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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Varför gick jag på det där? : Konsumentens behov av att vara konsekvent

Thomsen, Linda January 2009 (has links)
<p>Individer har olika grad av Preference for consistency (PFC) och är en bidragande orsak till hur man uppfattar och agerar i konsumentsammanhang. Studien undersökte om höga PFC- individer var mer positiva till ”ett erbjudande” med hög konsekvenskänsla. Tre betingelser med varierande manipulationsgrad användes och data samlades in från 74 studenter. Ett frågeformulär med tillhörande erbjudande presenterades för deltagarna som fyllde i ett antal frågor och en PFC-B skala. Studien lyckades inte ge stöd åt hypotesen. Däremot förekom en illusion av osårbarhet och en tredjepersoneffekt. Studien lyckades troligtvis inte konstruera ett tillräckligt bra instrument som skapade rätt konsekventkänsla vilket bidrog till att deltagarna inte blev påverkade av erbjudandet i den grad som var förväntat.</p>

Information and communication in public affairs management ¡Vthe integration experiment for the third-person effect

Yang, Yung-Ho 26 July 2007 (has links)
In the integrated public affairs management framework, except information communication, mass communication media also have economic industrial characteristics. Issues from mass communication media must make people have clinical and neutral cognition to avoided influences on people¡¦s judgements about facts. According to the study of the third-person effect, we proved that people mentually exist cognitive biases against communication information. Thus they always become operated subjects of elections. In order to understand subjects¡¦ cognitive and judge models, we employed three major factors, two situations of negative and positive news about THSR (Taiwan High-Speed Railway) to design our Information Integration Theory research. We also compared with the south and north people in Taiwan to show unbalances of the regional development about mass media and population quality. Findings of the research are as follow¡G 1. The north people with different issue involvements, have more movements in the the third-person effect in the negative news situation. 2. In the negative news situation, the north people¡¦s third-person effect and information reliability were represented by a negative correlation. 3. Media expose and people¡¦s third-person effect were represented by a positive correlation. 4. People¡¦s information integration models were following the adding rule. 5. The north people have more intention to support media regulation with the public opinion and actions. At last, we concluded several suggestions: 1. Unbalances of the regional development in Taiwan not only between the south and north, we must invest more resources to study and record. 2. Our study was a tiny subsection of public affairs management framework, researchers could study deeper and wider in the future. 3. The statistic tool of Information Integration Theory need to be updated to simplify importing data.

Varför gick jag på det där? : Konsumentens behov av att vara konsekvent

Thomsen, Linda January 2009 (has links)
Individer har olika grad av Preference for consistency (PFC) och är en bidragande orsak till hur man uppfattar och agerar i konsumentsammanhang. Studien undersökte om höga PFC- individer var mer positiva till ”ett erbjudande” med hög konsekvenskänsla. Tre betingelser med varierande manipulationsgrad användes och data samlades in från 74 studenter. Ett frågeformulär med tillhörande erbjudande presenterades för deltagarna som fyllde i ett antal frågor och en PFC-B skala. Studien lyckades inte ge stöd åt hypotesen. Däremot förekom en illusion av osårbarhet och en tredjepersoneffekt. Studien lyckades troligtvis inte konstruera ett tillräckligt bra instrument som skapade rätt konsekventkänsla vilket bidrog till att deltagarna inte blev påverkade av erbjudandet i den grad som var förväntat.

Det händer inte mig! : Ökar illusionen av osårbarhet risken för att manipuleras?

Råström, Marie January 2007 (has links)
Studien undersökte om de personer som anser sig vara minst sårbara för att bli manipulerade är de som främst manipuleras av reklam. En experimentell design användes där 204 studenter bedömde sitt intryck av en reklam, vars manipulationsgrad varierade. Ett frågeformulär som mätte upplevd osårbarhet mot manipulation fylldes även i. Deltagarna ansåg att de var relativt osårbara mot att manipuleras samt att andra påverkades mer av reklam än de själva. Hypotesen att de personer som anser sig vara minst sårbara för att bli manipulerade är de som främst manipuleras bekräftades inte. Studien lyckades dock inte manipulera reklamernas manipulationsgrad på ett tillfredsställande sätt, därav bör framtida forskning utveckla ett reliabelt mätinstrument innan de undersöker sambandet mellan illusionen av osårbarhet och att manipuleras.

Kan föreställningen av att vara osårbar öka risken för att bli manipulerad?

