Spelling suggestions: "subject:"thinwalled"" "subject:"thickwalled""
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Sobre os dimensionamentos de perfis de aço formados a frio. / Cold-formed steel design.Edson Lubas Silva 27 July 2006 (has links)
Os perfis de aço formados a frio possuem até 3 modos de flambagem: local, distorcional e global. Essa diversificação torna muito complexa a verificação de esforços resistentes nesses perfis. Recorre-se, então a métodos simplificados e interativos, com o intuito de fornecer ao engenheiro civil ferramentas que sejam práticas e apresentem um bom resultado. Métodos numéricos, como o MFF (métodos das faixas finitas), apesar de serem mais precisos, não são ainda, de uso corrente em projetos. O enfoque principal deste trabalho são as normas brasileiras de perfis formados a frio NBR 14762:2001 Dimensionamento de estruturas de aço constituídas por perfis formados a frio e NBR 6355:2003 Perfis estruturais de aço formados a frio - Padronização. Comparam-se as tabelas D1 e D2 na NBR14762:2001, referentes à flambagem distorcional, a resultados calculados por meio do processo recomendado pela norma. Verificaram-se quais perfis padronizados pela NBR 6355:2003 dispensam a verificação da resistência por distorção da seção transversal. Uma análise geral de perfis de aço formados a frio, a fim de identificar aqueles que possuem melhor eficiência (perfis que resistem esforços mais elevados com menor área da seção transversal) também é feita. Para a realização desta pesquisa foi desenvolvido um programa de computador. / The cold formed steel members have up to 3 buckling modes: local, distortional and global. This diversification makes very complex the verification of these members resistance. For this reason it is used simple and interactive methods to provide the Civil Engineers tools that are practical and present a good result. Although numerical methods such as FDM (Finite Strip Methods) are more precise, they are still not currently used in projects. The main focus of this dissertation is the Brazilian rules regarding the cold formed steel members NBR 14762:2001 Dimensioning steel structures made of cold formed profiles and NBR 6355:2003 Cold formed steel members Standardizing. It compares the D1 and D2 tables of NBR14762:2001, regarding the distortional buckling, with the calculated results recommended by these rules. In this way it is verified which NBR 6355:2003 standardized profiles do not require the verification of resistance by distortional buckling. It is also made a general analysis of these cold formed steel members. And to make this research it was developed a computer program.
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Análise de flambagem de perfis formados a frio utilizando modos puros de deformaçãoMezzomo, Gustavo Prates January 2012 (has links)
A esbeltez dos perfis de aço formados a frio pode resultar na interação entre diferentes modos de flambagem, tornando a análise desses componentes uma tarefa complexa. Para o projeto de perfis formados a frio, é fundamental a compreensão da natureza do modo de flambagem ao qual estão submetidos. O cálculo de modos de flambagem puros e a quantificação da interação de modos contribuem para o estudo do comportamento desses perfis. Nesse trabalho, o cálculo da carga crítica elástica de modos de flambagem puros ou combinados é realizado através do uso de modelos de elementos finitos restringidos. Para o cálculo focado em uma classe de flambagem específica (de modos globais, distorcionais, locais ou outros), diferentes procedimentos de restrição são propostos. Utilizando um procedimento de restrição geral, o campo de deformações do modelo é restringido de acordo com uma combinação de modos de deformação da seção, definidos com base nos conceitos da teoria generalizada de vigas e do método das faixas finitas restringido. Na direção longitudinal do perfil, podem ser combinados diversos componentes harmônicos que respeitem as condições de contorno das extremidades. Também são mostrados casos em que todos os componentes harmônicos longitudinais possíveis podem ser automaticamente considerados. O cálculo de modos de flambagem combinados possibilita, automaticamente, a quantificação da interação dos modos considerados. Para validação dos procedimentos propostos, são apresentados resultados numéricos da análise de um perfil C com enrijecedores de borda, com duas diferentes condições de contorno das extremidades, e submetidos a dois tipos de carregamento. Os resultados são comparados com os fornecidos pela teoria generalizada de vigas e pelo método das