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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Heterogeneous Structural Organization of Polystyrene Fibers Prepared by Electrospinning

Gittsegrad, Anna 01 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Contribution to multi-physical studies of small synchronous-reluctance machine for automotive equipment / Contribution à l'étude multiphysique de la machine synchro-réluctante pour application automobile

Rasid, Mohd Azri Hizami 11 February 2016 (has links)
Dans une application d’équipement automobile, la conception optimale d’un actionneur nécessite la prise en compte simultané des différents phénomènes physiques ; tant qu’en termes de performances attendues ainsi que les contraintes à respectées. Ces physiques comprennent la performance électromagnétique / électromécanique, comportement thermique et le comportement vibro-acoustique. En prenant en compte le coût et la faisabilité en matières de fabrications, la machine synchro-réluctante (Syncrel) à rotor segmenté a été démontré intéressante pour une application avec des fortes contraintes d’encombrement et thermique. Cette étude a donc pour objective d’évaluer la capacité de la machine Syncrel dans ces différents physiques et démontre les interactions entre eux, qui peuvent affecter les performances de la machine en fonctionnement. Des modèles multi-physiques ont été développés et validés en utilisant une machine prototype conçu précédemment pour un actionneur d’embrayage électrique. En se servant des modèles validés, différents critères de performances des différentes topologies de rotor de la machine Syncrel ont été aussi comparés. A l’issue de l’étude, les modèles électromagnétiques, électromécaniques, thermiques et vibro-acoustiques valides sont à nos dispositions pour être utilisés dans la conception de machine Syncrel en future. La machine Syncrel avec rotor segmenté a été démontrée capable pour être utilisé dans l'application de l'embrayage électrique étudié en particulier. Suite à des évaluations de performance en physique différente, des pistes d'améliorations ont également été proposées. / In an on-board automotive environment, machines optimal design requires simultaneous consideration of numerous physical phenomena; both in terms of expected performance or in terms of constraints to be respected. The physics that can be affected includes the electromagnetic / electromechanical performance, thermal behavior and vibro-acoustic behavior. Among a large choice of machine, with the manufacturer cost and manufacturing concern taken en into account, the synchronous reluctance machine with segmented has been found to be particularly interesting for application with severe ambient temperature and encumbrance limitation. This study has therefore as objectives to evaluate the capacity of the synchronous reluctance machine in ail physics mentioned and eventually shows the interaction between these physics, thus performance alteration of the machine in operated in the automobile equipment environment. Multi-physics model were developed and confronted to experimental validations using a prototype machine that was developed for an electrical clutch. Using the validated model, different performance figures of synchronous reluctance machines with different rotor topologies were compared. Resulting from the study, valid electromagnetic, electromechanical, thermal and vibro-acoustic models are now available to be used as tools in future machine design. The synchronous reluctance with segmented rotor prototype machine has been shown to be capable to be used in the electrical clutch application studied in particular. Following performance evaluations in different physics, suggestions of improvements have also been proposed.

Adaptação tecnológica para teto de habitação social: estudo de caso em Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, México / Technological adaptation for roof of social dwelling: study case in Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, Mexico

