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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Skelettierung von 3d-Objekten auf kubisch-raumzentrierten Gittern und deren Anwendung in der Segmentierung, Manipulierung und Klassifizierung.

Brunner, David 07 January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Oftmals kann ein Problem erst dadurch gelöst werden, indem seine Komplexität reduziert wird. Erst diese Reduktion ermöglicht die Verwendung von Lösungsansätzen, die für weniger komplexe Problemstellungen existieren. Für 3d-Objekte ist die Skelettierung der Mechanismus, der die Objekte auf eine niedrigere Dimension abbildet und dadurch deren Komplexität reduziert. Seit nunmehr 40 Jahren werden entsprechende Verfahren und darauf basierende Anwendungen entwickelt. In jüngster Zeit traten auf innovativen Forschungsgebieten innerhalb des Maschinenbaus, der Nanotechnologie, der Medizintechnik und nicht zuletzt der Computergrafik Probleme auf, die durch Skelettierung bewältigt wurden oder in naher Zukunft zu bewältigen sind. Mit der vorliegenden Dissertation wird an den aktuellen Stand der Forschung angeknüpft und ein Skelettierungsverfahren vorgestellt, das nicht auf den bisher üblichen kartesischen Gittern, sondern auf den sogenannten kubisch-raumzentrierten Gittern operiert. Dadurch ergeben sich eine Vielzahl positiver Eigenschaften, sowohl unter topologischen als auch rechentechnischen Aspekten. Die auf Gitterstrukturen basierenden Verfahren haben traditionell Schwierigkeiten, rotationsinvariante Skelette zu generieren. Diese Eigenschaft ist jedoch für eine Reihe von Applikationen wünschenswert. Eine Ausnahme bilden Verfahren, die zunächst ein Vektorfeld berechnen, das Abstoßungen vom Objektrand simuliert. Mithilfe dieser Strukturen können Skelettpunkte identifiziert werden, die von der Gitterstruktur unabhängig sind. Allerdings sind die Verfahren, die derartige Skelette erzeugen, extrem ineffizient: Bezogen auf die Anzahl der Objektgitterpunkte ist die Komplexität quadratisch. Deshalb ist ein weiterer Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit, eine qualitativ hochwertige Approximation des Vektorfeldes in linearer Zeitkomplexität zu erzeugen. Die zusätzlichen Informationen, die aus diesen Vektorfeldern gewonnen werden, kommen innerhalb des ursprünglichen Skelettierungsverfahrens zum Einsatz, um die Vorteile beider Verfahren zu kombinieren. Die auf diese Weise erzeugten eindimensionalen Skelettstrukturen der 3d-Objekte eignen sich für eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen. Drei Anwendungen, namentlich die Klassifizierung, die Segmentierung und die Manipulierung werden gezeigt. Für die Klassifizierung werden die erzeugten Skelette in eine Graphrepräsentation transformiert. Hierfür werden zwei Verfahren vorgestellt und darüber hinaus erläutert, wie die Graphrepräsentation optimiert und mit Attributen versehen werden kann. Insbesondere die Attributierung (z. B. mit Distanz- oder Krümmungsinformationen) ist von großer Bedeutung, da der Graph zunächst die Objektform nur grob abstrahiert und dadurch kein detaillierter Vergleich zwischen Objekten möglich wäre. Für die Segmentierung und die Deformierung von 3d-Objekten besteht der wichtigste Beitrag dieser Dissertation darin, eine präzise Zuordnung zwischen Abschnitten des Graphen und Meshregionen durchzuführen, die erforderlich ist, um Änderungen an der Graphstruktur (Auftrennen oder Deformieren) direkt auf das Mesh übertragen zu können. Hierfür wird eine spezielle Datenstruktur präsentiert, die diese Zuordnung ermöglicht, ohne die Komplexität des Skelettierungsverfahrens zu verschlechtern. Ein breites Spektrum an Vorschlägen für zukünftige, auf dieser Dissertation aufbauende Forschungsthemen schließen die Arbeit ab.

