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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Denunciação da lide no direito brasileiro / Implead in Brazilian law.

Fornaciari, Fernando Hellmeister Clito 17 May 2013 (has links)
O objetivo central do presente trabalho é contribuir para o aprimoramento da aplicação da denunciação da lide, que é instituto valorizado, especialmente porque é modalidade de intervenção de terceiro que se ajusta aos princípios da economia e da celeridade processuais. Além disso, evita decisões contraditórias, facilita o cumprimento de provimentos jurisdicionais e vincula o terceiro à coisa julgada. O instituto já era aplicado no direito romano, mudando radicalmente seus contornos no direito germânico primitivo. As características da denunciação da lide nesses dois sistemas são marcantes e influenciaram as demais legislações. A depender da preferência que se lhe pretenda conferir, o instituto estará mais associado ao caráter de assistência, auxiliando o terceiro na defesa do denunciante, ou de efetividade do processo, resolvendo duas demandas por meio de uma única instrução processual e sentença e possibilitando o reembolso do denunciante no mesmo feito. Pretendeu-se, com esse trabalho, destacar a importância do instituto, que possui traços modernos no direito brasileiro, sendo tratado por disposições de direito processual, de direito material e de direito consumerista. Apesar dessas diversas previsões legais, ainda existem controvérsias e imprecisões, gerando relativa insegurança jurídica, que poderia ser afastada, porém o projeto do novo Código de Processo Civil não as resolveu e, para piorar, suprimiu diversos avanços, tornando o instituto praticamente um desdobramento do chamamento ao processo, em que pesem os requisitos para a aplicação deles serem tecnicamente distintos. A inegável importância histórica da denunciação da lide, sua relevante utilidade e sua riqueza são evidentes, consistindo a modalidade de intervenção de terceiro mais utilizada na prática, o que justifica o estudo detido nesse trabalho. / The main goal of this study is to contribute to the improvement of the valued institute of implead, specially because it is a kind of third intervention institute that adjusts itself to the procedure principles of economy and celerity. Furthermore, it avoids contradictory decisions, facilitates the enforcement of judicial decisions and attach a third party to the res judicata. The institute was applied in roman law and changed its basis in earlier german law. Implead characteristics in both mentioned systems were remarkable and had an effect in other legal systems. It can be approached for different angles, or as an institute close to the so called assistência existing in Brazilian law, by which the third party helps on defense of the impleader, or as an instrument to procedure effectiveness, solving two suits by only one proof production and only one decision, and enabling the refund to impleader on the same suit. The intention of this work was to highlight the institutes magnitude, that is found in a modern conception, on procedure, material or consumers Brazilian laws. Despite been provided by law, there are still controversies and inaccuracies, what leads to judicial insecurity, that could be avoided. However, Civil Procedure Codes Project did not solve them, as well has suppressed many advances, making the institute a kind of the so called chamamento ao processo, a kind of invitation to the suit, although their requirements be technically different. The undeniable historical relevance of implead, its utility and value are manifest, and it is the third party proceedings most used, justifying the detailed study in this work

De la représentation du tiers en matière de tierce-opposition / Third party representation and third party proceedings under French law

Hazoug, Sâmi 03 December 2014 (has links)
Le Code de procédure civile écarte expressément, de l’exercice de la tierce-opposition, la « partie » et le « tiers représenté » sans définir ce dernier. L’exclusion de la partie ne pose pas de difficulté, la notion de sa définition peut être trouvée dans le régime de l’appel. En revanche, à la question de savoir qui est « tiers représenté » aucune réponse n’est donnée. Ni la qualité de tiers, ni celle de partie, ne soulève a priori de difficultés, à l’inverse de celle de « tiers représenté ». C’est donc que cette représentation constitue un élément perturbateur des qualifications classiques, en conduisant à la remise en cause de la dichotomie de « tiers » et « partie ». Représentation qui ne produit pas de représentation du représenté (qui reste tiers), il ne s’agirait que d’une étrangeté dont il faudrait s’accommoder au seul motif de sa consécration textuelle. Les auteurs en font d’ailleurs état en mettant l’accent sur sa spécificité, sans autre justification que les dispositions du code et le régime prétorien secrété en la matière, en majeure partie sous l’empire de l’ancien code de procédure civile. Au-delà de la pluralité des cas de figure, ressort la préexistence de cette « représentation » reconnue en droit substantiel, préalablement à tout litige. Il ne saurait être alors question d’une particularité processuelle. L’étude à l’aune du droit processuel de ces décisions permet de détecter la constance de l’absence d’un droit propre du « représenté », soit qu’il n’en a pas, soit que ceux dont il est titulaire n’ont pas été affectés par la décision rendue. Le « représenté » est donc soit un tiers sans intérêt, soit une partie. La représentation ne constitue ici aucunement un critère de rattachement à une catégorie intermédiaire qui serait celle de « tiers représenté ». L’exerçant n’est donc jamais, en définitive, « tiers représenté » qui n’est qu’une description et non une prescription, ni une catégorie de rattachement. Cette représentation n’est d’aucun apport au droit processuel, et l’article 583 alinéa 1er du Code de procédure civile ne fait que consacrer la réception d’un élément exogène perturbateur. Cette disposition pourrait être abrogée, et la« représentation du tiers » tout comme la notion, sinon le concept, de « tiers représenté » qui en procède, être abandonnés. / In accordance with article 583 of the Code of Civil Procedure “any person who shows an interest if he was neither a party to nor he is represented in the judgement which he impugns, will be admissible to bring third party proceedings”. The law hereby introduces the notion of a “represented third party”, but fails to define it. Neither party nor third party, the “represented third party” seems to be an incongruity that the jurist should accommodate with solely because of its textual recognition. A procedural law analysis of the judicial decisions regarding third-party proceedings consistently reveals the absence of a direct claim pertaining to the “represented third party”. This leads to the conclusion that the “represented third party” is either a third party who has no claim, or a party. As a matter of fact, the representation of this so-called third party is merely a description, and has no impact on procedural law. It rather is a disturbing exogenous element of no legal consequence. Hence, the concept of a representation of a third party, as well as that of a “represented third party” ought to be withdrawn from the Code of Civil Procedure.