Gabriel Castañeda Nolasco 17 October 2008 (has links)
O presente trabalho trata de um dos componentes da habitação social, o teto, que por suas características técnico-construtivas é o mais complexo dos seus componentes. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida em Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, México, entre as atividades do programa 10x10, do projeto XIV.5 con techo, subordinado ao sub programa XIV, tecnologías para vivienda de interés social HABYTED de CYTED. Pelas atividades realizadas com o grupo técnico do programa citado, o objetivo principal foi desenvolver uma adaptação da tecnologia para teto Domozed ao contexto de Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, México, orientada a melhorar a transferência tecnológica para habitação social. Esta tecnologia é utilizada no Peru e foi difundida em diversos países de América Latina, assim como muitas outras tecnologias cedidas pelos membros da equipe de trabalho do programa 10x10 con techo. As experiências vividas evidenciaram a necessidade de adaptação das tecnologias difundidas aos contextos selecionados, para sua melhor aceitação e funcionamento ou para sua realização. Partiu-se da hipótese que as tecnologias difundidas pelos membros participantes do programa 10x10, ao serem desenvolvidas para contextos específicos e pretender transferi-las a outros, sua apropriação ao novo contexto está condicionada por sua adaptação. O resultado foi o sistema de teto Domotej com a integração da análise de cinco variáveis priorizadas (processo construtivo, resistência mecânica, preço, desempenho térmico y aceitação social), que permitiram o desenvolvimento da adaptação; onde foi construído para sua avaliação, um protótipo experimental de moradia com o que se comprovou a viabilidade de construção e no contexto social do bairro Julio Cesar Ruiz Ferro, foi explorada a possibilidade de sua transferência. / The present work is about one of the components of the social dwelling, the roof, which is the most complex of the elements that make it a reality, due to its technician-constructive characteristics. The research project was developed in Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, Mexico, in the mark of activities of the program 10x10, of the project XIV.5 with roof, dependent on the sub program XIV, technologies for housing of social interest HABYTED of CYTED. For the achieved activities with the technical group of the mentioned project, the main objective was the adaptation of the roof Domozed to the study context. This roof technology is used in Peru and it has been diffused to different countries of iberoamerica, the same as many other technologies contributed by the members of the work team of the program 10x10 with roof. The lived experiences showed the adaptation need of the technologies diffused to the chosen contexts, for their best acceptance and function or simply for their realization. We started from the hypothesis that the transference of technologies diffused by the participant members of the program 10x10, when having been developed for specific contexts and intend to transfer them to other different contexts, their production, function, economic viability and social acceptance are conditioned by their adaptation, according to the necessity of making them appropriate and appropriable to the new context The result was the integration of the analysis of five prioritized variables (constructive process, mechanical resistance, price, thermal performance and social acceptance), what allowed the development of the adaptation, which was evaluated by the construction of an experimental prototype of dwelling proving the construction feasibility and in the social context of the neighborhood Julio Cesar Ruiz Ferro, the possibility of its transfer was explored.

Vzduchotechnika hotelového objektu / Air Conditioning of Apartment Hotel

Šusták, Jakub January 2013 (has links)
This thesis addresses the issue of the creation of the internal environment in the hotel. The subject is the evaluation of indoor environments, the selection and design of an appropriate ventilation system. The experimental part deals with the measurement of temperature and humidity with subsequent evaluation according to the applicable legal requirements and comparing with the calculation programmes.

Étude de la formulation et des propriétés mécaniques et thermiques du béton de balles de riz / Study of the formulation and the mechanical and thermal properties of rice husks concrete