faixas finitas restringido. Os procedimentos de restrição são aplicados na análise de um perfil inspirado em uma estrutura real com apoios intermediários (ao longo do comprimento), explorando a vantagem da implementação utilizando elementos finitos. O potencial dos procedimentos aqui propostos é discutido. Finalmente, foram sugeridos novos objetivos para a continuação desse trabalho. / The slenderness of cold-formed steel member can result in the interaction of different buckling modes, making the analysis of these members a complex task. In the design of thinwalled members, the understanding of the nature of the buckling mode is fundamental. The calculation of pure buckling modes and the evaluation of the interaction amongst the buckling modes help in the study of the behavior of thin-walled members. In this research, the elastic critical buckling load calculation of pure and combined buckling modes is carried out using constrained finite element models. Different constraining procedures are proposed for the calculation focused on each buckling class (of global, distortional, local or other modes). Using a general constraining procedure, the deformation fields of the model are constrained in accordance with a combination of section deformation modes, which are defined based on the concepts of the generalized beam theory and the constrained finite strip method. In the longitudinal direction on the member, several harmonic components may be combined, which must meet the boundary conditions of the member ends. Cases where all possible longitudinal harmonic components can be automatically considered are also presented. In order to validate the proposed procedures, numerical results are presented on the analysis of a lipped channel, with two different configurations of boundary conditions at member ends and submitted to two different types of loading. The results are compared to the ones provided by the generalized beam theory and the constrained finite strip method. The constraining procedures are applied to the analysis of a member inspired by a real structure with intermediate supports (between the member ends), exploring the advantages of the implementation using the finite element method. The potentiality of the procedures proposed herein is discussed. Finally, new aims are proposed in order to continue this research.
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Nonlinear dynamics of lexible structures using corotational beam elements / Eléments de poutre co-rotationnels pour l'analyse dynamique non-linéaire des structures à barresLe, Thanh Nam 18 October 2013 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est de proposer des éléments finis poutres corotationnels 2D et 3D pour l’analyse du comportement dynamique non-linéaire des structures à barres. La contribution majeure de cette thèse est l’utilisation de fonctions d’interpolations cubiques à la fois pour la détermination de l’expression des efforts internes mais aussi celle des termes d’inertie. En négligeant le carré du déplacement transversal dans le repère local, une expression analytique des termes dynamiques en 2D est obtenue. Sur base d’une étude comparative approfondie sur la paramétrisation des rotations et les algorithmes d’intégration temporelle et d’une approximation des rotations locales, nous proposons deux éléments finis poutre 3D précis et robustes. Contrairement au premier, le second élément 3D prend en compte les déformations de gauchissement et l'excentricité du centre de cisaillement. Les diverses comparaisons réalisées démontrent la pertinence des formulations proposées. / The purpose of this thesis is to propose several corotational beam formulations for both 2D and 3D nonlinear dynamic analyse of flexible structures. The main novelty of these formulations is that the cubic interpolation functions are used to derive not only the internal force vector and the tangent stiffness matrix but also the inertial force vector and the dynamic matrix. By neglecting the quadratic terms of the local transversal displacements, closed-form expressions for the inertial terms are obtained for 2D problems. Based on an extensive comparative study of the parameterizations of the finite rotations and the time stepping method, and by adopting an approximation of the local rotations, two consistent and effective beam formulations for 3D dynamics are developed. In contrast with the first formulation, the second one takes into account the warping deformations and the shear center eccentricity. The accuracy of these formulations is demonstrated through several numerical examples.