Gustafsson, Malin, Therese, Lange January 2011 (has links)
Tidigare forskning har visat att individer tenderar se sig själva mindre sårbara än genomsnittet, vilket gör att man utsätter sig själv för ett stort risktagande. Syftet med studien var att undersöka om de individer som ser sig mindre sårbara än andra är de som påverkas av reklam och manipulation. I undersökningen deltog 183 studenter, 122 kvinnor och 61 män. Tre olika mätinstrument kombinerades i en enkät. En reklamannons med tillhörande frågor, utarbetad i samarbete med en reklambyrå, ett instrument som mätte en individs Need for Cognition samt ett tredje för att mäta hur sårbar personen såg sig i jämförelse med genomsnittet. Våra hypoteser fick inte stöd men vi lyckades påvisa att det förekom en illusion av osårbarhet och en tredjepersoneffekt bland deltagarna. Förhoppningen är att framtida forskning lyckas ta fram ett mer effektivt mätinstrument som kan visa att illusionen av osårbarhet kan öka en individs manipulationsrisk.

Behavioral Consequences Of The Third-person Effect On Turkish Voters

Iz, Bennur 01 February 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The third-person effect is the tendency of individuals to believe that others are more susceptible to media influence than themselves and this perception causes them to act accordingly. This study aimed to reveal the relationship between the third-person effect and voting intentions. After reading one of the two versions of a vignette about a media discussion of possible election results, both of which claimed only two major parties could pass the election threshold, Turkish university students (N=285) first evaluated the impact of the message on self and on others and then reported whether they would vote for the same party they supported or they would choose another one. Results supported the perceptual component of the third-person effect, indicating that participants believed they were less influenced by the message compared to the others. Although it was predicted that this perception would increase when the message was assumed as negative, findings did not support this hypothesis. Furthermore, the hypothesis suggesting that the third-person effect would cause behavioral consequences (change in voting intentions) was not supported. However, content analysis made a valuable contribution to interpret the findings. Possible explanations for the findings and directions for future studies about the third-person effect on voting intentions were discussed.

"Facebookar jag så finns jag" : -en studie om vilka effekter den hälsosammatrenden får genom sociala medier

Sandra, Johansson Anveros, Lina, Johansson January 2014 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att ur ett sociologiskt perspektiv belysa vilken påverkan sociala medier har på en grupp aktiva individer och hur de tror att andra påverkas i förhållande till hälsosamma inlägg. Vi ser även på effekterna som uppkommer när individen möts av den hälsosamma livsstilen på sociala medier. Studien baseras på kvalitativ metod och tolv semistrukturerade samtalsintervjuer med fysiskt aktiva individer som använder sig av plattformerna Facebook och Instagram. Analysen  baseras på Konsumtionens modetåg och Symboliskt kapital. Vi har även använt oss avtredjepersonseffekten. Resultatet av uppsatsen visar att intervjupersonerna till stor del är påverkad av hälsosamma bilder genom sociala medier trots att de är medvetna om att en bättre bild av individen framförts. Vi såg att sändare samt innehåll var stora faktorer till hur informanterna mottog information och ansåg sig påverkas. / The purpose of this study is to highlighting from a sociological perspective the impact that social media has on a group of active individuals and how they think others are affected in relation to healthy posts. We also look at the effects that arise when the individual is confronted with the healthy lifestyle on social media. We also study the how these effects have an impact on the individual's identity. The study is based on qualitative methods and twelve semi-structured interviews with physically active individuals who make use of the platforms Facebook and Instagram. The analysis is based on Consumption and Symbolic capital. We also use the third-person effect to gain a deeper analysis on the individual's influence. The results of the paper show that the respondents are largely influenced by the heathy mage provided through social media. We saw that the sender and the contents were big factors in how informants received the information and considered himself influenced.

Overcoming Cognitive and Motivational Barriers to Media Literacy: A Dual-Process Approach

Rosenthal, Erica Lynn 01 January 2012 (has links)
In today's fast-paced, hyper-mediated society, the ability to balance accuracy and efficiency is essential. Media literacy educational programs have arisen to meet this need and proliferated in recent years. Although the practice of media literacy is thriving, its underlying mechanisms are poorly understood and evidence of effectiveness is mixed (e.g., Bergsma & Carney, 2008). A social psychological perspective has the potential to illuminate previously overlooked variables and inform research and practice in this growing field. In particular, whereas media literacy efforts typically emphasize thorough processing of media messages, dual-process theories of persuasion (e.g., Eagly & Chaiken, 1993; Petty & Cacioppo, 1986) suggest this is not always realistic. When motivation or ability is compromised, individuals default to a low-effort processing mode, relying on peripheral cues or heuristics rather than carefully evaluating message arguments. In this mode, media messages can persuade unconsciously. Using a dual-process approach, the present research investigated how specific barriers to motivation (perceptions of personal invulnerability) and processing ability (emotion-based advertising, environmental distractions) influence the processes of media literacy. Participants (N = 882) were randomly assigned to 16 conditions in a 2 [vulnerability: demonstrated, control] x 2 [distractions: present, absent] x 2(2) [ad type: informational, emotional; two replicates of each type] between-subjects nested design. The vulnerability manipulation increased distrust in the target ads and reduced their persuasiveness, not through the hypothesized mechanism of heightened perceptions of vulnerability, but mediated by increased counterarguing. Relative to informational ads, emotional ads were judged more persuasive, attractive, similar to personal experience, and elicited greater identification. However, they were also rated less trustworthy than informational ads, suggesting emotional advertising largely bypasses logical decision-making processes. Distraction reduced counterarguing only among those who found the ad relatively unpersuasive. The results of this research highlight the central role of trust in media literacy processes. Although individuals recognize and distrust emotional forms of advertising, they are nonetheless persuaded by such appeals. Given the sophistication of contemporary advertising techniques and the ubiquity of distractions, the present research suggests new approaches to media literacy are needed, specifically tailored to decision-making under these more realistic media-use conditions.