Chabi, Edem 21 December 2017 (has links)
Chacun s’accorde à reconnaître aujourd’hui que les activités humaines impactent significativement le climat de la planète. Le secteur de la construction est l’un des principaux responsables de cette situation car c’est le premier consommateur d’énergie et le deuxième émetteur de CO2 dans le monde. Il importe par conséquent de réaliser des bâtiments éco-respectueux, qui consomment peu d’énergie et émettent moins de gaz à effet de serre sur l’ensemble de leur cycle de vie. La présente étude s’intègre alors dans une problématique générale de développement de matériaux de construction innovants à impact environnemental réduit. Nous nous proposons ainsi d’utiliser la balle de riz comme granulat végétal dans une matrice cimentaire. L’objectif du travail est de proposer une méthode de formulation des bétons à bases de granulats végétaux et d’étudier le comportement mécanique et thermique du béton de balle de riz. Les essais de prise réalisés sur de la pâte de ciment pure formulée avec de l’eau issue de l’infusion de la balle de riz ont montré que ces granulats n’ont pas d’effet inhibiteur sur la prise du ciment. Pour confirmer cette hypothèse, une analyse chimique de la balle de riz a été réalisée et les résultats ont montré le taux d’extractibles des balles de riz est quasi nul contrairement à d’autres granulats végétaux tels que le chanvre et le bois. La méthode de formulation proposée consiste à déterminer la compacité du squelette végétal pour un mode de mise en œuvre déterminé, puis à formuler la pâte liante qui va occuper le volume poreux intergranulaire résiduel. La pâte est constituée du liant, de l’eau efficace, des additions et adjuvants éventuels, et de l’air piégé et/ou entrainé. Pour un volume d’air donné (et d’additions), les quantités de ciment et d’eau efficace sont alors ajustées pour atteindre les performances visées, sur la base de la loi de Féret. Cependant, pour ce type de béton, l’important volume d’air entrainé dépend (lui aussi) de la quantité de ciment et d’eau présents dans le mélange, de l’intensité du malaxage et du mode de coulage. Un modèle décrivant le volume d’air résiduel a été alors calibré à partir d’essais réalisés avec les constituants du béton que l’on souhaite fabriquer. Enfin le problème de la formulation est solutionné en recourant à un module d’optimisation numérique. Dans le but de valider le modèle, la méthode de formulation a été appliquée à cinq échantillons dont les résistances visées sont 0,5 ; 1 ; 2 ; 4 et 8 MPa. Les performances obtenues sont assez proches de celles visées. Par ailleurs il a été constaté que le mode de conservation des éprouvettes influe beaucoup sur les résistances mécaniques du matériau. En effet, une cure en condition dessiccation peut faire chuter les résistances mécaniques jusqu’à 60%. Les meilleures résistances obtenues ont été observées sur les éprouvettes conservées à 95 % de HR. Les mesures de la conductivité thermique ont montré que le béton de balle de riz constitue une très bonne alternative à des systèmes plus conventionnels en termes d’isolation thermique. La valeur moyenne de la conductivité thermique du béton de balle de riz varie en fonction du dosage en liant entre 0,070 W/(m.K) et 0,171 W/(m.K). L’évolution de la conductivité thermique en fonction de la masse volumique et du dosage en ciment est linéaire / Everyone agrees today that human activities significantly affect the climate of the planet. The construction sector is one of the main contributors to this situation as it is the largest energy consumer and the second largest CO2 emitter in the world. It is therefore important to build eco-friendly buildings, which consume little energy and emit less greenhouse gases throughout their life cycle. The present study is then integrated into a general problem of development of innovative building materials with reduced environmental impact. We propose to use the rice husk as a vegetable aggregate in a cementitious matrix. The objective of the work is to propose a method for the mix design of concretes based on plant aggregates and to study the mechanical and thermal behavior of rice husk concrete. Setting tests on pure cement paste formulated with water resulting from the infusion of the rice husk showed that these aggregates had no inhibiting effect on the setting of the cement. To confirm this hypothesis, a chemical analysis of the rice husk was carried out and the results showed that the extractable ratio of rice husks is almost zero, unlike other plant aggregates such as hemp and wood. The proposed formulation method consists in determining the packing density of the plant skeleton for a given method of implementation and then in proportioning the binder paste which will occupy the residual intergranular pore volume. The paste is consisted of the binder, the effective water, the possible additions and admixture, and trapped air and/or entrained air. For a given volume of air (and additions), the quantities of cement and effective water are then adjusted to achieve the targeted performances, based on the law of Féret. However, for this type of concrete, the large volume of entrained air also depends on the quantity of cement and water present in the mixture, the intensity of the mixing and the casting mode. A model describing the volume of residual air was then calibrated from tests carried out with the components of the concrete that it is desired to manufacture. Finally, the problem of formulation is solved by using a numerical optimization module. In order to validate the model, the method for the mix design was applied to five samples with a target resistance of 0.5; 1; 2; 4 and 8 MPa. The performances obtained are quite similar to those targeted. In addition, it has been observed that the preservation mode of the specimens has a significant influence on the mechanical strength of the material. Indeed, a cure in desiccation condition can reduce the mechanical resistances up to 60%. The best resistances obtained were observed on the specimens preserved at 95 % RH. Measurements of thermal conductivity have shown that rice husk concrete is a very good alternative to more conventional systems in terms of thermal insulation. The average value of the thermal conductivity of the rice husk concrete varies depending on the binder dosage between 0.070 W/(m.K) and 0.171 W/(m.K). The evolution of the thermal conductivity as a function of the density and the cement dosage is linear