Effekter av naturvårdsgallring på förekomsten av lunglav på ädellövträd / Effects of conservation thinning on the presence of epiphytic lichen Lobaria pulmonaria on broad leaved deciduous trees

Björkroth, Jennie January 2015 (has links)
Sun-exposed broad leaved deciduous trees have a great species diversity of epiphytic lichens. In Europe, these trees have decreased dramatically in number as wooded pastures have become overgrown with trees and bushes, and broad leaved deciduous stands have been replaced by planted coniferous trees. These are the main reasons for many lichens depending on deciduous trees being red-listed. Epiphytic lichens in overgrown areas could benefit from conservation thinning, but few studies have been performed on how this type of cutting affects the lichens. In a previous study, the presence of red-listed epiphytic lichens in a broad leaved deciduous forest was examined. After the study, thinning of trees and bushes was made. Here we study the effects of this thinning on Lobaria pulmonaria. We tested possible factors that may affect the growth of L. pulmonaria, and if there were any differences in incidence and vitality of the lichen between managed and unmanaged stands. Since Dutch elm disease and ash dieback are well spread in the area, we wanted to see if they also affected the growth of L. pulmonaria. There were no differences in incidence and growth between managed and unmanaged stands. The results were unexpected since other studies show that, for instance, increased sun exposure often has a great effect on the growth of lichens. Many elms and ashes were dead or dying and had a significant negative effect on the change of number of lobes and the lobe surface. The diseases of the trees can thus be assumed to be the greatest cause of why the lichens in the managed stand did not benefit from thinning.

Select CD : computer support system for making tree species and reproduction cutting decisions in the coastal forest of BC

Klinka, Karel, Varga, Pal, Chourmouzis, Christine January 1999 (has links)
"SELECT CD is a site-specific, decision-support tool for selecting ecologically viable tree species, reproduction cuttings, and regeneration methods in the coastal forest (CDF, CWH, and MH zones). SELECT CD integrates information from several existing guides with new information from literature and recent research into a single, user-friendly resource. SELECT CD also includes a rich library of visuals and an illustrated glossary of technical terms."

En fallstudie av en gallringsfri skötselmetod för gran i Västra Götaland / A case study of a non-thinning method for spruce in Vaestra Goetaland

Johansson, Per Olof January 2015 (has links)
Resultat från 3 olika bestånd i Västra Götaland. Åldern på bestånden är 30, 50 och 50 år. Varje provyta var 100 m2. Bestånden har vuxit utan gallring och gödsling och skötts enligt en metod som kallas Hyssnametoden. Syftet med studien var att beskriva, följa upp och utvärdera effekterna av en alternativ skogsskötselmetod. Resultatet av mätningarna visar att volymproduktionen är högre än vad som förväntas i det aktuella området. / Results from three stands of Norway spruce in Vaestra Goetaland in Sweden. The age of the stands are 30, 50 and 50 years old. Each sample area was 100 m2. The stands have grown without any thinning and fertilizer. The maintenance method is called “Hyssnametoden”. The purpose of the study was to describe, follow-up and evaluate the impact of an alternative silvicultural method. The result shows that volume growth is higher than expected in this field.

Ecological responses of two forest understory herbs to changes in resources caused by prescribed fire alone on in combination with restoration thinning

Huang, Jianjun, January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Ohio State University, 2007. / Title from first page of PDF file. Includes bibliographical references (p. 161-175).

The potential for forestry to reduce net CO₂ emissions /

Eriksson, Erik, January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniv., 2006. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

Third year effects of shelterwood cutting, wildlife thinning, and prescribed burning on oak regeneration, understory vegetation development, and acorn production in Tennessee

Gordon, Daniel Stuart, January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.S.) -- University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 2005. / Title from title page screen (viewed on Feb. 1, 2006). Thesis advisor: David S. Buckley. Vita. Includes bibliographical references.

Densidade de estradas em povoamentos de Pinus taeda l. em regime de desbastes e corte raso / Roads density in Pinus taeda L. stands in thinnings and clear cutting

