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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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n Ondersoek na ernstige geweldsmisdaad : voorstelle vir opleiding ('n gevalstudie)

Siegelaar, Leslie 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Not a single day passes in South Africa without various violent crimes making the front pages of the local media. The Cape Flats in the Western Cape is one of areas which is seriously affected by violent crime. During the past three years serious violent crimes committed with a firearm have shown a sharp increase. The investigation of such crimes is, just as its prevention, a priority of the SAPS. Investigation of serious violent crime has also changed since the amalgamation of the eleven police agencies in 1996. Whereas the Murder and Robbery Unit was responsible for investigation crimes such as murder and attempted murder using a firearm before 1996, most of these crimes are nowadays investigated by members attached to local detective units. Specialist knowledge is required for the investigation of the said crimes whereas local detectives have only received training in conducting general investigations. The question arising is what is the influence of this training on the investigation of serious crime and more specifically their solution. Against this background the current state of training received by local detectives is investigated as well as the influence on the investigation of serious violent crimes. The SAPS Ravensmead Detective Service is used as a case studyforthis purpose. Practice is compared to the theory and conclusions are drawn about the influence of training on the success rate during the investigation of serious violent crimes. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Nie 'n enkele dag gaan in Suid - Afrika verby sonder verskeie geweldsmisdade as voorbladnuus nie. Die Kaapse Vlakte in die Wes -Kaap is van die gebiede wat erg deur ernstige geweldsmisdaad geraak word. Die afgelope drie jaar het ernstige geweldsmisdaad wat gepleeg word deur die gebruik van 'n vuurwapen skerp gestyg. Die ondersoek van dié misdade is net soos die voorkoming daarvan vir die SAPD 'n prioriteit. Die ondersoek van ernstige geweldsmisdaad het na die amalgamering van elf polisie - agentskappe in 1996 verander. Waar die Moord - en - Roofeenheid voor 1996 vir die ondersoek van misdade soos moord en poging tot moord met 'n vuurwapen gepleeg, verantwoordelik was, word die meeste van die misdade nou deur lede verbonde aan plaaslike speureenhede ondersoek. Gespesialiseerde kennis word benodig vir die ondersoek van die genoemde misdade. Plaaslike speurders het slegs opleiding ontvang om algemene ondersoeke waar te neem. Die vraag wat nou ontstaan is wat is die invloed hiervan op die ondersoek van ernstige geweldsmisdaad en meer spesifiek die oplossing daarvan. Teen hierdie agtergrond word ondersoek ingestel na die huidige stand van opleiding van plaaslike speurders en die uitwerking daarvan op die ondersoek van ernstige geweldsmisdaad. Vir hierdie doeleindes word SAPD Ravensmead Speurdiens as gevalstudie gebruik. Die praktyk word met die teorie vergelyk en gevolgtrekkings word gemaak oor die invloed van opleiding op die suksessyfer in die ondersoek van ernstige geweldsmisdaad.

An assessment of the feasibility of implementing a district health system in the City of Cape Town

