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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En precisionsstudie av förstärkt verklighet som positioneringsverktyg

Didriksson, Mattias, Blomkvist, Anders January 2015 (has links)
This study investigates augmented reality using third person perspective and what precision can be achieved by using this method. There have been prior studies in regards to precision using augmented reality, however studies using third person perspective is scarce. This study presents a solution using a static camera capturing the user as well as the plane to augment from behind. This augmented image is then transferred to a handheld device that is held by the user. Using this method the user will be free to manipulate and work with the plane without removing the device that captures the scene, a common problem when using visual reference markers in augmented reality. The study successfully shows that this can be implemented without compromising user experience as well as achieving a precision below 13 millimeters. The AR-tool has been proven to reduce time consumption of the task by up to four times compared to the manual method using a folding ruler.

The Effect of Presumed Media Influence on College Athletes

Anderson, Justin E. 10 August 2012 (has links)
In this article, I examine the notion that perceptions of media have a perceived effect on performance and morale on both the athlete and the team. I test this idea on a sample of college athletes at Nicholls State University (N=94), at the end of the 2011-2012 school year. Findings show that the presumed media influence is displayed in the context of athletics and that there are some indirect effects from one's perceptions of how their teammates were portrayed in the media. Research found that positive media had a perceived effect on the team but not on ones' self. Findings also showed that positive and negative media can be a predictor of overall team performance. Nothing was found to support the idea that positive or negative media had an impact on personal performance or morale. Nothing was found that gave credence to the fact that perception of media whether positive or negative has an impact on personal or team morale.

I’ve Got a Girl Crush: Parents’ Responses to Stories About Sexuality in Children’s Television

McAndrew, Jennie Elizabeth 02 October 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Immigrant Perceptions of Advertising amid Acculturation Levels, Stress and Motivation

Lan, Qiao 01 January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
A media studies survey was conducted among university graduate students to study immigrants' attitudes toward advertising under various acculturation conditions. A total of 358 valid responses were collected. The study supported our hypothesis that immigrants have more positive attitudes than Americans do and it also showed that the level of positiveness varies according to different acculturation status. The study also found a larger third-person effect for immigrants than for Americans.

An Examination Of Third-person Effect In The Context Of Contoversial Product Advertising

Jensen, Keith 01 January 2005 (has links)
This research seeks to determine if there is a third-person effect in the realm of controversial product advertising. A questionnaire was designed based on previous research and distributed to a convenience sample of college students at the University of Central Florida. Participants were asked to rate their perceived levels of personal offense to product categories as well as the expected levels of other groups of people. The results show that there is indeed a significant third-person effect recognized for all product categories except for racial extremist groups. A first-person effect was shown to be present for the category of racial extremist groups. This research also suggests that a concealed third-person effect may have been present in previous studies of this nature that obtained high levels of offense attributed to the self. Discussions of the findings, implications for marketers and advertisers, limitations to the study, as well as suggestions for future research are also posited.

Perceived Influence Of The Portrayal Of Women In Beauty And Fashion Magazines On Body Image

Shrader, Melissa 01 January 2007 (has links)
This investigation examines how women perceive that magazines influence the body image of self and others. Seventeen audio-taped in-depth interviews were conducted with college women who read beauty, fashion, and grooming magazines frequently. These interviews were transcribed, coded, and analyzed and the data developed into topics of importance. The findings indicated that informants perceived other women were influenced more by images of women in the media than they themselves were influenced. However, informants did not advocate behavior changes for others or hold pro-censorship attitudes. Other findings include favorable perceptions of magazines utilizing larger sized fashion models, negative attitudes towards advertising, and a reverse third-person effect when the 'other' is male. These findings are consistent with existing research on the third-person effect.


Zhang, Yiwen 29 November 2016 (has links)
No description available.