Souza, Franciny Lieny 06 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Claudia Rocha (claudia.rocha@udesc.br) on 2017-12-12T13:30:05Z No. of bitstreams: 1 PGEF16MA073.pdf: 1558252 bytes, checksum: 078f732c32622d0875732cff37fb28d7 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-12-12T13:30:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PGEF16MA073.pdf: 1558252 bytes, checksum: 078f732c32622d0875732cff37fb28d7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-06 / The objective of the present research was to analyze timber extraction operations and determining economically optimal density of forest roads in thinnings and clear cut for Pinus stands managed for multiple use, subsidizing the operations planning for forest sustainability. The survey was conducted in areas of harvest of Pinus taeda L., belonging to Florestal Gateados Ltda, in Campo Belo do Sul, SC. The study was divided into two stages. In the first, a technical analysis, modeling and cost productivity of logging activities in different situations and machines: (a) first thinning in cut to lenght system (CTL) with forwarder; (b) third roughing in CTL system with forwarder; (c) clear cut in with forwarder CTL system; and (d) clear cut in full tree system (FT) with skidder. Technical analysis was performed by means of a time and motion study, with a sampling error of less than 10%, being evaluated the elements of the operating cycle and given nominal productivity (Pn) and effective (Pe). The cost analysis was accomplished through the determination of production and operational costs for the accounting method. The operations were evaluated in different conditions of slope, direction of operation, distance of extraction, presence of rocky outcrop and volume by class tora, which were also regarded as independes variables to fit mathematical models for multiple regression for estimation of productivity, using the Stepwise Procedure. The main results were: for the first trim the Pn was 10,90 m3/h and total operating cost (COT) of R$/he. 181,12 For the third roughing the NP was 16,45 m3/h and COT of 185,58 R$/he. In clear cut, for forwarder if a Pn of 29,05 m3/h and COT of 244,58/he R$, while for the skidder obtained a Pn of 128,60 m3/h and COT of 218,31 R$/he. For the modeling of productivity of machines, the distance and the volume by tora were used as explanatory variables, being present in the estimates for the forwarder, in addition to the volume per cycle, in third, and slope in the first thinning and clear-cutting. For the skidder, the variables used were the distance and volume per cycle. In step two was given the economically optimum density (DOE) and acceptable (DAE) for different situations. The DOE was calculated by the indirect method, which is the product of the sum of the costs of reconstruction, maintenance, extraction and waste of productive area. First trim the current road density (of) was 45,28 m/ha, the DOE of 20,18 m/ha and the DAE of 28,26 m/ha. Third roughing the of was 95,08 m/ha, the DOE of 16,60 m/ha and the DAE of 21,68. In clear-cutting the of was 92,02 w/ha, being the DOE for the CTL system of 15,63 m/ha and DAE of 24,75 m/ha, while in the FT system DOE was 22,85 m/ha and 27,00 m DAE/ha. In General, the density of current roads was above the good and acceptable and should be carried out a redesign of operations targeting a road network within the acceptable density, resulting in lower costs and increased revenue to the company / O objetivo da presente pesquisa foi analisar operações de extração de madeira e determinar economicamente a densidade ótima de estradas florestais em desbastes e corte raso para povoamentos de Pinus manejados para uso múltiplo, subsidiando o planejamento das operações com vistas à sustentabilidade florestal. A pesquisa foi realizada em áreas de colheita de Pinus taeda L., pertencentes à empresa Florestal Gateados Ltda, em Campo Belo do Sul, SC. O estudo foi dividido em duas etapas. Na primeira, foi realizada uma análise técnica, de custos e modelagem da produtividade das atividades de extração de madeira em diferentes situações e máquinas: (a) primeiro desbaste em sistema de toras curtas (CTL) com forwarder; (b) terceiro desbaste em sistema CTL com forwarder; (c) corte raso em sistema CTL com forwarder; e (d) corte raso em sistema de árvores inteiras (FT) com skidder. A análise técnica foi realizada por meio de um estudo de tempos e movimentos, com um erro amostral menor que 10%, sendo avaliados os elementos do ciclo operacional e determinada a produtividade nominal (Pn) e efetiva (Pe). A análise de custos foi realizada através da determinação dos custos operacionais e de produção pelo método contábil. As operações foram avaliadas em diferentes condições de declividade, sentido de operação, distância de extração, presença de afloramento rochoso e classe de volume por tora, os quais também foram considerados como variáveis independes com intuito de se ajustar modelos matemáticos por regressão múltipla para a estimativa da produtividade, utilizando o procedimento Stepwise. Os principais resultados foram: para o primeiro desbaste a Pn foi de 10,90 m3/h e custo operacional total (COT) de 181,12 R$/he. Para o terceiro desbaste a Pn foi de 16,45 m3/h e COT de 185,58 R$/he. Em corte raso, para forwarder se obteve uma Pn de 29,05 m3/h e COT de 244,58 R$/he, enquanto que para o skidder se obteve uma Pn de 128,60 m3/h e COT de 218,31 R$/he. Para a modelagem da produtividade das máquinas, a distância e o volume por tora foram usadas como variáveis explicativas, estando presentes nas estimativas para o forwarder, além do volume por ciclo, em terceiro desbaste, e da declividade em primeiro desbaste e corte raso. Para o skidder, as variáveis utilizadas foram a distância e o volume por ciclo. Na etapa dois foi determinada a densidade economicamente ótima (DOE) e aceitável (DAE) para as diferentes situações de colheita. A DOE foi calculada pelo método indireto, sendo esta o produto do somatório dos custos de reconstrução, manutenção, extração e perda de área produtiva. Em primeiro desbaste a densidade de estradas atual (DE) foi de 45,28 m/ha, a DOE de 20,18 m/ha e a DAE de 28,26 m/ha. Em terceiro desbaste a DE foi de 95,08 m/ha, a DOE de 16,60 m/ha e a DAE de 21,68. Em corte raso a DE foi de 92,02 m/ha, sendo a DOE para o sistema CTL de 15,63 m/ha e DAE de 24,75 m/ha, enquanto que em sistema FT a DOE foi de 22,85 m/ha e DAE de 27,00 m/ha. De forma geral, a densidade de estradas atual foi acima da ótima e da aceitável, devendo ser realizado um replanejamento das operações visando uma malha viária dentro da densidade aceitável, resultando em menores custos e maiores receitas à empresa