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La céramique à paroi fine de Musarna (Étrurie méridionale) : typologie, production, circulation / The thin-walled ware from Musarna : typology, production, circulationLéone, Julie 07 March 2014 (has links)
La céramique à paroi fine est un groupe de vaisselle romaine parmi les plus représentés sur les sites archéologiques. Un échantillonnage important (environ 25000 fragments) a été mis au jour dans les différents secteurs fouillés de la cité étrusco-romaine de Musarna (territoire de Tarquinia). Son étude a permis d'identifier cinquante-huit formes de vases et de retracer leur évolution technique. Leur comparaison avec le matériel provenant des sites voisins, de l'Étrurie, de toute la péninsule italique, et des territoires conquis a conduit à l'identification de plusieurs zones de production. Divisés en six phases chronologiques, leur datation s'étend entre le dernier tiers du IIe siècle av. J.-C. et le IIe siècle ap. J.-C. / The Thin-walled ware is one of the most represented class of vessel ceramic found on roman archaeological sites. An important batch (around 25000 shards) has been found in the various areas explored in one of the etrusco-roman cities of Tarquinia's territory: Musarna. The study of that Corpus allowed us to identify fifty-eight forms of vases and to trace their technological evolution. The parallels found with the material coming from others sites in Etruria, in the whole Italy and in the conquered territories have evidenced the existence of several productions areas. The Thin-walled ware from Musarna can be divided in six chronological phases, distributed between the last third of the II century B.C. and the II century A.D.
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Silové zatížení frézovacích nástrojů při obrábění / Force loading of milling tools during the machining processProcházka, Luděk January 2018 (has links)
The thesis deals with the problem of force loading during machining of thin-walled parts. In the theoretical part, the force load applied during milling and the possibility of measuring of the force loading during milling is analyzed. Further the work focuses on the machining of thin-walled parts, problems in machining of these parts and the possibility of eliminating these issues. The practical part deals with the design and realization of the measurement of the force load on the selected components. The thesis also presents a comparison of the simulation model of deflection of thin-walled parts with the values measured in real machining.
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Vývoj procesních parametrů technologie Selective laser melting pro výrobu tenkostěnných dílů z práškového železa / Development of process parameters of Selective laser melting technology for the production of thin-walled iron partsŠreibr, Vít January 2018 (has links)
The thesis deals with the processing of pure iron by Selective laser melting technology as a material with good electromagnetic properties. The main area is the optimization of the production of thin-walled samples, which monitor the influence of process parameters on the thickness and quality of the wall surfaces. In addition to the perpendicular walls, walls built at an angle of 45° are also examined. Another phase of the thesis is the determination of process parameters for bulk bodies to achieve the lowest porosity and high surface quality. An important part of the research is the application of acquired knowledge in the production of samples designed to test magnetic properties as well as part for a specific application. These considerations concern not only the setting of the printing parameters, but also the heat treatment and its influence on the magnetic and mechanical properties of the material. Mechanical properties were determined by tensile tests and hardness tests. All samples were made on a SLM 280HL using a 400W ytterbium laser.
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Vývoj SLM procesních parametrů pro tenkostěnné díly z niklové superslitiny / Development of SLM process parameters for thin-walled nickel superalloy componentsKafka, Richard January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the development of process parameters of SLM technology for the material IN718. The main goal is an experimental development of a set of parameters for the production of thin-walled parts with regard to material density, surface roughness and tightness. The essence of the development of parameters is an experimental explanation of the influence of laser power and scanning speed on the morphology of single tracks, which are used for the production of a thin wall. Together with walls of larger widths and volume samples, it is possible to create an intersection of parameters by which is possible to create components formed by a combination of thin-walled and volume geometry. The performed research created a material set, where the parameters of thin walls are used for the area of contours of bulk samples. We managed to produce a wall with an average width of 0.15 mm and roughness of 6 m, which meets the requirement for the tightness. The meander scanning pattern achieved a relative material density of 99.92%, which is more than with the supplier's parameters. Based on the acquired knowledge, it was possible to apply a set of parameters to components combining both geometries.
