots’ (those chains with links of steel that are words) doesn’t so much ‘give rise to thought’ as ‘give rise to affect’.

The impact of the 'war on terror' on Birmingham's Pakistani/Kashmiri Muslims' perceptions of the state, the police and Islamic identities

Ahmed, Shamila Kouser January 2012 (has links)
This thesis explores British Muslims’ counter discourse to the ‘war on terror’ through revealing the impact of the dominant ‘war on terror’ discourse created by the state. The research explores the counter discourse through investigating the impact of the ‘war on terror’ on Birmingham’s Pakistani / Kashmiri Muslims’ perceptions of the state, the police and Islamic identities before the ‘war on terror’ and since the ‘war on terror’. The theoretical perspectives of cosmopolitanism and citizenship are used as a foundation from which the ‘war on terror’ and the role of the state and the police in the ‘war on terror’ can be deconstructed, critiqued and reconstructed according to Muslim citizens’ perceptions. In particular attention is paid to the challenges and difficulties the 32 respondents interviewed for the research have faced since the ‘war on terror’. Many themes emerged through this framework and the core themes were injustice, legitimacy and human rights. The impact of the ‘war on terror’ showed the battle for Islamic identity construction versus resistance and the negative impact of regulatory discourses on perceptions of commonality, unity and shared identities.

L'expérience de l'imagination comme agent noétique dans les courants ésotériques occidentaux : aspects méthodologiques, historiques et phénoménologiques

Bourbonnais, Louis January 2006 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

H.P. Blavatsky's Theosophy in context : the construction of meaning in modern Western esotericism

Rudbøg, Tim January 2012 (has links)
H.P. Blavatsky’s (1831-1891) Theosophy has been defined as central to the history of modern Western spirituality and esotericism, yet to this date no major study has mapped and analysed the major themes of Blavatsky’s writings, how Blavatsky used the concept ‘Theosophy’ or to what extent she was engaged with the intellectual contexts of her time. Thus the purpose of this thesis is to fill this gap. The proposed theoretical framework is based on the centrality of language in the production of intellectual products, such as texts—but contrary to the dominant focus on strategies, rhetoric and power this thesis will focus on the construction of meaning coupled with a set of methodological tools based on contextual analysis, intellectual history and intertextuality. In addition to an overview of Blavatsky research this thesis will map and analyse Blavatsky’s use of the concept ‘Theosophy’ as well as Blavatsky’s primary discourses, identified as: (1) discourse for ancient knowledge, (2) discourse against Christian dogmatism, (3) discourse against the modern natural sciences and materialism, (4) discourse against modern spiritualism, (5) discourse for system and (7) discourse for universal brotherhood. In mapping and analysing Blavatsky’s discourses, it was found that her construction of meaning was significantly interconnected with broader intellectual contexts, such as ‘modern historical consciousness’, ‘critical enlightenment ideas’, studies in religion, studies in mythology, the modern sciences, spiritualism, systemic philosophy, reform movements and practical ethics. It, for example, becomes clear that Blavatsky’s search for an ancient ‘Wisdom Religion’ was actually a part of a common intellectual occupation during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and that her critique of the Christian dogmas was equally a common intellectual trend. To read Blavatsky’s discourses as the idiosyncratic strategies of an esotericist, isolated from their larger contexts or only engaged with them in order to legitimise minority views would therefore largely fail to account for the result of this thesis: that in historical actuality, they were a part of the larger cultural web of meaning.

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