“Who Are You Talking About?”. The Pragmatics of Third-Person Referring Expressions : a Contrastive Corpus-Based Study of British, German, and French Parliamentary Debates / "Mais de qui parlez-vous ?". Analyse pragmatique des expressions de la troisième personne : une analyse contrastive sur corpus de débats parlementaires français, allemands et britanniques / „Aber von wem sprechen Sie denn?“. Eine pragmatische Untersuchung personenbezogener Ausdrücke der dritten Person : eine kontrastive korpusbasierte Analyse deutscher, französischer und britischer Parlamentsdebatten

Truan, Naomi 28 January 2019 (has links)
Ce travail analyse la manière dont les expressions de la troisième personne dénotant des êtres humains peuvent référer aux destinataires d’un énoncé – par opposition à l’allocutaire – en français, anglais et allemand. Les formes de la troisième personne incluent tout élément linguistique déclenchant un accord à la troisième personne, considérée comme une catégorie hétérogène : pronoms (il(s), elle(s), on, en français, he, she, they, one en anglais, er, sie, man en allemand), pronoms interrogatifs et indéfinis (qui, quiconque, whoever, anyone, wer), quantifieurs (tous, chacun, certains, all, every, anyone, some, alle, jeder, manche, etc.), relatives précédées par ceux (ceux qui, those who, diejenigen, die) et groupes nominaux contenant un nom dénotant un agent humain (peuple, personnes, citoyen, people, citizen, Volk, Leute, Menschen, Bürger, etc.). A partir d’un corpus de débats parlementaires en France, en Allemagne et au Royaume-Uni, nous montrons que les locuteurs peuvent référer aux destinataires, conçus comme un rôle discursif distinct des personnes empiriques, par des expressions de la troisième personne. L’accent mis sur la première et la deuxième personnes a conduit à un relatif oubli des formes de la troisième personne. Pourtant, la conceptualisation des destinataires par des expressions de la troisième personne est explicite, omniprésente, fonctionnelle et se produit à une fréquence égale dans l’ensemble du corpus. En se concentrant sur le rôle discursif du destinataire, une attention particulière est accordée au système constitué par la deuxième et la troisième personnes, prises dans leur continuité plutôt que leur opposition, dans l’acte de référence. / Based on a corpus of British, French, and German parliamentary debates, this research presents an integrated account of how third person expressions denoting human referents can encode the targets of an utterance – as opposed to the addressee. Third person forms include every linguistic item triggering third person agreement, regarded as a heterogeneous category: third person pronouns (he, she, one, they in English, il(s), elle(s), on in French, er, sie, man in German), interrogative and indefinite pronouns (whoever, qui, quiconque, wer), quantifiers (all, every, many, some, anyone, tous, chacun, beaucoup, certains, alle, jeder, viele, manche, etc.), relative clauses introduced by those (those who, ceux qui, diejenigen, die), and noun phrases containing a noun denoting a human agent (people, citizen, peuple, personnes, citoyen , Volk, Leute, Menschen, Bürger, etc.). I combine a trilingual contrastive research design with a qualitative discourse-analytic and a quantitative corpus- based perspective to determine how reference to the targets of an utterance, conceived as a speech role distinct from the empirical persons, can be achieved by third person expressions. With most existing research focusing on the first and second persons, third person reference has been considerably neglected. Yet, the conceptualisation of targets via third person expressions is explicit, pervasive, functional, and occurs with equal frequency throughout the political spectrum. By focusing on the newly refined speech role of the target, attention is given to the continuity between second and third grammatical persons as a system referring to addressees and targets of an utterance. / In dieser Arbeit präsentiere ich eine umfassende Analyse der Funktionsweisen von englischen, französischen und deutschen Ausdrücken der dritten Person zur Bezeichnung menschlicher Referenten, an die eine Äußerung gerichtet ist. Zu den Formen der dritten Person gehören alle sprachlichen Elemente, die in Bezug auf die grammatischen Kategorien Person und Numerus mit Verben in der dritten Person verwendet werden: Personalpronomen (er, sie, man im Deutschen, he, she, they, one im Englischen, il(s), elle(s), im Französischen), Interrogativ- oder Indefinitpronomen (wer, whoever, qui, quiconque), Quantifikatoren (alle, jeder, viele, manche, all, every, many, some, anyone, tous, chacun, beaucoup, certains), Relativsätze (diejenigen, die, ceux qui, those who), und Nominalsyntagmen, die ein Substantiv enthalten, das einen menschlichen Referenten bezeichnet (Volk, Leute, Menschen, Bürger, people, citizen, peuple, personnes, citoyen, etc.). Anhand eines Korpus britischer, französischer und deutscher Parlamentsdebatten kombiniere ich ein sprachkontrastives Forschungsdesign mit einer qualitativen Diskursanalyse und einer quantitativen korpusbasierten Perspektive, um zu bestimmen, wie der Bezug auf die gemeinten Referenten erfolgt. Bisher hat sich die Forschung auf Formen der ersten und zweiten Person konzentriert und die dritte Person vernachlässigt, obwohl explizite, funktionale Bezüge auf den intendierten Referenten einer Äußerung in der dritten Person allgegenwärtig sind und im gesamten politischen Spektrum vorkommen.