Avaliação do potencial de uso de três espécies vegetais como cobertura leve de telhados em edificações / Evaluation of the potential use of three plant species as light cover on roof buildings

Beatrice, Caio Cury 12 August 2011 (has links)
O uso telhados verdes oferece benefícios como: moderação dos valores da temperatura no interior de edificações e contenção temporária da água de chuva, limpeza de poluentes atmosféricos, além de favorecer aspectos ecológicos. Poucos estudos científicos foram realizados no sentido de adaptar as técnicas contemporâneas e a indicação de espécies apropriadas ao sistema de telhado verde extensivo, originadas de regiões de clima temperado para as condições dos climas tropicais. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi identificar espécies com potencial de uso em telhado verde em sistema extensivo, quantificando a reação das plantas à variação de diferentes profundidades de substrato, em situações limitadas de manutenção, no aspecto de irrigação e nutrição do solo. Procurou-se também registrar o comportamento térmico do solo, a fim de verificar a influência da vegetação no aquecimento da parte inferior do solo em relação a distintas profundidades de substrato. Os vegetais foram plantados em setembro de 2009 aplicados em 27 plataformas de teste. Foram cultivadas três espécies de plantas das famílias Fabaceae (Arachis repens Handro), Poaceae (Paspalum notatum Flügge) e Ruscacea (Ophiopogon japonicus (L.F. Ker Gawl)), sob três tratamentos de profundidades de substrato, 0.05, 0.075 e 0.10 m. Quantificou-se mensalmente a porcentagem de cobertura vegetal, crescimento vertical e de sobrevivência, com encerramento ao final de um ciclo anual. O comportamento térmico dos solos nos diferentes tratamentos foi registrado automaticamente por meio de sensores. Os resultados indicaram a espécie Ophiopogon japonicus, em solos de 0.10 m, como a que apresentou o melhor desempenho entre as três examinadas, seguida por Paspalum notatum. Todas as espécies cultivadas em solos de 0.10 m apresentaram resultados satisfatórios quanto a cobertura do solo, crescimento vertical e sobrevivência, em relação ao cultivo em profundidades menores de substrato. O cultivo em menor profundidade de solo (0.05 m) revelou baixo valor de sobrevivência para todas as espécies durante o período de poucas chuvas. O crescimento vertical foi satisfatório para todas as espécies analisadas, dispensando manutenção com poda regular. Os resultados de comportamento térmico indicaram melhor desempenho de solos à profundidade de 0.10 m, independente do tipo de planta cultivado. Concluiu-se que solos de menor espessura são mais dependentes de cobertura vegetal para minimizar seu aquecimento e que os solos de maior espessura o fazem com menor dependência da vegetação. O melhor desempenho térmico foi observado em solos de 0.10 m, em relação às profundidades menores, embora não variasse seu comportamento térmico significativamente com o cultivo das três diferentes espécies de plantas, referente aos valores de cobertura atingidos neste experimento. / The uses of green roofs provide benefits such as moderation of the temperature inside buildings, temporary containment of rainwater, cleaning of air pollutants, in addition to promoting ecological aspects. Few scientific studies have been conducted to adapt contemporary techniques and indication of appropriate species for extensive green roof system, originated from temperate regions to the conditions of tropical climates. The objective of this research was to identify species with potential for use in green roof in the extensive system, quantifying the response of plants to variation of different depths of substrate, in limited situations of maintenance in respect of irrigation and soil nutrition. Was searched register the thermal behavior of soil in order to determine the influence of vegetation on the warming of the lower soil depths for different substrates. The plants were planted in september 2009, applied in 27 platforms. There were three species of cultivated plants of the families Fabaceae (Arachis repens Handro), Poaceae (Paspalum notatum Flügge) and Ruscacea (Ophiopogon japonicus (L.F.) Ker Gawl) under three treatments of substrate depths, 0.05, 0.075 and 0.10 m. Was quantified the percentage of monthly vegetation cover, vertical growth and survival, with closing at the end of an annual cycle. The thermal behavior of soils under different treatments was recorded using sensors. The results indicated that Ophiopogon japonicus in 0.10 m soils, showed the best performance among the three examined. All species grown in 0.10 m of soils had been satisfactory results of soil cover, vertical growth and survival in relation to culture in shallower substrate. The species Arachis repens showed the highest sensitivity to the depth and water stress during the autumn and winter, requiring more necessity of maintenance. Cultivation in shallower soil (0.05 m) showed low survival value for all species during the short rains. The vertical growth was satisfactory for all species analyzed, of which the greatest height reached was Ophiopogon japonicus without requiring regular maintenance pruning. The results indicated better performance thermal behavior of soil to a depth of 0.10 m, regardless of the type of plant grown. It was concluded that soils of lesser thickness are dependent on vegetation cover to minimize your heating, and the soils with more thickness are less dependence on the vegetation. The best thermal performance was observed in soils of 0.10 m compared to shallower depths, but did not vary significantly its thermal behavior with the cultivation of three different species of plants, referring to amounts of coverage achieved in this experiment.