Qomfo, Luyanda Shylock 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The South African Government of National Unity, through its adoption of the Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP) in 1994, committed itself to the development of a District Health System (DHS) based on the Primary Health Care (PHC) approach as enunciated at Alma Ata in 1978. This approach is the philosophy, on the basis of which many health systems around the world have been reformed, and out of which has developed the concept of the DHS. District-based health systems are now applied successfully in many countries, and have been adapted to a wide variety of situations, from developing countries on our own continent, to more sophisticated systems elsewhere. A National Health System based on this approach is as concerned with keeping people healthy as it is with caring for them when they become unwell. The concepts of "caring" and "wellness" are promoted most effectively and efficiently by creating decentralised comprehensive management units of the health system, adapted to cater for local needs. These units will provide the framework for our district-based health system, in which a district health authority can take responsibility for the health of the total population in its area. This population-based model allows for constant assessment and monitoring of health problems in the district, the facilities and system provided, and leads to efficient and rational planning. The researcher conducted interviews with key stakeholders, used structured questionnaires and observation and reviewed the relevant National and Provincial documentation and performed a literature review, to assess the feasibility of implementing DHS in the City of Cape Town. The main findings of this research are that the City of Cape Town does have the capacity to implement and sustain the DHS, that it is necessary to implement the DHS in the CCT in order to improve the quality of life of the population, and that there is enough personnel to take the process forward. The main recommendations include the need for training of staff, the promotion of communication and transparency in relation to finances and an ongoing support system from the provincial and national health departments. The research assignment has revealed that the move towards DHS has the blessings of the top management and politicians of the eeT. In addition, it has been established that the Cï.T possesses good infrastructure, technical skills, and human resource capacity. There is also willingness on the part of the unions to take this process forward. There are also challenges that need to be addressed, such as difficulties around staff attitudes, and the training of officials so as to accommodate the requirements of a comprehensive primary health care system, effective and efficient utilisation of available resources and change management. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Suid-afrikaanse regering van nasionale-eenheid het met die aanvaarding van die Herekonstruksie en Ontwikkelings program (Hop) in 1994, Suid Afrika tot die ontwikkeling van gesondheidsdistrik stelstel verbind. Hierdie stelsel is gebaseer op die primere gesondheidsorg (POS) benadering wat te Alma Alta in 1978 geformuleer is. Die POS is die dryfkrag agter die verandering van verskeie gesondheidstelsels die wereld oor. Vanuit hierdie POS het die distriksgesondheidstelsel ontwikkel. Hierdie distriksgesondheidstelsel word tans suksesvol in baie lande toegepas en is aanpasbaar by verskillende omstandighede, van die Afrika kontinent tot meer gesofistikeerd stelsels op ander kontinente. 'n Nasionale gesondheidstelsel gebaseer op hierdie benadering is ewe besorg om mense gesond te hou asook om na hulle om te sien wanneer hulle ongesond is. Die begrippe van besorgheid en welsyn word effektief en doeltreffend bevorder deur die skepping van n gedesentraliseerde omvattende bestuurseenheid van die gesondheidstelsel wat aangepas is vir plaaslike behoeftebevrediging. Hierdie eenhede voorsien die raamwerk vir n eie distriksgebaseerde gesondheidstelsel, waarbinne die distriksgesondheidsregeerders verantwoordelikheid vir die gesondheid van die totale bevolking en hul gebied aanvaar. Hierdie bevolkingsgebaseerde model laat toe vir voortdurende beoordeling en monitering van gesondheidsprobleme binne die distrik. Dit bepaal watter beskikbare fasiliteite en dienste voorsien moet word sodat doeltreffende en rasionele beplanning kan geskied. Navorsing is onderneem om die lewensvatbaarheid van die implementering van n distrikgesondheidstelsal binne die stad Kaapstad, met 'n speciale fokus op finansiele en menslike hulpbronne, te bepaal. Die navorser het gebruik gemaak van 'n gestruktureerde vraelys en literatuurstudie om die lewensvatbaarheid tydens die implementering van die distrikgesondheidstelsel vir die stad Kaapstad te bepaal. Die belangrikste gevolgtrekking met betrekking tot hierdie navorsing is dat die stad Kaapstad oor die vermoe beskik om 'n distrikgesondheidstelsel te implementeer en te onderhou ten einde die lewenskwaliteit van mense te verseker. Daar is verder bevind dat daar genoeg personeel is om hierdie proses te voltooi. Die belangrikste aanbeveling sluit in die opleiding van personeel, die bevordering van kommunikasie en deursigtigheid in verhouding tot finansies en voortdurende ondersteuning vanaf provinsiale en nasionale gesondheids departmente.

Gender discrimination in the SANDF : women as combat soldiers in the South African Army with reference to the Western Province Command

Veldtman, Sazi Livingston. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: As early as the unification of South Africa in 1910 enforced discrimination in the military has been an issue that affected both race and gender. The advent of democracy in South Africa has brought fundamental changes in spheres of governance. One of these changes is the transformation of the public service of which the Department of Defence, in particular the South African National Defence Force, is part. The constitutional and judicial imperatives stipulated to the government departments to be representative of the demographic composition of the population of South Africa. The Department of Defence has provided a policy on equal opportunity and affirmative action to redress the racial and gender imbalances of the past, to protect individual and groups against unfair discrimination andto work towards achievement of employment equity. The study seeks to establish the extent and influence of gender discrimination in the South African National Defence with particular reference to the SA Army's Western Province Command. To achieve this, the attitude of the middle and top management of the WP Command towards the utilisation or employment of women in combat roles were assessed. The study also investigated whether the mentioned management does encourage women to be involved or participate in combat roles. Data was collected from respondents by means of a structured questionnaire consisting of 58 questions (plus 8 unstructured questions). The sample was drawn from the SA Army's WP Command and the focus was on middle and top management. Findings of the study indicate that the SA Army's WP Command's middle and top management supports the equality of men and women in general, but is reluctant to allow women to participate in combat roles side by side with their male counterparts. Although there seems to be an understanding and support for the policies of addressing equal opportunities, traditional cultural beliefs or stereotypes about women still shape and influence the acceptance and the non-acceptance of women in combat roles Finally, recommendations highlight issues of consideration when drafting policy vis-a-vis the utilisation of women as combat soldiers. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Reeds so vroeg as Uniewording van Suid Afrika in 1910 was geforseerde diskriminasie binne die weermag 'n kwessie wat beide ras en geslag beïnvloed het. Die totstandkoming van 'n demokrasie in Suid Afrika het fundamentele veranderinge in die sfeer van Staatsbestuur te weeg gebring. Een van hierdie veranderinge het betrekking op die transformasie van die staatsdiens, waarvan die Suid Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag 'n deel is. Daar rus 'n konstitusionele en juridiese verpligting op staatsdepartmente om die demografiese samestelling van die bevolking van Suid Afrika te weerspieel. Die Department van Verdediging het 'n beleid van gelyke geleenthede en regstellende optrede ontwikkelom die rasse- en geslagsongelykhede van die verlede aan te spreek. Die beleid poog om individue en groepe teen onregverdige diskriminasie te beskerm en om billikheid in die werksomgewing te verseker. Hierdie studie poog om die omvang en invloed van geslagsdiskriminasie in die Suid- Afrikaanse Nasionale .Weermag te bepaal, met spesifieke verwysing na Kommandement Westelike Provinsie in die Suid-Afrikaanse Leer. Ten einde die omvang en invloed te bepaal is die houdings van middel- en topbestuur van Kommandement WP beoordeel met betrekking tot die aanwending of benutting van vrouens in 'n gevegsrol. Die studie poog om te bepaal of genoemde bestuurders vrouens aanmoedig om betrokke te raak by, of deel te neem in 'n gevegsrol. Data insameling het geskied deur middel van 'n gestruktureerde vraelys wat 58 vrae bevat het (Daar was ook 8 ongestruktureerde vrae ingesluit). Die steekproef is getrek uit lede van die Suid Afrikaanse Leer verbonde aan Kommandement Westelike Provinsie, met die spesifieke fokus op middel- en topbestuur. Bevindings van die studie dui daarop dat middel- en topbestuur van Kommandement Westelike Provinsie (SA Leer) oor die algemeen gelykheid tussen mans en dames ondersteun. Hulle is egter onwillig om vrouens toe te laat om sy aan sy met hul manlike eweknie in 'n gevegsrol te funksioneer. Alhoewel dit blyk dat daar begrip en steun bestaan vir die beleid wat gelyke geleenthede voorskryf, bepaal tradisionele kulturele oortuigings of stereotipes met betrekking tot vroue steeds die aanvaarding of nie-aanvaarding van vrouens in 'n gevegsrol. Die finale aanbeveling beklemtoon dat daar sekere kwessies is wat oorweging moet geniet wanneer 'n beleid ten opsigte van die benutting van vroue as soldate in 'n gevegsrol, opgestel word.