A realização do objeto indireto anafórico: uma questão de aprendizagem? / The accomplishment of indirect object anaphoric: a learning question?

Santos, Luis Eduardo dos 27 November 2007 (has links)
Diversos estudos vêm apontando o desaparecimento do pronome clítico dativo de terceira pessoa em paralelo com a substituição da preposição a pela preposição para (pra na língua falada) na introdução de objeto indireto (OI) no português brasileiro (PB). Este fenômeno começa a partir de dados do século XIX, no entanto, tais estudos partem, em sua maioria, de dados da linguagem adulta, sendo que poucos tratam deste fenômeno no âmbito da aprendizagem. Esta dissertação investiga tais apontamentos com relação ao OI, partindo de análise de dados de testes escritos por 767 alunos cursando desde a 5ª série do ensino fundamental de ciclo II (EF II) até o 3º ano do ensino médio (EM). As construções que serão destacadas deverão ser apenas as com verbos do tipo dandi e dicendi, verbos com dois complementos, limitando-se à 3ª pessoa. Partindo da relação que diversos trabalhos fazem entre o clítico dativo e a preposição a (se lhe, então a), verificarei o que o aprendiz usa no lugar do dativo lhe e se substituem a preposição para pela preposição a, no papel de encabeçadora de OI. Uma questão importante nesta dissertação é saber se o tipo de escolha para o preenchimento do OI é uma questão de aprendizagem; saberemos, assim, se a escola recupera na escrita o que parece estar desaparecendo na fala, e, se recupera, o quanto e como se dá essa recuperação. Concluímos que a escola interfere no uso do tipo de preposição que encabeça o SP na modalidade escrita da língua; porém o clítico dativo lhe não acompanha a alternância da preposição ao longo das séries escolares. O aluno não associa a correlação entre os dois fenômenos. Confirma-se a nossa hipótese principal de que no processo de letramento a escola tende a recuperar as perdas lingüísticas, mas nem todas elas são passíveis de serem recuperadas. / Several studies indicate the dative clitic pronoun disappearance in 3rd person in parallel with the preposition \"a\" substitution by preposition \"para\" (\"pra\" in spoken language) in the introduction of Indirect Object (OI) in Brazilian Portuguese. This phenomenon states from data of XIX century, however, such studies consider, the greater number, data of adult language, and few works deal with phenomenon in learning field. This dissertation investigates such notes with regard to OI, starting from data of written testes analysis by 767 students coursing since the 5th on secondary school until 3rd on high school. The constructions that will be focused are those with dandi and dicendi type verbs, verbs with two complements, limiting to 3rd person. Starting from relationship that several works do between the dative clitic and the preposition \"a\' (if \"lhe\", then \"a\"), I will verify what the student use in the place of dative \"lhe\" and if they substitute the preposition \"para\" by the preposition \"a\" in the introduction of OI role. An important point in this dissertation is to know if the type of choice to OI accomplishment is a learning issue; we will, thus, if the school recuperates, how much and how this recuperation happens. Concluding, the school interferes in the use of the type of preposition in the language writing; nevertheless the dative clitic \"lhe\" doesn\'t follow the alternate of the preposition along of school series. The student doesn\'t associate the correlate between the two phenomenons. It confirms the hypothesis main: the school tends to recuperate the linguistic lost, but neither all them can be recuperates.

Det händer inte mig! : Ökar illusionen av osårbarhet risken för att manipuleras?

Råström, Marie January 2007 (has links)
<p>Studien undersökte om de personer som anser sig vara minst sårbara för att bli manipulerade är de som främst manipuleras av reklam. En experimentell design användes där 204 studenter bedömde sitt intryck av en reklam, vars manipulationsgrad varierade. Ett frågeformulär som mätte upplevd osårbarhet mot manipulation fylldes även i. Deltagarna ansåg att de var relativt osårbara mot att manipuleras samt att andra påverkades mer av reklam än de själva. Hypotesen att de personer som anser sig vara minst sårbara för att bli manipulerade är de som främst manipuleras bekräftades inte. Studien lyckades dock inte manipulera reklamernas manipulationsgrad på ett tillfredsställande sätt, därav bör framtida forskning utveckla ett reliabelt mätinstrument innan de undersöker sambandet mellan illusionen av osårbarhet och att manipuleras.</p>

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