Denunciação da lide no direito brasileiro / Implead in Brazilian law.

Fernando Hellmeister Clito Fornaciari 17 May 2013 (has links)
O objetivo central do presente trabalho é contribuir para o aprimoramento da aplicação da denunciação da lide, que é instituto valorizado, especialmente porque é modalidade de intervenção de terceiro que se ajusta aos princípios da economia e da celeridade processuais. Além disso, evita decisões contraditórias, facilita o cumprimento de provimentos jurisdicionais e vincula o terceiro à coisa julgada. O instituto já era aplicado no direito romano, mudando radicalmente seus contornos no direito germânico primitivo. As características da denunciação da lide nesses dois sistemas são marcantes e influenciaram as demais legislações. A depender da preferência que se lhe pretenda conferir, o instituto estará mais associado ao caráter de assistência, auxiliando o terceiro na defesa do denunciante, ou de efetividade do processo, resolvendo duas demandas por meio de uma única instrução processual e sentença e possibilitando o reembolso do denunciante no mesmo feito. Pretendeu-se, com esse trabalho, destacar a importância do instituto, que possui traços modernos no direito brasileiro, sendo tratado por disposições de direito processual, de direito material e de direito consumerista. Apesar dessas diversas previsões legais, ainda existem controvérsias e imprecisões, gerando relativa insegurança jurídica, que poderia ser afastada, porém o projeto do novo Código de Processo Civil não as resolveu e, para piorar, suprimiu diversos avanços, tornando o instituto praticamente um desdobramento do chamamento ao processo, em que pesem os requisitos para a aplicação deles serem tecnicamente distintos. A inegável importância histórica da denunciação da lide, sua relevante utilidade e sua riqueza são evidentes, consistindo a modalidade de intervenção de terceiro mais utilizada na prática, o que justifica o estudo detido nesse trabalho. / The main goal of this study is to contribute to the improvement of the valued institute of implead, specially because it is a kind of third intervention institute that adjusts itself to the procedure principles of economy and celerity. Furthermore, it avoids contradictory decisions, facilitates the enforcement of judicial decisions and attach a third party to the res judicata. The institute was applied in roman law and changed its basis in earlier german law. Implead characteristics in both mentioned systems were remarkable and had an effect in other legal systems. It can be approached for different angles, or as an institute close to the so called assistência existing in Brazilian law, by which the third party helps on defense of the impleader, or as an instrument to procedure effectiveness, solving two suits by only one proof production and only one decision, and enabling the refund to impleader on the same suit. The intention of this work was to highlight the institutes magnitude, that is found in a modern conception, on procedure, material or consumers Brazilian laws. Despite been provided by law, there are still controversies and inaccuracies, what leads to judicial insecurity, that could be avoided. However, Civil Procedure Codes Project did not solve them, as well has suppressed many advances, making the institute a kind of the so called chamamento ao processo, a kind of invitation to the suit, although their requirements be technically different. The undeniable historical relevance of implead, its utility and value are manifest, and it is the third party proceedings most used, justifying the detailed study in this work

La sentence arbitrale internationale : contribution de droit processuel comparé (droit français et droit russe) / The international arbitral award : a Comparative Procedural Law Perspective (French and Russian Law)

Bernadskaya, Elena 25 November 2011 (has links)
La sentence est une notion complexe qui partage différentes caractéristiques avec le contrat, l’acte juridictionnel ou la décision de justice. En effet, la nature juridictionnelle de la sentence est aujourd’hui admise, mais en raison de son origine conventionnelle, elle demeure un acte privé. Ainsi, son régime d’acte juridictionnel est-Il modifié par un élément conventionnel – dès la désignation des arbitres appelés à rendre la sentence jusqu’à son exécution. L’étude du droit comparé montre que la notion et le régime de la sentence sont différemment appréciés en droit français et russe – tout est question d’interprétation des critères de qualification, bien qu’ils s’avèrent être les mêmes. Ainsi, convient-Il de faire ressortir ces différences à travers l’étude de la notion de la sentence et de son régime dans les deux ordres juridiques, sauf à démontrer que l’une et l’autre contribuent à la préservation du caractère particulier de la sentence qui ne peut et ne doit pas être assimilée, en définitive, à une décision de justice. / The arbitral award is a complex legal notion, sharing characteristics with the contract, the jurisdictional act and the judicial decision. Indeed, the jurisdictional dimension of the arbitral award has now been admitted, though, because of its contractual source, it is still considered as a private legal act. The legal regime of this jurisdictional act is therefore influenced by a contractual bias – as from the arbitrators’ appointment up to the enforcement of the arbitral award. A comparative approach shows that the arbitral award’s notion and legal regime are differently considered in French and Russian laws. The differences lie mainly in the interpretation of the legal qualification criteria, though the latter are similar in the two legal systems. The purpose of this analysis is to identify the said differences through the study of the arbitral award’s notion and legal regime in French and Russian laws, which might lead to consider that the specificity of the arbitral award should be preserved instead of considering the award as a judicial decision.

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