Détermination d'un critère prédisant l'efficacité du procédé d'électrocoalescance sur la destabilisation d'émulsions eau-pétrole brut / On the Determination of a Criterion Predicting the Electrocoalescence Efficiency in the Destabilization of Water-in-Crude Oils Emulsions

Raisin, Jonathan 08 April 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l'utilisation de champs électriques pour faciliter l'élimination de l'eau coproduite avec le pétrole brut, sous la forme d'émulsions stables, lors des étapes d'extraction et de dessalement. Ce procédé, connu sous le nom d'électrocoalescence, s'appuie sur la capacité qu'ont les forces électrostatiques à promouvoir l'attraction et la coalescence de gouttelettes d'eau proches afin d'en augmenter la taille et ainsi d'en accélérer la sédimentation par gravité. Bien que les premières observations expérimentales datent déjà d'un siècle, de nombreuses zones d'ombres subsistent, notamment en ce qui concerne l'optimisation de l'efficacité des électrocoalesceurs de dernière génération. Dans ce contexte, une démarche, combinant simulation numérique multi-physique et expérimentation, a été mise en place pour étudier les phénomènes de mouvement, de déformation et d'instabilité d'interfaces eau-huile induit par la présence d'un champ électrique. La contribution la plus marquante concerne la modélisation et l'analyse de l'effet des forces électrostatiques sur le mécanisme d'amincissement du film d'huile séparant les gouttes. Les résultats numériques mettent en évidence la singularité du problème et l'inadaptabilité des modèles théoriques de lubrification classiquement adoptés pour représenter la coalescence dans les écoulements diphasiques. Une nouvelle expression asymptotique pour le calcul du temps de drainage entre les gouttelettes de l'émulsion est proposée et utilisée pour déduire un critère prédisant la probabilité d'électrocoalescence lors d'une collision dans un écoulement cisaillé. En parallèle, un dispositif sophistiqué, permettant de reproduire expérimentalement le phénomène et d'améliorer la représentativité du critère, a été construit. Enfin, en réponse à un point bloquant décelé lors de la phase de conception de ce dernier, une technique innovante d'injection à la demande de gouttes conductrices non chargées dans un liquide visqueux isolant, utilisant des impulsions électrostatiques, a été développé. / The present thesis deals with the electrostatically assisted removal of water coproduced with crude oil in the form of stable emulsions during recovery and desalting operations. This process, referred to as electrocoalescence, exploits the ability of electric forces to promote attraction and merging of adjacent water droplets to increase their size and related natural rate of sedimentation under gravity. Still, even one century after the first experimental observations, a lot of gray areas remain, particularly on the optimization of efficiency in state-of-the-art separators. To address this question, an approach combining multi-physics simulation and experiments has been used to investigate the phenomena of motion, deformation and instability of electrically influenced water-oil (droplets) interfaces. The main contribution concerns the modeling and analysis of the mechanism of oil film thinning between droplets approaching under the effect of electrostatic forces. Results from simulations highlight the strong singularity of the present problem and the inadequacy of existing theoretical lubrication models usually employed to represent coalescence events in two phase flows. For the small emulsified droplets, a new asymptotic expression for the drainage time is obtained and allows to deduce a criterion predicting the probability of electrocoalescence resulting from a shear flow induced collision. In parallel, a sophisticated setup, enabling to experimentally investigate the phenomenon and to improve the criterion relevance with regards to the actual processing conditions, has been assembled. At last and as an answer to an otherwise unfulfilled requirement defined in the design of the latter, an innovative actuation technique for the synchronous on-demand injection of two charge free conductive droplets in an insulating viscous liquid, relying on the application of a high electric field pulse, has been implemented.