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Modelování silových účinků působících na dopravní a manipulační zařízení s cílem jejich optimalizace / Modelling of Load Impacts Acting on Transport and Handling Equipments with the Aim of their OptimizationŠťastný, Antonín January 2015 (has links)
This PhD thesis deals with employment of the state of the art methods of mathematical optimization and structural analysis in the field of load carrying steel structures of handling devices. The goal of the thesis is to compile a methodology which enables generating of optimal dimensions of conceptually designed load carrying parts of handling devices. The proposed methodology is composed of sub-methods which are successively applied to find an optimal configuration of structure according to a chosen criterion. The methodology incorporates sub-methods such as Design of Experiments, parametric finite-element modelling, the state of the art computational methods for stability assessment, mathematical approximation methods and state of the art optimization schemes based of both, heuristic and gradient principle. Recommendations from Eurocode 3 are used to introduce imperfections to the finite element model in order to perform the nonlinear buckling analysis. The practical part of this thesis is focused on optimization of welded beams. The principle of the methodology is in detail explained and demonstrated on an example of lifting spreader beam of load carrying capacity of 20 tons. The proposed methodology is practically realized by an algorithm created in Matlab software. Matlab is also utilized to implement some sub-methods including mathematical optimization schemes. Both, gradient and heuristic optimization algorithms are used for comparison and mutual verification. Structural analysis is performed by means of parametrical finite-element models which are built in the Ansys Parametric Design Language (APDL). The methodology takes into account buckling, which is inherent to thin walled structures under compressive load. The buckling analysis is performed by means of both, linear and non-linear procedures in Ansys. The output of the algorithm is an optimized configuration of the structure, which minimizes the objective function and complies with all requirements implemented in the form of design constraints.
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A Comparative Study of Strength and Stiffness of Thin-Walled Specimens Fabricated By FDM and 3D Printing TechnologiesRodrigo, Miranda 11 July 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Rapid Prototyped part failure constitutes a major issue for both RP providers and customers. When parts fail the reputation of the vendor is heavily deteriorated, customer dissatisfaction increase and replacement of the broken parts is often necessary to avoid the loss of future business. Product design teams often run into situations where Rapid Prototyped parts are not able to withstand shipping and handling and delivered broken or while demonstrating and examining the parts. When done in the face of customers this builds a perception of poor quality and lack of aptitude on the design group as well as the RP processes. The rapid advance of the RP industry and technology has led users to employ RP parts for structural applications where the need to understand in great detail and accuracy the mechanical behavior of the product and its individual components is greater than ever. Models built on Rapid Prototyping (RP) equipment are most often made from polymers which frequently have mechanical properties that are inferior to those manufactured by traditional methods such as thermoforming or injection molding. Not only are the mechanical properties of RP models typically low, they are usually, at least in thin sections, directly dependent on the section or wall thickness of the models. This dependence of strength on wall thickness makes it difficult to predict a proper wall thickness for RP models, even when nominal values of material strength are known. The purpose of this work is to present and compare measured values of tensile strength and stiffness as a function of wall thickness for three RP processes and materials. These properties will assist designers estimating adequate minimum wall thicknesses for models built by the three processes. The three RP technologies included in the scope of this research are: Z Corporation (powder with polymer binder layup), Fuse Deposition Modeling and PolyJet Layup (Objet). The findings of this study establish that tensile strength and stiffness values are dependent upon wall thickness, building orientation and direction of the applied force of specimens created with the methods in consideration. It was also determined that the correlation between thickness and strength for all processes is non-linear. Due to these results a single tensile strength and modulus value for each material and all wall thicknesses do not accurately represent their behavior. However, these results will allow a designer to understand the relationship between the wall thickness and using the data provided in this work be able to model and then fabricate adequate 3D prototypes.
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Correlation-based analysis on thin walled tubesHedlund, Andreas, Blom, Daniel January 2022 (has links)
In the transportation sector, crash structures are often used to protect their inhabitants inthe event of a collision. These crash structures frequently utilize thin-walled tubes as energyabsorbers. The process of developing thin-walled tubes is iterative based and requires mul-tiple simulations, making it resource intensive. This thesis researches how thin-walled tubesare developed today, what kind of challenges exist in the development process and whattools and methods are used to shorten the development lead times. Later a new methodfor assessing TWBs crashworthiness before a simulation is investigated. In this method43 cross-section geometries from thin-walled tubes used in automobiles are parameterized.These tubes are later subjected to a dynamic crash simulation along their longitudinal axis.Results from these simulations are correlated to their respective parameters in order to findmeaningful relation between the parameters and results. It was found that the circumferenceof a cross-section correlates with its crashworthiness. With this finding, the developmentlead times of thin-walled tubes could be shortened by reducing the amount of required FEMsimulations.
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