Structure, Organization And Phase Transitions In Anchored Alkyl Chain Bilayers In Layered Organic-Inorganic Hybrids

Barman, Sudip 05 1900 (has links)
This thesis deals with the conformation and phase-transitions in anchored alkyl chain bilayer assemblies in organic-inorganic hybrids. The alkyl chain bilayers in organic-inorganic hybrids bear a striking resemblances to the lipid bilayers that are an integral part of biomembranes. However, unlike the lipid bilayer where individual lipid molecules can undergo the total absence of translational mobility. The anchored bilayer are, therefore, the simplest model system for understanding the structure, organization and thermal behaviour of alkyl-chain assemblies. The anchored bilayer in the organic-inorganic hybrids also offer the advantage that unlike the lipid bilayers that are essentially fluid like, these are solids and therefore, amenable to study by a variety of solid-state spectroscopic techniques. The objective of the present works was to determine the organization, conformation and thermal behaviour of alkyl chains in these class of materials- the alkyl ammonium layered pervoskites and in zinc soaps of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. The preparation, conformation and orientation of alkyl chains assemblies in the layered(CH3CH2)nNH3)2PbI4 is described in chapter 2 and the phase-transitions and associated changes in conformation in presented in chapter 3. In chapter 4 the preparation, structure, conformation and phase-transitions of alkyl chains in the m = 2 member of the layered (CH3NH3)m-1(CH3CH2)nNH3)2PbmI3m+1 Ruddleson-Popper series is discussed. The thermal behavior of zinc soaps of saturated fatty acids is discussed in chapter 5 and formation and phase-transitions in solid solution between saturated zinc soaps of differing chain lengths, zinc stearate and zinc myristate is presented in chapter 6. The effect of a rigid link or double bond on the evolution of conformational disorder and phase-transitions of other-wise flexible hydrocarbon chains is explored in chapter 7 by comparing the thermal behavior of zinc oleate and zine elaidate with that of zinc stearate. A unique feature of the zinc soaps is that they form solid solutions over the entire composition range feature of the zinc soaps is that they form solid solutions over the entire composition range between soaps of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. The formation and conformation of alkyl chains in the solid solution of zinc stearate and zinc oleate is discussed in chapter 8.