Etude des conditions de formations du gisement de talc-chlorite de Trimouns (Ariège, France) / Conditions of formation of the Trimouns talc-chlorite deposit (Ariège, France)

Boutin, Alexandre 27 September 2016 (has links)
Le gisement de talc-chlorite de Trimouns est situé dans le massif nord-pyrénéen du Saint Barthélémy (Ariège, France). Il est l'objet d'une attention particulière pour ses ressources minérales exceptionnelles (tant par la qualité que l'abondance), et pour sa position stratégique dans l'histoire géologique des Pyrénées. Le but de cette étude est de caractériser les conditions de formation du gisement et de les intégrer dans le contexte géologique régional. Pour aborder cette problématique nous avons choisi trois grands axes d'étude : 1) au moyen de l'analyse cartographique et structurale, nous procédons à une description de la géométrie du gisement, et nous proposons une histoire des relations entre minéralisation et déformation ; 2) à l'aide d'analyses thermométriques via plusieurs méthodes, nous cherchons à définir quelle est l'histoire thermique enregistrée dans les différentes unités du gisement ; 3) avec des datations in situ sur un large panel de minéraux, nous positionnons des repères temporels sur plusieurs objets géologiques afin de dater le ou les épisodes minéralisateurs sur Trimouns. Les résultats obtenus expriment le caractère polyphasé du gisement, et ce pour les trois axes d'études suivis, déformation, thermicité et âge de la minéralisation. Les travaux sur les structures montrent que la minéralisation principale scelle une déformation probablement varisque, minéralisation qui se forme elle-même en contexte dynamique et qui est à son tour déformée. L'étude thermique met en évidence que la ou les minéralisations sont associées à un ou plusieurs événements froids, et qu'une empreinte thermique chaude est préservée dans les roches du toit et du mur du gisement. Les résultats géochronologiques montrent que la formation du talc et des chlorites à Trimouns est polyphasée et associée à une succession d'événements métasomatiques. L'Albien est l'évènement hydrothermal majeur mais des épisodes plus anciens sont enregistrés au Jurassique à Trimouns, voire au Permien dans d'autres gisements du massif et de l'ouest de la chaîne des Pyrénées. La synthèse de nos travaux nous permet de proposer un modèle de la formation du gisement de talc-chlorite de Trimouns. Ce modèle s'inscrit dans un contexte géodynamique extensif post-varisque que l'on peut mettre en relation avec les phénomènes extensifs pré-orogéniques pyrénéens du Crétacé (120-85 Ma). Ce contexte pré-orogénique est associé à l'exhumation du manteau, source probable du magnésium nécessaire à la formation du gisement. Nos travaux montrent également que le massif du Saint Barthélémy, et possiblement d'autres massifs nord pyrénéens semblables, ne sont pas des massifs "simplement" varisques mais qu'ils ont pu être profondément affectés par les évènements du cycle alpin. / The Trimouns talc-chlorite deposit is located in the north Pyrenean Saint Barthelemy massif (Ariège, France). This deposit is remarkable in its minerals' quality and quantity as well as for its strategic position in the Pyrenees geological history. This study aims at understanding the formation conditions of the talc-chlorite deposit and at integrating them in the alpine pre-orogenic context. To this, we focus on three main themes : 1) Using geological and structural mapping studies, we describe the rocks and their organization as to estimate how much variscan and alpine orogenies affected them. 2) With thermometric analyses using different methods, we seek to define what is the thermal history recorded in the different units of the deposit. 3) Using in-situ dating on a wide range of minerals, we locate temporal references on various geological objects to document hydrothermal events. Achieved results demonstrate the polyphase caracteristics of the deposit, in the three focal areas used : deformation, thermal approach, and geochronology. Structural analysis shows that the mineralisation seals an other deformation, probably of the variscan period. This mineralisation is also formed in a dynamic context and then deformed as well. The thermal study highlights that mineralizations are associated with one or more cold events, and a hot thermal foot-print is preserved in the footwall and the hanging wall of the deposit. Dating results show that the formation talc and chlorite in Trimouns is multiphase, associated with succession of metasomatic events. The Albian event is the major hydrothermal event but older episodes are recorded in Jurassic at Trimouns and in Permian in other fields on the west-ern Pyrenees. The synthesis of our works allows us to propose a model of the formation of the Trimouns talc-chlorite deposit. This model is part of a post-Variscan extensive geodynamic context that can be related to the Pyrenean extensive pre-orogenic phenomena during Cretaceous period (120-85 Ma). This pre-orogenic context is associated with mantle exhumation, likely source of magnesium necessary for the formation of talc. Our studies also show that the Saint Barthelemy massif and possibly other similar north Pyrenean massif are not "simply" Variscan but have been deeply affected by the events of the Alpine cycle.

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