Black economic empowerment and its impact on tendering procedures and processes within the Ministry of Public Works-KZN.

Mkhize, Nozipho Fortunate. January 2012 (has links)
The goal of this study was to determine the impact of Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) on the tendering procedures and processes in the Ministry of Public Works, KwaZulu-Natal (KZN). The study identified the problems with regard to the implementation of BEE within the Ministry and insight was gained into how BEE policies are structured and the particular goals set by the Ministry in that regard. This was undertaken with a view to determining the effect that BEE has on public administration practice, with particular emphasis on the tendering processes of the Ministry. Based on insight gained through this research, the study concludes with a set of recommendations which, hopefully, will improve BEE practices in tendering policies and procedures in the Ministry. This was a qualitative study, which collected data using structured questionnaires and one-onone interviews with selected senior officials sampled from the population group within the Ministry. In addition, the study utilised secondary information through a thorough literature review of the subject matter as well as relevant reports, policies and legislation. / Thesis (MPA)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Westville, 2012.

A strategic approach to the management of the national archives of South Africa.

Mtshali, Simon Felumbuzo. January 2001 (has links)
When the first democratic government came into power in 1994, it was faced with a number of challenges. One of these challenges was to ensure that the public service is transformed in order to redress the imbalances of the past. The National Archives of South Africa as a branch of the public service was therefore no exception. Prior to the 1994 elections, this branch was known as the State Archives Service. It was converted into the National Archives of South Africa through the passing of the National Archives of South Africa Act (Act No. 43 of 1996). It is important to note that before the 1994 election the exercise of hegemony by the government was through the control of social memory, and this control involved remembering and forgetting. Furthermore, this control demonstrated an extraordinary capacity to secure the support of most white South Africans and the minority of blacks who collaborated with this system. Therefore, the promulgation of the National Archives of South Africa Act (Act No. 43 of 1996) was of crucial significance in South Africa, since it portrayed the death knell for archival legislation moulded by apartheid. This Act converted the State Archives Service into the National Archives of South Africa with the new mandate of serving all the people of South Africa. This study examines a strategic approach to the management of the National Archives of South Africa. Firstly, the National Archives of South Africa Act (Act No. 43 of 1996 is discussed in detail, with emphasis on its formulation and implementation. This act came into operation on 1 January 1997. Secondly, the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats experienced by the National Archives of South Africa during its conceptualisation and launching are discussed. Thirdly, the transformation of the National Archives of South Africa was examined and discussed using the public management functions, namely, policy-making, organising, planning, leadership, motivation, control and evaluation. The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats experienced by the National Archives of South Africa are focused on. Lastly, conclusions and recommendations end the study. / Thesis (MPA)-University of Durban-Westville, 2001.

An integrated strategic approach to the implementation and management of poverty alleviation programmes in KwaZulu-Natal.

Madlopha, Fikisiwe Beatrice. 31 March 2014 (has links)
No abstract available. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Durban-westville, 2003

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