A realização do objeto indireto anafórico: uma questão de aprendizagem? / The accomplishment of indirect object anaphoric: a learning question?

Luis Eduardo dos Santos 27 November 2007 (has links)
Diversos estudos vêm apontando o desaparecimento do pronome clítico dativo de terceira pessoa em paralelo com a substituição da preposição a pela preposição para (pra na língua falada) na introdução de objeto indireto (OI) no português brasileiro (PB). Este fenômeno começa a partir de dados do século XIX, no entanto, tais estudos partem, em sua maioria, de dados da linguagem adulta, sendo que poucos tratam deste fenômeno no âmbito da aprendizagem. Esta dissertação investiga tais apontamentos com relação ao OI, partindo de análise de dados de testes escritos por 767 alunos cursando desde a 5ª série do ensino fundamental de ciclo II (EF II) até o 3º ano do ensino médio (EM). As construções que serão destacadas deverão ser apenas as com verbos do tipo dandi e dicendi, verbos com dois complementos, limitando-se à 3ª pessoa. Partindo da relação que diversos trabalhos fazem entre o clítico dativo e a preposição a (se lhe, então a), verificarei o que o aprendiz usa no lugar do dativo lhe e se substituem a preposição para pela preposição a, no papel de encabeçadora de OI. Uma questão importante nesta dissertação é saber se o tipo de escolha para o preenchimento do OI é uma questão de aprendizagem; saberemos, assim, se a escola recupera na escrita o que parece estar desaparecendo na fala, e, se recupera, o quanto e como se dá essa recuperação. Concluímos que a escola interfere no uso do tipo de preposição que encabeça o SP na modalidade escrita da língua; porém o clítico dativo lhe não acompanha a alternância da preposição ao longo das séries escolares. O aluno não associa a correlação entre os dois fenômenos. Confirma-se a nossa hipótese principal de que no processo de letramento a escola tende a recuperar as perdas lingüísticas, mas nem todas elas são passíveis de serem recuperadas. / Several studies indicate the dative clitic pronoun disappearance in 3rd person in parallel with the preposition \"a\" substitution by preposition \"para\" (\"pra\" in spoken language) in the introduction of Indirect Object (OI) in Brazilian Portuguese. This phenomenon states from data of XIX century, however, such studies consider, the greater number, data of adult language, and few works deal with phenomenon in learning field. This dissertation investigates such notes with regard to OI, starting from data of written testes analysis by 767 students coursing since the 5th on secondary school until 3rd on high school. The constructions that will be focused are those with dandi and dicendi type verbs, verbs with two complements, limiting to 3rd person. Starting from relationship that several works do between the dative clitic and the preposition \"a\' (if \"lhe\", then \"a\"), I will verify what the student use in the place of dative \"lhe\" and if they substitute the preposition \"para\" by the preposition \"a\" in the introduction of OI role. An important point in this dissertation is to know if the type of choice to OI accomplishment is a learning issue; we will, thus, if the school recuperates, how much and how this recuperation happens. Concluding, the school interferes in the use of the type of preposition in the language writing; nevertheless the dative clitic \"lhe\" doesn\'t follow the alternate of the preposition along of school series. The student doesn\'t associate the correlate between the two phenomenons. It confirms the hypothesis main: the school tends to recuperate the linguistic lost, but neither all them can be recuperates.

First- and Third-Person Effects of Alcohol Advertising on Chinese College Students

Xue, Dong 27 October 2015 (has links)
Alcohol consumption among Chinese college students has become a serious problem. The present research examines the relationships among attitudes towards alcohol advertising, attitudes towards alcohol products, the perceived influences of alcohol advertising on the self, the perceived influences of alcohol advertising on others, and attitudes toward government restrictions on alcohol advertising. Data were collected from 578 Chinese college students via an online survey. The results supported the hypothesized relationships between attitude toward alcohol products and alcohol advertising, as well as the relationship between attitude toward alcohol advertising and perceived influence of alcohol advertising on oneself. Results also supported the looking glass perception hypothesis whereby the perceived influence of alcohol advertising on oneself (first-person effect) had strong influence on the perceived influence on others (third-person effect) which in turn led to greater support for restrictions on alcohol advertising.

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