Betrachtungen zur Wärmebilanz von Nickel-Metall-Hydrid Batterien

Harmel, Joachim 14 November 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Heat generation plays an important role for energy storage systems like batteries in electric and hybrid vehicles. In order to investigate the thermal and electrical behaviour the nickel metal hydride batteries were exposed to cycling programs including various methods of battery cooling by flowing air. The second part of the paper describes the simulation of the temperature distribution by using finite element methods (FEM). The electric-thermal battery model was compared with results obtained from temperature measurements at four selected points during battery cycling. The results serve environmentalcareful battery employment for the general, system-oriented viewpoint of the battery condition and form the basis for energy and enviroment save used. / Die Wärmeerzeugung spielt bei dem Einsatz von Batterien in Elektro- und Hybridfahrzeugen eine wichtige Rolle. In der Arbeit wird das thermische und elektrische Verhalten der Batterien bei der Belastung mit schnell aufeinander folgenden Höchststromladeimpulsen und -entladeimpulsen untersucht. Die Kühlung der Batterie erfolgte mit verschiedenen Methoden der Luftkühlung. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wird die Simulation der Temperaturverteilung mittels Finiter Element Methoden (FEM) beschrieben. Die mit einem elektrisch-thermischen Batteriemodell simulierten Temperaturen werden mit den an verschiedenen Punkten experimentell gemessenen Zelltemperaturen verglichen. Die Ergebnisse dienen zur ganzheitlichen, systemorientierten Betrachtungsweise des Batteriezustandes und bilden die Grundlage für einen energie- und umweltschonenden Batterieeinsatz.

Temperaturverhältnisse und Reaktionskinetik beim Ziehen und Wärmebehandeln von Draht

Müller, Wolfhart 10 June 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Die Temperaturverhältnisse beim Ziehen und Wärmebehandeln von Draht werden mit mathematisch-analytischen Methoden auf der Grundlage der FOURIERschen Wärmeleitungsgleichung eingehend untersucht. Insbesondere wird unter den spezifischen Wärmeübergangsbedingungen zwischen Draht und Ziehdüse sowie zwischen Draht und Ziehtrommel deren thermische Wechselwirkung analysiert. Ein Näherungsverfahren zur Berechnung der Drahttemperaturen in Zugfolgen unter Berücksichtigung des Ziehdüseneinflusses wird angegeben und mit einem Beispiel zum Nassziehen stark verzinkten Stahldrahts illustriert. Aus geschwindigkeitsabhängig gemessenen Änderungen des Drahtdurchmessers werden unter thermoelastischer Ziehringdurchmesserkorrektur Schmierfilmdicken bestimmt. Diffusionsgleichungen werden analysiert und ein Zusammenhang zur Reaktionskinetik wird hergestellt. Ein neues reaktionskinetisches Werkstoffmodell, das insbesondere auch im Falle stärker anisothermer Verhältnisse, also bei Kurzzeitwärmebehandlung anwendbar ist, wird vorgestellt.

Avaliação do potencial de uso de três espécies vegetais como cobertura leve de telhados em edificações / Evaluation of the potential use of three plant species as light cover on roof buildings

Caio Cury Beatrice 12 August 2011 (has links)
O uso telhados verdes oferece benefícios como: moderação dos valores da temperatura no interior de edificações e contenção temporária da água de chuva, limpeza de poluentes atmosféricos, além de favorecer aspectos ecológicos. Poucos estudos científicos foram realizados no sentido de adaptar as técnicas contemporâneas e a indicação de espécies apropriadas ao sistema de telhado verde extensivo, originadas de regiões de clima temperado para as condições dos climas tropicais. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi identificar espécies com potencial de uso em telhado verde em sistema extensivo, quantificando a reação das plantas à variação de diferentes profundidades de substrato, em situações limitadas de manutenção, no aspecto de irrigação e nutrição do solo. Procurou-se também registrar o comportamento térmico do solo, a fim de verificar a influência da vegetação no aquecimento da parte inferior do solo em relação a distintas profundidades de substrato. Os vegetais foram plantados em setembro de 2009 aplicados em 27 plataformas de teste. Foram cultivadas três espécies de plantas das famílias Fabaceae (Arachis repens Handro), Poaceae (Paspalum notatum Flügge) e Ruscacea (Ophiopogon japonicus (L.F. Ker Gawl)), sob três tratamentos de profundidades de substrato, 0.05, 0.075 e 0.10 m. Quantificou-se mensalmente a porcentagem de cobertura vegetal, crescimento vertical e de sobrevivência, com encerramento ao final de um ciclo anual. O comportamento térmico dos solos nos diferentes tratamentos foi registrado automaticamente por meio de sensores. Os resultados indicaram a espécie Ophiopogon japonicus, em solos de 0.10 m, como a que apresentou o melhor desempenho entre as três examinadas, seguida por Paspalum notatum. Todas as espécies cultivadas em solos de 0.10 m apresentaram resultados satisfatórios quanto a cobertura do solo, crescimento vertical e sobrevivência, em relação ao cultivo em profundidades menores de substrato. O cultivo em menor profundidade de solo (0.05 m) revelou baixo valor de sobrevivência para todas as espécies durante o período de poucas chuvas. O crescimento vertical foi satisfatório para todas as espécies analisadas, dispensando manutenção com poda regular. Os resultados de comportamento térmico indicaram melhor desempenho de solos à profundidade de 0.10 m, independente do tipo de planta cultivado. Concluiu-se que solos de menor espessura são mais dependentes de cobertura vegetal para minimizar seu aquecimento e que os solos de maior espessura o fazem com menor dependência da vegetação. O melhor desempenho térmico foi observado em solos de 0.10 m, em relação às profundidades menores, embora não variasse seu comportamento térmico significativamente com o cultivo das três diferentes espécies de plantas, referente aos valores de cobertura atingidos neste experimento. / The uses of green roofs provide benefits such as moderation of the temperature inside buildings, temporary containment of rainwater, cleaning of air pollutants, in addition to promoting ecological aspects. Few scientific studies have been conducted to adapt contemporary techniques and indication of appropriate species for extensive green roof system, originated from temperate regions to the conditions of tropical climates. The objective of this research was to identify species with potential for use in green roof in the extensive system, quantifying the response of plants to variation of different depths of substrate, in limited situations of maintenance in respect of irrigation and soil nutrition. Was searched register the thermal behavior of soil in order to determine the influence of vegetation on the warming of the lower soil depths for different substrates. The plants were planted in september 2009, applied in 27 platforms. There were three species of cultivated plants of the families Fabaceae (Arachis repens Handro), Poaceae (Paspalum notatum Flügge) and Ruscacea (Ophiopogon japonicus (L.F.) Ker Gawl) under three treatments of substrate depths, 0.05, 0.075 and 0.10 m. Was quantified the percentage of monthly vegetation cover, vertical growth and survival, with closing at the end of an annual cycle. The thermal behavior of soils under different treatments was recorded using sensors. The results indicated that Ophiopogon japonicus in 0.10 m soils, showed the best performance among the three examined. All species grown in 0.10 m of soils had been satisfactory results of soil cover, vertical growth and survival in relation to culture in shallower substrate. The species Arachis repens showed the highest sensitivity to the depth and water stress during the autumn and winter, requiring more necessity of maintenance. Cultivation in shallower soil (0.05 m) showed low survival value for all species during the short rains. The vertical growth was satisfactory for all species analyzed, of which the greatest height reached was Ophiopogon japonicus without requiring regular maintenance pruning. The results indicated better performance thermal behavior of soil to a depth of 0.10 m, regardless of the type of plant grown. It was concluded that soils of lesser thickness are dependent on vegetation cover to minimize your heating, and the soils with more thickness are less dependence on the vegetation. The best thermal performance was observed in soils of 0.10 m compared to shallower depths, but did not vary significantly its thermal behavior with the cultivation of three different species of plants, referring to amounts of coverage achieved in this experiment.

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